Princess Juliana Airport, located on the island of Saint Martin. The uniqueness of the island of Saint Martin and useful tips Beaches

Incredible facts

The most incredible airport is located on the island of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean Sea. The strange thing about this airport is that planes, coming in to land, fly a few meters above the beach with tourists vacationing there, and the runway itself begins very close to the coast.

Looking at the photos of Boeings and Airbuses landing, it may seem that this is just a joke for those who like to play with Photoshop, but the reality is this: the island’s territory is so small, and there are so many people who want to come here, that you have to save space.

The slightest mistake by the pilot and you could end up in the water.

Planes are landing, alarming relaxing holiday vacationers.

The airport was built to serve the island of Sint Maarten. In the eastern Caribbean, this airport is the second busiest.

The runway is very small and starts just 12 meters from the beach, being only 2180 meters long.

Fortunately, there have been no reports of any accidents in the area of ​​this dangerous airport.

Those who fear thrills, will prefer another, less “nervous” place to relax.

1) Airport on Caribbean island Saba. The runway of this airport is located quite strange place: there are cliffs at both ends. However, it costs an experienced pilot nothing to land the plane in the right place if there is at least some kind of runway.

A similar situation is observed on Madeira Island , where there is a break on one side of the strip. Some time ago, this airport was notorious because it had a too short runway, which was sandwiched on one side by mountains and on the other by the ocean. Later the strip was expanded and doubled in size by installing a bridge with columns on one side.

Mountain Airport

2) Courchevel Airport (France). Courchevel - name ski resort in French Alps, which is visited annually by hundreds of thousands of tourists. The easiest way to get to these places is to take a plane.

Do you think it is impossible to build an airport in the mountains? It is possible, although a little strange. Courchevel Airport has a very short runway - only 525 meters long, with a slope of 18.5 degrees!

3) Barra Airport is the only airport in the world where planes land directly on the beach. The Isle of Barra is one of the islands of the Outer Archipelago Hebrides which belong to Great Britain.

There is virtually no runway in these places, and planes land directly on the beach. Due to the tides, once a day this strange airport is literally submerged under water. Needless to say that relaxing on this beach is prohibited?

Unusual airport on the island

4) Kansai International Airport The Japanese city of Osaka occupies an entire island. Since the Japanese cannot boast of large spaces, and every piece of land matters, they had to build an airport, first building an island for it.

The artificial island consists of two parts, the length of most of it is 4 kilometers, and the width of the island is 2.5 kilometers. This island is a true masterpiece of engineering. Unfortunately, due to global warming and rising sea levels, this artificial island flooding is in danger.

Located unusual airport, considered one of the most dangerous in the world..

Princess Juliana International Airport is located in the Dutch part of the island, and is unique in that its runway starts almost right next to Maho Beach, and since its length is not very long (only 2300 meters), all planes land very low altitude right above the beach.

Staring and taking breathtaking pictures of low-flying aircraft is perhaps one of the most popular activities among the many tourists who flock to Maho Beach upon arrival aircraft. In many local bars and cafes you can see their arrival times.

But, despite such a harmless event from the outside as the landing of a liner, it can pose a real danger to people standing under it on the beach.

And the point is not even that the airliner can fall on people; by the way, in the entire history of the airport (it has been operating since 1942) there have never been such incidents here. The problem is the jet streams from landing and taking off airliners, which can blow you into the water. The authorities constantly warn about this - in addition to the barbed wire on the fence, adopted for those who want to sit on it, many corresponding shields are placed along the beaches.

In the entire history of the airport, there have been only 3 incidents here, two of them in the vicinity of the early 80s of the last century, and one at the airport itself quite recently - on January 14, 2014.

In 1970, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 passenger plane flying to Sint Maarten from the United States after several unsuccessful attempts to land at the airport in bad weather made an emergency landing directly into the Caribbean Sea. 22 of the 57 passengers and one crew member were killed. It turned out that the airliner ran out of fuel due to several attempts to land the plane, and most of the people died due to the fact that they were not informed by the crew about the upcoming hard landing on water, because of which they did not prepare and did not fasten their seat belts.

The second crash occurred on December 21, 1972 with a small twenty-seater De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft. It crashed at night in the ocean near Saint Martin on its way from Guadeloupe, killing all 11 passengers on board along with the two pilots.

And the third incident occurred a couple of days ago, when a Boenig-747 of the Dutch airline KLM, en route to a parking lot after landing on time, made a left turn instead of a right - because of it, at least 17 cars parked nearby were damaged by its jet blast. They had broken windows and damaged paintwork, but no injuries were reported.