Forms in the hotel. PR technologies in the hotel business

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Before the questionnaire was developed and written, the research and the method to be used were determined. The questionnaire included only those questions that would help in achieving the set goal. In compiling the questionnaire, the principle was used that the questionnaires, with the help of which the respondents are "examined", wastes their time. Accordingly, the shorter the survey time and the clearer the questions are, the more likely it is to count on the cooperation of the respondents. The only way to ask concise questions is to know ahead of time what exactly needs to be figured out with each of them.

The questionnaire used structured, closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are more convenient to ask and answer faster, since they do not require lengthy hesitation from the respondent. Such questions usually involve similar responses such as "very satisfied", "satisfied", "not satisfied", "completely dissatisfied". You should be very careful with the answer options like "hard to say" or "don't know", as respondents are more likely to resort to them instead of thinking and analyzing their opinion.

The questions were designed to be accessible and specific. The questionnaire did not use technical and jargon terms that are not always clear to the respondents.

When compiling the questionnaire, no preconceived questions were formulated. After all, the main task is to find out the real opinion of people and how they relate to the existing service, how did they find out about the hotel, which is what the guests lack.

The questionnaire has been tested. The developed questionnaire was shown to colleagues to identify possible errors.

As a "trial" questionnaire, a "Guest Questionnaire" was drawn up and offered to identify internal errors in the hotel's operation and obtain information about the client's opinion. The questionnaire was given to guests at the Reception. The questionnaire included a block of questions about the frequency of visits to hotels in the city of Yekaterinburg, to identify the needs of city guests in a hotel and the frequency of visits to the hotel "de Paris", to identify the degree of commitment of guests to this particular hotel. Also included were blocks on the degree of satisfaction with the services and sources of information about our hotel. These blocks were introduced to establish two-way communication and identify the needs of guests. The results of the study were indicators of a favorable impression of visitors about the hotel, both regular customers and those who visited it for the first time.

To study clients and potential clients and identify the need for any changes in the provision of services at the Hotel de Paris, a survey was conducted of 40 people - the hotel's clients. The age of the respondents varies from 25 to 55 years old, the majority (32 people) are from 35 to 45 years old. The survey was conducted anonymously, and the purpose of the research was communicated to the respondents. The questionnaire is a questionnaire of 9 questions (Appendix 2).

The results are as follows:

Frequency of visits to hotels in Yekaterinburg:

1-2 times a year - 24 people

Once a quarter - 8 people

1-2 times a month -6 people

Own version - 2 people

Frequency of visits to hotels in the city of Yekaterinburg

Based on the results of the diagram, it can be concluded that in the city of Yekaterinburg there is an urgent need to provide hotel services... 60% of city guests visit hotels in Yekaterinburg 1-2 times a year, 20% of respondents - once a quarter, 15% - 1-2 times a year, and 5% more often.

Frequency of visits to the Hotel de Paris:

For the first time - 10 people

Sometimes - 4 people

Often - 11 people

Always - 15 people

Frequency of visits to the hotel "de Paris"

The diagram shows that 25% of city guests visited the hotel de Paris for the first time, 10% of visitors stay at the hotel de Paris sometimes, 27.5% of guests often visit the hotel de Paris and 37.5% always prefer this hotel... From the presented data, we can conclude that the degree of loyalty of city guests to the hotel "de Paris" is at a high level, but nevertheless there is a need to develop recommendations to maintain the existing reputation of the institution and attract new customers.

Rating on a 5-point scale of the work of hotel administrators:

10 people

20 people

3 - 0 people

4 - 7 people

5 - 33 people

Assessment of the quality of the service provided on a 5-point scale:

Room cleaning:

4 - 12 people

5 - 28 people

Serving breakfast:

4 - 3 people

5 - 37 people

Estimated level of hotel compliance with standards:

1 star - 0 people

2 stars - 4 people

3 stars - 32 people

4 stars - 3 people

5 stars - 1 person

From what sources did you find out about our hotel:

Internet - 23 people

Sources of information about the hotel "de Paris"

Based on the presented diagram, it can be concluded that it is necessary to create your own website page, due to the fact that 57.5% of respondents learn about the hotel via the Internet, while only 22.5% and 20% are recommended through advertising in print media.

Gender of respondents:

male - 26

female - 14

Average age of respondents:

men - 38 - 40 years old

women - 27 - 35 years old

Studying the answers received, it can be argued that the level of service in the hotel is at a high level. Based on the survey results, we can conclude that a large number of guests learn about the hotel through the Internet, as a result of which there is an urgent need to create their own hotel website as a new technology for PR-promotion.

knowledge of hospitality

Since the service of the hospitality industry is a complex of services of various content and purpose, the assessment of its quality should be comprehensive, including quality indicators of each individual service, each of which is assessed by a complex quality indicator containing single indicators of the constituent parts of this service.

A questionnaire is a questionnaire for getting some information about who fills it out. The hotel "Slavyanskaya" uses a guest questionnaire, which is used to assess the quality of service and the level of services of various hotel services. The purpose of this project is to develop a questionnaire, in which hotel employees themselves will be able to assess their knowledge in the field of hospitality.

The hotel "Slavyanskaya" periodically conducts short-term courses and trainings to improve professional skills in the field of hospitality, at the end of which it is planned to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire is developed on the basis of the Rules for working with clients, approved in the organization, as well as the requirements for hotel employees.

The questionnaire should consist of separate sections describing certain groups of information ( general information- Full name, contacts, etc., processed documents, used reports, programs, etc.). To fill it out, you need to prepare instructions. Before starting the questionnaire, it is necessary to conduct a briefing in the format of training a working group or a mini-seminar. Thus, the development of the questionnaire consists of three stages:

    Development of a questionnaire template. Development of instructions for filling.

    1. Define the purpose and objectives of the survey.

      The wording of instructions for completing the questionnaire.

      Development of questionnaire questions.

    Conducting training for the working group.

    Conducting questionnaires, processing questionnaires, conducting clarifying surveys.

Let's start by developing a questionnaire template. For each task, criteria are selected that allow evaluating the results obtained during the survey, that is, an indicator is constructed. This also determines the range of information that needs to be obtained. The more clearly defined the objectives of the survey, the easier it is to accurately formulate the survey questions.

Tasks of the survey:

Determine the overall picture of the readiness of employees to work in the hospitality industry;

Identify employees who need to undergo repeated or additional training;

Assess the level of hospitality at the hotel;

Identify and analyze problem areas in hotel operations.

We turn to the development of instructions for filling out the questionnaire, which helps students quickly understand the proposed task. It shouldn't take up much space and usually consists of 1-2 sentences. In our questionnaire, it looks like this.

Instructions for filling out the questionnaire:

For each point, a detailed answer must be given.

Then we move on to developing the questionnaire questions. The questions in the questionnaire should summarize the employee's knowledge of the completed training in the field of hospitality. Questions can be divided into several blocks:

- block "awareness". It may include questions such as: "Do you know ... ..?", "From what sources did you learn about ...?"

- block "attitude". Includes questions such as: "How do you feel about ...?", "What positive changes can you note ...?", "How satisfied are you with ...?"

- block "offers". Includes questions such as: "What problems, in your opinion, require a priority solution?", "Your suggestions for improvement ...", etc.

The questionnaire uses open-ended questions, that is, requiring detailed answers. Such questions are necessary in order to get a complete, meaningful answer, reflecting a person's own knowledge and feelings. They often begin with the words: “What? Why? When? Who?" Sometimes some have an incentive form: "tell us about ...", "describe ...". Questions of this type allow the respondent to express themselves freely.

The form of the questionnaire (Appendix No. 1) is approved by the general director of the hotel and is put into use.

As a result of processing the questionnaires, information about the level of knowledge of hospitality should be obtained: low (up to 70 points), medium (70-150), high (over 150 points). For each answer, you can get a maximum of 10 points, while taking into account both the correctness of the answer and the literacy of writing the answer, its development.

The advantages of the questionnaire are:

It passes quickly without much cost and effort on the part of the organizer;

The interviewer does not need to have additional knowledge and skills;

The collection and processing of data can also be carried out using a computer.

Thus, based on theoretical knowledge of hospitality, a questionnaire was developed. A questionnaire is a questionnaire to get some information about who fills it out.


Hospitality is a willingness to receive guests with sincere joy, whoever they are and at whatever time they come. This is the generosity of the human soul; a combination of nobility, generosity and respect for people. Russian, as well as Siberian hospitality has been known throughout the world since ancient times. In the modern hotel industry, the tradition of hospitality continues and is supported in every possible way.

Training of hotel personnel is one of the main directions of the company's management activities. Staff training opens up great prospects for the development of hotels. The personnel training process is a systematic systematic work of the company. Forms of education can be: seminars, trainings, lectures, business games. The choice of this or that method of personnel training depends on the characteristics of the organization.

The rapid development of the hospitality industry in Russia, the development of new technologies and communications means the need to ensure the quality of professional training of employees. An employee in the hospitality industry must have certain competencies that allow him to effectively organize customer service. This is primarily due to the objective needs of society and the economy, the tasks of the country's development.

The Slavyanskaya Hotel is the first European-level hotel in the region, which is located in the very center of the former capital of the Siberian province - the city of Tobolsk. In order to maintain its high level, the hotel pays great attention to the hotel staff. Employee training programs were approved. Trainings, field seminars are held. Intra-corporate training of new employees is widely used. To assess the general level of knowledge of employees, a questionnaire was developed and implemented at the Slavyanskaya hotel to determine the level of knowledge in hospitality. A questionnaire is a questionnaire for getting some information about who fills it out. The purpose of the questionnaire developed at the hotel is to determine the level of hospitality knowledge among the hotel employees.

In the course of the work, the following tasks were completed:

The traditions of Russian hospitality are considered;

The features of training of hotel personnel are revealed;

The effectiveness of personnel training methods has been studied;

Dana general characteristics hotel "Slavyanskaya";

Investigated the requirements for the staff of the hotel "Slavyanskaya";

A questionnaire has been developed that determines the level of knowledge of hospitality.


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Appendix No. 1

FULL NAME. employee ___________________________________________

Position ________________________________________________

Date of filling "__" _____________ 201_ year

The questionnaire was developed to determine the level of hospitality knowledge among hotel employees.For each item you need to givedetailed response , which includes all the phrases that you say in a particular situation.

Your response

Describe in three words what "hospitality" is

What are at least three personal and three professional qualities that are most important in the work of a hotel employee?

What do you think, do you possess the qualities named in clause 2.

The guest has asked you to acquaint him with local sights. Your actions.

You have finished working with one guest. Must-do before moving on to the next guest.

You are busy with a telephone conversation. At this time, a guest turns to you and tries to ask you something. Your actions.

The guest asks you questions beyond your competence. Your actions.

What are the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the hotel guests?

The guest leaves. Describe the procedure for saying goodbye to him.

The guest has made a request to you. Your actions.

Describe what warmth without familiarity is for you in relation to the guest

Describe the algorithm for dealing with an angry customer.

How to respond to complaints and complaints from guests?

Describe the specifics of working with a demanding, angry, insecure and arrogant guest

Describe the features of selling services by phone

What are unobtrusive sentence formulas.

Describe the rules for managing the conversation with the guest

How would you improve your work?

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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It is better that the maid does not collect completed questionnaires (she will not miss negative information about her work and the work of colleagues, and such questionnaires will not reach the management). Alternatively, install a special box for questionnaires in the central lobby of the hotel or restaurant, about which guests will be informed using the signs and the questionnaires themselves. Another option is to send the questionnaire to the guest by e-mail after his stay at the hotel. Thus, you provide an opportunity to choose a time convenient for a person to fill out, and you get all the data in an already digitized form. However, the probability that the guest will fill out the questionnaire after some time is small. Still, there are more chances to get an answer from the questionnaire in the room. In addition, in the era of spam, a profile can be perceived negatively and immediately deleted. Analysis of questionnairesAnalysis of completed questionnaires is what everything, in fact, was started for.

Hotel guest profile

One of these factors is getting higher education. In order to move up the career ladder, getting a higher education is very important.


There will be no career without higher education. When applying theoretical knowledge to the labor process, mastering a job, as well as developing professional skills, the main issue is to get a job. The factor on which the future career will depend will be the financial position, when opening your own business, paperwork, the very process of starting your own business and business management, questions with clients, increasing competitiveness in the market, etc.


Finding and training your own shift is also a difficult task, because it is very rare to find a worthy ally. The list of factors is very long, however, these are the most influential and important careerograms in the implementation of a project.


Survey of guests of a hotel, hotel, hostel

K], added 03/23/2009

Guest questionnaire

But the hotelier cannot influence this factor in any way - the guest either has it or does not. The second factor is prizes and gifts, lottery draw.
This option works almost flawlessly. This is how human psychology works - a pleasant trifle as a gift always makes you want to receive it. As a rule, guest profiles are laid out in the rooms.
But it is necessary to think over the system of motivating guests to fill out the questionnaires in advance. Small financial incentive - drawing prizes among guests (for example, free accommodation or dinner at a restaurant) gives good results.
You can give each person who filled out the form with a mini-souvenir, which will also serve as a reminder advertisement about your hotel. You should also take care that staff access to the already completed guest questionnaires is limited.

Incentive system for hotel guests to fill out the questionnaire To encourage hotel guests to fill out the questionnaire, the structure of the questionnaire should be simple and accessible to hotel guests. Questions should be available to all categories of guests, from ordinary people to businessmen and bosses.

The questionnaire should not contain information and questions about the guest who is completing the questionnaire. Questions should be of a general nature and sequence, aimed at a certain area of ​​activity - improving the quality of service, about the hotel in general, about the organization and quality of food and service .. Also, as an incentive for guests to fill out the questionnaire, you can introduce a system in which the guest, after filling out will receive a small souvenir in memory of spending time at the hotel. 3.

Satisfaction with hotel services

A well-conducted analysis of the questionnaires will help to predict the vector of staff work and plan the necessary trainings and courses. For greater efficiency, it is better to conduct both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the questionnaires. For clarity, you can build graphic images, for example, diagrams, graphs.
But it is also not worth unifying all the questionnaires. You should not select only numerical information. Pay attention to comments and answers to open questions.

A certain amount of personalized approach to the analysis of negative guest reviews should be present. Better to respond to each specific complaint. Imagine how many such cases actually occur, because on average, only one in five guests fills out the questionnaire.

But it is also not worth throwing thunder and lightning at the maids because they do not twist the swans from the towels. Remember that all guests are different and not all ratings are objective.

Guest questionnaire, filled in on the day of arrival

In turn, the guest asked about the offer, the staff shrugged their shoulders - and now your client is already dissatisfied. You can find out about this from such points of the questionnaire as "Service" or "General comfort".

But for this, they need to leave an open question with the ability to add personal comments. A low service rating may indicate that the guest's expectations are not met.

Director of the restaurant and hotel complex "Getmanska Fortress" Alexander Vilkhovoy claims that it was the questionnaire that gave him the opportunity to understand why the guests were dissatisfied with the level of the rooms. “The fact is that on the highway at the entrance to the hotel, there was a billboard with an invitation to call in. It depicted our best number suite, and also contained the phrase: "Rooms from 400 UAH."

However, the guests were very often dissatisfied with the hotel, and I did not know what was the matter. Our rooms have had forms with a questionnaire for a long time.

Guest questionnaire sample

However, even if someone looks at the few answers of guests, not all of them carry out a qualitative analysis on their basis, extracting the maximum of information useful for the establishment. The point is that the very presence of questionnaires is not given too much attention, in part they have been turned into a formality. But it is from the questionnaires that you can find out: - where is the weak point in the hotel; - why the guest will no longer visit your hotel; - how many people already see the problem that the top management does not notice under their noses. What is so important that you can learn from the questionnaire? First, who, if not your guests, will tell you how well the service staff works.

Secondly, it is possible to trace both the work of one department and a specific person. Here, for example, the hotel operates special offer, and the administrator, waiters or other line staff are not aware of this promotion.

Research on the quality of service in a hotel

Not aware Account correctness Not aware Attention and politeness of the receptionist's desk staff Not aware What problems do you have? Correct booking Check-in / Check-out Service staff Service contact / attitude Wake up Room cleanliness Heating / cooling / ventilation system Water pressure / hot water Telephone TV / remote control Noise Broken items / renovations Food and drinks High speed internet Describe your concerns in more detail: Please let us know the names of the employees who tried to make your stay at the hotel enjoyable: Do you have any additional comments that will help us improve the conditions of the hotel? If yes, please provide them below: Your opinion is very important to us, all your comments and wishes will be considered without fail and taken into account.

Questionnaires for hotel guests

Performing the main functions of the tourism industry. Search for optimal management decisions. thesis, added 07/05/2017

  • Analysis of the quality of services in the management of a hotel enterprise. The concept of quality and the importance of applying service quality models in the hospitality industry. Analysis of the quality of the services provided by the hotel "Bristol".

    Suggestions for improving the level of service quality and expanding relations with travel agencies. term paper, added 02/20/2011

  • Trade service quality Concept and indicators of trade service quality. Customer service culture as an indicator of quality.

    Regulatory support for the quality of trade services. Analysis of the quality of trade services in the trade enterprise "Astor".

Sample questionnaire for hotel guests

Please note that an empty space should be left next to each question in the questionnaire so that the guest can indicate his own answer. Indeed, very often it is impossible to foresee all possible answers, respectively, the question will not carry the proper informational benefit for the institution. The second block of questions. Further, we advise you to place a block of questions about the comfort of the room and the technical parameters of the hotel. It would be useful to ask the guest, for example: - whether the room is comfortable; - whether you like the conference room; - whether the guest has visited the fitness center and the restaurant.

In the same block of questions, you can ask a question, for example, what, according to the guest, the hotel lacks. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the answer, some questions are best formulated "half-closed", that is, with an empty line for the guest's own answer.

Third block of questions.

Questionnaires for hotel guests

The result of the analysis of the questionnaires can be a comprehensive conclusion about the level of the hotel's work and a list of recommendations. For example, the boarding house "Utes" ordered an analysis of the questionnaires in a marketing agency, which, as a result, issued a whole list of recommendations.

Guests also complained about the too small parking space and high prices in the restaurant. The guests also asked to extend the opening hours of the restaurant.