Archmage. Vladimir PoselyaginMag

Vladimir Poselyagin

© Poselyagin V. G., 2016

© Artistic design of the series, CJSC Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

© ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2016

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The Ural, its engine roaring, climbed the hill and stopped, the tonality of the engine changing to a quiet rumbling. Having left the cabin, I used the radio to give the command to leave the armored body. The two-day journey across the continent of Chiron, with stops only for refueling and natural needs, was coming to an end. We arrived at the place...

Yes, yes, I returned to the kingdom of Belor in the world of Elio, where I was greeted so inhospitably, my abilities for magic were forever taken away, and from where I had to literally flee. I had good reasons to return. I think, while the boys and girls, having run for their needs to the nearby edge of the forest, settle down by the car, taking up positions around it, it’s worth explaining what happened from the moment we discovered a closed continent, a dead city and met stalkers off the coast.

Yes, the adventures that we had there could have been enough for ten people, but in principle everything ended well for us. Still, after a short thought, I refused to move to the dead city and take the local palace complex under my hand, and I said this more for the sake of the stalker commanders, who listened to me attentively. So, having closely communicated with them, found out everything that was needed, and copied their maps for a small payment, where various settlements were marked on this coast of the continent, I let them go, and we returned to the destroyer. Then it was simple: I gave the order to Vasiliev, and we went in search of a small island where buildings could be preserved, deciding to make it our shelter and open our magic school there. In principle, where the school building is located, it does not matter where the teachers or the teacher are, there is a school, but for now we will settle down on one of the islands. During our journey near this continent we came across about five islands, but we did not explore them, we passed them by, now we needed to correct this shortcoming and find an island without inhabitants, I have no use for the aborigines. We found this one quickly; everyone liked the third one, small, but with a surprisingly high peak covered with forest. Its dimensions were seven kilometers by twelve, with the remains of three settlements, including a small town surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. This is what we occupied.

We spent the next month cleaning it and settling in. Or rather, not like that: the children washed and cleaned the castle while Mick, Volt and I carried out minor repair work, since I had cement and the necessary tools. The castle was located in the center of the town; previously the local governor or mayor lived in it, now go find out. He probably lived with his family and close associates. There were two dozen fairly large bedrooms, various rooms and offices, and utility rooms, including a kitchen. Below there were storerooms and even a small prison. The casemates were still the same! I adapted them for magic laboratories, installing the necessary equipment there. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I did not have access to the spatial bag, which contained several medium and one large magic laboratory, I could only use the small one, and it was not able to satisfy my needs for future plans. Fortunately, among the five dozen stone houses of the town there was a perfectly preserved mansion of a local magician, and there, in the basement, I also discovered a perfectly preserved middle laboratory, and that’s already something. Therefore, in addition to lessons with students, mainly with older ones, let the kids first learn to charge storage devices normally and meditate, replenishing their sources of mana, and restoring the castle, in the sense of minor repairs, I spent a lot of time in the laboratory, where on sheets of whatman paper I figured out the possibility of returning it to me magic. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldn’t get my magic back. Naturally, I examined the box up and down; the jeweler’s glasses allowed me to examine the weaving lines embedded in it. Delicate work, I feel like the archmage did a lot of work here, no less.

There was only one conclusion: this is not a short-term deprivation of magic, but a real problem that cannot be corrected. This is not the “Prophet” that the saints from Torii used against me; compared to the weaving in the box, it is just childish babble, although previously I considered the “Prophet” to be the pinnacle of magical art. I was wrong. Everything is much more serious here.

However, after three weeks of living on the island - I didn’t even have time to come up with a name for it, the students themselves called it Reshina, that is, House, if translated into Russian - after much thought and theoretical calculations on sheets of paper (in the meantime, I invented another a dozen spells - eight combat, one natural and one household) I still found a way out. Local magicians cannot help me in any way due to their complete absence, although I think that there are still survivors, they are just hiding, so I had to rely only on my brains. And they didn’t let me down, which made me happy.

I’ll tell you straight: the aura of this body was irrevocably damaged, I’m telling you this as a professional, a former magician-scientist, but there was only one opportunity left to become a magician again. General's method.

For those who do not understand, I will explain. I just need to change my body: leave the shell of a simple boy, the magician Count Arnie ki Son, and move my soul into a new body, into one that has a gift, and not a weak gift, but at least the first level. A rarity, of course, but there was a chance to find such a gifted person.

For the next two weeks I thought about everything using this method, and the more I did theoretical calculations and wrote weaves, the more and more I realized what a complex matter it is. Firstly, I need ingredients for the laboratory, I didn’t have everything. Secondly, we need assistants, two alchemists at a minimum, and so far I was training one, albeit a very capable one, the rest were three fighters, a doctor, a future healer, and a builder. Thirdly, experimental “volunteers” are needed to practice on “cats” before transferring their consciousness. And for all this it was necessary to return to Shiron and organize a raid on the temples of the saints. Moreover, I was going to free the prisoners and increase the number of my students by twenty people, I couldn’t handle it anymore. Well, I was going to train on captured paladins, who were, after all, gifted in any way.

And there were other difficulties in all this. All the possibilities of magic were cut off for me and my soul, so when I extract the soul from my future body, if, of course, I choose something worthwhile for myself, then I will need to prescribe its magic to my soul. How to do this, I had an idea, I even discussed it from all sides on sheets of paper, but this is a theory, let's see what practice shows. The plan was simple. Magic is prescribed to the aura of the soul, this is a fact, and I found a way to leave the gift in the body, without moving it along with the soul. I need to untie the magic from the aura for a short time and tie it to the body until the soul transfer procedure is completed, and then quickly tie the gift to my aura devoid of magic. This is how I will regain control of magic and the spatial bag.

Mage - 3

The Ural, its engine roaring, climbed the hill and stopped, the tonality of the engine changed to a quiet rumbling. Having left the cabin, I used the radio headset to order them to leave the armored body. The two-day journey across the continent of Shirona, stopping only for refueling and natural needs, was coming to its logical conclusion. We arrived at the place.

Yes, yes, I returned to the continent of Belon, Elio’s world, where I was greeted so inhospitably, my abilities in magic were forever taken away, and from where I had to literally flee. I had good reasons to return. I think, while the guys and girls, running according to their natural needs to the nearby edge of the forest, settle down by the car, taking up positions around it, it’s worth explaining what happened from the moment we discovered a closed continent, a dead city and met stalkers off the coast.

Yes, the adventures that we had there could have been enough for ten people, but in principle everything ended well for us. Still, after a short thought, I refused to move to the dead city and take the local palace complex under my hand, and I said this more for the sake of the stalker commanders, who listened to me attentively. So, having closely communicated with them, found out everything that was needed and copied their maps for a small payment, where various settlements were marked on this coast of the continent, I let them go, and we returned to the destroyer. Then it was simple, I gave the order to Vasiliev and we went in search of a small island where settlements could remain, deciding to make it our shelter, where we would open our magic school. In principle, where the school buildings are located does not matter, where the teachers or teacher are, there is a school, but for now we will settle down on one of the islands. During our journey near this continent we came across five islands, but we did not explore them, we passed them by, now we needed to correct this shortcoming and find an island where there are no inhabitants, I have no use for the aborigines. We found the island quickly; everyone liked the third one, small, but with a surprisingly high forest-covered peak. Its dimensions were seven kilometers by twelve, with the remains of three settlements, including a small town surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. That's what we occupied.

We spent the next month cleaning it and settling in. Or rather, it’s not like that, the children, under my supervision, washed and cleaned the castle, while Mick and Volt and I carried out minor repair work, since I had cement and the necessary tools. The castle itself was located in the center of the town, it was small, previously the local governor or mayor lived here, now, go and find out. He probably lived with his family and close associates. There were two dozen fairly large bedrooms, various rooms and offices, and utility rooms, including a kitchen. Below there were storerooms and even a small prison. The casemates were still the same. I adapted these casemates for magical laboratories and brought them there, installing the necessary equipment and laboratory. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I did not have access to the spatial bag, which contained several medium and one large magic laboratory, I could only use the small one, and it was not able to satisfy my plans for the future. Fortunately, among the five dozen stone houses of the town, there was a perfectly preserved house of a local magician; there, in the basement of the mansion, I also discovered a perfectly preserved middle laboratory, and this is already something. So, apart from lessons with students, mainly with older ones, kids are still of little use for this, let them first learn to charge storage devices normally and meditate, replenishing their sources with mana. So between studying and restoring the castle, in the sense of minor repairs, I also carried out a large number of time in the laboratory, where, on large sheets of paper and Whatman paper, I figured out the possibility of returning the magic to me. And the more I worked and thought about it, the more I realized that that’s it, I couldn’t get the magic back. Naturally, I examined the box up and down; the jeweler’s glasses allowed me to see the lines of weaving that were embedded there.

Vladimir Poselyagin

The Ural, its engine roaring, climbed the hill and stopped, the tonality of the engine changing to a quiet rumbling. Having left the cabin, I used the radio to give the command to leave the armored body. The two-day journey across the continent of Chiron, with stops only for refueling and natural needs, was coming to an end. We arrived at the place...

Yes, yes, I returned to the kingdom of Belor in the world of Elio, where I was greeted so inhospitably, my abilities for magic were forever taken away, and from where I had to literally flee. I had good reasons to return. I think, while the boys and girls, having run for their needs to the nearby edge of the forest, settle down by the car, taking up positions around it, it’s worth explaining what happened from the moment we discovered a closed continent, a dead city and met stalkers off the coast.

Yes, the adventures that we had there could have been enough for ten people, but in principle everything ended well for us. Still, after a short thought, I refused to move to the dead city and take the local palace complex under my hand, and I said this more for the sake of the stalker commanders, who listened to me attentively. So, having closely communicated with them, found out everything that was needed, and copied their maps for a small payment, where various settlements were marked on this coast of the continent, I let them go, and we returned to the destroyer. Then it was simple: I gave the order to Vasiliev, and we went in search of a small island where buildings could be preserved, deciding to make it our shelter and open our magic school there. In principle, where the school building is located, it does not matter where the teachers or the teacher are, there is a school, but for now we will settle down on one of the islands. During our journey near this continent we came across about five islands, but we did not explore them, we passed them by, now we needed to correct this shortcoming and find an island without inhabitants, I have no use for the aborigines. We found this one quickly; everyone liked the third one, small, but with a surprisingly high peak covered with forest. Its dimensions were seven kilometers by twelve, with the remains of three settlements, including a small town surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. This is what we occupied.

We spent the next month cleaning it and settling in. Or rather, not like that: the children washed and cleaned the castle while Mick, Volt and I carried out minor repair work, since I had cement and the necessary tools. The castle was located in the center of the town; previously the local governor or mayor lived in it, now go find out. He probably lived with his family and close associates. There were two dozen fairly large bedrooms, various rooms and offices, and utility rooms, including a kitchen. Below there were storerooms and even a small prison. The casemates were still the same! I adapted them for magic laboratories, installing the necessary equipment there. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I did not have access to the spatial bag, which contained several medium and one large magic laboratory, I could only use the small one, and it was not able to satisfy my needs for future plans. Fortunately, among the five dozen stone houses of the town there was a perfectly preserved mansion of a local magician, and there, in the basement, I also discovered a perfectly preserved middle laboratory, and that’s already something. Therefore, in addition to lessons with students, mainly with older ones, let the kids first learn to charge storage devices normally and meditate, replenishing their sources of mana, and restoring the castle, in the sense of minor repairs, I spent a lot of time in the laboratory, where on sheets of whatman paper I figured out the possibility of returning it to me magic. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldn’t get my magic back. Naturally, I examined the box up and down; the jeweler’s glasses allowed me to examine the weaving lines embedded in it. Delicate work, I feel like the archmage did a lot of work here, no less.

There was only one conclusion: this is not a short-term deprivation of magic, but a real problem that cannot be corrected. This is not the “Prophet” that the saints from Torii used against me; compared to the weaving in the box, it is just childish babble, although previously I considered the “Prophet” to be the pinnacle of magical art. I was wrong. Everything is much more serious here.

However, after three weeks of living on the island - I didn’t even have time to come up with a name for it, the students themselves called it Reshina, that is, House, if translated into Russian - after much thought and theoretical calculations on sheets of paper (in the meantime, I invented another a dozen spells - eight combat, one natural and one household) I still found a way out. Local magicians cannot help me in any way due to their complete absence, although I think that there are still survivors, they are just hiding, so I had to rely only on my brains. And they didn’t let me down, which made me happy.

I’ll tell you straight: the aura of this body was irrevocably damaged, I’m telling you this as a professional, a former magician-scientist, but there was only one opportunity left to become a magician again. General's method.

For those who do not understand, I will explain. I just need to change my body: leave the shell of a simple boy, the magician Count Arnie ki Son, and move my soul into a new body, into one that has a gift, and not a weak gift, but at least the first level. A rarity, of course, but there was a chance to find such a gifted person.

For the next two weeks I thought about everything using this method, and the more I did theoretical calculations and wrote weaves, the more and more I realized what a complex matter it is. Firstly, I need ingredients for the laboratory, I didn’t have everything. Secondly, we need assistants, two alchemists at a minimum, and so far I was training one, albeit a very capable one, the rest were three fighters, a doctor, a future healer, and a builder. Thirdly, experimental “volunteers” are needed to practice on “cats” before transferring their consciousness. And for all this it was necessary to return to Shiron and organize a raid on the temples of the saints. Moreover, I was going to free the prisoners and increase the number of my students by twenty people, I couldn’t handle it anymore. Well, I was going to train on captured paladins, who were, after all, gifted in any way.

And there were other difficulties in all this. All the possibilities of magic were cut off for me and my soul, so when I extract the soul from my future body, if, of course, I choose something worthwhile for myself, then I will need to prescribe its magic to my soul. How to do this, I had an idea, I even discussed it from all sides on sheets of paper, but this is a theory, let's see what practice shows. The plan was simple. Magic is prescribed to the aura of the soul, this is a fact, and I found a way to leave the gift in the body, without moving it along with the soul. I need to untie the magic from the aura for a short time and tie it to the body until the soul transfer procedure is completed, and then quickly tie the gift to my aura devoid of magic. This is how I will regain control of magic and the spatial bag.

It will not be possible to change consciousness in souls without removing them from bodies. Of course, this happened once, when I moved into the body of this boy and fit into his soul, but due to the fact that I was deprived of magic, I cannot repeat this, and students need to be taught this for five years, no less.

Thanks to virtual life in gaining the experience of creating a school of magic in the territories controlled by Stalin. That experience, oddly enough, came at the right time; I taught my students using the methods I had developed, passing on all my knowledge that they could accept. That is, all the time we spent on the island was put to good use; for the older students it was like a year at the academy. I even took exams from them after passing the first year. They already knew something. For first-year students at Torii academies, this is very good. They completed the theory of the first course almost completely.

Naturally, I taught not everyone, but those who were over ten years old. There were only seven of them. Five of them were with me now. I left Volt and Bella on the island as the elders, Volt was responsible for security, Bella was in charge of the children’s leisure and education. They were helped by younger girls.

That's how it all happened. When we finished building the defenses, there were AGSs, “cords” and even cannons on the walls of the castle, the storerooms were full of supplies, a diesel generator was working, providing light to the rooms. Mi-k and I did the wiring. And then the six of us boarded the destroyer and quickly set off back to Chiron. It was necessary to carry out the following plan: to free the prisoners, mainly magically gifted children, some of them, of course, will rush home, but I will take some of them, those who have nowhere to go. I also need books on magic, yes, yes, I learned the language of the local magicians and studied with interest the book on magic that I bought from a local peasant. It’s a pity that she was alone, although “Possibilities of the cyclical use of magic in the field of intimate services” was useful to me. The book with such a strange name simply described how to solve the problem of potency in men and frigidity in women, and it related to medicinal magic. I learned a lot of new things, by the way, and the weaving patterns were interesting.

In sixteen days, at full speed, we reached the coast of Chiron; now there was no need to sneak, the path was well known. I put the destroyer in storage, there was no point in discharging its storage tanks while cruising off the coast, and, calling the warehouse, I drove out the Ural. Having immersed ourselves in it, we started a race against time. There were reasons for this: I took two weeks to do everything, and besides, autumn was beginning on the continent, it was already getting colder. This, of course, is not Siberia, but rather the latitudes of France, but there is a lot of slush.

Vladimir Poselyagin

The Ural, its engine roaring, climbed the hill and stopped, the tonality of the engine changed to a quiet rumbling. Having left the cabin, I used the radio headset to order them to leave the armored body. The two-day journey across the continent of Shirona, stopping only for refueling and natural needs, was coming to its logical conclusion. We arrived at the place.

Yes, yes, I returned to the continent of Belon, Elio’s world, where I was greeted so inhospitably, my abilities in magic were forever taken away, and from where I had to literally flee. I had good reasons to return. I think, while the guys and girls, running according to their natural needs to the nearby edge of the forest, settle down by the car, taking up positions around it, it’s worth explaining what happened from the moment we discovered a closed continent, a dead city and met stalkers off the coast.

Yes, the adventures that we had there could have been enough for ten people, but in principle everything ended well for us. Still, after a short thought, I refused to move to the dead city and take the local palace complex under my hand, and I said this more for the sake of the stalker commanders, who listened to me attentively. So, having closely communicated with them, found out everything that was needed and copied their maps for a small payment, where various settlements were marked on this coast of the continent, I let them go, and we returned to the destroyer. Then it was simple, I gave the order to Vasiliev and we went in search of a small island where settlements could remain, deciding to make it our shelter, where we would open our magic school. In principle, where the school buildings are located does not matter, where the teachers or teacher are, there is a school, but for now we will settle down on one of the islands. During our journey near this continent we came across five islands, but we did not explore them, we passed them by, now we needed to correct this shortcoming and find an island where there are no inhabitants, I have no use for the aborigines. We found the island quickly; everyone liked the third one, small, but with a surprisingly high forest-covered peak. Its dimensions were seven kilometers by twelve, with the remains of three settlements, including a small town surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. That's what we occupied.

We spent the next month cleaning it and settling in. Or rather, it’s not like that, the children, under my supervision, washed and cleaned the castle, while Mick and Volt and I carried out minor repair work, since I had cement and the necessary tools. The castle itself was located in the center of the town, it was small, previously the local governor or mayor lived here, now, go and find out. He probably lived with his family and close associates. There were two dozen fairly large bedrooms, various rooms and offices, and utility rooms, including a kitchen. Below there were storerooms and even a small prison. The casemates were still the same. I adapted these casemates for magical laboratories and brought them there, installing the necessary equipment and laboratory. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I did not have access to the spatial bag, which contained several medium and one large magic laboratory, I could only use the small one, and it was not able to satisfy my plans for the future. Fortunately, among the five dozen stone houses of the town, there was a perfectly preserved house of a local magician; there, in the basement of the mansion, I also discovered a perfectly preserved middle laboratory, and this is already something. So, apart from lessons with students, mainly with older ones, kids are still of little use for this, let them first learn to charge storage devices normally and meditate, replenishing their sources with mana. So, between studying and restoring the castle, in the sense of minor repairs, I also spent a lot of time in the laboratory, where, on large sheets of paper and whatman paper, I figured out the possibility of returning the magic to me. And the more I worked and thought about it, the more I realized that that’s it, I couldn’t get the magic back. Naturally, I examined the box up and down; the jeweler’s glasses allowed me to see the lines of weaving that were embedded there. Delicate work, I feel like the archmage did a lot of work here, no less.

There was only one conclusion: I can’t get my magic back, this is not a short-term deprivation, but a real disaster that cannot be corrected. This is not the “Prophet” that the saints from Tori used against me; the weaving, compared to what was in the box, is just baby talk, although previously I considered the “Prophet” to be the pinnacle of magical art. I was wrong. No, this is much more serious.

However, after three weeks of living on the island, I didn’t even have time to come up with a name for it, the students themselves called it “Reshina”, “House” if translated into Russian. So, after much thought and theoretical calculations on sheets of paper, where I in between invented about a dozen more spells, by the way, eight of them were combat, one natural and one household, I found a way out. Local magicians cannot help me in any way, due to their complete absence, although personally I think that there are still survivors, they are just hiding well, so I had to rely only on myself and my brains. And they didn’t let me down, that made me happy.

I’ll tell you straight, the aura of this body was irrevocably damaged, I’m telling you this as a professional, a former magician-scientist, but there was only one opportunity left to become a magician again. General's method.

For those who do not understand, I will explain. I just need to change my body, leaving the shell of a simple boy magician Count Arnie Ki-sung and move my soul into a new body, into a body that has a Gift, and the Gift is not weak, but at least the first level. It’s rare, of course, but there was a chance to find such a gifted person. For the next two weeks I thought about everything about this method, and the more I did theoretical calculations and wrote about weaving and what ingredients were needed for a magic laboratory, the more and more I realized what a complex matter it was. Firstly, I need ingredients for the laboratory, I didn’t have everything. Secondly, I needed assistants, two alchemists at least, and so far I was training one alchemist, albeit a very capable one, the rest were three fighters, a doctor, a future healer, and a builder. Thirdly, I needed experimental volunteers to practice on the “cats” before shifting consciousness. That is, in order to accomplish all this, it was necessary to return to the continent of Shirona and organize a raid on the temples of the saints. Moreover, I was going to free the prisoners and increase the number of my students. At least twenty people, no more, I simply can’t handle more. Well, I was going to train on captured paladins, who were, after all, gifted in any way.

And there were other difficulties in all this. All the possibilities of magic were cut off from me and my soul, so when I extract the soul from my future “body”, if, of course, I choose something worthwhile for myself, then I will need to prescribe its magic to my soul. I had an idea on how to do this, I even discussed it from all sides on sheets of paper, but this is a theory, let’s see what practice shows. The plan was simple, magic is prescribed to the aura of the soul, this is a fact, so I found a way to leave the Gift in the body and not move it along with the soul. And do just that, untie it from the aura for a short time and tie it to the body until the transfer procedure is completed, and then quickly tie the Gift to my aura, devoid of magic. This is how I will regain control of magic and the spatial bag.

It is impossible to change consciousness in souls without removing them from bodies. Of course, this happened once when I moved into the body of this boy and fit into his soul, but due to the fact that I was deprived of magic, I will not be able to repeat this, and students need to be taught this for at least five years.

Thanks to virtual life in gaining the experience of creating a school of magicians on the territory controlled by Stalin. That experience, oddly enough, came at the right time; I taught my students using the methods I had developed. But I taught without making mediocre magicians out of them, but gave them everything, all the knowledge that they could accept and that I knew. That is, those two and a half months that we spent on the island were used for future use, these two months for older students are like a year at the Academy. I even took exams from them after passing the first year. They already knew something. For freshmen at Torii Academies, this is very good. They completed almost all of the first course theory.

Naturally, I taught not everyone, but those who were over ten years old. There were only seven of them, and he taught them. Now there were five of them with me, except for Volt and Bella, who remained as the elders on the island, and who were responsible for the protection and leisure of the kids. They were helped by younger girls. Volt was in charge of security, Bella was in charge of the children's leisure and education.

That's how it all happened. When we finished building the defenses, there were “AGS”, “Korda” and even cannons on the castle camps, the storerooms were full of supplies, a diesel generator was working, giving light to the rooms, Mick and I did the wiring, the six of us boarded the destroyer and quickly moved headed back to the continent of Shirona. Now it was necessary to carry out the following plan, to free the prisoners, mainly from magically gifted children, some, of course, will rush home, but I will take some, those who will have nowhere to go. I also needed books on magic, yes, yes, I learned the language of the local magicians and studied with interest the book on magic that I bought from a local peasant. It’s a pity that she was alone, although “Possibilities of the cyclical use of magic in the field of intimate services” was useful to me. So strange name it just described how to solve the problem of potency in men and frigidity in women, and related to medicinal magic. By the way, I learned a lot of new things, and the weaving patterns were interesting.

Vladimir Poselyagin

The Ural, its engine roaring, climbed the hill and stopped, the tonality of the engine changed to a quiet rumbling. Having left the cabin, I used the radio headset to order them to leave the armored body. The two-day journey across the continent of Shirona, stopping only for refueling and natural needs, was coming to its logical conclusion. We arrived at the place.

Yes, yes, I returned to the continent of Belon, Elio’s world, where I was greeted so inhospitably, my abilities in magic were forever taken away, and from where I had to literally flee. I had good reasons to return. I think, while the guys and girls, running according to their natural needs to the nearby edge of the forest, settle down by the car, taking up positions around it, it’s worth explaining what happened from the moment we discovered a closed continent, a dead city and met stalkers off the coast.

Yes, the adventures that we had there could have been enough for ten people, but in principle everything ended well for us. Still, after a short thought, I refused to move to the dead city and take the local palace complex under my hand, and I said this more for the sake of the stalker commanders, who listened to me attentively. So, having closely communicated with them, found out everything that was needed and copied their maps for a small payment, where various settlements were marked on this coast of the continent, I let them go, and we returned to the destroyer. Then it was simple, I gave the order to Vasiliev and we went in search of a small island where settlements could remain, deciding to make it our shelter, where we would open our magic school. In principle, where the school buildings are located does not matter, where the teachers or teacher are, there is a school, but for now we will settle down on one of the islands. During our journey near this continent we came across five islands, but we did not explore them, we passed them by, now we needed to correct this shortcoming and find an island where there are no inhabitants, I have no use for the aborigines. We found the island quickly; everyone liked the third one, small, but with a surprisingly high forest-covered peak. Its dimensions were seven kilometers by twelve, with the remains of three settlements, including a small town surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. That's what we occupied.

We spent the next month cleaning it and settling in. Or rather, it’s not like that, the children, under my supervision, washed and cleaned the castle, while Mick and Volt and I carried out minor repair work, since I had cement and the necessary tools. The castle itself was located in the center of the town, it was small, previously the local governor or mayor lived here, now, go and find out. He probably lived with his family and close associates. There were two dozen fairly large bedrooms, various rooms and offices, and utility rooms, including a kitchen. Below there were storerooms and even a small prison. The casemates were still the same. I adapted these casemates for magical laboratories and brought them there, installing the necessary equipment and laboratory. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I did not have access to the spatial bag, which contained several medium and one large magic laboratory, I could only use the small one, and it was not able to satisfy my plans for the future. Fortunately, among the five dozen stone houses of the town, there was a perfectly preserved house of a local magician; there, in the basement of the mansion, I also discovered a perfectly preserved middle laboratory, and this is already something. So, apart from lessons with students, mainly with older ones, kids are still of little use for this, let them first learn to charge storage devices normally and meditate, replenishing their sources with mana. So, between studying and restoring the castle, in the sense of minor repairs, I also spent a lot of time in the laboratory, where, on large sheets of paper and whatman paper, I figured out the possibility of returning the magic to me. And the more I worked and thought about it, the more I realized that that’s it, I couldn’t get the magic back. Naturally, I examined the box up and down; the jeweler’s glasses allowed me to see the lines of weaving that were embedded there. Delicate work, I feel like the archmage did a lot of work here, no less.

There was only one conclusion: I can’t get my magic back, this is not a short-term deprivation, but a real disaster that cannot be corrected. This is not the “Prophet” that the saints from Tori used against me; the weaving, compared to what was in the box, is just baby talk, although previously I considered the “Prophet” to be the pinnacle of magical art. I was wrong. No, this is much more serious.

However, after three weeks of living on the island, I didn’t even have time to come up with a name for it, the students themselves called it “Reshina”, “House” if translated into Russian. So, after much thought and theoretical calculations on sheets of paper, where I in between invented about a dozen more spells, by the way, eight of them were combat, one natural and one household, I found a way out. Local magicians cannot help me in any way, due to their complete absence, although personally I think that there are still survivors, they are just hiding well, so I had to rely only on myself and my brains. And they didn’t let me down, that made me happy.

I’ll tell you straight, the aura of this body was irrevocably damaged, I’m telling you this as a professional, a former magician-scientist, but there was only one opportunity left to become a magician again. General's method.

For those who do not understand, I will explain. I just need to change my body, leaving the shell of a simple boy magician Count Arnie Ki-sung and move my soul into a new body, into a body that has a Gift, and the Gift is not weak, but at least the first level. It’s rare, of course, but there was a chance to find such a gifted person. For the next two weeks I thought about everything about this method, and the more I did theoretical calculations and wrote about weaving and what ingredients were needed for a magic laboratory, the more and more I realized what a complex matter it was. Firstly, I need ingredients for the laboratory, I didn’t have everything. Secondly, I needed assistants, two alchemists at least, and so far I was training one alchemist, albeit a very capable one, the rest were three fighters, a doctor, a future healer, and a builder. Thirdly, I needed experimental volunteers to practice on the “cats” before shifting consciousness. That is, in order to accomplish all this, it was necessary to return to the continent of Shirona and organize a raid on the temples of the saints. Moreover, I was going to free the prisoners and increase the number of my students. At least twenty people, no more, I simply can’t handle more. Well, I was going to train on captured paladins, who were, after all, gifted in any way.