Australia is the world's largest island and smallest continent. Presentation for a geography lesson on the topic: Presentation "Artificial Islands of the World" Presentation of the largest island on earth

"Islands and Peninsulas"

"Islands and Peninsulas"


student of class “2”A

Grevtsova Alexandra.


student of class “2”A

Grevtsova Alexandra.

Island- a piece of land (usually of natural origin) in the ocean, sea or river, surrounded on all sides by water and constantly rising above the water even at the highest tide.

  • Located in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Asia, the island of Bali is the exotic eastern possession of Indonesia. This is where you will find yourself immersed in authentic Indonesian culture.

  • Wonderful climate, amazing tropical plants and landscapes, sandy white beaches, and completely clear sea - what more can you ask for from a resort island?

Areas of the islands.

There are a huge number of islands in the world. They are large and small, inhabited and uninhabited, solitary and archipelagos (a group of islands located close to each other and usually having the same origin).

And according to their origin, they are divided into continental, coral and volcanic islands.

Most small island in the world.

Bishop (Bishop Rock) is in the southwest of Great Britain, the Scilly Archipelago. This island is considered the smallest inhabited in the world. Actually, the only thing there is a lighthouse. It's like a lighthouse island 50 meters high. For comparison, it's like a 15-story building. Dimensions of the island: 46 x 16 meters.

  • Greenland is the largest island in the world. Total area – 2,166,086 sq. km. Most large island The globe is located northeast of mainland North America.
  • The world's most powerful island, Greenland, is made up of 81% ice.
  • Greenland's business card - Polar Lights, which can be observed here practically all year round, and polar mirages.

Peninsula- a piece of land adjacent to a mainland or island on one side and surrounded by water on all other sides. The small peninsula is often called cape

  • Peninsulas are larger in size, unlike islands. Often, entire countries and even groups of countries are located on them.
  • Here are the largest peninsulas on the planet:

Arabian Peninsula, 2730 thousand km.sq.

The largest in the world is the Arabian Peninsula, its area reaches almost three million square kilometers. Considerable size, isn't it? This square can accommodate ten Italias. But most of it is occupied by Saudi Arabia, there is still room for Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the United States United Arab Emirates. Located in southwest Asia, the Arabian Peninsula is bordered by the Red and Arabian Seas, as well as the Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf and Oman. The sun shines here tirelessly! The peninsula is rich in oil fields and natural gas.

West Antarctica, 2690 thousand km²

Unlike hot Arabia, West Antarctica is the coldest of the peninsulas. It is smaller in area than its hot predecessor and is one of two main regions of Antarctica that are separated by the Transarctic Mountains. This peninsula is not just cold, but very cold - most of it is covered with ice.

  • Indochina
  • Hindustan
  • Labrador
  • Scandinavian Peninsula
  • Somalia
  • The Iberian Peninsula
  • Balkan Peninsula
  • Asia Minor and Taimyr

“Travel and Discovery” - Columbus’s discoveries forced the Portuguese to hurry up. Routes of the most important travels. Christopher Columbus. Doubts arose that the newly discovered lands were India. Prince Henry (Enrique), nicknamed the navigator, is the organizer long voyages Portuguese. Great geographical discoveries. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India, a land of fabulous wealth.

"Research of the 19th Century" - 2.2nd Russian round-the-world expedition. Russian Expeditions In the beginning. 19th century. G.I. Nevelskoy. Ice mountains in Antarctica. 5. Other expeditions. 3. Development of Russian America. XIX century. Russian history. Lesson plan. Around the world expeditions were made by V. Golovin-1807-11, F. Litke-1826-29 and compiled 50 maps. Lesson assignment.

“Geographical discoveries” - Write a story from the perspective of an expedition member. Swimming along west bank Africa. Make a chronological table: “Great geographical discoveries of the XY-XYII centuries.” What expeditions are discussed in the documents in the worksheet? The Journey of Vasco da Gama. Mark on the contour map the routes of the discoverers of the XY - XYI centuries.

“Discoveries in Geography” - Holland. Martin Beheim. Abel Tasman. Geography. Discovery of America. 1648 Russia. 1488 USA. 1820 Reached the shores of North America. Eratosthenes. Jacques Piccard and Donald Walsh. 1960 We made our first climb to Everest. Made a dive to the bottom Mariana Trench in the bathyscaphe "Trieste". Made a trip to China.

“Expeditions” - Dmitry Ovtsyn 1734, 1735, 1736-1737. Ships J. The most important stage in the accumulation of knowledge about the Earth. P. Lasinius and Dmitry Laptev 1735-1739 XVIII - XIX - early XX centuries. Shelekhov Bay. Khariton Laptev and Semyon Chelyuskin 1739-1742. Aivazovsky I.K. "Shipwreck". Lomonosov was the first in Russia to study the upper layers of the atmosphere.

"The History of the Discovery of the Earth" - Karakka "Victoria" - the first ship in history to circumnavigate Earth. Magellan's Cross. The voyage was completed by J. S. Elcano, who circumnavigated Africa from the south. Small Magellanic Cloud. Visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere. During the 1st circumnavigation kept diaries, which he presented to Emperor Charles V.

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“Presentation for the geography lesson “Continents and Islands” (grade 5)”

Internal structure of the Earth

Earth's crust Mantle Core

external internal

Earth's crust

thin layer.

Thickness under mountains

more than 80 km,

under the oceans


coal, oil, precious stones.


Translated from Greek

cloak, blanket

To be deep

What is the state of aggregation?

semi-liquid-semi-viscous hot mass.


Divided into 2 parts

internal and external

The external has a state of aggregation

The internal has a state of aggregation

Core temperature

Give definitions:

Lithosphere (from Greek litos - stone) -

the upper solid shell of the Earth, formed by the earth's crust and the upper layer of the mantle.

Earthquake -

As a result of ruptures and displacements in the earth's crust, sharp fluctuations occur earth's surface–earthquakes.


giant waves caused by underwater earthquakes .

Lesson topic:

"Continents and Islands".


The totality of all the irregularities of the earth's surface forms it relief .

The largest landforms on Earth are continental protrusions and

oceanic trench .

The structure of their earth's crust is different. Scientists believe that it was first formed oceanic crust .

Then, as a result of internal processes on the Earth, mountainous areas, sedimentary and granite layers began to form, and continental protrusions formed.

Thus, continental crust differs from oceanic in greater thickness, as well as in the number and composition of layers.

The ocean floor is not inferior to land in terms of diversity of relief.

Deep underwater, as on land, there are plains, depressions and mountain ranges.

There is twice as much land in the Northern Hemisphere as in the Southern Hemisphere.

The area of ​​all continents is 29% of the Earth's surface.

The Republic of Kazakhstan – one of the countries farthest from the oceans. It is located in the center of the largest continent on Earth - Eurasia .

Eurasia is the only continent washed by the waters of all oceans. Eurasia - the largest in area.

Africa - the hottest continent.

North America has the most northern point sushi.

South America – the wettest and greenest.

Australia - the smallest and driest.

Antarctica - ice continent.

In addition to the continents, the World Ocean contains smaller land areas - islands .

Compared to the continents, the area of ​​the islands is much smaller.

They, like the continents, are surrounded on all sides by water.

The islands vary in origin.

Alone islands (mainland) They represent the outskirts of the continent, separated from the main part by some kind of strait.

Others have volcanic past .

The third owe their appearance living organisms ( coral islands ).

Islands : -New Guinea; -Honshu; - Great Britain;

Sumatra; -Kalimantan.

Islands :


Baffin Island

Islands :


Most big Island on Earth - Greenland.

Its area is 2.2 million km².

Archipelago – islands located in groups and having the same origin.

For example, Hawaiian Islands, Canary Islands.

In the central and western parts of the Pacific Ocean there are numerous clusters of islands, more than 7 thousand.

This Oceania . Sometimes it is isolated into a separate part of the world.

These islands are home to more than 15 independent states.

Practical work

Apply to contour map names of continents and large islands:


New Guinea



Baffin Island

Great Britain

Geographical location S= km 2 L=15000 km Greenland The largest island on Earth

Organic world Atlantic Ocean Vegetable and animal world The Atlantic Ocean is rich and diverse. In cold and temperate zones, mammals include whales, seals, walruses, and especially a lot of fish (herring, cod, sea bass, flounder, sprat, sardine, and others). Tropical latitudes are characterized by sperm whales, sea turtles, sharks, flying fish, and crabs. Deep-sea fauna is represented by sponges, corals, echinoderms, crustaceans and fish. In the northern subtropical zone is the famous Sargasso Sea - a sea without shores, where Sargassum algae is widespread, reaching a length of 0.5 m. The salinity of the water is high (37.5%), since evaporation exceeds precipitation. In the equatorial and tropical zones, where water on the surface has a high temperature and salinity, which prevents its mixing, the organic world is less rich than in temperate zones; large fish include tuna, shark, and swordfish.

The largest islands are Sumatra, Kalimantan, the most populous island of Java, Sulawesi and Irian. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, consisting of 5 large islands and 30 groups of small ones. The island of Bali, the most attractive for tourists, is one of the 27 provinces and special territories of Indonesia.

The country's territory is predominantly mountainous. The most high peak Indonesia - Puncak Jaya, 5039 m - located on the island of New Guinea in the Sudirman Mountains. The highest islands besides New Guinea are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi and Seram. The islands contain approx. 400 volcanoes, including over 100 active ones. The highest of them is Kerinci (3800 m) in Sumatra. In 1883, the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano created a 20-meter sea wave, and volcanic ash covered almost a third of Indonesia's territory.

The country occupies a leading position in the South and South-East Asia in terms of reserves (2.5–3 billion tons) and oil production, in terms of natural gas production it ranks sixth in the world, in terms of natural gas production it ranks sixth in the world, and in terms of its exports it ranks first. and in terms of its exports it ranks first. Indonesia ranks second in the world in tin mining and fourth in nickel mining. The country has large reserves of coal, copper, and uranium ore. Bauxite, gold, silver, and diamonds are mined. The largest oil reserves are concentrated on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Land occupied by salty and fresh water, covers about 0.5 million and 0.2 million hectares of land, respectively. Rivers almost everywhere form a very dense network. The largest of them are: Kapuas and Barito in Kalimantan; Hari, Kampar and Musi in Sumatra; Mamberamo and Digul in New Guinea. Due to the abundant deposition of river sediments in the lower reaches, lowland rivers constantly change their channels.

The basis of the fuel and energy complex is formed by the coal and oil and gas industries. The basis of the fuel and energy complex is formed by the coal and oil and gas industries. The textile industry is the main branch of light industry in the state: it produces cotton fabrics, clothing, carpets, fabrics and shoes. The textile industry is the main branch of light industry in the state: it produces cotton fabrics, clothing, carpets, fabrics and shoes. The timber industry is developed (many tropical forests). The timber industry is developed (many tropical forests). The chemical complex has received sufficient development: they produce chemical fertilizers, rubber, and pharmaceuticals. The chemical complex has received sufficient development: they produce chemical fertilizers, rubber, and pharmaceuticals. Indonesia also has a developed construction materials and food industry. Indonesia also has a developed construction materials and food industry. The basis of the fuel and energy complex is formed by the coal and oil and gas industries. The basis of the fuel and energy complex is formed by the coal and oil and gas industries. The textile industry is the main branch of light industry in the state: it produces cotton fabrics, clothing, carpets, fabrics and shoes. The textile industry is the main branch of light industry in the state: it produces cotton fabrics, clothing, carpets, fabrics and shoes. The timber industry is developed (many tropical forests). The timber industry is developed (many tropical forests). The chemical complex has received sufficient development: they produce chemical fertilizers, rubber, and pharmaceuticals. The chemical complex has received sufficient development: they produce chemical fertilizers, rubber, and pharmaceuticals. Indonesia also has a developed construction materials and food industry. Indonesia also has a developed construction materials and food industry.

GDP structure: 25% - manufacturing industry, 17.5% - agriculture, 12% - mining industry, 16% - trade and restaurants - hotel, 10% - service sector, 6% - construction industry, 6% - transport and communications. Indonesia exports: natural rubber and palm oil (2nd place in the world), copra, coffee, tea and spices, tropical wood products. The main trading partners have traditionally been: The main trading partners have traditionally been: USA, Japan, Singapore, China, Taiwan and EU countries.