Balkhash Fresh and salted side. What Kazakh lake, the only one in the world, is half fresh, half salty? Interesting legend about the appearance of the lake

Balkhash approaches the end of its 200 thousand years long history.

In Central Asia, the number of foothill lakes is calculated by thousands. The largest of them (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, Alakol, Eubor, Lobnor) are included in the list of largest continental water tanks on Earth.

Satellite image of Lake Balkhash

In the steppes and deserts surrounded by the mountains, they lie like a crown of aquatic diamonds and together constitute a bound, interacting system that softens arid (arid) conditions of the surrounding territories.

This system of lakes, formed in the current form in the last 100 thousand years, has variable characteristics (water levels and its salinity, bioproductivity, etc.), mainly depending on the natural fluctuations in climate: precipitation, evaporation, ice reserves.

The system began to change under the influence of human activity approx. 1000 years ago. Despite technogenic interference, high population and widespread agriculture in 10-13 centuries AD, the water level of the lake and its general condition, mainly depended on natural conditions. However, over the past 50 years, the stability of the lakes was deeply violated by the ineffective use of water for irrigation, which is why there was previously a height of the aral.

Nowadays, the entire lake system is under threat of catastrophic destruction, since the use of hydroresours of all aquatic tanks has increased to the limit. Lake Balkhash is the biggest and most vulnerable of them - it seems, will become the following candidate not only for a significant decrease in size, but also for complete disappearance.

Lake Balkhash is more than 500 km long and 10-60 km wide, which is the fifth of the largest water surfaces on the ground (Fig. 1). 80% of the flow of water comes from p. Or. 80% of water gives r. Or (70% proceeds through the territory of China, 30% - through the territory of Kazakhstan). The western part of the lake, obtaining water and sedimentary deposits from or, consists of fresh, but muddy and shallow water, with a maximum depth of 8 meters; Water eastern part salty, cleaner and deeper (up to 26 m).

Water level in Lake Balkhash in 1880-2008.

The water level of the lake over the past 2,000 years hesitated from 338 to 346 m above sea level. He now stopped at a mark of 341 m and, depending on the season, changes by 20 cm. Peak falls on May and July, which coincides with the melting of snow and ice in the Tien Shan mountains (Fig. 2). In the past two years, the average annual water level began to fall and seasonal values \u200b\u200bshow a much higher amplitude. Why?

The main factor that threatens the existence of Balkhash today is the same as in the case of the Aral Sea - uncontrolled water fence. But, unlike the aral (1000 km³ of water at 67 m of medium depths), Balkhash (100 km³ of water at 26 m of the maximum depth) will dry up to several scattered ponds not for 40, and in 5-6 years.

Model "The Worst Scenario" for Lake Balkhash

In essence, the drop in the water level of 4-5 m (below 337 m above sea level) will lead to the drying of the Strait of Umelects between Western and eastern part Lakes, which will mean the disappearance of Eastern Balkhash (Fig. 3). This development of events certainly eliminates the entire lake system of Central Asia, the local climate dries, will speed up the processes of desertification and global warming in this area. Dusty storms reached the upper previations of the seven, and the sand dunes will be accumulated already in Almaty airport.

Once the lake was already on the threshold of the catastrophe due to the construction of the reservoir of the conchay on the river or (completed in 1974). The benefit from him was questionable. The project was supposed to fill the conchant water equal to the volume of the river and a half-year runoff of the river, for 10 years, and in 1985 the reservoir reached full volume. Negative consequences have been visible already then - increased evaporation of water from the surface of the reservoir and high flow deviations along the river flow or began to affect the Balkhash level.

Western Balkhash - Ferry on Chiganak

The benefits of the reservoir in terms of production of hydropower and irrigation of the land turned out to be overstated. Kapchagay was saved by the actions of several scientists who convinced the leadership to reduce half the surface of the water of a new tank. But besides convergence, in 1969 - 1989. A whole network of large irrigation tanks was built: Kurt, Bartogai, Big Almaty Channel.

Agriculture is the largest consumer of water in the Ile-Balkhash basin, it is spending six times more than the combined requests of all other industries (industry, utilities, enterprises, household needs and fishing) - and calculations show that irrigation water is used inefficient.

In addition, the Military Polygon Saryshagan, which was built to test jet shells and rockets acted on the North-West Bank. Tests were produced for 30 years, and the waste was accumulated on the shore of the lake.

Balkhash Mining and Metallurgical Plant

There is another Balkhash mining and metallurgical plant (built in the 1930s). This is the main source of pollution, producing 0.5 million tons of acid gases and dust per year, as well as waste water with copper and zinc content. Until 1995, these estates were kept in the pond, flowing into the lake, but even after the prohibition of this practice, contaminated underground waters will continue to fall into the lake.

According to the classified index on water pollution (Izv), in 2001 the surface of the water in the western part of Lake Balkhash was counted in the IV and V class of pollution.

With the advent of the Cappcharge HPP, the state of the delta or worsened - the mouth of the river at the entrance to Balkhash over the past 30 years narrowed almost twice in the period 1970-2000, which strongly reduced the natural habitat and the population of Ontatra, herons and other animals. Of the 16th wounds of the existing small lakes in Delta, only 5 exist so far. The salinity of their water has increased, like the concentration of pesticides and heavy metals.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, fish reserves are intensively manipulated by moving non-native species of fish (faster growing and commercially valuable) from other reservoirs former USSR To replace local species, which today almost completely disappeared. Exogenous fish either also did not meet expectations - from 1941 to 2001. The total fish catch decreased by 80%, incl. Due to pollution, desertification, accumulation of precipitation and salty of the mouth.

During the years of independence, the situation has become even worse - uncontrolled fisheries and poaching destroy the ichthyofauna of Balkhash, including "red-born" species.

The salinization of the lake is also strongly affected by its biosphere. In the 1980s, when, because of the conchant water level in Balkha, fell sharply, the salinity of the eastern part reached the highest levels in the entire history of observation, and the middle mass of phytoplankton in Western Balkha was declined by more than 50%.

The anthropogenic influence of China, who became a gigantic consumer of water, also negatively affects Balkhash.

Thanks to the Policy of Beijing on the resettlement of millions of ethnic hangers from the inner provinces in Xinjiang, the number of people in the Chinese part of the delta r. Or, already exceeds 1 million people, and in the coming years should grow up to 3 million people. This requires a sharp increase in the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land - and therefore new dams and reservoirs.

Northern Lake Balkhash

Monitoring and forecast of Kazakh hydrolymologists indicate that, with these climatic conditions and irrigation schemes, another 20% of water leakage towards China for several years will undoubtedly lead to the disappearance of Balkhash, and at the same time, to the irreversible crisis of the entire lake system of Central Asia.

Despite the bilateral agreement on the rational use of transboundary rivers (2001), the PRC does not follow international norms of transboundary water management.

How to resist disappearance unique lake And avoid environmental disaster not only local, but Eurasian and global scale?

National and international communities of scientists, politicians and donors are still mainly engaged in contemplation of the accomplished catastrophe Aral SeaAnd do not see, do not raise the question of the approaching catastrophe of Lake Balkhash. Despite the growth of overall concern about the problem, the specific participation of international organizations in its solution is still very limited.

Although the main threat to the lake today represents the activities of the Chinese side, a number of projects in the Ile-Balkhash basin are implemented by the authorities of Kazakhstan.

There are still some chances for salvation of Balkhash, however, sustainable ignorance, cynical indifference and feeling of powerlessness, demonstrated by Kazakhstani and international politicians and scientists, as well as most residents of Kazakhstan regarding the catastrophic prospects for the disappearance of Lake Balkhash.

Most likely, after a few years, another ecological disaster will fall into the disposal of the mass media, which can be screaming loudly - and on which you can make money ...

Fresh Overview

This review about the review will be big, and perhaps not the most interesting, but it seems quite beautiful. And it will be about greens and flowers.

Balkans in general and Bulgaria in particular at all quite a green area. And the pastoral species here are chic. But in the city, the Green Overview is mainly in the parks, although the gardens here also have, as can be seen in the middle of this report. And at the end a little about wildlife Inside and around the city.

At the entrance to the city from the side of Varna, a gorgeous flower bed is broken, which is very difficult to consider on the go. But on foot it turns out that there is written "Overview", with some stylized Slavic font.

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To the question why in Lake Balkhash half of the water is fresh, and half salty? Posted by the author No discard The best answer is Balkhash - a faceless semi-substrate lake in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, the second largest misconception salt Lake (After the Caspian Sea), the thirteenth largest among all lakes of the world. The lake is located at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe lake Over 18,000 km2, and the length of more than 600 kilometers. As with all the plain lakes, its depth is small and averages only about 5 meters, the maximum - 26 m.
Balkhash is unique, and its uniqueness is that it is a half-livery, that is, the eastern half of the lake salty, and Western - almost fresh. They divide the narrow shells to zinched, the width of only 4 kilometers, due to which the water is almost not mixed and has such a bright pickup contrast.
Many rivers are in bulk, the largest of them - or, one of the largest rivers of Asia, the largest seminary river carrying their waters throughout almost one and a half thousand kilometers from Tien Shan ridges. Or is the second factor that determines why the Western half of the lake is fresh. The rest of the rivers are small, the largest of which are lepts, cautative and aksu.
There is a legend about the origin of the lake, according to which, the rich sorcerer Balkhas had a beautiful daughter or. When it was time to issue or married, Balkhash announced that it would give it only for the richest, beautiful and strong. Among the arrivals of the grooms there were two sons of the Chinese emperor with caravans, loaded by expensive goods, the sons of Mongolian Khan with herds and silver herds, as well as young Bukhar merchants with carpets and ivory carpets. However, among the wishes to try happiness and poor shepherd karatal, who immediately liked the bride.
After the competition, from which the karata came out the winner, Balkhash with indignation kicked him out. However, or at night escaped from the native house and rodeted with the chosen one from the evil father. Upon learning of the shoot of the daughter, Balkhash imposed a spell on the beloved, and they turned into two rivers, rapidly carrying their waters from the mountains. And for the rivers never united, Balkhash fell between them and became the gray-haired lake from foamy waves.

Currently, Lake Balkhash is rapidly merge and polluted. Salted water is becoming more and more because the lake volume decreases. The reason is an increase in the water intake from the river or users, and the main stocharating part of the pool is located in the PRC. As a result, Balkhash began to receive two times less than the former volume of water and, according to Environmentalists, it faces the fate of the almost disappeared Aral sea. Despite the large number of agreements signed by Central Asian countries, the problems of transboundary watercourses are not solved. After a long ten years of continuous consultations between Kazakhstan and China, the contours of the upcoming process of vehicle on transboundary watercourses are only outlined.
Animal world Lakes are very diverse. First of all, like all the steppe lakes of Kazakhstan, Balkhash affects the variety of birds, white swan - business card Lake. Also here you can meet white pelicans, pheasans, berkuts and others. In the waters of Balkhash there are 20 species of fish. Among them, 5 species are commercial. Thanks to this diversity on Balkhash, fishing and hunting tours were distributed.

The unique Relieven Semi-Lake Lake Balkhash is the second largest mischievous salty lake (after the Caspian) and the thirteenth in the list of the largest lakes of the world. Its uniqueness is in the division of the water area by a narrow strait into two parts, in which water has various chemical characteristics.

Where is Lake Balkhash?

This is very beautiful lake Located in the east of Kazakhstan. It is located in the territory of the three areas is Almaty, Karaganda and Zhambylskaya. Lake Balkhash has a form of boomeranga.

The strait divides the reservoir into two approximately equal parts. In his western part of the water is fresh, and in the east salty. This composition of water is unique. Scientists believe that Lake Balkhash is the residue of the ancient Sea, which was once in Alakolskaya Vpadina.

Features of the lake

Most tourists annually arriving in Kazakhstan are interested in: "Where is Lake Balkhash?" Those who come to the country around the tourist ticket should not worry about this. Almost everyone excursion routes Start from this place.

All guests in Kazakhstan tell a beautiful legend about how Lake Balkhash appeared. We will tell you her and we.

In distant times, in those places where Lake Balkhash today carries its waters, lived rich and powerful Bai Balkash, part-time sorcerer. He had the only daughter-beauty. When she matured, his father decided to marry her, which immediately stated to the whole world and announced a competition for applicants. Among the noble participants in the competition turned out to be a poor shepherd caval. It so happened that the girl fell in love with him. Or helped defeat your beloved young man.

However, Balkash did not want to give daughter for a poor guy. Young people decided to escape. The angry father cursed the challenge daughter and turned her and her chosen one in the river. So that they could never be together, Balkash himself rushed after them and turned into a huge lake, forever divided lovers. River or flows into Lake Balkhash, however, as karata.

Lake Balkhash is studying specialists from around the world for over a hundred years. However, it still remains unexplored. It amazes scientists with his mysteriousness.

Lake Balkhash, whose photo can be seen in all tourist advertising prospectuses of Kazakhstan, stretched to a length of more than six hundred kilometers, and its maximum width is seventy kilometers.


In it amazing lake Various seven rivers - or, Aksu, Caoutaver, Koks, Leps, Ayaguz, Tentk. The Karata River is formed when the confluence of the rivers, Kari and the tributary - coke. They are rapidly carrying clean waters From the Mountains of the Jungan and Zailean Alatau and Tarbagata. In the western part of the lake is the largest river flowing into Lake Balkhash - or. It is more than 80% of the total watercock. In the eastern part, smaller rivers (AKSU, Caoutarat, Leps, Ayaguz) fall into the lake.

Riddles of Lake

Scientists consider the geographical paradox that this huge lake is among the desert with the continental climate and does not have drain. On this territory, five climatic zones are distinguished. Earth near the lake is very salinated. At the same time, there is quite a variety of vegetation. The salt of the lake is characterized by healing properties and is used in many diseases.

Another mysterious feature of Balkhash is a unique ability to combat nanos. In the Semiruchea rivers a large level of clay and sand. Such conditions would contribute to the fact that the Bakhasha brand would fully fill in the tract in three centuries. But the lake is independently cleaned of these elements, extinguishing by river delta, restraining the receipt of the nanos.

In the river delta descend from the mountains and are divided into many sleeves and ducts. Then the lakes accumulating injuries are formed. At the same time, the water is completely cleaned until complete transparency.

Scientists failed to find in the lake of chemogenic precipitation. Usually, carbon dioxide is formed in deep-water lakes and accumulates carbon dioxide due to wind drift flows. Carbon dioxide in this case is the product decomposition of the organic. In shallow Balkhash, a constant wind mixing was recorded, so carbon dioxide there is no.

Holidays on Lake Balkhash

Today, Lake Balkhash, whose photo you see in our article attracts tourists from near and far abroad. It should be noted that today there are excellent conditions for recreation. There are many recreation databases equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable pastime.

"Blue Lagoon"

This is an excellent recreation center, where everyone who wants to relax on the beach, on the shore of the lake. The comfortable rooms are equipped with air conditioning, refrigerators, televisions, satellite TV. This suite has a separate bathroom, shower, washbasin.

Many tourists celebrate perfectly organized food in a modern spacious cafe on forty seating. Here you can relax on the summer platform in a shady alley or on observation siteLocated a few steps from the beach.

Vacationers are offered a varied menu. All dishes prepare the chefs of higher categories, which have extensive experience. At the request of guests, they can prepare dishes to order.

Recreation center "Wave"

It is located near the city of Balkhash. It is designed for 30 holidaymakers. The residential complex consists of five comfortable houses. They from the inside are insulated and trimmed with decorative panels.

2-, 3-, 4-seater cozy rooms are equipped with air conditioning, autonomous heating. On the territory of the base there is a bar, a Russian bath. For those who arrived at Balkhash on fishing, guide-conductor and boat services are offered. Based on the recreation "Wave" corporate evenings are held, birthdays. Here you can have fun with your colleagues.


This is one of the most picturesque corners on the shores of Lake Balkhash. Here they love to stop those who are tired of urban noise and bustle. The recreation center "Pearl" is located 3 kilometers from the center of Balkhash.

Here you will find everything you need for comfortable holiday: Spacious hotel rooms Luxury and Junior Suite, Parking, Restaurant and Bar, Magnificent banquet room. Those interested can visit the sauna and soak on the warm sands of the beach.

Pension and recreation center "Aquamarine"

Pension and base with the same name are located in the village of Chubar Tubek. It is quite close to Lake Balkhash. On the territory there are cafes, free (for guests) Parking.

The pension has its own sandy-pebble beach, which will enjoy the gentle sun. Here you can do many water species Sports.
On the recreation center, tourists are offered to settle in a 2-storey building, in two- and triple comfortable rooms.


Lake Balkhash is very popular among fishery lovers. There are more than 20 species of fish. More often than others meet:

  • balkhash Marinka;
  • ilian Marinka;
  • balkhash perch;
  • spotted Gubach;
  • monochrome lubach.

The remaining types of fish that are found in Balkhash are introducted. These include thorn and Sazan, East Bream and Siberian Elets, Lin and Sudak, Osman and Zhereh and others.

Fishing on Lake Balkhash is carried out in different ways. The most popular fishing from boats. Although in some places you can quite successfully catch from the shore of a small sazana. For more serious fish, you must go on the boat.

There are sites of the lake with significant depths relatively close to the shore. Most often, these places are located at the islands. Here you can catch a small perch for spinning.

Herry, perfectly captured by the lake, is the second largest fish for spinningists. He is caught on castmasters, rotating brilliants, wobblers. You can count on the active Klevel in the fall.

Bream, Sazan catch most often with boats. Although you can catch a large sazana from the shore on the bottom tackle. But, however, it is not always coming to coastline. The same can be said about bream. Typically, this fish is pre-fastened.

No less interesting fishing on Balkha Lovers of catfish. It is also made from boats. Catch it on bottom tackles, sometimes apply the method of catching with KVOK.

It is necessary to know that in addition to summer fishing, on Lake Balkhash is popular and winter. The ice here reaches such a solid thickness that it can be calmly moved by car. Especially interesting winter night fishing. At this time, we can see a lot of glowing tents. According to them, you can determine the location where the fish is located. In winter, a white fish, pike perch, local perch.

An interesting adventure for many guests is the underwater hunting. It is important that in order to participate in this exciting entertainment, it is not necessary to have professional equipment. It is enough to take with you an underwater rifle, masks and tubes. Most submariner fishermen began to spend vacation on Lake Balkhash.

Fishing on Lake Balkhash will give the true pleasure of fishing lovers, as well as those who want to relax in nature.


Great opportunities here have hunting lovers. On the territory adjacent to the lake, it is allowed to hunt for foxes, boars, gray duck, hares, wolves, pheasants, as well as on Lishukh and Mallard.

Balkhash (Balkash; Kaz. Balkhash) - Flat-hearted semi-lodge lake in Balkhash-Alakolskaya Basin in the south-east of Kazakhstan, the second largest mischievous saline lake (after the Caspian Sea) and the 14th in the list of the world's largest lakes.

The uniqueness of the lake is that it is separated by a narrow strait into two parts with various chemical characteristics of water - in the western part it is almost fresh, and in Eastern - brackish.

Its area with low water standing 17.5 thousand square meters. km, with a higher to 19 thousand square meters. km. The average length is 600 km. Balkhash lies at an altitude of 340 m / by the sea. Balkhash foolish lake It takes a river or, katal, ak-su, etc. According to the natural conditions of Balkhash, the Uzun-Aral Balkash is divided into western relatively shallow water (up to 11 m), taking p. Or, cleansing all this part of the lake, and the eastern deeper flex (up to 26.5 liters), separated by the specified strait, its salt is salted. Thus, in hydrochemical and biological terms, Balkhash is a fresh-salt mixotrophic heterogeneous lake.

The first explorer of Balkhash, who posted its hydrological and biological studies began, was L. S. Berg. His expedition (equipped with geographic society) descended in 1903 in Balkhash by r. Or and first set the presence fresh water In the western part of Oz, the map of the lake and gave scientific coverage of the history of this wonderful reservoir. In Soviet times, it was studied in detail by P. F. Domrachev (1931).

Balkhash lies among the Zhambyl, Karaganda, Taldy-Kurgan and Almaty regions of Kazakhstan. It has a horseshoe form and stretched from west to east. To drive around the Balkhash around, you need to make a path equal to the distance from Leningrad to Crimea. Leng., 595 km, in the widest place it has 71 km, but almost everywhere is already significantly.

Southern shores are low, in the western part, they represent the dry sandy plain of the old delta r. Or, crossed by the dried legs of its former sleeves. Further, along the shielding reed shores of the lake, the ridge of low sandy hills stretches, followed by the Sarah-Ischikotra desert to the south and east. Only in the east coast rises. In the north to the lake, the desert Bedpak gave and the sangs of the Kazakh folded country.

Nowadays, Balkhash no longer represents a deserted and wild place, as at the time of expeditions L. S. Berg and P. F. Domracheva. A number of villages appeared on the north shore. From the west along the Balkhash passes railway Mointes-Chu, her branch goes to the city of Balkhash. The lakes of the lake are furious steamers flying along the entire lake, and dozens of fishing vessels. Balkhash collects water from Tian-Shan, Zailovsky and Dzhungarian Alatau. The biggest influx of p. Or (1300 km) flows into the lake in the southwest. Water collection Square Balkhash 176,5 thousand square meters. km.

The river or carries the main mass of fresh water in the lake, it is multiple and is not very subject to level fluctuations. It is Her that all the western more shallow portion of Balkhash is painted, in which mineralization only gradually increases from 500 mg / l to the removal from the mouth of the river to 1500 mg / l to the Uzun-Aral Strait. The rest of the inflows of Balkhash: Caoutaver, Ak-Su, Leps and Ayaguz, shorter and have less influence on the chemical mode of the lake. All of them fall into the eastern salted deeper part of the lake, where mineralization ranges from 3500 to 5000 mg / l of water.

The lake level is subject to many years of periodic oscillations, possibly associated with changing multipleness of the tributaries starting at Tien Shan snow. In periods high water The level of the lake rises by 2.75 m and it becomes more fresh. Level changes occur at about once every 40 years.

Balkhash Shallow (average depth of 6 m), and in the hot climate of Central Asia, the water is heated to 27-30 ° summer months. Freezes Balkhash not every year. The lake is rather rapidly, and the waves on it are significant.

Thanks to the outlet of the sludge from the bottom, the water of the lake is little transparent and has a greenish-whitish color. Kazakhs are called Balkhash "Ak-Deniz", which means the "White Sea". BUT B. silent days In deeper places, the lake takes a pure emerald-blue tint and transparency increases (up to 4.5-5 m). The oxygen mode of the lake is quite satisfactory, there is no stagnation of water anywhere.

Balkhash coast on the greater the sandy. The deserts surrounding lake go to the shores to smooth, far-flowing sand beaches, destroyed by the wrecks of the shells of the naval. Sands of sand has been hanized and in the south-western and southern shore rushes a thick wall of the cane. The latter not only grows in the water, but the places go to the shore. Mass of fragments of old stems, dry leaves and cane roots reinforce the coast.

In the thickets there are boys. Many waterfowl, there are whole peelikan colonies. About 40 years ago in the coastal Balkhas, a tiger was found.

Stony and rocky soils of littorals are more common along the North and eastern Bank At the yields of the cliffs of the indigenous breed.

Deeper the bottom is extinctly in the dark, and in the main basin, the lights, very silicon, with a large impurity of the sash diatoms, alcohol.

Fauna and Flora Lake Balkhash

Fauna Lake is not high, but peculiarly reflects its mixed hydrochemical mode.

Zooplankton has:

  • 5 species of the simplest,
  • 28 - Coptizers,
  • 11-treacher and,
  • 6 species of weary racks.

In open lake-in western More miner parts are crosspaths:

  • 2 types of keratelli,
  • trychocerca Pusila (Trichocerca Pusila),
  • chromochaster-turtle,
  • pompholix furor

and from the raschkov:

  • diaphrade
  • leptodore
  • cyclops Leicard,
  • cyclops thick (Cyclops Crassus),
  • ditch thin and
  • dap of salt.

To the east, the number of halophilic forms, especially the diapta of salt, is increasing, solelyubly dealers appear from the genus of the pedal, the grinding grinding grid. The number of races (without flavors) is significantly higher in the desalinated part (over 50 thousand hours 3 of water) than in the vegetative eastern (17.3 thousand / m 3 of water). E. F. Manuilova (1940), who studied Zooplankton Balkhash, described an interesting Daphnia (Daphnia Balchaschensis), which changes its shape depending on the salinity of water.

In the Western Fresh Part of the Lake Balkhash Daphnya had a long tail spike and high helmet, at the same time, this wrapping from the salty sections of the lake was round-headed with a short spike. These changes are similar to the seasonal changes in the "summer" and "winter" daphnia lakes of the North, but they occur simultaneously in different salinity parts of the lake.

The algae plankton in the west in the summer consists of melosic and cerability, a blue-green nodulory of the foam (Nodularia spumigera) and diatomic algae are developing in more solenic areas: Hatoceros and Amphirah (I. A. Kiselev).

Benthos lake also reflects its chemical heterogeneity. There is a complete extinction in the mollusk lake caused by an increase in its salinity. Now there are no mollusks in the Balkhash, but at the bottom of it and on the shores there are many sinks of ordinary for Siberia freshwater species - pondoviki (4 species), coils (2 types), join, beatties, lake peas.

The overwhelming mass of the bottom population of the lake is the larvae of the tendide. Of the 24 forms of Balkhash larvae, the larvae of the Tandieps of Sulubbivoy, second place, especially in the eastern regions, occupies a protensione, and many cryptocironom and proclia are also found in the more fresh part of the lake. The departure of mosquito bells on the lake is massive and is committed consistently, the first completes its metamorphosis proteins (in June-July), behind it comes the mass departure of the Tandypes of Salt and already in August, cryptocironom occurs.

Baytos biomass Balkhash is low. In the western part - 0.6 g, in Eastern 0.7 g / m 2 bottom. The weight of the bottom organisms is higher by the end of winter, when biomass increases about three times.

1 - Balkhash Marinka, 2 - Gubach, 3 - Sazan, 4 - Balkhash Okun, 5 - Ship Aralsky

In such big LakeAs Balkhash, there were only 5 species of fish.

  • two types of marine (Schizothorax pseudoaksaiensis and sch. argentatus),
  • nemachilus Strauchi (Nemachilus Strauchi),
  • gubach (Nemachilus Labiatus) and
  • balkhash Okunki (Perea Schrenki).

Occasionally from r. Or enters Gollyan Polyakova (Phoxinus Poljakowi). Fish grow slowly, pickles feed on aquatic plants, goltsy - coastal invertebrates, perch - predatory fish.

Currently, Ihthyofaun Balkhash has been enriched with new more valuable species.

Balkhash fish farming involuntarily put a fisher-fish farm F. Bogdanov, who divorced under the city of the faithful (Alma-Ata) of Sazanov from Oz. Issyk-Kul. In 1905, after a breakthrough, the dam was part of the fish from his pond. Almaty, through her in r. Or and to Balkhash. Since 1913, Sazan became the most common fish in Balkhase. His catches in our time are 50-60 thousand c per year. Sasan feeds, as is well known, mainly larvae tendide.

In 1933 in r. Or was the spike from the Aral Sea. Now he is already caught in Western Balkhash, reaching more than 1 m and weight over 9 kg. In Balkhash, the spike is powered by a goltz and perch. The Siberian Elets also appeared in the lake. Thus, the Fauna of the Fish Balkhaus became more complete, therefore the feed capabilities of this large reservoir are used.

In the Balhash Wpadine, there are a number of salted lakes, many of which, like Ala-Kul, previously, undoubtedly, constituted one whole with the Balkhash and, being separated from him, quickly underwent their own degree.

In total, about 70 self-making lakes were revealed in Balchash. Among them, there are chloride lakes, sulphate with a content of predominantly Miracycite and Tandarditis, and most often there are lakes mixed, where the hydrochloric mass consists of a cook salt and sodium sulfate. In Oz. Cokdbak 48 km from Art. Berths under the thin layer of the cooking salt and the layer of sludge lies high-quality gypsum. Many of the lakes are suitable for industrial operation.
So, for example, from OZ. TERSACKAN (west of the city of Balkhash) The fish plant and the Balkhash local plant comes with a cook salt. Good quality Dining room salt is mined in oz. Nasya-Shadeniz railway station Chu-Moints.

More ancient connection is established at Oz. Balkhash with lying further to the east, at the border with China, the lakes of Alakulskaya. Lake Ala-Kul (2300 square meters) is one of the largest lakes of Kazakhstan. Its lowland shores woven with reeds, among which there are many water birds.