A conversation about a waterfall for children of the preparatory group. The most beautiful waterfalls in the world - description, history and interesting facts A story about the beauty of water waterfall

Daria Nessel | Oct 12, 2017

Niagara Falls- one of the wonders of the world, located on the border of Canada and the United States. Every second, huge masses of water rush down with noise, a truly breathtaking and amazing sight. Let's take a closer look at one of the most beautiful places on our planet.

Where is Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River of the same name, between the two states. It is not the largest in the world, only fifty-three meters high, but colossal volumes of water pass through it, incomparable with any other. Many people think that Niagara is one waterfall, in fact there are three of them: American, Canadian and Veil. Two cities are located near it: the American Buffalo and the Canadian Niagara Falls.

View of the Horseshoe Falls from above.

History of Niagara Falls

Story Niagara Falls is twelve thousand years old. The reason for its formation, like the river, was the appearance of the Wisconsin glacier, it moved through Canadian territory. The glacial masses compacted the rocks and the soil layer, creating a unique landscape, riverbeds, lakes and rapids. After the glacier began to melt, huge volumes of water created soil erosion, as if pushing the bowels of the earth apart, thereby creating entire gorges and cliffs filled with water.

The destruction of the soil continues even now, Niagara Falls is gradually moving up to the sources of the current. We won't see it anymore, but according to the calculations of the professors, in twenty thousand years it will reach Lake Erie, becoming one huge body of water.

Discovery of Niagara Falls

The discovery of Niagara Falls belongs to Samuel de Champlain in 1604, by pure chance. Studying and mapping the channel of the St. Lawrence River, the scientist learned from local residents about the existence of a small ledge of water between Lakes Erie and Ontario. He put it on the map, where the Europeans learned in absentia about the new wonder of the world.

The missionaries in 1640 and 1647 became the next eyewitnesses of an unprecedented miracle, then they called it "a waterfall of terrible height."

Niagara Falls - a beautiful legend of love

A touching and romantic legend of the local Indian flame is associated with Niagara Falls. It tells about the beautiful Lelavalai, the daughter of the leader of one of the tribes. Her father, against her will, betrothed her to an honorary warrior, the girl sincerely hated him. Not resigned to her fate, she sacrificed herself, throwing herself into the abyss of water, in the name of bright love for God He-No, the lord of thunder, who lived in a cave. He-No was fascinated by the girl and did not let her die, picked her up on the fly. Since then, their souls have lived in peace and love, guarding Niagara Falls. Hence its name came from, literally from the Indian means "rumbling water".

Niagara Falls, viewing platforms.

Extreme Niagara Fun

In the 19th century, an unusual, risky fun appeared - descent in wooden barrels. The first person to descend from Niagara was, oddly enough, an ordinary teacher Annie Taylor, she not only overcame it in a wooden barrel, but most importantly, she survived, having received only a small wound on her head.

After this strange act, hundreds of extreme people in wooden barrels rafted through the waters of Niagara, many received serious injuries, often this adventure ended tragically, but there were those who made this extreme jump several times. Every year the sad list of unsuccessful descent attempts is replenished and it has become popular place suicide, a beautiful death in front of a huge audience.

Now descending along it is prohibited, it is punishable by a large fine and even imprisonment, but despite all the prohibitions, there are daredevils or madmen who want to conquer the raging elements.

VIDEO: Niagara Falls

Watch the video "Journey to Niagara Falls"

Excursions to Niagara Falls

The best place to see the natural splendor - viewpoint table rock.

Many tourists choose the deck of Maid of Mist ships. They depart from both sides every thirty minutes, the capacity of one such boat is about six hundred passengers. The price from the Canadian side is 15C$, from the American side 9$. The tour lasts about twenty minutes.

The most interesting part begins when approaching the center of the "Horseshoe", the ship goes around it in a circle. At this time, a lot of water is pouring over people on deck, enthusiastic exclamations and screams are heard everywhere, many are trying to wrap themselves in a raincoat, but this will not help much, water will be everywhere.

You can admire the amazing beauty of Niagara Falls from a bird's eye view by ordering a helicopter ride, it will cost $ 140.

The infrastructure in this area is very developed, you can visit the 3D cinema, where anyone can see videos related to the local attraction. In the nearest cities, there is a Ferris wheel, various lifts, platforms and terraces, a museum wax figures and many attractions.

Tourists take note!

  • If you are going to swim on a boat near Niagara Falls, if you have the opportunity, then buy not an ordinary raincoat, but a cellophane overalls and swimming goggles.
  • Equipment should also be better packed, and in no case be missing, otherwise the minimum: it will simply be flooded, the maximum - you will simply lose it due to a strong flow. It is better to take beautiful shots from the observation decks.
  • Additionally, take a second pair of shoes with you to continue the tour in comfort.

Niagara National Park

Not far from Niagara Falls is the eponymous national park- a small and cozy place where you can relax a little after a busy excursion. The ticket price is only ten dollars, the same is the cost of parking. There are several cafes and restaurants in the park where you can eat deliciously, not only fast food, but rather healthy and hearty meals. On its territory there is an aquarium, where interesting shows with fur seals are organized for children, as well as a museum dedicated to the discovery, study and interesting facts related to the main attraction. Near the museum there are shops and shops with souvenirs that will remind you of an unusual journey.

Niagara Falls - winter light show

Traditionally during the winter festival, which lasts from November to January, Niagara Falls is lit up with millions of colors, a spectacle of incredible beauty. Although the waters are illuminated throughout the year, it is during the festival that colored spotlights are turned on not for just three hours, but for seven or more.

To better enjoy the show, there is a special route along which a small tram runs.

They decided to arrange a light show since 1860. In honor of the arrival of the royal person of the Prince of Wales, a grandiose show was arranged with colored spotlights and fireworks. Tourists and locals liked the magical spectacle so much that colored lighting has since been used constantly.

Frozen Niagara Falls.

How to get to Niagara Falls

It is possible to get to Niagara Falls from two directions: from Canada or the USA.

First, let's talk about the American direction

  • Almost in all major cities The United States has the right flights, the final destination is the airport in Buffalo. A one-way ticket costs approximately $100.
  • The city near Niagara also has a developed railway connection with the largest metropolitan areas. east coast. After going to the ticket office, you should choose the Amtrak company, after which you will be offered a more profitable and fairly inexpensive route.
  • Bus transportation is perhaps the most convenient and a budget option, tours are served by several companies. The price of the expensive ticket- 70 $, the cheapest is about 30. Buses will take you directly to the station in Buffalo, from which you can easily get to the waterfall.
  • Traveling around the country on your own in a rental car is a favorite option for avid travelers who own English language. Although it is quite expensive in terms of money. Renting the most unremarkable car per day will be $ 20 + gas expenses. To get to the region, you need to take highway number 90, then turn onto highway number 190.

And now the Canadian side

  • In this country, travel by bus or car is more popular than air travel. So the road to Niagara Falls by bus from Toronto with central station takes a maximum of one and a half hours. The place of arrival is the town of Niagara Falls in the province of Ontario, tourists, and especially young children, are delighted with it, it resembles a smaller Las Vegas, with entertainment venues, themed attractions and entertainment centers.

IT TURNS OUT, Niagara Falls is not the best big waterfall in the world!

Niagara Falls - simple the most famous waterfall, thousands of tourists come to the USA every year to look at it.

"Large" is commonly called high or full-flowing (powerful) waterfalls.

So here it is highest in the world is the Angel Falls South America in the country of Venezuela. The height of this waterfall is 1054 meters (the height of a 350-storey building)!

The waterfall was named after the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel who discovered it. The fact is that the Angel Falls is located, perhaps, in the most inaccessible corner of the earth, and the approaches to the steep wall of the waterfall are blocked by the selva - a dense tropical forest, so only a pilot could see it first.

The wild forest here is completely intertwined with vines and shrubs, so they were able to determine the height of the Angel Falls only fifteen years after the discovery - it was necessary to prepare the expedition well. To get to the waterfall on the ground, surveyors had to cut through the road with axes and machetes. The last 35 km were covered... in 20 days!

It is clear that even today tourists cannot come close to Angel Falls - this is still impossible. It remains to believe the stories of scientists that "the waterfall is so high that powerful streams turn into the smallest water dust before reaching the ground!"

By the way, during the year, the highest waterfall in the world looks different: in the rainy season, the waterfall is divided into many powerful jets, and in the dry heat it flows undignified...

The most powerful cascading waterfall in the world - Iguazu (about 80 meters high - 25 floors) is called one of the seven wonders of the world. A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700,000 tons of water per minute. That is, the waterfall overthrows a billion tons of water per day! The roar of a powerful waterfall (in Spanish Iguazu - "devil's throat") is heard for many kilometers.


The waterfall is one of the most impressive wonders that nature has given us. The sight of a powerful stream of water falling from an incredible height inspires us with awe.

Many tourists and photographers tend to these places to get a charge of admiration and once again be convinced of the grandeur and beauty of the world around us.

Here are some of the highest, most powerful and incredibly beautiful waterfalls from around the world.

1. Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

famous explorer David Livingston named this waterfall in honor of the British Queen Victoria, and locals They call it "Thundering Smoke". Victoria Falls is incredibly loud, and the fog that forms as the Zambezi River falls 108 meters into the gorge rises several hundred meters high. The width of the waterfall is a little less than 2 kilometers, and with a strong flow, about 12,000 cubic meters of water per second passes here.

2. Niagara Falls, USA and Canada

Niagara Falls is probably the most famous waterfall in the world, the name of which is the first thing that comes to mind when the word "waterfall" is mentioned. It is located on the border between the state of New York in the USA and the province of Ontario in Canada. Although there are dozens of much taller waterfalls in the world, few can compare to Niagara in terms of the volume of falling water, which reaches 2800 cubic meters per second. If you're planning to visit Niagara Falls, you can take the "Maid of the mist" boat ride to get to the horseshoe of the falls.

3. Reichenbach Falls, Switzerland

Nestled among deep gorges and the massive peaks of the Alps, Reichenbach Falls is perhaps best known for being the site of the death of the famous Sherlock Holmes character. Arthur Conan Doyle was so delighted with the beauty of this 250-meter cascade near the town of Meiringen that he decided that it was in such a place that the last fight between the famous detective and Professor Moriarty should take place. The waterfall can be reached by cable car in the municipality of Willingen.

4. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

At 251 meters high and 100 meters wide, Kaieteur Falls is not only twice the height of Victoria Falls and five times the height of Niagara Falls, it is also the most powerful in the world. It is located in an untouched tropical forest in the ancient Guiana Highlands. On the way to the waterfall, you can meet bright Guiana rock cocks, blue butterflies and other amazing animals.

5. Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil

Another waterfall, located on the border of two countries: Argentina and Brazil, was included in UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the seven new natural wonders of the world. The waterfall was formed as a result volcanic eruption and divided various islands into separate streams. Of the 275 Iguazu Falls, the highest is the Devil's Throat Falls, whose height reaches 80 meters. During the rainy season from November to March, the volume of water flow can reach 12,750 cubic meters per second.

6. Detian Waterfall, China

p>Detian Falls forms part of the border between China and Vietnam and is the fourth most big waterfall located on the border. This waterfall may not be comparable to the previous ones in terms of height, width and incredible volume of flow, but it can definitely be called one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Streams of water framed by karst rocks and rice fields create an unforgettable experience. Best time to visit this waterfall is the middle of summer.

7. Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland

Gullfoss Waterfall is a magnificent 32-meter two-stage waterfall on the Hvitau River. Water from rain and glacial runoff, especially in summer, creates one of the largest flows in the world in terms of volume. On a sunny day, the sky is filled with many rainbows, and in winter, snow and frost on the rocks give it an unusual brilliance.

8 Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

South of the beautiful fjord milford sound New Zealand's South Island is home to one of the country's most famous waterfalls, the Sutherland Falls. This incredibly high waterfall, 580 meters high, falls from a lake located in a valley. Many tourists claim that the noise from the falling water of Sutherland is much more deafening than near other more famous waterfalls.

9. Jim-Jim Falls, Australia

Jim-Jim Falls is a classic rectangular waterfall with a powerful stream of water that falls from a height of 215 meters from straight cliffs Kakadu National Park in Australia. It is best to watch this waterfall during the rainy season, which lasts here from December to March. But by June, powerful streams turn into a thin stream of water.

10. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world. Its height reaches 979 meters, and the height of the continuous fall is 807 meters. It is located in national park kaynama in Venezuela and is listed world heritage UNESCO. The waterfall was named after James Angel, an American pilot who discovered it in 1937. It is so high that during the dry season the water evaporates before reaching the ground.

Angel is located in a wild remote area and it is not easy to get to this place. Tourists who want to admire this natural wonder are offered tours along the river and by air.


The "does not exist" tag in last years amuses. For example, “there is no space” or deserts, quarries, pyramids… They still exist! Just not in the sense in which we used to perceive from a young age, when words were empty containers for children that should have been filled with fruit juice of associations and meaning, but instead they were filled with sand.


Or, more precisely, what do we know about what we do not know? What is a waterfall? Wikipedia decided to brush aside the logic: “A waterfall is a fall of water in a river from a ledge that crosses a river bed. Unlike river rapids, waterfalls are characterized by a sharp drop in the height of the river bottom and a steep fall.

Other sources say in the same vein: “to know what a waterfall is, study what a river is,” although more often, in my opinion, it’s just the opposite: “to know what a river is, you need to know what a waterfall is ". After all, the modern concept of the appearance of rivers is completely useless. And one should not think that there are no unbearable scientists - there is only a narrow doorway. We are told that the cause of the rivers is precipitation... Although, we all often travel somewhere, drive through many kilometers of fields and do not meet a single body of water nearby. I don’t even say at what distances from each other the CONSTANTLY FLOWING rivers. So any lawyer will justify the fallout in court - “not guilty”. Also, consider a lake located in New Zealand and the Sutherland Falls, which fall from a height of 580 meters.

it Mountain peaks Southern Alps. Can you connect this lake and the constantly falling waterfall with precipitation? "Ground water" is generally a screen that covers many things. For example, in the emerging so-called karst funnels, we see that there are no groundwater or rivers nearby. Although their appearance on groundwater is written off, they say, washed out. It is not clear where it was washed, into what cavities and voids? They tried to find the cause in the pumped out oil and gas, although "karst" ones appear more often where there is no mining at all along a many-kilometer circle. On the melting of glaciers and snow, you can immediately put an end to it, since we considered the “precipitation” above. And in order to finally drive out of you the possessed demon of official science, we will conduct an exorcism with this text about what is known to the science of precipitation.

Scientists don't know why it rains! What do they know? Do not wonder. In the academies of sciences, they really don't know why it's raining. Modern scientists only state the fact of precipitation and the movement of air masses. In understanding the essence of these processes, they are not far from children... The hypotheses put forward by modern "scientists" arouse suspicions about the sanity of those who put forward them. Or, at best, "laughter through tears" ... You know, in childhood and adolescence, I thought that scientists were "the smartest uncles." That working as a scientist is much more difficult and responsible than working as an electrician or plumber. But maturity came, and there was no trace of my childhood dreams. It turned out that, being a scientist, you can easily be a complete idiot and write any nonsense. Fortunately, there is no responsibility. A plumber's mistake is a residential building flooded with feces, an electrician's mistake is a fire, injuries. And modern "scientists" can be wrong as much as they want. No one will fire them and no one will suffer from their activities. No one takes seriously the nonsense that they write! I apologize for the long introduction.

So. RAIN. "Scientists" explain the rain "water cycle in nature." Allegedly, water evaporating from the surface, rising up, cools, condenses, forming clouds, and falls to the Earth as rain. However, in reality, everything happens quite differently. On the Indonesian islands, where there is constant heat and around the Ocean, there is a drought for months. And in the central regions of Russia it constantly snows in winter. Although there is a 20-degree frost and thousands of kilometers to the nearest Ocean! If the rains depended on evaporation, they would constantly go in Indonesia! And in Siberia, snow would never fall!


Rivers and waterfalls were associated with "groundwater", although, in fact, waterfalls are more often found in mountains and rocks, just as rivers often start from there. You can see a lot of different ground drops and not a single river flowing from there or a falling waterfall. But we often see them among the so-called "rocks".


Do you see any hint of a connection with the ground? But we see "rocks". Pay attention to how smooth the plates are - they are not without reason.

There are waterfalls in the "rapids" of the river, like, for example, a long waterfall with the colorful name of Victoria:


I will not argue about this type of waterfalls, and they are not discussed in this publication. Iguazu Falls, or, as it is also called, the "Devil's Throat", which is located in Brazil, could also be attributed to the same type:

But once again these smooth steps of the plates attract attention:

And there are a number of waterfalls that do not fit into the generally accepted concept at all, and few people talk about this fact:

This is the highest Angel Falls.

The length of the high waterfall in the world is approximately one kilometer. The stream of water falls continuously from a height of approximately 979 meters - 51 meters more than that of Niagara Falls. This is Angel Falls, which is located in Venezuela. It was named after American aviator James Angel, who discovered it in 1937 while flying over the area.

He is interesting to us because he falls from the very "rock".

Do you see signs of soil here? Some "rocks". But the associations were instilled in us: “precipitation” and “ground water”, which made us a little disoriented in the correct perception. Kukenan waterfall:

And again we see an amazing case, because of which it would be necessary to cry out “fantastic!”, if we take the generally accepted concept as a basis. Waterfalls of the rock itself, precisely from its tips! No soil, only "rocks". Where is? Also in Venezuela. And there are many interesting things.

And it is not surprising that this place was discovered during our time, and they write about it "Tepui is the only place on Earth where no human has set foot."


Imagine that we, like chickens in a barn, live under slate until this slate breaks hail, and we will think that this is the sky. In terms of thinking, we really have not gone far from chickens. In terms of parameters - in comparison with the past, we are not even ants.

What will happen to the grapes if they are cut? That's right, it will start to flow.

Many of you are absolutely right, who already guess that I associate waterfalls and many rivers with “silicon life”. And those who want to move their noses: “a new and exotic hypothesis that was introduced as a fashion, which means it is implausible” ... I would not like to upset you, but they also talked about “silicon life” in the days of the Union. Naturally, in the highest circles. We, then, the commoners, were given only school textbooks, but the elite had books marked “strictly for official use” in a small edition. And from time to time one of us gets acquainted with the son of an oligarch and, as a friend, gives this book to read ... This book is rich in illustrations, and the “silicon life” is painted up and down. In addition to the "silicon life" there is also a planetary power. O underground cities. About the technologies of the past that are superior to ours. About the Giants, moreover, of different sizes. Like this: the elite has undistorted knowledge of the world in easy access. And what do they give us? Those in which, of course, they themselves do not believe, but forced society to believe in them.

You can verify this for yourself by arming yourself with a search engine and setting the necessary search parameters: “stem mountains” and “waterfalls”, then go to the “photos” item, and you will see that the generally accepted worldview that was imposed on us and how actually, they are completely different things.

You will see these large streams that fall from the very top of the "rocks".

According to the generally accepted concept, this is impossible. On silicon - everything is logical.

But only a reasonable question arises, because dead and withered trees do not flow ... When, it turns out, the silicon life was destroyed, since these “rocks” are still alive? Is silicon life dying or being reborn?


"Wooden Russia", based on this concept, is not so invented. Russia mastered the craft of not only the wood of carbon life, but also silicon. And how do you like this angle of the "rock":

Isn't it true that a stump looks like a stump that is overgrown with mold?

The scientific world ascribes these stone-wooden rocks of silicon life to lava, although they themselves, of course, do not believe in this. The scientific world is designed to create for us the generally accepted explanations - the reasons why we were taxed, and under the guise of research, restore the scenery, as well as loot for the government of the technologies of the ancients.

Have you ever been worried that only certain scientists are allowed to engage in research, while the rest of the services, where ordinary hard workers work, are brought to a “slack” state and left to their own devices? What if you live and are not interested in anything, regularly go to work and elections according to the regulations, then no one cares about you, but if you just go beyond and start thinking differently from everyone else, then you begin to absolutely see the prohibitions in front of your nose?

The brothers from Europe and America, the sensible part of them, say that their dictatorship is exactly the same as ours. I am already silent that hatred between a planetary power and patriotism for "sovereigns with states" is instilled throughout the "planet" according to the same methodology. That's what a simple cabbage seller from America did to me? Or what did a simple taxi driver from Europe do to me? But the TV tells me and you what insidious enemies they are, and how we should hate them. Exactly the same hatred for us is instilled in them, so that the planetary power does not awaken.

Who there wanted to dig deeper under the "rocks" and see what was there?

And who was looking for roots?


How do we mine coal? Ants do exactly the same thing, covering the stumps with soil and grinding the wood into dust:

In gigantic sizes, but it's the same trash:

Filthy fallen tree:

Is the tree cut for firewood? Please, someone didn’t cut the deck:

Another one:

What else do they do with wood, grind it? Here are the drawings that are on a polished board:

And here are the polished "rocks" for you:

Isn't it one to one?

And here is a more or less exclusive photo for you:

It is curious how this tree is described by official sources (screenshot from Google from a foreign site):

Not only is the tree called a “sandy rock formation,” which makes it blush, but they also ask for money for this nonsense. And, of course, you correctly noticed that if there were giants, and the rocks are a tree, then there must be at least somewhere, but some objects should remain from the flint tree.

Here is the "chest" someone lost:

But the tree has already rotted over time, but it is clear that it was some kind of object:

Former barn? We see that the boards in it are completely rotted:

Entrance to the former "barn":

How about this mechanism:

I personally did not see an elephant here, I saw an object for everyday life. But everyone compares to the extent of their licentiousness, and the scientific world gave this subject a nickname - "rock-elephant". If you think about it, then the stool also looks like a horse, but it is not. Here you can see that the passage is artificial:

But, if you zoom in on the photo and see what is inside it, you will see that the passage was cut through in the dead tree itself. What, in relation to us, were the huge giants "little gophers" in relation to the tree?


I hope it was for you interesting trip into other eyes, from which the world is not as limited as we are told.