Church theology. Park complex "estate of theologian"

This route is for those who love wooden architecture. Even if you have seen quite a few museums under open sky, You will definitely like the Bogoslovka Manor Park Complex. It is located on the border of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, in the Vsevolzhsky district. There is an opinion: a well-preserved ethnographic ensemble in the Nevsky Forest Park evokes thoughts of the Kizhi churchyard on Lake Onega. However, this is a very original place, once you see it, you can’t forget it, it’s possible to return!

Little Kizhi

The twenty-five-domed Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is something without which the orphan "Manor Bogoslovka". Does wooden architecture have more than three centuries of history? For many, this is a revelation. was erected in 1703, in the middle of the swamps. It would seem that the wood and logs in such conditions will not hold out for a long time. But no!

Previously, the temple stood in the village of Anhimovo, Vytegorsky churchyard. For more than two and a half centuries (1708-1963) he was strong, did not give up to the whims of nature. Until one day, no, it didn't rot - it burned down. There is information: shortly before the fire incident, the architect A. Opolovnikov managed to take measurements and describe the structure in detail (1956), since the reconstruction was already “begging”. The fire ruined the plans.

They say that the church was built according to the design of the bold conqueror of the inhospitable northern expanses of Peter the Great. As if he loved to be in the creation of his mind. And also that Pokrovskaya (1708) and Preobrazhenskaya (1714, Kizhi) were cut down by one artel.

Valuable historical and cultural heritage

In fairness, it should be noted: The Bogoslovka Manor is a high-quality remake, built with the maximum approximation to the old technologies. Previously, the place was called the ethnopark of the lost monuments of wooden architecture. The existing copies are based on examples of Russian architecture. The founders set out to show how diverse the types and forms of houses were, how the construction craft evolved.

For the park, they chose the most picturesque place with a bright past and filled it with copies and reconstructions erected according to scientific research. Here you can study how residential buildings and outbuildings, fortifications and places of worship traditional for this region looked like (we are talking about the north-west of the European part of the Russian North).

Recall that the Russian North occupies the entire Leningrad region, Mezhozerye (territories between the Ladoga, Onega, White lakes), Zaonezhye (a region of Karelia famous for its folk culture traditions), the southwest of the Arkhangelsk (Kargopolye) and the northwest of the Vologda (Vytegorye) regions.

Don't skip past

On the right bank of the Neva River, where the Black River flows into it, the Bogoslovka Estate flaunts. How to get there by car? Three kilometers from the place where there is an exit to the Oktyabrskaya embankment on the ring road - and you are at the goal. Having turned the steering wheel in the direction of the exit from St. Petersburg, continue driving without turning.

The church is visible from afar, will not go unnoticed. There is a fairly large car park nearby. Having reached the cherished goal, travelers leave the car on it or right by the road. On weekends and holidays, it is possible that you will have to look for a place for a long time - a lot of people flock to the tour, almost everyone is “on wheels”.

The habitable territory of the park is not too large (far deaf corners are not for everyone). The location of the review objects is compact. For those who do not like to stay in the church shop for too long, do not intend to defend the service from beginning to end, an hour is enough for a review.

With blessing and support

The main objects that Bogoslovka Manor is famous for (photo in the article) are, as mentioned above, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the reconstructed house of the merchant Kostin from Zaonezhye (some stubbornly claim that the peasant: they say, hard-working representatives of the estate decent holdings). The structure of the sample of 1871 is distinguished by perfect proportions, an abundance of carved decor.

During the tour, they say that the temple was restored in a new place with the blessing of Alexy II (Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' from 1990 to 2008), with the support of Vladimir Putin (at that time the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Installed in 2003. The first pile in the foundation of the future temple was hammered in October 2004. The foundation stones of the church, which burned down in 1963 on the Vytegorsky churchyard, were laid in the foundation of a new church, from which the construction of the Bogoslovka Estate complex began. The address is simple: Leningrad region, (the last word does not mean a cemetery, as many believe, it comes from the word "guest" - to stay).

By public transport

An interesting fact: according to the guides, the tree is not impregnated with a fire-retardant composition, since the breathable base can stand for three hundred years. This causes excitement for most visitors: there is an open fire of candles around. The church is warm, services are conducted all year round. People come here to get married, take their kids to be baptized. The Bogoslovka Manor accepts everyone into its penates. How to get there, not only experienced motorists want to know, but also "horseless" people.

Bus number 476 departs from the Lomonosovskaya metro station. Twenty minutes of the way - and you are in an unusual temple, listening to the bell ringing, walking near the chapel. Many families find this a great weekend itinerary. Knowledgeable, entertaining. You can sit in a very small but cozy cafe, look into a souvenir shop.

Good at heart! Lepota!

"Manor Bogoslovka" is not only an operating Orthodox church. You can consider the Solovetsky worship cross. This memorial sign immortalized the times when it began in the image and likeness of the original. The Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands was built just a few years ago (2009).

The background is as follows: someone found a twisted birch bark, unfolded it and saw the face of the Savior created by nature (not by the hands of an artist). The amazing find had to be placed in worthy place. And II gave his blessing for the construction of a small cult building. There, the birch bark icon is cozy, good. The lamp is burning, it seems that with all your heart you perceive the elusive connection of times.

The wonderful chapel repeats the appearance of the "sister" that stood in Kirillovo (Kargopol district) in the late 18th - early 19th centuries. Gable roof, galleries - you seem to have returned to the past, you don’t want to leave it.

winter travel

To the right of the church there is a bell tower. This stood on the Nizhne-Uftyugsky churchyard back in 1670. They also managed to “record” it (to make measurements) after the belfry stood for more than two hundred years. Thanks to this, Bogoslovka Estate has now received another most valuable exhibit of ancient Russian wooden architecture.

There is a building in the courtyard of the churchyard that resembles a refectory, decorated with an invoice and other types of carvings. The beauty! It is worth remembering that places are rooted in such depths of history that it takes your breath away (as when skiing down hills - the inhabitants of St. Petersburg visit the district for this too).

But these skating is behind a wooden fence (a reconstruction of an old one, reminiscent of those that stood on Lyadinsky and Spassky churchyards in the 18th century in Kargopolye). And you enter the Holy Gates - there is another life, without noise and fuss. I think a lot of people miss this. Visitors are in historical place in any season. These are deeply religious and simply interested in the rich cultural heritage the edges.

Thought this was the end? Start!

The Bogoslovka Manor (St. Petersburg) has experienced many events. How to get to it, you now know. This means that as soon as free time appears, you will hurry to where Fyodor Dubyansky once gratefully accepted the gift of the spiritual daughter of Tsarina Elizabeth, where in 1747 the Theological Manor was built ... In terms of knowledge, everything is just beginning!

The park itself will be expanded. Kargopol fortress with yards, new (old) churches, the Zinoviev estate, a pier. More and more often you can hear that today more than ever it is important to preserve and protect the heritage of past times. Our country has something to be proud of, to whom to pass on the memory of centuries.

With monuments of ancient Russian wooden architecture seeming out of reach for a weekend trip, there is an alternative attraction near St. Petersburg - the Bogoslovka Manor ethnographic park. The name "Bogoslovka" was given to the place after 1747, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna donated these lands on the banks of the Neva to Archpriest Fyodor Yakovlevich Dubyansky, who built a manor and a small park on the banks of the Neva. The manor began to be called "Bogoslovskaya", this name was returned to the place only in the 21st century, since in the 19th century, the estate began to be called "Dubyansky's cottage" by the name of the new owner, State Councilor, Alexander Mikhailovich Dubyansky. In 1843, the estate began to be called "Zinovievka" or "Zinovievo", after the new and last owner of the estate, the general's nephew, State Councilor Stepan Stepanovich Zinoviev. In Soviet times, the Zinoviev house became a state farm hostel. Since 1932, the estate has been called the Nevsky Forest Park.

Now, on the territory of the Nevsky forest park, an ethnopark is being created under the name "Bogoslovka Estate", in which architectural structures of ancient Russian wooden architecture of the 18th century are being recreated: the Zinovievs' manor and park complex, the Uargopol wooden fortress, a Russian village from the construction of peasant estates in the western and eastern parts of the region, Karelian-Vepian village, water and windmill, Church of the Monk Varlaam Khutynsky and other buildings.

Now the dominant feature of the Bogoslovka Manor is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - an unsurpassed example of wooden architecture. The church, built in 1708 in the village of Anhimovo, perished in a fire in 1963. According to legend, it was designed by Peter I, who liked to visit it. It was impossible to restore the original church, so its exact copy appeared in the park complex "Manor in Bogoslovka".

At the beginning of 2015, the construction of the Church of the Intercession, a chapel, a bell tower and a fence with a gate was completed on the estate. Copies of lost works of architecture will be restored in Bogoslovka according to drawings, images and technologies of the Middle Ages. There is a similar ethnographic complex, I advise you to visit this open-air museum too. Park complex "Manor in Bogoslovka" the best place for photo shoots and wedding walks in the Russian style. In the Nevsky Forest Park, excellent conditions have been created for walking with the family on a day off: fresh air, beautiful countryside, an opportunity to get acquainted with the historical past of the country.

How to get there? The Bogoslovka Manor Ethnopark is located in the Nevsky Forest Park of the Vsevolozhsky District. 5 km to the side Lake Ladoga after the exit from the Ring Road to Novosaratovka.

The Church of the Intercession in the Nevsky Forest Park of the Vsevolozhsky District of the Leningrad Region is a unique monument of wooden architecture. And despite the fact that it is comparable in scale and uniqueness with the famous churchyard ensemble in Kizhi, it is practically unknown in St. Petersburg.

The Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is a unique monument of church architecture of ancient Russian wooden architecture of the 18th century in North-West Russia, was built in 1708, as the inscription on the iconostasis tablet says. According to legend, the project of the church was made by Peter I, who himself visited it several times. Lost (burned down) in 1963. Recreated with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus'. The complex of the Intercession Church is located on the territory of the Bogoslovka Estate Park Complex in the Nevsky Forest Park.

EXIF 1/800 sec, f/5.6, 32 mm, ISO 280, 2013:08:04 16:10:40, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/800 sec, f/5.6, 24mm, ISO 280, 2013:08:04 16:13:26, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0mm f/2.8

On the territory of the complex there is not only a church, but several buildings, a museum, a workshop…

EXIF 1/640 sec, f/5.6, 62 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:16:05, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/320 sec, f/5.6, 62 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:16:24, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/100 sec, f/10, 52 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:35:49, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/160 sec, f/2.8, 50 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:47:36, NIKON D700, 0.0 mm f/0.0

EXIF 1/640 sec, f/2.8, 50 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:48:07, NIKON D700, 0.0 mm f/0.0

Where is it located and how to get there:

Located on the banks of the Neva

You can get there

On public transport the park can be reached on route number 476.

TRANSPORT PASSENGER ROUTES TO THE NEVSKY FOREST PARK: "St. Petersburg, metro station Lomonosovskaya - the village named after Sverdlov"

Bus route number 476.

Opening hours: daily.
Departure schedule from st. m. "Lomonosovskaya": 5.46, 6.01, 6.11, 6.21, 6.38, 7.01, 7.26, 7.51, 8.16, 8.31, 8.51, 9.01, 9.21, 9.46, 10.26, 11.11, 11.41, 12.46, 13.07, 13.26, 13.45, 14.15, 15.15, 15.15, 15.15, 15.15, 15.15. 14.42, 15.05, 15.29, 15.52, 16.20, 16.52, 17.12, 17.37, 18.04, 18.27, 18.55, 19.17, 19.33, 20.04, 20.38, 21.16, 21.49, 22.27, 22.29

Commercial route K-476

Opening hours: daily.
Travel route: St. Petersburg, st.m. "Lomonosovskaya" - st. Babushkina - Ivanovskaya st. - Volodarsky bridge - Oktyabrskaya embankment - the village of Novosaratovka LO - Nevsky forest park - the village of Krasnaya Zvezda - the village of Sverdlov.

Last Sunday, the cycling season was opened with a trip to the Nevsky Lesopark. In total, we got a run of about 50 km (not bad for a start, given the significant break). Apparently contributed to the sunny and rather warm (for April) weather. Initially, it was planned to inspect three "objects" - the sighting tower of the Obukhov plant in the Utkina Zavodi area, the spans of the old Volodarsky bridge in Novosaratovka and the wooden church in the Nevsky forest park, but due to lack of time, the program was adjusted by deleting the Volodarsky bridge.

So, the first point of our ride is the water (shooting) tower of the Alexander (Obukhov) plant. Built in 1898, it served for some time to adjust the sights of guns located on the opposite bank. Brick, plastered, hexagonal in plan, tapering upwards, with a semicircular stairwell extension, it is notable for its eclectic facades with Gothic motifs.

Sighting tower of the Obukhov plant.

A little further, near the border of the Nevsky and Vsevolozhsky districts, there is a large forest area - the Nevsky Forest Park.
Since the middle of the 18th century, there has been a park complex and a wooden Bogoslovka Estate.
Now the “Russian ethnopark of the lost monuments of wooden architecture” is being created here,
where samples of unique temples, villages, fortresses are recreated.

The dominant of the ethnopark is the 25-domed Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, is a replica of the Intercession Church (1708), located in the village of Anhimovo, Vytegorsky churchyard and burned down in 1963. According to legend, the project of the church was made by Peter I, who himself repeatedly visited this church. The Intercession Church was the immediate predecessor of the Transfiguration Church of the Kizhi Pogost, built just 5 years later - in 1714, and therefore one can think that both churches were cut down by one artel. The restoration project was developed immediately after the death of the temple according to measurements made in 1956. However, the temple was never built on the same site.

Front entrance to the church.

Wooden domes of the church.

Entrance to the basement of the building, which houses the premises of the Orthodox Sunday School.

View from the church towards the Neva.

Restored bell tower of the Nizhne-Uftyugsky churchyard of the Vologda province of the 17th century.
The bell tower has not been preserved, restored according to the measurements of 1884. View towards the Neva.

View from the opposite side.

Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Late 18th - early 19th centuries.
It was located in the village of Kirillovo, Kargopol district, Vologda province.

The fence of the churchyard combines two fences of the late 18th century (the Lyadinsky and Spassky churchyards of the Kargopol district).

The future Museum of the Intercession Church (Kostin's house, the village of Verkhovye, the Great Bay - Zaonezhye, now the Medvezhyegorsk region of Karelia, 1871).
The house will be recreated (without interiors) according to the measurements of 1940 and 1995, as well as photographs of 1926, 1940, 1990s.

Rain sewer element.

Bogoslovka can be easily reached by

In the vicinity of St. Petersburg, or rather in the Nevsky forest park, the process of creating an ethnographic complex called "Bogoslovka Estate" is underway. The main idea is to reproduce exactly the lost monuments of wooden architecture of northwestern Rus' of the Petrine era, to show their diversity and evolution.

The main attraction is built in picturesque place according to ancient technologies, the Church of the Intercession is not inferior in beauty to the legendary temple in Kizhi, delighting tourists and parishioners.

History and general information

The place for the "ethnographic open-air museum" was not chosen by chance. It has rich history, and back in 1988 was listed world heritage UNESCO.

The first mention of these lands dates back to 1746, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna presented a vast plot on the right bank of the Neva near the capital to her confessor, Archpriest Fyodor Yakovlevich Dubyansky. According to his contemporaries, Dubyansky was a highly educated person, equally gifted in speech and rare composure, and enjoyed great influence at court, including on the reigning persons. He was also the confessor of Catherine ll, and his son, an officer of the guards regiment, took an active part in the palace coup of 1762, as a result of which she ascended the throne.

In the 18th century, under the first owner, the estate was named Bogoslovskaya manor or Bogoslovka, and a small park was laid out in it. The grandson of Archpriest A. M. Dubyansky, who inherited the estate, rebuilt the estate in 1728-1731, inviting the academician of architecture Vikenty Ivanovich Beretti to create the project. Then a big one was built wooden house in a strict classical style, the Hermitage pavilions with Gothic elements, the Dutch House, the Novoberezovskaya Dacha, an arched bridge.

Later, Dubyansky's dacha passed into the possession of his sister Varvara, the wife of a statesman, married Zinoviev, then to her son, and the estate changed its name again. This beautiful garden and park complex began to be called "Zinovievo", like the pier of the same name, built on the banks of the Neva in 1870, and its owners continued to maintain ties with the ruling family, the future emperor Alexander lll visited here.

The master's house was located at the mouth of the Black River and the facade was facing the Neva. As we approached the shore, from the side of the ship, at first the tower crowning the building was visible, and then the entire two-story house seemed to grow out of the water, rushing up. This effect was achieved through a special architectural technique. The house stood on a hillock, planned by a triple terrace, which gave dynamism to the whole building. A wide stone staircase richly decorated with sculptures led from the pier to the house.

The last owner, S. S. Zinoviev, having a commercial streak, managed to earn income from the estate by renting out its premises for summer cottages. The October Revolution of 1917 put an end to his activities. The estate was nationalized, and in the 30s of the last century, the Nevsky Forest Park was created on the territory of the estate and neighboring lands according to a partially implemented project by architect O. A. Ivanova. Here, for decades, they planned to open a monument to the estate economy, approved the boundaries of the ensemble in 1972, but the matter did not move forward. The projects remained on paper, and in the meantime, all the buildings were completely destroyed, the park became wild.

In 1995, the "Zinoviev Estate Ensemble" was included in the List of Historical and Cultural Objects of Federal Importance, and the idea of ​​creating an ethnopark of wooden architecture of the 18th century with the return of the original name, referring to the same period, "The Bogoslovka Estate" appeared.

Main ideas of the project

The Bogoslovka estate is sometimes called the Petersburg Kizhi, but the difference lies, first of all, in the fact that in Kizhi there are genuine monuments of Russian antiquity, and in the Nevsky Forest Park we will meet with modern copies of the lost architectural masterpieces of the past. Nevertheless, a trip here is quite capable of meeting the expectations of fans of wooden architecture, and serves as a great alternative to a picnic in nature or amusement park rides.

The creators of the ethnopark plan to bring together typical settlements of various ethnic groups that inhabited the territory of the European part of the Russian North in the 16th-18th centuries. Here it will be possible to study the history of the development of the construction business on various types and forms of houses, to get a holistic view of the disappeared architecture and cultural traditions of the peoples of the region.

For this purpose, selected beautiful place, which has already begun to be "populated" with reconstructions made on the basis of scientific research. Today, here you can see what religious buildings, church fences, residential buildings and outbuildings looked like. In the future, the estate of the former owners of the Zinoviev estate will be restored. According to the decision made, the "Bogoslovka Manor" should include only those buildings and structures that were lost, and for which there is now scientific documentation.

Openness and accessibility, aesthetics and educational value of the ethnopark serve the purpose of preserving the memory of the national heritage and traditions of wooden architecture.


The main attraction of the Bogoslovka Manor is undoubtedly the many-domed Intercession Church. The original temple was built in 1708 in the village of Anhimovo (near the town of Vytegra, Vologda Oblast). There is a reasonable assumption that it was built by the same artel that built the Church of the Transfiguration in Kizhi six years later - hence their striking similarity.

Numerous legends connect the history of the construction of the wooden church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos with the name of Peter the Great. Allegedly, the church was erected in memory of the son of a prosperous peasant, or a merchant, who was executed on the orders of the sovereign, and the sketch of the structure was drawn by the royal hand. There are no historical documents that could confirm folk legends, but it is reliably known that Peter I visited this church and in 1711 held a prayer service there.

In the 50s of the last century, the masterpiece of Russian architecture fell into disrepair and needed to be repaired. The well-known architect and restorer, prominent scientist Alexander Opolovnikov made all the necessary measurements and developed a detailed project for the restoration of the temple back in 1956. Without this carefully executed work, one of the highest achievements of wooden architecture would have been lost forever, as the building burned down completely in 1963. Only the foundation has survived, the stones from which were used in the reconstruction, the decision to carry out which in a new place in Bogoslovka was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by V.V. Putin, and blessed by Patriarch Alexy II.

In 2003, a bow cross was erected in the Nevsky forest park, and after a prayer service was served on October 26, 2004, construction work began. While the foundation was being laid, in the suburbs of Petrozavodsk, the best craftsmen gathered from all over Russia were working on the manufacture of wooden roofing elements of walls and domes from specially prepared lumber.

The log house of the temple, upon reaching the 18th crown, was transported to the estate in 2005, a year later the construction was completed, the main cross was installed on the central dome and the small consecration of the temple was carried out.

At the same time, the restorers of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts were reconstructing the iconostasis, painting the walls, recreating the interior of the church and its utensils. Finally, in 2008, all the work was successfully completed, and on October 14, the Great consecration of the temple took place.

The elegant 25-domed multi-tiered temple was built in the Moscow Baroque style, with a characteristic pyramidal symmetry of the composition and many decorative elements that give the building a fabulous look. In terms of plan, it has the shape of a cross, 32 meters long and almost equal in width (30 meters), and the cathedral reaches a height of 19 meters.

The main volume is an "octagon", to which "cuts" are attached on four sides. There is an altar in the five-sided eastern “pririb”, the main porch adjoins the western “pririb” – the entrance to the church. The windows are located in two rows, there are 22 in total. Inside, the ceiling rises like a “sky”, that is, in the center there is a round “medallion”, from which wooden beams diverge like the rays of the sun.

The oldest shrine, the altar Gospel, printed in a Moscow printing house at the beginning of the 18th century by decree of Peter I for the Intercession Church of the Vytegorsk churchyard, was transferred to the temple under construction back in 2003. Among the shrines of the temple:

  • icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (list from the icon kept in the Russian Museum);
  • Azov Icon of the Mother of God (copy from the Vytegorsk Icon);
  • a list from the icon "Savior on a birch bark";
  • Solovetsky cross;
  • revered icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God and the holy princes Boris and Gleb.

The multi-domed church in the ensemble of the Intercession Pogost is complemented by religious and residential buildings, recreated according to the reconstruction plan, the originals of which were located in the northern regions of the European part of the country and have not survived to this day. Currently, here you can see the following buildings:

  • Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands. A copy of a lost monument of the end of the 18th century from the village of Kirillovo, Kargopol district, Olonets province, restored according to the plan and measurements of the architect A. B. Bode.
  • Tent bell tower. This is a copy of the bell tower of the Nizhne-Uftyugsky churchyard of the Vologda province, which was built in the 1670s. It was restored according to measurements made back in 1884 by the architect V. Suslov. In addition to ten bells, there is a French carillon.
  • The fence of the churchyard was created based on the Spassky and Lyadinsky churchyards of the Kargopol district (Karelia). The holy gates that adorned the fence were copied by the architect B. D. Lurie. The original of the 18th century was located in the village of Upper Gurye, in the same Kargopol district.
  • The merchant's house Kostin - reconstructed according to the measurements of 1940, the original (built in 1871) was in the village of Verkhovye in the Zaonezhsky region. A church museum was placed here.

The Russian North attracts with its originality, and now a part of it has come closer to St. Petersburg. There is a wonderful opportunity to join the folk culture and get acquainted with the history of the country, taking a walk in the fresh air in a beautiful area on a weekend - just a twenty minute drive from the city! On Saturdays, there is a guide, a souvenir shop and a small cafe.

Where is it located and how to get there

The Bogoslovka Manor ethnographic park complex is located in the Nevsky Forest Park of the Vsevolozhsky District of the Leningrad Region on the right bank of the Neva.

Getting here from St. Petersburg is easy by public transport or by private car. In the first case, you should take bus number 476 at the metro station "Lomonosovskaya", drive about twenty minutes or from the metro station "Dybenko" by bus number 692.

With your car, you need to drive off ring road to the Oktyabrskaya embankment in the direction of the exit from the city and drive 3 km. There is parking on the estate.