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Bohemian Switzerland National Park (also known as the People's Park) Czech Switzerland"was founded on January 1, 2000 and occupies an area of ​​almost 80 square meters. km. The park is located on the northern border with Germany and continues on German territory (where it is called “Saxon Switzerland”). The purpose of creating the park is to preserve natural beauty these places, so human intervention here is strictly limited.

The main wealth of the park is the unique sandstone rock formations, covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests and rare plants. These rocks once rose from the seabed, where sand accumulated over 10 million years to reach a thickness of more than 1 km today. The most important geological processes took place here in the Mesozoic.

Modern amazing landscape national park represents these deposits, compressed into cliffs, which cracked and split under the influence of wind, rivers, temperature changes, etc., forming stunningly picturesque cliffs, rock towers, canyons, arches and windows to this day. The most famous of them is the Rose Hill, the highest in Czech Switzerland.

The main wealth of the park is the unique sandstone rock formations, covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests.

Czech Switzerland is a real forest kingdom. Forest covers almost its entire territory. Mostly coniferous and birch forests grow here, the oldest of which can be found in inaccessible gorges and on high cliffs. Since the soil in the latter is either poor or absent, very resilient representatives of the flora grow here, creating very picturesque pictures with their curved trunks. Animal world The national park is also rich: the landscape creates ideal conditions for nesting of many species of birds, colonies of bats live in rock cracks, and shy and nocturnal animals such as deer live in the forests.

History of Czech Switzerland

The first inhabitants of Bohemian Switzerland were probably hunters, fishermen and gatherers - as was natural for that time, more than 10 thousand years ago. They roamed around the area, establishing settlements near water streams. Tools, pieces of coal and dishes are still found here. Much later, Bohemian Switzerland was partially settled by farmers. From time to time, a fortified fort was erected here and there, and trade caravans passed through the territory of the national park.

Hiking in Bohemian Switzerland

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Bohemian kings invited colonialists here from the territory of modern Germany. The latter built villas, stone castles, started logging, and began producing glass and coal. But, since the forests were dense, and there were no wide plains in Czech Switzerland, the life of these communities had a specific character. The architecture was also specific: in the national park, ancient half-timbered houses of a typical design are still preserved (in particular, in Kamenicka Strana and Vysoka Lipa). In the second half of the 20th century. Many of these settlements, abandoned, have fallen into disrepair, and here and there in the park you can find the most picturesque ruins.

The tourism development of the region began quite early, around the second half of the 18th century. Romantic artists living in Dresden began their first travels through what was later called Saxon Switzerland (the name was adapted in the Czech version). The systematic development of tourism began in the 19th century, when landowners from local estates (the Kinski and Clary-Aldringen families), as well as the first tourist societies (the Mountain Society of Bohemian Switzerland and the Mountain Society of Northern Bohemia) began to gradually increase the attractiveness of the region for travelers. The first walking trails, restaurants, hotels, observation decks and observation towers began to appear here. Lovers aquatic species Sports people increasingly came here to sail on the Elbe, and the gorges in Kamenice were full of punts.

Tourism in Czech Switzerland

Today, there are dozens of well-marked hiking trails throughout the park. Here you can ride a bicycle, go horseback riding and rock climbing in designated areas, and stay overnight in official camp sites. You can even come here with pets.

But what you can’t do is leave the marked trail in zone I of the park.

Today, within the territory of the national park there are several extremely interesting places, which tourists come from all over Europe to see. This is a natural stone arch 26 by 16 m, which is called the Pravchitsky Gate; gorges of the Kamenice River; Krynica river valley; the famous Pink Hill rock; town of Vysokaya-Lipa; Dolskaya mill; Dittersbacher peaks; waterfalls near Brtniki... We can list them further, but it’s already obvious: spending a day or two in Czech Switzerland is not enough. It’s worth coming here as if you were on a full-fledged vacation.

Practical information

Tourist centers are located in different parts of the national park. The main one is located in Krasnaya Lipa. Information centers- in Saul, Jetrichovice, Srpska Kamenica, Hrensko.

Working hours tourist center in Krasnaya Lipa: daily from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 12:30 to 17:00, in January - February - until 16:00, in June - August - until 18:00.

You can get to Krasnaya Lipa by car in about two hours, if you drive strictly north through Melnik and Ceska Lipa. Another option is to take the train to Germany, to Bad Schandau, which is in the German part of the national park ( Saxon Switzerland). This trip will take about two hours.

Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland, Königstein and Bastei fortress. Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland is a picturesque place, the Ore Mountains and amazing nature is everywhere. Millions of people captivated by the views of Saxon Switzerland are frequent visitors to these places.

Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland is a picturesque place, the Ore Mountains and amazing nature is everywhere. Millions of people captivated by the views of Saxon Switzerland are frequent visitors to these places. Climbers, athletes and tourists explore every day national park with many gorges, rocks, amazing flora and rare fauna. Surely you are familiar with the word Bastai! 305 m height observation decks and a delightful bridge. More than one generation has been fascinated by these places. Since the 18th century, tourists have been besieging these places in Saxon Switzerland. Alexander Scriabin, while in Germany, dedicated the prelude he wrote to these places. The prelude is called Bastei.

How the excursion goes:

Group gathering time is 07:50 Wenceslas Square, At the monument to St. Wenceslas on horseback. Departure at 08:00. Travel time is 1.5 hours. A professional guide in Russian works with the group on the bus. Arrival in Saxon Switzerland at the Königstein Fortress, where you will have a tour of the fortress and sightseeing tour with a visit to the military-historical museum of the fortress, the fortress prison, the so-called Saxon Bastille, the garrison church, the casemate and much more. Transfer to Bastei (40 min.). Walk around Bastei with a visit to the ruined ancient fortress Rathenburg with extraordinary views of Saxon Switzerland. Free time 3 hours with the opportunity to have lunch in a restaurant with views of the Elbe and Saxon Switzerland. Free time until 16:30. Arrival in Prague at Wenceslas Square at 19.00. The duration of the trip is 11 hours. Entrance fees: Königstein Fortress - 10 euros Bastei Rocks - free (attendance at these sites is optional)

Czech Switzerland is not only mystical landscapes pine forests and picturesque valleys, majestic rock towers, gates, walls, gorges, rock cities and labyrinths of mountains, but also the incredibly beautiful canyon of the Kamenitsa River, a walk along which will leave an unforgettable impression.

This is Czech Switzerland!

Czech Switzerland (České Švýcarsko) is the Czech part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, a fantastically delightful piece of nature located in Northern Bohemia, near the border with Germany. There is everything you need for a complete active or simple holiday: pristine dense forests, canyons, bizarre rocks, mountain rivers, picturesque valleys with rare plants.

Geographers believe that this area owes its unusual structure and beauty to the sea, whose waters covered this territory in prehistoric times. Over time, the water receded and thanks to the influence of the most skillful designers - nature and wind, such a unique natural landscape was formed over many centuries.

What to see in Czech Switzerland?

Pravcicka brane

It is so incredibly beautiful here that the state declared this place a national park of the Czech Republic in 2000. The park has many interesting places, but the most interesting attraction is the Pravčická brána, which is the largest natural gate formed from a rocky massif. Once upon a time, these gates were washed out of the rocks by the World Ocean itself. In 2009, Pravchitsky Gate made it to the semi-finals of the international competition “Seven Wonders of the World”.

Not without a castle. It's as if he was implanted into the rocks. And its name is appropriate - Falcon's Nest (Zámeček Sokolí hnízdo). It was built by Italian craftsmen in 1881 in a record time at that time - one year. Entrance to the Pravčicka brana is paid. But it's worth it. Right under the arch there is a small cafe and an observation deck, the views from which are breathtaking.


The Bohemian Switzerland National Park is located near the town of Děčín. Travel around the reserve usually begins from here.

The main attraction of the city is Decin Castle (Děčínský zámek), a military fortress and residence of influential aristocratic families.

The smallest zoo in the Czech Republic is the Zoo (Decina Zoo Děčín). It is located in the city center, in the city forest park and covers an area of ​​only 6 hectares. His specialization is raising rare species of animals that have a hard time surviving life in captivity.

To rest and relax, go to the city water park Decin (Aquapark) or to the Olešský rybník.


The beautiful and hospitable border town of Hřensko is located on the banks of the Kamenice River. Most start here walking routes around the reserve. The city has everything for tourists - a tourist information center, large parking lots, hotels, guesthouses, shops.


Tolštejn – romantic ruins medieval castle. It was first mentioned in 1337. At one time it was the residence of local robber barons. Today, the castle walls offer extraordinary views.


The rock castle of Schaunštejn, built in the first half of the 14th century to protect trade routes, lost its significance after the Thirty Years' War and became a haven for robbers. Now these are fabulous ruins in a dense forest. You can climb them only via a steep staircase in a narrow rock tunnel. A stunning panorama will open from the top of the rocks.


Falkenstein rock castle

Rock castle Falkenštejn is one of popular places in the Bohemian Switzerland park. Unlike Schaunstein, everything here remains as it was.


The Kamenice River flows in a deep gorge. In two places, Tichá soutěska and Divoká soutěska, it is blocked by dams. Here you can take a boat ride among the high rocks, see trout under the rocks, admire the fantastic stone figures and the huge artificial waterfall.

Sucha Kamenice

Sucha Kamenice is a small stream that flows into the Laba. Its valley is beautiful in spring and autumn when there is water. Many waterfalls rustling between majestic rocks, the riverbed seems to be paved with paving stones. When there is no water, silence reigns here.

mouse hole

Mouse Hole (Myší díra) is the name given to the narrow staircase that leads to the top of the cliff. Back in the 19th century, many tourists came to climb the Mouse Hole.


Do you know where Czech crystal is made? The world-famous “Bohemian glass” is made in the village of Chřibská. It is here that glass production is located, the oldest in Europe (XV century).

Dolski Mlyn

Dolský Mlyn

Ruins of the medieval mill Dolský Mlýn – romantic place, lost in the forest. Several centuries ago the mill occupied an important position.

Ružovsky Vrh

Ruzhov Hill (Růžovský vrch) is a huge basalt volcanic cone. Hans Christian Andersen, who visited these places several times, called this mountain “Czech Fuji.” Although there are no tourist attractions on the hill, there are many observation points from which the views are stunning. beautiful nature.

Belvedere observation deck

The Belvedere observation deck (skalní vyhlídka Belvedér) is a huge stone terrace that seems to hang over the canyon of the Laba River. It is located at an altitude of 130 meters from the river level and is located near the town of Khrzhensko.

In 1640, a forester who killed two wolves carved his story on a stone slab. For a long time, the Wolf Board (Vlci deska) was covered with a spruce tree that grew on it. But one day during a storm, a tree fell and the slab opened. Now we can find out the story of a successful hunt. The road to the board leads through the beautiful Kiyovska Valley, the canyon of the Krinitsa River.

Silver mines

Silver was previously mined in the ancient mines in Jiřetín pod Jedlova. Today you can put on a real miner's helmet with a flashlight and go down into the amazing world of the dungeon.

How to get to Czech Switzerland

By car

First head towards the town of Decin and then Hrzensko. You can park your car there and continue sightseeing on foot.

By public transport

Take the train to Decin and then head towards Hrzensko by bus number 434. See the schedule with departure times and ticket prices.

On a boat

The motor ship on the Elbe River departs from Decin and Dresden. See more details. But keep in mind that you will have to walk about a kilometer to the pier, and then the same distance from the final stop to Khrzhensko.

How do I save on hotels?

It's very simple - look not only on booking. I prefer the search engine RoomGuru. He searches for discounts simultaneously on Booking and on 70 other booking sites.

Even 2 weeks before the trip to the Czech Republic, I began to plan some kind of 2-day trip to nature. After some information gathering, I chose the option of Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland.
Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland are essentially one natural complex sandstone cliffs and gorges, caught in two neighboring countries: Czech Republic and Germany (Saxony). Those. Czech Switzerland turns out to be the gateway to another Switzerland, even more picturesque: Saxon, i.e. to Germany.
First of all, I booked rooms at the Labe Hotel on the website
This hotel is located in the town of Hrensko.
You can also choose other hotels there. You can see the list here -
Czech Switzerland Hotels, pensions:
My friend and I first traveled from Prague by train to Decin.
You can, for example, take the EuroCity 178 Johannes Brahms train at 6:31 and be there at 8 am
in Decin, and from there by bus about 20-25 minutes and on the spot in Grzensko
And the whole day is ahead!
For reference, the train to Decin costs 165 CZK (if you book in advance, as I understand it
it will cost even less) The exchange rate at that time was 1 euro = 25 crowns.
All information on trains and buses can and should be found on the website -

Here is the Labe Hotel. The bus stops almost 40 meters from the hotel.

In general, we checked into a hotel. I took 2 numbers. I really liked the layout - there was access from 2 rooms to one balcony.

A couple of panoramic shots

In Grzhensko there is practically one road and along it there are guesthouses, restaurants, many shops and a lot of shops where the Vietnamese sell their goods.
In general, the Czech Republic is overrun with Vietnamese. They sell all sorts of cheap consumer goods in all
Czech cities. And the Vietnamese turned out to be quite impudent. When I was walking around Grzhensko, one Vietnamese lady, furious that I was not reacting to her product, hit me on the legs with a stick.

Here you can see Hotel Prague- probably the most expensive hotel here in this place

Such a small square in this Grzensko

Houses are located under rocks - but when it rains heavily, there may be a rock collapse

Country idyll

Road along the Elbe. Germany is on the other side

On the other side is the German side (train station). On the Czech side you can see part of the ferry on which we will cross to the other side tomorrow.

On the road along which we arrived by bus there are Duty Free shops.
The border is with Germany after all. Prices are really lower than, for example, in Prague.

We ate and drank beer in one of the many restaurants and then continued on our way
lay in the Pravčicka brane.

Read the continuation.

One of the oldest and most famous nature reserves is Czech Switzerland. These lands were first discovered by Swiss and German artists. This happened back in the era of romanticism. A hundred years later, Czech Switzerland was declared a national park. This is the fourth national park in the Czech Republic. In this article we will find out how to get to the national park, and some information about the place.

Territory of the Czech Switzerland park

Guesthouses and restaurants are located within the park. They are strewn along hiking paths and cycling routes. Falcon's Nest Castle and Pravchitsky Gate are the most famous places. The latter are generally a symbol of the whole region. This is the largest natural rock gate. They are absolutely rightfully considered the most beautiful part of Czech Switzerland. The base of the gate is twenty-six and a half meters, the width is seven to eight meters, the height of the arch is sixteen meters, the minimum thickness is three meters, and the most high platform is located from the base at a height of twenty-one meters. Can be compared in importance to the Great American Canyon.

To visit the Czech Republic and ignore the Pravcicka Gate is simply a crime. They are inextricably linked with the Falcon's Nest residence. Just think, on the site of the castle until 1881 there was a small oak house and a beer hall. And today it is one of the main points on the map of the route through the reserve. Imagine an easy but long climb, and then you enjoy golden Czech beer and look at the country lying under your feet. The spirit of the Middle Ages is felt at the expense of Dolsky Mlyn, the ruins of a medieval mill. There is a small, inconspicuous bridge nearby, but it very much attracts the attention of tourists. After all, this is the first reinforced concrete structure in Austro-Hungary. Lovers of antiquity and castles will also have something to see.

Visit the ancient rock castle of Falkenstein. Together with Schaunstein Castle, Falkenstein is the most famous, and after visiting it there are a lot of positive impressions. Of course, we cannot ignore Czech crystal, which is called “Bohemian”. However, it is not produced in Bohemia, but in Czech Switzerland. The oldest glass factory still in operation in Europe is located in the village of Hřipska. It was founded around the 1500s, and maybe earlier. Excursions there are very popular. Tourists are very interested to know how this ancient production works.

Park opening hours:

The reserve is open to visitors all year round:

  • April - October from 10:00 to 18:00,
  • November - March weekends from 10:00 to 16:00.

*Entrance ticket to the reserve costs 50 CZK. It is also possible to purchase additional excursions on site, which are paid separately.

Excursion “Canoeing along Edmund's Gorge” duration 15-20 minutes, price 80 CZK for adults, 40 CZK for children.

How to get from Prague to Czech Switzerland

Czech Switzerland by train from Prague. In Prague you need to buy a ticket to the town of Děčín. Next you will need to make a transfer at the station by bus to the Hřensko stop. This is actually the final point. Bus number No. 434