What is interesting in Almaty. Almaty: interesting places, prices, reviews

She is depicted on postcards with the sights of Almaty, and in 2011 she was recorded on the five thousand dollar bill. Hotel "Kazakhstan" is one of the main symbols of the apple city. The building became iconic soon after its construction: in Soviet times, lamps were even made that resembled the shape of a hotel building. It was a very large-scale architectural project of the 70s, and until 2008 it remained the tallest building in Almaty. The hotel is considered the most earthquake-resistant facility, as it can withstand an earthquake of up to 10 points. It is curious that the building's calling card - a crown at the very top - was not even planned initially. This design was conceived in order to hide small unevenness in the roof. At one time, the hotel even housed the city's largest casino. From the windows of “Kazakhstan” you can see a magnificent panorama of the snowy peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

Address: Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 52/2
Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 91 01, +7 727 291 02

Almaty metro

All Almaty residents know that the metro has become the most global and longest construction project in the city. Construction of the metro began in 1988, but financial difficulties prevented the project from being realized for a long time. And only on December 1, 2011, local residents and guests of the city were able to appreciate this type of transport. Nine stations of the Almaty metro have a unique architectural style, decorated with granite and marble; at some stations you can see stained glass. Despite the fact that there are still only a few stations, they have an individual style and perfectly represent the national flavor.

Address: Almaty, Abay Ave., st. Gogol or Raiymbek Ave.

Pedestrian street Panfilov

Today pedestrianized street Panfilova paves the way from GATOB to Arbat. This is the first public space of this type in Kazakhstan. Architect Roman Shneiderman was inspired by the Las Ramblas in Barcelona. On a hot day, you can hide here in the shade of the alleys, or on weekends meet with friends at the nearby cafes. For kids there are futuristic playgrounds. The street runs in the historical center, so while walking, you may not notice how you find yourself in the area of ​​​​the old Arbat. Now he too has changed. Instead of paintings by street artists, there are paved paths and orderly rows of benches. On weekends there is a crafts fair. In the 90s, people came here to buy audio cassettes with recordings of their favorite bands, young rockers and punks spent time with guitars here, home-grown poets and artists painted pictures and read poems, life was in full swing here. Today there are no music kiosks here, but everything else is the same: a creative spirit reigns here, so attractive to both locals and visitors to the city.

State Museum of Art named after. Kasteeva

Museum of Art. Kasteeva represents the architecture of the 70s. This is the largest art complex in the country. Priceless collections of samples of national and world culture by masters of the past and present are collected here. The number of exhibits in the main fund of the museum is more than 23,000 units. The museum regularly hosts exhibitions of contemporary avant-garde and classical artists from around the world. Kasteevka allows the visitor to get acquainted with both the richest Kazakh national culture, to feel it through objects of art, and with the art of countries near and far abroad.

Address: Almaty, microdistrict. Koktem-3, 22/1
Phone for inquiries: +7 727 394 57 15
Ticket price: from 200 tenge

Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Museums such as the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments named after. There are only a few of Ykylas in the world, but for Almaty residents he is another source of pride. This is one of the few buildings of the Vernen era, located in the park of 28 Panfilov guards. The building resembles a cathedral in the style of ancient Russian architecture, which was built according to the design of the famous architect A.P. Zenkov. The museum contains a unique collection of not only Kazakh national musical instruments, but also the most exotic instruments from other countries. The museum's exposition features 297 musical exhibits, and the fund houses about 2,000 more. Museum guests will be able to see musical instruments of the Turkic peoples and peoples of the world, the most ancient of which have been restored and recreated thanks to preserved written sources and ethnographic descriptions.

Address: Almaty, st. Zenkova, 24A
Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 63 16, +7 727 291 63 37
Ticket price: 150-650 tenge


Presidential Park

The park named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has 12,000 trees, among which 3,000 are only coniferous species. At the entrance to the park, visitors are greeted by an arcade of decorative columns. Upon entering the park, the first thing you notice is the huge fountain complex. With the onset of summer nights, the fountains become “singing.” A little further in the park you can find monuments, fragrant rose beds, themed corners and observation decks, which offers incredible views of the city. The park often hosts apple festivals and fairs.

Address: Almaty, Dulati Ave., 1/1
Phone: +7 707 371 2138
the entrance is free

Central Park of Culture and Leisure

The oldest park of culture and recreation was founded in 1856. The park began as a place for walks and recreation for officers of the Vernensky garrison. There are so many entertainments here that they will appeal to any age: a water park, an amusement park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, a dino park, dozens of cafes, sports grounds and even a stadium. In the depths of the park there is a reservoir where you can take romantic walks on catamarans, admiring the mountains.

Address: Almaty, st. Gogol, 1
Phone: + 7 727 382 27 52, +7 727 382 30 82
the entrance is free

Depo Evolution Park

Some Almaty residents associate their childhood and youth with trams, when the carriages slowly moved straight along the green Komsomolskaya (now Tole Bi). Now there are no trams; along with them, it’s as if part of that history, some particularly nostalgic one, has gone away. But the tram depot remains. True, in an unusual form - the first youth loft center Depo Evolution Park opened in its place. City festivals are often held here, there is a co-working center, a volunteer movement center, a center for young artists, a youth resource center with a branch of the dormitory supervision center and a center for working with rural youth, a workout-center and much more. Bright graffiti and street art will be an excellent backdrop for any photo.

Address: Almaty, st. Baitursynova, 22
Phone numbers for inquiries: + 7 72 279 30 34, + 7 727 279 12 27
the entrance is free

Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

The park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen is one of the most popular Almaty recreation parks. It was founded in the 70s. XIX century on the site of the village cemetery, which is why it was originally called Starokladbishchensky Park. On the Memory Alley in the park there are obelisks with the names of 28 Panfilov heroes who survived the unequal battle with the Germans. In the center of the park is the Eternal Flame, at the foot of which Almaty residents and guests of the city lay flowers and wreaths in memory of those killed in the Patriotic War. There are also several historical monuments the beginning and middle of the 20th century, including the Ascension Cathedral, built without a single nail, the House of Officers, the Museum of Musical Instruments and the ARTiSHOK theater, beloved by Almaty residents.

Address: Almaty, intersection of st. Gogol and st. Pushkin
the entrance is free

Botanical Garden

In the southern part of Almaty there is one of the cult places - the Botanical Garden. The garden occupies a huge area - 103.6 hectares. Here you can not only hide from the bustle of the city, but also expand your knowledge about botany. The botanical garden was founded in 1932, but has not yet lost its popularity. Newlyweds often come here for colorful photos for a long memory, they arrange photo sessions, fans of healthy lifestyle go for morning and evening jogging, mothers walk with strollers and enjoy the silence inside this green paradise, and sometimes art events take place here. Sometimes pharmacist students are brought here to introduce them to the medicinal herbs growing here, and marriage proposals are often made in the Japanese garden. In the center of the botanical garden there is a greenhouse - a kind of oasis of rare plants.

Address: Almaty, st. Timiryazeva, 36d
Phone for inquiries: +7 727 394 80 40
Ticket price: 300 tenge

Almaty Zoo

In the eastern part of the city there is a zoo - one of the favorite vacation spots of Almaty residents and guests. southern capital. They are attracted here by the opportunity to communicate with wild animals - the inhabitants of the zoo, walk in silence along the shady alleys, and feel like they are part of this wild world. The zoo was opened in 1935 through the efforts of hunter and expert on Semirechye Murzakhan Tolebaev and famous children's writer Maxim Zverev. Enthusiasts were personally involved in catching representatives of the domestic fauna for our zoo, and negotiated with Moscow, Ashgabat, Leningrad zoos. In the year of its foundation, the zoo was replenished with 70 species of animals. A pair of Indian elephants was given to the zoo in 1955 by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The most famous baby elephant, Batyr, born to this couple, learned to pronounce his name with his trunk. Today in the zoo you can see 310 species and 2781 specimens of animals.

Address: Almaty, st. Esenberlina, 166
Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 37 16, + 7 727 291 37 85
Ticket price: 200 tenge (children), 700 tenge (adult)


The date of birth of the Almaty circus is July 24, 1970. It was a gift for the 50th anniversary of the Kazakh SSR and the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. The building is designed for 2,160 seats and from the outside it resembles a traditional nomadic dwelling - a yurt. The Almaty Circus has toured abroad several times - in Cuba, Mongolia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, etc. Today it is a distinctive cultural layer of domestic art. The circus has received the largest awards international festivals and competitions in Rome, Warsaw, Monte Carlo, Izhevsk, Moscow. Thanks to him, Kazakhstan is among the ten most developed circus countries.

Address: Almaty, Abay Ave., 50
Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 394 49 11, +7 727 394 49 03
Ticket price: from 3000 tenge

Kok Tobe

Kok Tobe Park is one of the main attractions of the city of Almaty. At an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, high in the mountains, a truly stunning view of the picturesque landscapes of the Trans-Ili Alatau and the city surrounded by greenery opens up. From 1967 to the present day, the park has functioned as a recreation place with restaurant complexes, attractions, a zoo, an exotarium, souvenir pavilions and a Ferris wheel. In summer, the park receives two thousand visitors daily. There is a free funicular ride for people with disabilities. The pride of the park is the monument to the legendary Liverpool group the Beatles. The bench depicting musicians in Kok Tobe Park became the only composition in the world in which all members of the group are represented. How about looking at the city from the top of a cable car? AFISHA.kz tip: try coming here at sunset to see the city bathed in the warmth of the evening sun. The impressions will be unforgettable.

Address: Almaty, st. Omarova, 41
Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 272 77 77, +7 702 000 44 88
Ticket price: 2000 tenge (round trip cable car)


The Medeu ice skating rink, located at an altitude of 1691.2 meters above sea level, is the calling card of Almaty. It was erected in 1972. In the summer, the skating rink hosts all kinds of music festivals, awards and flash mobs. A dam was also built here to protect the city from mudflows that form on the peaks of the Western Tien Shan. It is difficult to find an Almaty resident who has not been here at least once in his life. Winter or summer - it doesn't matter, this place has magic at any time of the year. There is also a “health ladder”, consisting of 842 steps. Get up and look around: amazing things are just around the corner!

Address: Almaty, st. Gornaya, 465
Phone for inquiries: +7 727 232 68 48
Ticket price: climbing the stairs is free


At the Shymbulak ski resort you can have fun not only in winter, but also in summer. It is located just above the Medeo skating rink. There is also a cable car here that leads directly to the peaks of the Tien Shan Mountains. The ascent does not occur immediately, but in three stages, so it is better to buy tickets for all three lifts in advance if you want to climb to the very top. It is necessary to take care of warm clothes in advance, since even in summer the temperature at the highest point is about 10-12 degrees. The second and third stages here are called Combi-1 and Combi-2. A ride on the funicular will give you a lot of beautiful scenery and opportunities for good photographs; the cabin has open windows - take photos to your heart's content. Then these photos will warm you with memories of such a beautiful, warm and sunny Almaty!

Address: Almaty, st. Gornaya, 640
Phone: +7 727 331 7777, +7 727 330 90 51
Ticket price: 1000 - 3500 tenge



The small Tulebaev Street, located right in the center of the historical “golden square”, was the ultimate dream of any Almaty resident in Soviet times. Previously, it was impossible to buy apartments in this area: they were given out only for special merits to figures in science, culture, and art. This area is also notable for the fact that the filming of some locations of the legendary film by Rashid Nugmanov “Igla” took place precisely on the Tulebaiki alley. The final scene with Viktor Tsoi was captured here. Today, at this place there are granite plaques with the lyrics of the songs of the cult musician, and on the legend’s birthday (June 21), the world’s only full-length monument to a rock performer appeared.

Address: Almaty, st. Tulebaeva

Almaty and the surrounding region are rich in beautiful terrain, regardless of the time of year. We have compiled eleven weekend itineraries - for those who want variety and new experiences.

Issyk (another name of the lake is Esik, which means “door” in Kazakh) is a picturesque, high-mountain lake surrounded by unusually beautiful nature dense forests and wide flower fields. The lake is located at an altitude of 1760 meters above sea level, in the Issyk gorge of the Trans-Ili Alatau, approximately 70 km east of Almaty.

Here you can also visit the Issyk burial mound of the 4th-5th centuries. BC. and the place where a Saka warrior was found, dressed in armor and golden clothes, who later became a symbol of Kazakhstan.

  • To destination: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • Bring with you: packed lunch, water, warm clothes, sneakers, spare shoes, raincoat, sunglasses
  • Location: 70.5 km from the city along the Kuldzhinsky tract in Esik

The amazingly beautiful Bartogai Reservoir is located 186 km from Almaty in the tract of the same name in the floodplain of the Chilik River between the Toraigyr and Sogetty mountains, blocked by a 60-meter high rock-fill dam 60 meters high and 330 meters long with a complex of culverts.

Fishermen can fish, and lovers of outdoor picnics can relax in the shade of trees in a small grove, where there are tables and benches specially for this purpose.

  • To destination: 2 hours 40 minutes
  • Location: 194 km from the city along the Kuldzhinsky tract towards the village. Kokpek

A place of extraordinary beauty is located in the Ile-Alatau region natural park, not far from the Ak-kaiyn sanatorium. After passing the sanatorium, you will find yourself in a birch grove. If you turn left, a beautiful meadow and apple orchards will open in front of you.

  • To destination: 20 minutes
  • Bring with you: packed lunch, warm clothes, sneakers, raincoat, hat, sunglasses
  • Location: 9 km from the intersection of Dostyk and Al-Farabi avenues

On the way to BAO, you should turn onto the path behind the Alpine Rose hotel and after 30 minutes you can get to the Chukur gorge.

It is not so popular among tourists, so here nature is in its most pristine form, there are almost no people. You will have a magnificent panoramic view of the mountains, meadow and waterfall. Here you can organize a picnic for one day.

  • To destination: 30 minutes
  • Bring with you: packed lunch, water, warm clothes, sneakers, raincoat, hat, sunglasses
  • Location: 1.5 km from the Alpine Rose Hotel

Unexplored desert terrain beckons amazing buildings from clay deposits - “Valley of Castles”, “Vedmino”, “Zendan”. Towards evening, the canyon walls turn red and begin to shimmer with amazing colors. The Charyn River flows near the canyon, originating from the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau, near which you can stop for a picnic and freshen up. In addition to the poplars, tamarisk and reeds growing around, there is also a famous ash grove.

  • To destination: 4 hours
  • Bring with you: glasses, hat, sunscreen, packed lunch, water (1.5-2 liters per person), comfortable shoes
  • Location: 200 km from the city

The lake is surrounded by Tien Shan spruce, aspen, juniper and mountain peaks.
Just above the lake you can see the space station - highest point BAO (3200 meters above sea level) and the observatory, which you can visit if you wish. Summer is the way to go amazing place mountain biking is a real challenge for extreme sports enthusiasts. It is impossible to swim in the lake, since even on the hottest day the water temperature does not exceed eight degrees.

  • To destination: 1.5 hours
  • Bring with you: packed lunches, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, hat, water
  • Location: within the Alatau-Ilisky National Park. Height - 2510 meters above sea level

Favorite place for divers in Kazakhstan. Kayindy is considered one of the most inaccessible places due to its location in the thick of the forest and the lack of a road. The birch forest that once stood in this place is now flooded and trees grow right in the middle of the lake, making the lake so attractive to tourists. The color of the water often changes due to minerals and lime. If you get closer to the water, it turns out to be crystal clear and you can see the preserved branches of trees under water and the trout that were released here in 1930.

  • To destination: 7 hours
  • Bring with you: packed rations, warm clothes, boots or sneakers, spare shoes, raincoat
  • Location: 280 km from the city, of which 190 are on the highway; in one of the Kungei gorgesAlatau

The largest of the known singing dunes reaches three kilometers in length and 150 meters in height. It is unique not only for its ability to “sing”, but also for its location - in the area among stone mountains. You can hear singing by rolling down from the top of the dune in dry weather. The hum is similar to the music of an organ, and it appears due to friction between grains of sand, as a result of which they are electrified and vibration occurs.

  • To destination: 3 hours
  • Bring with you: mats, packed lunches, polyethylene (for extreme descent from the dune).
  • Location: 182 km from Almaty, on the territory of the Altyn-Emel nature reserve.

Photo: Evgeny Karimov

Turgen Gorge - enough popular place among the residents of Almaty. It is easy to get to, and most importantly, there are many different attractions. For example, ostrich farm, Bear Falls, museum under open air, trout farming and more.

  • To destination: 2.5-3 hours
  • Bring with you: appropriate shoes (comfortable, non-slip soles), insect repellent spray
  • Location: 70 km from Almaty, you can get there in two ways: along the Kuldzhinskaya highway and along the Talgar highway

The high mountain plateau of Assy is also called Assy-Turgen. The plateau is located at an altitude of almost 3000 meters above sea level. It is incredibly beautiful here, especially in the summer. On the upper platform of the plateau, an astrophysics observatory was built, in which one of the largest telescopes in the world is installed.

  • To destination: 2.5 hours
  • Bring with you: warm clothes, a thermos with hot tea, a blanket
  • Location: 100 km east of Almaty

Here on the rocks many petroglyphs, images of mysterious deities, and late Buddhist inscriptions have been preserved. In addition to Buddhist drawings, there is a stone with ancient Turkic runic writings of the 8th-9th centuries.

There are several theories about the origin of rock inscriptions. According to one version, during an earthquake a large piece of rock broke off and fell to the ground; one of the Buddhist missions that stopped on the banks of the Ili River took this as a sign. They painted three images of Buddha on the broken part of the rock - Buddha Shakyamuni, Buddha of Limitless Light Amitabha and Bodhisattva of Infinite Compassion Avalokiteshvara.

  • To destination: 2 hours
  • Bring with you: water, hats to protect from sun rays, light snack
  • Location: tract near the Ili River, 120 km north of the city of Almaty

Beautiful green City- Almaty. It is otherwise called the “garden city,” and for good reason. Wide streets, beautiful buildings, numerous parks, squares and fountains - all of this is surrounded by greenery. When visiting Almaty, it seems as if you are in a fairy tale.


At first the city was a small military fortification. It was founded in the mid-19th century and was called Verny. For 60 years, starting in 1927, it was And even when Astana became the capital, this city remained the cultural center of the state. It still attracts guests from all over the world, despite the fact that it is quite expensive and the environmental situation in it is quite difficult.

You can get to Almaty by plane, since it is located about 4000 km from Moscow. You can also get to this city by train if you come from the border areas.


Despite the fact that many people associate the city of Almaty and Kazakhstan in general with endless steppes, the city is quite modern, with developed infrastructure. Here you can find entertainment for every taste. Where to go in Almaty if this is your first time here? It's worth starting with sightseeing.

They amaze with their beauty and unusualness. So where to go in Almaty if this is your first time in this city? At an altitude of 1100 meters, the hilly terrain of Kok-Tobe is one of the most breathtaking attractions. You can get there in several ways: by cable car, on foot or by minibus. You can take the cable car to the famous hill from the station located on Dostyk Avenue, behind the Arman cinema. Now it’s clear where to go hiking in Almaty. This hilly area offers an amazing panorama of the city and mountains. When the lighting with multi-colored lights turns on at night, from this vantage point you can contemplate the beautiful night Almaty. At the very top you can see a wishing fountain, which is shaped like an apple. You can also visit a children's playground and a climbing wall there.

Fans of the legendary group The Beatles can contemplate a monument to the musicians, one of a kind.

The Memorial of Glory, the Alley of Memory and the Eternal Flame are located in the Park of 28 Panfilov Men, which is located across the street from the Otrar Hotel. The heroes who died during the Second World War in the Battle of Moscow are not forgotten. Their memory is immortalized in the form of 28 monuments that are installed on the Alley of Memory. Everyone comes to honor the memory of the dead: both locals and tourists. You can always see fresh flowers near the monument.

Holy Ascension Cathedral and mosque

The most special monument is the Holy Ascension Orthodox Cathedral, which was built in 1840. It was designed by A. Zenkov. His main feature is that it was erected without a single nail. The magnificent paintings on the walls and the rich interior dazzle with their beauty. It is also surprising that this cathedral survived a very strong earthquake.

The largest mosque in Kazakhstan is located in the center of Almaty. It is designed for 7 thousand visitors. The central mosque has been open since 1999. Where can tourists go in Almaty if not to the Islamic center of Kazakhstan?

Shot Valikhanov and his team erected an incomparable structure, which is a decoration of Republic Square. A tamed winged leopard, controlled by a golden man, soars majestically in the sky of the southern capital.


Fans of painting are welcome at the Central State Museum and Museum visual arts A. Kasteeva. Here you can see extensive collections of a wide variety of artists. You can learn more about the jewelry art of Kazakhstan at the Museum of Gold and Precious Metals. And art lovers will find many art galleries in this city.

Skating rink "Medeo"

About a couple of tens of kilometers from the city there is a crevice in which the most famous high-mountain skating rink, Medeo, is located. It was built in 1972. It is not for nothing that “Medeo” is considered the best skating rink in the world, because here nature has created the best conditions: mild climate, optimal level of solar radiation, good weather and ice, which is made from crystal clear water.

The high-mountain complex stands on an arena, which is located on a reinforced concrete slab, and 170 km of pipes are laid under it to prevent the ice from melting. Where to go in Almaty in the summer if you want winter experiences and go ice skating? Of course, to the Medeo skating rink!


Since 1954, the high mountain mountain has been open to tourists. ski resort, which is located in the Chimbulak gorge at an altitude of 2200-2500 m. There is a slalom descent with a length of 1500 m and a downhill descent with a length of 3500 m, which originates in the Talga Pass. And the list variety of entertainment makes Shymbulak an ideal place for a family holiday.

Fountains of Almaty city

Another feature of the southern capital is the huge number of fountains that can be found throughout the city. The largest is located in the First President's Park, which is designed for quiet recreation in nature. Celebration various events also takes place here. There is also an opportunity to make up for the lack of positive emotions by simply launching a sky lantern in the park. If all the sights have been explored and the cuisine of Kazakhstan has been tried, then where can you go in Almaty with friends? Organizing a picnic in the First President's Park is what you need to diversify your vacation.

Circus and Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Where to go in Almaty with children? Of course, to the circus. You can get into an amazing and breathtaking world by coming to the circus. A performance in such a place is always fabulous magic for a child. Even an adult will be absorbed by the festive atmosphere with music, colorful costumes and special circus acts.

And music fans can visit the State Museum of Folk Musical Instruments. It was created in 1980. Kazakh folk instruments were brought from all over the world and exhibited in this museum. Zhyrau and composers played them. Where is the museum? Finding it will be quite easy. Head to Zenkova 24. It is located in a wooden building built in traditional Russian style.

Underground shopping center

If you want to visit something unusual, then the First underground shopping center in Almaty will amaze your imagination. It can be found at the intersection of Satpayev and Furmanov streets. For those who like to walk around shopping centers this one will come in handy. This complex is huge. It has six emergency exits, rooms for shelter from fire and all the necessary equipment in case of an emergency. All premises of the complex are located on an area of ​​25 thousand square meters.

Ballet and Opera Theater named after. Abaya: description

Art lovers and those who want to join the culture of another people will enjoy the Ballet and Opera Theatre. Abaya.

Kazakhstan aims to ensure that both locals and tourists become involved in art. Therefore, performances are held and organized here on the theater stage, which are aimed at raising the level of culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Tickets can be purchased at the box office at a fairly reasonable price. The city has developed a special state program, which is aimed at the harmonious education and development of personality, as well as educating young people by introducing them to the world classics of opera and ballet.

For lovers of theatrical performances, the theater will give a lot of positive impressions. This establishment was opened in January 1934. The theater is located on Kabanbay Batyr Street, building 110.

Exhibitions in Almaty

Where should a tourist who loves art and admires painting go? At Atakent-Expo. The complex was built during the Soviet era and was previously called VDNKh. Atakent has many buildings, some of which are used for business offices. Also on the territory you can find the Bakshasaray celebration hall.

Another sports attraction is the Sunkar ski jump complex. The beautiful building can be seen from afar.

Since 2006, the Zhailau golf resort has been open to all golf lovers.

The Almaty Metro has been operating relatively recently. It was opened in December 2011. But very beautiful architecture The metro makes it another wonderful attraction of the southern capital.

Roma Caffe

When all the sightseeing has already been completed and all you want is to just relax in a pleasant atmosphere, the question arises: where to go in Almaty in the evening? Of course, in good restaurant or a cafe.

Roma Caffe opened relatively recently. This is a very unusual restaurant for locals. The Italian accent on the menu makes it even more unusual for visitors. A very eclectic menu has been developed, which includes homemade pasta and veal medallions. And if in the evening it is very difficult to choose where to go in Almaty, then an unusual and new place will be very useful. Having been here once, you will definitely return here.

"Territory of Wine"

Where to go in Almaty? IN Lately many are interested in developing a culture of proper wine consumption in Kazakhstan, so if you want to learn more about it, you can visit the “Wine Territory”, where master classes and tastings of the aromatic drink will be organized. A very interesting place with an unusual interior. The establishment has a heavy table weighing 120 kg in the center. It is suspended on cables and gives the impression of flying. Bottle-shaped lamps will leave an indelible impression of this establishment.

United Coffee: description

Another place you can go to in Almaty is called United Coffee. It is also worth a visit. This is a coffee shop that breaks the stereotype that such establishments do not offer high-quality and tasty food. In this coffee shop, located in the central part of the city, you can taste a hearty and original breakfast.

But the main advantage of this establishment is its wide selection of coffee, and of the highest class. Here you can satisfy the taste of the most sophisticated coffee lover; for example, you can order a cappuccino with black currant.

Bar "Pinta" is a good place to relax with a group of people

Where to go in Almaty if you want to relax with a large and noisy group? There are several establishments to suit every taste.

It is worth visiting the very popular Pinta bar, which will delight you not only with delicious alcohol, but also with a wonderful atmosphere.

Difficulties due to a lack of available seats may arise on weekends, and if you want to stay late, it is better to order a taxi in advance so as not to have to walk home.


So, you can see that Almaty is a very diverse city that attracts tourists from all over the world. Be it family people, a noisy group, or single tourists - everyone will find a place to their liking. And the most important thing is that the fabulous landscape of the southern capital will remain in the memory for a long time; you will want to come here again and again.

Hi all! Anastasia Yusupova is with you.
In the article I will talk about the Attractions of Almaty for tourists
and local residents. ABOUT most beautiful places, city and surrounding areas.

Recently, I spoke on Skype with a person from Russia. She told me that I was blogging about my favorite city, that I was preparing an article about the sights of Almaty.

This man was very surprised... He thought that in Kazakhstan we only have endless steppes and, in principle, there is nothing to look at. If for some reason you think the same, in this article I will try to show how beautiful our Republic is. In particular Almaty and its surroundings.

First, I’ll tell you about the sights of the city itself. For guests who are passing through and for those who do not have much time. Then, I’ll tell you and show you the most beautiful places outside the city, for those who are ready for exciting adventures.
So read the article to the end!

Top attractions in Almaty

Now, as vividly as possible, I will imagine myself as a tourist who has recently arrived in Almaty and has already found a place to live for the duration of his stay in the city.

So, as a tourist visiting Almaty for the first time, I would like to know:

  1. What can I see in the first few days, if I’m passing through, for example, for 2-3 days
  2. Which attractions should you visit first?
  3. Where to go if I still have time and desire for longer excursions.

I will try to answer all these questions as detailed and accessible as possible.

It is worth noting that in our city, interesting places They are located quite compactly, in “islands” so to speak, and if you are in a hurry, you can visit several places at once.

For example, moving along Gogol (Pushkin) street, you can pass through the 28 Panfilovtsev Park and visit the museum Musical instruments and look into the Palace of Officers, where rare exhibits from the times of the Great Patriotic War are stored. There in the Park there is the famous Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension. And not far from the park, the Puppet Theater is located, at the intersection of Pushkin and Gogol streets.

If you follow further along Gogol, without turning anywhere, towards the general flow (Gogol is now one-way), you will just come across Gorky Park. The walk will take about 30 minutes, maybe less, depending on how fast you go.

1. Gorky Park - the central park of culture and recreation

A classic of the genre for lovers of quiet walks in picturesque places. Shady alleys, a pond with a fountain, benches. Both children and adults will enjoy relaxing in Gorky Park.
There is a children's area with many attractions and a real zoo.

Gorky Park on Instagram:

2. Koktobe Amusement and Recreation Park

Classics are classics, but Almaty is still famous for the beauty of its mountains. And it is simply impossible to miss a visit to Koktobe Park, which is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. In addition, it is located quite close to both Gorky Park and 28 Panfilovtsev Park.

We will go up there by cable car to fully enjoy the beautiful views.

To get to the Koktobe landing station, we must get to Dostyk Avenue, the exact address is Dostyk, 104B. If you take a taxi, you can tell the taxi driver that you need the Arman cinema. By the way, it can also be considered a tourist attraction. This is the first cinema that was built in Almaty and operates until today. Also, for reference, I’ll say that the Koktobe cable station is located a little higher than the street. Abaya. (Dostyk Avenue intersects with Abay Street)

If you are not looking for easy ways, you can get to the park by a specialized bus. The bus station is located at st. Omarova, 41.
And you will most likely have to get to Omarova 41 by taxi, via the Eastern Bypass Road.

In Koktobe Park you can have a great time for adults and children, couples in love and single bachelors. It is here that pop stars often perform.
From here you can see the whole city at a glance. This is one of those places where you get unique photographs. Many photo zones await you in Koktobe. Come, you won't regret it.

Even more information:

Continuing the theme of the most beautiful mountain landscapes, we are approaching the next attraction of Almaty.

3. Medeo - high mountain sports complex

One of the main attractions of Almaty can rightfully be considered the Medeo ski resort. In addition to the fact that Medeo is architectural monument national significance, it ranks first in terms of ice field size in the whole world. You can get there quite quickly and inexpensively by bus.

IN winter time you can go ice skating there. If you go a little higher, to Shymbulak, there are trails for skiers and snowboarders.
In the warm season, Medeo is transformed. It becomes so beautiful there that it is difficult to describe in words.

The path to Medeo also runs along Dostyk Avenue. Bus number 12 goes from the stop Dostyk Ave. - ug. st. Kurmangazy, every day from 7:00 to 23:00.

A place where you want to return again and again. Fresh air, beautiful flower beds, singing fountains and a stunning view of the mountains. Perfect place for relaxation and walks.

Presidential Park is exactly the opposite of Gorky Park, and is located at the other end of the city, along Al-Farabi Avenue (intersection of Navoi Street). The park has a huge territory, but there is no children's play area.

If you are going for a walk in Presidential Park with children, think in advance about what you will do to keep them occupied. It is known that children do not like long walks, but they can chase, say, their glider for at least an hour. You can take a ball or crayons for drawing on the asphalt; if you have a glider at home, you can take it.

By the way, I have a separate detailed article about all the parks in Almaty with descriptions and addresses. Here . Be sure to check it out.

If after a walk through the Presidential Park you still have some energy left, you can go down to the Central State Museum. For this, on the street. Al-Farabi take bus 63 or 86. These buses will go straight all the time and only turn towards Furmanov (the new name is Nazarbayev Avenue). Immediately after the turn, you will need to get off at the first stop. The stop is called telephone network management. Then you will have to go down along Nazarbayev Avenue on foot. On the right you will see a large building with blue roofs - this is the treasured museum.

5. Central State Museum

In fact, there are many different museums in Almaty. I focus specifically on the Central State Museum, since many halls dedicated to different topics provide an excellent opportunity to see everything in one place. Starting from the animals inhabiting our open spaces and ending with the culture and art of the Kazakh people. In addition, there are art exhibitions, a hall modern history and much more.

Central State Museum in Almaty

So, the places listed above do not require special preparation to visit. Getting to them is easy and quick. All you need is your desire.

Next we will talk about more exotic places. The road to them takes much longer. These trips should be planned in advance, as they require some preparation. These are so-called one-day tours.

6. Big Almaty Lake - abbreviated as BAO

photo of BAO from Instagram user witcher_yeti

The most beautiful place high in the mountains. Definitely, it is one of the main attractions of Almaty, which attracts many tourists. Yes and local residents It wouldn’t hurt to see what beauty is hidden just a few thousand kilometers away

Unfortunately, I haven’t been there yet, but a trip to BAO is high on the list of must-sees.

How to get there:

If you read the article from the very beginning, then most likely the words “Park of the First President” and “St. Navoi" should be at least a little familiar to you. This is important, since the path to BAO lies precisely along that same Navoi street.

Of course, the easiest way is to drive your own car. Moving straight along the asphalt road, you definitely won’t get lost, since there is only one road.
There is really a nuance, this road is very winding, there is dangerous places reminiscent of serpentine roads and prone to rockfalls, therefore, if you have recently gotten behind the wheel and belong to the category of novice drivers, it is highly recommended not to go there in your car.

By bus, it is also possible, but then you will have to walk about 11 km, since the bus only goes to a certain point. Moreover, you will have to go up all the time. Are you confident in your abilities? Then go ahead! In addition, when moving on foot, you will fully enjoy the landscape around you.

Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the First President Park and get to the pipe. From there, you can walk for about two more hours, you can even walk along the pipe itself.

If you're not intimidated by the route and are still planning to take a look at Big Almaty Lake, don't forget to bring warm clothes, plenty of hot tea, and your ID.
Since almost all of Almaty is supplied with water from this lake, do not be surprised if you see people in uniform there.

7. Turgen waterfalls

The village of Turgen, near the city of Almaty, is fraught with the most mysterious secrets. As many as three waterfalls, different from each other, can be seen while walking through the Turgen Mountains. It is best to travel by car or by tourist bus.
You will have to get to the waterfalls themselves on foot, moving along the path.

I myself only saw the first waterfall. The route to it is quite simple, considering that I was pregnant, already in my seventh month, and not at all tired. Even my nephew, who was three years old, walked almost the entire way by himself.

The splashes fly straight into the face, and my nephew’s happiness knows no bounds)))

The only way to get closer to the waterfall is to walk along a narrow rocky path above the cliff. Jumping from stone to stone, and the stones are wet and slippery. There, I was a little scared. Although, perhaps, it was the instinct of self-preservation that spoke in me then. After all, at that moment, I was responsible not only for my life.

I really enjoyed my holiday in the Turgen Mountains. On the way to the waterfall there are many gazebos and benches where you can have a snack and take a breath. In addition, there are many good clearings for a picnic.

Almaty- the former capital and a city that has not lost its charm, no matter what. For this reason, it still continues to be cultural and historical center countries where many interesting events took place at different times.

Sights of Almaty for tourists with names and photos

The “southern capital” of Kazakhstan, whose history began 2 thousand years ago, is located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains. Once upon a time a famous Silk Road, connecting and . At that time the settlement flourished, but XIII century Almaty fell into decline due to the raids of Genghis Khan.

Almaty received new opportunities in XIV century, when soldiers from the Russian Empire began to move into the city. It was renamed Verny, and when Soviet power reached this region, the city was returned to its historical name. During the same period, the city became the capital and remained so until 1997. Since then, many historical and cultural attractions have been preserved here, but the natural monuments are even more beautiful and picturesque.

Natural attractions

No matter how advanced and bright Almaty is with its luminous skyscrapers, wide avenues, golf clubs, chic restaurants and other signs of a metropolis, its main asset remains picturesque nature. It’s not for nothing that Almaty is called the city of apple orchards and a place hidden between charming mountains.

The main natural attraction of Almaty is mountain region Medeo– a place where about 120 different records were set. In addition to the incredibly beautiful landscapes that this mountain tract has, travelers are attracted by the pleasant climate, as well as the opportunity to go ice skating in a unique place.

Located in Medeo sports complex with a high-mountain skating rink at altitude 1700 meters above sea level. Its construction began in Soviet times, but after the collapse of the USSR, it was in decline for a long time. In 2009, the complex began to be actively reconstructed, and now it is accessible all year round. The skating rink is of a grandiose size, with an area of ​​10.5 thousand square meters. m., is a place where competitions are held and new records are set.

Also available in Almaty in winter ski resorts :

  • – a slope located just 15 minutes from the city;
  • ski park in the Talgar Mountains with a large selection of trails;
  • – a resort located just 17 km from Almaty.

In the south-eastern part of Almaty there is another famous mountain - Kok-Tobe– a slope on which several attractions are located. From a distance you can see the TV tower and Kok-Tobe Park, which can be reached by cable car. The cozy park has equipped walking areas, souvenir shops and observation decks, from where Almaty and its main attractions are visible “at a glance.”

There are a number of entertainment options for tourists in the park:

  • rope park;
  • playgrounds;
  • downhill;
  • Ferris wheel.

Those tourists who believe in monuments that fulfill wishes can wish for something fountain "Apple"- symbol of Almaty.

About 200 km from Almaty is located natural object, which is really worthy of attention - Charyn Canyon- a unique miracle of nature, not inferior in its beauty to the Grand Canyon. “Martian” landscape, especially the tourist area of ​​the park - Valley of Castles– impresses with the most unusual forms of ancient sedimentary rocks. Over millions of years, they were carved by the World Ocean, and then the Charyn River and the wind completed their work.

Here, along a two-kilometer route, there are sandy layers of red and orange color, in which the bones of very ancient animals are frozen, as well as a variety of terrain - slopes, arches, hills and plumbs. The canyon road ends at Ash Grove– in a place where relict trees grow that managed to survive the Ice Age. You can stay overnight nearby so that in the morning, standing on the top, you can meet the alien dawn. Despite the remoteness, this site is worth a visit if you find yourself in Almaty.

City architecture

Almaty has a surprisingly harmonious combination of Soviet-era buildings, modern glass skyscrapers and luxurious religious buildings. In addition to the TV tower, which can be seen from any point, among the religious buildings of Almaty it is worth highlighting the main concert hallPalace of the Republic– a building founded in 1970 at the intersection of two avenues, Abay and Dostyk. The capacity of this grandiose structure is 3 thousand people. It constantly hosts exhibitions, concerts of world performers, as well as important conferences.

Near the Palace of the Republic there are two famous buildings of Almaty - Kazakhstan hotel and Arman cinema. The hotel can safely be called business card not only the city, but also the country, since the high-rise 102-meter building from the Soviet period is a symbol of the republic. Also, interesting buildings of the Soviet period can be seen on Revolution Square or on Arbat Street, whose real name is “ Zhibek-Zholy"(Silk Road).

There are several religious buildings in Almaty. The main object is Central Mosque- a snow-white building with blue domes, symbolizing harmony and simplicity. In the courtyard there is a cozy square with alleys, benches, lanterns and lawns. The building itself is considered one of the largest in Kazakhstan - it can accommodate up to 7 thousand people. For comparison - in modern capital the largest mosque can accommodate up to 10 thousand visitors.

In Almaty you can find Orthodox churches, the most famous of them is Voznesensky Cathedral - a church that has become a monument of ancient architecture in the republic. The temple was built in 1907 made of blue Tien Shan spruce, and its multi-colored domes look very unusual. The structure turned out to be so strong that during earthquakes the stone buildings collapsed, but the temple remained intact.

City museums

The largest museum of the republic is located in Almaty - Central State Museum Kazakhstan– exhibition of historical and cultural heritage countries, represented in 300,000 exhibits. Here you can find national costumes, a real yurt, nomadic items, military armor, embroidery, jewelry and weapons.

You can get acquainted with the history of the city itself in interesting Almaty Museum. It opened quite recently, but there are already a lot of historical objects here, from the Bronze Age to the modern period.

Among interesting exhibitions it is worth noting:

  • Kazakhstan Art Museum - an art gallery with works of Russian and Kazakh talents;
  • Natural Museum of Kazakhstan - an exhibition dedicated to the rich historical flora and fauna of the country;
  • Geological Museum of Kazakhstan - an exhibition with a unique collection of minerals.

During excavations on the territory of Kazakhstan, many important objects were discovered, including the bones of ancient animals, fossils, and unique disappeared minerals. All this is now presented in museums in Almaty, so a walk through the exhibitions promises to be interesting.

What else can you see and where to go in Almaty

Walking around Almaty, you can come across several important historical monuments, of which the most important is considered Kazakhstan Independence Monument- a majestic object decorating the central square. In addition to him, in the city there are monuments to great people: Abai Kunanbayev, T. Shevchenko, Uraz Dzhandosov, Dzhambul, K.I. Satpayev and many other important personalities.

For those traveling around the city with children, Almaty has a zoo, a circus and the Eighth Wonder of the World water park - some of the largest entertainment facilities in Central Asia.

It is worth noting that the former capital is not called the city of fountains for nothing. There are fountains at almost every step - there are about 120 units. At the end of May they hold Fountain Day, when these objects are launched in the city so that residents and guests of the city can enjoy their beauty and splashes.

Almaty is incredibly interesting and original city. Its visit promises to bring a lot of positive emotions, and the sightseeing will be remembered for a long time.

The article does not pretend to cover all attractions; it reflects the individual experience of our blogger.