What is Kazantip. Kanantipa symbol: Yellow Suitcase

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Kazantip is a cape on the shore of the Azov Sea, located in the Crimea. In shape, it resembles Kazan, therefore, he received its name, which is translated as "bottom of Kazan" (Crimean - Tatar). Water in this place heats up very quickly and to May the month reaches 20 degrees. The location of the Cape creates favorable conditions for surfing.

Despite all the natural conditions, contributing to a quiet beach holiday, people who say: "I will go to Kazantip," they are not going to warm in the sand. What is Kazantip?

Kazantip is a festival of alternative club music.

History of the festival.

In the nineties, the Group of Initiative Surfers organized local windsurfing competitions at the Cape Kazantip. Parties that arranged after these competitions had great popularity and gave the beginning of the Kazantip festival.

Because of the large number of guests of the festival, he moved from the cape to the village of Popovka, located near Evpatoria.

Republic of "Schchastiya".

For all the time of the festival, its territory is announced by the "Republic of Razyia" (other names: the Republic of "Z", the republic "KaZantip"). You can get the right to visit the "republic's republic" in two ways. Firstly, the visa can be bought, but prices for it reach 250 dollars. The second way is free, you only need to arrange the yellow Soviet suitcase in the style of "Kazantip", inside which you need to glue my photo and carry with you everywhere. Yellow suitcase - Passport guest of the republic. Naturally, the oppressed state has its head - president of Nikita and its own constitution. Articles from the Constitution of the Republic of "Schchastiya":

  • The President chooses himself.
  • The most important task of ministers is important to inflate cheeks.
  • The capital of the republic is a settlement located on its territory.
  • Natural resources - sea, sun and beach.
  • State religion - faith in miracles.
  • National kitchen - dishes from corn and mussels.
  • The Anthem of the Republic is any music that pierces the Great People and His leader to goosebiers.

In the afternoon, guests of the republic are sleeping, resting and bathed, and a real life begins at night. The main tradition is to meet the sunset on the beach under the sound of the gong, which symbolizes the beginning of a new day. The New Year Great People celebrates on the night of August 1, and on the 3-4 day of the festival there is a day of fulfilling desires. On this day, the spell of ladybugs spell and make the most incredible desires. Often, weddings play "Kazantpe".

The festival is the best DJs, dance and musical groups from around the world. Their repertoire is approved by the leadership. Night discos are accompanied by laser show, smoke fireworks, paint shows and dance numbers. The passage time of the festival can last up to 4 weeks. In addition to the main event passing in August, due to the great popularity of the project, there are also magicians and winter sessions.

The festival has bad fame, alcohol, drugs and unrestrained behavior of the Guests of the Festival, does not add love to him among ordinary ordinary people.

The Annual Festival of Kazantip - Action, unfolding under the open-air. Around only the sea, beach sand and a huge cluster of people. Most of these are young people who love club culture and music. The festival lasts three weeks, it is distinguished by a large number of speakers, as well as various electronic music.

According to many eyewitnesses, the atmosphere at the festival is unforgettable. Professional DJs do not for a minute, do not break away from the console, the music sounds almost round the clock.

Kazantip leaves the indelible impressions of the days spent on the sea and nights. The main thing is that there was good weather. People who visited Kazantip festival, called His "Eternal Summer Country".

It is worth noting that this festival is not too suitable for a relaxing family holiday. This is a very rich and active event that requires complete returns from its participants.

Not everyone, even Meloman, is able to withstand a permanent pressure of a three-week impact on his drumpipes. But at Kazantype, they get acquainted, communicate with new people and find their love many people from different countries.

If you want to be perfectly relaxed and soul, and the body, on Kazantype it is easier than simple.

However, the entrance to the festival is not free. Kazantip during its existence acquired, although in a figurative sense. The invention of the administration of the event was not over. It developed the Constitution of the Republic of Kazantip, which states that a visa is needed to enter the number of parties. Translated to the daily language, it means that you need to purchase a ticket.

How to get to Kazantip

Cape Kazantip is located on the territory of Ukraine in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and is part of the Crimea Peninsula. Therefore, to get to Kazantipa, get a ticket to Simferopol. There is a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and therefore it is not necessary to have a passport with him.

Upon arrival in Simferopol you will need to get to the village of Mirny, and from there to get to the village of Popovka. This village for the past few years is the capital of Kazantip.

Lovely holiday is also important as good work. If you are an energetic and active person who is looking for sharp impressions and new adventures, your path must lay in the direction of Kazantipa.

What is Kazantip? - Ha, I would like to know the answer to this question. We are looking for it for 18 years, and we believe, you also could not answer the most important question in my life "Who am I?", And we do not mean your name or occupation.

What we know about yourself for sure - so it's what we are not. For example, we are completely definitely a non-festival, as we like to call us a press (we prefer the word "project"). And we are not the Kazantip peninsula in some distant Crimea, how to answer your question would be Google Maps, although we were from there. At the same time, Google Maps would not be able to find on the world map even the very tiny - less than Liechtenstein and Monaco - a super-sacred state of non-for-all Republic of Kazantip, although this is what we are.

Thus, now you already know that the Republic of Kazantip is not an existing state somewhere in the Crimea, on the part of something similar to the festival. Well, not bad.

The Republic of Kazantip occurred, as well as all ideas - from the head of one person who did not suit the gray and monotonous world around. He did not criticize him and redo, but simply created his own - his own orange country with his own more fair laws, and appointed himself with her president. And since all this happened from his fiction, the Republic of Kazantip is a fictional republic. She is pretty small - takes just a couple of square kilometers of the beach on the territory of the actual existing neighboring state Ukraine. In general, the territory on which there are no universal global laws, but the laws of your dreams - it is not necessary to be huge. The main thing is that everything is there in yours.

The tiny republic Kazantip exists in a parallel reality, but despite this, in it all the way as he wants to president: "Summer all year round and life without panties." It has the sea and the beach, music always sounds, there is a holiday every day, the wind blows there and you can ride a kite, lying in the sun or dance into the sea. And most importantly, you can do anything here, if I do not want and do everything that wanted. Inhabit this little world is not boring adults - and merry tanned loafers who, like the president, do not want to say goodbye to childhood. The fact that Kazantip does not exist for the rest of the world makes it very independent. She lives in his own constitution, she has a great people, a small president and a funny government, which is responsible for the implementation of the most important things - sound, light, good mood, love, virtual affairs, illusions, and so on. There is also a visa regime, customs, national traditions and national religion - faith in miracles. Well, any such.

If we talk about how our invented world, more normal people perceive, then for them Kazantip is a major international "club culture festival", which goes every year in August on the Black Sea coast on the Crimea Peninsula, Ukraine (neighboring country of the former USSR). It lasts about a month (the end of July is the end of August) and collects over 100 thousand people of the audience. Hundreds of best Russian and foreign DJs, dancers, musicians, perfortmers, and other creative people participate in it. Despite the small territory, it contains about 10 dance floors, about 30 bars and restaurants, 2 open-air cinema, 3 kakes, and a mass of strange architectural structures. All this is equipped with light and sound, and at night turns into a semblance of a space station. The project is based in a very small provincial village by the sea. Most often, normal people compare the Republic of Kazantip with Ibiza and Burning Man. Probably it seems to them that like Ibiza, the Republic of Kazantip is one big party by the sea under the open-air length of the month, DJs, dancers, beautiful girls and an infinitely show. Or what like in the project Burningman, Kazantip is a Tusovka of Psychov and Friki with an intrusive idea to self-express themselves and the pagan traditions of the worship of fire and the sun.

All this happened in 1992 and began both the competitions of windsurfers who came 78 participants and 600 fans. In order for them to hang out more fun on the shore, the future president of the republic, and then the President of the Association of Windsurfer Nikita included a tiny sound on the beach. Next year, when the fans came even more, there were also DJs among them that brought with them the plates to not be bored.

Competitions took place on the peninsula called Kazantip, not far from an abandoned nuclear power plant - she was thrown unfinished after the accident in Chernobyl, and she stood in the middle of the field as a huge, incredible Hollywood scenery for the film about the Apocalypse. In 1997, the president committed madness - he set up a party at the Night atomic station "Night in the reactor", which laid the beginning of the tradition of atomic nights and entered the history of the Russian Rave movement.

For 7 years from a small part of the surfers and their friends - progressive youth, people who prefer active recreation and extreme sports, musicians, DJs, journalists - the RFA championship turned into although a fairly underground, but the international "festival is only in light that associated with the summer, sea and sex, "passing under the open sky every August during a couple of weeks. (It also turned out to be associated with music and extreme sports.) By 1999 he was visited already
12,000 people.

In 2000, the Festival was forced to move to another place - it was then that he stopped being a festival and became an independent Orange Republic of Kazantip, freely moving in space where its president will fall out and where there will be the best people. The Republic of Kazantip borrowed its name in the Cape, on which he had dwells earlier, and carried away all his followers, which were now citizens or the great people, which became a small president.

A couple of years, the republic was nomaded and every august it was necessary to look for her secret location. But since 2001, it settled there where you can find it now - and the small village of Popovka, in the Crimea, on the shore of the blue Black Sea. Since then, the Republic of Kazantip has appeared its little detached territory (only a couple of square kilometers, but periodically it expands). In the republic there is everything you need for the life of its citizens - bars, cafes, restaurants, internet, medplexes, toilets, visa service, customs, but most of all - scenes and dance floors.

The national color of the country of ascending happiness was orange, national clothing - glasses, shorts and shirts, the national attribute of the Z-citizen - a yellow old-fashioned suitcase, giving the right of visa-free travel to the republic - well, accordingly, a visa regime was introduced. The Utopian Republic of Kazantip lived and lives under different dreamy slogans, such as "you all dreamed and dreaming so far," "Word better will not find" or "The following Kazantips will be on Mars."

You can learn more about the Republic of Kazantip here.

I never knew that Kazantip was a geographical object. I was associated with the cultural raises of the 90s. They took place in the indoor nuclear reactor. Nuclear reactor! Blimey! When we gathered in the Crimea, we decided that we need to see it. Not that we were big raw fans. But I wanted to look at this religious structure.

How to find Kazantip

In place it turned out that Kazantip is a whole cape. We stayed in a small resort town Schelkino. Find an unfinished nuclear power plant turned out to be problematic. I thought that if you focus on the sound, then the Mecca of electronics can be found quickly. In fact it turned out that the festival "Republic of KaZantip"i left here back in 1999. But the bad pop sounded from each cafe.

I had to navigate in place. Half of the locals did not have the concept at all that they had a cult urban object under side. But we, in the end, grew the road. Territory NPP was not closed. It was interesting to look at the ruins of this place. Probably, we all were lucky that discos were held here, and not nuclear reactions. Although, of course, all this was more like dances on the bones.

How to get to Kazantipa

So, where is Kazantip after all? To begin with, you need to decide what we mean: Cape or Festival.

If you mean Cape, then you need the first thing to get to the Crimea. At the same time keep the course not on the popular Black Sea coast, but ashore Azov Sea. Here, in the northeastern part of the peninsula, you will find Cape Kazantip. The sea is a shallow, transparent, with pebble beaches. Diving here, of course, you will not do. And here surfing and kiting - you are welcome.

If you mean the venue of the cult festival, you still need to get to the cape first. Your guidelines look like this:

  1. Cape Kazantip.
  2. Lenino (district center).
  3. Schelkino (Small resort town).
  4. Destroyed Crimean nuclear power plant.

From the shortcino along the coast there is a path. 7 kilometers - and you will see the outlines of the destroyed reactor. Sinister spectacle.

In general, Kazantip is a venue for the cultural raves of the 90s. And now there are various festivals. True, no one is not allowed to the reactor. But on the fallen bases that remain from Soviet times, sometimes the stages of fans of different steep music. I'm not talking about surfing lovers who are going here every year. We, for example, got to the music festival "Neighboring World." So there is still a lot of interesting things on Kazantype.

Hello friends, today I decided to write an article about the annual electronic music festival passing in the Crimea, called the Republic of Kazantip. I will tell you about how we visited this most powerful techno house a mega party, under the open sky right on the Black Sea shore, about what the Republic of Kazantip is and where Kazantip is located.

So, mounted your holiday by excursions, we have outlined in the nearest plans to go to Kazantip. We already knew that this is a huge closed area of \u200b\u200b100 thousand square meters. meters (already impressive yes?!) With restaurants, bars and dance floors, where they play eminent tops - DJs and iconic artists club and electronic music 24 hours a day. Where tourists flock from all over the world to stupid, communicate and light the day. In short, an analogue of an overseas Ibiza on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula.

On the first day of arrival, we asked the local Realter, who handed us housing, about Kazantip - we said that in our plans to go there, and what she thinks about it. This aunt advised us to do not go there, as there are some drug addicts and other racks. Here is the impression of local about this place. We, of course, did not stop it: after all, it is better to see once to see than hear a hundred times.

  • Where Kazantip is located
  • Dress Code Kazantipa
  • Morning after the night at Kazantype

Where Kazantip is located

From Evpatoria, where we rented our house, you could reach Kazantip by bus or taxi. The nearest settlement is the village of Popovka. From the bus station Evpatoria towards Popovka every one and a half hours there are buses, the distance to the village is 30 km away, the time in the afternoon is half an hour. If you do not want to wait for the bus, you can call a taxi - the truth will cost you more expensive, but get directly to the place. While I made a map, I died, what romantic names of settlements)

If you are planning to go from Simferopol, then buses go to Evpatoria every half hour from the bus station, and from there to the village Popovka - from where Kazantipa is only 10 minutes walk (do not be afraid - it is not possible to get lost).

Many excursion firms are offered to stop at the time of arrival in Kazantip, somewhere in the hotel or rent housing at the local. If you do not plan to linger for a long time on Kazantype, you can not do this. We had enough of the day to plunge the atmosphere of this place and charges the energy of the festival. Therefore, with a question of housing, we did not bother and cost no night.

In addition, the cost of the visa depends on the time of your stay on Kazantype. Visa Kazantipa is a passing ticket for a closed territory. It is a plastic card with the Kazantip logo on a lace, which can be hung on the neck. One-time visa (which we bought) gives the right to cross the boundary of Kazantip just once, but not limited to time. It is valid before crossing the border of the Kazantip in the opposite direction. Price of one-time visa - 80 €.

If you intend to stay at the festival for a long time, that is, it makes sense to arrange a multivitz. It is done in place, in the visa center of Kazantip and is a plastic card with a barcode applied to it. The cost of multivibuses is 160 €. Now, you can calculate how much you will cost Tickets for Kazantip.

If you fold in the mind how much it is worth going to a concert of dozens of famous artists presented on Kazantpe, tickets to whose performances in Europe, for example, will cost no less than 50-100 euros for each, it becomes clear why the visa price is so impressive.

Where is Kazantip now going on in 2019?

The fact is that since 2013, Kazantip on the territory of Crimea is no longer held, the main reason for the closing of a large-scale party is the reception of the prohibited substances by the participants of the festival. However, it did not stop the organizers and they transferred the annual festival to Georgia, then in Cambodia. Today Kazantip donkey in Vietnam, on the tropical island of Fukuok, the truth is under the previous title you will not find it there. Now he is held on New Year's Eve and is called Epizode (Epizode).

What is the event Kazantip

Soon the lights of the program show will be lit on these scenes and the best DJs of the world will begin their speeches.

What kind of festival is popular, you can judge by the number of people in the photo. Soon all these yellow balls will be launched into the sky.

In addition to the seats scattered throughout, there are still tribunes that, as you can see also popular with holidaymakers.

True palm trees here you will not see. All these parodies on the tropical trees are made of logs with sneaks attached to the tops from hay and herbs. Bars resemble Robinson Cruzo huts. A large number of such mini restaurants are scattered through the vast territory of the beach. A visit to these institutions is not included in the visa cost.

A huge plus of this place is a small white sand and a beautiful beach. The author and organizer of Kazantipa is Nikita Marshok, who founded this project since 2001. But the first closed party, took place at the annual surfers' competitions, as well as in 1992. She marked the beginning of the origin of the Republic of KaZantip.

Local designers tried to make something like an exhibition in the style of Hi Tech.

All tourists holding in her hands on the ball, gather at the shore, to spend the sun to spend the sun and meet the night. This is a kind of ritual of Kazantip, who is notifying that "there is a schism". At the same time, it is necessary to make a desire, and believe that it will come true. At sunset thousands of air yellow balls rise into the sky. With the onset of darkness here will reign a more relaxed atmosphere.

Dress Code Kazantipa

Visitors of Kazantip - a very different people who arrive here from different countries. German, Italian, English speech was heard around. Of course, most visitors are Russian-speaking tourists, and if you are here alone - you will not be difficult to make yourself new acquaintances or join the company. After all, the main meaning of young people here is to enjoy communication and listening to music.

There is no special dress code for the passage to Kazantip, but if the spirit of creativity lives in you, you can choose yourself an outfit or come up with a combat color.

But if there is no taste, it is better not to experiment ...

Someone dressed up like a children's matinee ...

The program of the program starts on the scenes of Kazantip. Registration and stylistics - everything is height, it can be seen that the organizers planned well every event.

As always at such events - the turn to the toilet.

If we talk about the age category of vacationers on Kazantype, then there are simply no borders to visit here. You can find infants as a girl in a photo with a sling. And grandfathers - hippie) but as you understand Kazantip - this is not a place to entertain children. Think of what example you will feed your child, which will surround the drowned youth.

Morning after the night at Kazantype

Sun climbed and such a picture appeared on the morning of the next day.

As I wrote above, we had no accommodation with overnight. But some seem to have endured the test of Kazantip. Get drunk before infamous and fall on the sand under the noise of waves. Romance ... and paradise for thieves pockets.

I think the organizer will take care of a special lounge zones, which is on a similar party in Thailand - (Full Moon Party). Therefore, my advice to you - do not take expensive equipment and wallet with cash and cards to such events. Postpone yourself a N-th bill and visit bars.

And in the sky neither the cloud. Today's dress promises to be hot.

And it is possible to light on the dance floor from early morning.

The expense to Evpatoria was no longer so long - I wanted to get to my house and sleep, so we went to death. But by the way, such a night rest on the seashore is being transferred much easier than in the megalopolis indoors. And it takes quite a bit of time to come to yourself, besides the festival chases for a long time with its energy (not to be confused with drinks - energy). And at home I was waiting for a child who got souvenirs from Kazantipa)

And if you still have not decided you need to visit this festival or not, then Kazantip can listen - there are excellent musical selections. Just work in your browser search engine listen Kazantip. Today I have everything, all the great mood, while!