What is Madagascar. Madagascar Island: Country and its description

The Republic of Madagascar, photos, historical information and the main sights of which are presented in the article - truly unique place. She resembles a huge nature reserve. The island is surrounded by the Indian Ocean and is a natural museum of paleontology. Here you will find huge semi-deserts where cacti and spiked plants are growing, Baobabs.

Tourists attract the red-green hills of Madagascar, covered with non-tenty - a plant that feeds insects. Here you are waiting for multi-kilometer beaches and forests filled with exotic colors. Ravenaly and orchids are everywhere in Madagascar. Here you will also find waterfalls, geysers and picturesque lakes located in the Zherlah extinct volcanoes. Madagascar is a unique island-reserve, located near the eastern coast of South Africa, separated from her Mozambique Strait. A variety of local nature will give true pleasure to travelers.

The first inhabitants of the island

We invite you to first get acquainted with the history of such an interesting country as the Republic of Madagascar. Interesting facts about it are numerous. We will dwell only on the most important events from the history of its settlement.

According to myths, immigrants from Africa were the first inhabitants of Madagascar. They are known as Mikes, or Pygmy-Vazimba. According to scientific research, the first residents appeared here in 2-5 centuries. We are talking about representatives of Austronesian peoples who have added to the canoe on this island. Later, the traded bantle arrived here, which preferred the territories located near the water. Austronesian descendants who settled earlier took the middle of the island. About 10th century, as a result of mixing with the Austronesian population of African, an original people arose, who called himself Malagasi.

Arabs and Marco Polo

Arabs arrived at Madagascar in the 7th century, and from that time about the island began to appear written evidence. It is believed that Marco Polo gave the name Madagascar. In his notes, this traveler mentioned the inconspicuous treasures that Madeigaskar possesses. However, it is possible that it was about the port of Magadish, and not at all about the island. Nevertheless, the name has been fixed and reached our days.

Arrival of Europeans

At the turn of 15-16 centuries. Europeans arrived on the island. For the first time, this happened when the ship Diogu Diash, a traveler from Italy, confused from the course, heading to India. The European ship first stuck to the shores of Madagascar. Because the island had an important position for traders in spices, enhancing all Africa, France and Britain tried to establish their outposts here. However, hostile locals and the non-microgenic climate, which caused disease, made this task practically impracticable.

Pirates on the island

Starting from the 17th century, Madagascar was known for both pirates and slave traders. It was associated with its convenient location, as well as the fact that there was almost no colonial authorities. This island called their second birthmarks such famous pirates as William Kidd, Robert Friends, John Bowen, etc. The photo above shows the Pirates cemetery (Santa Maria).

The activities of Moris Benevsky

In 1772, Moritz Benevsky, Slovak Adventurer, came up with a plan for the development of Madagascar. Louis XV supported him in this. In February 1774, Moritz arrived here accompanied by 237 sailors and 21 officers. The aborigines did not have active resistance, and the construction of a city called Luirba began almost immediately, which became the capital of the island. Local leaders in 1776 elected the Benevsky king. However, the French alarmed the influence of a Slovak, who had already managed to create an independent militia from the locals. The government ceased to assist him. As a result, Benevsky was forced to retreat from his plan and return to Paris.

Power on the island in the 19th century

In the 19th century, Merin, the state that existed in the mountains and in cultural isolation from Madagascar announced its influence on the whole island. Radam I in 1818 was declared the king. Until 1896, his dynasty rules on the island. Her last monarch was overthrown by the French, which in 1883 landed here.

The French Protectorate in 1890 enlisted the support of England. However, France is obliged to recognize the power of England in Zanzibar and Tanganic. The native monarchy in 1897 finally lost his power.

20th century in the history of the country

After in 1940, Germany seized France, the British troops occupied the island. They were protected from Japanese attacks the island. Germany tried to implement his plan "Madagascar", according to which 4 million European Jews followed here.

After in 1943, the Halft part of France captured power, revolutionary unrest began at Madagascar. In 1947, they poured into an armed struggle for independence. In 1958, France provided the independence of his colony, despite the fact that the uprising was suppressed. On October 14, 1958, the autonomous Malagasy Republic was proclaimed under the French Protector. After another 2 years, this republic announced its independence. The power was in the hands of the Social Democratic Party, which was headed by Filibrus Tsiranan.

In 1972, a political crisis had happened on the island, as a result of which the power was received by the military led by General Ramananta. However, on December 31, 1974, the general was removed from his post closest supporters. The power was in the hands of a military directory.

Education of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar

In 1975, the state of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar appeared. The construction of socialism began on the island. Madagascar undertook to strengthen ties with the Soviet Union. Perestroika in the USSR led to such processes and on the island called Madagascar. The Republic restored its multiparty only in 1990. Demonstration against the government was shot in 1991. Democratization and market reforms began with the presidency of Albert Zafi, which came to power in 1992.

At Madagascar on January 31, 2009, a rally was happening against the government. As a result, Andrew Rajoelina, the mayor of the capital, declared himself as president. This revolution has condemned many countries.

These are the main milestones of the story, which survived the Republic of Madagascar. Attractions are numerous, in this article we will tell only about some of them.

Neighborhood Antananarivo

The capital of the state, Antananarium (Tana), is the largest and most interesting city. The ancient land is quite color, where the neighborhood of the capital is located. Huge alternate here with untreated land in the north, the gorge shares the hills, and the sacred lakes surround the groves of fruit trees.

The surroundings of Antananarivo are a resident of the country, its historical, economic and cultural center. Great interest for tourists represent the ruins of the castle of the king of the Raalquer belonging to the 16th century. They are located on the hill of Ambukhudrabie. The palace and the fortress of the king, created in the 18th century, are also noteworthy. You can find them on the Ambuchiman hill. The zebu market is very popular, located in Mandandasua (Republic of Madagascar). Attractions of the metropolitan region are numerous and diverse, you do not have to miss here.

The coldest city

Madagascar is a place where you will hardly freeze at any time of the year. The weather here is distinguished by the abundance of hot sunny days. Thanks to this, many tourists choose to rest such a country as the republic here is wet tropical in the southern part of the island, and in the northern - subequatorial. The hottest places are located on the north-west coast, where the air temperature during the day reaches 35 degrees. Where to hide from this heat? Go to the anzurra.

The thermal resort of the Azurrab is a great place to stay. This city is the coldest in the country (average annual temperature - 17 ° C). It is also famous for the art of embroidery. Located here the house of art crafts exports beautiful canvas.

Natural Attractions of the Metropolitan Region

Volcanic Lakes Tritrim (in the photo below), Tatamarina and Andraikiba, Waterfalls Antafufu are noteworthy. Ambushitra is a picturesque cottage area located along the artificial lake Mantasua. Tourists will surely become interested in beautiful Lakes Kavitakh and Itasi, as well as the reserve of Perin.

L "Ancratrara - a picturesque mountain range, located to the southeast of the capital. This is a great place for walking tourism and outdoor activities. Halfway between the east coast and the capital, in Muramanga, there is a museum of the National Gendarmerie. One of the wonders of the island is located next to Antsirab. This is a small reservoir (about 50 per 100 meters) with almost black water, which surrounds granite rocks. About 400 meters make up the depth of this crystal-pure lake. However, there is practically no living creature in it, and no one managed to twist it.

Dambic complexes

Dambic complexes located on a high plateau are also very interesting. The thick network of channels permeates the surface of these pools. Here you will find numerous dams, gateways and small bridges. Rivers at Madagascar are very full. They lay down in their row, blurring rocks. As a result, the valley rise slightly above the level of their surrounding terrain. In order to restrain the rivers, protective dams were built, which in their engineering solutions and sizes are not inferior to the famous Dutch dams. From the outside they are very similar to terraced rice fields found in Southeast Asia.

East Madagascar

East Madagascar is washed by the Indian Ocean. This part of the island has risen the remains of the forest that covered the entire territory earlier. Numerous rivers crosses mountain ranges. Coastal lowland is a narrow lane of plains about 55 km wide, which is bordered on one side by forests, and on the other - the sea. In the area there is a very wet climate, almost continuously go rains here. Therefore, in the eastern part of the island, unique wet tropical forests were formed. Madagascar - the Republic, animals and plants of which cause a real delight in children and their parents. Those who want to fully enjoy the wealth of local nature, are suitable for rest oriental parts of the country. Here 700 km, from Manakara to Tuamasina, the Pangalan canal stretched, where many fish and birds live. Tens of species of interesting relict animals populate the surrounding forests.


The second largest city on the island, as well as the largest port of its port is Tuamasina (Republic of Madagascar). Tours here are also very popular. In the vicinity of the city you will find many excellent recreational areas, such as sea resorts Mahamba and Manda Beach, Balneological Resort of Mahavelun (Fulpuent). And not far from the coast, in the ocean, are the islands of Nosy-Burach, Il-O-Prun, Nusi Il-Lantz, Il-O-Natt, Madame and others. These are beautiful beach resorts of such a country as Madagascar.

The Republic of Madagascar is a great place to stay. The island will especially like the lovers of nature. Madagascar is a republic that in recent years is often called the "Vanilla Island". This is not surprising, because there is a unique animal and vegetable world here, and guests are found friendly inhabitants. If you are looking for unforgettable impressions, feel free to go to Madagascar! The republic is always glad to tourists.

Map of Madagascar Island.

Madagascar Island (Malagasy Option - Nosin Dambo) is the fourth in the world in its area island, located in the southeast coast of Africa in the western Indian Ocean. The name of the island gave the most famous Venetian traveler of the early Middle Ages - Marco Polo, who mentioned an unusually rich island called Madeigascar in his records. Most likely, Marco Polo meant the capital of the modern state of Somalia - the city of Mogadishu, but the name firmly fixed behind the island in the next century.

Madagascar island in the West is washed by the waters of the Mozambique Strait, which separates it from the coast of Southeast Africa in the area of \u200b\u200bthe state of Mozambique. From the north, the south and east of Madagascar is washed by the waters of the open Indian Ocean.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe island exceeds 587 thousand square kilometers.

Madagascar is impressive in the area, so its geographical coordinates are considered to be in its exemplary geographical center: 19 ° 20 'Yu. sh. 47 ° 04 'in. d.

Currently, the state of Madagascar (French version - République de Madagascar) is located on the territory of Madagascar and adjacent small islets and rocks.

Madagascar Island in a picture from Space from Nasa's satellite.


Oddly enough, but the settling of the island began only between 200 and 500 of our era of two directions. From the east to the island began to arrive at the canoe, Austronesian tribes approximately with, and from the West - the African tribes of the bow. As a result of the mixing of the tribes and formed a peculiar nationality of Malagasi.

In the 7th century, the island was trying to shave the Arabs, but their settlements did not have their distribution, and the attempt to colonization failed. Also in Madagascar did not fit Islam.

Europeans on the existence of a rather large island off the coast of Africa, most likely, from the reports of Portuguese, Peru, Da Covillyan, who travels received information from Arab seating. The opening of Madagascar Europeans took place in 1500 during a swim in India of the Portuguese navigator Diogu Diash, who was shot from the course and moored to the southern coast of the island.

Almost immediately, understanding the Stretging of the geographical position of the island during trade with India, France and Britain tried to organize their outposts on the island and to establish small fortified settlements. These attempts were extremely unsuccessful due to the removal of local residents and unusual climate on the island.

In the XVII century, Madagascar is the island for pirates who have attacked merchant ships to India and in the opposite direction.

In February 1774, the Slovak Moritz Benevsky after a meeting with the king of France Ludovik XV, with a detachment of soldiers and sailors landed at Madagascar and, bowing to his side of the local leaders, was proclaimed in October 1776 by the king. However, after the colonial leadership, the colonial leadership was returned to the King in Paris.

In 1818, the Morning Mountain State captures the whole island under its control.

In 1883, French troops invade the island, who overthrow the local king and install their colonial power on the island. In 1890, France announces its protectorate over the island, which is recognized by all those leading countries in the world.

Mountain array of scratched.

In 1904, in the Madagascar port, the ships of the second Pacific squadron of the Admiral Christmas squadron, which went to the Far East at the meeting of his death in the Tsushim battle.

In 1940, after the surrender of France, the colonial authorities of Madagascar recognized the power of the puppet government in Vichy. All this led to the invasion of the island of the British troops and the troops of the Dominion countries, who feared the seizure of the Island by the Japanese. In the period from May 5 to November 6, 1942 after the fierce and bloody battles during the Madagascar operation, the British managed to take the island under their control.

In 1943, the Madagascar begins the People's Liberation War for the independence of the island, which led to the proclamation of the autonomous Malagasy Republic under the Protectorator of France on October 14, 1958, and then to the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) on June 26, 1960.

In 1974, after a series of military coups to power, the Soviet forces came, who announced the construction of socialism on the island, but after the collapse of the USSR, the government of the country was forced to begin democratic transformations.

In 1976, Madagascar officially presented France territorial claims against several uninhabited islands in the Mozambic Strait - and.

In 2009, in the Republic of Madagascar there was another military coup ended by the capture of power by the military. All this caused a sharply negative reaction in the world and the introduction of economic sanctions.

Currently, the Republic of Madagascar is a developing state with a weak economy and unstable political power.

Typical landscape of the southwestern part of Madagascar Island.

The origin and geography of the island.

According to its origin, Madagascar refers to the mainland islands. Its education occurred due to the collapse of the ancient supercontinent of Gondwan in the period distant from us about 88 million years. Then Madagascar was separated from the Industan Peninsula and his shift in the southern direction.

The extreme northernmost point of Madagascar is Cape Babaumbi (12 ° 35 'Yu. Sh. 49 ° 10' century. D.), South - Cape Vigimine (Saint-Marie) (15 ° 11 'Yu. Sh. 45 ° 10' in. d.), Western - Cape Ankabua (22 ° 26 'Yu. sh. 43 ° 53' century) and Eastern - Cape Andanbrata (19 ° 20 'Yu. sh. 50 ° 49' century).

The Madagascar coastline is quite direct and for all its length does not forms a lot of deeply smoking bays. However, two of them in magnitude still worth noting. This is the bay of Anthugil on the northeast coast and Ambaru in the north-west of the island.

Madagascar relief is mainly mountainous, turning into low-alberte plains on the coast. In the central part of the island, the alpine volcanic plateau of the Andzhafi stretched from the north, as well as the mountainous arrays of the scratched, Ancratra and Ivakuania. It is as part of the array of scratched and the highest point of the island is located - the extinct volcano Marumukuter (height 2876 meters above sea level). In the south-east, there is a middle-spirited plateau of Mahafali in the southeast.

There are quite a few rivers in Madagascar, both in the Mozambic Strait and the Indian Ocean. In our most majority, not too long, unpaid and replete with thresholds and waterfalls. The eastern basin should include such significant rivers of the island as Manguru, Mananar, Bemariva, Mananguri, Mananjari and Ivindra. Mozambique Strait Strong Pool Rivers Thunder, Full and Fast. The most significant of them should include: Majajamba, Sam Selection, Besibuk, North and South Mahavavi, Mania, Mangouq, Ikup, Unilah and Mandrar. In addition to the rivers, there are quite a few lakes in Madagascar, among which Alautra, Ihutri and Kinkuni are distinguished in magnitude.

On Madagascar Island there are numerous mineral deposits - iron and polymetallic ores, oil, stone coal, the development of which began mainly in the 70s of the last century.

Madagascar landscape National Park in Tuliar Province.


The Madagascar climate is very specific and uncharacteristic for regions near the underlying African continent. By type it should be attributed to the tropical and equatorial monsoon. It is formed southeast trade winds and South Indian anticyclones. Currently, three climatic regions have been formed here: the eastern area with a tropical monsoon climate on the east coast, the central region of the moderate sea climate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe central plateau and the mountainous arrays and the southern area with a dry climate in the deserts and semi-deserts in the south of the island. The precipitate more falls on the east coast, as not surprising, as wet winds are delayed by central mountain systems. Throughout the year, on average, about 3,500 millimeters fall on the east coast of the island, in the center and in the West - about 1400 and in the south - not more than 320. The average temperature of the air in the central part of the island is order of +18 ° C, while at the same time The coast of this indicator can reach + 24-27 ° C. The hottest areas of the island are the Bimaraha plateau and the north-west coast, where the average air temperature reaches even +34 ° C. But on the tops of the mountain plateau and arrays there are also some decrease in temperature, as well as freezing. There is no rainy season on the island, as such. It is worth noting that the coastal areas of Madagascar are quite often exposed to destructive cyclones.

Residential buildings of the capital of the Republic of Madagascar - the city of Antananarivo.


At the moment, the population of Madagascar islar is more than 20 million people. In the ethnicity, the overwhelming majority belongs to the people of Malagasi, formed as a result of the assimilation of the African tribes Bantu and Austronesian tribes, mainly from the island of Kaliman (Borneo). Malambassi is divided into several ethnic groups, among which there will be in numbers (Merine), Becilela and Sihanak (in mountainous areas), as well as Sakalava, Bezimisarak and Mahafali (on the coast). State languages \u200b\u200bin the Republic of Madagascar are French and Malagasy.

The population of Madagascar Island is engaged mainly in agriculture, fishing and extractive industry.

The capital of the Republic of Madagascar and the greatest city of Islands is Antananarivo, located in the central part of the island. Currently, about 1 million 400 thousand people live in Antananariva. Among the most important and population of population of the island is to include the city of Antsiranan, Sambava, Salala, Amatundrazak, Tuamasina, Tuliara, Taularan, Betruk, Fianaranza, Antsirab, Mahadzang, Mirudava and others.

The administrative island of Madagascar is divided into 6 provinces of the country: Antananarium, Antsijanan, Fianarancen, Mahadzang, Tuliar and Tuamasin.

The monetary unit in circulation in the island of Madagascar is Malagasy Ariar (Ariary) (MGA, code 969), consisting of 5 Irahymbilate.

The local population of Madagascar and the typical vegetation of the island.

Flora and fauna.

Due to the fact that Madagascar separated from other continents early and has a soft tropical climate, it has sufficiently quite a lot of plants and animals in other corners, the overwhelming majority of which are embedded species.

The central and eastern regions of the island are covered with tropical forests, in which more than 350 visits of wood, shrub and herbaceous plants grow. Eight plants these families are attributed to the emgent species. This didimelesotsvetnye (Didymelaceae), asteropeynye (Asteropeiaceae), didiereaceae (Didiereaceae), kalipsoraziynye (Kaliphoraceae), melanofilazievye (Melanophyllaceae), fizenovye (Physenaceae), sferosepalovye (Sphaerosepalaceae), sarkolenovye (Sarcolaenaceae) and sferosepalovye (Sphaerosepalaceae). Hardly not a vegetable symbol of the island is a fiery tree or Delonix Regia, which is also the Madagascar Emgear.

The animal world of Madagascar is extremely rich and replete with various species, among which more than half are also considered to be an intertarm. Among them it is worth highlighting a mammal of Fossa (CryptoProCTA Ferox), the largest predator in Madagascar, similar to both the representatives of the Feline family and the Mongoose. Separately there are Madagascar vivers, as follows from one mangood ancestors. The symbol of the island is rightfully lemurs, which here has more than 55 species, not counting extinct. Tenreci or bristy hedgehogs (Tenrecidae), although they are not immune workers, but are quite common here, with more than 30 species. In addition to the listed, the island inhabited more than 110 species of birds (of which three types of em arrive), about 150 species of reptiles (chameleons, radiant turtles and day heaven are distinguished), more than 400 types of insects.

In the coastal waters of Madagascar dwells a huge number of tropical fish, Murren, royal mants, sharks and whales.

Lemurs are an unofficial symbol of Madagascar Island.


Despite the promotion of climatic conditions, the beach tourism in Madagascar is not developed and the prospects for this will not be foreseen in the near future. The reason for this lies both in the inorganization of the coast of the island, so in the presence of a huge amount of shark living in local waters, most of which carry a potential danger to swimming.

But the admirers of ecotourism here always traditionally a lot. For curious, resistant to wet tropical climates and very secured tourists, Madagascar is represented by the "miniature continent", filled with thousands of exotic forms of life, most of which are emgels. For tracking lovers, routes to the heights of extinct volcanoes and low mountains are laid here, in the valleys of rivers and their waterfalls, semi-desert and tropical forests.

Tourist infrastructure is also not well developed on the island: there are no luxury hotels here, and you can only get to the island through one international airport to Antananarivo and several seaports on the coast.

Coastal beach on the east coast of Madagascar Island.

Famous Alley of Baobabs, waterfalls, beaches on the edge of the Indian Ocean and precious stones, which are produced here, and therefore sold inexpensively. Going on a journey, stock medical insurance and the Russian-French phraser, because the language except Malagasy is officially considered the language of Emil Zol and Viktor Hugo.

Some statistics and facts

  • Malagasy and French were for the first time together were named by state languages \u200b\u200bof Madagascar in the 1958 Constitution.
  • Surprisingly, Malagasy is not connected with any nearby African language.
  • The total number of speakers in the world reaches 18 million people. Media live not only in Madagascar, but also on, islands and in.
  • In 1823, Malagasy was translated into Latin.
  • Emphasis in the language of indigenous Madagascars more often falls on the penultimate syllable in the Word and plays often a senseless role.

Where baobabs went on the slope ...

One of the state languages \u200b\u200bof Madagascar, belonging to the island's indigenous inhabitants, is the most Western of the Malay-Polynesian group of languages. He is not similar to any African and his lexical minimum has 90% of coincidences with the Maryan language vocabulary. So, examining the language, scientists were able to establish that the indigenous population of Madagascar is immigrants from the Malay archipelago.
The formation of Malagasy influenced Languages \u200b\u200bBantu, Swahili and Arabic, awarding it with many borrowing. The appearance of French words for Malagasy is quite natural, because in 1883 French colonial troops came to the island in the Indian Ocean.
By the way, the English word in everyday life of Malagasy residents also have their own interesting story. They with the islanders "shared" the English pirates, equipped their bases in the XVIII century in Madagascar.

Tourist on note

Traveling through Madagascar, enlist the support of the guide translator. Even in tourist places, the percentage of the population owning English is not too large, although some tourist information is transferred to him even in remote corners of national parks.
English-speaking waiters and receptionist in hotels will be able to meet only in the capital, and therefore Madagascar who accompanying the knowledge of the state language will have to be quite by the way.

Geography Madagascar

The state on the island of Madagascar and the islands adjacent to it eastern Africa.

A third of Madagascar Square is occupied by Highlands. Many sleeping volcanoes, earthquakes occur. Madagascar's highest place - Peak Marumuukutra (2876 meters).

East shore is busy lowland, Western - not very high plains.

State Device Madagascar

Madagascar is a unitary democratic republic. Chapter - President. The executive authority belongs to the Prime Minister, who appoints the president and candidates chosen by Parliament. The legislature is the National Assembly and Senate.

Weather in Madagascar

Tropical climate. The average monthly air temperatures on the lowlands + 20-30 ° C, on the elevation - from + 13 ° C - + 20 ° C. The amount of precipitation for the year is 1000-1500 millimeters.

East Beach is subject to cyclones. In the period of rains, the floods are not rare, from the south-west side in the winter of the river dry.

Madagascar language

Government languages \u200b\u200bare Malagasy and French.

Malagasy is the most Western language from all Malaysian-Polynesian, which have accessories to Austronesian family. In the tourser often talk in English.

Religion Madagascar

7 percent of the population constitute Muslim-Sunni from migrants from Pakistan and the Comoros, 41 percent of Christians (equal number of Protestants and Catholics), 52 percent - adherents of traditional faith (fetishism, animalism, cult of the forces of nature and ancestors, and others).

Madagascar currency

International name Madagascar currency MGA.

Ariary \u003d 5 Irahymbilanam. The circulation contains coins from 1 to 50 Ariary, banknotes from 100 to 10,000 Ariary and 1 and 2 Irahymbilanev.

Customs restrictions

The export and import of foreign currency is not limited (in the presence of a declaration). The import of local currency is limited to 5 thousand MGF, the export is strictly prohibited.

Persons over the age of 21 years are allowed a duty-free importation: up to 500 cigarettes or 25 cigars, 500 gr. Tobacco, 1 bottles of alcoholic beverage. The import of perfume products is strictly prohibited.

The removal of native gold, crocodile leather products, animals (including products from their horns, skin and bones) and plants are prohibited. Export of animal skins is possible only if there is a customs license. It is forbidden to export in any form (even stuffed) crocodiles, lemurs, turtles and plants, seeds and orchid flowers, mushroom and pahopodiums.

It is forbidden to import drugs, weapons, medical drugs without appropriate documentary support.

Import animals

It is forbidden to import domestic and wild and animals (quarantine).


In most institutions, tips are not practiced, but it is better to give them at a convenient case, since the salaries of service workers are low. In hotels and restaurants of the capital, tips are awarded to the account of 10 percent of the order value.


It is necessary to bargain almost everywhere, but Malagasy residents are not traded in most cases. Sellers rarely fraud or chitryat envy foreigners, because of this price, weighted everywhere, and the discount is made on the basis of the seller's tendency to this type of trade.

When purchasing emeralds, cut, processed and polished stones prepared for jewelry purposes, you must have a certificate from the seller who will need to be needed at customs. All products from Malagasy fauna and flora (among them and dried flowers) also require certificates for exports that need to be obtained during the purchase of goods. It should be borne in mind that most souvenirs of this kind sold in souvenir bears and in the markets are made illegally and therefore do not have certificates for export, and bought them can be subjected to a very large fine.


It is preferable to inspect the sights along with the guide or group.

You can swim without risk in the ocean only in the lagoons and in places that are protected by coral reefs. In the rest of the places there are sharks, and in rivers and mangrove forests, hazardous reptiles.


The main diseases are terrestrial (it is necessary to avoid bathing in fresh reservoirs), hepatitis, diarrhea and dysentery. A number of viral diseases are widespread in the inner areas, among them and hemorrhagic fever. There are natural centers cholera, plague, rabies and typhoids. The danger of malaria disease exists all year throughout the country and the greatest danger of getting sick in coastal areas.

Network voltage:


Country code:


Geographical domain name of the first level:


Emergency phones:

Ambulance (Medical Center Ambatumen) - 211-70.
Military hospital - 403-41.
Municipal hygiene department (Antananarium) - 274-04.
Beflatan Hospital - 223-84.
Antananarivo Fire Service - 225-66.
Police - 229-72.

Madagascar - Republican island state with the capital of Antananarivo. He became known for a wide circle of people after the release of the cartoon of the same name. Filled with bright moments, colorful scenes and an interesting plot, he found a response in millions of children's hearts and is widely popular until now. But his creators not only made a cheerful and interesting cartoon, but in some ways described the amazing life occurring where Madagascar is located.

Geographical position

The main island of the Republic of Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean in the south-eastern part of the Africa coast. It is the fourth in the area in the world. Separated from the mainland of the Mozambic Strait. State Square - 587 thousand square kilometers, the population of almost 23 million people, of which almost 5 million live in the capital.

Formed after the separation of the continent of Gondwana (about 90 million years), separated from India. This feature gave the island a unique fauna - 90 percent Animal world meeting in Madagascar lives only here. However, due to the rapid increase in the population, his animal world is under a weighty threat to extinction.

The island is divided into 5 districts:

  • Central Highlands;
  • Mountain array of scratched;
  • East Coast;
  • West Coast;
  • Southwest.

In the center of the republic there is a mining plateau of the Andzhafi, which sharply breaks down in the east and smoothly descends in the western side. The highest point in Madagascar is the Vulcan Marumuukutra, long dead. Its height is 2876 m.

History Madagascar

The first settlement of the territory where today Madagascar began between 3 and 6 centuries of our era. Watering on the canoe's light boats, Austronesian peoples overcame the strait and gave the launch of the formation of settlements on the island. In favor of this theory, there are recent studies of scientists based on the comparison of two cultures - Madagascar and Austronezian, namely: similarity of the language, methods of growing and processing crops, the same type of canoe.

The first written mention of the country appeared during the first arrival of Arabs. At the same time, attempts began to Islamize the population of the republic, but did not fully do this. The ancient beliefs present here since the first settling confess mostly of the population today. About 45% of the population are followers of Christian beliefs (Catholic and Orthodox).

The republic received its name through the famous Italian researcher Marco Polo, who described Africa. In his records, he casually mentioned an amazing island with unpretentious wealth, located off the coast of the continent and described it as Madeigascar.

Madagascar's discovery by European researchers at the beginning of the 16th century. According to the official version, it was the Portuguese navigator Peru da Kovilian, who received information about the unusual island from Arab merchants. Thanks to its geographical position, the island was a tailed piece for the installation of trade outposts. Britain and France began to take it, but the unfavorable climate for the Europeans and the extreme hostility of local residents significantly complicated this task.

Few people know that Madagascar was motherland for pirates. There were auctions for slave traders. The most famous pirates: John Bowen, William Kidd, Robert Friend, and others called the island of their homeland and spent their time, periodically plunder the sea paths from India.

At the end of the 19th century, during the colonization of Africa to the territory where Madagascar is located, French troops invaded and subordinate it to themselves, overthrowing the local monarchical system. In 1897, Britain, Portugal and Spain recognized the French Protectorate over the republic.

In the days of World War II, when France suffered defeat, the power over the republic passed the Vichy regime, who had not had to rule for a long time - in 1943 he returned to French Protection.

Independence Country acquired only in 1960, in which the Malagasy Independent Republic was proclaimed. Then the islands where Madagascar is located unitary and independent. The influence of France on the island is traced and still enough to remember that French, along with Malagasy, is official in the country.

Economy of the Republic

Madagascar today is a developing country. According to GDP rating, the country takes 110 lines (before Georgia, after Estonia and Bosnia Herzegovina). The basis of economic development and the most promising industry today is tourism. Other main sectors of the economy include fishing, growing spices and spices for exports, agriculture.
The country is one of the leaders in the production of the following products:

    • legumes;
    • vanilla;
    • bananas;
    • cocoa;
    • coffee;