What to install on artu m53 m55. Baikal (former highway M51, M53, M55)

M53\55 in the game World of Tanks is the heaviest self-propelled artillery unit of the United States of America of the ninth level. This is a new installation that should appear in:

M53- it is self-propelled and very powerful assault gun, which was designed on the basis of the M48 and the American M47 medium tank. Many people know that "Patton" in large quantities began to appear only after the end of the Second World War. The designers tried to prove to the military that the self-propelled gun with a 155-160 mm caliber gun would cover all advancing troops even from the most distant positions, and also assured that the new tank would work well with other mechanized formations throughout the army.

By the way, the M53 was designed and built in 1953 (There is evidence that the tank was developed back in 1952). A fairly well-known company was involved in the development of this tank. Pacific Car & Foundry Company.

The new power plant was a powerful gasoline engine called the Continental AV-1790-5B. Immediately after this, during the next modernization, the M53, M47, M46 received the same updated engine, only the Continental AV-1790-7B, but in addition to this, a new CD-850-4B transmission was also installed. Thus, the engine power was 810 horsepower, and this tank accelerated to 50 km/h with a cruising range of 250 km.

The location of the crew also changed. Thus, the driver-mechanic is now located in the front left part of the tower. The crew of the M53 tank consists of six people: a commander, a driver, two loaders and two gunners.

Thus, the 155 mm gun for the M46 tank had a solid ammunition supply of twenty rounds, and was also equipped with a new automatic loader, which greatly simplified the loader’s work. The plow was installed on two brackets. It is worth noting that the entire T58 design had a rather limited traverse, and this, in turn, made it possible to rotate it approximately 30 degrees in both directions. As for the vertical aiming angles, they range from -5 degrees to +65 degrees.

Along with this, the M55 self-propelled gun differed significantly from the M53 with a more effective and powerful gun, which had a caliber of 203 mm. Such a structure was made for the fleet back in 1956. Despite this, the 155 mm caliber was retained for the Marine Corps.

As for the M53\55 gun, this model has not yet appeared in the World of Tanks game. The main advantage is that this model has a limited traverse, just like the GW Panther. This move allows you to keep a large area of ​​a certain location at gunpoint, but according to some information it became known that turning the chassis will significantly reduce the overall accuracy of the weapon than now.

12-10-2016, 11:13

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Friends, today we will talk about a class of equipment that most tankers do not like, and our guest is one of the brightest representatives of the ninth level Art SAU, in front of you M53/M55 guide.

Based on the totality of its positive aspects, this vehicle has proven itself very well, skilled artillery drivers love it, it often participates in battles on the Global Map, moreover, after SAU M53/M55 WoT an even more dangerous and interesting machine is coming.

TTX M53/M55

Before we begin discussing the parameters of this unit, you must understand that, as is the case with all artillery in our game, M53/M55 art has a very small margin of safety, which is barely enough to survive a shot from a normal heavy beam. In addition, the basic viewing range is only 300 meters, which is also very short.

If we consider M53/M55 characteristics survivability, the good news is that we have at our disposal not the largest dimensions and good camouflage. As for armor, we have absolutely no armor, a tank can be shot through by every enemy in any projection without any problems, and land mines often cause full damage.

But there is one more pleasant nuance - M53/M55 World of Tanks has excellent mobility. We have an excellent top speed, incredible dynamics for a car in this class, and also good maneuverability.


The main component of every self-propelled artillery installation, without a doubt, is the weapon, and in this regard we are able to compete even with some artillery pieces of the tenth level.

So, M53/M55 gun has a powerful enough alpha strike that we have a chance to kill a huge number of tanks with one shot, of course, with a successful hit. By the way, our reload speed is one of the worst on the level, this needs to be taken into account.

Regarding accuracy, M53/M55 WoT has the largest spread, but it should be noted that our convergence speed is not that bad, although these parameters still need to be improved.

Taking into account the mediocre accuracy, our weapon has one significant advantage - the radius of fragmentation of a conventional land mine is 6 meters, which is quite good.

By the way, an important nuance when playing artillery will be the choice of shells, and the equipment art tank M53/M55 in the following way:
1. Land mines are our main type of ammunition, it is better to take at least 10 pieces, because they deal excellent damage and also have a good splash.
2. Gold landmines - it all depends on your stock of gold or silver, but you need to carry at least 3-4 pieces, because thanks to the increased scattering of fragments, we have a chance to hit several targets at once or finish off an enemy hidden behind an obstacle. In addition, after the release of patch 0.9.18, the increased splash became even more important, because all tanks that fall into the scattering zone of our fragments will be stunned, and their characteristics will decrease for a while.

It has another significant advantage - thanks to the partially rotating wheelhouse, our horizontal aiming angle is 30 degrees in each direction, which makes aiming much easier and you don’t have to constantly lose dispersion due to body turns. By the way, the UVN in our case is also pleasantly surprising; for artillery -5 degrees is a very good result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the review of the general parameters and characteristics of the gun is left behind, based on all of the above, we can draw the first results. Let's summarize what art tank M53/M55 has the most strengths and weaknesses.
Powerful alphastrike;
Excellent mobility;
Good camouflage;
Good mixing time;
The best vertical and horizontal aiming angles on the level;
Complete lack of armor;
Small margin of safety;
Poor review;
Mediocre accuracy;
Low rate of fire.

Equipment for M53/M55

When it comes to installing additional modules on artillery, the choice is often extremely simple. But it is also worth considering that in our case there is a good advantage - a closed cabin, so self-propelled gun M53/M55 We install the following equipment:
1. is the most important module for every artillery, because with it we will shoot more often.
2. - the faster we converge, the more comfortable and more often we will be able to hit the target.
3. - thanks to the closed wheelhouse, we have the opportunity to get a 5% boost to very important characteristics.

A good alternative to the last point could be, because it greatly reduces the likelihood of being detected, however, preference should be given to this option only if you have not yet upgraded your camouflage.

Crew training

We have a non-standard crew of six people at our disposal, but this is no reason to panic; skills still need to be distributed in such a way as to maximize the comfort of gameplay. At the same time, remember that a mistake in choosing skills will cost a lot of wasted time or money, so M53/M55 perks download in the following order:
Commander (radio operator) - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for M53/M55

In terms of purchasing consumables, you can stick to maximum savings, in which case you will buy, ,. However, the most the best option will bet on M53/M55 equipment from , , , but if spending money on the last option every fight is not in your plans, you can put .

Tactics for playing M53/M55

The artillery gameplay seems very simple in words only, but in reality you must know each map well, remember the main travel routes, the most advantageous positions for each type of equipment, etc.

As for the process itself, M53/M55 tactics combat is, first of all, to take an advantageous position from where it will be convenient to fire, you can hide if necessary and where it will be more difficult to detect you.

At the beginning of the battle, knowing the key positions of the enemy artillery, you can try to search for it using tracers. For this purpose Art-SAU M53/M55 World of Tanks there is good damage and, importantly, a fairly large splash, but to increase the chances, it is better to immediately charge a gold landmine.

Regardless of whether you succeeded in implementing the previous idea or not, the next step is to point to the point where the enemies are expected to appear. Like any car of our class, M53/M55 art should help the allies push through directions, targeting the thickest and most powerful enemy tanks.

Otherwise, you must understand that after each shot it is advisable to move at least a little so that the enemy artilleryman does not deal with you. And in general, standing in one place for the entire battle is reckless, after all. art tank M53/M55 WoT has excellent mobility, and while the gun is reloading, we have the opportunity to take a position from which the enemy will definitely have trouble shooting.

Yes, one more thing, due to the lack of armor and any kind of protection, we should under no circumstances allow enemy tanks to approach us. But even in such cases SAU M53/M55 World of Tanks there is a chance, thanks to excellent UGN and UVN, we can kill the offender.

Part of the Asian route AH6. Part of the road from Chelyabinsk to Omsk also belongs to European route E 30. Part of the M51 road passes through the territory of Kazakhstan, which can be passed along the bypass through Ishim.

M51 Chelyabinsk - Kurgan - Ishim - Omsk - Novosibirsk

Length: 1528 km

The entire road has an asphalt concrete surface with a carriageway width of 7-8 m.

The average January temperature varies along the route from -14°C to -20°C.

Dangerous areas for traffic are:

    with a steep descent (234 km),

    With sharp turns(790 km, 871 km, 890 km, 956 km),

    with limited visibility (15 km, 234 km, 890 km).

The road crosses significant rivers: Tobol, Irtysh, Ishim, Ob.

All bridges have a load capacity of 60-80 tons.

Data service ( distances to objects are given in km from the start of the road):

    Medical aid points: 859, 904, 942(1), 1316(3), 1399(3), 1415(6).

    Traffic police posts: 27, 95, 126, 171, 207, 295, 396, 443, 763, 812, 832, 997.

Food points are located on the highway every 100-125 km on average.

Through the Northern Bypass of Novosibirsk, the road turns into M53, for 27 km from the traffic police post on the Northern Bypass of Novosibirsk to the village of Sokur - four lanes (two lanes in each direction with traffic separation, valid from November 10, 2011).

The road passes through the territory of Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Omsk and Novosibirsk region(part of the road (190 km) through the territory of Kazakhstan).

M53 Novosibirsk - (Tomsk -) Kemerovo - Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk

Length: 1860 km

Passes through the territory of the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The road surface is asphalt concrete with a carriageway width of 7 m.

Initially, the road route passes through flat terrain.

The climate is continental with hot summers and moderately harsh winters with little snow.

    with steep descents and ascents (60 km, 139 km, 242 km, 305 km, 655 km, 809 km, 1470 km, 1575 km);

    with sharp turns (41 km, 227 km, 482 km, 548 km, 1364 km, 1464 km, 1487 km);

    with limited visibility (235 km, 346 km, 483 km).

There are bridges with a load capacity of 40 tons across the river. Poimu (1167 km), (1464 km), at 1478 km and 1517 km.

The remaining bridges on the road have a load capacity of 60 tons or more.

(distances to objects are given in km from the beginning of the road. Distances of objects from the highway in km are given in brackets)

Medical aid stations: 23, 36, 52, 57(3), 82, 158(12), 176(1), 199(7), 206(1), 226(5), 245(4), 382, 402(3), 427(4), 447(4), 481(3), 506(4), 543, 583, 645(3), 690(2), 713, 775(2), 798, 812(3), 845, 931(5), 1049(3), 1103, 1370, 1441, 1487(4), 1623(5), 1754(3), 1800(5), 1815, 1840(1).

Traffic police posts: 56, 126, 245, 295, 653, 755, 808, 845, 931, 1049, 1372, 1626, 1811, 1834.

Food points are located along the highway on average every 50-60 km.

The road begins in Novosibirsk, leaving in a northern direction, towards the city of Tomsk. Without going to Tomsk - for this there is a separate entrance, also called “M-53” - the Baikal highway reaches the city of Kemerovo, the center of the Kemerovo region, without any problems.

The Kemerovo - Mariinsk section begins with a serpentine road in the Mariinsk taiga, then the road levels out, the second half goes smoothly and calmly.

The Mariinsk - Achinsk section is also tiringly calm, which again requires constant attention. Approximately in the middle is the Bogotol traffic police post, a complex of cafes and motels. In Achinsk, in addition to the continuation of the M-53 highway towards Krasnoyarsk, a road begins in the southern direction - to Khakassia, leading to the M-54 highway.

The Achinsk - Krasnoyarsk section is busier than the previous ones - you can feel it getting closer big city. From the village of Kozulka (district center) the road widens, the quality of the road surface improves noticeably. Not far from Krasnoyarsk, at a roundabout, the first turn to the right goes towards the M-54 “Yenisei” highway Krasnoyarsk - Kyzyl. The next exit from the intersection is to Krasnoyarsk.

The M-53 highway passes Krasnoyarsk along the northern edge, and goes further east in the direction where the rally section of the federal highway actually begins.

In September 2013, the section of the M-53 “Baikal” highway from km 1465 to km 1469 was completed ahead of schedule: the gravel road turned into a luxurious 9-meter road with perfectly smooth asphalt. This year, Trud specialists continue to improve the federal highway in the section 1443 - 1454 km. Especially in order to asphalt a section of more than 10 km in length, Trud installed an asphalt concrete plant here.

M55 Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude - Chita

Short route

276 km - Babushkin

447 km - Ulan-Ude

491 km - Tarbagatai (Buryatia)

652 km - Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky

794 km - Khilok

1113 km - Chita

Length: 1113 km.

The road passes through the territory of the Republic of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Along its main length, the road has an asphalt concrete surface with a carriageway width of 7 m (there are sections with cement concrete and crushed stone surfaces).

The climate along the route is sharply continental, with long cold winters (average January temperature -24 °C) and short hot summers (average July temperature +20 °C).

A number of sections of the road are dangerous for driving and require special driver attention:

    with steep descents and ascents (34 km, 40 km, 52 km, 55 km, 243 km, 670 km, 1029 km, 1081 km);

    with sharp turns (15 km, 29 km, 41 km, 52 km, 105 km, 276 km, 347 km, 498 km, 703 km);

    with limited visibility (100 km, 400 km, 1055 km).

The road crosses significant rivers: Selenga (near the city of Ulan-Ude), Khilok (near the city of Khilok).

Bridges have a load capacity of 60 tons or more.

Service data(distances to objects are given in km from the start of the road)

Medical aid stations and: 19, 110, 146, 279, 362, 447, 559, 589, 604, 652, 670, 677, 904, 961.

Traffic police posts: 10, 105, 372, 443, 556, 655, 794.

Food points are located on average 40-50 km away.

Technical specifications

    The width of the roadway is 7 m;

    The width of the roadbed is 12 m;

    Estimated traffic intensity - 3,000 vehicles per day;

    Estimated speed - 100 km/h;

    Length - 1,113 km;

    Number of traffic lanes: two;

    Coating type - advanced lightweight.


Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and Council of Ministers of the USSR dated October 23, 1970 No. 878-301 “On the construction and reconstruction of border highways (AD) in the regions of Eastern Siberia, Far East and Central Asia." separate road construction brigades were created ((odsbr) in the Main Military Construction Directorate (GVSU) of the USSR Ministry of Defense (USSR Ministry of Defense) of the USSR Armed Forces (USSR Armed Forces) which were deployed and began in 1970 at the construction and reconstruction sites of the Irkutsk - Chita in the regions of Transbaikalia. Financing of construction and reconstruction was carried out through capital investments allocated centrally, once a year, for these purposes by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Total length The road from Irkutsk to Chita reached 1,172 km (with access roads), of which 566 km were existing paved sections, and 606 km had to be rebuilt by three separate road construction teams. Work began in 1970 in three areas:

In total, on the Irkutsk - Chita road, 606 km of road with asphalt concrete pavement were built and put into operation according to the standards of the III technical category, while 207,000,000 rubles of capital investments were spent (in estimated prices of 1969).

Was built:

  1. 103 capital bridges;
  2. 480 culverts;
  3. 12 complexes of buildings and structures of the road maintenance service;
  4. 8 gas stations(gas station);
  5. 3 bus stations (bus station);
  6. 2 service stations (service stations) for cars and road vehicles;

As work was completed on their sections, the ODSBs of the GVSU of the USSR Ministry of Defense moved to the construction of the Chita - Khabarovsk AD (M58).

Work on the construction and reconstruction of the Irkutsk-Chita AD was mainly completed in 1981.