Do-it-yourself country recreation area. Lifehacks for a summer residence: how to decorate a recreation area beautifully and originally

Becoming an owner country house, many of us get an excellent opportunity not only to grow environmentally friendly products, but also to enjoy the outdoors, away from the bustle of the city. The relaxation area at the dacha is a cozy corner where you can calmly relax, hiding from the whole world, or spend a pleasant evening in friendly company with the smoke of a barbecue to boot. The arrangement of this corner of the site depends primarily on the purpose it will serve. Let's take a closer look.

There are several common and most successful options for designing a recreation area in the garden.

Outdoor area for active recreation

The arrangement of an open recreation area at the dacha will allow lovers of active games and sports entertainment Fully enjoy your favorite outdoor activity.

Open areas are an ideal option for children’s games together and for noisy adult discos under the starry sky.

Enclosed area for privacy and tranquility

Such a platform is an “open room”, the walls of which can be decorative fabric curtains, trellises with climbing plants and bamboo screens.

A light canopy that allows the sun's rays to pass through will give the structure a special coziness and protect the owners in bad weather.

Mobile version of the site

The use of metal or wooden mobile structures when arranging closed areas allows you to transform the “room” into an open clearing at any time. Such frames can be made prefabricated or simply portable.

By moving the mobile structure anywhere in the garden, you can always maintain a sense of novelty.

Patio - a courtyard hidden from prying eyes

The patio is located between the house and outbuildings. The patio looks like an enclosed area, but in this version the protective and enclosing supports are the adjacent walls of the house. Room under open airgreat option for organizing family holidays, receiving guests and privacy in order to soak up the sun's rays and sunbathe.

The optimal option for placing and designing such a recreation area at the dacha is a well-lit back side of the house, protecting from dust and street noise

How to design a relaxation corner yourself?

When choosing a place for a corner for relaxation, you must first of all take into account the possibilities of the territory. You can set aside a plot and create an open recreation area at your dacha both in the front part of the garden and in its depths.

A cozy corner in the shade of trees will create a real oasis of peace and tranquility that will appeal to mature people

For a playground, it is advisable to choose an area with a sunny meadow and a shady corner, ready to shelter restless kids on a hot afternoon

When choosing a location, be guided by the following points:

  • Convenient access to the site and its proximity to the house.
  • Protection from prying glances of passersby.
  • The presence of a slight slope to prevent the accumulation of water.

In small areas, the recreation area has a more compact shape. On areas with a larger area, you can successfully divide the recreation area in the garden into several subzones united by a single design.

For a common recreation area, open, flat areas are chosen, on which there is room for a barbecue or barbecue, a small canopy or gazebo, as well as a large table with benches

For lovers active rest a place should be provided for sports games: volleyball supports, basketball stands or a small complex of horizontal bars with ropes and rings

Stage #2 - zoning of the territory

You can separate the recreation area from the main garden using. Plants for decorating such fences can be selected depending on the illumination of the designated area and the taste preferences of the owner. Hedges made of conifers will not only complement the design of the recreation area in the country, but will also purify the air, filling it with essential oils that have bactericidal properties.

Fences can also be made from bamboo, stone and wood

Stage #3 - preparing the base + paving

Pedestrian connections can be made in the same style as the design of the site, connecting the recreation area with other elements of the site and the house.

Stage #4 (optional) - installation of barbecue and gazebo

A gazebo is a secluded corner where you can spend hours enjoying communication in pleasant company over a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, admiring the surrounding beauty. The gazebo will also provide reliable protection in bad weather: during rain, its walls will be able to accommodate the owners and guests gathered for a planned picnic.

Place the gazebo in the most picturesque corner of the garden, conducive to reflection, away from street noise.

Climbing plants entwining the structure allow you to create a mood of romance and mystery

Among the beautifully flowering climbing plants that fill the space with a charming aroma, the most impressive are the varieties of honeysuckle, clematis and.

When thinking about the design of a recreation area in the garden, you should not forget about such a functional element of the interior as.

The grill can be used both for its intended purpose, delighting guests with aromatic shish kebab, and as a heating device, the fire in which will warm you up on a rainy day and allow

In families with small children, instead of a barbecue in open areas, they are often installed, which also successfully replace a traditional kitchen stove.

Outdoor fireplaces do not have open flames and are therefore safer designs

Stage #5 - choosing garden furniture

When choosing garden furniture for a comfortable stay, designers recommend being guided by principles such as lightness and practicality.

An alternative to the upholstered furniture familiar to many of us can be wicker, wood, forged openwork or plastic

The materials used for the manufacture of garden furniture are, as a rule, easy to care for and are not afraid of adverse weather conditions. weather conditions. Decorate furniture and enhance comfortable stay A variety of soft flooring and pads will help, which in case of rain can always be brought under the canopy.

The key is in the details: the choice of accessories

It is known that comfort is created through the little things. Ceramic figurines of fairy-tale characters peeking out from under a bush, various baths and birdbaths, bells and pendants, decorative lanterns - the choice depends only on your imagination. A striking addition to the interior are, of course, flowers: flower pots, floor pots with dwarf conifers, pergolas and arches with climbing beautiful flowering plants.

At night, all kinds of lamps and luminous stones will help create a cozy atmosphere in the recreation area.

Whatever option the owner of the site chooses, the main thing is that the design of the recreation area is organically combined with the landscape of the area and the house itself.

At the dacha we spend our energy growing garden crops. But after a hard day it’s nice to relax in a cozy and comfortable environment. It is for these purposes that recreation areas are designed at the dacha - a beautiful and cozy area where you can not only spend time with your family, but also have a party. And to make everyone feel comfortable, you need to carefully consider the design of the area.

To design a place for relaxation, you can seek the help of specialists. But it’s better to take ready-made ideas as a basis and use your imagination.

Retro style corner

This design style is suitable for a small plot where the main area is reserved for garden beds. There is no need to oversaturate the space; just put a beautiful table, a few armchairs and a sofa, on which you place beautiful soft pillows. Everything is simple and accessible.

When designing such a recreation area, several points should be taken into account:

  1. Furniture should be positioned so that the seating area is in the shade. After all, after work you don’t want to sit in the scorching sun.
  2. Artificial options for creating shadows should be considered. For example, you can plant climbing ornamental plants and attach a trellis to them. Or set up a tent, put up an umbrella and other options.
  3. If the area allocated for a place to rest is not level, it is worth carefully leveling it. If the area is located on a hill, consider the option of stairs.


This option is more expensive and stylish. means a house without a roof and is the area adjacent to the house. But now more and more people are modernizing it, for example, installing a canopy in the recreation area, planting climbing plants (grapes, ivy and others).

How to create such a magnificent recreation area?

  1. Let's determine the location - a flat area with an area of ​​4 to 9 sq.m. will do. For paving, you can use paving slabs, plastic modules, stone, etc. The area under the patio should be perfectly level.
  2. Materials and colors should be chosen based on their thermal conductivity - darker-colored floors heat up faster. But if it doesn’t matter to you how quickly the floor becomes warm, then choose the color based on your preferences.

To decorate your patio, you can use your imagination - place vases with flowers, flower beds and tubs with decorative trees around the perimeter. The main thing is that it is comfortable to be in this place.

Cool in the shade

A pergola with a vine will not only create shade for the recreation area, but also protect from light rain. You can also arrange a place to relax near the trees. In addition, the area under the tree is filled with romance and a special closeness to nature.

A classic version of a recreation area - a gazebo

A gazebo is a more comfortable place to relax. It can be placed anywhere. But it’s better to choose one with a view of the entire dacha or the surrounding area. Inside the gazebo you can put anything you want - benches, chairs, sofas and other furniture that suits the style and parameters.

  • Open gazebos can have a lattice-shaped roof covered with ornamental plants.
  • In closed versions, a barbecue is often placed or an oven is installed.

Bright colors can be used for interior lining. This approach will create a bright atmosphere inside, even if the weather is cloudy. For cladding, you can use cellular polycarbonate; it multiplies the sun's rays, creating a bright environment.

Another interesting design solution is a transparent ceiling, for which polycarbonate is also suitable.

It is not necessary to create a gazebo in a classic style. There are a huge number of modern approaches to design, for example, high-tech style.

A dacha or country house with a plot of land is not only a place for growing vegetables and fruits. With proper and thoughtful organization of space in the yard, you can create a cozy recreation area that will appeal to both adults and children, without taking up free space, and will bring originality and uniqueness to the yard landscape.

Advantages and features of recreation areas on a summer cottage

Most often, a place to relax in the yard is chosen at the stage of creating a site design, but it can also be organized with a house already built and a planted area. The undeniable advantages that the recreation area at the dacha has are:

  • The possibility of organizing the process of eating food outdoors, especially if there is a grill, barbecue or fire pit in such a section of the yard. This presupposes the presence of a roof and a table with chairs or benches;
  • Holding events and celebrations in a cozy outdoor environment;
  • Practicality, due to the use in the interior of the recreation area of ​​furniture and building materials that were not useful in the house;
  • Variety of designs;
  • Ergonomics suitable for the specific needs of residents;
  • Relatively low costs (depending on how to make the zone and what to use for it);
  • Convenience and comfort.

The holiday period will be unforgettable, comfortable and fun for both children and adults with a relaxation area created based on the needs of all family members.

The photo shows recreation areas at the dacha, created with your own hands:

It should be taken into account that choosing furniture for such comfort areas is one that is not susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture. It can be artificial or natural rattan, which are practical and comfortable. If you plan to use upholstered furniture, then you should take into account that all pillows and elements capable of accumulating water can, if necessary, be quickly and easily removed and put away in the house. At the same time, they must be washable in a washing machine.

Any design can be chosen as a table, either metal, or using other materials, or a combined type that will not deteriorate from moisture and sun.

Attention! A safe area should be provided in such an area for the location of a barbecue, which can be either stationary or portable.

Recently, it has become fashionable and stylish to use an outdoor fireplace, in which it is possible not only to bake meat, but also to cook other types of food.

Various climbing plants are also actively used for the design of such a recreation area; as they grow, they entwine the frame of the gazebo or wall, creating shade inside and giving coolness and freshness. The most common plants are varieties of climbing roses and ivy, grapes, vines, clematis, hyacinias, nasturtiums, and kobeas.

Types of recreation areas and their features

Depending on the location and type of arrangement, recreation areas built on summer cottages can be divided into the following types:


It's a kind of courtyard within a courtyard. Traditionally, it is equipped with elements such as a table and chairs, as well as a barbecue. Usually the patio is equipped in the open air and is not fenced off from the rest of the yard space by partitions.

Patios can be equipped with such convenient and practical elements as swimming pools, sun loungers, umbrellas, lawns, flower beds, figurines, fountains. It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owners, as well as on the availability of free space in the yard.

An option for creating a patio at your dacha yourself is presented in the video


The traditional way of organizing a place to relax at domestic dachas is through gazebos, which, unlike their ancient types, are becoming more elegant, more original and more sophisticated. The gazebo can be woven with climbing greenery, or built using transparent roofing materials, and be equipped with a table and benches, a barbecue, a barbecue, or other types of elements for comfort. It all depends on preferences and capabilities.

Closed area

Such a zone practically represents a room in which there may be no roof or some walls. Typically, lightweight and durable materials are used for its construction - polycarbonate, metal profiles, reed and others. It separates the rest space from work areas.


A properly equipped terrace can also be an excellent relaxation area. Such a site adjacent to the house makes it possible to install furniture and various interior items that contribute to comfort. It can be either open or closed.

Attention! The recreation area is set up both near the house and a little further away.

In the second case, when guests visit, their noise will not disturb those who are already relaxing. But if there is a playground in such a section of the yard, it is better to build it closer to the house so that you can watch the children from the window.


The ideal solution for each site can only be an individual arrangement option, which will take into account both the features of the house and the features of the yard, as well as the material component. Depending on the preferences of the owners, the recreation area can be installed by them themselves or with the assistance of specialists. Even the darkest and most remote area can, if desired, be turned into a cozy corner of relaxation and comfort that you will never want to leave.


awnings for the garden

Open area

Closed area

Area under the trees


Furniture for a country recreation area

Fireplace in the recreation area at the dacha

Decor and other nuances

A summer cottage differs from a standard apartment in the city in that when people arrive there, they spend most of their time outdoors, doing gardening or relaxing.

Moreover, each person understands relaxation at the dacha in his own way: for some it is friendly gatherings, for others it is a barbecue with the family, for others it is a leisurely admiration of nature alone.

That is why the options for designing a recreation area on a summer cottage are so diverse.

What types of recreation areas are there in the country?

To relax and enjoy the time spent at the dacha, you need to start arranging a comfortable recreation area. Everyone's concept of comfort is different, so you need to consider all possible options before making a final decision.


A patio is a landscaped area, usually adjacent to the walls of the main building.

To protect such a recreation area from rain and scorching sun, they are most often used awnings for the garden, making the site more comfortable and attractive.

Most of all, the patio resembles an outdoor room, where hedges and climbing plants serve as walls. On such a site you can sunbathe, have noisy parties and relaxing home dinners.

Open area

An open area is a recreation area located in the middle of an open-air lawn. This option will appeal to lovers of active recreation in a fun company.

Such an area can easily turn into a place for outdoor games or night discos. The main disadvantage is the lack of protection from the sun and precipitation.

Closed area

The closed area is a guest from the West, who is actively gaining popularity. The main goal of organizing space in this option is to create a full-fledged room in the middle of a summer cottage.

Does it look like a patio? Yes, but not entirely - the closed area is not adjacent to any buildings and is a separate element of landscape design.

There must be a canopy and stylized walls, for example, made of mats, screens, fabric, etc.

Area under the trees

If your summer cottage boasts the presence of at least one tree with a luxurious crown, then you should think about the possibility of placing a recreation area directly under it.

After all, the natural canopy is already ready, all that remains is to place a comfortable bench or a suitable table with chairs on the chosen site - the place to relax is ready.

If you have free space, you can make it more organized by surrounding the area with climbing plants, such as climbing roses.


The mention of gazebos for most people evokes associations with a cozy garden, where, far from prying eyes and the bustle of the street, there is a small but very beautiful building, surrounded by bright flowers.

Ideally, there is a pond nearby, in the water of which colorful plants and the gazebo itself are reflected. In such a place it’s nice to have a cup of tea, have a heart-to-heart talk with friends, or just admire nature. Such a picturesque picture may well become a reality.

Furniture for a country recreation area

Having decided on the type of place to relax, it’s time to move on to arranging it. The first thing we need is comfortable garden furniture, which should be functional and light.

Upholstered furniture is not the best solution for an open space; it is better to put a few pillows that can be brought into the house in case of bad weather.

The main thing is that the selected furniture can withstand high humidity, temperature changes and is easy to maintain. In winter, it is advisable to move all the furniture into the house or outbuilding.

Fireplace in the recreation area at the dacha

A recreation area would be incomplete without a blazing fireplace. You can opt for a stationary barbecue, the fire lit in which will warm all household members and guests.

Well, the culinary masterpieces prepared on it will definitely be remembered by everyone present. An alternative option is an outdoor fireplace, which is safer due to the absence of an open flame.

Of course, all these designs are quite expensive, so you can get by with a small mobile barbecue.

Decor and other nuances

The design of a country recreation area implies the presence of all kinds of decor, which include various pendants, bells, bird feeders and much more.

Most often, it is on the site that garden figurines or interesting figurines are placed. You should definitely take care of lighting; garden lanterns and other lighting devices can help with this.

The design of the recreation area can be absolutely anything, which allows you to implement various design ideas.

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, because only the owner of the site knows exactly what the ideal place to relax on his property should be. Create a real oasis in your summer cottage, where you can completely relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life.