Diving center jolly roger. living under water

For those who have never been diving, it probably seems that this entertainment is the privilege of the “experienced”, and before diving, you must first go through expensive courses, and then also splurge on equipment. Perhaps it is this delusion that prevents many vacationers and residents of the island from considering diving as one of the options for an exciting adventure in Phuket.

I thought so too, until fate brought me to the Jolly Roger. From the divers of this center, I learned that even I, a person who is extremely far from any extreme sports and who can swim exclusively in the "axe style", can dive without prior preparation. And in order not to be unfounded, the Rogers sent me to a depth of 12 meters, the maximum possible for a beginner.

Newbies are allowed

Jolly Roger has been operating in Phuket since 2005. During this time, the company has grown to the largest Russian dive center on the island, acquired branches on Phi Phi and Koh Tao, as well as its own ship.

The "Rogers" regularly arrange various special "immersions", for example, celebrating the New Year under water (video from this event can be viewed here). On New Year's Eve, they plunged a decorated Christmas tree to a depth of 6 meters, around which they then danced round dances and symbolically opened champagne (it is strictly forbidden to drink before and during the dive).

But I went with the Jolly Roger on a weekday basis, along one of the standard routes near the islands of Racha Yai and Racha Noi. This is one of the most popular dive sites in Phuket, interesting for both beginners and experienced divers. There were three newbies in our group: me, a 16-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl. A separate instructor always dives with children, which ensures that there is no risk.

"Diving is perhaps the safest of the extreme types of recreation," says CEO"Jolly Roger" Evgeny Mukhlygin, - "The whole process takes place in a relaxed state, and the equipment is designed so that air is supplied in any case. Breaking the regulator so that it stops supplying air is simply impossible.

For beginners, of course, a detailed briefing is given, which tells how to dive correctly, why you can’t hold your breath while inhaling when diving, how to clean the air regulator in two ways if it accidentally fell out of your mouth at a depth, how to clean the mask if it got under it water. At the same time, they explain in detail why it is impossible to touch marine organisms. About 400 species of fish and about 200 species of corals live in the depths of the Andaman Sea, under water you can find whale and leopard sharks, turtles, cuttlefish, octopuses, seahorses and millions of tropical fish. Of course, there are predatory and poisonous among them, although, according to divers, marine life does not care about divers, unless, of course, they try to grab a marine life by the gills. That is, even the most dangerous creature in the local waters will not harm you if you do not insist on it.

As I found out when diving, there are no sharks near the Racha Islands, but there are plenty of turtles, exotic fish, octopuses and other underwater inhabitants.

You gave me this world

However, in the first minutes I was not up to underwater beauties. Even before the dive, I admitted that I was prone to panic, and the “Rogers” who listened to this classified me as one of the “difficult clients”. Later, Eugene admitted that many "alarmists" specifically turn to the dive center to overcome their phobias about water.

The first dive off the coast of Racha Noi was planned to a depth of 6 meters. For divers, this is not much, but it was not easier for me to realize this fact. Jambs of unnecessary thoughts raced through my head: “what will happen if the regulator pops out of my mouth”, “what if I’m breathing wrong”, “what if I land on a coral, and there is a stone fish” and so on.

In general, the first dive caused me mixed feelings. But the second - quite unambiguous. Something happened to me that is succinctly characterized by a quote from Pokrovsky Gates: “Kostya, you gave me back this world!”. Only in my case it was not “returned”, but “gave”, and not Kostya, but Misha. An instructor who knows everything about diving, alarmists and youth work methods.

In general, there are no random people in the team of Jolly Roger instructors, everyone has the highest qualifications and great experience. One of them, for example, graduated from the Moscow RGUFKSiT with a degree in Underwater Sports and Diving, while the head of the center himself dived while still in the army.

Back to my second dive. Before him, I immediately remembered the saying that deciding on a second parachute jump is much more terrible than the first. I experienced something similar, but still pulled myself together, which is very glad. The second time, I no longer felt fears, the air regulator in my mouth seemed familiar, I breathed easily and somehow by itself. As a result, I fully felt the beauty of freedom under water.

The second dive took place in a place, without exaggeration, amazing - in Siam Bay near Racha Yai. The place is famous for having two life-size elephant statues and a giant arch with mythical guardians. Unbelievable but true - the Thai government quite deliberately lowered this beauty to the bottom of the sea after the 2004 tsunami, as a talisman and as a memory. So divers who dive in Siam Bay have the opportunity to take absolutely surreal photos as a keepsake.

In general, there are many unique dive sites for certified divers in Thailand. From the wreck of the 85m KingCruiser to the legendary Shark Point, it is safe and amazingly beautiful with a variety of different types of coral, hard and soft corals, leopard sharks and coral fish. There are even whale sharks there, but that's a completely different story.

Jolly Roger Dive Center Contacts: 46/21 Village 9, Chalong, Muang, Phuket, 83100, Thailand; tel.: +66 810800140; Email: [email protected]

Unfortunately, most tourists vacationing in Phuket limit their vacation to visiting numerous nightclubs, lazy pastime on the beaches, and contemplation of the magnificent surrounding landscapes. And they don't know how amazingly bright natural beauty located very close to them - in the depths of the sea. But in order to see all this, as they say, you need to go diving. Phuket is rich in a huge number of diving centers that perform a variety of excursions to the underwater world.

The abundance of places suitable for diving makes it possible to get a large number of pleasant experience not only for beginners, but also for experienced divers. I must say that in Phuket you can go diving with almost any level of training, even with the very zero one. An experienced instructor will be able to teach you all the necessary skills for scuba diving in a short time.

There are a lot of diving companies in Phuket. I will list the largest and most well-known companies that have a good reputation and are focused on Russian-speaking clients:

Diving center "Jolly Roger" (website: http://jolly-rojer.ru, Phone: 0810800140)

Argo-Dive Center (site http://argo-dive.ru, phones: 086-277-38-72, 084-716-48-26)

Diversant Diving Center (website: http://diversaint.ru, phone: 0853434944)

Diving center "Joy Dive" (website: http://joydive.asia, phone: 0831810099)

Students can choose any training program for themselves - according to the PADI or CMAS system. Initial classes are held in equipped classrooms, where there is also modern educational literature (including in Russian), video aids and thematic material.

All beginners begin their first trial dives in the pool, and already the first dives in the sea take place near the islands of Phi Phi and Racha Yai. During the day, a group of novice divers, led by an instructor, is engaged in the program. It usually includes several dives and a mandatory lunch on the ship. In addition, the cost of training includes - transfer, equipment, insurance and drinking water. If participants wish, night dives can also be arranged.

Depending on the program chosen by the participant, the cost of training ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 baht. Per day trip with two dives, beginners will have to pay 4,000 - 5,000 baht (depending on the dive site and dive center), certified divers will cost 3,000 - 4,000 baht. But for a three - four-day trip to the Similan Islands, you will have to pay from 16,000 to 21,000 baht.

The dive sites can be reached either by dive boat or by speedboat. The first travel option is extremely comfortable, but somewhat long in time. The second option provides for a faster delivery of participants, but does not provide pleasant delivery conditions.

The best dive sites near Phuket are:

Racha Yai island. A very safe and very easy diving site, excellent for beginner divers. There are practically no high waves and intense currents, but there are hard corals and many beautiful bays. Perhaps the main disadvantage this place is a sparsely represented fauna.

Racha Noi island. It is very similar to the previous one, only here the Southern Plateau is already present with a very intense current. Experienced divers are allowed to dive here. The main advantage of the Southern Plateau is the amazing diversity of the underwater world. You can even see manta rays here.

Phi Phi Islands. This place is perfect for both beginners and experienced divers. Here you can see a huge number of corals, turtles, exotic fish, moray eels and even sharks. The current here is very moderate, and the depth itself does not exceed 30 meters. The only serious drawback of this place is its great distance from Phuket. It takes at least 3 hours to get to the islands on a dive boat, but a speedboat will take you there in less than an hour.

King Cruiser. This is not an island, but the most popular program for experienced divers. Here you can travel to the bottom of the sea to the wreck of the King Cruiser, then to the underwater rocks near the Shark Point lighthouse and to a place called Koh Dok Mai, especially revered by lovers of the underwater macrocosm.

From the first independent timid exit into underwater space to daring deep special operations on dangerous objects! From Trial Dive to Advanced Professional Certification! Welcome to Thailand - the land of positivity and amazing diving. highly developed tourism industry Phuket Island will make your vacation unforgettable, but remember that the most interesting things are hidden from the eyes of tourists under the water column. Add to white sand beaches, diverse excursions and shopping new sensations! Get ready for an underwater adventure with a Russian dive center Jolly Roger. If you have never done underwater travel before, then your time has come. Any vivid holiday experience pales in comparison to what you can see in the depths of the Andaman Sea. warm waters indian ocean hide hundreds of species of a wide variety of marine life. Located very close to the center of tourist life, coral reefs are a unique microcosm, watching which you will become explorers who know the world of silence and beauty. The instructors of the dive center Jolly Roger invite you to board your own, high-speed ship. Every day we offer you a unique adventure program. 7 days a week you will be visiting the best dive sites, visiting a huge sunken ferry and visiting reefs near the iconic Phi Phi islands. For your comfort and safety, the Jolly Roger offers state-of-the-art snorkeling equipment, the rental of which is included in the price of the order. Positive emotions from each dive will stay with you for a long time. While diving, photos and videos are taken, so take your good mood with you and get ready to become friends with a fun team of adventurers. The entire hierarchy of diver training is at your service according to the PADI organization, the world's leading diving organization, and according to the NDL system.


    This course is for beginners who want to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world under the direct supervision of an experienced instructor. The course includes two dives around Phuket. The duration of the course is 1 day.

    The course allows you to take the first steps in scuba diving under the supervision of an instructor. This already includes theoretical training in the basics of diving and training in the pool, 2 dives in the sea. The duration of the course is 2 days.

    The first course allows you to get a full-fledged certificate and already independently enjoy the beauties of the underwater world in weightlessness. During the course you will receive a full theoretical and practical training in the pool and at sea. The duration of the course is 3 days. 4 dives in the sea.

    Advanced course allows you to dive in more interesting but also more difficult places. The depth of immersion increases, several new skills are given. 5 sea dives, no classroom. The duration of the course is 2 days.

    If you already have a certificate but haven't dived for a long time, this course will help you brush up on your diving skills under the guidance of an instructor. 2 dives in the sea.

    You have already started the OWD course in the pool, but you did not have time to finish the course in open water, you were given an absentee referral list and you decided to finish the course at the resort. The duration of the course is 2 days.

    Rescue diver course, if you want to not only dive safely, but also provide the necessary assistance if necessary. The course includes 3 days of special training in the pool and at sea.

    First aid course, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills and defibrillator skills. The duration of the course is 1 day.

    The first professional course that gives you the opportunity not only to swim professionally underwater, but also to start your professional diving career. The duration of the course is 30 days.

    The course allows you to use oxygen-enriched air (nitrox) as a breathing mixture, increases the time spent under water and expands the no-decompression limit. The duration of the course is 2 days.

    The picturesque sites are great for divers of all skill levels.


    On this day you will have a unique opportunity to see a giant wreck object, a huge ferry lying on the bottom and of particular interest among divers.

    While traveling to these sites, you will not only enjoy great diving, but also appreciate the beauty of the tropical islands.

    Each dive on these sites follows a different scenario during which you can see a unique underground city and, of course, you will again fall into the company of bright inhabitants of the reefs.

    One of the best sites. A huge number of marine life, among which the queens of these places, leopard sharks, are not uncommon.

    One of the best sites. A huge number of marine life, among which the queens of these places, leopard sharks, are not uncommon.

    The closest dive site around Phuket. The combination of different depths from 3 m to 20 m. The diverse underwater world allows both certified divers and inexperienced beginners to dive.

    They are famous for the fact that on one of them (Phi Phi Ley) the shooting of the famous film "The Beach" with DiCaprio in leading role. Highly beautiful views both under water and over water will leave you with an unforgettable experience of traveling on this excursion.

    The site is only accessible to certified divers. A passenger catamaran-ferry 82 meters long sunk in 1997 at 30 meters. Sunken ships have a special attractive power and will not leave indifferent even experienced divers.

    The reef located in the open sea will amaze you with an abundance of anemones (soft corals) and the numerous underwater fauna living in them, the underwater rock is all overgrown with anemones and swaying under the influence of water ....

    The name itself speaks for itself, the constantly living population of leopard sharks (harmless and graceful, feeding on plankton) and a huge variety of corals, both soft and hard, make this place one of the best and most bright places for dives available for day trips.

    An island standing alone in the open sea with vertical walls up to 50 m high and the same vertical walls overgrown with corals up to 22 meters deep, as well as a couple of small caves, will be a pleasant end to a series of dives in one day.

List of services and prices for them:


  • Snorkeling (adult) 2300
  • Child - up to 8 years 1200
  • Without certificate (DSD) shore diving 2500****
  • 2 dives 4500
  • 3 dives 5500
  • Certified divers 2 shore dives 2500****
  • Night dive from shore 2500****
  • 2 dives 3200*
  • 3 dives 3500*
  • RACHA YAI 3200 THB
  • RACHA NOY 3200
  • SHARK POINT 3200
  • KOH DOK MAY 3500
  • ANemone Reef 3500
  • CAVES 6000

PADI Courses:

  • OWD 4 dives 14000**
  • OWD 5 dives 14500**
  • OWD 6 dives 15500**
  • OWD with personal instructor 20000**
  • AOWD 13000**
  • AOWD 6 dives 13500**
  • AOWD with personal instructor 20000**
  • Nitrox non-dive 6000**
  • Nitrox Diving 8000**
  • Rescue 12500**
  • EFR 6000**
  • DM 30000***
  • Referral 12500

Dive safari:


Price in Thai Baht

Additional services:

  • rental of a cylinder with Nitrox - 300 THB

Information about training and issued certificates:

Discover Scuba Diving

The Discover Scuba Diving program is designed specifically to give you a taste for diving. We will make every effort to ensure that your first dive will make you want to take the Open Water Diver course and become a real diver who will have all the skills and abilities for independent diving.
Take the big step
The staff of our dive center are professionals who will help you choose the most suitable training program for you.

Open Water Diver - Basics

Course from 3 days.
Dives: 4
This course introduces students to the basics of scuba diving. Upon completion of the course, a PADI Open Water Diver certificate is issued, which is recognized throughout the world. To obtain a certificate, you must:

  • attend 5 theoretical classes;
  • make 5 dives in the pool;
  • make 4 dives in open water (lake or ocean).

The Open Water Diver certificate entitles you to dive with a partner. Almost anyone can become a PADI Open Water Diver if they are healthy. For children aged 10-15 there is a PADI Junior Scuba Diver program


For those who want to improve their dive skills and get the most out of diving, Jolly Roger offers the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver training course. This course is designed for those who are ready to take a step towards new adventures.
Advanced Open Water Diver is a course that allows you to improve your diving skills under the strict guidance of PADI instructors. The program offers a variety of directions and the opportunity to choose exactly what you like. The learning process takes place directly in the water, in the pool and in the sea, where the newly acquired skills will be honed in practice.
The course program covers the following topics:

  • Altitude Diver (dive in high altitude conditions)
  • AWARE Fish Identification (definition of fish according to the AWARE method)
  • Boat Diver (diving from a boat)
  • Dive Propulsion Vehicle (dive with underwater tugs)
  • Drift Diver (diving in current conditions)
  • Dry Suit Diver (dive suit diving)
  • Deep Diver (deep dives)
  • Multilevel Diver (multilevel dives)
  • Night Diver (night dives)
  • Peak Performance Buoyancy (mastery of buoyancy)
  • Search and Recovery (search and recovery of sunken objects)
  • Underwater Naturalist (underwater naturalist)
  • Underwater Navigator (underwater orientation)
  • Underwater Photographer (underwater photography)
  • Underwater Videographer (underwater video)
  • Wreck Diver (wreck diving)

The Advanced Open Water Course is open to individuals who are 12 years of age or older and hold a PADI Open Water Diver, Junior Open Water Diver certification or equivalent.
After completing five dives, including Deep Diver and Underwater Navigation, you will receive an Advanced Open Water Diver certificate.
Children 12-14 years old who have completed the Advanced Open Water Diver course will receive the Junior Advanced Open Water Diver certificate.
The maximum diving depth in the Advanced Open Water Diver program is 30 meters.
Adults and children over 15 years of age who have an Advanced Open Water certificate can continue their education by choosing one of the specializations - Deep Diver, Wreck Diver, etc.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or Junior Advanced Open Water Diver certifications allow you to take the EFR course, as well as choose any special course.
A number of courses have an age limit:

  • Cavern Diver (grotto diving) - 18 years old;
  • Semiclosed Rebreather Dolphin / Atlantis / Ray (semi-closed rebreather) - 15 years;
  • Search and Recovery (search and recovery of sunken objects) - 12 years.


Although diving does not count extreme view pastime, it is very important to be able to respond correctly to possible accidents and unforeseen circumstances.
The Rescue Diver course is a training program designed to teach you how to behave in an emergency.
Only persons 15 years of age or older with a PADI Advanced Open Water and EFR (Emergency First Responce) certification or equivalent are eligible to participate.
Children aged 12-14 who already have a PADI Junior Advanced Open Water Diver certification or equivalent can take the PADI Junior Rescue Diver course. A prerequisite is also a certificate of an Emergency First Response course or equivalent CPR training course issued no more than 2 years ago.


PADI Enriched Air Diver is a course for diving with oxygen enriched air.
How is enriched air different from normal air?
The composition of the air that we breathe every day includes 78% nitrogen and only 21% oxygen, and the remaining 1% is other gases. Enriched air, depending on the concentration of the mixture, contains a smaller percentage of nitrogen and a larger percentage of oxygen. This will increase the maximum time spent under water. Let's say your 15m no decompression limit is 90 minutes. But using a mixture with an increased oxygen content, such as EANx36 (i.e. 36% oxygen content), you can increase it to almost 250 minutes.


The PADI Divemaster course is designed for those who have decided to make diving the meaning of their lives.

To enroll in a PADI Divemaster course, you must:

  • Earn a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification or equivalent.
  • Obtain a PADI Rescue Diver certification or equivalent.
  • Obtain a PADI EFR certification or equivalent.
  • Complete and log at least 20 open water dives prior to starting Divemaster classes, and complete and log at least 60 open water dives, including night dives, deep dives, and underwater orienteering, prior to becoming a PADI Divemaster.
  • Reach the age of 18 years.
  • Be in good physical shape for diving and provide a medical certificate signed by a doctor.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Divemaster qualification card and wall certificate and become a PADI member.


If during the course of obtaining the Advanced Open Water Diver certification, there was a dive in any of the specializations, it will be counted as the first in the course.
Most courses can be completed in one day.

  • PADI Propulsion Vehicle Diver
  • PADI Drift Diver (diving in current conditions)
  • PADI Wreck Diver (wreck diving)
  • PADI Boat Diver
  • PADI Night Diver (night dives)
  • PADI Equipment Specialist (equipment specialist)
  • PADI Enriched Air Diver
  • PADI Search and Recovery Diver (search and recovery of sunken objects)
  • PADI Underwater Navigator diver (underwater navigation)
  • PADI Altitude Diver
  • PADI Multilevel Diver (multilevel dives)
  • PADI Underwater Naturalist (underwater naturalist)
  • PADI Underwater Photographer
  • PADI Underwater Videographer
  • AWARE Fish Identification
  • PADI Cavern Diver
  • PADI Deep Diver (deep dives)

Dive sites with names:


  • Koh Bida Nai
  • palong wall
  • Maya Cave


Hotels near the dive center:

1. Chalong Bay View Condominiums
Address: 48/19 Aongari, Viset Road, Rawai, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83130, Thailand
2. Pier 42 Boutique Resort and Spa
Address: 42/4 6 Soi Ao Wiset Road, Chalong, 83130 Tel: +6676384477, Chalong, Amphoe Mueang Phuket, Chang Wat Phuket 83100, Thailand
3. Fisherman Way
Address: 5/11 Vises Road Rawai Muang Phuket Phuket 83130, Thailand
4. Rawai Garden Bungalows
Address: Soi Sermsuk, Tambon Rawai, Amphoe Mueang Phuket, Chang Wat Phuket 83130, Thailand

Diving is underwater swimming with breathing equipment. The rich flora and fauna surroundings of Phuket are ideal for diving. The abundance of diving sites allows you to get the most pleasant experience for both beginners and experienced divers. Diving is possible with any level of training. Classes with an instructor allow you to get the necessary skills for scuba diving in a short period of time.

Where to go

There are a lot of diving companies in Phuket. We will list the largest and most well-known companies that have a good reputation and are focused on Russian-speaking clients.

Argo-Dive Center

Training program

Students can choose a program according to the PADI and CMAS systems. Classes are held in equipped classrooms with the provision of modern literature, video aids and thematic material.

Beginners work out a trial dive in the pool. Training dives are held on the islands of Phi Phi, Racha Yai. During the day trip, a group of divers performs a program that includes several dives and lunch on the ship. The price of the tour also includes transfer, insurance, drinking water, equipment. Dives are arranged both at night and during the day.


  • Training will cost from 5,000 to 15,000 baht, depending on the chosen program.
  • The price of a day trip with two dives for beginners will be from 4,000 to 5,000 baht, depending on the company and dive site. The cost of a similar program for certified divers is 3000-4000 baht.
  • A three- or four-day trip to the Similan Islands will cost 16,000-21,000 baht.


Dive sites can be reached by dive boat or speedboat. In the first case, the trip will be comfortable, but long, and in the second, the duration of the trip will be significantly reduced, but you will have to go in not very convenient conditions.

Best dive sites near Phuket:

Racha Yai Island

It is a safe and easy dive site and is best suited for beginners. There are no intense currents and high waves, but there are many beautiful bays and hard corals. The downside of this place is the poorly represented fauna.

Racha Noi island

This island differs from Racha Yai only in the presence of the Southern Plateau with an intense current. Only certified divers can dive here. The main advantage of the Southern Plateau is the diversity of the animal world. In particular, manta rays can be seen here.

Phi Phi Islands

This place is suitable for both beginners and experienced divers. Here you will find a large number of corals, exotic fish, sharks, as well as turtles and moray eels. The current is moderate, and the depth does not exceed 30 meters. The disadvantage of this place is a significant distance from Phuket. The way to the islands on a dive boat takes about three hours, and on a boat - about an hour.

King Cruiser

A popular program for experienced divers includes a trip to the wreck of the King Cruiser, to the underwater rocks with the Shark Point lighthouse, as well as to a place called Koh Dok Mai, which is of particular interest to fans of the underwater macrocosm.

Keep in mind that it is better to refuse diving in the presence of colds. Beginners are advised to pre-dive a few dives in the pool.