Darina Gromova is the main passenger of Instagram. Darina Gromova - the main passenger of the tragic flight

Yesterday in Egypt, during the crash of a Kogalym Avia (MetroJet) plane, 224 of our compatriots were killed... About every tenth of them is a child... The youngest girl Darina was only 10 months old... Before departure, posting this photo online, young parents called her “the main passenger.”

I watch the news while abroad on the Russia Today channel. Tears well up in my eyes and it’s absolutely impossible not to take it to heart... My daughter turned 10 months old in 2014 when my whole family and her four-year-old brother went to travel around Asia. In three months, my children and I made 6 flights. Some flights lasted about 10 hours, some less than an hour. And we also considered her the “main passenger”. On every flight our daughter was the smallest...

Some of them were abroad for the first time on this fateful trip to Egypt, some proposed to their beloved, some were flying with the whole family with three children. All these children had their whole lives ahead of them and they could see the whole World. But their journey ended in the skies over Egypt.

It is especially scary to realize that the crash did not occur during takeoff or landing, not in a few seconds, as is usually the case... The plane fell from a height of 10 kilometers. How did the children and the parents of these children feel? I don't know. My son and daughter, who is now two years old, just woke up. She sits on my lap, and our third five-month-old baby sleeps in my wife’s arms. And I’m scared to even think about what the passengers of the ill-fated flight 9268 felt when their plane crashed.

My wife is very afraid of flying, but her passion for travel is stronger! For us, the 24 countries we visited are not the end, but only the beginning.

And you yourself seem to understand that after this event you will not stop traveling. Reason dictates that you are many times more likely to die without traveling at all - in your own car, minibus, on a bicycle or on a pedestrian crossing...

But you sit with your daughter on your lap, look at the photo of a ten-month-old girl on the monitor and tears well up in your eyes.

Our sincere condolences to the families and friends of all those who did not return home. Hold on, no matter how difficult it is! For the rest, I really want to wish... Love each other every second of your life, not paying attention to various minor troubles! And keep traveling no matter what!

P.S. Another disturbing feeling is that of anger and misunderstanding. Literally three days before this, the very worthy airline Transaero finally ceased to exist in Russia. As of 2015, Transaero was the safest air carrier in Russia and 17th in the world according to this indicator... And while the bankruptcy of Transaero is more reminiscent of a raider takeover by its main competitor Aeroflot, we all have to fly on the increasingly expensive Aeroflot or cheap "charters" like "KogalymAvia"? Although, the cause of the disaster remains to be found out... Again, speaking of the positives independent travel... When you travel independently, you choose your own airline. Most tour operators send tourists on cheap “charters” in order to save money.

P.S. We came across a poem for this photo on social networks. The author, unfortunately, is not signed (if anyone knows, write in the comments). Dedicated to Darina Gromova:

Information about those killed in a plane crash over Egypt appears on the Internet. The ill-fated flight brought together dozens beautiful stories love and amazing human destinies.

Darina looks at the runway, reports TK "Russia 24". Small hands, fingers spread, pressed against the glass. " Main passenger", mother Tatyana tenderly signs the photo of her daughter. This will be the first flight in her life. On October 15, the Gromov family went to Egypt from Pulkovo airport. Alexey and Tanya got married a year ago - in July they celebrated a “calico” wedding. In Sharm El -They stayed with the Sheikh for two weeks and celebrated Darina’s 10th birthday. Her photograph has already become a symbol of this tragedy.

There were 25 children on board the Kogalymavia plane, including Nastya Sheina. She turned 3 years old in March. For her parents, this trip to the sea was special. Among the Arabian fairy tales, in the most popular tourist city, under the scorching sun even at this time of year, Yuri and Olga celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary and ten years since they met.

Little Nastya never left her parents for a second. The photographs show her fooling around with her mom on a sun lounger near the pool, posing with her dad near the clumsy inscription “Egypt 2015” made by hand in the sand. On October 31 at 6:40 am Olga Sheina will write on her Internet page: “We are flying home.” And she will post a photo of her husband with Nastya in his arms. In 11 minutes the plane will take off, and these frames will be the last published.

It so happened that this particular flight collected dozens of incredible and touching love stories on board. The deputy head of Pskov, Alexander Kopylov, was a widower. His meeting with Elena Melnikova completely changed his life. She helped him get over his loss. Colleagues and acquaintances noticed: when the couple was together, their eyes shone with happiness. He promised to take her to the sea and kept his promise. When it became known today that the couple was on the list of dead, no one could believe this news.

“I couldn’t believe it. And when the information was confirmed, it was a shock. He wanted to give a gift to his wife Lena Mikhailovna, who had a birthday three days ago,” says Ivan Tsetsersky, the head of Pskov.

Love also predetermined the trip for the Rodin family. Elena and Alexander went to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on the golden beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh. Three years ago, Lena vacationed in Egypt with her parents, but this year she decided to return here with her beloved man. Tomorrow was the girl's birthday.

A citizen of Belarus was rewarded at work with a trip to an Egyptian resort. Relatives say this was his first flight.

Most of the plane's passengers were St. Petersburg residents. But residents of the Leningrad, Novgorod and Tambov regions also flew on board, Altai Territory, Karelia, as well as Pskov, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Tyumen. Relatives of the victims are now traveling to St. Petersburg, where identification will take place.

Relatives of the victims have been gathering at Pulkovo Airport since the morning. They are confused and seem to not fully believe what happened.

“I came here, entered the airport. I went up to the counter and asked if there were still flights to Sharm el-Sheikh, they told me that only in the evening. That’s it,” says a relative of one of the victims.

Children and parents, brothers and sisters, friends and work colleagues were expected here. Irina came to meet her friends. At the beginning of the week they were basking in the sun together. She was supposed to fly on the same flight, but her husband persuaded her to return home a few days earlier. Yulia Kazantseva managed to avoid tragedy in the same way.

Psychologists are now working with loved ones of passengers on the Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg flight.

Along with the passengers, there were also seven crew members on board: two pilots and five flight attendants. Colleagues spoke of them as responsible and efficient workers. Captain aircraft was Valery Nemov, he had more than 12 thousand flight hours. Kogalymavia denies his possible guilt in the crash of the airliner.

“This person is certainly experienced, certainly respected, certainly a very honored pilot. We have no reason to assume that this was some kind of mistake on the part of the air crew,” said Oksana Golovina, a partner at THC.

On this moment Already 150 bodies have been pulled out of the rubble. Some of them have already been sent to Cairo to the city morgue. A special plane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to Egypt. Russian rescuers will also take part in the operation at the crash site.

When adults die because of someone else, it is a terrible tragedy. If children die for the same reason, then this is a doubly tragedy!

The tragic story of one family

Baby girl aged ten months from Leningrad region I flew to Egypt at sea with my parents. In her father’s arms she swayed on the Mediterranean waves and soaked up the sun.

Darina Gromova is the main passenger of the tragic flight. Photo from her mother's social network page.

While returning home, the girl died in a plane crash along with her father and mother and other passengers on the plane. Among the nearly three dozen children on that flight, there was no less Darina. Her parents Alexey and Tatyana Gromov worked in the same thriving company. It was a good young family.

At Pulkovo Airport, the mother took a photograph of her daughter looking at the planes through the terminal window. And posted the photo on in social networks entitled: "Chief Passenger". Now this photo of Darina Gromova, still alive, has spread all over the world.

On the Internet, Darina is called the main passenger of the tragic flight. The baby’s grandmother, feeling the trouble, asked the children to leave her granddaughter with her. But they didn’t listen.

How did it happen?

On October 31, 2015, an Airbus A321-231 of a Siberian airline crashed over the Sinai Peninsula. It was chartered travel agency"Briscoe" for international charter flight 7K-9268 "St. Petersburg - Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg." On it, tourists returning home from Egypt were vacationing on the Mediterranean coast.

Within twenty minutes, the autopilot raised the plane to an altitude of ten kilometers. From there he immediately began to fall vertically at a breakneck speed of 1.8 km/minute. That is, it took 5.5 minutes to fall to the ground. During this time, the pilots requested a landing. But before runway it was more than 50 kilometers.

There were reports online that there was an explosion in the tail of the plane. They even named the person who brought the explosives on board and placed them in the “tail” of the liner. This was later confirmed by the layout of the remains of the liner. The disaster claimed the lives of 224 people (including the death of the entire crew). Initially there were several versions, in particular, a technical problem or a human factor. The main version was a terrorist attack.

The ISIS group, an organization banned in Russia, attributed it to its bloody account. As always in such cases, the perpetrators were not punished. The Kremlin assured that they would search for those involved in the death of the plane passengers indefinitely and punish the perpetrators.

This is the biggest disaster of the Russian passenger aircraft. There was no such tragedy either in the history of Egypt or in this series of Airbus. Flights to this African country from the Russian Federation were stopped for a long time, which hit Egypt’s tourism hard. Flights recently resumed after the Russian side was convinced of the safety of local air terminals. This kind of work is still being done.

Terrorist attack or equipment malfunction?

The Egyptians stubbornly refuse to recognize the cause of the disaster as a terrorist attack. The transport ministry of this country assured that final conclusions would be made quickly. But the conclusions still contain no mention of a terrorist attack. So trust them!

Published 02.11.15 08:24

Our rescuers are the bodies of 10-month-old Darina Gromova and her parents, Alexey and Tatyana, who were victims of the Airbus A321 crash in Egypt. The girl was the youngest on board; her mother called her “the main passenger.”

Darina Gromova, “main passenger”: the body of a 10-month-old girl was discovered by rescuers

Rescuers found the body of the youngest passenger. It turned out to be 10-month-old Darina Gromova, whom her mother called the “main passenger” of the plane.

Rescuers also managed to find the bodies of the girl’s parents, Alexei and Tatyana Gromov. The couple got married just a year ago, and this holiday in Egypt was the first trip together for their family.

Before departure to Sharm el-Sheikh two intkbbee weeks ago, Tatyana posted on her Instagram a photo of little Darina watching the planes at Pulkovo.

"Darina Gromova, "main passenger" PHOTO: Instagram

“The main passenger,” the young mother affectionately signed the photo, not suspecting that this particular photograph would become a sad symbol of the terrible tragedy that occurred in the skies over Sinai.

Media: Darina Gromova’s grandmother did not want to let the baby go to Egypt

Journalists from the LifeNews TV channel reported the discovery of the bodies of the Gromov family. In a conversation with the publication’s staff, Darina’s grief-stricken grandmother said that she did not want to let the girl go to Egypt and was worried about how the baby would survive the flight. She also offered Alexei and Tatyana Gromov to leave their 10-month-old granddaughter with her during the trip, but they refused.

Deceased Tatyana Gromova with her husband Alexey PHOTO: VKontakte

Let us note that rescuers from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will continue active searches at the site of the plane crash with Russians in Egypt from the very morning of November 2, 2015. As TASS reports with reference to the acting chief National Center management in crisis situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Alexey Smirnov, currently the search area is more than 20 square kilometers. Due to the fact that the plane, according to available data, began to fall apart while still in the air, the bodies of its passengers were scattered at a great distance from each other and from the main crash site.

Let us remind you that . The airliner's crew stopped communicating shortly after takeoff. According to some information, the plane dropped sharply by 1.5 kilometers, after which it disappeared from radar screens. Before contact was lost, the pilot was requesting permission to land at Cairo airport.

There were 224 people on board the crashed A321 - seven crew members and 217 passengers. The plane crash was the largest in the history of Russian and Soviet aviation.

Considering all the circumstances of the false crash of A321 on October 31, 2015 - props in Sinai, media blanks of accounts, selfies, lists, etc., “the main passenger Darina Gromova” simply cannot help but be photoshopped.

The left child was filmed somewhere indoors, the airport was inserted.

The work is very thorough.

But Photoshop can't help but leave traces. There are a lot of them. We show.

Lighting. The runway is clearly illuminated by the low sun on the right (arrow). With this lighting, the left shoulder from behind (circled) cannot be illuminated. This is an oversight of the shopper, who used the figure of a child, filmed somewhere in a room with two light sources, one of which is on the right, the second on the left.

The biggest problem of Photoshoppers. They drew some kind of homunculus. The scale was greatly violated.

There is a way to measure the width of the parapet than in the photo of this parapet with two adults

With the average length of a man’s foot with a boot, the width of the parameter is a maximum of 4.5 cm.

Measuring the child's height with this width, we get a maximum of 45 cm plus feet. This is some kind of homunculus, not a human child at 10 months old. Newborns are taller.

I'm just eyeballing it, sorry. With very high tolerance.
For those who want, calculate more precisely, based on any table of the relationship between foot length and shoe size. I took the maximum, 32 cm is a lot, in fact this guy’s feet are no larger than size 40)

It can be done differently. By simply combining the width of the parapet, we get a homunculus that is shorter than the knee of a normal adult.