The day was warm, rainy and spacious. Fading maturity: quotes about autumn from Russian classics

Alexander Kuprin - “Grant Bracelet”

By the beginning of September the weather suddenly changed dramatically and completely unexpectedly. Quiet and cloudless days immediately arrived, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not even in July. On the dried, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow stubble, an autumn cobweb glistened with a mica sheen. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

Vladimir Korolenko - “Late Autumn”

Late autumn is coming. The fruit has become heavy; he breaks down and falls to the ground. He dies, but the seed lives in him, and in this seed lives in “possibility” the entire future plant, with its future luxurious foliage and its new fruit. The seed will fall to the ground; and the cold sun is already rising low above the earth, a cold wind is running, cold clouds are rushing... Not only passion, but life itself freezes quietly, imperceptibly... The earth is increasingly emerging from under the greenery with its blackness, cold tones dominate in the sky ... And then the day comes when millions of snowflakes fall on this resigned and quiet, as if widowed earth, and it all becomes smooth, monochromatic and white... White color is the color of cold snow, the color of the highest clouds that float in unattainable cold heavenly heights, - the color of majestic and barren mountain peaks...

Konstantin Paustovsky - “My House”

It’s especially good in the gazebo on quiet autumn nights, when the slow, sheer rain is making a low noise in the garden.

The cool air barely moves the candle tongue. Corner shadows from grape leaves lie on the ceiling of the gazebo. A moth, looking like a lump of gray raw silk, lands on an open book and leaves the finest shiny dust on the page. It smells like rain - a gentle and at the same time pungent smell of moisture, damp garden paths.

Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The vast perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bend of the Danube one could see ships, and an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Enns confluence with the Danube, the left rocky and covered pine forest the bank of the Danube with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery were visible, protruding from behind a pine forest that seemed untouched, and far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of Enns, enemy patrols could be seen.

Ivan Turgenev - “Autumn Day in a Birch Grove”

From the very morning there was a light rain, replaced at times by warm sunshine; the weather was changeable. The sky was either covered with loose white clouds, then suddenly cleared in places for a moment, and then, from behind the parted clouds, azure appeared, clear and gentle...

I sat and looked around and listened. The leaves rustled slightly above my head; by their noise alone one could find out what time of year it was then. It was not the cheerful, laughing trembling of spring, not the soft whispering, not the long chatter of summer, not the timid and cold babbling of late autumn, but barely audible, drowsy chatter. A weak wind pulled slightly over the tops. The interior of the grove, wet from the rain, was constantly changing, depending on whether the sun was shining or covered with clouds; She then lit up all over, as if suddenly everything in her was smiling... then suddenly everything around her turned slightly blue again: the bright colors instantly faded... and stealthily, slyly, the smallest rain began to fall and whisper through the forest.

Mikhail Sholokhov - “Quiet Don”

Autumn ruled the hospital garden: it covered the paths with orange bronze leaves, crushed the flowers with morning frosts and poured watery greenery on the lawns.

grass On fine days, sick people walked along the paths, listening to the overflow of church bells in pious Moscow.

Ivan Bunin - “Antonov Apples”

I remember an early fine autumn. August had warm rains at the right time, in the middle of the month. I remember an early, fresh, quiet morning... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinning garden, I remember maple alleys, the subtle aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so clean, it’s as if there is none at all. There is a strong smell of apples everywhere.

Sergey Kozlov - “How the Hedgehog and the Little Bear Caught Autumn”

It rained all day, stopped at night, and by morning it got colder.

The Hedgehog and the Little Bear went out onto the porch and stood for a while, breathing in the cold air.

Everything around was incomprehensible: the trees were green, there were still very few yellow leaves, and yet, behind every trunk sat autumn.

- Do you see? - said the Hedgehog.

“Yeah,” said the Bear. - That's how it looks.

- I wish I could catch her!

“Come on,” the little bear almost choked. - Let's catch him and lock him in the closet. Can you imagine? Let's lock it in the closet, and immediately - summer!

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying behind him bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian convoys, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, on this side and on the other side of the bridge. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The vast perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bend of the Danube one could see ships, an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; one could see the left rocky bank of the Danube covered with pine forests with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery were visible, protruding from behind a pine forest that seemed untouched, and far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of Enns, enemy patrols could be seen. Between the guns, at a height, the chief of the rearguard, a general, and a retinue officer stood in front, examining the terrain through a telescope. Somewhat behind, Nesvitsky, sent from the commander-in-chief to the rearguard, sat on the trunk of a gun. The Cossack accompanying Nesvitsky handed over a handbag and a flask, and Nesvitsky treated the officers to pies and real doppelkümel. The officers joyfully surrounded him, some on their knees, some sitting cross-legged on the wet grass. - Yes, this Austrian prince was not a fool to build a castle here. Nice place. Why don't you eat, gentlemen? - said Nesvitsky. “I humbly thank you, prince,” answered one of the officers, enjoying talking with such an important staff official. - Beautiful place. We walked past the park itself, saw two deer, and what a wonderful house! “Look, prince,” said the other, who really wanted to take another pie, but was ashamed, and who therefore pretended that he was looking around the area, “look, our infantry have already climbed there.” Over there, in the meadow outside the village, three people are dragging something. They will break through this palace,” he said with visible approval. “Both,” said Nesvitsky. “No, but what I would like,” he added, chewing the pie in his beautiful, moist mouth, “is to climb up there.” He pointed to a monastery with towers visible on the mountain. He smiled, his eyes narrowed and lit up. - But it would be good, gentlemen! The officers laughed. - At least scare these nuns. Italians, they say, are young. Really, I would give five years of my life! “They’re bored,” said the bolder officer, laughing. Meanwhile, the retinue officer standing in front was pointing something out to the general; the general looked through the telescope. “Well, so it is, so it is,” the general said angrily, lowering the receiver from his eyes and shrugging his shoulders, “and so it is, they will attack the crossing.” And why are they hanging around there? On the other side, the enemy and his battery were visible to the naked eye, from which milky white smoke appeared. Following the smoke, a distant shot was heard, and it was clear how our troops hurried to the crossing. Nesvitsky, puffing, stood up and, smiling, approached the general. - Would your Excellency like to have a snack? - he said. “It’s not good,” said the general, without answering him, “our people hesitated.” - Shouldn't we go, Your Excellency? - said Nesvitsky. “Yes, please go,” said the general, repeating what had already been ordered in detail, “and tell the hussars to be the last to cross and light the bridge, as I ordered, and also to inspect the flammable materials on the bridge.” “Very good,” answered Nesvitsky. He called to the Cossack with the horse, ordered him to remove his purse and flask, and easily threw his heavy body onto the saddle. “Really, I’ll go see the nuns,” he said to the officers, who looked at him with a smile, and drove along the winding path down the mountain. - Well, where will it go, captain, stop it! - said the general, turning to the artilleryman. - Have fun out of boredom. - Servant to the guns! - the officer commanded, and a minute later the artillerymen ran out cheerfully from the fires and loaded. - First! - the command was heard. Number 1 bounced smartly. The gun rang metallic, deafening, and a grenade flew whistling over the heads of all our people under the mountain and, not reaching the enemy, showed with smoke the place of its fall and burst. The faces of the soldiers and officers brightened at this sound; everyone got up and began observing the clearly visible movements of our troops below and in front of the movements of the approaching enemy. At that very moment the sun came out completely from behind the clouds, and this beautiful sound of a single shot and shine bright sun merged into one cheerful and cheerful impression. № 365. 1) The sun, which immediately began to burn, quickly rose above
steppe... 2) Several hazes, pinkish and yellowish, very clustered
tall and at the same time very airy, stood above the city. 3) Sky
darkens, heavy and inhospitable, it hangs lower and lower over the earth-
lei. 4) It rained incessantly, slanting and fine. 5) Tired,
we finally fell asleep. 6) The wind, still strong, was now blowing from the east
ka. 7) He [Telegin] distinguished between these deep sighs
a constant grumbling sound, now dying down, now growing into angry rumbles.
8) The moon, clear and sharp, stood overhead. 9) Amazed, I
I’ve been thinking about what happened for a while. 10) I saw on-
at the top there was a group of rocks that looked like a deer, and I admired it. 11) Thrust-
The night passed, endlessly long, gloomily cold. 12) All the space,
densely flooded with the darkness of the night, it was in frantic movement.
13) Meanwhile, the frosts, although very light, dried and colored
all leaves. 14) A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places
the stings formed a humpbacked heap, in places stretching across the horizon in stripes.
15) It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts,
dense creaking snow, pink frost on the trees, pale
emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from
instantly opened doors, fresh, as if bitten, faces -
mi people and the busy running of chilled horses.
№ 366. 1) The road winds between two tracks overgrown with green
roadside grass. 2) Saucers of lilies and going from them into the depths
the threads are very graceful. 3) The sun has set, and the light airs froze in the sky.
varnish, pink from the sunset. 4) From somewhere to the right were heard emergency
but sounds similar to the crying of a child. 5) Along the steppe, densely overgrown with grass
howl, the horses walked slowly. 6) a shepherd who spent the night in the mountains approached
goes to our fire. 7) We sailed in the fog that covered the shore and
sea. 8) In the snowy expanses that deceive the untrained eye
difficult to determine distance.
№ 367. 1) In meadows overgrown with lush vegetation, there were
many birds. 2) The novel created by the young author caused
lively debate. 3) Residents of the village affected by the flood,
timely assistance was provided. 4) Driven by waves and
the wind carried the boat quickly along the river. 5) From afar the floating
logs floating on the water.
№ 368. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. Spacious lane
the vista that opened up from the elevation where the Russian battalions stood
the yards protecting the bridge were suddenly covered with a muslin curtain
slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun far away and
Objects as if coated with varnish became clearly visible. Vidnel-
whole town under your feet with its white houses and red roofs
shami, the cathedral and the bridge, on both sides of which, crowding,
Masses of Russian troops poured in. Ships were seen at the bends of the Danube, and
island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of Enns and Du-
nay, the left bank, rocky and covered with pine forest, was visible
the Danube with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue
№ 369. I. 1) Pike- gossip for carp- Kumanko was racing. 2) Si-
la and the charm of the taiga is not only in the trees - giants. 3) Lived in chi-
wife poor man shoemaker. 4) I have a story " Snow" 5) He [Cher-
new] was invariably successful in all his undertakings. 6) Ivana Ivano-
Vich and Burkin were met in the house by the maid - young woman.
7) We most often gathered at Boris Muruzov’s, zoologist. 8) On
Vasilisa sang on the black porch - cook. 9) Old uncle Andrei,
Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. 10) Nikolushka went along soft
crunching pine needles
- forest carpet. eleven) Turge's peers
neva, pupils of the great poet’s school, nurtured by his poetry
to her
, we all retained the charm of his genius forever. 12) U Push-
kina, this father of Russian art, the word had two direct lines
heir - Lermontov and Gogol who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us,
figures of the 40s, 60s... 13) What a remarkably smart person,
he [Bazarov] never met his equal. 14) Like an artist of words
N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such literary creators.
Russian culture, such as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov.
II. 1) The lieutenant sat with the driver signalman. 2) Wife of Nikolai Ni-
Kolaevich, Frenchwoman, no less distinguished by his humanity,
kindness and simplicity. 3) I saw Colonel Polyakov - head-
nickname of the Cossack artillery
, which played an important role that day, - and
together with him he arrived in the abandoned village. 4) I walked slowly
to the old tavern, uninhabited collapsed hut, and stood at the edge
coniferous forest. 5) My hunting companions live here
excursions - Foresters Zakhar and Maxim. 6) I'm a dishwasher again
steamboat " Permian"... Now I am a "black crockery" or a "kitchen
man." 7) The dear cook Ivan Ivanovich is in charge of the kitchen, according to
Nicknamed Teddy Bear
. 8) Girls, especially Katenka, with joy
with their enthusiastic faces looking out the window at the slender physiognomy
Miyu of Volodya getting into the carriage. 9) The driver sounded a siren from the lo-
a girl ran out postman. 10) Her father, Platon Polov-
, engineer, was an old friend of my father. 11) We, hunters,
We find our happiness by the fire. 12) Second Chadayev, my Evgeny, afraid
jealous condemnations, in his clothes there was a pedant and what we called
whether dandy. 13) This window looked out from the room in which she lived
in the summer position, young, just released from a conservative
Riya first violin - Mitya Gusev. 14) Appeared in the green sky
stars - harbingers of frost.

1. Rewrite the common definitions given in brackets, matching the highlighted words. Choose their place before or after a certain word yourself.

1) The road winds between two ruts(overgrown with green roadside grass). 2) Saucers of lilies and threads very graceful (going from them to depth). 3) The sun has set, and the lungs froze in the sky clouds(pink from the sunset). 4) From somewhere to the right they heard sounds(extremely similar to a baby crying). 5) By steppes the horses walked slowly (densely overgrown with grass). 6) Shepherd approaches our fire (spent the night in the mountains). 7) We sailed in the fog (which covered the coast and sea). 8) In the snow open spaces difficult to determine distance (deceiving to the untrained eye).

2. Indicate what mistakes were made in the construction of participial phrases. Rewrite with necessary corrections.

1) In the meadows covered with lush vegetation there were many birds. 2) The novel created by a young author caused lively debate. 3) Residents of the flood-affected village were provided with timely assistance. 4) The detachment avoided danger thanks to the decisiveness shown by the commander. 5) The driven boat was quickly rushing along the river with waves and wind. 6) From afar, logs floating on the water were visible.

3. Rewrite using punctuation marks. Identify the grammatical basis in each sentence.

It was a warm autumn day and rainy. The spacious perspective... opening up from the... elevation where the Russian batteries... protecting the bridge stood, was suddenly covered... with a curtain of slanting rain, and then suddenly... expanded and in the light of the sun, objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge on both sides of which masses of Russian troops were crowding. At the turn of the Danube, ships and an island and a castle with a park were visible, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of Ensa into the Danube; the left rocky and pine forest-covered bank of the Danube was visible with the mysteries... in the distance of green peaks and blue gorges.

(L.N. Tolstoy. “War and Peace”)

SRSP No. 6. Types of electrical wiring

Task 1. Make a plan for the text.

The set of wires and cables with their associated fastenings, supporting, protective structures and parts is called electrical wiring. This definition is extended to electrical wiring of power, lighting and secondary circuits with voltage up to 1 kV alternating and direct current, made inside buildings and structures, on external walls of microdistricts, institutions, enterprises, courtyards on territorial sites, using insulated installation wires of all sections, and also unarmored power cables in a rubber or plastic sheath with a cross-section of phase conductors up to 16 mm².

Electrical wiring laid along the surface of walls, ceilings, trusses and other construction elements of buildings and structures, supports, etc. is called open.

Electrical wiring laid inside the structural elements of buildings and structures (in walls, floors, foundations, ceilings, behind impenetrable suspended ceilings), as well as along the ceiling in floor preparation, directly under a removable floor, etc., is called hidden.

Electrical wiring laid along the outer walls of buildings and structures, under canopies, etc., as well as between buildings on supports (no more than four spans 25 m long each) outside streets, roads, etc., is called external. It can be hidden or open.

A steel wire stretched close to the surface of a wall or ceiling, intended for attaching wires, cables or bundles to it is called a string.

A metal strip fixed close to the surface of a wall or ceiling, intended for attaching wires, cables or bundles to it, is called a strip.

A cable (supporting element of electrical wiring) is a wire or steel rope stretched in the air, which is used to suspend wires, cables or their bundles from it.

A closed structure of rectangular or other cross-section, intended for laying wires or cables in it, is called a box. It serves as protection against mechanical damage to the wires and cables laid in it.

Boxes can be blind or with openable lids, with solid or perforated walls and lids. Blind boxes have only solid walls on all sides. The boxes can be used indoors and outdoors.

An open structure intended for laying wires and cables on it is called a tray. The tray does not protect against external mechanical damage to the wires and cables laid on it. Trays are made of fireproof materials. They can be solid, perforated or lattice; They are used in indoor and outdoor installations.

Electrical wiring of lighting and power networks is carried out with unprotected insulated wires, protected wires and cables.