Dombai. What to watch in winter? Unique Nature Dombaya Dombay or Elbrus? Where better to go

My article for the magazine "Russian photo" -

Photo: Igor Gorshkov
Text: Igor Gorshkov

Dombai - mountain village resort in the Caucasian mountains in Karachay-Cherkessia. It is known primarily as a ski resort, but it is amazing and very beautiful in terms of nature. The participant of the club "Russian photo" Igor Gorshkov says.

Autumn - very beautiful time of year, and in the mountains especially. Never been in the fall in the mountains, so I decided to go and see with my own eyes on the beauty of the mountain golden autumn and for Dombai, where I also had not yet.

There is enough easy to get to Dombai, and you can live in a comfortable hotel among the mountains and cost the minimum things for walking in the mountains. In addition, there is a calm and no-season there at this time and, unlike summer and especially winter, the lowest prices for accommodation. Well, the main thing is near all the beauty of the mountain authentic Caucasus.

Golden autumn in Dombaya, a view of almost the hotel on a beautiful peak Ine.

From the village you can move in any of the direction: the gorge lead to a variety of beautiful places - waterfalls, glaciers, the foot of the vertices. In addition to the North - this is a road, but it is interesting to take a walk, it is very picturesque.

The road to Dombai is very picturesque, and such a picture meets in this place in the midst of the Golden Autumn.

The weather for a little more than a week (namely the trip lasted) was not easy, but interesting: both the sun, and the rains, which were still somewhat more than I would like, and fogs, and on the last day of stay all the first snow.

It was especially beautiful when the sun was peeking during the rain: moisture, fog, clouds on the slopes of mountains and sunlight.

Mountain rivers flow in all the gorges, and you can sometimes go down to them and make beautiful frames at different times of day and weather.

Amanauz River Autumn Evening. Panorama. Shortly before the frame was made, from the top of Sophfloj (away) the mass of snow fell - avalanche. Impressive spectacle!

It is the same place the next morning: it was rained at night, the water was noticeably added and became a drone. The log from the previous frame is simply washed away. Unfortunately, after a couple of days, the excavators arrived at this place and under the left of the high comb, clearing the main channel (it was left), and it was falling asleep. But, apparently, it was necessary in terms of security when the flow of water will increase.

Sunset on the Domay-Ulgen River.

River, Top and Dombai Ulgen Gorge. Panorama.

It was one of the most gloomy and rainy days, snowed snow with the rain, blew a shrill wind, who was moving with golden foliage, but I really wanted to reach this place, see the clearance. And unexpectedly the mountains presented such a beautiful sky!
Then he was immediately tightened.

In rare sunny days, all the mountain slopes and forests were pleased with bright autumnal outfits.

Autumn fogs in the mountains are always interesting and beautiful, though, sometimes, most often at dawn or sunset, they were so thick that there were no neighboring slopes, neither more than the mountains.

Dombaya Bowl of Evening Fog from Alibek Gorge. Panorama.

Later, this fog rose to the vertices and filled the entire space, the return road to the village was almost all in a dense haze - went on a dark forest with one flashlight for two. After that, we always took lanterns with them, even if they planned to come back. And, by the way, never stopped and did not return, the lanterns were all the time. Therefore, you will always be in the mountains - there are always lanterns with yourself, even if the walk is planned for half a day.

Be sure to take a comfortable and pre-dressed shoes. It so happened that the first couple of days I felt very uncomfortable, apparently, for the summer, the legs were turned away from the shoe, although they are far from new. I was often remembered by the words Sebastio Salgado: no matter how good you have a camera, it is important how comfortable shoes you have.

In the mountains of the Dombaya Many diverse streams currently on mountain slopes or in forests, many waterfalls, which are main routes in the gorges.

Waterfall Alibek. It goes the road and a trail in Alibek Gorge. You can go through the river and get closer.

It should be borne in mind that all the gorges and the surroundings of the village of Domabi - the territory of the Teberdinsky reserve, and on all the roads there are posts of foresters who charge fee and give a ticket, but not always. In addition, this is also a cross-border area, a little further located posts of border guards, and to find in this zone rich in waterfalls, glaciers and other beautiful places, permission is necessary. Its in the presence of a Russian passport can make foresters, but the passport must always be worn. Although the autumn of the border guards was practically not on cordons, and we didn't immediately make permission immediately, and the first days we hoped for the strength of the Russian passport, the ticket from the forester, the lack of border guards and human understanding, if a patrol suddenly meets.

Often dogs were linked in the village. At first there was one dog, who somehow made me a company on the morning shooting at the river. Then they were four at some point. It was funny with them, but sometimes it was necessary to take for a twig in educational purposes, otherwise the camera with a tripod could be in a stormy mountain river or just fly on the stones. For some reason, all your games and dogs loved to arrange exactly in the place where I put a tripod with the camera. In one day, a couple of dogs left with us far enough, despite the frequent rain with the wind, and even set aside for personnel.

On the damn mill in the amanauz river gorge.

Here is the river, squeezed between the rocks. The animal became interested in something below, and managed to make several frames.
It was necessary to buy sausage dogs to buy dogs - for the fact that, despite the weather, they walked with us all day in the mountains and still worked out.

In the ski area there is a cable car and slopes for skiing. You can rise in several stages to climb the height of 3168 m above sea level to Moussa-Achitar, look around the surrounding mountain peaks and even if you're lucky with the weather, see the top of Elbrus (we were not lucky, he was hiding in the clouds cap).

Hello, Mountains are such an embroider!

The clouds flow through Pttyush's pass from Abkhazia. They flow, bursting into the valley, and then take off on the mountain: then everything delays fog, but not for long, the wind quickly takes them further.

Game of light, shadows, clouds and mountains.

Top Sophhroju hid in the clouds putting out only his tooth

Highly in the mountains met homely alpine cat. In fact, this is one of the intermediate rope levels, there are many buildings - and it lives somewhere in a cafe and "hunting" for tourists with sandwiches.

Dombaya Romance

The sun hides behind the mountains. The sunset in the mountains comes earlier than on the plain or by the sea. And below - cloudy weather.

Lilac twilight in the mountains

Wanderer over the sea fog. Self-portrait based on the eponymous picture of the German-romance of the XIX century Kaspar David Friedrich.

By making this and other frames, we were late for a rope, although on a schedule in the ticket she had to work for a few more minutes. I had to admire the mountains covered by the full moon and the starry sky over the clouds, but, unfortunately, the batteries for the camera sat down and capture this stunning picture failed.
Then, after a while, after numerous calls to the hotel and unsuccessful attempts to find the employees of the ropes, when we have already decided to go down on foot, the workoverings of the excavators appeared and helped us go down on duty trap.

In the vicinity of Dombuy, many beautiful places - the gorge, lakes, waterfalls, but in a short time it is impossible everywhere, especially with the weather.

Emerald Lake Tumaly-Koyl, which is also called a trout, in the gorge of a gonachhir.

A well-known military-suite road with a good asphalt is held in the gorge, and a lot of cars and buses come to the lake with excursions and vacationers. The lakeside is equipped with a parking lot, mangals, tables and benches, so the most beautiful view against the background of the snowy mountains is almost impossible - all these benefits of civilization fall into the frame.

Gorgeous asphalt road in the gorge of Gonachhir towards the Klukhore Pass, the former Military-Sukhum road. Former, because now another country is around the corner, well, it fell asleep in the transferred part of the road.

Turquoise gonachhir

On the last day of staying in Dombaya, the first snow fell, and it was possible, although not long, admire the type of snow-covered autumn mountain forests.
A little about photographic equipment.
All frames were removed on the Fujifilm X-T10 camera and a small set of lenses to it. Walking in the mountains with a small and light chamber and the same optics was very cool and comfortable, despite the fact that they were always a tripod and a certain number of personal belongings.

Despite the fact that moisture protection is not officially announced by the manufacturer, the camera has completely shifted the shooting in the rain - not a shower, of course, but several times the camera and optics needed to dry, although I tried to protect it as much as possible from the water. Very pleased with the presence of a built-in RAW converter and Wi-Fi, the ability to select the famous Fujiyevsky "film" profiles and other settings.

I could quickly share the impressions of what you saw with friends and in social networks. Some of the presented photos are processed with the help of the camera.

Something about the shooting process (on the old phone):

First about what you think remembering Dombai - This is a ski rest. Why in the consciousness of people this edge seems exclusively a winter holiday destination. In fact, when snow is going, the most interesting thing seems only begins. You remember what spring is? Renaissance time. Time of a new life. So everything wakes up on the Dombaya to the middle of April, all boils and sparkling in an inexhaustible energy of life. Already in May, the season of hiking excursions begins. And believe me, you will be on what to see. The unique climate of the terrain and its unusual relief provide an interesting combination of flora and fauna and give birth to our gaze of beautiful places.

On these pages, I suggest you mentally walk with me one of the most popular routes and even enjoy nature.

Alibek. The popularity of this place is explained, first of all, the fact that you can visit it at any time of the year and in any weather. In addition, the route is not complicated at all. Go?

The first four kilometers of the way we will spend among the mighty fir and fir. It is not surprising. After all, we are with you while in the first climatic zone - moderately warm. Some coniferous beauties in Alibek gorge reach a height of 45-50 m. But in Arkhyze you can meet 60 meter trees.

In fact, the forest domes are quite diverse. Where the most dry, the slopes of the mountains are decorated with pines. In the southern surroundings they are diluted with oaks, aspen, maples and birch. Lovers of houseplants probably already loved Azalea. Its wild option can you meet in these forests. Do you know how the rhododendron yellow looks like? Exactly. He is bright yellow. And besides its solar color, it has a faint smell. You will certainly feel it if you get there in the spring. The uniqueness of this plant is also that it grows on Earth more than 3 million years. Just imagine, the first human beings admired these flowers. But now and we happened.

There are other long-livers in these forests. In the surcharge sites there are tice groves. The age of individual trees reaches 4000 years.

There will be here even how to enjoy. Fruit forests consist of wild apple trees, pears, Alyci, cherries and terns. Sustained and honeysuckle are found in the glades. There is a gooseberry, barbaris, currants and of course raspberries - a favorite snack for a brown bears. By the way, yes. These terrible beasts are found here. But behave quite peacefully. They feed mostly berries, herbs and nuts. In early spring, the corpses of the animals died in avalanches are wanted.

But wolves and lynx, the same dwelling in these places, is no longer so kind. They gladly absorb mountain goats, cables, sulfasses, and tours. Well, if you are not lucky, it is scattered with the withvertors and mathithic rodents.

There are other predators here: foxes, sacking, forest cats, stone cunits. Sometimes racked dogs come.

Interesting the fact that even special, acclimatized Altai proteins are found in Dombaya. Just do not confuse them with fluffy creatures wearing a funny name Sonya shelving. They also live on trees and settle down in the dupes, but they have rounded ears without trophy brushes at the ends.

And the forest, however, ends. Already visible out. A more couple of words about mushrooms, and we will go down with you. And how not to say? Forests are extensive and mushrooms. Sea: Mockchchki, Wallout, Champignons. Under the trees and shrubs you can meet the stabber of duboviki and sweeping. We will delight white, raw materials and chanterelles. But there is a miracle swallowed, Dombaysky. The pride of the Caucasian forest is a coral mushroom. Imagine handsome to half a meter in diameter. I found one, and fed all the detachment. They say it is really tasty. But, in addition, he is also beautiful. Folded from small plates, it resembles a flower.

The cereals are dominated in the meadows: Peksatnik Pestray, Vainik. And if the spring of the valley is sistering with a buckle and blue guilty, then in June they covers a smooth white color of the anemone beaten. From the middle of the summer and until the autumn, they again covers the shades, quite quickly changing. It blooms a pink mining, then a purple-purple letter, which is replaced by an orange carpet of the coaster.

The higher the mountains, the lower the grass. However, the harsh climate does not affect the painting of alpine meadows. True, the paint is specially achieved only by the middle of the summer. Whitish blue snow is replacing a blue biberstein bellstein. When it becomes warmer, the relay takes the yellow primrose of Ruprecht. Mountain violet in their shades is diverse. But we will not forget that the alpine belt is primarily screened and rocks. Here are traveled with grass with a powerful root system, such as a dense curtain. It looks like pads with closely pressed steels. She is not terrible frost and winds.

Few animals capable of adapter to such harsh conditions. Basically, it is hoof mammals: tours, sulfur, noble deer and, naturally, bison. After all, the name "" is translated as "bison". There is even such a Mount Dombai-Ealgen (killed bison).

The terrible time of the Civil War 1917-1924. For these powerful animals turned out to be fatal. Of the 500 individuals living in these places, by the twenty-four year left only 10. The last bison was killed by some poacher in 1928. It would seem that all. To some extent, it is. Currently in the Caucasus lives about 2,000 individuals. These are the descendants of once brought there from Askannaya-Nova bison.
The stone goat has big curved horns and special soft horny pads on hooves. The dexterity with which these large animals (up to 150 kg) move along almost with a sheer rocks, striking imagination. They can graze both in the very limits of the forest and the eternal snow.

Chamois. Her grace of squeezing in verses. Missed the silhouettes look really beautiful. Although essentially is the usual goat with thin and not very long horns. In winter, she is dark brown, back to the summer. It's hard for you to imagine how it looks like? Drive on and visit Teberdinsky Reserve. Outside, sulfur is almost not found.

Along the streams, on the shores of which grass is green, you can meet the female of the Caucasian noble deer with a young. Beautiful and touching animal. It is enough to remember the cartoon about Bambi's deer. But adult males are not so defenseless. Their huge branching horns are formidable weapons when dealing with enemies.

Let us go back to the Uzun-Tala glade left us. In addition to the waterfall, the silhouette of Mount Sulahat is perfectly visible from it. He resembles a girl's profile lying on his back. The people about this grief were composed of legend:
Beautiful Sulahat was born in the hardworking of the Alan tribe. And it was happily this tribe. The sun gave them a lot of heat. Filled with his light rye and barley. Meadow Green, and wandered on them beautiful sulfas. But there is no happiness of eternal. Sad came to these places. Where an impregnable Alibek glacier lies the passage for which the prickly winds began to break through the valley. Crop the harvest, the fields were kept and the people began to die. With the winds came sad to Sulahat. But it was not sad that she was choking without a piece of bread in the house of his father, until her beloved fought with the winds. And the fact that she saw the remaining silent and eating tribesmen. In one of the days, hugging the Father, having gone, mentally, with his beloved and girlfriends, she went to the glacier. Waving a good perfume, she lay down along the ridge, closing the winds along with her body.

Yes, the mountains are brave people. And who else could survive the medium of stormy rivers and hanging glaciers? But let's finish our journey with you. After passing through Alibech Alibery, we will be on the member of the same name. What colorful flowers can wait here, we know with you already. From the hill, an indescribable view of the glacier opens. This place is a kind of fork. Passing less than a kilometer in one direction, you can get to the waterfall.

Have you ever seen a ugly waterfall of natural origin? It seems that there are no such. Each of them is unique. Everyone has its own "face" and its "character". Talking the Chuchur Waterfall, Mogiulia Alibeks. In appearance, like a light cape, breaks down with a decent height of Pttyusky.

If you still have a little time and strength left, we stroll to the Alibek Glacier and the Turgy Lake. Our road will run along the river. They are on, by the way, also enough. The main river Teberda formed by the merger r. Amanauses and gonachhire. In addition to these water artery, the edge is powered by p. Muhu, Small and Big Hachiba, Hadzhibay, Jamaga, Shumka, Ulle-Mustju, Gedge. An impressive list, right? Herself Teberda falls into a familiar r. Kuban.

On the way, we will be able to see the Galovchat Glacier (Solonzsky Clevering). Named so for the salt-lisunets found in these places, which very attracts tours. Our nickname glacier is bilingual for being descended in the valley as if when dialing.

Walk past the thickets of Rhododendron Caucasian ahead with low birch and maples. I will admit the Gorge of Alibek. Small lift and "vua-la." Beautiful gem in the frame of the cliffs - Turkey Lake.

There are three types of lakes on the territory of the reserve. Turkey along with Kara-Kel and Tuman-Kel belongs to the so-called nosed. They are formed in natural dams left by the glacier.

In the highlands, where the glaciers are coming, they retreat, bowls are formed in the solid surface, which are also filled with water. Such lakes are called karov. They are distinguished by special purity and depth. These are about. Cluther, Magnical, Hadzhibey, Azhekskaya, etc.

Third type includes draft Baduksky lakes. They were formed as a result of a collapse that occurred about two hundred years ago.

We are left quite a bit: climb the snowflake and overcome Marrene (accumulation of rocks of rocks). And so, our journey crowned victory. We can contemplate the largest, and the lowest Located glacier of the Western Caucasus - Alibeks.

Every year he retreats 1-1.5 m up. Here is another danger. The tapping surface is often slippery. And all because of global warming. Slowly, but surely the ferments disappear. Over the past hundred years, their area has decreased by almost 20 square kilometers.

Glaciers, we certainly do not save. But about the rest of the nature can even take care. Just need to be neat and attentive during the trips. So that it does not work out like a bison in 1928, let's take care of rare gifts of the planet Earth, one of which is Dombay, located in the vicinity of Teberdinsky Reserve.

Dombai is the edge of untouched nature, snowy crown of mountains and forests. Athletes and lovers of walks are seeking here. Dombaya Valley, on which there is a resort village is surrounded by mountain ridges. From the south, this is the main Caucasian ridge, with the Eastern - Dombay-Ulgen Gorge, the North - Amanauz Gorge and Alibek Gorge from the west.

And it is easier to navigate, the following is a list of all the attractions of the Dombaya with a photo and description.

It occupies an area of \u200b\u200b85 thousand hectares on the northern slope of the Caucasian Range. Dombaya Valley, in which holidaymakers stop, is the southern part of the Teberdinsky Reserve.

On the territory of the reserve there are many beautiful places where it is worth going to free time. These are mysterious gorges, viewing platforms, snowy peaks, glaciers and lakes. Lakes in the reserve about 150 lakes, and the famous of them is a club lake. It is located at an altitude of 2676 m above sea level and almost all year round is covered with ice.

And the main river Reserve - Teberda is connected with legends and stories. For one of them, the name means "God's gift".

Amanauz gorge

Translated from Karachai "Aman" is the evil, "AUZ" - the mouth. So he was named the ancient residents of the Dombaya Valley. The fact is that the Amanauz River flows through all the gorge. Water, breaking up the rock, makes a strong roar. It was believed that this evil spirit and residents were not solved to go to the gorge.

The passage of the gorge is quite narrow and surrounded by the peaks of the Mountains of Belarus and theatrical peak. Even in the summer, light with difficulty penetrates the light, and snow islands are found on rivers and slopes.

A walk through the gorge begins from the Dombay resort village, goes along the river and ends on the cliff. The rock overlooks the stormy river Amanaus, which makes himself a narrow gorge.

Every landmark on Dombaya is unique. But separately it is worth highlighting the Male Lakes in the Valley of the Ullu-Municipal River at an altitude of 3000 m. The lakes include 15 reservoirs, but tourists seek to see only two. You can only go to the lakes on foot, but it is better to resort to the help of a guide and allocate for a walk for two days with overnight stay.

The Blue Music Lake is different from other lakes with its sizes. Diameter - 500 m, and the depth of about 52 m. Blue it is called due to the color of water.

From the blue lake, the tourist trail leads to a black lake. But the water in the lake is not black, but soon dark green. In the vicinity of Lakes, tourists will open amazing landscapes and meetings with wild mountain goats.

Sentinsky Temple

This is a Christian temple that is located on the territory of Aula Lower Teberda. Although the temple is dated 965, it is in a relatively good condition. Inside the building you can see the residues of the frescoes, and a stone mausoleum is built next to it.

The temple refer to the most ancient buildings on the territory of Alanya.

Or Baduki in simple speech. They are a cascade of three lakes on the Baduk River. You can get to the lakes in 3 hours, so the trip to them will take one day without overnight stay. To Baduk's lakes should be in autumn. Pine and birch thickets grow around the lakes, which autumn are filled with paints.

The first lake in the cascade is small. Water is not warming up above 5⁰s. The second lake goes along the left bank of the river. Next to the lake built a leisure and a picnic leisure. Up to the third lake can be reached in two ways. The third lake is the largest of the cascade and is located at an altitude of 1990 m above sea level.

Alibek Glacier and Waterfall

One of the most popular and mandatory places to visit. To the observation deck on the glacier it is easy to get, and along the way there will be many trails to other attractions.

The route to Alibek starts from the Tourbase of the Tourbase in the Forest Trail. The trail will lead to the Uzun-Tala glade, with which the view of the glacier and the snowy macushki of the mountains opens. Even on a hot summer day, the glacier is covered with ice layer and snow, as in winter. The Alibek Glacier is not the only in the vicinity of Dombay, but the biggest. Unfortunately, over the years, the glacier area decreases, but it does not cease to admire tourists with its power and contrast towards green forests and meadows.

Returning from the glacier back, you will meet the pointer to Alibek Waterfall. The path to it is light and will take no more than half an hour. The waterfall has a height of 25 meters and falls with smooth stones, which are called "Barani Libi". Alibek Waterfall is powerful and loud, splashes from it to tourists a couple of kilometers from the waterfall.

Chuchur waterfall

This waterfall was formed from the Chuchur River. He descends from the Chuchur Gorge to Dombai Ulgen Gorge. The waterfall has three cascades, which are easily accessible. The path begins from the village from the Crocus Department. First you will pass the Leah's Polyana, and then Russian Polyana. It will open with the first view of the waterfall. After the Russian glade, the trail will be branched. Rotate right leads to the gorge, and to the left to the Chuchur Falls. The road to the waterfall will lie through the Alpine and subalpian meadows. On the way, stone blocks tall above 5 meters, which brought outgoing glaciers to the meadows thousands of years ago.

The waterfall consists of three cascades. At first, the trail displays to the middle cascade, it can be climbed to the top, but the path is difficult to go there and you should not go to rainy weather. From the top cascade, the panoramic view of the Vertain Dombay Ulgen (4046 m) is opened.

Another local attraction, which is worth a visit during the holidays on Dombaya. The walk to the damn mill is best combined with a walk in the amanauz gorge. Pointers are placed before the waterfall. The main thing is not to be knocked out with it and do not go for signs with the designation of the border zone.

During the campaign to the damn mill, many small waterfalls and streams will meet. These are all the results of melting glaciers. The waterfall itself passes through a narrow cleft in the form of the letter S. Water falls along the steep sloping surface, forming a mill of jets. Near the damn mill there is a small observation deck on a sheer cliff. Therefore, while walking should be extremely neat.

The vertex Dombay-Ulgen fascinates the attention of tourists at any time of the year. In summer, ice macs are bathed in the rays of the bright sun, in the winter on the snow cover you can observe the sailion of the sunset. And in autumn, when the whole forest becomes multicolored, the mountain looks still brighter and contrast. Round year of the mountains of the mountains are shrouded in snow and ice. From the glaciers of Ulgen, the rapid River Tebereda takes his beginning, going down to the village.

You can look at Mount Dombay-Ulgen from anywhere in the village. This mountain is the highest in the West Caucasus. The mountain consists of three vertices with altitudes: 4046 m, 4036 m and 3950 m. From the main and high peak, the comb, which in the people is called "Dombay Saddle".

Lake is located near the Alibek and Bilingual Glacier. If the hike is combined with a walk to the waterfall, you will have to return to the Alibek camp and go to the signs to the lake. The trail will be not complicated, but in some places it will have to move mountain rivers over bridges and go to Kurumnikam. Kurumnik is a mound of stones, fragments of rocks and rocks.

Turkey Lake has a glacial origin. The water in it is bright blue and until the middle of the summer is covered with layer of ice. Only the most bold travelers are solved in the lake tour. Near the lake there are often mountain goats, which are called tours. They were they gave the name to this lake.

What else to see in Dombay

In addition to the listed attractions on Dombaya there are still mass of places to visit. No one will have a question "What to do?" And "what to do?".

The alpine position of the reserve determines the nature of its vegetation cover. On the territory of the reserve you can distinguish between two main types of vegetation: forests (deciduous, mixed and coniferous) and mountain meadows (subalpine and alpine). In addition, there are still vegetation of rocks and scaling, as well as a meadow within the forest belt of the reserve.

The forests occupy the bottoms of the valleys, gorges and slopes of the ridges usually up to a height of 2200-2500 m. On the northern slopes, the upper limit of the forest lies at a smaller height, on the southern one, more. Above the forest is a mountain-meadow belt. The lower part of the belt is occupied by subalpiy meadows, the top, adjacent to the belt of naked rocks and eternal snow, and alpine. The vegetation of rocks and scaling is prevalent mainly in the mountain-meadow belt and above it, but meets and within the forest.

The meadow of the forest belt (volatrahnny-cereal and cereal-divergent) more or less decortion, occupy a glade on the lower terraces of rivers.

It should be noted that the borders of the forest, subalpine and alpine meadows are not parallel to each other, but along the broken line. Sometimes the forest is wedged into the subalpine or even the alpine belt. Often in the forest you can meet Polyany with typical subalpine vegetation. The width of the belts (vertically) alpine and subalpine meadows also varies in fairly wide limits.

Due to the fact that Teberdinsky Reserve is located on the border of the Western and Eastern parts of the Northern Caucasus, part of the Reserve's flora includes plants inherent in both specified floral areas. So, the Western Caucasian species are widespread in the reserve: Spirit of Eastern, Fir Caucasian and Rhododendron Caucasian, but ordinary and Eastern Caucasian - Juniper squat and Spirea Golden. In addition, the elements of both steppe (noodle, Timofeevka Steppe, Tichak, and many others) and the Catvish Flora (dosage laurel) penetrate the nature reserve.

Of great interest is a relic of the tertiary period - the teasing berry.

The total number of types of flowering plants in the reserve is about 1 100.

Deciduous forests occupy mainly lower overpayment terraces, a rival part of the floodplain and cones of the removal of rivers and streams, and also make up the top edge of the forest belt in the southern half of the Teberdinsky reserve.

In the northern part of the reserve (the valleys of the TEBERD, Jemagata, Malaya and Big Hatchpar, ash, oak puffy, maples ostrooty and beautiful, beard birch, aspen; In the undergrowth dominates, the honeysuckle Caucasian, Beckleta is European and broad-sized. Closer to the main ridge almost disappear, the ram, oak, as well as wild fruit trees and shrubs, instead of them a considerable role in the valley forests play a high-mountainous (trautfetter).

Especially spectacular at all times of the year beech forests. Powerful "Olon-like beech trunks with a smooth gray bark carry a lot of curves of branches and shiny dark green leaves. In the fall, when the leaves become reddish-rusty, the beech involuntarily stops her eyes. In general, deciduous and mixed forests of the Teberdinsky reserve, thanks to the diversity of woody and Shrub breeds, unusually good in September - early October. Deciduous breeds are painted in all colors from straw-yellow to the crimson and against the background of these paints, a thick greens of fir trees and fir is dramatically distinguished.

In the lower part of the forest belt on the inappropriate terraces of larger rivers, significant areas are occupied by grassy vegetation. In its composition, it is usually a meadow-steppe. Of the steppe plants are common in the reserve: Mattik narrow, Ticacher, Podimi (John and Hair), Timofeevka Steppe, Tonkonog Slim, Timarnik Real, Labasnik Schaleplice and many others. From among the specifically mountain views on the meadows, the alpine mint, Esparce Kurinsky, purple, the source, some, and others.

Due to the fact that the grassland of the Lugughs of the lower belt includes a large number of types of dispersion, the meadows of these from May and up to August are a lot of colors. Depending on the abundance of those or other flowering plants, the magnitude and brightness of their colors in the meadow at different times of the year are dominated by different colors and shades.

On the upper limit of the forest in the southern part of the reserve there are thickets of birch, beech, rowan. All these breeds have a shrub-prominent shape, the trunks of them are curved and twisted. Such a shape of the trees is produced under the action of rolled them with snow and snow avalanches. A visit to this "subalpine cryproy" is of great interest. Here you can see what kind of stability in relation to unfavorable environmental conditions possess plants as they "hold for life". Bloomred, bent, with partially eliminated roots from the ground, the trees still live and grow.

Conifer breeds occupy the slopes of the mountains. Pine is distributed mainly on the slopes of the southern, southeast and southwestern parts. In pine forests, the undergrowths from Rhododendron of Yellow (Azalea), in the spring covered mass of strongly smelling bright yellow colors.

Herbal cover of pine trees is usually low. It is dominated from the cereals Matlik Borovo, the benik cane, often Ticachak and other cereals, from legumes are common to the middle and alpine, lidennets, some ranks and decisions, in large quantities there are obstacles and simply.

Spruce and fir in the middle part of the reserve occupy the slopes of the northern exposure; On the border with an advanced or lateral ridge, they are found in small quantities, and in the south of the reserve (at the main ridge) there are slopes of all exposures, except for the South, where a significant role is played by Pine. In the southern part of the reserve in Darkovaya Forests, the beech is quite widespread.

The most typical dark wood forests are located in the valleys of Alibek, Dombai Ulgen, Amanaus, Gonachhira.

Spruce and fir, reaching the height of more than thirty meters, have a thick crown and strongly shadow the soil. As a result of this, undercomes and herbal covers in a dark-minded forest are usually poorly developed. With a low completeness of the stand in such a forest of herbal cover, most often consists of the beef of cane, oatmeal of mountain, acids, pretty constantly present, bandages, from ferns of Linneyev fern. It is almost always available in one or another number of blueberries, and closer to the Caucasian Water-Relief.

For the mountains of the North-West Caucasus, the Rhododendron Caucasian is typical with dark, pretty large leaves and beautiful white or pinkish flowers. In the Teberdinsky Reserve Rhododendron is widespread. It is part of the undergrowth at the top of the forest belt, and above, at the bottom of the subalpine belt, forms thickets. In the north of the Rhododendron Reserve, like Fir and ate, keeps on the slopes of the northern exposure, and in the southern part there are also more illuminated places. Rhododendron threatened usually clearly visible, differing from the surrounding vegetation with their dark green color. Especially good Rhododendron with mass flowering (June) when the bushes are covered with colors with a sharp contrast with foliage.

The subalpine meadows are located above the forest and thickets of Rhododendron Caucasian.

Here the herbs are puzzled. Among them, there are a lot of fesselnik, (mainly in the northern part of the reserve), highlighting its powerful blades of the bonfire of the motley, Tonkonog Caucasian, Ovatza Asian, Timofeevka mountain, various clovers, Espartzets, Astragal, large-flowered letters with dark pink inflorescences, white anemone beaten, yellow Primulus of Ruprecht, bright blue forget-me-not, pink-red source of great and mountain.

Loafers, gentle terraces and less dry places are commonly occupied by highly harvested meadows. The cereals are smaller here, this is the kingdom of dispersion. Borscheviki attention is particularly attracted; The leaves are achieved in the length of more than a meter, and the plants themselves are sometimes above the rider. On the same meadows, large white and purple bells and many comprehensive colored bells are growing.

At an altitude of 2400-2600 m and above, subalpine meadows are gradually replaced by alpine. Alpine meadows differ from subalpian not only floristically, but also in appearance. Low height, a large size of flowers compared to the height of the stem allow you to even a considerable person to notice the difference between Alpine and subalpine vegetation.

Some of the species are peculiar to both belts, only the appearance of plants differs. From among subalpine-alpine species, the following should be noted: the bonfire is a motley, an Asian oatmeal, a squat, dyeing, Skabiosa Caucasian, Ruprecht, Astra, Astra Alpine, caucasian, forget-me-not, Some Prix Prix (Genziana), etc.

A significant number of species is specific for the alpine belt. These include Sibbaldia semi-minded, clover Multi-sized, trumpet's bell, violet glacier, primula pleasant, some mints and stamps. Shrubs and shrubs play an alpine belt with a minor role. Too cool cliffs and young screams usually do not have solid vegetation cover. In such places, peculiar vegetation is formed, which is characterized by the insight of the cover and a small number of types of flowering plants. In such places, cortical and precipitated lichens are dominated. Observing a series of shots within the mining belts, you can trace the process of their ingroup, - from the appearance of individual higher plants before the formation of closed cover.

The most typical for rocks and scaldings The following types: DRIADA Caucasian, Kuznetsov carnation, Colpodium Motley, Primula Pleasant, Mount Spring, Hamsiadium Stiffebly, Caucasian Cantry, Siberian Camery, Norichnika Ruprecht, Caucasian Camnebrus, Caucasian, Snower, Kolyati Pontic and Juniper and Liste, Kolyati Ossetian , Caucasian and low mounted.

The vegetation of rocks and scaldings is common throughout the reserve on the slopes of all exposures. In the most typical form, it can be observed within the Alpine Belt.

Depending on the exposure and height, the floristic composition varies in some limits. In addition, in addition to characteristic plants, as a rule, there are nozzles peculiar to the surrounding rocks and shivering plant communities.

Animal world of Teberdinsky Reserve

The reserve is rich in spinal animals, there are 184 different types of them. The number of invertebrate types has not yet been established.

The distribution of animals in the reserve is the most convenient to trace the belts.

In the forest belt, the usual types of animals in the forest zone (however, they are presented for mostly Caucasian forms).

The bear is common from the predatory beasts everywhere. Depending on the time of year, it is found in all valleys up to the Alpine meadows. Bears living in the reserve possess in a common peaceful character, feed on various plants, insects. In 1952, the reserve staff observed, for example, a bear grazing with tours.

Two types of cunits live in the reserve: Forest, or jejust, and stone, or bodice. Both of them inhabit the forest belt, but in the southern part there are more. Stone Kunitsa goes above in the mountains than the forest. Curtains are powering mainly small rodents, there were cases of cunits attacks on a protein.

On the banks of the rivers, you can meet the most valuable fur animal-otter, the main food is served by Trout.

Sometimes a badger comes in the northern part of the reserve, widely burned in the Stavropol Territory, and a typical steppe animal gleaming.

From the Kunih family on the territory of the reserve the Caucasian caucasian woman. It is most often found in the northern part near the housing of a person and Schill Shenya. It brings great benefits to the extermination of harmful rodents. Occasionally comes across the ermine.

From the family of doggy, the most numerous Caucasian fox, common predominantly in the northern part. Acclimated here The raccoon dog is rare.

The wolf is not a constant inhabitant of the reserve. As a rule, wolves penetrate the neighboring districts only to the northern part. Thanks to the protection of the reserve of noticeable harm, the wolves do not cause.

From the Feline family live a forest cat and lynx. Forest cat is quite often found in the northern part. It feeds on the mainly like rodents. Lynx is distributed throughout, especially according to the valleys of TEBERD, Muhu, Gemagat, Gonachhir and Amanauz. Often, lynx rises above.

From the hoofs in the forest belt is the most numerous boar. (He meets in the subalpine belt). There is also a group of Caucasian deer. The closest relative of the deer-roe-occurring is in a very small number in the Jemagat Valley.

From rodents, the most interesting animal is the Altai protein acclimatized here. The main feed is served by seeds of conifers: pines, fir and fir. It also feeds on berries, berries and mushrooms.

Another interesting rodent is the tree - this is a Sonya-shelter, a nightly animal who is usually sleeping in the voupel. Feels on various seeds, including seeds of pears and apples.

There are also several types of mice and voles in the forest, of which the forest mouse is more common, ordinary waters and a water rat. The latter brings particularly noticeable harm, drinking vegetables on the gardens and warming up the roots of fruit trees.

From the insectors are the most numerous Mole. It is observed everywhere in forest and subalpine belts. Less often come across the eyes of earthmock.

From the bats are the most common red-haired evening and mouths. They lead a nightlife, and during the day they sleep, attaching down their heads in the wrappers of trees or cracked rocks. For the winter fall into the hibernation. Feed insects, including harmful than bringing great benefits.

If the beasts on the territory of the reserve are up to 40 species, the number of bird species is three times more. Especially numerous and widespread birds from the detachment of sparrow.

The most common, universally found bird of the reserve is the Caucasian black coil. Tits are also numerous: Caucasian, Large, Ladzor, long-standing. These are constant forest inhabitants, equally active both in the summer and in winter.

Extremely numerous finch, which nests on the territory of the reserve and is found in the forest belt to its top

borders. Mountain oatmeal is also common, the packs of which can be observed in the fall and winter. Constant forest inhabitants rapid and food. Interesting Olyatka, this small bird is powered by various water animals, in search of which can run under water considerable distance.

With the onset of spring, green sues appear, dubones, wagtles (white, yellow and mountainous), field and forest larks. Later, during the flowering of lilac, you can hear the melodic song of lentils. In the summer, there are fortucts, mukholovka, foams, reeds, fames, and a city kamot.

Conventional forest belt birds are forest wrestling and wretched. In coniferous forests, the kings often. In summer, numerous swallows: urban and rustic, nesting on the territory of the village. Many Drozdov: Shootyabi, Rubberniki, Black and Sing. The white thrush on the winter goes down in the valley, and in the summer he lives in the mountains. Skvorts, horned and crested larks are found only on the span. In winter, you can observe the stakes of bullfding, occasionally meets the priest, interesting to the fact that nests in winter.

From Dyatlov, which, according to the right, the "doctors" of the forest are most commonly a big variegated woodpecker, a small motley woodpecker is rare. Both in deciduous, and in coniferous forests, a black woodpecker is often found, or a yellow, green dyatlas can be found in the glitstic forests of the northern part of the reserve.

In the summer, the cuckoo cake is heard at the top of the forest belt. At dusk silently flies the goat. Sometimes you can observe a quick and beautiful flight of the haircuts. From Rakchey-shaped quite often on the span in the spring and autumn there is a sorridge; Large flocks of gold sicks are in the reserve on the span from the end of August and all September. From early spring and to deep autumn, quite often you can see the fodder.

During the autumn and spring spans, the reserve visits many other birds.

From OV, it is found throughout the reserve Gray Seresya. Universally common daily predator Sarych, or Kanyuk. This is a beneficial bird that extermines a large number of rodents. Pretty common in the forest zone of the Hawks and rewrother, who harm the extermination of useful insectivore birds. In the whole area you can see a shield. Eagles are rare.

From the Kulikov in many places of the forest belt of the reserve, especially in its northern part, you can meet Valdshnepa and Bekas. Podook-small arrive at the end of April, is common in the strip. According to the valleys of rivers, you can see the swamp chicken, sinking and carrier. The creek of Korosta in the summer hears in the northern part of the reserve, where he probably nests. Size pigeons nest in the rocks, in the forests - Witty.

From chicken on the span, quail is found.

The reptile reserves do not differ varieties. There are four types of lizards: hunching, green, rocky and non-genty, reminder snake, spine. From the snake there is a meager, ordinary and ordinary viper; Poison is just the last.

From the amphibians are common Caucasian and lake frog, green toad and woody frog-quaksh, whose cry is heard among foliage on the trees.

The only fishing fish is the trout stream, which occurred in almost all rivers. The lake trout lives in the lakes Kara Kiel and Tuman-Kel. In flow waters, sand and Caucasians are found, and in the stagnation - the view.

Invertebrate animals in the reserve are very numerous and varied. Insects dominate among them.

First of all, a variety of butterflies are striking. Early spring awaken from winter stupor of urticaria, peacocky eyes and others. By the end of the summer, they give a second generation that goes into wintering. In some years, the butterfly of the thistle can multiply in large quantities, and then in the summer you can observe an interesting phenomenon - the flight of butterflies through high mountain passes.

From summer butterflies, we mention such as whitames, jaundices, grooves, venefits, pearlings, heads, sailboats, apollors. Especially many of these butterflies in the Jemagat Valley. On sunny days, multicolored diverse butterflies complement the fabulous picture of nature.

Wood pest butterflies in the reserve are missing. Big harm buckling does not cause. Numerous forest beetles of forests, especially cores. Smaller harm brought Usachi, weevils, grips and cereal.

Interesting glowing beetles are outless and winged.

Numerous insects-bloodsows: midges, mosquitoes, blind and others climbed in the habitats of hoofs and caused great concern. In a minor quantity there is a malarious mosquito.

Late spring appears a very interesting representative of the ancient net insects - Askalafus. According to the appearance of Askalafus, dragonflies resemble, differing from them long, with large beads. The larvae develop them in false foliage.

In summer, there are many jumping and sticking insects: grasshoppers, kills, crickets. A lot of ants that serve as a variety of insectivore birds; Asia and bear rummage. Pretty numerous in the reserve Bumblebee and wasps.

In winter, during thaws in the snow in some places there are a large number of spiders inhabiting the surface of the soil, and snow flea. Bloch is so much that the snow becomes black in places. They are in more eating tit.

Mollusks most often found slippers, occasionally can be found snails. They feed on some animals, birds and insects, for example, beetles-Ivanov Svelli.

Many in the reserve of earthy or rainwood worms, serving food with different animals, even so large as a bear and a boar. The worms are mostly the mole and some birds. Earthworms tear off, stirred and fertilize the soil, creating this favorable conditions for the life of plants.

The only terrestrial crustacean is mocities whose clusters can be observed under stones, a trees, in a forest litter.

In the subalpine belt, the animal world is less diverse than in the forest.

Among the stones here finds a stone cuckor.

Where there are rocky outcrops, sulfur is characteristic. This is a slim beautiful animal, very well adapted to life in the mountains. They hold sulfas with small herds and at the slightest danger instantly hide out of sight, showing an amazing dexterity. In the summer, Sulna rises to the Alpine meadows and often graze not far from tours, and in the winter they descend to the upper limits of the forest.

On the subalpine meadow among the stones, smoking the grass, often you can find small siene stogs, which harvesting snowflakes for the winter. The stoker is usually placed under a canopy of stone or rocks. The weight of one stall can reach two kilograms. Here, in the meadows, the mummy is found; Extremely numerous traces of underground work of the CROT.

Conventional subalpine belts are stone partridges, or kekliki. These fishing birds feed on the summer insects, seeds, bulbs, buds of plants. In winter, berries and seeds from under the snow are mined.

Among the thickets Rhododendron and in the birchings on the slopes of Semenov-Bashi, Hut, Hadzhibay, a large and small hatepan and Kel-Bashi, holding an endemic of the Caucasus - TETEREV Caucasian (Mlokosovich). Summer feeds on seeds, flowers and leaves of various plants, as well as insects. It consists of a kidneys and birch earrings.

An interesting bird of the subalpine belt is a reddenieled wallolaz. This small brightly colored bird deftly moves along the slopes in search of a different kind of insects, which it pulls out of the narrow slits between the stones and rocks with its long and curved beak.

Rocks have flocks of black red-beak chubs (Alpine Raven). Near the stream you can see the white stuff, which in the winter goes down in the valley, as well as a beautiful curious reel. Numerous heights, checks, mountain skates, horikhvostka.

From the reptiles, the rock lizard and viper live here.

A variety of butterflies flies on the meadows, among which beautiful large butterflies apollo are distinguished. It rushes into the eyes of his golden-green colorful oxal leaf.

Often it is possible to meet a giant slug on the stones.

Above the subalpine belt, at a height of 2,200 to 3400 m, there are alpine meadows, where in the summer it is kept with herds of the Caucasus endemics - Western Caucasian tours (Northskov tours). In the mornings and evenings, they graze, and in the afternoon they are saved from the heat on the rocks and near the snowfields. In winter, tours are descended below, to the place where the snow is not as deep and where it is easier to extract food.

Early spring them can be observed in the upper limits of the forest, where plants develop earlier and there is a branch feed.

Tour satellites are so-called mining turkey, or ulary. Tours provide Ularam to a large service in winter when they get feed from under the snow. Imaging snow, they are thereby allowing the opportunity to eat and Ularam. Ulary is very careful: it is more common to hear their cry than to see the birds themselves.

Alpine belt lives alpine voles - Prometheus Mouse - a beast, a leading very secretive lifestyle. For the most part, he is underground, leaving the surface extremely rarely.

In the rocks, several types of eagles find their refuge, among which there are bearded and wintering. Here you can meet huge white-headed sips.

The alpine daws fly by flocks, unlike the Klushitz, they have a yellow beak. Occasionally encounters brightly colored stone thrush. From the reptiles dwells red viper (treask).

From the insects are numerous bugs, bugs, bumblebees, single bees, butterflies and various dirty.

According to the materials of the book "Essays about the Teberdinsky Reserve" Stavropol Book Publishing House 1958

Almost all the fauna and flora of Russia are collected in the small territory of the Dombasy Valley and Elbrus region, all climatic and landscape zones of our country are presented. In addition, rare animals live here, which have no longer anywhere else. Gradually, the issues of preserving natural nature are becoming increasingly important, which is reflected in the legislative framework, work on breeding, the preservation of animals, originally not inhabited in the area, but adapted to the new climate.

For this, new reserves and hunting and protected farms appear. For example, since 1976, there is a Kabardino-Balkan reserve with an area of \u200b\u200b53,300 hectares, located in the upper reaches of the rivers Chegem (the right influx of bucksana), the Cherki Bizengic and Cherkoe Cherki. The Cheger Valley, as is sometimes called the Kabardino-Balkarian reserve, is located on the border with the Elbrus.

As a result, Elbrusie is surrounded by state reserves - from the east of North-Ossetian and Kabardino-Balkar, and from the West - Teberdinsky. Elbrusier plays the role of a buffer zone, which removes the tourist load from the reserves and serves as a "security guard" of unique natural territories. If any recreation is prohibited in the reserves, in principle, it is possible to create a strictly limited number of roads, lay some routes and equip several parking lots. Thus, tourists can though from afar, but to get acquainted with these most interesting places, admire the unique "pattern" of forests and meadows on the surrounding mountains. Hunting and protected farms and forestry are obliged to strictly monitor compliance with the norms.

The Central Caucasus refers to the area with a temperate continental climate, where the altitude exemplary is clearly expressed, and vegetable, as well as climatic zones are separated by the most Mother-nature. The boundaries are easy to detect even with a naked eye. The lowest belt stretching from the glade to a height of 2,000 - 2,400 meters is a forest: fir, fir (up to 45-50 meters high), on southern slopes diluted with oaks, oaks, birch and maples. Fruit forests consisting of alchi, terns, cherries and apple trees are found, the glades threw the leather and honeysuckle, gooseberry, barberry, currants and raspberries. Here you can collect all kinds of mushrooms: chewing, brewer, champignons, chanterelles, sweeps and duboviki, as well as a coral mushroom, which is considered one of the "identification signs" of the house and whose hat sometimes reaches 0.5 meters in diameter, although in other places he ordinary sizes. A special microclimate "in response" for the fact that the familiar flowers and herbs grow simply to unrecognizable sizes.

The next zone is subalpine meadows that spread to a height of 2,600 meters above sea level. Next, the alpine meadows are coming, in which the grass grows up to two meters in height, and in contrast to them - alpine meadows low-altar, attracting attention to bright colors of flowers, in particular Rhododendron and Genzian. In the spring and summer, the slopes of the mountains seem to be covered with a patchwork, consisting of bright flower spots.

The mountains

The most famous and highest mountain in Europe and Russia - Elbrus, whose western peak is located at an altitude of 5,642 meters, and East - 5,621 meters above sea level - located precisely in these unique places. Elbrus is a volcanic array of giant sizes and highly distinguished from the general mountain system. This is exactly what determines the originality and uniqueness of climate, landscape and relief in this region. The thickness of the glaciers on Elbrus reaches 400 meters, the total area of \u200b\u200bglaciation is about 150 square kilometers.

Among the attractions of Elbrusya are magnificent gorges, which are located above 2,000 meters above sea level: Adyr-Su, Adyl-Su, Terskol, Baksanskoye, Yus Things. Each gorge is a separate natural object that has a high degree of attractiveness for tourists.

The largest gorge is the Baksanskoye, which leads most of the tourist routes and through which the path to Elbrus, the Sedovian Patriarch of the Caucasus, runs. It is here, in the upper reaches of Baksan, her tributaries Adylsu, Irik and the Malki Valley concentrated mineral springs that have a different chemical composition and used in the treatment of various diseases.


Mountain resort Dombay is a real "Caucasus Heart", surrounded by mountains and fir forests. The unique beauty of this area is to combine dark wheels of forests and bright greenery of alpine meadows, interfering with stormy rivers, waterfalls, snow-white hats of eternal snow and dazzling glaciers. Created by the nature of the cover of the earth's surface, even approximately cannot be restored by human hand.

Dombay Resort is located in the luxurious Teberdinsky Reserve, created back in 1936. The living museum of nature harmoniously combines the magnificent and deep mountains, overgrown with forests and meadows, rapid mountain rivers and picturesque roofing waterfalls, unreally beautiful alpine lakes and the lush vegetation of the shores. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 85 thousand hectares that are located on the north side of the Chief Caucasus Range.

In the Teberdinsky Reserve lives 43 species of mammals, the most recognizable and most common "symbol" of Dombaya - Caucasian stone goat (or Western Caucasian tour). Sablevoid large horns are considered the main decoration of this animal (up to 1 to 1 meter and up to 30 cm wide). Goats are best adapted to life in the mountains, each cell of their body is most suitable for such living conditions.

The second "pride" of the reserve is a bison, which is considered the largest wild beast of Europe. This animal was practically destroyed during World War II, only individual specimens in zoos remained, although initially there were whole herds of bison in these mountains. Now the reserve is trying to revive the bison. Actually, in Karachay, the word "bison" sounds like "Dombai", hence the name of the resort itself. From here it is the name of the highest point of the Dombaya - Dombai-Ealgen, which is translated, by one version, as "killed bison", and on the other - is named after the Celers-hunter who killed the bison alone.

In the forest zone, the houses are found boars and caucasian deers, lynx and roe, sacks and foxes, stone and forest cunning, brown bear and squirrel, wolves. The upper boundaries often meet Caucasian Tetra and Sulna. By the spring of the forest "thick populated" by birds: mountain turkey (Ular), partridges, eagles, dalks and other "inhabitants of trees." The rivers are transparent so much that it can be seen how trout struggles with the flow and overcomes the thresholds. Immediately "hunt" Olenyap - a small bird with a white breast, bravely diving straight into stormy water.

One of the directions in which work is underway in the reserve is experiments on acclimatization of animals and plants who did not live in this area before. So, now the ginseng is cultivated here, they care about Spotted deer, Altai protein and a raccoon dog. Attempts on the reproduction and preservation of rare, on the verge of birds and animals on the verge of the disappearance of birds and animals.