Sights of Korolev, Moscow region: description, history and interesting facts. Sights of Korolev, Moscow region: description, history and interesting facts Interesting places in the city of Korolev

Korolev is a city in the Moscow region, located 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavl highway. The city is the unofficial capital of Russian cosmonautics, and therefore many interesting sights are in one way or another related to space.

What to see in Korolev on your own?

Beautiful places and main attractions of the city and its surroundings: photos with descriptions, tips on where to go, where to go by car, what to see in one day.

Church of the Transfiguration

In Bolshevo, Korolev, there is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by order of Prince Peter Ivanovich Odoevsky. At that time, the church was warm, so services were held there during the cold season.

The facade of the building is made in a classical architectural style. The interior of the church is represented by paintings with scenes from the Old and New Testaments. In the 20th century, all valuable items were looted, and the church itself was closed. The domed rotunda that crowned the roof was destroyed. The building was converted into a hostel, and then the city administration was located there.

In 2000, the church was reopened, and after some time a Sunday school, an Orthodox library and a gymnasium appeared there. One of the most revered shrines of the temple is the miraculous icon depicting Nicholas II.

  • Address: st. Stationnaya, 45a, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Church of Cosmas and Damian

One of the most beautiful buildings in the city is the Church of Cosmas and Damian. It was founded at the end of the 16th century and consecrated in honor of two brothers, wonderworkers and unmercenaries. Initially the church was wooden, but then it was made of stone. The modern building of the temple was built in the 18th century in the classicist style.

The high bell tower is made in the Russian Baroque style. In the 20th century, church utensils were completely looted, but despite the persecution of believers and clergy, the temple continued to hold services and receive parishioners. Over time, it again became the main parish church of the city. In the 2000s, the temple was completely restored and its former grandeur and beauty were returned to it.

The church contains particles of the relics of the revered saints Cosmas and Damian, as well as icons with their image.

  • Address: st. Station street, 43, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Royal Historical Museum

The Korolev Historical Museum is located in the building of a former cinema in the city center. It was opened in 2005 in honor of the 60th anniversary of the 1945 Victory. The exhibition of the historical museum consists of several areas.

The first section is dedicated to everyday life local residents in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century. Here you can see household items and clothing. The most extensive number of exhibits is in the space department of the museum, which presents the developments of local enterprises. There is a large collection of models of rockets and spacecraft.

Another section of the exhibition includes samples of various military equipment that were manufactured at the city’s defense enterprise. In addition to the main exhibition, the museum hosts additional exhibitions of paintings and photographs.

Mission Control Center

The most famous landmark of Korolev is the mission control center. This is the largest research complex in Russia. It was opened in 1960 in connection with the need to create a common coordination center for space exploration. Here, the flight control of a wide variety of spacecraft is carried out - manned and automatic, orbital and interplanetary.

At the MCC they interact with other space centers. As part of the excursions, you can personally get acquainted with the work of the control center, watch videos about the life of astronauts on space stations, and see in reality how the devices are controlled. One of the outstanding works of the center is the management of the Mir station for a long time, which was subsequently sunk in the Pacific Ocean.

Address: st. Pionerskaya, 4, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

House-Museum of S.N. Durylina

In the city district of Bolshevo there is an interesting building - the house-museum of S.N. Durylin (in English: S. Durylin's Memorial House Museum). It was opened in 1993, where the famous philosopher Sergei Nikolaevich and his wife lived from 1936 to 1954.

The house is made of wood and is decorated with carved frames on the windows. The museum's exposition contains interior items, documentary archives, a collection of ancient icons of the 17th-19th centuries and paintings by famous artists Kazemir Malevich, Vasily Polenov, Konstantin Korovin and many others.

In addition, the museum stores a large number of photographs and personal belongings of writers and actors with whom Sergei Nikolaevich was familiar. These are Konstantin Stanislavsky, Boris Pasternak, Vasily Kachalov and others.

  • Address: st. Svobodnaya, 12, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Wed - Sun 10:00 - 18:00 (September - May), Wed - Sun 10:00 - 20:00 (June - August)
  • Price entrance ticket: 50 rubles

Monument to S.P. Korolev

In a small town near Moscow you can see a monument to Academician S.P. Korolev (in English: Academician Korolev Statue). It was erected in 1988 in honor of the famous scientist Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The famous sculptor S. A. Shcherbakov worked on the monument.

The monument stands on the avenue of the same name and is considered one of the most important business cards space city. It is made of bronze and depicts the figure of a designer. Sergei Pavlovich is dressed in a long coat, he keeps his hands in his pockets. The sculptor wonderfully managed to convey a very thoughtful expression on his face. It seems that even now S.P. Korolev is going to create a new spacecraft and is completely immersed in his ideas and plans.

At one time, the scientist was involved in the development and launch of the first artificial Earth satellite; under his leadership, a rocket was built on which Yuri Gagarin set off on his first flight.

  • Address: Korolev Ave., 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Museum of the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after. S. P. Koroleva

The Museum of the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after. S. P. Koroleva. It is a leading enterprise in the rocket and space industry.

The museum consists of 3 large halls. The first exhibition is dedicated to demonstrating the stages of development of the country’s entire space industry. It presents projects and models of ballistic missiles, manned vehicles, artificial satellites and others. In the Hall of Labor Glory, visitors have the opportunity to see photographs of all the outstanding scientists of the corporation. The collection contains memorable souvenirs, awards, documents and many other items.

The third exhibition is entirely dedicated to the famous designer S.P. Korolev. Here you can see a recreated scientist’s office, which contains many personal items, photographs and various documents.

  • Address: st. Lenina, 4a, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Mon - Thu 9:00-16:00, Fri - Sun 9:00-15:00

Museum-apartment of Marina Tsvetaeva

In one of the city districts called Bolshevo there is a museum-apartment of Marina Tsvetaeva (in English: Marina Tsvetaeva Memorial Apartment Museum). It was opened in 1992 in the house where the famous poetess lived with her husband and children in 1939. The museum contains a collection of portraits of Marina Tsvetaeva, which were made by artists M. Billis and G. Artemov.

As part of the exhibition you can see personal belongings, clothes, and many photographs of the poetess. In addition, paintings by famous painters are presented here - G. Zaitsev, Y. Zhudro and V. Cleroy. The museum annually hosts a large number of seminars and creative meetings dedicated to the works of Marina Tsvetaeva.

  • Address: st. Tsvetaeva, 15, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Entrance ticket cost: 100 rubles

Holy Trinity Church

One of the most beautiful Orthodox buildings in the city is the Holy Trinity Church. It was built in 2007 thanks to donations from parishioners and local businesses.

The facade is made of red brick, its roof is crowned with 5 domes, and a high bell tower is located nearby. Now the church holds daily services. A parish Sunday school and library were opened there. Thanks to the enterprising citizens, magnificent flower beds have been planted around the church.

The main shrine of the temple is considered to be the amazing miraculous icon “The Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands,” which was handed over relatively recently. In addition, icons of Blessed Matrona of Moscow and Blessed Xenia were painted especially for the church. On the territory of the temple there is a pure spring, with the water of which all the main Orthodox sacraments are performed.

  • Address: st. Gorkogo, 77, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Korolyovsky Drama Theater

The main theater stage of the city is the Royal Drama Theater. It was opened in 1924 and was named the Theater of Drama and Comedy in Podlipki. Over time, the theater building became dilapidated and required extensive reconstruction.

The theater began its new life only in 2005. The building was completely renovated and the troupe was reorganized. It was supplemented by young graduates of various theater universities. Works of Russian classics, as well as European drama, began to be shown on the theater stage. Performances were staged based on plays by A. Vampilov, S. Mrozhek, I. Vilkvist and many others.

Currently, the theater operates a theater studio, which teaches the basics of professional acting. In addition, the acting troupe constantly participates in many international festivals.

  • Address: st. Tereshkova, 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Memorial to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War

The largest memorial complex of Korolev is a memorial to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. It was built from several parts. On the pedestal the war years are set in large numbers 1941-1945. Under it you can see many marble slabs with the names of soldiers who died not only in the Patriotic War but also in the Chechen and Afghan wars. On the pedestal there are three tall figures - women who personify all the workers of the home front. She is flanked by two soldiers who protect her.

In addition to the memorial, the complex includes a large five-pointed star, on which the names of the Heroes are indicated. Soviet Union. The military atmosphere is created by a cannon, a T-34 tank, and an armored personnel carrier. This monumental monument commemorates those soldiers who gave their lives for peace in our time.

  • Address: Oktyabrsky Boulevard, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Obelisk to the creators of space technology

When entering Korolev, the first thing tourists pay attention to is the obelisk to the creators of space technology (in English: Monument to the Creators of Space Technology). It was opened in honor of the 40th anniversary of the launch of the very first artificial satellite.

The monument was built in 1997 in the shape of a Soviet guided ballistic missile. On a high pedestal there is a triangular platform with the name of the city in Russian and English language. A rocket is installed above it in a vertical position, which simulates readiness for launch.

At night, it is illuminated by several lanterns, which makes it very similar to the real one. The obelisk is one of the modern landmarks that very accurately characterizes the distinctive feature of this city.

  • Address: st. Pionerskaya, 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Theater of Young Spectators

The Theater of The Young Viewer is very popular among children. It was opened in 1976 as a children's club, which eventually turned into a large theater.

The auditorium can accommodate only 200 visitors of various age groups- preschoolers, junior, middle and senior schoolchildren. The troupe's repertoire is very diverse; they stage performances based on fairy tales by famous writers.

The theater has an acting school where about 70 children study. They are taught the basics of acting on stage, confidence, communication skills, and develop memory. They show their skills in the form of reporting performances, musical concerts for parents and other visitors.

  • Address: st. Kaliningradskaya, 12, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Wed - Fri 15:00-19:00, Sat - Sun 11:00-14:00
  • Entrance ticket cost: from 400 rubles

Museum "Kostino Estate"

One of the departments of the Korolevsky Historical Museum is the Kostino Estate Museum. It is closely connected with the names of princes Dolgorukov and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The museum was opened in 1992 on the basis of the existing memorial house named after V.I. Lenin. It consists of three rooms.

The first exhibition is dedicated to Vladimir Ilyich, who lived in the estate for some time. The second room displays household items, clothing of local residents and other personal items. The third collection contains exhibits about the history of the city, its origins and development.

In addition to the main building of the estate, a magnificent pond and greenhouse have been preserved. Next to the main house is the house of the manager and gardener. In its heyday, the estate was surrounded by a stunning apple orchard, which, unfortunately, has not survived.

  • Address: st. Ilyicha, 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Wed - Sun 10:00-18:00

Lapino-Spasskoye Estate

Not far from the city of Korolev in the village of Lapino there is the Lapino-Spasskoye Estate. It was built at the end of the 19th century for the merchant Panteleev, who at that time headed a factory called “First of May”. Main house was built of brick in the shape of a rectangle and consisted of 3 floors. Its façade is decorated with graceful pilasters.

At the end of the 19th century, the estate was acquired by F. Rabenek, under whom a major restoration was carried out. At the same time, not far from the main house, a one-story structure in the French Renaissance style was erected. It was built of red brick; its main difference is a large number of decorative elements.

In the 20th century, a large stable was built on the estate. Currently, Lapino-Spasskoye is in a deplorable state. All buildings are very dilapidated and require large-scale restoration.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 9, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Culture and Leisure Center "Bolshevo"

In one of the districts of Korolev there is the oldest cultural institution in the city - the Bolshevo cultural and leisure center. It is located in a 19th century building that housed the dyeing factory of F. Rabeneck.

The building itself is a monument of urban architecture, which is a connecting link of several eras. In 1917, the factory premises were first used to organize the Fakel youth club, on the basis of which the first city drama club eventually appeared.

In 1994, the building became municipal property and housed a cultural and leisure center. Currently, there are several circles operating in it with the aim of organizing opportunities for self-realization for local residents. Local authorities support creative groups that preserve traditional culture and creativity.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 71, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Mon - Sun 9:00-21:00

Central Palace of Culture named after. M.I.Kalinina

One of the most significant events of the mid-20th century was the construction of the central Palace of Culture. M.I.Kalinina. It was erected on the initiative of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. At that time, it amazed with its size and stunning interior.

The Palace's auditorium was designed for 1000 visitors. It was equipped with comfortable chairs that were upholstered in velvet. The stage was framed by a mosaic, and the lighting was installed very well, emphasizing all the advantages of the new hall. In the second half of the 20th century, youth evenings on various topics were held here.

Currently, the Palace hosts a huge number of different events - various Olympiads among schoolchildren, creative evenings, concerts of Russian performers, performances of the best domestic theaters. In total, more than 125 circles, clubs and groups are engaged in the premises of the Palace of Culture.

  • Address: st. Tereshkova, 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Kostino there is a wonderful example of religious architecture - the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was founded in 1689 by order of Feodor Ivanov Kosmin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the wooden church was restored, and a magnificent bell tower appeared next to the main building. 30 years later, a stone church appeared in its place, but it was closed in the 20th century. All church relics were looted, and the building itself was eventually demolished. Unfortunately, after this, the main shrine was lost - the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, which was carefully kept in the church for more than 200 years.

The modern building was built in 2005 according to a special project. It can simultaneously accommodate more than 1200 parishioners. The snow-white church is decorated with bells and a bright blue roof, and the central onion is decorated with magnificent gilding.

  • Address: st. Kaliningradskaya, 1, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Chapel in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

The memorial complex in memory of soldiers who fell in battle includes a chapel in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevskiy (in English: Chapel of the Holy Grand Prince Alexander Nevskiy). It was erected in 1999 according to the design of architects Z. Osipova and Y. Alonov.

The chapel is a single-domed structure made in the neo-Russian architectural style. It is built in the form of a high snow-white stone pillar, its facade is decorated with stone reliefs and wall bas-reliefs, which are the work of sculptor V. Klykov. The roof and single crown are black, creating a great contrast. The bells, which are located in the belfry at the top of the building, ring out the melodious ringing of the surrounding area every day.

  • Address: st. Tsiolkovskogo, 26, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Losiny Ostrov National Park

The first mention of the territory near Moscow dates back to the beginning of the 15th century. Later it was used as a hunting ground under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The name “Losiny Ostrov” first appears in official documents only in 1710.

By the end of the 18th century, a decree was issued that classified these lands as a protected area. Here it was forbidden to cut down trees and hunt animals and birds. In 1842, the reserve was transferred to forestry. The area of ​​the park is more than 6 thousand hectares.

Even in the difficult post-war years, its territory was untouchable, thanks to which it has survived to this day. unique nature Moscow region. Now work continues to preserve and increase the forestry of the reserve park.

Square "Conquerors of Space"

In front of the Central Palace of Culture of the city of Korolev there is the Square for the Conquerors of Space. It was broken up in 2012 in honor of the 55th anniversary of the launch of the first Soviet artificial satellite. Many local residents, government officials, veterans and young specialists of the city-forming enterprises of Korolev took an active part in its arrangement.

In total, more than 100 different trees were planted. After some time, for city residents the square will become picturesque place hiking and recreation for the whole family. It reminds us of those people who made a huge contribution to the exploration of outer space and the development of new devices and rockets.

In 2011, a bronze monument to cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and designer Sergei Korolev was installed in the center. Over time, the park is planned to be expanded to increase the area of ​​tree plantings in the city center.

  • Address: Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Marina Tsvetaeva Park

On the street of the same name there is a small green corner of the Marina Tsvetaeva Park (in English: Park of Marina Tsvetaeva). It was inaugurated in 2013. The park is popular place family vacation.

There was a wonderful playground for children here. A magnificent amphitheater was built to host performances by local groups. Throughout the park there are a large number of stones with signs on which you can read poems by Marina Tsvetaeva. And she describes them various countries and cities that she managed to visit.

Here you can find lines about Moscow and Yelabuga, France and the Czech Republic, Germany and many others. In the very center of the park there is a large fire pit, where every year on June 19 a bonfire is lit in memory of the poetess.

  • Address: st. M. Tsvetaeva, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Monument to Sergei Korolev and Yuri Gagarin

In the “Conquerors of Space” park in 2017, a monument to the most outstanding people in the history of cosmonautics, Sergei Korolev and Yuri Gagarin, was erected (in English: Monument to Sergey Korolev and Yuriy Gagarin).

The sculptural composition represents the figures of the first cosmonaut and the leading designer of the very first satellites and manned spacecraft. Bronze sculptures sit on a bench in the same poses as in the famous photograph. Smiles play on the faces of Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev.

Sergei Pavlovich is wearing his usual long coat and looking straight at passers-by. Yuri Alekseevich is dressed in full dress uniform, with one hand he leans on the bench, and the other lies on his knee. He looks to the side, as if he wants to take in the entire surrounding area with his gaze. There are always a lot of flowers at the foot of the monument. Local residents carefully honor the memory of great people who managed the impossible.

  • Address: st. Kalinina, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia

Church of St. Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv

In the center of the city there is a modern church of St. Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv. It was founded in 1994 as a temporary plywood structure. Thanks to donations from parishioners and local entrepreneurs, all church utensils were purchased. This is how the first Orthodox church appeared in Korolev.

But over time, the plywood building became very worn out, the foundation sank very much in some places, holes appeared in the roof, and the walls were crumbling in places. Despite constant ongoing repairs, the building is in critical condition, so it was necessary to build a permanent, durable temple on the site of the old one.

In 2011, a design for a new building was made, but due to insufficient funding, the start of construction was delayed. The temple is currently raising funds for construction, but its start has not yet been announced.

  • Address: Oktyabrsky Boulevard, 12a, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Mon - Sun 08:00-20:00

Temple in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov

In one of the city districts called Yubileiny there is a temple in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov or Seraphim Church. A parish in this area was formed in 1997. Divine services took place in one of the basements of residential buildings. Local residents raised the issue of building a temple for parishioners. Its construction began in 2000.

The temple was built from a wooden frame brought from the Arkhangelsk region. Thanks to the hard work of all local residents, it was erected in record time. Within 9 months, the temple was fully prepared for worship, and the surrounding area was also put in order. In the next couple of years, an iconostasis was made, the walls and ceiling were painted.

The main shrine of the temple is the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in whose honor the temple was named. In 2009, reconstruction was carried out. Nowadays there is a Sunday school and a library at the temple.

  • Address: st. Pushkinskaya, 2, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
  • Opening hours: Mon - Sun 08:00-18:00

The science city of Russia, the space capital of Russia... Such big names refer to a small town in the Moscow region, Korolev. The city is named after Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics. Korolev is the leader of advanced Russian science, largest center rocket and space industry. And it is located in one of the most picturesque and ecologically clean areas of the capital region, which makes it a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and tourists from all over the country. - this is the most profitable and popular option for solving the housing problem during travel for most tourists.

This town appeared at the end of the 19th century. Was here suburban village Podlipki, where Muscovites often rented small houses and lived in the fresh air all summer. In the 18th century, one of the first domestic industrial enterprises, a cloth factory, opened on this site, and in the 12th century, this territory was occupied by tribes of the ancient Slavs.

Walking around the city, pay attention to monument to Sergei Korolev, located on the avenue named after him, as well as on monument to the first artificial satellite of our planet on Cosmonauts Avenue. You can also see memorial to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, monument to the “Creators of space technology”, monument to academician A. M. Isaev, some monuments to V. I. Lenin, monuments to F. E. Dzerzhinsky and Yu. A. Mozzhorin.

But most of all, Korolev is famous for its museums, each of which is truly unique. So let's go on a long and very interesting journey through the city's museums right now. Let's start with mission control center. True, this is not a museum, this is a real center where all space flights are controlled today! There are excursions for tourists here, which include a visit to the hall in which the Mir orbital station was controlled, the main flight control hall, where you will see the work of specialists managing the orbital complex. You will learn about the structure and activities of the center and watch films about the life of astronauts in orbit. This educational excursion will be interesting for everyone!

IN Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after S.P. Queen has its own museum. Here you will learn about the history of the creation of domestic rocket and space technology, get acquainted with the first long-range ballistic missiles, the first artificial Earth satellites, the later Energia launch vehicle and modern spacecraft of all modifications. In addition, you will see the descent module of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, full-scale models of the first international orbital complex "Soyuz-Apollo" and the orbital station "Salyut". The Hall of Labor Glory presents unique photographs, documents, and awards of this enterprise. Another part of the museum is the Memorial Room of S.P. Korolev, where the interior of the study of an outstanding scientist was recreated. His personal belongings, photographs and documents are carefully stored here. And if you want to buy something as a souvenir with cosmic symbols, then there is a kiosk with various souvenirs and thematic books open for you. Be sure to set aside time to visit Royal Historical Museum. Among its exhibits: models of aviation equipment, cars from the Great Patriotic War period, models of combat missiles, artillery pieces, various historical photographs and documents.
Museum of History and Local Lore was opened on the basis of the house-museum of V.I. Lenin in Kostin. Here you will see the furnishings of the rooms where Lenin lived and worked in 1922, see the archaeological collection, historical materials about the life of the city, etc.

Memorial House-Museum of S.N. Durylina is a museum of all-Russian cultural significance. Sergei Nikolaevich Durylin - writer, theater and literary critic of the first half of the 20th century. His house in Bolshevo was built at the beginning of the last century from the surviving remains of the destroyed Passion Monastery. Durylin’s efforts created a stunning collection of icons from the 17th – early 20th centuries, a collection of paintings by K. Malevich, R.R. Falka, M.A. Voloshina, V.D. Polenova, K.F. Bogaevsky, L.O. Pasternak and others. The House Museum preserves personal belongings and photographs of B.L. Pasternak, S.T. Richter, N.D. Teleshev, as well as actors from the Bolshoi, Maly and Art Theaters. So here you will enrich yourself culturally by discovering many interesting facts.

Well, very important from a cultural point of view is a unique museum dedicated to the work of the talented Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. This museum is known not only in Russia, but also in other countries. It is located in the village of Bolshevo, where the poetess lived for the first months after emigration. The most valuable part of the museum collection are memorial items that belonged to the Tsvetaeva-Efron family. In addition, in the exhibition of the House-Museum you will see paintings by Yu. Zhudro, V. Cleroy, G. Zaitsev, autographs of Tsvetaeva’s famous contemporaries: N. Mandelstam, B.L. Pasternak, L. Libedinskaya, M.I. Belkina and others, as well as things that once belonged to A.S. Efron and S.Ya. Efron, M.A. Voloshin, B.L. Pasternak. The Marina Tsvetaeva Museum is not only exhibits associated with the priceless past, but also a meeting place for creative people, interesting exhibitions and traditional Tsvetaeva readings.

If time permits, please take a look at rocket engine museum, private museum O.M. Kuvaeva And fire museum. They also work in the city Royal Dramatic Theater, where mainly European drama and Russian classics are staged, amateur theater "Elf", on the stage of which you can watch a children's fairy tale or a philosophical dramatic play, Theater of Young Spectators.

The doors of the temples are open for believers: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Trinity, St. Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev, Cosmas and Damian, chapel in honor of Alexander Nevsky, Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Exodus", Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists "Unity". The city of Korolev is a place that is definitely worth visiting for people interested in space exploration, as well as those interested in literature and culture. Well, in general, this is a place that everyone should visit...

March 31, 2017 Tags: ,

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A famous Russian science city, a large cultural and industrial center on the Klyazma River, located in the Moscow region at a distance of only 6 km from the capital.

It is an urban agglomeration, which includes smaller ones settlements- Mytishchi, Pushkino. Shchelkovo, Ivanteevka.

Korolev is famous for its convenient location in close proximity from Moscow, with a well-developed transport network. The city has a wide industrial base, and the service sector is also well developed. In addition, Korolev boasts a skilled workforce and numerous cultural and historical attractions.

The city was named in memory of the great Soviet scientist S.P. Korolev, who became the founder of practical cosmonautics. Today Korolev is the center of the Russian space and rocket industry.

Korolev is interesting to tourists, first of all, for its attractions related to space topics - the Mission Control Center, the Energia Museum of Space Technology, etc. are located here. It is also interesting to visit the house-museum of the great Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva.

In principle, tourists can go on a one-day trip to Korolev from Moscow - one day in the city is enough to explore its main attractions. However, if you wish to stay in Korolev for a day or two, comfortable Korolev hotels are at your service, where guests are always welcome.

Video from Korolev

Attractions Queen is interesting objects space-related religious sites and some museums and monuments. Thus, among the main attractions of Korolev are the Mission Control Center, the monument to S.P. Korolev on the avenue of the same name, the Energy Museum, the exhibition of which includes many...

Korolev: excursions and activities

This is a tour of the most interesting museums in the city, as well as sightseeing tour according to Korolev.

Perhaps the most interesting excursion in Korolev - visit to the Mission Control Center. Let us clarify for tourists that the duration of the walk will be as much as 6 hours. Guests will be shown the control room of the Mir station and will be told in detail about the work of the organization. The excursion will end in the cinema hall: tourists will see a film about the life of astronauts in orbit.

Other interesting and educational excursions in Korolev are held in the Local Lore and Historical Museums of the city.

Korolev's story

The history of Korolev began in the 12th century - in these ancient times, the banks of the Klyazma River were already inhabited by the Slavs. It is also believed that it was in these parts that the ancient trade route ran, connecting the Moscow and Vladimir-Suzdal principalities. The village of Podlipki was founded at the end...

Climate in Korolev

belongs to the temperate continental type, seasonality in Korolev is quite clearly and clearly expressed. Winters here are moderately cool, and summers are warm and sunny. In spring and autumn, the weather in Korolev often changes and it rains. Best time for tourists to visit Korolev - from May to September.

Korolev: entertainment and active recreation

- this is sports for everyone at three stadiums in the city, visiting 4 Korolev swimming pools. The most popular sports in the city are boxing, football and basketball, sambo, sports tourism, volleyball and handball. Rarer sports are also popular in Korolev - floorball, ice hockey, powerlifting, and aerobics in water. If you wish, you can ride a bicycle or two-wheeled vehicles in Korolev.

The city has 6 football fields, 2 skating rinks, 10 sports gyms, 6 volleyball courts. Let us add that in Korolev there are several children’s and youth sports schools, as well as a mountaineering school named after. V.L. Bashkirova. It is also interesting that in the summer there is an ice climbing track at the Metalist stadium.

Transport features of Korolev

Transport in Korolev is a widely developed bus network that connects some of the settlements that make up Korolev with each other. Let us also clarify that tourists can easily get to any point in Korolev by bus or minibus.

A taxi in Korolev can be called from any hotel in the city by contacting a taxi service. The cost of the trip should be discussed in advance.

The science city of Russia, the space capital of Russia... Such big names refer to a small town in the Moscow region, Korolev. The city is named after Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics. Korolev is the leader of advanced domestic science, the largest center of the rocket and space industry. And it is located in one of the most picturesque and ecologically clean areas of the capital region, which makes it a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and tourists from all over the country. Renting an apartment daily in Korolev is the most profitable and popular option for solving the housing problem during a trip for most tourists.

This town appeared at the end of the 19th century. There was a dacha village called Podlipki, where Muscovites often rented small houses and lived in the fresh air all summer. In the 18th century, one of the first domestic industrial enterprises, a cloth factory, opened on this site, and in the 12th century, this territory was occupied by tribes of the ancient Slavs.

Walking around the city, pay attention to monument to Sergei Korolev, located on the avenue named after him, as well as on monument to the first artificial satellite of our planet on Cosmonauts Avenue. You can also see memorial to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, monument to the “Creators of space technology”, monument to academician A. M. Isaev, some monuments to V. I. Lenin, monuments to F. E. Dzerzhinsky and Yu. A. Mozzhorin.

But most of all, Korolev is famous for its museums, each of which is truly unique. So let's go on a long and very interesting journey through the city's museums right now. Let's start with mission control center. True, this is not a museum, this is a real center where all space flights are controlled today! There are excursions for tourists here, which include a visit to the hall in which the Mir orbital station was controlled, the main flight control hall, where you will see the work of specialists managing the orbital complex. You will learn about the structure and activities of the center and watch films about the life of astronauts in orbit. This educational excursion will be interesting for everyone!

IN Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after S.P. Queen has its own museum. Here you will learn about the history of the creation of domestic rocket and space technology, get acquainted with the first long-range ballistic missiles, the first artificial Earth satellites, the later Energia launch vehicle and modern spacecraft of all modifications. In addition, you will see the descent module of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, full-scale models of the first international orbital complex "Soyuz-Apollo" and the orbital station "Salyut". The Hall of Labor Glory presents unique photographs, documents, and awards of this enterprise. Another part of the museum is the Memorial Room of S.P. Korolev, where the interior of the study of an outstanding scientist was recreated. His personal belongings, photographs and documents are carefully stored here. And if you want to buy something as a souvenir with cosmic symbols, then there is a kiosk with various souvenirs and thematic books open for you. Be sure to set aside time to visit Royal Historical Museum. Among its exhibits: models of aviation equipment, cars from the Great Patriotic War period, models of combat missiles, artillery pieces, various historical photographs and documents. Museum of History and Local Lore was opened on the basis of the house-museum of V.I. Lenin in Kostin. Here you will see the furnishings of the rooms where Lenin lived and worked in 1922, see the archaeological collection, historical materials about the life of the city, etc.

Memorial House-Museum of S.N. Durylina is a museum of all-Russian cultural significance. Sergei Nikolaevich Durylin - writer, theater and literary critic of the first half of the 20th century. His house in Bolshevo was built at the beginning of the last century from the surviving remains of the destroyed Passion Monastery. Durylin’s efforts created a stunning collection of icons from the 17th – early 20th centuries, a collection of paintings by K. Malevich, R.R. Falka, M.A. Voloshina, V.D. Polenova, K.F. Bogaevsky, L.O. Pasternak and others. The House Museum preserves personal belongings and photographs of B.L. Pasternak, S.T. Richter, N.D. Teleshev, as well as actors from the Bolshoi, Maly and Art Theaters. So here you will enrich yourself culturally by discovering many interesting facts.

Well, very important from a cultural point of view is a unique museum dedicated to the work of the talented Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. This museum is known not only in Russia, but also in other countries. It is located in the village of Bolshevo, where the poetess lived for the first months after emigration. The most valuable part of the museum collection are memorial items that belonged to the Tsvetaeva-Efron family. In addition, in the exhibition of the House-Museum you will see paintings by Yu. Zhudro, V. Cleroy, G. Zaitsev, autographs of Tsvetaeva’s famous contemporaries: N. Mandelstam, B.L. Pasternak, L. Libedinskaya, M.I. Belkina and others, as well as things that once belonged to A.S. Efron and S.Ya. Efron, M.A. Voloshin, B.L. Pasternak. The Marina Tsvetaeva Museum is not only exhibits associated with the priceless past, but also a meeting place for creative people, interesting exhibitions and traditional Tsvetaeva readings.

If time permits, please take a look at rocket engine museum, private museum O.M. Kuvaeva And fire museum. They also work in the city Royal Dramatic Theater, where mainly European drama and Russian classics are staged, amateur theater "Elf", on the stage of which you can watch a children's fairy tale or a philosophical dramatic play, Theater of Young Spectators.

The doors of the temples are open for believers: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Trinity, St. Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev, Cosmas and Damian, chapel in honor of Alexander Nevsky, Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Exodus", Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists "Unity". The city of Korolev is a place that is definitely worth visiting for people interested in space exploration, as well as those interested in literature and culture. Well, in general, this is a place that everyone should visit...

General information and history of Korolev

The history of Russian, and with it world cosmonautics, would not be so grandiose if not for Korolev. But now we are not talking about the city, but about the famous academician, whose name this wonderful city bears. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, for those who didn’t already know, is the chief designer of the first launch vehicles that roamed space at the dawn of the cosmonautics era.

But Korolev (now a city) was not always Korolev. Until July 1996, its name was Kaliningrad - it was the namesake of our Russian oasis city, with which we are shared by the territory of other states.

The history of the city begins in ancient times, when there were various settlements on its modern territory. For example, the Bolshevo settlement originated in the 11th century. And the first mentions of the villages of Bolshevo and Kostino were found in scribe books of the 16th century.

The history of the city itself can be linked to 1918, when the Gun Factory was transferred to Podlipki. After that, 10 years later the village became a working village, and it was called Kalininsky. And in 1938 it became the city of Kaliningrad.

Since the 1930s, the city has been associated with military equipment; two secret enterprises, aviation and artillery, were located there. During the war, in 1942, the history of the modern Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation begins. And already in the 50s, enterprises were born that would later become the basis for the development of the rocket and space complex.

Korolev is unofficially called the capital of Russian cosmonautics, and he has every right to be so. It is here that the famous Mission Control Center and the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation successfully operate to this day.

Since 2001, Korolev received the status of a science city, because prominent scientists in the field of astronautics live and work here, and in general the level of education of the townspeople here is one of the highest in Russia. It is also interesting that Korolev is associated with the implementation of such significant programs in the history of cosmonautics as Soyuz - Apollo, International Space Station and Intercosmos.

Climate and ecology Korolev

The city's climate is comfortable, typical for the Moscow region. In January the average temperature is -10°C, and in July +17°C.

Residents of Korolev are lucky with natural resources in the form of rivers and forests. According to the city administration, 33% of its territory is occupied by parks, squares and green spaces.

Most of the city is located between the Klyazma and Yauza rivers, and in the southeast its territory includes National Park“Elk Island”, in which there are many different trees and birds, hares, wild boars and, of course, moose and other animals.

The ecological state of the city would be much worse if it were not for these life-saving trees. They clean the air as best they can, and without this the health of local residents would be at risk. After all, the city can still be called industrial, and Korolev’s main pride, the Rocket and Space Corporation, is also its main polluter. And, of course, numerous cars contribute.

But Korolev’s historical development as a research and development center allowed it to avoid the creation of environmentally hazardous industrial zones. And those enterprises that exist here are not the most harmful that could exist and that exist in many cities near Moscow.

Population of Korolev

There are really a lot of cars in the city, not only because you can go through it to the Yaroslavskoye Highway, but also because a large number of people live in the city itself. Korolev is one of largest cities Moscow region, according to data at the beginning of 2014, 187.8 thousand people live in it.

As noted above, the Korolevs are in first place among Russian cities in terms of level of education. In this city, the layer of intelligentsia is quite significant, because it is not for nothing that the city has the status of a science city. In Korolev, more than twenty scientific organizations continue their research to this day, and they have their own university, and not just branches of Moscow ones.

But there are also many ordinary workers in the city, because it is, after all, an industrial city, with many enterprises of various types. Korolev occupies one of the most advantageous positions compared to other cities in the Moscow region and among its residents there are more people with high incomes. This year the average salary was about 35 thousand rubles, although last year it was 12 thousand more and was in second place in the region. Perhaps in the future the average income level will return to its previous positions.

Most residents of Korolev love their city very much, they know and are proud of its history. IN local museums New events and exhibitions are often organized. It is not surprising that among the holidays in this city, Cosmonautics Day is especially popular - it is celebrated here on a grand scale and for more than one day.

The city is also distinguished by the great love of local residents for the original landscaping of the streets. On Korolev Avenue, near the Park of Culture and Recreation and in other parts of the city you can find the most unexpected compositions of plants that delight the eye and amuse passers-by. These green sculptures can be called one of the city's attractions.

Districts and real estate Korolev

Administratively, Korolev is not divided into separate districts, it is governed centrally, but it has historically established names for various areas of the city, as well as official names microdistricts.

In total, we can distinguish five large districts, which include several microdistricts, some more, some less. Moreover, what is noteworthy is that inside Korolev there is a separate city, Yubileiny. It is surrounded on all sides by the city of Korolev, but, nevertheless, is considered not a district of it, but an independent settlement.

The central district of Korolev includes its old part - the Podlipki and New Podlipki microdistricts. The microdistricts took their name from the village where the history of the city began. Some of the main transport arteries run through the area: the beautiful and always well-kept Korolev Avenue with a monument at its head, as well as Cosmonauts Avenue.

The name of the city and its two main avenues well reflects its essence - it is a city of astronautics. Here, to this day, the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation successfully operates. S.P. Queen, who is developing almost all types of rocket and space technology.

Due to its direct relationship with astronautics, Korolev developed its own history, unlike the history of other cities. And they talk about it lively and fascinatingly in the city historical museum, which is located in the Central Palace of Culture named after. M.I. Kalinina.

And in the Kostino microdistrict there is another museum, but one of local history, which was opened on the basis of a museum dedicated to the leader of the revolution. Lenin lived there in the winter of 1921-22. Previously, this building was the house of the estate manager of the owner of a chocolate factory.

At the Central House of Culture named after. Viburnum extends Central Park- a favorite place for walks for most royals. Residents of Korolev generally have a very large choice of places to walk, because the city is surrounded by forest and there are many trees on its territory.

The historical part of the city is extremely attractive for developers, so there are a lot of new buildings here, and the prices for apartments in them, of course, differ from apartments on the outskirts. For a square meter here you will have to pay, at best, about 80 thousand rubles. And if you buy an apartment on Korolev Avenue, it will cost 110 thousand rubles per square meter. On the outskirts, you can buy an apartment for 60 thousand rubles per square meter.

The Bolshevo district with the Bolshevo, Burkovo and Committee Forest microdistricts adjoins the central part of the city. It can also be classified as the historical part of the city, because there used to be an ancient settlement here, founded in the 16th century. Later, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva and Pasternak lived in this part of the city.

The main religious buildings of Korolev are also concentrated in the area: the Church of Cosmas and Damian, the Chapel of Alexander Nevsky and the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity.

The area is also considered prestigious, like Central, and apartments here are sold at high prices. There are both new buildings and secondary housing. Houses located close to railway platform"Bolshevo", from which you can get to Moscow in 37 minutes.

The Pervomaisky microdistrict, included in the territory of the district of the same name, can be called a dacha area, since it is mainly built up with private houses. The land here has long been in demand for dacha development.

Also in the microdistrict is the old “Factory named after May 1st”, founded in 1829. The Tekstilkomplekt enterprise, which produces cushioning and adhesive materials, also operates here.

The territory of the district also includes the villages “Starye Gorki” and “New Gorki”. And the kings simply call this entire territory “slides”. Here in 1959 the dacha of the famous Soviet architect M.I. was built. Merzhanov, where he lived for many years. Thus, the area is, first of all, famous as an area for summer cottages.

The "Textile Worker" district got its name from the Royal Silk Factory "Advanced Textile Worker", whose fabrics were in demand in the imperial court since the end of the 19th century.

The territory of the district also includes the “Komitetsky Forest” microdistrict, although part of it can also be attributed to “Bolshevo”. The microdistrict is located near the park of the same name, and most of it belongs to the city of Yubileiny.

A significant area of ​​the district is being built up with elite townhouses and cottages, and it is unlikely that you can buy a house there for less than 13 million rubles. But closer to the committee forest, new multi-apartment buildings already predominate, where a small two-room apartment can be bought for 4.5 million, and if the same apartment is in an old building, you will save about 700 thousand rubles. Prices for economy class town houses start from 6 million.

The Torforazrabotki area is located in close proximity to a large natural complex“The Losiny Ostrov National Park, or rather, part of it is included in the territory of the district.

Also located there is the village “Tsentralny”, the former name of which was “Torfopredpriyatie”. The kings simply call this territory "peat". The village is considered almost abandoned; the only road that has not seen repairs for a long time leads to it. Even the wonderful nature of these regions cannot improve the fate of the village, because the construction of elite houses here is difficult due to the protected zone of the National Park.

City infrastructure

Residents of Korolev, like probably all Russians, suffer from the poor quality of roads. The main avenues of the city are still maintained in good condition, because huge flows pass through them every day. But if you drive to the outskirts, cracks and holes cannot be avoided. The royals regularly write complaints to the administration and sometimes they even listen to them and speed up repairs.

But a positive aspect could be the new transport interchange on the Yaroslavskoye Highway and its expansion, which has significantly reduced the number of traffic jams. But during rush hour they still cannot be avoided. At the entrance and exit to the city (depending on the time of day) and along the main highways (especially on Pionerskaya Street) Korolev, columns of cars line up. These are mainly people traveling to work from the Region to Moscow and back. From Korolev itself to the Moscow Ring Road is only 6 kilometers, but due to traffic jams, the road there can take even an hour.

Public transport in Korolev includes trains and buses that take you to Moscow and nearby cities and towns. There are also buses that run only within the city. Once upon a time, residents had hope for the appearance of trams and trolleybuses, but, unfortunately, this initiative did not come to fruition. The journey by train to Moscow takes about 40 minutes, and if you take the Sputnik high-speed train, you can get there in 25 minutes.

The status of a science city also has an impact on the state of secondary and preschool education. There are enough schools in the city where you can get a truly high-quality education, and there is no acute shortage of kindergartens. True, it may arise in connection with the active development of new buildings in the city, but most of these houses belong to the “business class”, and therefore one can hope that the construction of educational institutions will not lag behind the pace of house construction.

Higher education can be obtained at the Royal Institute of Management, Economics and Sociology, the International Space University. Tsiolkovsky and in branches of Moscow universities. There are also several institutions of secondary specialized education in the city. But you can also go to Moscow to study, because if you think through the route well, the journey will not take much time. And the Civil Engineering University (MGSU), for example, is located right along the Yaroslavl highway.

The condition of even the secondary market houses is quite good, because they were built mainly for occupancy by scientists and qualified engineers, and therefore they were built to last. And today the city is generally clean and well-groomed, there are many trees and beautiful flower beds. And new houses are also being built for buyers with good incomes, because apartments here are some of the most expensive in the Moscow region.

As for hospitals, the main problem here (as in most Russian cities) – lack of staff. But there seem to be enough institutions themselves. The city has several hospitals, six clinics, psychoneurological and drug treatment clinics, and a maternity hospital.

Enterprises and work in Korolev

The main city-forming enterprise in the space capital is, of course, RSC Energia. The famous manufacturer of rocket and space devices today, according to rumors, is more involved in prosthetics and vacuum cleaners, but does not lose its prestige.

However, the entire scientific and production complex of the city includes more than 1,200 large, medium and small enterprises, and more than half of the residents work for them.

The largest ones, including, in addition to Energia, the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, the Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment and the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, employ academicians and professors. And enterprise management is trying to attract young scientists to work.

The world-famous Mission Control Center, from which the Soyuz-Apollo flight was controlled, still operates in the city today. The center is still involved in space flight management, and also conducts various research.

For those who are not captivated by the romance of space, there are still many enterprises in the light and food industries. For example, Metatr, a fairly well-known manufacturer of sausages and other meat and fish delicacies, is located in Korolev. Also in the city there is a bakery "Kaliningradkhleb" with a hundred-year history.

Despite the large number of enterprises, a significant proportion of city residents prefer to work in Moscow, although they lose time on the road. Although in Korolev itself, in addition to work in industry, there are many options for employment in trade and services. The city has a large number of large and medium-sized retail sites.

Among the most popular shopping centers can be called: “Moscow Region”, “Saturn”, “Jupiter”, “Royal Passage” and others. A Globus hypermarket is also expected to open soon in the city. Dixie and Vesta remain popular stores for purchasing food for every day. And for clothes, young people Koroleva prefers to go to Moscow or to Mytishchi to the “Red Whale”.


The city's crime rate is well below average. This fact is connected with the same status of the city, which was originally conceived as a research center. But, of course, domestic crime remains, the machinations of officials and businessmen, petty hooliganism, and drug addiction, although not in critical quantities.

At times, the residents of Korolev are bothered by guests from neighboring countries; various crimes have been associated with them more than once. There have also been fires in popular shopping areas more than once, and the royals suspect that this could well have been a deliberate arson.

In general, if you follow basic rules of personal safety and do not walk alone in unlit backstreets on the outskirts of the city, nothing bad should happen in Korolev. The city is considered one of the safest to live.

Sights of the city of Korolev

The main attractions in the city are, of course, related to space. First of all, this is a museum at RSC Energia, where in a spacious showroom you can admire fascinating rockets and satellites up close. The Mission Control Center also has its own museum.

In Korolev, in addition historical museums, you can also go to the Tsvetaeva house-museum and many others. And for those who are not interested in history, the city offers a huge number of different restaurants and cafes, as well as numerous nightclubs. True, there is only one cinema in the city and a separate 3D cinema. But it has its own Youth Theater and Drama Theatre. And there are plenty of places where you can play billiards and bowling.

Sports fans will have a really wide choice here - there are many fitness clubs and various sports clubs, several stadiums and skating rinks.

In city parks and in Elk Island» It’s nice to go skiing in winter, and just take a walk in summer. The queens also love to walk around the Akulovsky water canal, or simply “canal,” in the Committee Forest and on the banks of the Klyazma. And in Podlipki there is a beautiful and bright children's town, where children frolic energetically for hours.

If we draw one general conclusion for the city, we can say that living in Korolev is good, although in recent years it has become expensive. It is likely that the day is not far when Korolev will become one of the districts of Moscow, and then it will be even more expensive to live here. But at the same time it is more comfortable. After all, a lot is being done in the city to improve it. The royals truly love their city and for good reason!