Egyptian pyramids and their secrets. Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids

There are fewer and fewer unsolved mysteries on our planet every year. Constant improvement of technology, collaboration of scientists from various fields of science reveals to us the secrets and mysteries of history. But the secrets of the pyramids still defy understanding - all discoveries give scientists only tentative answers to many questions. Who built the Egyptian pyramids, what was the construction technology, is there a curse of the pharaohs - these and many other questions still remain without an exact answer.

Description of the Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists talk about 118 pyramids in Egypt, partially or completely preserved to this day. Their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years. One of them - Cheops - is the only surviving “miracle” from the “Seven Wonders of the World”. The complex called the “Great Pyramids of Giza”, which includes and, was also considered as a participant in the “New Seven Wonders of the World” competition, but was withdrawn from participation, since these majestic structures are actually a “wonder of the world” on the ancient list.

These pyramids have become the most visited excursion sites in Egypt. They are perfectly preserved, which cannot be said about many other buildings - time has not been kind to them. And local residents contributed to the destruction of the majestic necropolises, removing the cladding and breaking out stones from the walls to build their houses.

Egyptian pyramids were built by pharaohs who ruled from the 27th century BC. e. and later. They were intended for the repose of rulers. The enormous scale of the tombs (some reaching almost 150 m in height) was supposed to testify to the greatness of the buried pharaohs; things that the ruler loved during his life and that would be useful to him in the afterlife were also placed here.

For construction, stone blocks of various sizes were used, which were hollowed out of the rocks, and later brick began to serve as material for the walls. The stone blocks were ground and adjusted so that a knife blade could not slip between them. The blocks were stacked on top of each other with an offset of several centimeters, which formed a stepped surface of the structure. Almost all Egyptian pyramids have a square base, the sides of which are oriented strictly to the cardinal points.

Since the pyramids performed the same function, that is, they served as the burial place of the pharaohs, their structure and decoration are similar inside. The main component is the burial hall, where the sarcophagus of the ruler was installed. The entrance was not located at ground level, but several meters higher, and was masked with facing slabs. Stairs and passages-corridors led from the entrance to the inner hall, which sometimes narrowed so much that they could only be walked on their haunches or crawling.

In most necropolises, burial halls (chambers) are located below ground level. Ventilation was carried out through narrow shaft-channels that penetrated the walls. Rock paintings and ancient religious texts are found on the walls of many pyramids - in fact, from them scientists draw some of the information about the construction and owners of burials.

The main mysteries of the pyramids

The list begins unsolved mysteries from the shape of necropolises. Why was the pyramid shape chosen, which is translated from Greek as “polyhedron”? Why were the edges located clearly in the cardinal directions? How were huge stone blocks moved from the excavation site and how were they raised to great heights? Were the buildings built by aliens or people in possession of a magic crystal?

Scientists even argue over the question of who built such tall monumental structures that stood for thousands of years. Some believe that they were built by slaves, who died by the hundreds of thousands during the construction of each. However, new discoveries by archaeologists and anthropologists convince us that the builders were free people who received good food and medical care. They made such conclusions based on the composition of the bones, the structure of the skeletons and the treated injuries of the buried builders.

All deaths and deaths of people involved in the study Egyptian pyramids, attributed mystical coincidences, which provoked rumors and talk about the curse of the pharaohs. There is no scientific evidence for this. Perhaps the rumors were started to scare away thieves and looters who wanted to find valuables and jewelry in the graves.

To the mysterious interesting facts The short time frame for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids can be attributed to this. According to calculations, large necropolises with that level of technology should have been built in no less than a century. How, for example, was the Cheops pyramid built in just 20 years?

Great Pyramids

This is the name of the burial complex near the city of Giza, consisting of three great pyramids, a huge statue of the Sphinx and small satellite pyramids, probably intended for the wives of rulers.

The original height of the Cheops pyramid was 146 m, the side length was 230 m. It was built in 20 years in the 26th century BC. e. The largest of Egypt's landmarks has not one, but three burial chambers. One of them is below ground level, and two are above the base line. Intertwining corridors lead to the burial chambers. Along them you can go to the chamber of the pharaoh (king), to the queen's chamber and to the lower hall. The Pharaoh's Chamber is a chamber made of pink granite, has dimensions of 10x5 m. It contains a granite sarcophagus without a lid. Not a single report by scientists contained information about the mummies found, so it is unknown whether Cheops was buried here. By the way, the mummy of Cheops was not found in other tombs.

It still remains a mystery whether the Cheops pyramid was used for its intended purpose, and if so, then apparently it was plundered by looters in past centuries. The name of the ruler, by whose order and design this tomb was built, was learned from the drawings and hieroglyphs above the burial chamber. All other Egyptian pyramids, with the exception of Djoser, have a simpler engineering structure.

Two other necropolises in Giza, built for the heirs of Cheops, are somewhat more modest in size:

Tourists travel to Giza from all over Egypt, because this city is actually a suburb of Cairo, and all transport interchanges lead to it. Travelers from Russia usually travel to Giza as part of excursion groups from Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. The trip is long, 6-8 hours one way, so the excursion usually lasts 2 days.

The great buildings are accessible to visitors only during working hours, usually until 17:00, in the month of Ramadan - until 15:00. It is not recommended for asthmatics, as well as people suffering from claustrophobia, nervous and cardiovascular diseases, to enter inside. You should definitely take it with you on your excursion drinking water and hats. The excursion fee consists of several parts:

  1. Entrance to the complex.
  2. Entrance inside the pyramid of Cheops or Khafre.
  3. Entrance to the Museum of the Solar Boat, on which the body of the pharaoh was transported across the Nile.

With the Egyptian pyramids in the background, many people like to take photos while sitting on camels. You can bargain with camel owners.

Pyramid of Djoser

The first pyramid in the world is located in Saqqara, near Memphis, the former capital Ancient Egypt. Today, the pyramid of Djoser is not as attractive to tourists as the necropolis of Cheops, but at one time it was the largest in the country and the most complex in terms of engineering design.

The funeral complex included chapels, courtyards, and storage facilities. The six-step pyramid itself does not have a square base, but a rectangular one, with sides 125x110 m. The height of the structure itself is 60 m, inside it there are 12 burial chambers, where Djoser himself and members of his family were supposedly buried. The pharaoh's mummy was not found during excavations. The entire territory of the complex of 15 hectares was surrounded by a stone wall 10 m high. Currently, part of the wall and other buildings have been restored, and the pyramid, which is approximately 4700 years old, has been preserved quite well.

We continue our research into ancient architectural monuments based on ancient sources. Previous articles have examined Solomon's Temple and ancient Babylon as described in the book Sketches of Historical Architecture: in Pictures of Various Famous Buildings, Antiquities, and Foreign Nations, from History Books, Commemorative Coins, Ruins, with True Descriptions Added for Visualization, 1725 year of publication. Let's start exploring the Egyptian pyramids with it. The book provides an illustration of these pyramids with explanatory text:


A The largest of the pyramids, which was built by 360,000 people over 20 years.
B second, slightly smaller
WITH the smallest one, which does not have an entrance like the second one
D remains of a colossal sphinx
E whole sphinx

We must understand that those ruins of the colossal sphinx have not reached our time, and we can only see the sphinx that was intact at the beginning of the 18th century, i.e. at the time of writing this book. Beginning of description:

“The second wonder of the world is the Egyptians, and mainly the three that remain, which the Arabs call the mountains of Pharaoh. They are located about 3 leagues (approx. 13.3 km) from Cairo on a sandy plain located on a rocky base. Their distance from one to another is about 200 steps. Mr Thévenot doesn't think the smallest one was ever bigger. However, from the description of Strabo, who saw her, it seems that she was much more magnificent than she is now.”

It says here: “those 3 that remain.” Nowadays, there are 6 more small pyramids near the three large ones, 3 near the pyramid of Cheops and 3 near the pyramid of Menkaure, called companion pyramids. This book does not mention the number of small pyramids. Another book, published 61 years earlier, which will be discussed below, says that there were pyramids on this plateau near Cairo 17 . But there are three big ones. This means that the remaining small pyramids were destroyed. So did the second sphinx.

Winged Sphinx

Description of the destroyed sphinx given in this book:

“A few steps from the second Pyramid we discover, with some other small Pyramids, the amazing head of the Sphinx, carved in stone on a base proportional to this colossal figure. It must have been whole at one time; for Pliny gives us its length 143 feet (43m), height from belly to apex 62 feet (19m), and circumference of head 102 feet (31m). In order to give more information to the reader, we present the figure of the Roman Sphinx as described by Ausonius: “The Sphinx with the wings of a bird, the paws of a beast, the face of a girl. And in the distance is the Egyptian Sphinx without wings.” This next verse is translated from Greek in praise of the pyramids: "The pyramids stand quietly on the land of the Nilotids, the golden constellation of the Pleiades before them."

I’m not very sure about the translation of the last phrase, but for sure it has something to do with the pyramids located on Egyptian soil and with the Pleiades constellation. Here is this phrase in Latin: “Pyramides, sèd adhuc terra Nilotide tangunt Aurea Pleïadum sidera fronte suâ.” Maybe someone can translate it better? It turns out that the sphinx remained intact without wings. And the one with wings was completely destroyed. There was a sphinx in Greek mythology: “a monster with the head of a woman, the paws and body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull, a character in the legend of Oedipus.” And he looked something like this:

Attic marble stele (c. 530 BC)

As I understand it, this is a fairly common image for the ancient world. Found in Greece, northern Africa, in general, wherever the ancient “Greeks” lived?

The base of the column is in the shape of a double sphinx. From Sam'ala. 8th century BC Museum of Ancient Orient, Istanbul

Ancient travelers and historians who described the Egyptian pyramids

The book mentions people who saw all these pyramids and sphinxes before they were destroyed. This Strabo- (64/63 BC - 23/24 AD) - ancient historian and geographer of Roman Greece. The author of “History” (not preserved) and the almost completely preserved “Geography” in 17 books, which serves as the best source for studying the geography of the ancient world. Something tells me that his “History,” which has not survived, was much more interesting than the 17 volumes that have survived. As it usually happens. Ausonius, the ancient Roman poet and rhetorician who described the ruined Sphinx, lived around the 4th century AD. (all dates are official, and it’s not a fact that they are correct, but we don’t have others). Jean de Thévenot(Jean de Thévenot) - closest to our time, who lived in the 17th century French traveler in the East, famous for its travel notes. Often in the texts describing the pyramids there are names Diodora And Pliny:

“The strength of structures of this type, conical in shape, like a torch, has this advantage over all other structures that have been known for a thousand years since the time of Diodorus. Still preserved, they are beyond the forces of time, which would rather lose the memory of this structure than destroy it. Because since the time of Pliny man has not been able to learn anything more definite about their founders."

Diodorus Siculus(lat. Diodorus Siculus; about 90 - 30 BC) - ancient Greek historian and mythographer originally from Sicilian Agyria.

Pliny the Elder(between 22 and 24 AD - 79 AD) - Ancient Roman polymath writer. Best known as the author of " Natural history" - the largest encyclopedic work of antiquity; his other works have not survived to this day. He was the uncle of Gaius Pliny Caecilius II, known as Pliny the Younger.

I don’t know when Diodorus actually lived, but Pliny, in my opinion, lived around the 15th century.

Construction of the pyramids

From the description of “Sketches of Historical Architecture”:

“We know that 360,000 people worked 20 years on the largest pyramid, according to Herodotus [who counts only 100,000 activities]: 10 years to prepare stones and materials, 10 years to build the pyramid. The largest, whose perimeter exceeds the second by 51 cubic feet, was the only one with an entrance discovered. Monsignor Thévenot counted 208 steps, most of which are 3 feet (0.9 m) in height."

I wonder where they got so many people to build the pyramid? And where could they be located? This is approximately the population of the city of Vladimir or Arkhangelsk. Or did you calculate the total number of builders for the entire construction period, and not their simultaneous employment in construction? Russian-language Wikipedia gives a figure of 100,000 people. Other Wikipedias do not mention the number of builders at all. The results of modern measurements of the largest pyramid:

“Its initial volume was 2,520,000 cubic meters; now it is about 170,000 cubic meters smaller, because for centuries the pyramid was used as a quarry. About 2,250,000 stone blocks, each with a volume of more than a cubic meter, were used for its construction; this material would be enough to build a city with a population of one hundred thousand. Its weight is 6.5-7 million tons. If it were hollow, it would fit a space rocket launcher. According to experts, even an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima would not have destroyed it.”

A city of 100,000 people is not small. Is the volume of material contained in one pyramid really enough to build such a city? I decided to calculate approximately how many Khrushchev buildings would fit into this pyramid (based on the volume of material). I took the standard 5th entrance, i.e. for 100 apartments, and about 300 residents - roughly. The volume of materials spent on such a house (92x12x16m), again approximately, roughly - 5 thousand. m3. Those. one pyramid fits approximately 504 of these houses, or 151,200 inhabitants.... I can’t even believe it, but I think I’ve counted everything exactly. And this is just one pyramid. And there are 3 of them. Even if they are smaller, they are a city for 100 thousand with complete infrastructure: shops, schools, gardens, etc. enough.

On the possibility of destroying the atomic pyramid bomb and in general, whatever the cataclysm, we will discuss below. For now, let’s calculate the man-hours, assuming that people worked 12 hours a day without days off, we get: 12x365x20=87,600 It turns out that 2.4 minutes were spent on the production of one block. Currently, some researchers believe that the blocks were not cut in a quarry, but were cast from concrete. But is it much simpler? Yes, there is no need to lift blocks weighing more than 2 tons to a height of more than 100 m, but you still need to extract material for making concrete, grind it, then mix it, diluting it with water, make formwork, pour concrete into it, and compact it. Currently, reinforced concrete plants exist for the production of concrete, a metal frame is used for formwork, and electric vibrators are used for compaction. Despite all this, 10 years for the construction of a large project is a normal period these days. For clarity, a photo of the pyramid:

What could the formwork be made of and how? I read several articles by researchers of the Egyptian pyramids, but did not find the answer to this question. Made of wood? Where did they get so much wood, and what tools did they use to process it? How was the formwork made from it? This is what modern formwork looks like:

Panel formwork diagram

Description of the manufacture of wooden formwork:

“Although you can use ordinary edged boards under the foundation formwork, you will have to ensure that the surface facing the concrete is smooth and clean.

It is not allowed for the inner surface of the boards to contain unevenness, cracks, traces of dirt, chips, etc.

The formwork must be set strictly according to the level; all fastenings are made in such a way that when the concrete mixture hardens no shrinkage occurred. If this condition is not met, then the foundation will begin to deform, and in the future will not withstand the loads that were planned during construction; (let me remind you that the weight of the pyramid is about 7 million tons, and the load, especially on the lower blocks, is colossal - my comment)

When attaching individual elements, care must be taken to ensure that There were no cracks or gaps between the individual boards. All fastenings must be secure, capable of withstanding the load from concrete poured into the structure.”

It is believed that formwork made from boards can withstand up to 15 cycles, after which it can be thrown away. We divide 2,250,000 stone blocks by 15 and get 150,000 formwork blocks we will need to build a pyramid (we are counting only one for now - Cheops), or approximately 1,500 large trees, with a trunk diameter of 30 cm and a height of more than 20 m. Something like this:

Or 37.5 hectares of forest(approximately), for construction only this one pyramid. But besides it there are 2 more, albeit smaller, but also quite large, and there were 17 small pyramids, as well as a lot of different temples and the city of Cairo nearby. Considering that wood was used not only for the formwork of pyramids and temples, but also for the manufacture of ships, roofs and ceilings of residential buildings, and furniture. Even without taking into account the possible use of wood for cooking (it can be cooked on dry grass, camel dung, etc.), Egypt had to have forests to provide the necessary needs for wood. But there is this opinion on this matter:

“An incredible fact: in the Egyptian desert, two hours’ drive from Cairo, the capital of Egypt, there is a full-fledged thriving forest, called Serapium, which covers an area of ​​240 hectares. But where did it come from in a place where there are no natural sources of water, no natural precipitation, and where for thousands of years there was only one hot, lifeless desert? The fact is that a team of German and Egyptian researchers came up with a very effective way to stop desertification and begin reclamation of land from dry sands.”

It is likely that there was water and forests in Egypt, if you believe, for example, this map:

Carte de L "Afrique selon les auteurs anciens enrichie de remarques historiques (Map of Africa, according to ancient authors, enriched with historical notes)

And many other ancient maps. But what other types of formwork could be used instead of wood? Sackcloth? Then it would look like this:

A wall of bags.

This type of formwork does not correspond to the appearance of the pyramids. The wooden formwork also does not match the interior. It is not possible to achieve this look using it:

King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops

What other types of formwork remain? Only metal or polymer (plywood also includes here) - this is already an industrial production; you cannot make it using a homemade method on your knees. But even if the builders of the pyramid used precisely these types of formwork, there are moments in the pyramid that cannot be explained simply by the use of concrete. For example, above this King’s chamber in the Cheops pyramid there is a structure made of a system of large blocks:

Unloading chambers above the Chamber of the King BP Cheops.

Description of these blocks:

“On long wall beams of low height lie across rather roughly processed, but very heavy and strong granite beams, of very heterogeneous thickness, about 1.5 meters on average, about 1 meter wide and over 7 meters long, forming the roof of the chamber and at the same time - the floor of the next one."

The same structures are found in the other two pyramids. Such blocks would crack under their own weight if they were made only of concrete. Concrete works well in compression, but not in bending. And to cover the spans, therefore, not concrete is used, but reinforced concrete, i.e. concrete, with a frame of metal rods located in it, pre-tensioned to increase the strength of the structure. In addition, both concrete and reinforced concrete are not so easy to obtain good quality, even in industrial production conditions, where there is every opportunity for strict adherence to technology. Poor quality concrete begins to crumble very quickly. The service life of high-quality concrete is 50-100 years. For those who are interested: “Service life of concrete”. Natural stone is still stronger than artificial stone, no matter how high quality it is.

Entrance to the Pyramid of Cheops

But let's return to the old description:

“The upper part of the pyramid, with the top cut off, according to the measure of Monsignor Thévenot, is a square of 16 feet (4.8 m) on each side, or 20 according to Lucas, composed of 5 blocks. This should make us admire the machines of the ancients to lift such a weight to such a height. But Diodorus believes that machines were not used in this century. Each side of the Pyramid is 682 feet (204m). The entrance is located on the north side near the 16th step, approximately in the middle. The entrance width is 3 feet, 3 inches; height is 3 inches longer(approximately 1x1m). Door set on top of a large stone 2 feet wide and 8 feet long.

This is how the entrance to the Cheops pyramid is depicted in an illustration from the book “Relations de divers voyages curieux, qui n"ont point esté publiees” (Descriptions of various curious journeys that were not published), published in 1664:

Obviously, the entrance was blocked later. But let's return to Thévenot's drawing. In addition to the entrance to the Great Pyramid, it shows the pyramids themselves, the Great and the Second, the profile of the wells of the great pyramid according to Pere Eliazar (in the upper right corner of the picture), and the profile of the internal channels of the pyramid from the entrance and on to the middle and upper chambers (at the bottom of the picture):

Explanatory notes:

A Entrance to the pyramid
bc The rise of the first gallery,
ce First gallery
dr Well
dh Passage leading to the vaulted chamber
lii vaulted chamber
fK Second gallery
Kn First vestibule
nq Second vestibule
op Chamber containing Tomb Q

And the dimensions of this tomb are given. The dimensions of the upper chamber and the tomb located in it are given in feet, with 3 digits after the decimal point. Why was such precision in measurements needed? And how was the person measuring it able to install it? Feet are centimeters. Those. the third digit after the decimal point is micrometers. On modern construction drawings, dimensions are plotted to the nearest millimeter. Well, in practice, such accuracy is never achieved in modern construction. Despite the use of the most advanced modern technology. Therefore, the accuracy of the dimensions of the Egyptian pyramids still amazes the imagination of specialists. And everyone who understands this. Those who measured the Cheops pyramid say that there is not a single random variable there. All quantities obey a certain mathematical law. All relationships between quantities are the same. Let's compare measurements made in the 17th century with modern ones:

Scheme of the Cheops pyramid

In my opinion, it's not a big difference. The modern drawing is more detailed. But the instruments of modern researchers are also more advanced?

Lighting the interior of the pyramids

Image of the second internal gallery of the Cheops pyramid:

La grande galerie vers 1799 (Description de l"Égypte)

Use burning torches for lighting. Thevenot writes in his book that it was hard to breathe inside the pyramids. Even without burning torches, there is not much oxygen to breathe there. And mentions perpetuelles lampes ( eternal lamps), which most likely were used by the builders of the pyramids. Here's what he writes:

“The blackness you notice there makes you believe that there were once lighting lamps. Burratini believes that some of these eternal lamps were found in Italy in the tomb of Tulliola, and also in England."

I found a mention of such a lamp in the book “” (Dictionary of the methodical encyclopedia or in order of disciplines: hobbies in mathematics and physical sciences), 1792, and in other sources, which say that eternal lamps used to be found everywhere: in ancient times in temples and burials Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, in Egypt, Europe, Asia Minor, India, Tibet, America. Perhaps one of these lamps is shown here:

Bas-relief sculpted on the walls of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Egypt.

Athanasius Kircher, in his book Oedipus Aegyptiacus, 1652–1655, described many eternal lamps found by his contemporaries in the underground vaults of Memphis.

Pyramid cladding

Description of the pyramids given by Jean de Thévenot:

“Pres described the appearance Great Pyramid with its dimensions, I begin here to describe the interior, which the ancients did not speak of; what I attribute to the belief they had for the tombs is that it did not allow them to enter this Palace of Death, dedicated to the peace and quiet of the dead. Herodotus says in a nutshell that the Pyramids had secret vaults carved into the rock; Diodorus Siculus does not talk about this at all, although he is too interested in things that are not so interesting. Strabo says little about this. According to him, 40 stadia (7.7 km) from the city of Memphis there is a rock on which pyramids and tombs of ancient kings were built. Three of these pyramids are very prominent; but, in general, two that are among the seven Wonders of the World; they are 4 stades (768m) high, and each of their four sides is almost as long as the height of the pyramid. One of these two pyramids is slightly larger than the other; At the top of the largest of these pyramids, at the point where its four sides end, there is a stone that can easily be removed and an entrance leading down to the tomb can be opened. Pliny only describes the well, which is still visible here today, he says its depth is 86 cubits (43m). It seems he thought that some underground tunnels carried water from the Nile. Aristide, in a speech entitled "Egyptian", says that the base of the pyramids descends underground to the same depth as the height of the pyramid above the ground. In this he was ill-informed by the Egyptians because the pyramids have no base other than rock. This is how he puts it: We look with admiration at the height of the pyramids and do not think that their bases are as deep as they are high, as I learned from their priests. This is what he found among the ancients, and which I report here only out of the respect we should have for antiquity.”

Those. The author of these lines does not believe that there are structures under the pyramids that go to such great depths. And I think that this may well be the case. Nowadays, there are also opinions that under the pyramids of Giza there is underground city. Interesting in this description is the mention of the entrance to the pyramid located at its top. If there was such an entrance, then it was possible to get into it only from the air. When the pyramids were still intact, they were lined with stone, polished to such an extent that they sparkled in the sun, reflecting its rays. And therefore, they were so smooth that it was impossible to climb up the walls. The cladding of only one, the second largest pyramid of Khafre, has survived to this day:

The remaining cladding on the top of the Pyramid of Khafre. El Giza

But according to the descriptions of the ancients, all three pyramids were faced in the same way. Only the cladding material is called different. And speaking of the cladding, I cannot keep silent about the fact that Jean de Thévenot describes on the third pyramid, called the pyramid of Menkaure or Mikerinus, a completely different cladding that is present now:

Pyramid of Menkaure at Giza.

Here is what he writes about the cladding of this pyramid, excerpts:

« Diodorus says that each side of the base of the pyramid of Menkaure is 300 feet long; what is 15 main blocks of black stone, similar to the marble from Thebes, and the rest are made from the same blocks that make up other pyramids. He says that this pyramid is not as large as the others, but surpasses them in the beauty of its structure and the splendor of its fine marble. On the north side there is engraved the name of Menkaure the Founder.

Strabo says that on a higher rock in this place the third pyramid is much smaller than the other two, but much more expensive because from the base to half its height it is made of this black marble, from which they make cement in this area, and which is very difficult to cut.

Pliny describes it speaking more like a historian than an eyewitness. According to him, the third pyramid is smaller than the others, but much more beautiful; it is made of Ethiopian marble, each of its sides is 363 feet. This is all I have found of the antiquity of this pyramid.

But among the contemporaries we must first examine what Bellon says, or, moreover, Peter Gilius: The third pyramid is much smaller than the other two; but it is a third larger than the one located within the walls of Rome near the Mount of the Covenant (Pyramid of Cestius as further reported by the author - my note), it is so intact as if it had just been built; for it is built of marble, called basalt or Ethiopian marble, harder than iron.”

"It is true that on the eastern side of this pyramid we see ruins of dark colored stone mass, very similar to those we described between the first and second pyramids, which can lead to this error."

But no mention of red granite cladding. Most likely, the pyramid no longer had any cladding at the time when the traveler Thévenot saw it.

Etruscan pyramids

The Pyramid of Cestius mentioned here is believed to have been built around 18-12 BC. as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, magistrate and member of one of the four great religious corporations in Rome. The pyramid is made of concrete with brick cladding, covered with slabs of white marble, the base of the pyramid measures 30x30 m and height is 36.4 m. Thévenot also mentions other European pyramids:

« Pausanias says that formerly people who had wealth were buried under mountains, and that columns and pyramids were erected over their tombs. Perhaps it was precisely such a pillar or column that he wrote about Absalon in the 18th chapter of Samuel. And Pausanias, as he describes the funeral of the Sicyonians, said that they buried the bodies of the dead in the ground and placed columns on top. But having described the Egyptian pyramids, I don’t think there are any that deserve more attention than the pyramids Porsens, king of Etruria, which deserve a higher estimate for their number than for their size. Varro says that he was buried outside the city of Clusium. He had a tombstone made of square stones, 300 feet (91.5 m) long and 50 feet (15 m) high, under the base there was a labyrinth from which it was impossible to escape; at the top there were five pyramids, four at the corners and one in the middle; which was 75 feet ( 23m) at the base and 150 ( 46m) in height; at the top of the pyramid was a bronze circle around which there was a chain with bells attached. The wind made the structure make a sound that carried very far, like in the Dodona forest.”

Pausanias- ancient Greek writer and geographer of the 2nd century, author of a kind of ancient guidebook “Description of Hellas”. Absalon(1128 - 1201) - Danish archbishop and statesman. Lars Porsena(approximately 6th century BC) - Etruscan king and commander, ruler of the city of Clusium. So, the Etruscans also built pyramids. The proportions of the Etruscan pyramids indicated here (the height is 2 times the base) coincide with the pyramids depicted in numerous paintings by ruinists of the 17th and 18th centuries. For example:

Roman ruin with figures, Giovanni Paolo Pannini, 1748

Here, however, a small pyramid is depicted. The pyramid of Porsena described in the text is 46m high - this is approximately the height of a 12-story building. Apparently, by the 18th century there were no such large pyramids left in Europe. But at least this is additional confirmation that the ruin artists were not imagining the pyramids in their paintings. In his description of these pyramids, Thévenot refers to Etruscan mythology, from which we can conclude that in the 17th century the Etruscan language was quite readable. What I already wrote about in the article ““. The description of the bells making sound under the influence of the wind coincides with the description given by Nicholas Witsen in the book “Northern and Eastern”. Excerpt from there:

“Mr. Adam Brand, a noble merchant from Lübeck, who saw this temple, writes to me the following: “Near the river Kazumur, which flows into Naum and has good drinking water, there are ruined cities, where figures of men, women and wild animals carved from stone are still visible life-size animals. It is rare to find more skillfully executed sculptures in Europe. These are obviously images from ancient history: men with bows - and they say that this area was destroyed by Alexander the Great. We saw here huge columns skillfully carved from stone; some of them have many bells hanging on them. They make a lot of noise when there is wind Source

What speaks about the unified culture of the Slavs in the past, regardless of their place of residence.

Pyramids - repositories of knowledge for descendants who survived the disaster

The 17th century French traveler Jean de Thévenot also describes possible reason construction of pyramids:

“Most chronologists agree that these pyramids were built by King Saurid of Egypt 300 years before the flood. This prince had a vision that the earth was turned upside down, he saw people lying face down and stars falling from the vault of heaven. Disturbed by this dream, he kept it a secret. Then he saw the fixed stars fall to the earth, in the form of white birds, which served as guides for the people and led them between two great mountains; the tops of these two mountains approached and crushed these people, meanwhile the stars darkened. He was very surprised by this vision and gathered the leaders of all the provinces of Egypt. He collected them to the number of 130, among whom the most famous was named Aklimon. The prince, who was narrating his dream, drew the figure of Heaven during this dream. From what they heard, they concluded that something great was about to happen and the country was in danger of ruin. Because this terrible event was to occur several years later, Saurid built pyramids and constructed a cistern or underground canal to drain water from the Nile in Western Egypt, in a province called Alsaida. He filled this channel with talimans (Talimans, maybe talismans? - my note) and placed his treasures in the pyramid, as well as collections of everything he learned from the most skilled people of the time, including jewelry, the secrets of astrology, object lessons in geometry , physics and other sciences, books understandable only to those who know their character. Then he cut stones and columns of enormous size, the stones were brought from Ethiopia, he laid them in the foundation of three pyramids, they were connected to each other with iron ties sealed with lead(A. Kircher speaks about the same technology, describing the Babylonian Bridge over the Euphrates River. About this in the previous article - my note)

The entrances to the pyramids were made and sealed underground at a depth of 40 cubits ( 51m). The height of the pyramids was 500 royal cubits ( 265m). Having made them, he covered them with satin of a beautiful color (satin is also translated from French as “barium sulfate”, here I did not understand what he actually covered the pyramids with - fabric or some kind of possibly waterproof substance? - my note). There was a solemn holiday in which all subjects participated. He then built thirty chambers in the western pyramid, which were filled with treasures and many magical gems, machines, all kinds of tools and malleable glass. He put in all sorts alakakirov(???), several singles, duplicates, several poisons (potions), and thousands of other things that he put inside the pyramid. Balls, celestial spheres, stars of the sky, with inscriptions about their nature and their aspects, and perfumes were placed in the eastern pyramid. He also placed in the Pyramid, painted with the interpretations of his priests, black marble chests containing books containing the secrets of the science of these priests, their occupation, their actions, their temperament, the history of everything that was done in their time, and the history of everything that would happen to the end Sveta.

He installed a guardian in each pyramid. In the pyramid facing west stood a statue of black marble with a spear and a snake entwined around it; when someone approached, the snake rushed at him, made several turns around his neck and returned to its place after killing. The guardian of the Pyramid, facing the east, was an idol made of black agate with open and shining eyes; he sat on a throne with a spear in his hand, and whoever approached him heard a voice that stopped the feeling, he fell to the ground and died almost suddenly. For the guardian of the colored pyramid, he made a statue from a stone called albut. It was a seated figure that attracted those who looked at it. They died clinging to her, unable to break away. The Copts write in their books that there is an inscription on this pyramid that reads:

“King Saurid built the pyramids at such and such a time, he completed them in 6 years. The one who comes after me, and who believes in himself as much as I believed, undertakes to destroy them in 600 years. Because it is easier to demolish a building than to build it. I covered them with satin, and he undertakes to cover them with matting.”

Here is the information I found about malleable glass:

« The History of the World by the Hellenic historian Pliny describes an episode with forging glass, whose method has been lost. In the Middle Ages they knew about this and tried to restore the method, but to no avail.”

The same as with eternal lamps and many other ancient technologies. The pyramids were built with the expectation that they could withstand a global cataclysm. Which turned out to be true. It’s just that there are no more people who are able to read the inscriptions and feel as strong as the Builder of the Pyramids, judging by the fact that the pyramids are still standing, albeit partially destroyed. Unless, of course, such an inscription on the pyramid really exists, and is not a fantasy of Thevenot or the Copts to whom he refers. And it is obvious that the Guardians of the pyramids could not protect them from plunder. Although probably the essence of these pyramids, based on the text, was precisely to preserve knowledge for surviving descendants. That’s why it was ordered to dismantle the pyramids. To remove from them everything carefully preserved. Perhaps not everything has been found yet? But perhaps the purpose of the pyramids was completely different? Nowadays, there are many versions of the purpose of the pyramids, and all of them can be considered equal until one of them is precisely confirmed.

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Moscow Humanitarian College of Economics and Law

Subject: Cultural Studies

on the topic: "Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids"

Moscow 2008


Miracle in the Desert

Architectural planning, labor organization and work execution

Mysteries of the pyramids

The mystery of the ventilation shafts of the Pyramid of Cheops

Book on the stones

Secrets of stone dungeons



Almost five thousand years ago, the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser and his brilliant architect Imhotep decided to erect a structure that the world had never seen before - a colossal mountain of stone, built according to strict mathematical calculations, so strong that it would stand until the end of time. The construction of this world's first pyramid lasted more than two decades, and the number of workers - prisoners of war, slaves, volunteer helpers - numbered in the tens of thousands. Over the next two centuries egyptian pharaohs Following the example of the first pyramid builders, they erected tombs for themselves. During this relatively short period of time, the great pyramids were built, which to this day amaze and delight crowds of tourists. But the construction of these grandiose man-made mountains stopped as suddenly as it began. The pharaohs, as before, were content with more modest tombs.

The world's oldest and most massive monuments made of stone - the Egyptian pyramids - were created to inspire people with awe and amaze their imagination. It is amazing with what interest people have always accepted the most incredible theories that arose about them. For example, one astronomer from Scotland saw in the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid not only the distance from the earth to the sun and the time of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt encoded in them, but also the date of the future end of the world - 1881.

Despite all the apparent inviolability of the pyramids, they, ironically, suffered not so much from the forces of nature as from the hands of man. The ancient Egyptians were the first vandals: they robbed their burial chambers and mercilessly tore off their limestone shell, using the material for other buildings, etc. this barbarism continued in later times.

With the growth of tourism, the likelihood of damage to monuments has also increased. Crowds of tireless climbers rushed at the risk of their lives to the tops of the pyramids, causing them irreparable damage. Thanks to a law passed in 1983 by Egyptian authorities, the four tiny figures storming the Cheops Pyramid in the photo above were among the last to do so, although tourists are still allowed to go inside the pyramid.

Camel drivers and street vendors, who must have annoyed the Greek historian Herodotus with their calls when he inspected the pyramids, are now required to keep a good distance from them.

“The Father of History,” Herodotus called the Egyptian pyramids “the first wonder of the world.” The past millennia not only confirm this name, but also increasingly force researchers to consider this “miracle” the greatest and most mysterious of all known to mankind.

Miracle in the Desert

The deserted, rocky Giza plateau, where the pyramid complex is located, has a flat shape, with a slight slope from west to east for 2 kilometers and from north to south - 1.3 kilometers and is now practically absorbed by Cairo. The complex located on it consists of three large pyramids, a sphinx, and several small pyramids, temples, tombs of priests and officials. It is noteworthy that all sides of the pyramids are almost exactly oriented to the magnetic poles (deviation of only 3 degrees). At a distance of approximately 160 meters from the Pyramid of Cheops, the Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre) rises, the height of which is 136.6 meters (previously 143.5), and the length of the sides is 210.5 meters. Visually, the pyramid of Khafre, which has preserved 22 rows of cladding, seems higher than the pyramid of Cheops. The effect is achieved due to the fact that its base is at a higher level. One of the most magnificent and well-preserved monumental structures of the Old Kingdom is lower temple Khafre. This temple, which has a square plan with a side of 4.5 m, is built from large granite blocks. Its walls have a slight slope, and due to this it gives the impression of a huge mastaba, especially from the facade.

The Pyramid of Mikerin (Menkaure), the smallest, is located 200 meters from the Pyramid of Khafre. Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the sides is 108.4 meters. Initially, it was 4 meters higher, but retained the length of the sides, because sand deposits protected the lower part of its lining. This facing - made of red Aswan granite - initially covered the pyramid for almost a third of its height, then it was replaced by white slabs of Tura limestone, and the top, in all likelihood, was also red granite. It was so two-colored back in the 16th century, until it was plundered.

To the south of the third pyramid are three small pyramids connected to it, surrounded by a common wall. The base area of ​​each of them is equal in size to 1/3 of the base area of ​​the Mikerinus pyramid. It is generally accepted that the wives of the pharaoh were buried in these pyramids. In one of the rooms associated with the pyramid of Mikerin, the American archaeologist Reisner discovered four sculptural groups from slate, now called Mycerinus triads. Three of them are now in Cairo, one in Boston.

No dead bodies were found in any of the Pyramids, only empty sarcophagi.

The ventilation shafts of the Pyramid of Cheops have raised a number of questions for a number of years. It was previously believed that the shafts in the queen's chamber were unfinished, but research by Rudolf Gantenbrink, carried out in 1993, cast doubt on this assumption.

But let's start from the beginning. The so-called ventilation shafts run north and south from the burial chambers. They have an almost square cross-section (23*22 cm) and the following angles of deviation from the horizontal (according to measurements in 1993):

Northern shaft of the King's chamber - 32 0 28", Southern shaft of the King's chamber - 45 0, Northern shaft of the Queen's chamber - 37 0 28", Southern shaft of the Queen's chamber - 39 0 30"

The two shafts of the pharaoh's burial chamber have been known since the seventeenth century. John Greaves, professor of astronomy at Oxford, reported the existence of these shafts after his famous survey of the Pyramids of Giza in 1638, mentioning that the northern shaft was "blackened by the fire of torches." In 1693, de Maillet, the French consul general, also reported his discovery of the mines and made the unusual conclusion that they served to drain food and remove garbage." The British adventurer, Colonel Wise, along with his colleague, J.S. Perring, discovered that the shafts go outside; this happened in 1837. At first, both researchers decided that the shafts led to some kind of room, although this passage had very small dimensions (23 by 22 centimeters), but they abandoned their idea. , when we felt air currents after clearing the northern mine." They suggested that the shaft was created for ventilation; It was thanks to them that the expression “ventilation shaft” was established.

However, “such a ventilation” system bears very little resemblance to the ventilation system of Egyptian houses... In order to ventilate the burial chambers in the Cheops pyramid, it would be more reasonable to place the shafts horizontally at ceiling level than to make them inclined, starting one meter from the floor, at the level of the sarcophagus lid. It can be added that when constructing an inclined shaft, builders have to deal with a lot of problems when laying it through the tiers, which would not be the case if the ventilation shafts were horizontal."

For some reason, the builders left the last 13 cm of the block untouched at the entrance to the two ventilation shafts in the queen's chamber, so the fact that they did not serve for ventilation at all is beyond doubt. Only in 1872, Wayneman Dixon, by analogy with the king’s chamber, discovered them by tapping and made his way to a channel 20 cm high and 23 cm wide. After 2 meters, the channels went up at an angle. The Dixon brothers managed to make three small finds in the mines - the only items discovered in the Cheops Pyramid.

Given the above, it was conjectured that the shafts were not intended for ventilation at all; but served for purely religious purposes: “It is more likely that they played some role during burial, perhaps being a path for the king’s soul to exit.”

Book on the stones

Abbot Moret, by the way, believed that the architects of the Great Pyramid knew many other things that they were able to embody in stone: the duration of the leap year; the distance the Earth travels in its orbit in 24 hours; the density of the Earth’s substance, as well as the average temperature of our planet, since the thermal unit of the Great Pyramid is equal to the average temperature of the Earth’s surface, etc.

Research provides even more intriguing results. recent years, from which it follows that the dimensions, magnitude, weight and mutual distances from each other of the three pyramids and the Sphinx reflect similar relationships between the Sun, Venus, Earth and Mars. And an in-depth analysis of the geometric relationships of the elements of the Giza necropolis not only proved that its creators knew such a thing as the “golden ratio”, but also miraculously connected the Giza pyramid complex with the “pyramids” and the “face” of Sidonia on Mars!

This concept, for example, is subtly substantiated by a group of authors led by G. Hancock, who also show that individual elements of the Giza complex may be much older than the 5,000 years traditionally attributed to it by scientists, dating back more than 12,000 years.

Secrets of stone dungeons

And yet the mysteries of the external characteristics of the pyramids are nothing compared to what happens inside. Mysterious and almost detective stories forced scientists to pay attention to them. The most sensational case is the discovery of Tutankhamun's burial in 1923. The sensation spread throughout the world, but after this, inexplicable events began, which were later symbolically called the “curse of the pharaohs” - a more accurate name for this strange phenomenon was not found in human language. Most of the members of the expedition - 11 people, led by its main sponsor and patron Lord Carnervon and scientific director Howard Carter, died over the next six years for various reasons and under various circumstances, which are outwardly in no way connected with each other and cannot be connected if be guided by our usual human logic. But in this case, it is obviously not enough.

Are there pyramids only in Egypt?

We say “pyramids”, immediately “Egypt” comes up. The simplest associative series, however, does not give the full picture: the pyramids look into the sky from all ends globe. Egypt may be the centerpiece of the epic, but it is not the only one. In France, in Brittany, 4 abandoned pyramids have been preserved, older than the Egyptian ones. In China there is a Valley of Pyramids that are significantly larger than even the Cheops Pyramid - the tallest is about 300 meters in size. America can be proud of the step pyramids that were erected by the Mayans more than 3.5 thousand years ago; but that's not all - about one of Bahamas The ruins of a giant rectangular structure were discovered at the bottom of the sea. Underwater research has shown that this is... no, not a pyramid - a destroyed and sunken city. However, what is noteworthy is this: the buildings were made of stone blocks weighing from 2 to 25 tons, and the blocks were as perfectly fitted to each other as the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids. The form is different, but the technology is the same. According to radiocarbon dating, ancient city about 10 thousand years. At the foot extinct volcano, near Mexico City, the remains of a destroyed pyramid were found under a layer of lava. If we remember that the last volcanic eruption occurred 8 thousand years ago, then the age of the Mexican pyramid is defined as “more than 8 thousand years.” So the world is full of pyramids. It turns out that the ancient Egyptians did not have a “patent” for their construction. Pyramids are not dislocations of the capricious imagination of the pharaohs, not the consequence of elementary megalomania embodied in stone. The pyramids are more than the resting place of the rulers of Ancient Egypt. By the way, this is clearly evidenced by the following fact: not a single mummy has been found in any of the Egyptian pyramids to date. All sarcophagi discovered in the pyramids are empty. The pharaohs rested in crypts and tombs in the Valley of the Kings, next to the pyramids - but not inside them!


Children love to play with blocks, moving them from place to place, building different shapes from them. A long time ago, thousands of years ago, when the baobab trees were big and people were small and in loincloths, they also played with cubes. Only the cubes were huge, and the shape they made was almost always the same - a pyramid.

Many have tried to unravel the secrets of the pyramids. This structure is an unsolvable puzzle of number combinations. The fantastic ingenuity, skill, time and labor used by the pyramid's architects in constructing the eternal symbol, according to many researchers, indicate the extreme importance of the message that the ancient Egyptians wanted to convey to future generations.

The globe is studded with them, they are everywhere - in Africa, America, Europe and Asia. All civilizations have suffered from pyramids. Is it possible now, hundreds of centuries later, to understand what made humanity play such strange and identical games? And were they games? ...

List of used literature

1. K. Mikhailovsky “Pyramids and mastabas”.

2. N.A. Dmitrieva “ Short story arts

3. Babanin V.P. Secrets of the Great Pyramids. St. Petersburg: Lan, 1999. - 510 p.

4. Website materials:

In the eastern regions, tourists cannot ignore one of the greatest mysteries of history - the Pyramid of Cheops. The only surviving miracle Ancient world, out of the seven existing ones, generates interest among scientists, archaeologists, historians, astrologers and simply fans of mysteries. To questions like: “Where are the pyramids of Cheops?” or “Why is it worth visiting them?”, we will be happy to answer in our article.

What are the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid?

To fully understand the greatness of this architectural masterpiece, it is enough to imagine its dimensions. Just imagine, this is a huge structure weighing about 6.4 million tons, located in Giza, a republic of Egypt. The height of the Cheops pyramid, even after wind erosion, reaches 138 meters, the size of the base reaches 230 meters, and the length of the side edge is 225 meters. And it is with this pyramid that they are connected greatest mysteries Egyptian history, which scientists around the world are struggling with.

The mystery of the Cheops pyramid - who built it and why?

The most common theory is that the pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops or Khufu (as the Egyptians themselves call him). Proponents of this theory confirm their guesses with the pyramid model itself. On a base of 53 thousand square meters there are three tombs, one of which houses the Great Gallery.

However, opponents of this version emphasize that the tomb intended for Cheops is not decorated in any way. Which is strange, since, as is known, the Egyptians were adherents of pomp and wealth in the design of the tombs of their rulers. And the sarcophagus itself, which was intended for one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, was not completed. The edges of the stone box that were not completely hewn and the missing lid indicate that the craftsmen did not take the issue of burial too seriously. In addition, the remains of Cheops himself were not found during any excavations.

Video - How was the Cheops pyramid built?

The version with the tomb is being replaced by the version that the pyramid is an astronomical structure. Astonishing mathematical calculations and the ability to see constellations in the night sky through corridor-type shafts provide astronomers with reasons for debate.

Archaeologists and scientists around the world are trying to unravel the truth of Khufu's pyramid in Giza. However, based on the facts already obtained, we can say with confidence that the author of the project was Hemion, a close relative and, concurrently, the court architect of Cheops. Under his strict leadership for 20 years, from 2560 BC. and until 2540 BC, more than three dozens of builders, architects and laborers were constructing a pyramid from huge granite blocks.

Some Egyptians and lovers of occult sciences perceive the pyramid as a religious object. They see a mystical pattern in the intersections of corridors and catacombs. But this idea does not have sufficient basis, as does the version of alien intervention. Thus, a certain circle of ufologists argues that only with the help of alien creatures could such a colossal work of architectural art be built.

What should a tourist know?

Tourists and admirers of Arab culture are only amused and inspired by the difference in versions and general uncertainty that revolves around the Cheops pyramid. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the foot of the granite structure to experience history. And local residents are only happy about this - all conditions for educational excursions have been created for visitors.

Twice a day, at 8 and 13 o'clock, a group of up to 150 people comes to the pyramid. They enter inside through a passage located on the north side. But, having finally arrived at the place of a kind of pilgrimage, not all visitors are ready for what the Cheops Pyramid is like inside. The long, low passage, compressed on the sides, causes an attack of claustrophobia for some foreigners. And sand, dust and stale air can cause asthma.

But for those who overcame themselves and withstood the transition inside the pyramid, all the architectural grandeur of Egyptian culture is revealed. Massive walls, the Grand Gallery, the general feeling of antiquity and authenticity - this is exactly what captivates guests.

On the south side, at the exit, tourists are invited to get acquainted with exhibits that are the fruits of many years of excavations. Here you can also look at the Solar Boat - one of the largest floating vehicles discovered in the entire history of archaeological activity of mankind. Here you can buy souvenirs and commemorative figurines, T-shirts and so on.

Those who stay until late in the evening will be lucky enough to see the light show. Under the spotlight, the organizers create a unique, slightly mystical atmosphere and tell mysterious stories about the pyramid and Egyptian culture.

Another point that visitors to the Cheops Pyramid should pay attention to is the issue of photography and video shooting. Inside the building itself, there is a ban on any photography, as well as on the desire of some people to climb the pyramid itself. But, after leaving the tomb and buying a souvenir, you can take countless pictures from any angle. In the photo, the Cheops pyramid will sparkle with new colors and amaze with its geometric shapes.

However, you should be as vigilant as possible and not give your gadgets to strangers, other tourists and, especially, local residents. Otherwise, you risk either never seeing your camera at all, or parting with an impressive amount to get it back.

From a purely practical point of view, there is nothing strange in this. As is known, in any tourist center the world, the local population prefers to make a profit at any cost. Hence the inflated prices, the tendency to fraud, and a large number of pickpockets. Therefore, you should be as vigilant as possible.

Pyramid of Cheops: interesting facts

The Pyramid of Cheops is a beautiful and amazing creation. She is the object of fascination for scientists, artists, writers, directors and many other people who are not afraid to solve mysteries. And before heading to Giza to the granite massif, it is worth reading the stories about it. There are dozens of movies online for this purpose. Such as, for example, the documentary “Unraveling the Mystery of the Cheops Pyramid” directed by Florence Tran. In it, the author tries to explore as broadly as possible the idea of ​​construction, the mystery of creation and the true purpose of the pyramid of the great pharaoh.

Interestingly, despite the unfinished sarcophagi and the lack of clear information about the architect of the Cheops pyramid, the greatest mystery is the internal shafts. According to experts, reaching a width of 13 to 20 centimeters, the shafts run along the sides of the main rooms and have a diagonal exit to the surface. The specific purpose of these mines is still not known. Either this is ventilation, or secret passages, or a kind of air gap. Until now, science has no specific information on this matter.

Video - Facts about the Cheops pyramid

The same goes for the process of building a pyramid. Materials for one of the seven wonders of the world were delivered from a nearby quarry. But it is still not known how large boulders weighing up to 80 tons were delivered to the construction site. Here again a lot of questions arise about the level of technological progress of the Egyptians. Or to the question of magic or higher intelligence.

What is the Cheops pyramid really? Tomb? Observatory? Occult object? Message from alien civilizations? We will probably never know this. But each of us has a chance to go to Giza and touch history and make our own assumptions.

The pyramids of Egypt are simply stunning; the legends and myths force you to hold your breath and listen in admiration. Scientists and researchers for most centuries have been trying to get, in the literal sense of the word, to the truth that the most unique man-made wonders of the world keep inside themselves!

In accordance with the Egyptian religion, pyramids were needed for people who had gone to the afterlife, because together with embalmed bodies, all the things a person needed, everything he needed during life were buried there: precious jewelry, clothing, household utensils and other items , which he might need in another life.

It is believed that the larger and higher the pyramid, the more powerful and richer the person was during his lifetime. Now, looking at such large structures, it is difficult to imagine what kind of wealth the pharaohs must have owned, and that all this was built by human hands; however, it should be taken into account that all construction was carried out manually, without the use of special construction equipment.

And when you look at the numbers on top of everything, it seems completely unrealistic - the area is the largest and everyone famous pyramid Cheops is 85,000 m3, the length of each side of the pyramid is 230 m and the height is almost 150 m. To really imagine how much this is, just remember a 9-story building, its area is approximately 10,000 m3. These numbers are, in fact, shocking! The most fascinating thing is that it took only 20 years to create such a brute!

Shrouded in mystery from creation itself. To this day, scientists do not agree on when and by whom the pyramids were built. The ideas are generally divided into two theories:

1st - that the pyramids were built long before the first Egyptians by aliens;

The second one says that it was the Egyptians who were the creators of these unique objects.

At the same time, they continue to argue about the actual purpose of the pyramids. Some believe that the famous pyramids at Giza were intended as beacons for alien ships, indicating a course towards the Sinai Desert, which served as a typical port. This version is confirmed by a photograph taken by NASA's galactic spacecraft from space.

If you superimpose a map of Egypt onto a map of the starry sky, you will notice that the placement of the pyramids coincides with the stars, the placement of the Nile can be compared to the Milky Way, and the three pyramids at Giza are recognized as Orion’s belt. But not everything coincides - 2 monuments of the 5th dynasty do not fall into such a code, but they are not stars, but they are 2 parallel medians.

Archaeologists have found unique ancient Egyptian manuscripts and texts that, according to legend, were acquired in ancient times from the Nefers - people with divine capabilities who lived in Atlantis.

And these are no longer some hypotheses, there is real documentary evidence of this. Whoever those Gods who were worshiped in Egypt were, ordinary mortal people who knew the laws of the Universe or aliens, they gave the Egyptians knowledge that we have not known until now. In particular, the Egyptians glorified their knowledge of the synchronization of the heavenly and earthly in history by constructing the entire complex of pyramids in strict accordance with the star map.

Like the stars, the pyramids of Egypt are very diverse; we can only solve the mysteries hidden in the majestic structures that have carried ancient knowledge through the centuries. There is a legend that when all the doors are open and the last riddle is solved, the end of the world will come. But at the same time there is another legend, which says that in the pyramids, like in the others, hidden knowledge is hidden that will help reveal the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and with them the secrets of the philosophy of the world.

While the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids remain secrets and excite our fantasies, no one has yet been able to guess them, perhaps because they are looking in the wrong place; after all, one of the legends says that the secret is hidden not on the walls and in writing, but in the buildings themselves; this knowledge is the source of a separate energy, which is destined to be read only by a chosen one!