Excursion train in Europe. Excursion tours by train

If you conduct a survey among Russians on the topic “What type of transport do you prefer to use when going on a trip abroad?”, then the plane will definitely be in the lead. It allows you to quickly get to any point on the planet, and in last years air ticket prices have become more than affordable. But, unfortunately, not all people tolerate even short-term air travel well, for example, to Europe. This may be due to medical conditions, phobias, or simply a dislike for this type of travel. What to do when you want to go on vacation, but a plane is not available? In this case, you should consider traveling to Europe by train. Our article is devoted to all the features of such a trip.

Russian Railways: trains to Europe

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg are in a more advantageous position than Russians living in other regions of the country. After all, getting to Europe last will be much more difficult, but Muscovites can easily do it by train. Such routes have always existed, but in recent years they have been in increased demand, and during the summer season Russians are often faced with a lack of tickets to the desired country.

You can travel by train to Europe alone, with your family or in a large noisy group. In any case, you will be provided with comfort and convenience, because there is some special charm in calmly observing the landscapes passing by under the uniform sound of wheels. This is how many people imagine their ideal vacation.

From Moscow and St. Petersburg you can travel to Europe by train to many countries. Of course, not all routes involve a direct route from one point to another, but experienced travelers consider this a minor inconvenience. In addition, traveling by train to Europe is completely different. Russians can travel unorganized, that is, on their own, or they can purchase a tour from an agency. Since rail travel abroad is still something unfamiliar to most of our compatriots, we decided to consider these options in more detail.

Traveling with travel agencies

Almost everyone sells package tours to Europe Russian agencies. Over the years we have developed various programs, which can satisfy even the most demanding taste. Moreover, almost all routes are in stable demand. Travel agents praise such trips in every possible way, listing their advantages. Among them:

  • maximum safety;
  • low cost;
  • the opportunity to get to know different cities in a short period of time;
  • ease of movement between countries.

Currently, tours to Europe are represented by four main programs: summer and winter holidays, combined and excursion.

Beach holiday

Every year, with the onset of warmer weather, more and more of our compatriots go to Europe by train to the sea. Such tours allow you to get acquainted with intermediate settlements along the route and ultimately relax for a few days at a popular European resort. Sometimes the travel program also includes excursion program. Most often, Russians go to sea to the following countries:

  • Italy.
  • Bulgaria.
  • France.

The cost of such a tour ranges from one and a half thousand euros for twelve days (it is worth keeping in mind that you will spend about a day on the road to Europe).

Winter travelers to Europe

With the onset of the first frosts, Russians rush to European ski resorts. Of the total number of lovers extreme sports More than sixty percent travel to Europe by train. And these are pretty good indicators for Russian Railways. Mostly our compatriots go to Poland, Finland and Norway. Some experienced tourists travel to France or Spain with transfers.

The cost of such a tour starts from six hundred euros, which is quite inexpensive for an active and comfortable holiday.

Combined tourist tours

This is a rather difficult type of travel. Usually tourists travel by train to Brest, and then from there they travel by bus to several European cities. At the final point of the trip, Russians will have a rest for five to seven days. Only experienced tourists who are willing to spend a long time on the road can endure such a tour.

Excursion package tours

Such vacations are usually in demand in early spring and late autumn, when there is a certain decline in tourist activity in the main destinations. In some cases, tourists take the train directly to their destination. Then they can see only one. Another version of such a tour resembles a combined one and has the same scheme, the difference is that its price includes excursions in all cities. Such pleasure costs from 700 euros.

Independent travel to Europe by train: general characteristics

If you are not afraid to plan your trips yourself, then traveling to Europe by train is definitely your option. You can visit almost any European country, because the railway system here is very well developed. It is worth noting that when crossing the border, you find yourself in a special world where the most common form of transport is the train. For a European, such travel is the most convenient, so you will enjoy comfortable and clean carriages, polite conductors and well-developed station infrastructure.

Train tickets to Europe are mainly purchased at ticket offices; many of them are not sold online. But on the official website of Russian Railways you can always see all possible compositions in the section " International routes", but you will have to pay for the ticket at the station.

In Europe, the situation with train tickets is similar: some of them are sold only through ticket offices, and paying by card will raise the cost by five to twenty percent. Inexperienced travelers often learn this fact from their own sad experience.

I would like to add that both Russian and European trains are very comfortable. You don't have to sit around for 24 hours in a crowded train with an unpleasant smell. By deciding to travel by rail to Europe, you will discover a completely different world.

How to get to Europe?

If you have never traveled abroad by train, then before purchasing tickets you need to find out several nuances, without knowing which it will be difficult to plan your trip.

Types of cars

The carriages of international trains are made according to European standards. They are divided into first and second class. The difference between them is the number of passengers. In addition, first class is somewhat more spacious than second class. The difference may also lie in the comfort of the seats. Therefore, it is important not to confuse the class of carriages when buying train tickets at the ticket office.

Moscow: where can you go by train?

Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Holland - you can visit these and many other countries if you choose the railway option and buy a train ticket to Europe from Moscow. Prices, by the way, do not always depend on the distance traveled. For example, you can get from Moscow to Paris for 500 euros, and a trip to Helsinki will cost 100 euros.

Many Muscovites go straight to Helsinki, and then continue their journey across Europe by ferry or other train. This significantly reduces the cost of travel, especially if you take care of the ticket. With its help, you can travel all over Europe in a few days and save at least 200 euros on these trips.

St. Petersburg: where do the trains go?

The choice of train from St. Petersburg to Europe is quite limited. Now residents of the Northern capital can travel to Finland, the Czech Republic and Tallinn. The fare starts from 250 euros.

You can get to Tallinn in a seated carriage; this innovation appeared about a year ago. Of course, this method of transportation is not the most comfortable, but the price can completely change your opinion about such trips - 1,300 rubles. Many students take advantage of this great opportunity to get to Europe for symbolic money.

Rail Travel Planning: Key Points

So, you have decided to travel to Europe by train. Where to start preparing for your trip? What to pay attention to and how to save on tickets? Let's look at these questions in as much detail as possible.

First of all, you need to work out the travel route itself. Your main goal will be to choose a place in Europe to which you will travel by train. It will be much easier to move further.

Keep in mind that Russian Railways allows tickets to be purchased 60-90 days in advance. At this moment you can purchase the cheapest tickets. In the future they will be more expensive. Before purchasing, pay attention to possible discounts; they can be seasonal or targeted. On some routes, the Russian Railways service allows you to book a ticket via the Internet, followed by a twelve-hour redemption at the ticket office.

Once in Europe, calculate how often you plan to travel by train. If there are a sufficient number of such trips, then purchase a single travel ticket, which is sold at any ticket office or on the website. It comes in three types:

  • for one country;
  • for all European countries;
  • for a certain number of days.

Keep in mind that there is no single service for purchasing train tickets in Europe. Each country has its own website.

You can buy a ticket not only online, but also at ticket offices, shops and special machines. If possible, pay in cash - this significantly reduces its cost.

When buying a ticket, carefully look at the train designation - it can be high-speed or local. The first one can travel half of Europe in a matter of hours and practically without stopping, but the second one will slow down at every station.

And in conclusion, I would like to tell you one small but very important secret regarding European trains: the doors to the carriage do not open automatically, for this there is a special button inside and outside. Don't forget this, otherwise you won't get on the train and your trip to Europe will never begin.

Train tours to Europe: cities, resorts, routes and attractions. What you need to know about train tours in Europe. Tour operators.

Even the most incorrigible skeptics are unable to resist the excitement that grips the heart at the sight of a station and a train rushing off into unknown distances. By going on a trip by rail, you can extend this pleasure for yourself: it’s so nice to sit near the window under a warm blanket, sip scalding tea in a metal cup holder, contemplate the changing landscapes under the soothing sound of wheels, watch the sunset and greet the dawn.

Tour operators have collected a large collection of rail tours to Europe, which is constantly being updated with new programs designed to satisfy the most diverse desires and needs of tourists.

And in our time, in the age of speed and rapid development of technology, rail travel does not lose popularity and remains one of the most reliable and comfortable. In just a few decades, a network of railways has entangled the whole of Europe, and this transport is actively used by tourists eager for new discoveries and adventures.

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Variety of directions and programs

Tour operators have collected a large collection of rail tours to Europe, which is constantly being updated with new programs designed to satisfy the most diverse desires and needs of tourists. IN summer months the focus is on railway tours to Europe with a focus on beach holiday. Travelers are offered programs with complete relaxation at sea, as well as combined tours, including excursions and beach holidays.

Combined tours

Combined train tours usually involve traveling by train to Brest, and then transferring to a comfortable bus that travels through the territories of transit countries directly to the holiday destination. For example, the tour program “Austria-Hungary + holiday in Croatia” is designed for 13 days, during the trip you will visit Krakow, Bratislava, walk around Sopron and Ljubljana, enjoy the beauty of Venice and Vienna and, in addition, spend 5 unforgettable days on the Adriatic Sea.

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Excursion tours

In the off-season (and, of course, during New Year's holidays) excursion railway tours to Europe are in use. The routes of most tours begin in Brest, where tourists arrive by train, then the group transfers to a bus and continues the journey. Please note that the cost of such programs usually includes only bus travel; train tickets are purchased separately by tourists. In addition, there are also tours by direct train directly to the destination country. You can get to Berlin by train No. 23 “Moscow - Berlin”, which departs from Belorussky railway station, train No. 21 “Moscow - Prague” will take you to Prague, and branded train"Polonaise" regularly runs from Moscow to Warsaw.

Winter programs

With the arrival of winter, first New Year's railway programs, and then ski tours, take the lead. Tourists flock en masse to Swiss, French and Austrian winter resorts; tours to Norway, Poland, and Finland do not go unnoticed. Particularly in demand are tours to Rovaniemi with transfers on the direct Lapland Express train, which departs from Leningradsky station Moscow.

Best destinations for train travel

All articles about railway tours on Subtleties

  • Across Russia: from Moscow and from St. Petersburg, to the Northern capital, to Anapa, to Kazan, to the Black Sea
  • Austria Vienna

Train tours to Moscow: cities, resorts, routes and attractions. What you need to know about train tours to Moscow. Tour operators.

  • Last minute tours in Russia
  • Tours for the New Year Worldwide

Traveling by rail is a real godsend for active extroverts, tired of loneliness, who are afraid to fly and dream of getting some sleep: it’s safe, romantic, and you can also make new acquaintances. But seriously, train tours are a fascinating and quite comfortable way to see the world and experience new experiences. The active development of railway communication in Russia has become a great help for tourists, thanks to this it is possible to travel by rail to any corner of not only our country, but also almost the entire continent.

The active development of railway communication in Russia has become a great help for tourists, thanks to this it is possible to travel by rail to any corner of not only our country, but also almost the entire continent.

By train from Moscow to Europe

Just a sea of ​​tours from Moscow awaits those who like to stroll along the ancient streets of European cities. For example, for those who want to arrange a fabulous French holiday, the Moscow - Nice train (No. 17/18), which departs from the Belorussky railway station on Thursdays and delivers its passengers to Cote d'Azur France. The route of this train includes eight countries at once; from the window of your compartment you can enjoy views of Minsk, Warsaw, Vienna, Verona, Milan and Genoa.

The cost of a ten-day train tour to Nice includes breakfast, hotel accommodation, and guide services.

By train "Moscow - Paris" (No. 23/24), which also departs from Belorussky Station, you can get not only to Paris (the train arrives at the capital's East Station), but also to Berlin. The train passes through Minsk, Warsaw, Berlin, Hanover, Strasbourg.

Available on the Moscow - Nice and Moscow - Paris trains electronic registration To board, all you need to do is print out your ticket.

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Since June 1973, the Polonaise train (No. 09/10) began running on the Moscow-Warsaw route; it departs daily from the Belorussky Station at 17:21 and arrives in the Polish capital at 9:09, which is ideal for tourists.

By train "Tissa" (No. 15/16) you can get to Budapest without transfers, and the train "Moscow - Prague" (No. 21/22) will take you to the Czech capital in 33 hours. The Lev Tolstoy train, which departs every day from Leningradsky Station, carries passengers from Moscow to Helsinki, and the Vostok train can take you all the way to Beijing, although this journey will take you 146 hours.

As a rule, the cost of package train tours includes meals, hotel accommodation, insurance and guide services, but train tickets and visas are usually paid separately, take this into account when choosing a trip.

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Ideas for rail travel in Russia

It is no less interesting to travel around the territory of our country. A railway voyage along the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway, for example, will allow you to see the whole of Russia from edge to edge in two weeks. The Golden Eagle train passes through 10 time zones, and its route, exceeding 9,000 km, is considered the longest in the world. Tourists spend most of the trip on the train, and even despite the spaciousness and comfort of the compartment, this adventure is not for everyone. So before purchasing such a long tour, it is important to correctly assess your physical and psychological qualities. The journey begins in Moscow, then along the route Murom, Arzamas, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, and the tour ends in Vladivostok, where tourists board a plane and return home. Travel agencies can also offer programs with visits to other cities: Ryazan, Ruzaevka, Samara.

Best destinations for train travel

All articles about railway tours on Subtleties

  • Within Russia: from Moscow and from St. Petersburg, to the Northern capital, to Anapa, to Kazan, to the Black Sea
  • Austria Vienna
  • Baltics: Latvia (Riga), Estonia (Tallinn)

7 days unforgettable holiday"ALL INCLUSIVE" in Yalta, full of many activities


At your choice of excursions, hikes in parks and reserves, mountain climbing, a swimming pool with warm water, in the summer every 10 minutes delivery to the YALTA 365 beach and travel for 5 best beaches Crimea, from December to March - riding and training on ski slopes"AI-PETRI"

Duration: 7 days / 6 nights

Arrival dates: weekly from Sunday to Saturday 2019.

Tour cost per person from 17,200 rubles.

In addition to air travel to Crimea, it is comfortable and economical to use a “SINGLE TICKET”!!! By train from any station you go to Anapa, Krasnodar or Rostov, from where buses run WITHOUT LINES on the FERRY DIRECTLY TO YALTA. Ferries carrying buses operate all year round and in any weather!

The climate of Yalta is unique - subtropical Mediterranean, characterized by early spring, hot, long summer and long, warm autumn. The sun shines here on average 2,250 hours a year - about the same as in Nice, Cannes and San Remo. Breezes blow from the sea during the day, and in the evening they often bring the smell of pine needles from the mountains. Thanks to this, in the stone bowl where Yalta is located, the air is always clean, saturated with sea salts and forest aroma. The air humidity in Yalta is low, which determines the nature of the vegetation and affects the therapeutic profile of the resort. All these unique natural factors give health and energy to people all year round!
A cozy hotel is at your service in a quiet park area in the center of Yalta, 1.5 km from the embankment. New modern comfortable rooms, friendly, professional staff, decent assortment " Buffet" Thought out to the smallest detail and successfully combined excursion, active, health and relaxation holidays - there are 7 (SEVEN!) activities to choose from daily. Prompt service by buses and minibuses in all directions. Fun and romantic evening programs at dinner, multi-purpose sports ground. New outdoor swimming pool - year-round water temperature 27*C, aqua aerobics, water polo, introductory diving course and other water games. Daily sports tournaments in football, volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball, table tennis, chess and checkers. For our little guests - the best animation program: active and logic games, acting, master classes! A cozy cafe with Italian pizza and a bar with a chic selection of real Crimean wines and lemonades, with a large assortment of cocktails and fresh juices.
Starting from the station, we will guide you “by the hand” to all the sights of Crimea, protect you from any troubles, and guarantee the best year-round vacation “ALL INCLUSIVE”
The tour starts every Sunday. You will be met by hotel representatives with a sign “Tourist complex YALTA - ALL YEAR ROUND” at the Simferopol railway station - under the arch of the main exit; at the airport - in the arrival terminal; in Yalta - at the bus station at platform No. 11. You can also come to our tour any day of the week, private transfer from/to the stations of Simferopol 1,500 rubles, Yalta 200 rubles, at night from 23:00 to 6:00 the transfer is 25% more expensive.

Train tours from Moscow. Our company Globe Travel is a direct agent of the European Railways (Rail Europe) and the German railways Deutsche Bahn.
Booking Railway tickets in our office you can:

  • Receive your ticket, issued on a form, at our office in the center of Moscow.
  • Make a refund or exchange of a ticket. If you have to cancel your planned trip for one reason or another, you can get a refund for the purchased ticket at our office in Moscow.
  • Make a ticket reservation. If you are unable to immediately pay for your ticket, you can use the booking service. Reservations usually last for several days.

As an agent of the German Railways (Deutsche Bahn) concern, we offer our clients a variety of tariffs to and from Germany:discounted rates, rates for mini-groups, group rates from 6 people, weekend tickets, etc. Train tours from Moscow - hurry to book in advance.

You can travel to other European countries with a discount, for example, Great Britain, Italy, France, Sweden. InterRail travel tickets for one or more European countries significantly reduce the cost of travel, for example, in Switzerland - Swiss Travel System or BritRail travel tickets in the UK. Train tours from Moscow from Globe Travel.

Thanks to direct agreements with railways some countries we offer e-tickets, for example, in Italy, Spain, Finland, France, as well as on THALYS trains that connect Paris with cities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany and on EUROSTAR trains that run between London and Paris, London and Brussels. Train tours from Moscow to Europe.

The fare is in euros excluding fees. Payment is made in rubles at the company exchange rate on the day of payment.
The fare is indicated one way per passenger. Train tours from Moscow to Europe.

Moscow — Paris

Moscow — Nice

Moscow — Genoa

Moscow — Verona

The fare is indicated one way per passenger.

Moscow — Prague

Moscow — Karlovy Vary

Moscow — Vienna

Moscow — Budapest

Moscow — Berlin

Moscow — Amsterdam

*In Russia, the schedule is based on Moscow time. In other countries, the schedule is shown in local time.

Any railway tours from Moscow to Europe! Individual and group!