Emirates map of resorts. Entertainment and recreation

Sheikh's country - United Arab Emirates - is located in the south-west of the Arabian Peninsula. The shore is washed by waters Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean (Oman Bay).

Why go to the UAE

UAE - dreamlandwhere among the sands of the infinite desert in the sky, skyscrapers from glass and metal take off; A place where vintage customs are combined with the latest technologies. If you like an excellent hotel service, shopping from morning to evening, swimming in forever warm sea and picky for the choice of entertainment - you are here. In the Emirates there are the world's largest aquarium, a ski complex in the desert, amazing beauty of the mosque and, of course, a lot of shopping centers with thousands of shops.

Visa to the UAE.

Visa for a trip to the UAE is not required. Upon arrival in the UAE to the tourist passport for free post stamped on arrival in the country. Visa is valid 30 days. In the case of several entry / trips from the country, you need to receive visas every time.

The country combines 7 emirates. The biggest emirate is the smallest -. All Emirates, except, have sections on the Persian Gulf Coast. Located on the shores of the Oman Bay.

Choosing tours to the UAE, tourists prefer the emirates and.

Weather in the UAE.

Season in the UAE lasts round year - Heat and practically no rain. Better time For the visit to the Emirates is the period from the end of October to April, when not very hot. Water in the sea off the coast of the UAE warm is always: the temperature does not fall below 18 ° C. In winter, water is heated in the pools of hotels in UAE, its temperature is 25-27 ° C. In summer, the air temperature can reach 50 ° C, and the sea is 35 ° C.

Flights to UAE Route and back

Transportes for 1 person with departure from Berlin

Sights of the United Arab Emirates

Emirates can not boast of many historical attractions as the cities of Europe or Asia. The country's rapid development began only half a century ago. However, the lack of ancient ruins and the vintage houses of the city of the UAE with more than compensate for super-modern skyscrapers, luxurious amusement parks, beautiful embankments and, of course, the eastern bazaars in air-conditioned shopping centers.

The most in the emirations

If you want to touch the story and culture, it is worth paying attention to the beautiful mosques - for example, the Sheikha Zaid Mosque in - or the area of \u200b\u200bBastakia, where the clay houses are preserved, the building of the fort and the atmosphere of the Arab village.

For all the emirates of "Raskidna" picturesque oasis, in the emirates and there are medical mineral springs. Wildlife lovers recommend visiting a unique mangrove reserve, a zoo and Sheikh Palace in Al-Ain in Abu Dhabi.

On excursions to the UAE, you can go to the desert on jeeps and quad bikes, go around all the emirates and even visit the neighboring Sultanate Oman, swim on the yacht on man-made islands or just on the Persian Bay, even fly by helicopter near the height of the Burj Khalifa or on a balloon over surroundings.


In the UAE, they are going for high-quality shopping - there are many multi-storey shopping centers and markets. The most famous of them are Dubai shopping center (The Dubai Mall), Mall of Emirates (Mall of the Emirates), the Quarter of Suk Madinat Jumeira, near Palma Jumeira, Golden Market (Gold Souk) in Dubi district Deira, Abu Dhabi Mall.


The most popular souvenirs who bring tourists from the UAE - Chocolate and Candy based on camel milk, amazing dates with filling and without, soft toys, Seven Sands - a bottle of colorful sand from different emirates, small carpets, hookahs, jewelry and decorations.


Compared to Russia, public transport in the UAE is very poorly developed. This is due to the fact that almost every resident has its own car. Labor migrants and tourists are mostly used by buses and metro. Regular city bus service There are only B and Abu Dhabi. A bus ticket is cheap - about 1.5 dirham.

Most often, tourists go to the taxi. Each machine is equipped with a meter. If you are traveling from one emirate to another - be prepared for the intersection of the "border" a certain amount will be added (each emirate has its own, but not more than 5 dollars). Also have to pay extra for the passage by paid roads.

The metro is popular with local residents and tourists. It is completely automatic, no machinists. In total, Dubai metro has 2 lines, they are interconnected and with the tram line. To pay, there are 3 ticket categories - "golden" (with a panoramic view and a guarantee of a sedentary place in the head / tail carriage, cost 2 times more expensive), female and children's (tickets to a specific section of the car) and ordinary. Ticket costs - from 1.8 to 11 dirham.

In the Dubai Marina area there is a tram line, and on the Palma Jumeirah - a monorail railway, which tourists love to ride. One trip on MONORELS is worth 15 dirham.

For renting a car in the UAE, an international driver's license and credit card will be required. All nominal maps issued in the Russian Federation are considered credit. In some cases, you can rent a car on Russian satisfaction and without a credit card. However, if the police stop you, you will have to pay a huge fine. When renting the amount on the bank card "freezed" (750-2000 Dirham), it is important that it is in stock.


UAE is a Muslim country where there is a ban on alcohol consumption. Each emirate establishes its alcohol law - for example, they do not even smell: it is impossible not only to eat, but even to carry and store. In, surrounded, there is a couple of alcoholic shops. The alcoholic cocktails can be found in the menu, but be prepared that they will cost expensive. Alcohol can be brought to the hotel room in some Emirates. You can buy wine, beer and other drinks in Duty Fri shops by arrival, but quite a bit. The quantity is watching - lovers of the hottest can easily be deprived of his beloved drink.

Customs and traditions

Religion in the UAE - Islam. Believers make Namaz 5 times a day. A call to prayer sounds through the loudspeakers of mosques, as well as on radio and television.

Holy month Ramadan - Special for Muslims period, time post, humility and prayers. Its beginning is determined by the lunar calendar, every year - a new date. In 2018, Ramadan lasts from May 15 to June 14, in 2019 - from May 5 to June 3.

During Ramadan, Muslims are forbidden to eat and drink before sunset, so many cafes and restaurants do not work during the day. Tourists are not recommended to eat or drink on the street, and leaving for excursions, it is worth taking with them grocery pieces. Many hotels are repaired at Ramadan. However, the pros of visiting the UAE at this time is also there, and considerable - there are almost no traffic jams in the cities and on the highway, there are no queues to sights (many increase hours of work until late at night), less crowds in stores, and in hotels and on beaches much calmer and spacious.

On the street, women are categorically impossible to appear in open or translucent clothing. Firstly, this is indecent, and secondly, the local will immediately cause the police and "half-eyed", according to Arabs, the tourist will be fined on a round sum (especially the polica of the morals B). We recommend to dress so that the clothes covered the knees, elbows and decollete. It is impossible to hug and kiss on the street in in public places.


The UAE is located on the shore of the Persian Gulf, so that seafood in the hotel menu will be plentiful: here are the lobsters on the grill, and various fish, and mollusks. Many tourists love to try kebabs, nude base snacks, exotic fruits, dates. In the Emirates sell ice cream from camel milk and milk itself.

Useful to know about the UAE

  • The plane is flying From Moscow to about 5 o'clock. The shuttle service to hotels is about 1.5 hours, to Abu Dhabi hotels - about 2 hours.
  • Time in the UAE. ahead of Moscow for 1 hour.
  • In three emirates - and - charged tourist tax For accommodation. Tax is paid when settling in the hotel (dirhamami, foreign currency or bank card). Tax amount from 2 to 6 dollars per night Depending on the hotel's star. In Abu Dhabi, tourists pay 5 dollars per night, regardless of the category of hotel.
  • In most UAE hotels when settled deposit is taken. Depending on the hotel, the scatter is very large: from $ 10 to $ 400 per day or from $ 50 to $ 600 for the period. Sometimes a deposit is calculated from the cost of the room (most often 50% of the cost of the night). The amount returns when leaving the hotel. In some hotels, you can agree not to deposit if you free the minibar and disable the phone.
  • Water from the crane in the UAE is not recommended, it is desalinized or peeled marine. Bottled water is made from oasis sources. Average the price of water bottle (0.5 liters) - 1.2 dirham.
  • Religion in the UAE - islam Sunni sense.
  • Language in the UAE - arab. Most of the population know englishThe signs, road signs, pointers are duplicated on it.
  • It is categorically not recommended to photograph local residents without permission, especially women. Also refrain from the photo next to government agencies.
  • In the UAE, many objects have no permanent addresses - residents are focused on the signs and nearby buildings.
  • If you get sick, contact the insurance service by phone indicated in the insurance policy, which was received when buying a tour. If you just call an ambulance, you can get an impressive bill.
  • In the UAE, it is very strictly related to the observance of purity. Fine Behind the chosen wrap or cigarette on the street or the beach is from 200 dirhams (3,200 rubles).
  • Friday and Saturday in the UAE - weekend, Thursday is a shorter working day. Banks, post office and government agencies early close - The working day begins at 8 am and ends at 15 o'clock, sometimes at 13 o'clock.
  • Komarov and Moskitov There is no in the UAE, so you can do without a fumigator. Most shopping centers and public places are equipped with powerful air conditioning. In order not to freeze, capture clothes with the sleeves.
  • Snorcling and diving In the UAE there is only in, in the rest of the Emirates, a bright underwater life is not observed. The flippers and the mask those who came here on the excursion are issued free.
  • Surprisingly, but in the UAE cannot be imported nothing that was produced in Israel And even things with the Israeli logo are willing at customs and may refuse to enter the entrance. If you have a favorite key chain with Mogelanovid or you are driving to someone's cosmetics of the Dead Sea - it is better to leave them at home or take advantage of mail services. The list of prohibited items is standard: no weapons, objects of antiquity and cultural heritage. From an unusual - from the Emirates it is impossible to export palm trees by month

Preparing for a trip to the United Arab Emirates, you need to stock game with a good camera, batteries and chargers, because the whole country can be called a landmark. A huge accumulation of amazing buildings, interesting structures and impressive landscapes just stunned. You will probably want to bring memorable photos from the trip, which will awaken nostalgia in the Arab Emirates.

One of the main reasons why shopping in the UAE is so popular with tourists, the absence of fakes is considered. Brand things are exactly branded and stand as much or lower than in Russia. However, in the UAE there is a market for fakes al-Karama, there you honestly sell Chinese consumer goods at low prices. In the UAE, most often buy small household appliances (phones, smartphones, laptops), clock, not

UAE National Currency - Dirham, Aed (Arab Emirates Dirham) in the International Classification. You can also sometimes meet a reduction in DHS or DH. In 1 Dirham 100 phils. In April 2019, 1 dirham is equal to about 17.4 Russian rubles. You can calculate Dirhama Course yourself, it is firmly tied to the US dollar rate: 1 dollar is 3.67 Dirham UAE. What Money B.

In the UAE, go all year round for rest on clean sandy beaches and swimming in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. Protectness of the hotel service, affordable prices for tours and many entertainment options - from shopping in huge shopping centers Dubai and Diving on Fujayer to skiing on exclusive Ferrari models in Abu Dhabi and flights to balloons And aircraft over the country. Not

mobile connection In the UAE, allows the use of Russian SIM cards, but roaming calls will cost more than the card of the local operator. It is easy to buy in a foreign passport. In the UAE there are only two operators whose SIM cards can be found in branded salons, supermarkets and at the airport. The mobile operator Etisalat has a special tourist tariff for 7 and 14 days. Departing

That the first comes to the middle of the fatist man when mentioning United Arab Emirates? Of course, the beauty, pompidity and wealth of this federation. Perhaps the adjective "rich" here can be chopped by everything: these are landscapes, eating before looking, and modern luxury hotels, and snow-white sand shores, which wash bright blue transparent water. The UAE is equally both a country for tourists and the country where commercial issues come to engage. Here, with significantly increasing pace, the branches of the oil and oil and gas economy develop. The first oil fields were opened in the 50s, until the same time local residents Engaged in fisheries and pearl mining.
Emirate is the form of the Board of the Muslim state. United Arab Emirates (UAE) Contain seven states (Emirates), in each of which is the absolute monarchy.
Are located Emirates In the south-west of Asia, in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. In the southern and west direction bordered by Saudi Arabia, in the south-east and northeast with Oman. Emirates washed by the Persian and Omansky Bay. Relief in different parts Emirates heterogeneous. In the East, the desert is increasingly common, while in the south the mountainous terrain settled.
Capital UAE Is the city of Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi proclaimed the capital due to what is the richest of the Emirates on finding oil reserves. It is the supply of wealth and oil that determines the position of the emirate in the political system. Interestingly, the emirates are not considered a federation, but the boundaries between them are strictly observed. Uniform laws do not always reign in different territories of the Emirates.
United Arab Emirates occupy 83,600 km square. Square. The population is about 4.5 million. Official language - Arabic. Official monetary unit - Dirham.

Rest in United Arab Emirates

Arguments "For" Visiting the Arab Emirates
UAE A prosperous commercial country affecting the heterogeneity and the magnificity of architectural buildings.
In the most extensive emirate UAE - Abu Dhabi, which includes several oasis cities, is one of historical monuments White fort. This monument, built in the 19th century, serves as a storage tank fresh water. A lot of fountainists are scattered throughout Abu Dhabi, who decorate the streets of the Emirate.
Most fountains focused on the Kornish Road embankment, which will become great place For rest in hot noon. Along with fountains on the embankment coexist numerous entertainment institutions. Not far from Kornish Road is the best Emirate restaurants.
In another, no less wonderful emirate of Dubai coexists the largest commercial node of the Middle East and the resort part, as well as interesting modern buildings and ancient architecture. Start the study of Dubai with a boat trip to the area of \u200b\u200bBastakia, which is built up in a typical Arab style. Also do not forget to visit the most high skyscraper.

Climate in United Arab Emirates

Hot, arid and subtropical - so you can characterize the climate UAE. Summer, naturally, hotter, the temperature may rise to 45 degrees. Summer holiday B. Arab Emirates It can be remembered only by irreparable weather and lack of precipitation.
The main wave of tourists come from late September, some prefer to come in winter. Winter temperatures are the most comfortable to +26 degrees, but at night the temperature on the coast is sharply lowered to +12. The night temperature depends on the location in the emirates, for example, the lowest winter temperatures are manifested in the desert (up to -5 degrees).
The temperature of the water in coastal waters in the summer ranges at the mark of +33 degrees, in the winter it drops to +22 degrees. It is noteworthy that in the winter period water in the pool is heated.
Humidity B. Arab Emirates Non-permanent and fluctuate in a wide range. In the summer and autumn, the moisture is incredibly high (up to 90%), but under the burning solar rays it decreases to a minimum. Typical humidity fluctuates in the range of 50-60%.
It rains very rarely concern this corner of the Earth. The overwhelming majority of precipitation passes from December to January.
weather in Arab Emirates Carries unpredictability. Here, sandy storms are not found here, which cannot be predicted, they begin out profasure and can last up to three days. In this case, visibility is significantly reduced.
A couple of times a year, the Arab Emirates caused strong hurricanes, which last for several hours, tearing the roofs in buildings.
Emirate El Fujairai can stand out a particularly soft climate. This emirate is located off the coast of the Indian Ocean. Characterized by a wet and mild climate to the greatest extent, in contrast to all other parts UAE.

National kitchen UAE.

An integral link in the circuit of the overall impression of the country remains national cuisine. Most kitchen recipes Arab Emirates Borrowed from the Lebanese tradition. Traditional snack - Shaverm - is a kind of quick meal. Shaver recipe is simple: the lamb meat is taken or chicken with a salad and wraps in a cake. Such food can be purchased in tents.
As Emirates - This is a nautical country, then on the tables of restaurants, dishes from sea delicacies (lobsters, crabs, shrimps and fish) are emitted.
Unusual and beautiful taste traditional for these places of delicacy: Umm Ali (breadpage pudding), Ash Ash (Sweet cheese cake and cream from above).
Coffee in the heart of local residents occupies a special and honorable place. Therefore, in restaurants, its preparation is extremely demanded.

Resorts of the UAE.

Abu Dhabi
It is one of the heated places on the Persian Gulf Coast. Emirate will be remembered for tourists through beautiful flower beds, countless fountains and stunning sculptures.

A small emirate area represents value for visiting. The fact is that the Adjaman shipyard is located on its territory, in which the production of Arab boats "DOU". Here you can learn the basics of shipbuilding. Mineral springs are located near the territory of Ajaman. Ajaman for tourists, values \u200b\u200band the size of life above the vanity and active social pastime.

The city of commercial development is paramount in the Emirates. Here, for tourists, the doors of luxury and luxury hotels will open, here you can look at the rich architectural buildings. Most likely, your eyes will scatter from the choice of souvenirs home. Dubai is divided into six districts and each of them deserves special attention:
- Bar-Dubai that is historical Center Cities will be an excellent start to explore Dubai. Here is the main weight of the attractions (Said Palace, Dubaev Museum, World Trade Center);
- Gardens. , which is a sleeping area, will show the life of aborigines, what it is;
- Downstown. , It will be interesting as a simple tourist and businessmen. The fact is that this area is a built-in business complex. But here are the largest sights. Such as the highest skyscraper of the world of Burj Khalifa, Dubai Fountain, as well as Dubai Mellel, the largest shopping and entertainment center today.
- Deira - The trading part of the city, where the tourist will be able to take out good gifts and souvenirs with their loved ones and acquaintances. Here is a huge market for gold products;
- Jumeira Surprise who comes in wealth local life. This is a district for secured residents of the Emirates.

This emirate is suitable for tourists who read the laws of Islam and not trying to bring something new to the aboriga. Here is a woman (meaning coming) should be in a long skirt and closed hands, and men should not make alcohol and cigarettes on the street. This emirate may seem interesting for sightseeing. The most awesome here is a huge fountain, hitting directly from the bay, the contemplation of this picture few people can leave indifferent. In addition to the fountain there are other wonderful places: Al-Jazeera Park, in which there are several dozen entertainment, the mosque of the king Faisal, a monument to the Holy Quran, the Museum of the National Heritage.

The emirate for people who love is not luxury and chic hotels and skyscrapers, but those who love to contemplate the beauty of nature. We can well feel in sulfur mountain sources. There are many historical structures and beautiful sculptures. The view is pleased with Al-Vurai waterfalls, natural protected zones and beautiful gardens. Lovers active rest It's not to bother here, this emirate can offer a hike in the mountains, studies of dried river beds, immersion in the deployment of the sea bumping towards drowning ships.

Ras Al-Heima
Emirate is small in the area, but containing many hotels on its territory. Here you can well well and rejuvenate thanks to the procedures conducted in the local spa. The beauty salons traditionally use lifeful mineral water. Evening city will completely reveal the Spirit of Ras Al-High, wading among old forts and ancient mosques, you will get a lot of impressions. In the afternoon, you can visit a huge water park, which will charge you with cheerfulness and optimism for the entire upcoming vacation.

Umm al-Kuwain
The city in which the traditional, ancient way of life is preserved. Hotels here are a bit. What can a tourist find here for himself? Calm and serenity on the sandy shore near the numerous lagoon. See true provincial Muslim life. Emirate for those who are not looking for entertainment.

Hotels in United Arab Emirates

Studying reviews on the net, you can make a rating better hotels. True, it is worth considering that the prices for the daily stay in some reaches the transcendental heights.

Hotel Mina A "Salam Madinat Jumeirah - Positions yourself as a whole resort. This hotel is for rich visitors who are ready to give a day from 25,000 rubles. The hotel has its own sandy beach with access to the sea. The hotel has more than 40 restaurants with a variety of cuisines in the world. Open and closed mustache. Laundry and dry cleaning. Numerous beauty salons and spa services. Here you can rent a car. For children, full functionality has been prepared: you can hire a nurse while you have fun in the company of adults, there are playgrounds, children's pools and a menu for children. The circle of entertainment here is extensive: you can play golf or tennis, visit water slides, surfing on the beach, Patty on local disco. If the hotel atmosphere begins to bother, you can order a tour.
Rooms are equipped with a bathroom and shower, minibar, satellite TV and access to Wi-Fi.

Al Qasr Madinat Jumeirah - Hotel in Jumeier, for staying in which every day will have to pay 19,000 rubles. This is a whole palace, conceived by architects in the style of summer housing Sheikhs. The hotel, of course, has its own beach with long coastline 3.5 km. The range of services provided is almost no different from the first hotel.

Atlantis The Palm. - The hotel located with Dubai. Does not suit lovers of peace and measured lifestyle, as the subway station is attached to the structure. Hotel is positioned good place for family holiday. Room cost per day from 16 000 rubles. Here is very big Aquapark. Entertainment, there is a dolphinarium. In the water park, you can get a decent dose of adrenaline, converging to an amusement slide that passes through the lagoon with sharks. The walls of the slide tunnel are made of transparent plastic. Otherwise, the whole functionality is similar to previous hotels.

Not less worthy, but with more landed prices include hotels:
- The Radisson Blu Fujairah from 9000 rubles per day (Dibba district);
- Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach from 7000 rubles per day (Dubai);
- Hilton Sharjah from 4000 rubles a day (Sharge).

Sights of the United Arab Emirates

Many tourists strive for significant places, to the sights of the country in which their holidays are held. In a rich and bright country, the UAE there is no dozen interesting, memorable places. Prepare your cameras, and we begin!

Sheikh Zaid Mosque - Located in Abu Dhabi, according to many tourists, is one of the most interesting tourist places. Since the mosque can be visited not only to Muslims, but also to simple tourists, then you can penetrate the spirit of the Arab state in full. In this majestic building there is the largest carpet and the biggest chandelier in the world. Named a mosque in honor of the first President of the UAE, his body is in the mosque.
At the corners of the mosque are the towers from which Muslims call for prayer. The main building is decorated with 57 domes made of marble. The floor of the inner space of the mosque is isolated by colored marble.

Big Mosque in Dubai - Located near the beach Jumeira Open Beach. It is difficult to go past it, as it attracts the attention of its big tower with which a call for prayer is committed. It has 9 large domes and 45 smaller. Also in the building there are colored stained glass windows.

Al-Bidia Mosque - The most ancient mosque in the United Arab Emirates. It is worth a visit to people who are not indifferent to Islam and Arab culture. She keeps the greatness of such the oldest and global religion as Islam. Located 30 km from the city of Fujairah, in the north.

Jumeira Palma - built by painstile workers island in the form of palm trees with seventeen branches. This corner of luxury and wealth.
Palma is divided into three parts:
- Crescent - This is a barrier that is the protection of palm trees. Here are famous hotels performed in different styles.
- Trunk - This is a palm tree center in which the cultural and social life of this island is located. Here are built parks, shopping centers, restaurants. Also, high-rise residential buildings are erected here. The center of the trunk passes the water canal.
- Branches - In general, their seventeen pieces. Here, rich people are building exclusive villas.
IN UAE There are two more similar islands - palm trees: Deira Palma and Palma Jebel Ali.

Singing Fountain in Dubai - An unusual building, which is dancing under the accompaniment of Arab and world classical music. The amazing structure is highlighted with 6000 with excess lamps and 25 color spotlights. Located on an artificial lake.

Singing fountain in Sharjah- 220 metro width and 100 meters high. Famous not as his brother in Dubai, but also is popular Moz for tourists. Music show starts every day from 20:30 to 00:00.

Ski Dubai is the ski resort of the Arabian Peninsula. Each day the upper layer of snow is replenished due to the work of special devices. The resort has different routes, both for beginners and experienced skiers. Equipped tracks for snowboarding and bobsley. In order for the tourists completely imbued with the atmosphere ski resortThe real spruce is planted here. Temperature here is maintained at -2 degree. During the day, the resort can visit up to 1500 people.

Dubai Mall is a major shopping and entertainment center. Here you can spend a whole day, because as a couple of hours to get around and visit the Olympic rink, a huge aquarium, sweets store (the largest in the world).

Skyscraper Burj Khalifa - What could be the famous this building, where thousands of tourists seek daily? it architectural building Above you your head with your scales. With its form, the construction resembles Stalagmites. 828 meters unknown, in which you find the world's largest swimming pool, the world's largest night clubThe hotel rooms developed by Georgio Armani. On different floors there are viewing platformsAnd at the very top there is an observatory.

Golden market - Located in Dubai. The road is open here to those who wish to buy decoration relatively inexpensively. Ranish shelves are breaking under the weight of the golden goods. Typically, gold here is acquired in large quantities, wholesale.

Wandertland is a huge fleet of entertainment for adults and children. Here and singing gypsies, and illusionists, and clowns. Simple carousels, American slides of different heights, slot machines. There are many snacks in the park. The fee for attractions and other services is carried out by keypads that are sold in books at 10, 20 or 30 pieces. The poor coupons will have to pick up with them, since the money for them is not returned.

Sheikh Zaida Street - Street in Dubai deserves special attention, because its ultra-modern buildings reflect modern Spirit Emirates.

Entertainment Park Ferrari WORLD - This park is fully dedicated to Ferrari car brand. The park is completely covered with a small tent with a brand emblem. In this park you can purchase a variety of accessories with the logo of the company (mugs, t-shirts, knobs, key rings, baseball caps.
Fans of this car will make soul improvised races, films about Ferrari engineers and the history of creation. The most inquisitive will be given the opportunity to replace the wheels by car and much more.

Dubai national Museum - The largest National Museum in Emirates. Located in Fort Al-Fahidi. Fort tourists meet old guns. The exposition consists of a Bedouin home, rare weapons, musical instruments And other decorations. But in the underground part there is most of the exhibition. Here you look at the film about the history of Dubai, the panorama "Night in the Desert", to visit Muslim school. Learn historical reports of different layers of the ex-population.

Wilde Wadi is the most popular and modern water park Dubai. It takes a huge area. In the design of the park, the motives of Arabic paints are involved, it often attracts the attention of children and causes them a sea of \u200b\u200bdelight. In the Bolshoi you can enjoy surfing. For children here there are special entertainment: a small lagoon with an inverted in it pirate shipThat's where you can spend the whole day and get bright impressions.

Aquagarlery Sharjah - A huge aquarium, going into which, you will forget about all the problems. The underwater world will capture you from start to the end of the trip. The inhabitants of the aquarium are 250 different types of animals. All this exposition serves the purpose of reminding residents that nature needs to be preserved.

Dubai Festival City - This is a small town inside Dubai. Here you can combine rest with productive shopping. You also apply a visit and businessmen. About 500 stores are located in the city.

Red dunes in Dubai - This place can not be passed to tourists who value new impressions of Extreme. From the most tops of red dunes you can go down on a board of a snowboard type. You can get to these places by car with a breeze, from the trip you can, you may receive no less impressions than from the descent from the dunes.

"Emirates Oko" - This is a huge ferris wheel in Sharjah. It is located near the Al Kasba canal. At the same time, up to 300 people can fit in it. It is the most reasonable to visit the wheel in the late evening when the shards and its surroundings are opened from a height of 60 meters.

UAE for tourists

Think about what United Arab Emirates - This is a Muslim country with its strict way. Despite the fact that some cities have proven themselves as liberal territories, you need to remember that Islam religion is strict. Literally Islam is translated as "absolute submission to God", the locals with trepidation relate to their religion. Everything that is associated with Islam is sacred and inviolated. Muslims are particularly respectful to "Messengers of Allah" - it is Noah, Adam, Ibrahim, Moussa and Issa. The most revered and highly exalted is the prophet Mohammed. His name is traditionally not pronounced out loud, and if pronounced, then with an emphasis on the second syllable name. It was the prophet Muhammed who laid the foundation of Islam. The teaching is stated in the scriptures of the Koran and Sunna. The Koran prescribes the main moral and behavioral standards of Muslim, then how to live until death. From the fact that the overwhelming part of the population professes Islam, laws UAE Lined on the principles described in the Quran. Muslim prayer rites are the cornerstone of their religion, they are committed five times a day. A clear chart of prayers does not exist. There is a special tradition to report the time of prayer through newspapers, radio or television. Calls for prayers are heard through the radios of mosques. If the rite of prayer finds Muslim by surprise, he even was given from his home or a specially reserved room, a Muslim can pray, contacting the mosque.

Behavior of tourists in the UAE

It is considered extremely indecent if the people are considering the praying Muslim and even more so trying to photograph it or shoot on the video camera, this is the top of inapplicable.
Muslims can extremely indignant that tourists can go to the mosque in causing clothes. It is not necessary to make ironic remarks on the lifestyle of Muslims: five-sighted prayer, women's robes. It is better not to discuss Arab women at all.
A handshake in Muslims is a sign of approval and friendly intentions, unlike European handshake, Muslims have a somewhat prolonged. For farewell, be sure to handle your companion, especially a respected or close man, a handshake occurs by two hands. It is worth remembering that the Muslim woman if necessary, herself gives his hand, the initiative must come exclusively from it.
When visiting the Arab house, it is worth taking all the treats that you seek to pass the owners of the house. The owner will be very insulting if you do not accept the treatments, even regard as a sign of disrespect for it.
In principle in the Arabic house, that all items are taken and are offered exclusively with their right hand.
The appearance of the soles addressed towards Araba is regarded as an insult.
For visitors office workers there is a dress code: men wear light pants and shirts with a tie, women wear a light dress. Men's jackets wear only on holidays.
When taking pictures of landscapes UAE Do not allow such strategically important objects to enter the chamber as military bases and police buildings. It is impossible to photograph Arab women.
In a conversation with Arab, you should not curious about his wife, you can ask about the family only casual, without making this topic by the center of all conversations.
In connection with the spread of a healthy lifestyle everywhere in Arab Emirates, lovers of hot drinks and tobacco should not appear with this on the streets. The penalty for painting in public places is not provided, but you are guaranteed to get a lot of discontent from local residents.

Clothes for tourists in the UAE

For such a hot country like United Arab Emirates Suitable clothes made of natural fabrics, breathable and easy cut. Dresses, skirts, sundresses. Sandals, hats. For men, light pants, elongated shorts and cotton shirts. We must not forget to take with you and warm clothes, since the nights in the emirates are often cold, especially if you compare the contrast temperatures during the day and night.
It is worth considering the beach wardrobe separately and to exit the city. For hiking around the city for purchases or on excursions, you need to dress restrained. You should not choose dresses and blouses with open neckline, shirts of sleeve and short shorts, skirts with a cut. For rest, a more free style is suitable, especially when beach holiday. But do not forget that such a city like Sharjah does not accept female debris even on the beaches.

Memo to the tourist in the UAE

Treatment B. Arab Emirates You will be in a penny if you do not care about the acquisition of the insurance medical policy. It is necessary to arrange it in Russia. Treatment by insurance polisIn case of emergency, it will be free.
Also take care to collect a first-aid kit on the road. With antiwheat, antipyretic, antiviral and painkillers. Take sunscreen and remedy after tanning. For sun burnsThat is not a rarity for a tourist, you can save Panthenol.
You can help a Russian-Arabic phrasebook, if you lose in the city, among Muslims.
If you are an avid smoker, then take care of the acquisition of several blocks of cigarettes, because in the emirations, tobacco is very expensive.

Comparison of UAE and other seats

United Arab Emirates or Turkey
The first thing the tourist draws is the level of service in hotels. On the forums, avid travelers say that hotels Arab Emirates Much surpasses in the service of Turkey hotels. The price per day at the Turkey will be much smaller than in Arab Emirates. Although those and those hotels are promised to approximately the same list of services and entertainment.
To Turkey is better to go to the warm season, and in United Arab Emirates You can rush into the cold Russian winter.
It is worth noting that in Turkey there is no restriction on drinking alcoholic beverages.

Arab Emirates or Egypt
Rest in Egypt for people who do not loving restrictions. Lot free servicesthan the emirates do not boast. Prices are an order lower. But the attitude towards tourists is different. In the Emirates, people are polite and restrained that for someone paramount.

We are leaving in other people's countries to get new emotions that we will not be able to get in the usual setting. We want bright emotions and memories. And the United Arab Emirates can do it all with excess!

- District in the northeast of the city. There is no beach hotels, but public beach just one and is far from hotels. Vacationers in Deyre are usually traveling on JBR, Open Beach or another public beach in Jumeyr. The Gold Souq, The Gold Souq, The Gold Souq, The Gold Souq, The Gold Souq, The Gold Souq, are popular with tourists. Deira for tourists is interesting for hot prices.

Look below the trip table from the airport to hotels in each area. Taxi travel time, transfer bus and metro approximately coincide.

Consider that when traveling to a taxi or bus, you can get into the plug, and this time can seriously grow.

If you buy a batch tour to Dubai, then arrival airport in 99% of cases will be Dubai International (DXB). Occasionally there are tours with arrival in Sharjah.

Emirate Abu Dhabi

In the Emirate of Abu Dhabi there are three famous resorts.

Abu Dhabi is quite large, hotels are scattered throughout its square. There are about 150 hotels here - from cheap dials and tres to five star Ritz-Carlton, Park Hyatt and Shangri-La. Separately, it is worth noting the most chic Emirates Palace, famous in the world with golden toilets.

Below is a table with a travel time from Abu Dhabi International Airport (AUH) to hotels in different resorts. We bring travel time by bus or taxi.

Carefully watch the arrival airport if you buy a batch tour in Abu Dhabi! For sale a lot of tours with arrival at the airports of Dubai or Sharjah, as tickets to Abu Dhabi relative to expensive. From Dubai to go for 2 hours, from Sharjah 2.5 hours.

Emirate Sharjah

Sharjah is a small emirate in the east of Dubai, it is famous for both the cultural capital of the UAE, the most stringent rules of behavior and intolerance to alcohol.

In Sharjah about 70 hotels of all levels of prices and stars. It is possible to stay in a hotel with a private beach for just 100 dollars. In Sharjah there is almost no entertainment, from attractions only museums and mosques.

In the region where the Arab Emirates are located, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the monarchies received great distribution. This applies among the number of the Emirates themselves, which are the federal state, which consists of seven absolute monarchical countries.

Natural wealth of the Middle East

The modern influence of political leaders of the Middle East countries is based on the huge stocks of hydrocarbon raw materials and money, which brings its prey. The Arab Emirates along with Saudi Arabia have significant oil fields that are managed by companies firmly related to the ruling families of each of the Emirates.

ABU Dhabi and Dubai are richer than Emirates, which gives their rulers a special political weight both within the state and on the world arena. At the same time, natural gas, in the reserves of which the UAE occupy the sixth place in the world, is mined in Emirates Ras-El Haim, Sharjah and Dubai. More than half of the entire gas is spent in the country, and the remaining exported.

UAE geography

Responding to a question about where the Arab Emirates are located on which continent is to begin with the fact that the state occupies the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The neighbors of the country in the peninsula are states such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Qatar, located just fifty kilometers. From Iran, the Emirates separates the Persian Bay.

Of the seven Emirates, Abu Dhabi is the largest in the territory and volumes of occurring oil, and the smallest one, which occupies only two hundred and fifty square kilometers, Ajman is considered.

By area of \u200b\u200bits territory, the country can be compared with Portugal, but most of the region, where the Arab Emirates are located, is the desert, which makes significant spaces of little suitable for life and economic activity. IN summer months The air temperature ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b40-45 degrees, but often it can rise to fifty.

There is nothing surprising that in conditions of such a roast climate there is practically no vegetation. Natural green zones are found only in not too extensive mountainous areas, and all the plants that are existing outside them are the result of a government program for artificial landscaping of territories.

History of culture of the country

Despite the fact that the Arab Emirates, where Dubai is located, as an independent state exist only since 1971, when the British Empire brought his troops from the peninsula, the culture of the people inhabiting the Emirates, it is rooted in deep antiquity.

People live on the territory of the state from ancient times, because the Arabian Peninsula was one of the main points on the migration of man from Africa. In addition, he is in close proximity From the fertile crescent, where the farming arose and the first religious structures in the history of mankind were built.

Thus, it can be concluded that the region where the Arab Emirates are developed in a cultural attitude long before Islam arrived. However, the Islamic conquest and the creation of the Arab Caliphate were irrevocably changed the fate of all the peoples living in the Middle East to the beginning of the seventh century.

Population and religion

Today, more than nine million people live in the country, but no more than eleven percent of the inhabitants of the Arab Emirates are among the largest financial and industrial center of the entire Middle East.

The rapid economic growth of the state demanded the attraction of a significant amount of labor. Most of the inhabitants of the Emirates are not citizens of the country, but they arrived there for earnings from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines. The number of foreign workers in the country reaches 89% of the total number of residents.

However, despite a large number of migrants, the country remains rather homogeneous in religious attitude, as the majority of the visitors are confessing Islam, as well as local residents. But there are in the country and representatives of other denominations, first of all these are Hindus and Buddhists. As for Muslims, 85% of them are confessing Islam Sunni sense, and the remaining belonging to shiites.

Economic of the UAE.

The economy of the country began to worry a rapid growth in the fifties of the twentieth century, when significant oil and gas fields were opened in the country. It is worth noting that before the proclamation of the independence and withdrawal of the UK troops from the peninsula, the distribution of concessions and the rights to prey and the transportation of resources was under the tight control of the military administration.

However, after 1971, local authorities took all financial flows under their control. For almost forty years, the Emirates economy completely depended on the fluctuations in oil prices, but after the oil crisis in the nineties, a fundamental decision was made on the need to diversify the economy.

After that, the country has actively started to develop tourism, trade and invest money in high-tech research related to renewable energy sources. Today, one of the most developed tourist markets in the country, but not only the beach, but also deserves attention. cultural tourismSo in Abu Dhabi built a branch of the Louvre and opened centers of contemporary art and historical museumsExhibiting objects material culture antiquities.

An important place in the country's economy is also occupied by agriculture, which is located at the highest level, despite the lack of natural fresh water. To replenish the shortage of water resources, several large desalination factories are built in the country.

In addition, the United Arab Emirates, where one of the largest international Airports, are an important transport hub not only the Middle East, but also of all Asia. Emirates are the largest cargo ports.