Feodosia - Dzhanki Schedule of trains (suburban trains). How to get from Janka to Feodosiya suburban trains from Dzhankoi to Feodosiya

New bus schedule in the direction of Feodosia, Avtostania - Dzhanka, the bus station will currently consist of 6 units of public transport. On the road you can go in the morning, during the day or in the evening.

If you need to get to Dzhanka's destination, the bus station as quickly as possible, we recommend using the Kerch bus - Dzhankka. He leaves the bus station Feodosia, a bus station at 17 o'clock 41 minutes. And arrives at the car station Dzhanka, the bus station at 20 o'clock 15 minutes. Time on the way for you will be 2 h 34 min.

Long the bus Kerch - Dzhanka. Therefore, if the duration of movement is not particularly important, then come at 7 hours 56 minutes. At the station Feodosia, bus station. After 3 h 44 minutes, passing all the distance, you will arrive at the final stop of Dzhankka, the bus station.

All buses (including route) on the way of the Feodosius, Avtostania - Dzhanka, the bus station will make a number of stops where you can make a transplant to other public transport. View all bus stops between the settlements of Feodosia, the bus station and Dzhanki, the bus station you can on our website.

The schedule presented is fully configured the online table of bus stations on the Ferodosius flight, Avtostania - Dzhanka, bus station. The data obtained are relevant, since we regularly update all the information on the site, but no one eliminates the possibility of operational changes. For this, always specify the information in the help desk. Tickets for the Bus Feodosia, Avtostania - Dzhanka, you can purchase any bus station at the box office.

Janka is a modest Crimean city in the north of the peninsula. Distance between Dzhankom and Feodosia - 131 km. Between cities, a bus and railway message was established. The car's trip will take 2 hours.

Bus Dzhanka - Feodosia

You can go to Feodosiya for almost all day: buses are departed from Dzhankoy bus station every hour. Arrival - on the bus station Feodosia. Time to the way depends on the flight and the number of intermediate stops: from 2 hours to 3 hours 15 minutes. Ticket price for bus Dzhanka - Feodosia in 2020 - 450-550 rubles. Tickets are purchased at the ticket office or on the site.

Below is the scoreboard from the Yandex.Script service in both directions.

Bus timetable Dzhanka - Feodosiya 2020

Bus schedule Feodosiya - Dzhanka 2020

Electric train janka - Feodosia

From one Crimean city to another travelers runs. Departure in the morning at 09:20 and in the evening at 17:20. Time on the way - 2 hours 45 minutes and 3 hours 5 minutes, respectively. The price of a ticket for a ticket Janca - Feodosia in 2020 - 180 rubles. Tickets are purchased when landing. Departure from the railway station Dzhankoy, arrival at the railway station of Feodosia.

Schedule in both directions. Seasonal changes are possible.

Train schedule Dzhanka - Feodosiya 2020

Schedule Tracks Feodosia - Dzhanka 2020

Route Dzhanka - Feodosia

Traveling on personal cars will easily get from one city to another. The most understandable and direct route runs through the village of Soviet (M17 track). The distance between Dzhankom and Feodosia by car is 131 km. In the absence of serious difficulties on the road, travel time is about 2 hours.

Less lively second route Feodosia - Dzhanka - through the village of Azov, Tambovka, Krasnogvardeyskoye. In this case, you will have to overcome 146 km, i.e., a little more. One strip in each direction.

Below is a description of the first route. Yandex. Probs service reports on the current situation on the road.

Description of the route Dzhanka - Feodosia

Route length between Dzhankom and Feodosia: 129km

Approximate travel time: 2h 9m show description Route

Rent a Car

If there is no own machine, but you do not want to depend on the schedule of buses, you should take a car for rent. This can be done using MyRentacar

The current schedule of the farodosia - Dzhanki travelers includes 2 trains (suburban trains, diesel engines), which connect these stations, among which there are morning, daytime. The most high-speed train (suburban train) is recommended, which is sent at 06 hours 10 meters from the Feodosiya station and arrives at the Dzhanki station at 09 hours 04 m. If you need to make a maximum time on the way, you should choose a number 6760 by the Feodosia message Dzhanka, in this case the trip will take 2 h 55 m. Between the Beodosia and Dzhanki stations, this electric train is passing 13 stops. Among them is Aivazovskaya (18.14), Vladislavovka (18.41), Novofedorovka (19.19), Nizhnegorskaya (19.58), 10 km travel (20.47), where there is an opportunity to make a transplant by train of other destinations. On this page you can always find out the schedule of the farodosia - Dzhanka, including seasonal, summer and winter. Before planning a trip along the route Feodosia Janka, check out the schedule on our website first, and also specify this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Train tickets Theodosius - Dzhanka can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest station.