Purple village paris june. Lavender fields of Provence: what to see and how to get there

Monitors the weather in Paris since 2014. This page talks about weather in Paris in June 2017... Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in June 2017, the history of the weather in Paris in June and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Paris in June 2017. Remember that another city and another date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Paris in June 2017 (chart)

Below is the graph of average daily and current temperatures in Paris in June 2017 on every day. The graph will help answer the question, what was the temperature in Paris in June 2017, and what were the minimum and maximum temperatures air.

As you can see from the graph, the air temperature in Paris ranged from + 9 ° C to + 36 ° C. Moreover, the minimum temperature (+ 9 ° C) fell on June 4 at 02:30, and the maximum (+ 36 ° C) was recorded on June 21 at 14:30. Lowest temperature value on average per day was + 13.88 ° C and coldest day in June ended up on June 6th. The highest average air temperature is + 29.25 ° C, and the warmest day in Paris in June 2017- 21st of June.

Humidity in Paris in June 2017 (chart)

Schedule of average daily and current humidity in Paris in June 2017 for each day is given below. The graph shows what was the humidity in Paris in June 2017... Also visible minimum and maximum values ​​of relative humidity air.

So, in Paris in June 2017, the relative humidity ranged from 26% to 94%. Moreover the smallest humidity(26%) was on 19 Jun at 14:30 and highest humidity(94%) - June 2 at 23:30. Moreover, note that lowest moisture value air averaged 42.00% per day and the driest day in June ended up on June 21st. Highest average air humidity is equal to 85.14%, and wettest day in Paris in June 2017- 30 June.

Compass rose in Paris in June 2017

(also called wind direction drawing or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed v this region... Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Paris in June 2017.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was west (19%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be southwestern (17%) and northwestern (15%). The rarest wind in Paris in June 2017- southeast (3%).

Compass rose in Paris in June 2017

Weather diary (table of average daily values) for the city of Paris in June 2017

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in June 2017 and also about relative humidity and about wind speed... Data are given for each day of June of the month. In fact, this is weather diary in Paris in June 2017

Average daily
the wind
+ 21.38 ° C 55.13% 1016 3 mps
+ 20.63 ° C 69.63% 1012 3 mps
+ 15.88 ° C 83.38% 1013 3 mps
+ 15 ° C 61.75% 1015 3 mps
+ 18 ° C 57.63% 1007 4 mps
+ 13.88 ° C 72.88% 1003 7 m / s
+ 15 ° C 64.00% 1014 5 mps
+ 19.75 ° C 61.13% 1011 4 mps
+ 18 ° C 66.38% 1012 3 mps
+ 21.2 ° C 54.60% 1015 3 mps
+ 23.14 ° C 51.71% 1013 4 mps
+ 17.13 ° C 63.00% 1017 4 mps
+ 18.38 ° C 57.00% 1016 3 mps
+ 22.5 ° C 66.88% 1012 3 mps
+ 22.63 ° C 58.88% 1013 4 mps
+ 17.88 ° C 58.38% 1022 4 mps
+ 21.13 ° C 61.13% 1023 3 mps
+ 23.5 ° C 52.25% 1018 5 mps
+ 25.38 ° C 46.50% 1014 2 mps
+ 27.25 ° C 43.13% 1012 2 mps
+ 29.25 ° C 42.00% 1011 2 mps
+ 26.13 ° C 57.38% 1011 3 mps
+ 19.63 ° C 65.25% 1016 4 mps
+ 21.43 ° C 56.57% 1014 4 mps
+ 21.75 ° C 61.00% 1012 4 mps
+ 22.13 ° C 63.25% 1008 3 mps
+ 20 ° C 81.50% 1001 2 mps
+ 29.25 ° C21st of June
Average monthly temperature+ 20.31 ° C-

Average temperature, Paris in 2017

To estimate the temperature in Paris in June 2017, compared to the other months of 2017, use the following chart. It shows the temperature graph for June 2017 against the background of the temperature spread for the entire 2017.

Weather calendar in Paris in June in different years

What was temperature in Paris in June 2017 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. On it, above and below, the zones are painted over in dark color, showing what temperatures have not been previously observed. In other words, the white (open) bar shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

June weather history in Paris

Coldest June in Paris was in 2014. The average temperature was only + 17.72 ° C.

Warmest June in Paris was in 2017. The average temperature reached + 20.31 ° C.

At the same time, June 2017 (+ 20.31 ° C) turned out to be the highest for 2014 - 2019.

This is evidenced by the graph average monthly temperature in Paris in June 2014 - 2019:

Average monthly temperature in June, Paris

Average monthly temperature in June in Paris from various sources.

Amber tents on Violet Street in Paris

IVInternational Salon of Arts and Crafts France, Paris

Kaliningrad artists, with the assistance of the Amber Museum and the support of the regional Ministry of Culture, presented their products at IV International Salon of Arts and Crafts "Violet Village", which was held in Paris from June 27 to 30. The project implements Association "Once upon a time, a craftsman ...", the president and founder of which is Jean-Claude Guillemot.

The tents of the "Violet Village" were traditionally installed in the XV arrondissement of Paris on Violet Street. The opening ceremony of the Salon was opened by the head of this district, Mr. Philippe Goujon.

Purple street where for four days a warm, friendly atmosphere reigned, once again became a place for creative meetings for professionals of various fields of arts and crafts. Original works were presented - products made of glass, wood, amber, musical instruments, interior items, paintings, lace, woodcarving, porcelain painting - created using old and modern technologies.

Belgium, Mexico, USA, France, Russia (Moscow, Kaliningrad, Kirov), Japan - this is an incomplete list of participating countries. Four Kaliningrad artists - Yuri Velikotsky, Elena Tikhomirova, Vladimir Litvinko and Galina Syromyatnikova - demonstrated their author's works made of amber to the Parisians and guests of the French capital. Individual style, high professionalism, creativity of artists, a wide variety of products aroused keen interest among the visitors of the Salon - Russian stands were popular with the public.

During all days of the Salon, models of the Kaliningrad Theater of Historical Fashion demonstrated costumes created by the head of the Wolf's Paw workshop Catherine Vologzhanina on the models of the outfits of the French Middle Ages.

Sales in France attract fashionistas from all over the world, because this is an opportunity to purchase haute couture outfits, as well as your favorite budget brands at generous discounts. The main direction of shopping, of course, is Paris - the ancestor of world fashion. Therefore, the time when sales begin in Paris are eagerly awaited by both French women and guests of the country, because the assortment of stores is very actively emptied already in the first hours of "Soldes".

The start of the season of sales in Paris is traditionally announced by the mayor of the capital, in other cities they are held at the same time, but with slight variations. The latest sales in France start in overseas regions: on the island of Regnon, in French Guadeloupe and Guiana, in Martinique, in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy.

Winter sales in Paris 2017

The sales in Paris in winter 2017 will last 6 weeks, but even after the end of the official "Soldes", many stores will continue to sell for another two weeks. Winter sales in Paris 2017 will take place from 11/01 to 21/02. Traditionally, they start on the second Wednesday of January, but if it falls after the 12th, Christmas sales in Paris should start a week earlier.

The price dynamics is as follows: "Soldes" are swinging at a 20-30% discount, the maximum that can be expected in January 2017 is minus 50%. The shock sale in Paris winter 2017 falls in February, when you see 80% on some price tags. Please note that discounts in Paris 2017 may be specified in a special way. Instead of 50%, two circles are glued on the price tag - 20% and 30%, that is, they need to be summed up.

Summer sales in Paris 2017

Summer discounts in Paris traditionally begin on the last Wednesday of June and will last for 6 weeks, that is, from 28.06 to 08.08. If the last Wednesday fell after the 28th, the Paris 2017 summer sales would have been shifted a week earlier. Prices will melt according to the winter scenario. First, stores will drop 20-30% of the cost of goods, in the middle of summer you can buy outfits with a 50% discount, and at the end of "Soldes" for some models of the collection you will see 70-80%. True, do not count on massive landslide prices, as a rule, the maximum discounts are made for slow-moving goods. But even a 50% discount on designer clothes will be quite tangible in monetary terms.

Arriving in Paris for a designer sale, be sure to visit the "Golden Triangle" of streets - a sales center in Paris, where elite boutiques from D&G, Pradа, Valentino, Chanel, Lacroix, Louis Vuitton are located. It is also worth going shopping on Rue Du Fаubourg Saint Nore, going to the Lafayette and Le Bon Marche galleries. Elite jewelry is widely represented at Place Vendôme.

And finally, do not be discouraged if you cannot visit France at Christmas, sales in Paris in October, November can be experienced at the Outlet La Vallee Village - a huge outlet 55 km from the capital. This is a year-round sales village in Paris, where last year's collections are constantly on sale at 30-50% discounts.

Make purchases with pleasure and profit! We wish you a good catch during the sale!

In the middle of summer, lavender blooms in northern Provence. Lavender fields - business card Provence - not inferior in popularity Cote d'Azur... Postcard fields covered in purple rows of fragrant lavender attract many tourists to Haute Provence. Lavender has been cultivated in this region for nearly a thousand years for its soothing aroma and medicinal properties. We will tell you where and when the most famous lavender fields bloom, how to get there, what to buy and where to stay.


From the end of June when the lavender blooms, and until early August when it is harvested. The flowering period depends on the weather and the area where it grows. Below you will find a flowering map of lavender fields, on it, light purple marks the fields that bloom from late June to July 15, blue - those that bloom from early to July 25, and dark purple - fields that bloom from early July to August 10.

Orange marked big cities region - Cannes, Avignon, Arles, Valence. In each of the cities, we advise you to visit the tourist office (Office de tourisme) and take there detailed map lavender fields, which are renewed every year. There you can also learn about local holidays, fairs and festivals.

How to get there

By car... Renting a car is the most convenient solution, as most of the fields do not have trains or buses. And by car, you can plan your route or drive along one of the roads that pass through the most beautiful fields and mountains, with stops in medieval villages and castles. It is best to start from Nice or Marseille. Day with mechanical box programs will cost from 1,700 rubles.

Public transport... You can travel by train from Paris or Marseille to Avignon, from where travel companies organize one-day bus routes through lavender fields. There is also a train from Avignon to Carpentras, where you can take the Carpentras-Sault bus, which goes through lavender fields to old City Co.

Cycling routes lavender fields are becoming more and more popular, but they are suitable only for people with good physical fitness, because Provence is hills and mountains, and the average temperature in summer is 30-35 ° С.


The main lavender fields are concentrated in three regions Provence: Alps of Haute Provence, Vaucluse and Hautes Alps.... Many cities have tourist associations offering hiking and cycling. All information about six Roads of lavender (Routes de la lavande) available in English on the MoveYourAlps website (offline and online maps, information about holidays, attractions, hotels and campsites).

Major Lavender Blossom Areas

- Plains and perfumery factories of the Vercors, Diois, Drôme Provençal area where lavender blooms from late June to late July. Drive from Crest to Baronnies, through the fields around Die and Rosans, where the road runs over low mountains, past a plateau with lavender fields. Drôme Provencal is famous not only for its lavender, but also for the medieval villages of Dieulefi, Grignon and Valréas.

- Hills and mountains in the area of ​​Drôme, Vaucluse, Alpes de Haute Provence (Drôme, Vaucluse, Alpes de Haute Provence)... From June to mid-July, Lavender blooms in dozens of fields around the mountain villages of Vaison-la-Romain, Nyon, Buy-Le-Baronne, Orpierre, Rosan (Vaison-la-Romaine, Nyons, Buis-les-Baronnies, Orpierre, Rosans).

- Mountains, ocher canyon and medieval castle in the area of ​​Ventoux, Lure and Luberon (Ventoux, Lure, Luberon)... The townships of Gordes and Apt are surrounded by fields selling lavender honey, and the huge ocher canyon Rustrel is called Provencal Colorado because of its Martian landscapes... We recommend visiting it at sunrise or sunset, when the walls of the canyon shine with all shades of red. Near the canyon is the medieval chateau Mane, and at the foot of the white Lure mountains grows the most fragrant mountain lavender.

- descent from the mountains to the Cote d'Azur in the area of ​​Grasse and Valensole (Grasse et Valensole)... Descend the immense plateau of Valensole, entirely covered in lavender, through Mézel and Barèmme to Castellane, next to the Artuby lavender valley. The route ends in Grasse, the perfume capital of France. Here lavender blooms until mid-August.

Must see: lavender fields on the Valensole plateau

About Valensole plateau, which lies in the foothills of the Alps and looks like an endless sea of ​​lavender, is worth telling separately. More than ten lavender fields are located on the plateau. All can be seen by following a circular route of 33 kilometers: Valensole D56 east to Puimoisson - D953 north to the Poteau de Telle junction - D8 back west to Valensole.

Near the Valensole plateau there is the village of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, included in the list of the most beautiful villages France, and 30 kilometers to the southeast is Verdon Gorge (Gorges du Verdon)- the most beautiful in France. We advise you to visit Grand canyon The Verdon Gorge (Grand Canyon du Verdon) is a gigantic gorge in limestone cliffs, 700 meters deep, offering breathtaking views.

Holidays and lavender fairs:

- Lavender Festival in Saint André de Rosains where they sell lavender oil and liqueurs, perfume, honey, soap, ice cream and even cakes. The holiday takes place on the second weekend of August.

- Lavender Fair in Digne-les-Bains is the largest Lavender fair in Provence. Here they sell all kinds of products made from (or with added) lavender, as well as the best dried fruits and candied fruits in France. Festive processions are held throughout the city, accompanied by hundreds of musicians and dancers. In addition to lavender, Digne-les-Bains is known for its balneological baths, medieval churches and the only one in France butterfly park (Le Jardin des Papillons).

- Lavender Festival in Sault, which takes place on August 15, the day of the end of the lavender harvest in Provence. Artisans and perfumers come to Saud, master classes on making perfume and cosmetics are held here, gastronomic specialties are sold, musicians play old Provencal melodies, and a book fair is held nearby.