Eiffel backgrounds. Beautiful photo of the eiffel tower

The most grandiose, famous, shocking building in Paris, of course, is the Eiffel Tower. Since its inception in 1889 as an arch for the World's Fair of the Bastille, it has been in the spotlight to this day. It was also recognized as an important link in the French economy and a valuable asset in Europe.

The story of the tower's creation!

Although the engineer Gustave Eiffel suggested dismantling the tower after twenty years of its construction, as we can see, it continues to rise majestically on the Champ de Mars to this day.

Book a table at a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower

The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​the design belongs not to Eiffel, but to Maurice Köschlen, his colleague in the engineering bureau. It was in the old drawings of Maurice that the leading engineer found the sketch of the tower that interested him.

Together with other employees, Eiffel finalizes the idea, draws up a joint patent, sends drawings to the competition, and wins. Subsequently, he buys out the ownership rights, and becomes their sole owner.

An amazing fact is that during the work on the scheme of the structure, the research of Hermann von Mayer, a Swiss professor of paleontology of the 19th century, was taken as a basis. He studied the structure of the femur, namely its head in the place of bending and connection with the joint at an angle.

He concluded that, thanks to the multitude of small appendages of a strict geometric shape, with which it is covered, the weight of the body is evenly distributed, preventing fractures.

It was these studies by Mayer 20 years later that inspired the designers of the famous tower to give it such a stable form. Even with a strong wind, the top deflects only 12 cm, and if it is hot in the sun - 18 cm due to the expansion of the metal.

Work on the image

The original appearance of the steel lady was exclusively a model of the technological progress of her time, and looked too conservative. To win the competition, it was necessary to refine the structure with decorative elements, to make it more sophisticated.

Gustave proposed to decorate the tower pillars with stone, to make the arches a link between the pillars and the lower floor, and also to turn them into the main entrance to the exhibition. The levels were also supposed to be transformed and become functional thanks to the glazed halls, and the top was to acquire a rounded shape along with other decorations.

When the scheme found all these innovations, the jury approved the Eiffel plan, and he received the green light for construction. Feeling a surge of enthusiasm after the first victory, he exclaimed that now France will become the only owner of a 300-meter flagpole in the world.

To be or not to be - the opinion of the bohemian

The enthusiasm, however, was not shared by the creative elite, considering the future construction to be offensive to the eye. The city's mayor's office has repeatedly received letters demanding not to allow the construction of such a monstrous structure, claiming that the Eiffel Tower in Paris would be a huge mistake, a repulsive spot hanging over the city, and not combined with other architecture.

About three hundred painters, architects, musicians and writers made a protest, sending it to the city authorities, where they urged the commission to come to their senses in colorful expressions: “For 20 years we will be forced to look at the disgusting shadow of the blot".

The petition was signed by Charles Gounod, Dumas the son, and the famous novelist Guy de Maupassant. However, subsequently, Maupassant repeatedly visited the restaurant, which is now called "Jules Verne". When the novelist was asked why he came there, if he did not like the Eiffel Tower so much, he said that there was no longer a place in Paris where this damn thing could not be seen.

However, not all were so ardent opponents. It made a completely different impression on Thomas Edison, and in the guestbook he wrote a welcome speech to its creator.

Particulars of construction: figures and facts

It all began in 1887 on January 28, and the last day that completed the construction was December 31, 1889. For such a colossal project, this was a record time, considering that the height of the Eiffel Tower was 300 meters.

Tower construction!

There was no technology capable of lifting parts weighing up to 3 tons to this height, and therefore Eiffel had to additionally invent special mobile cranes. Also, to speed up the work, most of the elements were made in advance, and holes were drilled in them, into which the connecting rivets were installed.

Eiffel demonstrated unique precision in drawing up. There were 1,700 general and 3,629 detailed ones, and their accuracy was 0.1 mm (3D printers print with such clarity today). This is comparable to admirable work of jewelry or magic, especially in this age of high technology.

Inner world

Once in Paris, it is difficult to avoid the temptation to look at the city of love from the height of the most famous Parisian woman. On the initial two platforms, which are located at the tops of 57.63 and 115.73 m; you can visit restaurants, have a glass of sparkling wine or order lunch.

On the third level, located at 276.13 m, visitors will find a bar, an astronomical and meteorological observatory. The tower is crowned with a lighthouse with a dome, the light of which reaches 10 km.

Rise to the 3rd level

1,792 steps ascend to the summit, but you are unlikely to want to make such a serious ascent, especially since two Fives-Lill elevators were built for this in 1899, and passengers, having climbed to the 175 m mark, went to another cabin ...

Lift to the 2nd floor

The first machines operated on hydraulic pumps, but since their use was not possible in winter, Otis electric motors were replaced in 1983, and the hydraulics are displayed as an exhibit to tourists.

Apartments by Gustave Eiffel

At the very top there is another room - an apartment that was built specifically for the Eiffel. Although the square is quite spacious, it is simply furnished with the taste of a 19th century man. It has separate rooms, furniture, carpets, and even a piano - a must-have item for the elite of that time.

When the apartment became known in the city, there were people who wanted to buy it out, or at least spend the night there, offering substantial sums, but Eiffel always refused such offers.

While in Paris, the engineer often arranged meetings with the rich and famous people... Edison also visited it, and for ten hours a couple of inventors for cognac and cigars found many fascinating topics for discussion, including the phonograph - a fresh invention of the famous American.

In captivity, but with his head held high

Eiffel Tower, 1940 - The lift mechanism unexpectedly breaks down. This trouble happened just before the arrival of Adolf Hitler. Since the war was going on, there was nowhere to get new parts for it, and the Fuhrer could only trample at the feet of the obstinate Parisian woman. On this occasion, the poets did not miss the opportunity to say: "Hitler conquered France, but he could not conquer the Eiffel Tower."

Hitler planned to transmit radio signals from the lighthouse to his military units and broadcast agitation in Paris, but he was especially disturbed by the thought that the flag waving on the top spire would be perfectly visible in all corners of the city.

At the end of the summer of 1944, Hitler, annoyed that he had not been able to climb the summit, gave Colonel-General Dietrich von Choltitz the order to destroy the proud woman who did not submit along with the rest of the sights of Paris.

However, the order was never carried out, and when the invaders left the city, the elevators, which had stopped for several years, started working again in a couple of hours, and the news about this was broadcast by radio from the tower.

The height of the Eiffel Tower!

For 40 years, the Eiffel Tower had no competitors in height in the whole world, and only in 1930 lost the palm to the Chrysler Building in New York. Today its height reaches 324 m due to the antenna installed in 2010.


In reality and in the photo, the tower looks like a slender, sophisticated, charming beauty. As a true Frenchwoman, she likes to radically change her image from time to time, and has already managed to try on several outfits. She was painted in different colors that ranged from yellow to reddish brown.

Now, a unique “brown-eiffel” tone, which is the closest to a bronze shade, has been specially developed and patented for her. Every 7 years, it is repainted to protect the metal from corrosion, and old parts are replaced with new ones made of a lighter but stronger alloy.

Night beauty

The iron lady also loves to shine, and at the time of her own premiere in 1889 she sparkled with tens of thousands of gas lanterns, a pair of searchlights and a lighthouse, the rays of which had the color of three shades of the national flag. A year later, electric lights sparkled on it, and in 1925 it became the most ambitious advertising platform for André Citroen.

The advertisement was called: "The Tower on Fire", and thanks to 125 new light bulbs, the silhouette first lit up on it, then it was replaced by a star rain, which smoothly turned into the flight of comets and zodiac symbols, then the year of birth of the tower followed, the current year, and at the end the surname appeared Citroen. Advertising worked until 1934.

The Parisian fashionista received her golden dress on the last day of 1985, and in 2003 silver lights were added to this noble shine. It took 4.6 million €, 20 thousand light bulbs, 40 km of wires, 30 people and several months of work. Another memorable outfit the tower wore from early July to late December 2008, which looked like the flag of Europe - a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background.

The brainchild of Gustave Eiffel and today remains a wonderful wonder of the world. A copy of the Eiffel Tower stands in many metropolitan areas: Copenhagen, Las Vegas, Varna, Chinese city Guangzhou, and Aktau in Kazakhstan.

Replica in Las Vegas

In the first 12 months of its existence, it fully recouped its construction costs thanks to its visitors, and remains the most popular tourist attraction. Millions of people visit her every year, and by 2002 that number had exceeded 200 million.

Observation deck

City of dreams and bubbles of champagne

To spend time in the company of the Eiffel Tower as long as possible, tickets for the tour and the restaurant can be booked in advance. Several buffets, a bar and a couple of cozy restaurants will allow you to enjoy delicious food, drinks and views of Paris.

On the ground floor, you can visit the 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant, eat a sandwich, fries, croissant, drink juice or coffee, paying only 18 € for lunch. In the evening, there are several main courses and desserts to choose from, but the price rises to 82 € per person.
On the same level, there are also ordinary buffets, in which a glass of juice and a slice of pizza will not exceed € 7-8.

Restaurant "Jules Verne" (Le Jules Verne)

But, if once in the most romantic place on earth, you do not intend to save on pleasures, then visit the luxurious restaurant "Jules Verne" on the second level. Lunch will cost at least 85 € per person, and dinner with lobsters - at least 200 €.

View from the tower at night

Paris at night from the observation deck

Eiffel Tower on the map

However, you can get pleasure without visiting such expensive establishments. Climbing to the third level, grab a glass of champagne at the Champagne Bar, take a bird's eye view of Paris, and feel the exclusivity of this moment.


The exact address: Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris

Working hours: From 9:30 to 23:00, in summer from 9:00 to 00:00


Entrance to the lift (up to the 2nd floor): adults - 11 €, 12-14 years old - 8.5 €, children and disabled people - 4 €.

Up to the top: adults - 17 €, 12-14 years old - 14.5 €, children and disabled people - 8 €.

On the stairs to the 2nd floor: adults - 7 €, 12-14 years old - 5 €, children and disabled people - 3 €.


Photogallery Eiffel Tower!

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Holidays in November

Eiffel tower at night photo

Eiffel tower

If you conduct a survey of people on the street "Where is the Eiffel Tower?" then, with one hundred percent accuracy, each of them will know in which city the most famous tower is located, and even more so in which country this tower is a real symbol. Indeed, the Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable symbol! But the main thing is that the Eiffel Tower is the most visited and photographed sight of the planet Earth!

1. I will try to tell you something new about the Eiffel Tower, although it will be difficult to do, many films have already been shot specifically about the Eiffel Tower, and there is nothing secret about the Eiffel Tower. So The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 on March 31... But probably it is worth starting with the history of the beginning of the construction of the tower. In general, the tower was originally supposed to be only part of the World Exhibition invented by the authorities in honor of the centenary of the French Revolution. It was here that the famous engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel showed his unique talent, although from the beginning he was engaged in the construction of bridges.

2. The French government asked to create a monument in honor of such an exhibition that would glorify France throughout the world. Gustave immediately remembered his very interesting project of building a three hundred meter tower. But there is one nuance, the very idea of ​​building the Eiffel Tower belongs to Gustave Eiffel, but the project for the construction of this tower was invented by his two good employees - Maurice Koehlen and Emile Nugier. When Gustave found out that he had won the tender for the construction of the tower, he exclaimed - "France will be the only country in the world that will have a 300-meter symbol." By the way, the tower got its name in honor of its creator Gust Eiffel.

3. So for the construction of a 300-meter tower, Gustave was allocated a very large amount, the construction of the Eiffel Tower required 5 million francs, of course this is a colossal amount, and it was decided to create a joint-stock company, 3 banks accumulated half of the total amount, and the remaining half was added by Eiffel himself from his personal budget, although it is not known where he got such a sum. As a result of the construction, the amount became slightly more than the planned amount, it took 7.8 million francs. But the tower fully paid off only during this exhibition, and the subsequent profit from the tower was also sufficient so that the government would not abandon it.

4. Construction of the tower lasted 2 years and two months and two more days to be exact. In fact, this is a record time! At that time, to build such a tower, and even in such short time, it was at the level of magic. But everything is quite simple, so quickly it was possible to build the tower thanks to the knowledge and thoughtfulness to the smallest detail by the creator of the tower. Gustave thought over the construction completely, down to the smallest detail, for example, he fastened parts weighing up to three tons on the ground and, already in this state, raised them to strengthen them. It is also worth noting that in the drawings it was completely spelled out where and how to put this or that rivet; 2.5 million rivets were involved in the construction. Eiffel spent a tremendous amount of time and effort building such a creation.

5. After completion of construction The Eiffel Tower has become the most tall building worldwide, and was so for the next 40 years. The Eiffel Tower caused just a colossal effect among the residents, in which half a year 2 million people expressed a desire to look at such a property of France. But this was not always the case for our beauty and the sad period when she was not needed by anyone and, in fact, the question was even about its demolition. Indeed, the tower was unnecessary to anyone and only a radio station was required, the antenna of which was installed on top of the Eiffel Tower.

6. And already in 1921, a TV program from the Eiffel Tower began to be broadcast. And in 1922, a television program was already created which was called the "Eiffel Tower". From then until today, several permanent programs have been broadcast from the Eiffel Tower. There are also several dozen conventional antennas on the Eiffel Tower.

7. The entire Eiffel Tower weighs about 10 tons and 100 kilograms. By the way, the structure of such a height is distinguished by high strength, the vibrations of the tower during an earthquake and storms do not exceed 15 cm.The lowest floor is a pyramid measuring 129.2 m, each side at the base, it is supported by four columns, which are connected at a height of 57.63 meters with an arched vault. And on this vault is already the first platform of the Eiffel Tower. The platform is a square.

8. From this platform begins a new platform that is formed in the same way. Steps and several elevators lead to the observation decks of the Eiffel Tower, 1,792 steps lead to the top of the tower, few people are able to overcome such a number.

9. The Eiffel Tower is located on the Champ de Mars opposite Jena Bridge, by the Seine River. Well, that's like everything about the Eiffel Tower, well, if you can only mention the color of the tower, in the entire history of the Eiffel Tower has been in many colors from yellow to red-brown, but for more than ten years the tower has a color similar to the real color of bronze - "brown-eiffel". View from the Eiffel Tower.

- the symbol of Paris without which it is simply impossible to imagine this city, and, of course, from the trip I want to bring as much as possible beautiful photos with her. In this article, we present to you 10 best places for overlooking the Eiffel Tower:

This is the main observation deck, which offers one of the most famous and most beautiful views of the Eiffel Tower. This is the only place in Paris where the iron lady appears in all her splendor. If you want to bring incredible photos from the series "We and the Eiffel Tower" then you are here!

The second most popular view of the Eiffel Tower, the most interesting places for shooting this is the Wall of Peace and the Military School, in addition, on the lawns of the Sea Field, you can arrange a wonderful picnic against the background of the tower.

One of the most beautiful bridges Paris, a place in itself worthy of a photo session, plus a wonderful view of the main attraction opens from here.

Bir-Akem bridge

Small bridge connecting the 15th and 16th arrondissements of Paris. It is notable for its modern architecture with metal columns, and, of course, it offers a very beautiful view on the creation of Gustave Eiffel.

Debiya pedestrian bridge

This bridge resembles a reduced copy of the suspension highways... Despite the fact that it is already 100 years old, these metal structures look very modern. A wonderful view of the tower opens from the bridge.


Concorde Square is famous not only for the Egyptian column and beautiful fountains, but a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower opens up from this square. In addition, a beautiful view opens from the alleys of the Tuileries Garden, located on an elevation along the perimeter of the garden. In the Tuileries, you can hold a photo session not only with the tower, but also with the Louvre at the same time.

This is not only one of the most romantic places in Paris, but it is also a natural observation deck... All Paris lies at your feet.

A wonderful view of the city opens up from here: in front of you are Notre Dame Square, the Seine and the Eiffel Tower.

Great view of the whole of Paris and one of best views to the Eiffel Tower. Here it is, just hold out your hand. Another plus - the Montparnasse Tower itself is not visible from the Montmarnas Tower.

This place is the last on our list, but it is no less interesting from this, a beautiful view of the tower opens from here, and.

But the most important part of a successful photo shoot is having the right photographer. Our professional photographer in Paris will offer you optimal route for and will help to preserve wonderful memories of this magical city.

A free designer in love with Paris, Paulo Gabriel created his selection of photographs of the Eiffel Tower in the hope that he will someday visit the desired country.

Among the authors of the works collected here are both Parisians and guests of the city. Each of them “saw” the main attraction of the French capital in a different way (have you already seen our selection of amazing ones?). That is why the series is good.

By the way, having posted this group of photos on the Internet, Paulo, who for years was delighted with the grandiose engineering structure from afar, turned to everyone who had helped earlier and is ready to help him in the near future to present the image of the Eiffel even more visibly, with a request to send fresh stories to his website, to the center hit by this beautiful object.

A gorgeous photo of the Eiffel Tower from above strikes the eye with a sharp contrast of a darkened park with fountains immersed in thunderstorm darkness and a rapidly brightening sky above it. The tower, as in most photographs of Paris with her participation, sharply divides the total space vertically. A bronze-colored arrow stuck its tip into the sky, and behind it scattered across the elusive and already sunlit horizon, distant, seemingly tiny silhouettes of skyscrapers and domes of cathedrals from afar ...

Everyone knows that in the light of night illumination a grandiose openwork metal structure looks dazzlingly magnificent. It is not surprising that the Eiffel Tower, the photos of which, replacing each other, demonstrate a variety of angles and a wealth of shades of the background solution, most of its viewers and fans love to shoot in the rays of electric illumination. In the sky streaked with searchlights, the city takes on a festive and solemn appearance, and the openwork vaults of the Eiffel enhance this impression.

Needless to say: without the Eiffel Tower's arrow standing on four giant paws, the Field of Mars is not a field, and Paris is not Paris.

Eiffel Tower: Photo by Ramón Durán

Well, did you like our selection? By the way, the Eiffel Tower is considered one of the most romantic sights in the world, almost every third girl dreams of going to Honeymoon to Paris and bring home the original photos from la Tour Eiffel. If you have already decided on such a step, then you definitely need a professional wedding photographer. You want your pictures to be creative and unconventional, don't you? =)

The openwork construction of the Eiffel Tower is not only a decoration, but also ensures its durability. The connection pattern of 2.5 million steel bars is designed so that the structure of the tower is surprisingly strong and practically does not stagger under the pressure of even very strong winds. You can get from level to level by elevator. The hydraulic mechanism that lifts the elevator from the second to the third level has been serving visitors to the tower since 1889. Everyone knows about the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. It is called "Jules Verne" and is located at a height of 57 meters or 360 steps. On the same level as the restaurant, the Eiffel Tower houses a cinema and post office.

Eiffel Tower Restaurant.

Inside view.

On the third level, at a height of 247 meters, there is an observation gallery, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 800 people. If tourists get to the Eiffel Tower on a clear day, then a circular panorama of Paris with a radius of more than 70 km will open in front of them.

View of Paris from the Eiffel Tower Observation Gallery.

Small diagram of the Eiffel Tower. More schemes look.

Tourists admired the Eiffel Tower, but Parisians disliked. In the 19th century, poets ridiculed her in verse, and artists painted funny pictures and critical drawings. In short, all and sundry competed in wit. How opaque they were. In less than a hundred years, the Eiffel Tower will become the main attraction and the most important symbol of Paris. Today it is visible from almost every corner of Paris. So, the history of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is far from over.

And a photo with the Eiffel Tower in the background is the dream of many women around the world.

To learn more about the history of creation Eiffel towers, watch the video film: "The Chronicles of the Eiffel Tower".

Well, or video tour excursion online:

Eiffel Tower Address: 5, Parc du Champ de Mars, 7th arrondissement, i.e. the Champ de Mars, where it was built at the very beginning. The tower has not yet learned to walk.

Eiffel Tower coordinates (Google Maps): 48.858055565556,2.2944444544444

See the location of the neighboring streets and a more accurate location of the tower itself on the map:

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You can buy tickets for the Eiffel Tower, as well as check its opening hours.

The Eiffel Tower at night is no less beautiful than during the day, it is decorated with many lights.

And during the holidays there are also fireworks.

Pictures of the Eiffel Tower:

Eiffel Tower, hand-drawn pictures and fun:

A competitor to the Eiffel Tower.