Forts of Goa. Fort Aguada (Goa): photos and reviews What to see, useful information for tourists

The Indian Fort Aguada in Goa is the largest fort that has survived to this day. It was built to protect the mouth of the navigable Mandovi River from enemy ships. Occupies a vast area on the cape, south of Candolim Beach.

Built in 1612 year, it is a monument of Portuguese military construction and a legacy of Goan history. The fort consisted, according to the plan, of two parts: the upper - fortress, lower – coastal part. They were connected to each other by overground and underground passages. The fortress itself has a square shape with deep ditches dug near the bastions. The fortress's embrasures provided a wide angle of fire.

There is a fortress on the territory 1864 was built four-story lighthouse. It is considered one of the oldest in Asia. Used until 1976. Then, not far from the fortress, a modern lighthouse, which is still in operation today. By visiting this place, tourists will be able to visually inspect both the old and new lighthouses.

Peculiarity Fort Aguada also in the fact that under it there is a huge water tank. Its capacity is approximately 10 million liters and it is filled from natural sources. Here passing ships could replenish their supplies drinking water. Literally translated from Portuguese “aguada” means “water”.

In the coastal part of the fort there is a prison, which is the only functioning prison state of Goa. It can only be viewed from the outside. It is clearly visible from the water or from the fortress.

In the vicinity of the fort there is a large number of peacocks But when they see a person, they most often run away. Therefore, tourists should keep their cameras at the ready if they do not want to miss a great shot. The fortress itself offers a magnificent view. The area around is covered with dense vegetation. Nearby is a helipad built in the 80s. It is known for periodically hosting large parties.

Fort opened from 10-00 to 18-00. To get to the lighthouse and fortress, you need to take a taxi or rent a motorcycle. This place is reached by a road called Fort Aguada Road and also the main street Candolim. Tourists can easily view part of the fort from the Sinquerime beach, which can be reached on foot.

Accommodation possible in hotel rooms of any category or rented houses. And even for particularly picky tourists, in the territory adjacent to the fort, on the hillside surrounded tropical forest is the famous fashionable hotel Fort Aguada Beach Resort.

Immediate food stations located on the beaches of Sinquerim and Candolim. Cafes and restaurants will offer an excellent menu with dishes of Indian, European and many other cuisines. Some cafes are equipped with showers for the convenience of tourists.

In the first decades of the 17th century. Its construction was carried out by the Portuguese, who then controlled these lands. The new building was erected in 1612 for several purposes. The first of these was the protection of the capital of the Portuguese possessions - Old Goa - from attacks from the sea. At that time, the Dutch and Marathas caused a lot of concern among the Portuguese. For defensive purposes, almost eight dozen cannons were installed along the entire length of the fort’s fortifications.

Another function that the building performed was the storage of fresh water. This explains the origin of the name known today - Aguada. The basis for it was the Portuguese word água - water. Aguada's purpose-built reservoirs had a total capacity sufficient to store 2,376,000 gallons of fresh water. Sources from fresh water, located nearby, made it possible to constantly replenish supplies. In this regard, the Aguada fortress became one of the important points for sea vessels long voyage, especially for those coming from. Here the sailors could rest and get drinking water necessary for their further journey.

In 1864, a lighthouse was erected in the fortress, rising four floors up. It also becomes an important landmark for passing ships: it initially shone every seven minutes, but was later improved to be able to signal every 30 seconds. The lighthouse continued its work for many decades - until 1976, after which it was replaced by a more modern one. Today it continues to exist and is considered the oldest lighthouse on the territory, which has made it a popular tourist attraction.

In the mid-20th century, during the period when Prime Minister António de Salazar held actual power, the southern part of Fort Aguada was converted into prison cells. Initially, they held mainly political prisoners - oppositionists to the Salazar regime. Later, the cameras were used for other lawbreakers. This prison is still in operation today, so tourists are not allowed access to all areas of the fortress. According to the Indians themselves, not only local criminals are serving their sentences in these cells, but also many foreigners who come on vacation and have violated any Indian law.

In 2013, extensive restoration was carried out on the part of Aguada's buildings that is open to visitors. The northern part of the fort today is occupied by the Vivanta by Taj Fort Aguada 5* hotel, which is one of the most luxurious in this part of the state.

How to get there

Formally, the structure is located on the territory of the Candolim settlement in the north of the Indian state. Through all locality The Fort Agauda Road passes through, following which you can get to the structure. The fort itself is located on a hill near the coast of the Arabian Sea and the Mandovi River, in the very south of the settlement. The easiest way to get here is by private car or taxi, as there are regular routes public transport they don't go here. However, the upside is that Candolim has a large selection of accommodation options for travelers, so finding a hotel closer to the fort and its beach will not be difficult.

Fort Aguada on the map

Inside the fort

The structure has quite impressive dimensions: its buildings occupy a significant part coastline and are separated from each other by a certain distance. Because of this, Aguada for a long time had the status of the main Portuguese fort. Entrance to the territory open to visitors is free for everyone. This is one of the reasons that there are always a lot of people walking around the building, both from foreign countries tourist groups, and from Indian.

The main part of Fort Aguada is divided into two levels. In the lower one, arriving vessels of different sizes could safely moor and remain parked. In the upper part there were several important rooms and internal structures. So, here you can see the moat protecting the fort, special chambers for storing large volumes of drinking water, halls that were used as warehouses for cannon powder and other ammunition, and bastions. This is also where they begin underground passages, built in case the inhabitants of the fortress needed to leave it unnoticed. The lighthouse of Aguada also stands here.

Access to the very top of the lighthouse is open to travelers, but to do this you will have to overcome a considerable number of steps of the internal spiral staircase. But the view from the top of the Arabian Sea and the Mandovi River flowing into it is worth the effort: it leaves an indelible impression and allows you to take unique memorable photos. The new operating lighthouse, which replaced its predecessor, is also open for visits. You can find it nearby, behind the walls of the fort. In order to get to its upper platform, you need to pay about 50 rupees (about 50 rubles) or a little less than a dollar. It also allows you to admire the views of the sea, as well as see the main structures of Aguada from above.

More than once, Fort Aguada became the subject of filming Indian films. He has appeared in many films and television films in India since the last century. In this regard, not only tourists who are bored on local beaches or lovers of ancient citadels, but also real fans of the art of Bollywood often come to see the building.


You can explore Fort Aguada either independently or accompanied by a guide. In both cases, it must be taken into account that the building is open to visitors from 10:00 to 17:30.

Aguada is included in the program of many excursions in Goa, both sightseeing and thematic, and can also become part of a boat trip. Thus, a program with access to the open sea on a boat or yacht, a visit to neighboring islands and fort on the way back will take about 9-10 hours and will cost from 45 dollars (about 2,500 rubles) per person. The cost of land excursions around the state starts from 35-40 dollars (about 2,000 rubles) per person and depends on the extent and conditions of the program: some organizers offer travel by bus, some by jeep, and there are those who combine two types of transport.


You can buy souvenirs not far from the fort itself. Here, along Aguada Beach, there are many street vendors and souvenir shops. Merchants offer figurines and other images of the Aguada fort and lighthouse itself, traditional clothing such as saris, and traditional Indian jewelry for men and women. Also on the shelves there is usually wide choose items related to yoga, much attention is paid to fishing equipment. The latter become especially relevant, since right on Aguada beach you can rent a boat and go out to sea to fish.

When purchasing something from locals, bargaining is not prohibited. In these places this is perceived as normal and even welcomed. Sometimes, thanks to this, the price of a product can be significantly reduced - the product can be sold even two or three times cheaper than its original stated cost.

A trip to Fort Aguada is a great way to diversify your holiday on the sea coast of Goa. Here, not far from the beaches, you can get acquainted with history and see how European influence is tightly woven into the annals of India. The fort delights guests with its stunning views and amazes with the scale of its territory, where today tourist sites, prison cells, and a five-star hotel coexist. And of course, having taken the time to get to know Aguada, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the interior itself. old lighthouse Asian part. The structure reminds India of the past while remaining a significant part of the present and future. And as one of the main landmarks of Goa, it has become an integral part of the image of the state and the entire state.

Business card


Fort Aguada Road, Aguada Fort Area, Candolim, 403515, Goa, India

But it turns out, for example, in the same GOA there is not only sand, sea and sun, but also historical fortifications.

The grandest and one of the best preserved forts in the state, Aguada, was built by the Portuguese at a strategic position at the mouth of the Mandovi River in 1612 to protect against attacks by the Dutch and Marathas. Occupying the entire small peninsula on the southwestern edge of the Bardes region, this fort was once the most valued and key element of the Portuguese defensive system. In their better days its battery consisted of 79 guns.

Aguada originally consisted of a main fortification on top of a hill and several coastal bastions. One of them, at the southern end of Sinquerim Beach, has now been converted into a five-star resort owned by the Tata family, while the other, facing Goa's capital Panaji, is the state's only functioning prison. The main fortification is surrounded around the perimeter by a deep, dry ditch for additional protection.

In the Middle Ages, the source of food water available on the territory of the fort was used to replenish supplies of passing ships, for which Aguada served as a stronghold on the route. This is where the name of the fortress came from - in Portuguese, “water” sounds like “agua”.

In 1864, the Portuguese erected a four-story lighthouse on the territory of the upper fortification, the oldest structure of this type in Asia.

In the mid-20th century, under the rule of dictator Salazar, the northern lower bastion of the fort was rebuilt into a prison, used primarily to hold political opponents of his reactionary regime.

Today, Goa's only functioning prison houses a large number of foreigners convicted of drug-related crimes. They say that there is no longer enough space in the cells, and new prisoners are being transferred to prisons in neighboring states.

Getting to Fort Aguada is very easy - it is located on the southwestern tip of the Bardes district, in the area of ​​​​Sinquerim Beach. One of its lower bastions is located right on the beach, the second, almost destroyed, can only be reached on foot along the path along the coast or from the popular Sunset Point site (in English it roughly means “sunset viewing point”), located a few hundred meters to the west the upper fortification, behind the modern active lighthouse, and the third bastion, the one in which the prison is located, was erected on the southern side of the hill, and is reached by an asphalt road that goes around the entire hill clockwise. Along the same road, which branches halfway, you can get to the main citadel of Fort Aguada, the lighthouse and Sunset Point, in the vicinity of which there are real peacocks.

On the north side of the fort there is a rampart made of red-brown laterite, which extends into the bay, thus forming a causeway between two small sandy bays. This beautiful place known as Sinquerim Beach. The Fort Aguada resort, which is one of the most expensive in India, dominates the beach from the lower slopes of a precipitous peninsula.

The fortress ruins can only be reached by following the road from the Taj village, and then turning right at the sign. Nowadays, most of the fortress is a prison, and therefore there is no access to visitors. However, the fortress is worth a visit, if only to admire the beautiful views from the top of the hill, where the four-story Portuguese lighthouse is located. The lighthouse rises on one side over the vast expanses of sea, sand and palm trees of Calangute Beach, over Cabo Raj Bhavan or, as it is also called, Cabo Palace over the mouth of the Mandovi River, and on the other, at the tip of the Marmagao Peninsula.


This article is about the fort in Goa. For the fort at Bandra, Mumbai, see Castella de Aguada.

Fort Aguada and its lighthouse is a well-preserved seventeenth-century Portuguese fort, standing in Goa, India, on Sinquerim Beach, overlooking the Arabian Sea.

    1 Origin and History 2 Fort Aguada Beach Resort 3 Gallery 4 Links

Origin and history

The fort was built in 1613 for protection against the Dutch and Marathas. This was the starting point for ships coming from Europe at that time. This old Portuguese fort stands on the beach south of Candolim, on the banks of the Mandovi River. Initially it was tasked with protecting shipping and the nearby Bardez region to the south.

Fresh water in the fort provided a water supply to the ships that were used to stop. This is how the fort got its name: Aguada, meaning water. Crews of passing ships often visit to replenish their fresh water stores. The fort is dominated by the four-story Portuguese Lighthouse, built in 1864 and the oldest of its kind in Asia. Built in 1612 it was once a grandstand of 79 guns. It has the capacity to store 2,376,000 gallons of water, one of the largest freshwater storage facilities in all of Asia. This fort is divided into two segments: the upper part acted as a fort and watering, while the lower part served as a safe anchorage for Portuguese ships. While the upper part has a moat, underground water storage chamber, gunpowder hall, light house and bastions, it also has a secret escape passage for use in war time And emergency situations. The lighthouse is initially used to emit light once every 7 minutes. In 1834 it was modified to emit light creating an eclipse every 30 seconds, however it was abandoned in 1976.

Fort Aguada was the most valuable and important fort of the Portuguese. The fort is so large that it envelops the entire peninsula at the southwestern tip of Bardez. Built at the mouth of the Mandovi River, it was strategically located and was the main defense of the Portuguese against the Dutch and Marathas.

During Salazar's administration, Fort Aguada was repeatedly used as a prison, most notably, some claim, for Salazar's political opponents. [citation needed] Many of his students are Western tourists serving time for drug crimes.

Panorama of Fort Aguada

Fort Aguada Beach Resort

Today Fort Aguada Beach Resort sits where the original fort used to be. The land around the fort is now owned by The Indian Hotels Co. On the ramparts behind the fort, Fort Aguada Beach Resort. The five-star, highly rated Tata-owned hotel is part of an 88-acre (356,000 m2) complex overlooking the Arabian Sea located on Sinquerim Beach. It is located 18 km from Panaji, Old Goa. Fort Aguada Beach Resort consists of a series of villas and cottages, 130 rooms, including 24 Terrace Suites. There are also nine restaurants and nearby beaches. In addition to aquatic species sports, there are places of recreation and entertainment for tennis, squash and mountaineering.


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Lost among the exotic thickets and palm trees is the small and inconspicuous Aguada Beach of Goa. It is located between North and South Goa. Right on the border. True, there is one peculiarity heavenly place- the beach is located near the fort mountain.

Fort Aguada itself gives an unforgettable feeling of antiquity and centuries-old grandeur. The stone walls of the old building go straight into the sea. The beach here is special: rocky and extremely beautiful. There is also a large lighthouse there. Visiting these places is absolutely free. Fort Aguada, the main attraction of this place, was built by the Portuguese for protection and defense against advancing enemies. Impregnable fortress Aguada in Goa still delights with its power and beauty.

The incredible sunset at Fort Aguada attracts the eye and encourages inward contemplation. The place itself is one of the few where you can walk inside and outside without any obstacles. Everything is open and accessible. There's a lot to see. But you should not go on a tour of Fort Aguada during the day, as it will be very hot. It is better to visit this place early in the morning or in the evening.

The most popular time to travel to Aguada Goa is from October to March. But you can come any time and still enjoy it unforgettable vacation. The water temperature in Aguada Goa ranges from 29 to 32 degrees.

From Dabolim airport to Aguada in Goa it is about 50 km. Therefore, taking a taxi will be the easiest way to get there. There are quite a lot of such cars there and it won’t be difficult to find a willing driver to take you to any place. The cost of a taxi will cost about 2000 rupees (2000 rubles). It is better to order a taxi before , this is a nearby beach.

But we saved and looked for cheaper ways. The cheapest way was the bus. But before you decide to take such a trip, you should be patient and have cool water. We had three transfers along the way. We decided to go by bus and, first of all, crossed the road from the airport. There we caught a bus to Vasco da Gama. Having arrived at the place, you must immediately look for transport to Panaji. And from there you can safely reach Aguada in Goa. Travel time will not be wasted. Many local people willingly communicate with visitors and ask about everything in the world. They are very friendly and open. Such interesting people. You can't get to the beach by train. The nearest station is located 20 km from Aguada.

Aguada is the only beach in Goa where the sandy shore was filled local residents. It is created artificially for relaxation. Along picturesque coast There are hotels and bungalows. Finding where to stay in Aguada Goa is not difficult. You just have to walk along the beach and take a look the best option for myself. That's what we did. Found the most attractive paradise and stopped for the night. This place is called . Of course, the hotel is expensive and fabulous, but unlike the others, it is located in good location, from where you can see Fort Aguada and a beautiful sunset. The room cost from 3000 rupees (3000 rubles). Nestled in vegetation, shrouded in exotic fragrant flowers and incredible birds. Even monitor lizards walk around its surroundings. This hotel in Aguada Goa has a restaurant with live music and delicious seafood. The area is so calm that it seems like we are completely alone here. Peace within and around surrounded us all. In such hotels it is better to choose rooms with balconies.

For those who want to stay in a less expensive place and still enjoy a large tropical garden, then it is worth choosing a bungalow. No one will remain indifferent, because nature itself promotes a good mood.
You can consider a hotel, where a room costs from 1000 rupees per night. The place is good and beautiful.

Aguada Hotels, Goa

We ate at the hotel itself. It had everything you needed and the prices were reasonable. Lots of seafood Buffet, included breakfasts and romantic dinners. But you can also eat on the Aguada Goa beach itself. In the evenings, the owners of the bungalows place tables and chairs along the shore and serve beautiful dinners. There are always candles, decorated dishes and carved vegetables and fruits. And what fresh juices and smoothies there are, simply delicious. There are also simply benches with fruits, savory nuts and cool water. In hot weather, they sell coconut milk from freshly picked coconuts taken from a palm tree by the buyer. There are also shops in Aguada Goa. But mostly Indian sweets and spices are sold there. Every visitor will remain full and satisfied, because the place itself feeds with its beauty and uniqueness. I fell in love with a place in Aguada Goa called Tonis Beach Shek. The food there is delicious and the staff is friendly.

As elsewhere in India, in Aguada Goa, bargaining is honorable and prestigious. You just need to name your price. There are many shops around with national jewelry, souvenirs and clothing. There are many paraphernalia for yoga and fishing. On Aguada Beach Goa you can rent a boat and swim in clean waters Arabian Sea near the coast. The most interesting shopping can be considered souvenirs associated with the fort itself. But you shouldn’t expect any special uniqueness from the products. Almost everything is the same everywhere. If a tourist buys a beautiful sari and walks around Aguada Goa in it, the locals will look with delight and nod approvingly. They like it when visitors accept their way of life.

Of course, the most popular place in Aguada is the Aguada Goa Fort and lighthouse.

There is now a prison on the north side of Fort Aguada. This territory is busy keeping the worst prisoners within its walls. Don't worry about safety. There have been no escapes in Indian memory. The walls are so strong that they still hold up defenses inside and out. You can spend about three hours walking around the area. It is better to do this early in the morning or in the evening at sunset. During the day there are a lot of people and it is very hot. Also, some brave tourists try to climb onto the River Princess ship. But it is life-threatening. If you walk along the small beach of Aguada Goa, you can easily get to the neighboring one. . It is located three kilometers from Aguada.

When tourists rent a moped, a lot becomes available. Immediate and attractions can be visited every day. We used Ayurvedic services and massages on site, but there are also a lot of separate places. Any visitor will be able to use the services of professionals according to his taste and budget. Yoga and meditation practices on this beach are especially good. The place is calm and secluded, nature itself whispers about silence and harmony inside and around.

Another place worth visiting in Aguada Goa is the Basilica of Jesus. This church was the first to be built in Goa and is a UNESCO heritage site. Beauty and spirituality enveloped the shrine. It is worth at least looking at this attraction, as well as indulging in prayers. Afterwards we went to church immaculate conception Virgin Mary. She also turned out to be very beautiful. Aguada beach itself offers various services: windsurfing, boating, fishing, diving and much more.

Nightlife in Aguada is unlike other beaches North Goa. There is a special atmosphere, live music and parties dedicated to special dates. Everything has its own meaning and fulfillment. The place is amazing.