Where can you find a plane in GTA 5. The best planes

The first plane in the GTA series was a toy plane in Vice City, which involved a very difficult mission to plant bombs in a skyscraper. In those days it was very cool and advanced. Since then, the world of GTA has changed beyond recognition: in San Andreas real airplanes appeared for the first time, and in the fifth part of our favorite series, gamers have access to almost 2 dozen of a wide variety of airplanes! Of course, the game now has a huge international airport - the busiest place in the entire state; and several private airfields. In the game world there are planes of various classes: from the long-loved “corn maker” Dodo to terrifying fighters with jet engines; from small private VIP jets to huge ones passenger airliners and cargo aircraft. Read our article and you will definitely find out everything about planes in GTA 5!

How to fly a plane in GTA 5

Controlling a plane is one of the most difficult processes in the game, so it’s not surprising that players constantly have questions about how to fly a plane in GTA 5.
First, let's look at the control circuit. We will use a computer keyboard, since this is the most common device :) The “W” key increases engine speed, causing the plane to accelerate and roll forward (if it is on the ground). “S” - reduces speed, slows down the plane. "A" and "D" are responsible for turning right and left. Takeoff, descent, and nose tilt of the aircraft are done using the NumLock keyboard. “8” — tilt the nose of the plane forward (take off), “5” — tilt the nose down, “4” and “6” — left and right, respectively. The "G" key is responsible for opening and closing the chassis. Right mouse button - fire.
It's simple in theory, but in reality a beginner will have to go through a series of crashes to learn how to fly an airplane. Therefore, we recommend that you always stock up on a parachute if you don’t want to turn into a wet red spot on the asphalt :) You can take off from any flat surface, but it is better, of course, to use special runways or at least take into account the required take-off distance of your aircraft (more on this will be discussed below). The flight process itself should not cause any special problems. Just try to keep the plane parallel to the ground until you master all kinds of tricks. But that's only half the battle. Problems may arise with how to land the plane. First you need to fly several hundred meters directly above the ground, gradually reducing engine speed. Then lower the landing gear and begin to descend. The moment the wheels touch the ground, you can start braking. If the speed is not low enough at this moment, you can push off and take off again. In this case, it is better not to try to continue landing, but to go in for another circle, otherwise you risk crashing.
We hope our instructions helped you, and you will no longer have questions about how to take off or land the plane :)

Airplanes in GTA 5

Let's take a closer look at all the aircraft available in GTA 5.

1. Dodo

Dodo is a true legend for fans of the Grand series Theft Auto. It appeared in GTA 3, becoming the first controllable aircraft in the series. Since then, Dodo has moved from one part to another, changing its appearance and characteristics little. In the fifth part, Dodo became a seaplane. At the bottom there are pontoons for landing on the water. In addition, it has a landing gear underneath and can successfully land on land. This plane is one of the most versatile in the game. It has a minimum takeoff and landing distance. The Dodo is designed for four people: a pilot and a passenger in the cockpit, and two more on the pontoons. At the same time, passengers on pontoons can fire from personal weapons during the flight. A great advantage, you'll agree. The Dodo has a very good top speed, but its acceleration and maneuverability are somewhat compromised due to its design.
Where to find the plane? The plane appears in the following locations after completing the random event “Sea Plane”:
— A lake in the hills of Vinewood near Franklin's house.
— Alamo Lake in the village of Galilee in Blaine County.

2. Titan

The Titan is a cargo plane with four propellers under its wings. The main purpose of this model is to transport military cargo in the game. Titan has a low speed and can dive rapidly in the event of even minimal engine problems. These shortcomings are compensated by its high reliability, ease of piloting and unpretentiousness: the aircraft can be landed almost anywhere - from handicraft landing strips to the desert and even wide bridges! In addition, it requires a minimum runway length (compared to other aircraft in its class). In general, this is a typical cargo plane in GTA 5 with all the attendant advantages and disadvantages.
Where to find the plane? Can be found on the runway at the military Fort Zancudo. True, upon entering its territory you will have a 4-star wanted level.

3. Besra

This interesting aircraft appeared in the GTA 5 universe after the release of the San Andreas Flight School add-on. In essence, this is a training fighter, but due to its excellent technical characteristics it can be used not only as a trainer :) The aircraft engine is equipped with an afterburner mode, thanks to which the Besra has excellent speed, and in this indicator it is second only to two other military aircraft. As for acceleration, Besra has no equal in the entire game! This winged monster has a very light fuselage, and the wingspan is very compact. Thanks to this, the Besra is the most controllable and pilot-friendly aircraft. Aerobatic stunts on an airplane are his thing. In addition, it should be noted the excellent ability to quickly reduce flight speed as well as the minimum length of the required runway: Besra can land even on ordinary roads.
Where to find the plane? After the expansion is released, Besra will appear in the hangars of the main characters.

4. Vestra

Vestra (in Latin means “Your”) is a small light aircraft that appeared in GTA 5 after the release of The Business add-on. This is the smallest aircraft of all that are equipped with jet engines. Thanks to this feature, Vestra has an excellent weight/power ratio and is one of the fastest aircraft in the game, second only to combat aircraft. aircraft. In addition, due to the short length of the wings, it is also one of the most maneuverable aircraft. It can change direction extremely quickly, so you won't find anything better for racing planes, aerial stunts, or city flying (the Vestra's small size comes in handy in the latter case). Due to the fact that the aircraft is powered by a jet engine, do not attempt to fly it vertically upward; its design does not allow this. The plane will go into a nosedive and you could crash.
Where to find the plane? After installing the add-on, this model should appear in hangars.

5. Shamal

The Shamal is a medium-sized jet aircraft for civil transport and trade. He first appeared in GTA San Andreas, and now, with some design changes, has moved on to the fifth part of the game. As in San Andreas, Shamal is available from the very beginning of the game at the main airport of the city. The aircraft turned out to be very multi-tasking and can be used for almost any activity. With it, you can easily evade police pursuit, even if the wanted level is very high. It can also be used by novice pilots to train (the plane is very easy to fly). More experienced players will easily be able to participate in air races in GTA Online using Shamal (the jet engine gives excellent speed capabilities - according to this indicator, Shamal is the fifth in the game). Moreover, given its good maneuverability, you can perform all sorts of aerial stunts! With all these options, it would probably be unnecessary to talk about the possibility of making a comfortable and pleasant flight to the other side of the map. For all this, Shamal is perfect.
Where to find the plane? In different parts of Los Santos International Airport you can find 6 copies of this aircraft model.

6. Buckingham Luxor

Luxor is a private business jet. In its characteristics and appearance it is very similar to Shamal, but at the same time it has a “luxury” class. The Luxor is good for leisurely flights of lazy celebrities, but it's not as good for air racing. Although the performance is similar to its less prosperous twin, the Luxor clearly has inferior agility and sharpness, and cannot make as sharp turns and drop speed instantly. Although it has excellent speed on straight sections. Use this model when you want to fly slowly over the business district Los Santos, demonstrating to everyone your level of wealth, but for action it’s better to choose something else :)
Where to find the plane? Like Shamal, Luxor appears throughout the airport. True, this model is represented less: there are only three of them. The aircraft described can be found in Devin Weston's hangar if you have reached level 50. Plus, sometimes he is found at the Sandy Shores airfield.

7. Miljet

Miljet is a military jet passenger aircraft available in GTA 5 after the release of the Flight School add-on. The aircraft's performance is average. As you'd expect from an aircraft of this size and weight, it takes quite a long time to reach top speed. However, two jet engines allow for impressive speed, although it takes time. The large wingspan of this model determines its rather low maneuverability. But this is not required from Miljet. The plane has good stability and durability: the enemy will have to fire a lot of bullets before the Miljet fails.
Where to find the plane? The plane will appear in the hangars of the protagonists after installing the said add-on.

8. Velum

Velum is a light, fast monoplane with one engine on board and a propeller. It has high speed and has practically no rivals in its class. In addition, it is a very maneuverable aircraft, with good handling and the ability to change direction quickly. On the other hand, this model has rather long wings, which somewhat reduces the importance of maneuverability, but adds stability and stability. This plane needs a long runway. Capable of carrying four passengers, which combined with its high speed makes it excellent vehicle For GTA Online.
Where to find the plane? He can usually be found at Los Santos International Airport, near Hangar A17 south of the main terminal. In addition, the plane can be obtained by killing Tom in the mission "Delivering the Truth". In the Online version of the game, the plane sometimes appears at the Sandy Shores airfield.

9. Mallard

The Mallard is a lightweight monoplane with a single propeller engine on board. The engine is quite powerful and provides excellent speed and acceleration. Not a single aircraft of this class in the game can compare with it! The Mallard's lightweight body gives it good maneuverability and control, and for aerial stunts it is probably the best choice.
Where to find the plane? Trevor can often be found at the airfield. Mallard is also used in missions flight school, but unfortunately cannot be saved.

10. Duster

The Duster is a small aircraft designed to spray pesticides on fields and vineyards. However, the only moment when this process is shown is shown in the trailer released on the eve of the game's release :) However, the ability to fertilize fields is given to players in the Online version of the game. The Duster is the slowest aircraft in the game. Another disadvantage is the need for a very long runway. The acceleration time before takeoff takes as much as 7 seconds. In return for this, it was equipped with excellent handling.
Where to find the plane? This plane can often be seen flying over Grapeseed. In addition, one copy is located in the Grand Senora Desert, at the western end of the Marina Drive.

11. Luxor Deluxe

Luxor Deluxe is the VIP version of the regular Luxor aircraft. However, the Luxor itself is clearly not a plane for the poor :) The model appears in the game after installing the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 add-on. Compared to the regular Luxor, the new version has improved braking, but worse acceleration and maneuverability. This is due to the gold-plated body, which significantly adds weight to the aircraft. Now passengers can drink champagne, smoke cigars and use high speed internet right on board the plane. Interestingly, the price of $10,000,000 is the highest in the world for the online version of the game. Apart from this, the aircraft is not distinguished by anything remarkable.

12. Mammatus

The Mammatus is a small general purpose aircraft with a single engine and propeller. The slowest plane in the game is on par with the Duster. The situation is slightly brightened up by the fact that it needs very little space for takeoff and landing. Although sometimes, after a quick takeoff, it begins to dive sharply downward - a situation not for the faint of heart. Otherwise, this aircraft is a good choice for novice pilots. Its flight and control are very stable and confident. Turbulence is almost not felt. In GTA Online it is very convenient to transport a small gang of four people on it. On the other hand, by paying an additional $150 thousand, you can buy a luxurious Velum, which is better in all respects. Therefore, Mammatus is best left for beginners and collectors.
Where to find the plane? You can often see it flying over Los Santos. He sometimes appears at Trevor's airfield and Michael's hangar at the airport.


Another small light aircraft, powered by two four-cylinder engines. Their power is enough for an airplane, but nothing more. All technical characteristics of this aircraft are very limited. Its distinctive feature is that if one engine fails, it can make do with the other for some time. In this case, however, the speed and acceleration become even less. In general, this plane is ideal for a leisurely familiarization flight over the world of GTA 5; at its low speed it is very convenient to admire the opening panoramas. For all other cases, you can choose a better option.

14. Velum 5-Seater

The five-seater Velum becomes available in GTA Online after installing the Heists Update add-on. Essentially, this is the same Velum from the single-player game. The only difference is the presence of five seats. By technical specifications this is one of the most worthy aircraft in the game: the speed is at the maximum level (in comparison with aircraft of this class). Maneuverability suffers slightly due to the long wings, but in return the player receives stable and smooth flight, as well as low sensitivity to turbulence. Another small disadvantage is the need for a long runway. But overall, the developers have created a very good plane, especially if you use it to transport players in multiplayer.
Where to find the plane? The plane can be purchased for $950 thousand after completing the mission “Escape from”

15. Large passenger aircraft (Jet)

In GTA 5, for the first time, a large passenger airliner appeared that you can control! Prototype passenger plane the legendary Boeing 474 performs. You can control the plane only in single player mode. Jet is the second largest aircraft in the game. Despite its impressive dimensions, this aircraft is one of the fastest in the game. It’s not surprising, because its prototype, the Boeing 747, reaches an incredible speed for the game of almost a thousand kilometers per hour! The maneuverability of the game liner is also surprising - it is at a very good level, much higher than in real life. The fuselage of this large passenger aircraft is quite strong and can withstand many gunshots. This power is offset by the fragility of the engines, which explode on the first hit and disable the aircraft. In addition, the slightest touch of any object to the engine is enough for it to explode. In general, this model is unsuccessful for traveling around the island: in fact, the only place where it can be successfully landed is international Airport Los Santos. In other places you will have to resort to an emergency landing.
Where to find the plane? A large passenger plane can only be found at the airport, where else could it be :) Interestingly, in addition to this, in the coastal waters of the island you can find 2 crashed and drowned passenger airliners. One is on the seabed near Paleto Bay. The second one is located at the bottom of the port of Los Santos. The first of them is not covered with corals, which suggests that the wreck occurred recently. The second, judging by the corals on the fuselage, has been resting on the bottom for quite some time. There are also weapons scattered around him, and bullet holes are visible in the cabin. All this suggests that the plane was involved in smuggling.

15. Large cargo plane (Cargo)

Finally we got to the very big plane in GTA 5! Cargo is a large military cargo aircraft with 8 jet engines on board. In terms of technical characteristics, it is very similar to the passenger airliner described in the previous paragraph. It has the same high top speed and good acceleration, but the maneuverability is much worse. Its wingspan is as much as 60 meters, which has an extremely negative effect on maneuverability and the ability to turn quickly. On the other hand, such dimensions make it one of the most stable and controllable aircraft in the game. Another plus is that Cargo does not require a large runway, and it only takes one second to get off the ground! The downside is that this strip must be quite wide and even, since the plane is very fragile.
Where to find the plane? Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly the largest plane in the game. At least in an honest way without using codes or a trainer. The plane takes part in several missions, but the plot is structured in such a way that it is never possible to take possession of it.

Grand Theft Auto 5 has all types of transport, so you can move not only on land, water, but also in the air. Today we will talk to you about air transport. Rockstar has provided more than a dozen aircraft for different purposes. Now we will talk about some of them.


This plane first appeared in GTA 3 and could be controlled by players. This model began to be used in all parts of Grand Theft Auto and has remained almost unchanged in appearance since then.

In GTA 5, the Dodo is made so that it can land on water, and it can also land on land, since it has a landing gear.

This aircraft model is the most unique in the game. It can take to the sky very easily and land just as easily. It seats four people. The pilot and one passenger sit in the cockpit, and the rest sit on special pantons for landing on water, from which they can also fire in the air.


A cargo plane that belongs to the military. It has a very low maximum speed, and also begins to fall at the slightest damage to the engine. This aircraft is very comfortable and reliable. A relatively small space is enough for it to take off and land.


The plane appeared in the game with The Business update. Vestra is the smallest jet-powered aircraft.

This aircraft has the highest maximum speed among civilian aircraft. It differs from other aircraft in its excellent controllability, which its short wings give it. It makes it easy to fly around the city thanks to its small size. You can also perform some aerial stunts on it.


This is a civil jet aircraft designed to transport passengers. This aircraft appeared in San Andreas.

More than two dozen aircraft of various classes are available in the game: from the long-loved “corn maker” to the terrifying jet fighters; from small private two-seater aircraft to huge passenger jets and cargo aircraft. But further we will consider only the best examples of aerial equipment, recommended for purchase and use in free mode.


Fast and maneuverable. Thanks to the vertical take-off and landing system, it is convenient and versatile to use. Extremely vulnerable to a heavy sniper rifle with explosive cartridges.

These British planes have been out of service for twenty years, but who cares when they have VTOL capabilities and rockets to suit every taste? The favorite toy of billionaires who have seen enough action movies.

P-996 Lazer

It is superior to the Hydra in maneuverability, thanks to which an experienced pilot on the P-996 Lazer can easily defeat any enemy in the air. It disintegrates on the first hit from a heavy sniper rifle with explosive shells.

Who doesn't remember their first time? It was like yesterday: you steal a fragile supercar, rush along the highway to the south, jump on a trampoline at high speed - so as to fly 70 meters over the fence of Fort Zancudo, dodge bullets, steal a P-996, get a shell right in the air intake, and then enjoy the fireworks. But now you're older and wiser, you're ready to have your own tactical fighter. It's time to grow up.

V-65 Molotok

It has excellent speed, good maneuverability, easy and intuitive controls, so it will be an excellent choice for a beginner. Homing missiles with a high rate of fire allow you to conduct air combat quite successfully, and increased resistance to damage and IR traps will save the life of the pilot.

You can treat the Reds any way you like, but they knew a lot about brutal militaristic chic. V-65 Molotok was copied by the junta and dictators of the most different corners world, and not only because it is effective, deadly and its creators did not care about the comfort and safety of the pilot. Here's the thing: by looking so merciless, you win before you even get into the air.