Where is Madagascar located?


Geography of Madagascar

A state on the island of Madagascar and adjacent islands on the eastern coast of Africa. A third of Madagascar's area is occupied by highlands. There are many dormant volcanoes and earthquakes occur. Highest place

Madagascar - Marumukutru peak (2876 meters). Eastern Bank

occupied by lowlands, the western by not very high plains.

Government of Madagascar

Madagascar is a unitary democratic republic. The head is the president. Executive power belongs to the prime minister, who is appointed by the president and candidates chosen by parliament. Legislative body - National Assembly and Senate.

Weather in Madagascar Tropical climate. Average monthly temperatures

air in the lowlands is +20–30°С, in the highlands – from +13°С - +20°С. The amount of precipitation per year is 1000–1500 millimeters.

The eastern coast is prone to cyclones. During the rainy season, floods are not uncommon; on the southwestern side in winter the rivers dry up.

Language of Madagascar

The official languages ​​are Malagasy and French.

Malagasy is the most western of all the Malayo-Polynesian languages ​​belonging to the Austronesian family. In the tourism industry they often speak English.

Religion of Madagascar

7 percent of the population are Sunni Muslims from immigrants from Pakistan and the Comoros, 41 percent of the population are Christians (an equal number of Protestants and Catholics), 52 percent are adherents of traditional faith (fetishism, animalism, cult of the forces of nature and ancestors, and others).

Currency of Madagascar

The international name for the Madagascar currency is MGA.

Ariary = 5 iraimbilanyam. In circulation are coins from 1 to 50 ariary, banknotes from 100 to 10,000 ariary and 1 and 2 iraimbilani.

Customs restrictions

The export and import of foreign currency is not limited (subject to a declaration). The import of local currency is limited to 5 thousand MGF, export is strictly prohibited.

Persons over the age of 21 are allowed duty-free import: up to 500 cigarettes or 25 cigars, 500 grams. tobacco, 1 bottle of alcoholic drink. The import of perfume products is strictly prohibited. The export of native gold, products from, animals (including products made from their horns, skin and bones) and plants. Export of animal skins is possible only with a customs license. The export in any form (even stuffed animals) of crocodiles, lemurs, turtles and plants, seeds and flowers of orchids, milkweeds and pachopodiums is prohibited.

The import of drugs, weapons, and medical supplies without appropriate documentary support is prohibited.

Import of animals

The import of domestic and wild animals is prohibited (quarantine).


In most establishments, tips are not practiced, but it is better to give them when the opportunity arises, since the salaries of service workers are low. In hotels and restaurants in the capital, tips are added to the bill in the amount of 10 percent of the order value.


You need to bargain almost everywhere, but Malagasy in most cases do not bargain. Sellers rarely cheat or cheat when they see a foreigner, because of this, prices are balanced everywhere, and the discount is made based on the seller’s inclination to this type of trade.

When purchasing emeralds, cut, processed and polished stones prepared for jewelry purposes, you must obtain a certificate from the seller, which you will need at customs. All products from Malagasy fauna and flora (including dried flowers) also require export certificates, which must be obtained at the time of purchase of the goods. It must be borne in mind that most souvenirs of this kind, sold in souvenir shops and markets, are made illegally and therefore do not have export certificates, and those who buy them can be subject to a very large fine.


It is preferable to go sightseeing with a guide or group.

You can swim safely in the ocean only in lagoons and in places protected by coral reefs. In other places there are sharks, and in rivers and mangrove forests dangerous reptiles.


The main diseases are schistomatosis (swimming in fresh water should be avoided), hepatitis, diarrhea and dysentery. A number of viral diseases are widespread in inland areas, including hemorrhagic fever. There are natural centers of cholera, plague, rabies and typhus. The danger of malaria exists all year round throughout the country and the greatest risk of contracting it is in coastal areas.

Mains voltage:


Code of the country:


Geographic first level domain name:


Emergency numbers:

Ambulance(Ambatumen Medical Center) - 211-70.
Military hospital - 403-41.
Municipal Department of Hygiene (Antananarivo) - 274-04.
Befalatana Hospital - 223-84.
Antananarivo Fire Service - 225-66.
Police - 229-72.

The Republic of Madagascar (Repoblikan "i Madagasikara or République de Madagascar) is Island state with a unique natural world, friendly natives and rich history. The country attracts exotic lovers from all over the world, because only here are collected so many endemic species on the planet. Traveling around the island will not only be interesting and educational, but also full of various adventures.

Geographical location of the country

The map shows that Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean and belongs to Africa. The state is separated from the southeastern coast of the mainland by the Mozambique Strait. The island ranks 4th in the world in size.

The area of ​​the state is 587,040 square meters. km, width – 600 km, and length – 1600 km. The highest point is considered to be the peak of Marumukutru; it is an extinct mountain with a height of 2876 m above sea level. It is located in the north of the island and belongs to the Tsaratanana mountain range.

Climatic features

The eastern part of Madagascar is represented by low-lying plains, the central part by mountainous hills, and the western region by hills. This is the main reason that the climate here is quite varied. It is formed by the southern trade wind and the Indian anticyclone.

Madagascar has distinct seasons: wet and dry. There are 3 climatic zones: tropical, temperate and desert. The average annual precipitation is approximately 3000 mm, and temperatures are +20°C.

Due to intensive deforestation and waterlogging, the climate in the country is constantly changing. Rare animals are dying out, and plants are disappearing.

Form of government

The island of Madagascar is governed by the National Assembly, a bicameral parliament consisting of 127 deputies. Most of them (about 100 seats) are elected by the people, and one third are appointed by the president.

The official symbol of the country is the coat of arms (emblem), which has the shape of a yellow disk,

  • which contains the following elements:
  • the inscription “TANINDRAZANA - FAHAFAHANA - FANDROSOANA” (this is the state motto, meaning “Fatherland, Freedom, Progress”);
  • red and green rays around the white disk, symbolizing the sun;
  • the head of a zebu - an animal sacred to the inhabitants of the island;
  • schematic representation of Madagascar with the 2 nearest islands.

The colors on the flag of Madagascar have their own history:

  • red and white were used on the kingdom's banners until the French conquest of Madagascar in the late 19th century;
  • green is considered the color of the Hove tribe - they were active participants in the national liberation movement of the Malagasy people.

The country has natural symbols: the baobab and the lemur.

Cities on the island

Administratively, the state is divided into 22 regions and 6 autonomous faritaniyas (provinces). Among largest cities The following settlements can be noted on the island:

Only a third of the population lives in cities. The remaining residents prefer the countryside.

Resort towns

Tourists come to Madagascar to get acquainted with the way of life of the aborigines, relax on the snow-white sandy beaches, and also swim in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and visit.

Most popular resort towns on the island are considered:

Today tourism is actively developing in Madagascar: restaurants are being built, beaches are being developed, and all kinds of activities are being organized.

Population and religion

The number of inhabitants on the island is 24.2 million people. This figure is constantly increasing, because... Madagascar has a high birth rate. The average life expectancy for women is 65 years, and for men - 63 years.

Most of the aborigines are Malagasy, consisting of 18 ethnic groups: Betsilelu, Merina, Sakalava, etc. Indians, French, Comorians and other nationalities also live here.

The official languages ​​in Madagascar are Malagasy and French. The latter is spoken by more than 25% of the population.

The Aborigines profess several religions, which are closely intertwined. More than half of the residents are Christians and belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Also on the island, the faith of the ancestors is alive, based on the connection between the living and the dead. Approximately 7% of Malagasy are Muslim and Orthodox.

Description of attractions in Madagascar

The island has a huge number of places that tourists should definitely visit and exciting entertainment. The most popular of them are:

The island has a unique and extremely rich nature, so it’s worth highlighting National parks Madagascar:

Oddly enough, there are no zoos in Madagascar, but the photos here are original and very bright. You can meet all mammals in nature reserves or national parks.

Island hotels

Madagascar is a poor country, so very often hotels have two prices: one for local residents, and the second is for foreigners. There are few luxury hotels here, and they are all located in resorts or in Antananarivo.

Such establishments have fitness centers, swimming pools, luxurious restaurants with international cuisine, and provide babysitting, concierge, and laundry services. The most popular five-star hotels are Carlton Madagascar, Eden Lodge, Laguna Blu - Resort Madagascar, etc.

Budget hotels have private parking, internet, services for people with disabilities, and pets are allowed. The equipped rooms have a bathroom, minibar and TV. The most popular among tourists are such establishments as Constance Tsarabanjina, The Citizen, Home Madagascar The Residence.

Cuisine and restaurants of the country

The traditions of Madagascar were formed on the basis of two cultures: African and Asian. This is especially noticeable in. The natives love rice very much and eat it almost every day. Meat, vegetables, spices, sauces, fish or seafood (lobsters, urchins, crabs) are often added to this product. Many recipes include garlic, green hot peppers and other spicy ingredients.

The most common dishes in Madagascar are:

  • salad ro – rice with local herbs;
  • anana salad – rice with shrimp and vegetables (corn, beans, tomatoes);
  • zebu fillet - antelope meat grilled over charcoal with added spices.

For drinks, you should try coconut wine, lichel or local rum, such as Dzama, Touaka gras or Cazeneuve. It is better to purchase ready-made food in specialized stores, but purchasing food on the street can be hazardous to health.

The most the best restaurants La Varangue (in Antananarivo), Le Relais de la Reine (in Fianarantsoa) and La Table d'Alexandre (in Nosy Be) are considered in the country.

Shopping on the island

Shops in Madagascar are open on weekdays from 08:00 to 17:30, on Saturdays until 13:00, and Sundays are usually a day off. The daytime siesta lasts from 12:00 to 15:00 or from 13:00 to 16:00. Bargaining in stores is a must, although prices are not inflated for foreigners.

The currency of the state is the Malagasy Ariary (MGA). It is equal to 5 iraimbilanyamas. The country has banknotes in denominations of 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 200 and 100 MGA.

Exchange offices are located only in large cities; they are open from 08:00 in the morning until 15:00 in the afternoon. Money can also be changed at a bank, hotel or airport, but it is better not to do this on the street.

Safety on the island

The criminal situation in Madagascar is quite calm, but you still need to be careful. It is better to keep valuables and documents in a safe; attractions should be visited as part of a group or with a guide.

It is forbidden to drink raw water on the island; even for bathing and brushing your teeth, it is better to boil it. In the sea you should be wary of sharks and coral reefs, and dangerous reptiles live in reservoirs. Before going to Madagascar, you should take a course of anti-malarial tablets, and avoid mosquito bites while in the country.

Transport system

The cheapest and most convenient way to get around the island is by bus. They run strictly according to a schedule, which is posted on special stands. The most comfortable way to travel within the city is by car or taxi. The latter come in two types: licensed with a meter or unofficial with fixed prices. Cost and distance must be agreed upon in advance.

Taxi-be and taxi-brusi are also popular in Madagascar. This is something between minibuses and cars; they stop at bus stops. There are rickshaws in all cities.

It is poorly distributed on the island and is only available at the airport. You can order a car in advance, before arriving in the country. You will need a credit card and an international driving license.

customs control

In order for citizens of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus to enter Madagascar, they will need a visa, which can be obtained at the embassy or directly to the islands. When entering and leaving the country, you must follow certain rules.

You can import:

  • large sums of money, jewelry, but they must be declared;
  • tobacco – 500 g;
  • cigars – 25 pieces;
  • cigarettes – 500 pieces;
  • alcohol – 1 l.

It is prohibited to export:

  • local currency;
  • gold nuggets;
  • plants;
  • animals.

Some goods will require certificates, for example, precious stones, gold, animal skins and horns, plant seeds, etc.

If you need to call emergency services, please call:

  • 225-66 fire rescue will arrive;
  • 229-72 – police;
  • 211-70 – ambulance.

The country's telephone code is 261.

How to get to the island?

There are no direct flights from Europe to Madagascar, so you will have to fly here with transfers in Paris or in another country. The flight duration is up to 15 hours, excluding transit.

Located in Antananarivo, which receives international flights. Internal flights are carried out to the adjacent islands of the state.

Madagascar or Republic of Madagascar- an island state in the western Indian Ocean, located on the island of the same name and several small islands off the eastern coast of Africa. The island is separated from the continent by the Mozambique Channel (400 km). The total area of ​​the country is 587,040 square meters. km. The length of the island is about 1600 km, the maximum width is over 600 km. The capital is Antananarivo.

The central part of the island is occupied by the high-mountain plateau of Anjafi, which gently descends to the west and abruptly falls to the lowlands of the eastern coast. Highest point Madagascar is dormant volcano Marumukutru (2,876 m), which is located in the Tsaratanana mountain range, in the northern part of the island.

Madagascar has three large lakes: Alaotra, Kinkony and Ihotry.

Although Madagascar is located close to Africa, the animal and vegetable world The island is unique, containing 5% of the world's animal and plant species, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of them are lemurs. Most species are endemic. Because of this, Madagascar is often called the “small continent”.

Climate in Madagascar

Climate of Madagascar formed by the southeast trade wind and the South Indian anticyclone. The island has three climatic zones: tropical monsoon climate east coast, a temperate maritime climate in the central highlands and an arid desert climate at the southern tip of the island. In different areas of the island, the climate can vary greatly.

The climate on the east coast is humid and tropical. The rains continue all year round. They can be short-term (less than an hour a day), and sometimes do not stop for several days in a row. The most sunshine occurs in May and September. Average temperatures from January to February are 25°C; from March to April - 30°C; from May to July - from 20 to 25°C; from August to September - 15°C; from October to November - from 20 to 25°C; December - 30°C.

The climate on the west coast is arid and tropical. It rains extremely rarely. Average temperatures: from January to February - 25°C; from March to April - 30°C; from May to October - from 22 to 25°C; from November to December - from 30 to 32°C.

The climate in the south of the island is arid, tropical, hot. Average temperatures - January - 20°C; from February to May - 30°C; from June to September - 25°C; from October to December - from 28 to 32°C. The Tropic of Capricorn lies in the southern part of Madagascar.

The climate in northern Madagascar is tropical. During the rainy season, vast areas receive abundant moisture, including the island of Nosy Be, which explains its lush vegetation. Average temperatures from January to April are from 25 to 30°C; from May to July - from 20 to 25°C; from August to September - from 15 to 20°C.

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Population of Madagascar- 22,599,098 people (2012).

Average life expectancy is 61 years for men, 65 years for women. Urban population - 29%.

The Malagasy are the main ethnic group of Madagascar. The total number is about 20 million people.

The Malagasy are divided into two subgroups - the highlanders and the coastal inhabitants. The mountain peoples are the Imerina (Merina), Sihanaka and Betsileu, and the coastal people are all the others, for example, the Betsimisaraka, Sakalava and Mahafali. The division into two subgroups is due to the history of human migration to the island.

In the second to fifth centuries AD, Madagascar was inhabited by people from Austronesia, mainly settling in the central highlands. After some time, a second wave of migration, consisting of representatives of the Bantu tribes, came to the island from East Africa through the Mozambique Channel.

Recent studies of the mitochondrial DNA of the island's inhabitants have confirmed the guesses of some scientists about the Austronesian origin of the population. It can be concluded that the Malagasy blood contains approximately equal amounts of Austronesian and African genes, with a slight admixture of Arab, European and Indian.


Approximately half of the country's population practices the traditional ancestor cult of the Austronesian settlers, which places special emphasis on the connection between the dead and the living. The largest number of adherents of this religion live among the Merina people. They believe that every person after death joins the souls of his ancestors, and that all souls form a kind of hierarchy of “divinity.”

Among the Merina and Betzileu, a rather strange tradition from a European point of view is practiced, known as famadihana, which translated means “turning over the dead.” During this ritual, the remains of the deceased are taken out of the crypts, wrapped in a new shroud (silk sheet) and throughout the holiday they have fun and dance next to them, sometimes even carrying the remains in their arms. At the end of the ceremony, the bodies are placed back in the crypts.

About 45% of the population professes Christianity, Catholicism or Protestantism. Most believers try to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. For example, not all Christians abandon the practice of famadihan, this is especially true for Catholics. Pastors from the Catholic Church may even come to the ceremony and bless the participants. The Protestant Church has a very negative attitude towards the practice of the cult of ancestors and calls on its flock to abandon “worship of the Devil.” The Christian Church in Madagascar is a fairly influential political institution.

The rest of the population (about 7%) practices Islam, which was brought to the island by Arab traders around the 10th century. Islam is especially widespread on the west coast of the island due to the large number of harbors that were once Arab outposts. It should be noted that thanks to Islam, the Malagasy language was first written down in Arabic script, which, however, did not take root as the main means of writing Malagasy (the Latin alphabet is now used).

Since the 90s of the 20th century, Orthodoxy began to spread on the island. As a result of the missionary activities of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, some villages in Madagascar adopted Orthodoxy in their entirety. The mission is just beginning, but current situation There are now more than 10,000 Orthodox Malagasy on the island.


official languages- Malagasy, French, English.

Malagasy is not related to nearby African languages. It is the westernmost of the Malayo-Polynesian languages, belonging to the Austronesian family. This fact was established back in the 18th century. The Malagasy language is related to the languages ​​of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The languages ​​closest to it are those spoken on the island of Borneo.

The basic vocabulary of the Malagasy language is 90% identical to the vocabulary of the Ma'anyang language in the Barito River region in southern Borneo. This means that Madagascar was inhabited by people from there. It is not known exactly why this colonization occurred. Later, Indonesian settlers mixed with people from East Africa and Arabs.

The Malagasy language has borrowings from Bantu, Swahili and Arabic, as well as from French (formerly the language of the colonial government of Madagascar) and English (spoken by pirates based on the island in the 18th century).

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About money

Malagasy Ariary(MGA) is the monetary unit of the state of Madagascar.

One ariary is equal to 5 iraimbilanja. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000 and 10000 ariary, coins: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 and 50 ariary, as well as 1 and 2 iraimbilani.

Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00. Currency can be exchanged at any bank branch, at the airport, in exchange offices and some hotels. The last option is the least profitable, as a commission is charged. Changing money on the street is prohibited.

ATMs can only be found in the capital and major tourist centers.

To travel around the province, you will have to stock up on Malagasy ariary in small bills, since it will be almost impossible to change large bills.

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Calling code: 261

Internet domain: .mg

Ambulance: 211-70, fire service: 225-66, police: 229-72

Telephone codes cities

Antananarivo - 22

How to call

To call from Russia to Madagascar, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 261 - 20* - area code - subscriber number.

To call from Madagascar to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - city code - subscriber number.

* - there are several operators in the country, so when dialing a number, the two-digit code of the operator company is added after the country code (20 - TELMA, 30 - Telecel, 31 - Sacel, 32 - SRR and 33 - Madacom).

Landline communications

Madagascar's communications system is quite outdated, but is undergoing intensive modernization. The number of payphones on the streets is small; they are mainly concentrated near banks, hotels and large stores. International telephone communication is available only in the main cities of the country.

mobile connection

Cellular communications use the GSM-900 standard, coverage areas cover mainly only big cities and tourist areas, as well as main roads.

Local operator cellular communications- Orange.


Regular Internet access can be obtained in Internet cafes in the capital of the country - Antananarivo and in some other large cities.

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Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00-17:30, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00. Most shops are closed on Sunday. In the southern and south-eastern regions of the country, most retail outlets close for the afternoon siesta from 12:00-13:00 to 15:00-16:00.

You can bargain almost everywhere, but the locals themselves usually hardly bargain. Sellers rarely cheat or inflate the price when they see a foreigner, so prices are more or less adequate everywhere.

When purchasing emeralds, processed, cut and polished stones ready for jewelry purposes, you should definitely take a certificate from the seller, which will be required at customs. All products made from representatives of Malagasy flora and fauna (including dried flowers) also require export certificates for export, which must be obtained at the time of purchase.

It must be borne in mind that the vast majority of souvenirs of this kind, sold in markets and souvenir shops, are manufactured illegally and therefore do not have any certificates for export from the country, and the tourist who buys them can be subject to a fairly large fine.

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Where to stay

Categories of Madagascar hotels are designated by the usual “stars”, from 1 to 5. But the rules by which these “stars” are assigned are often incomprehensible to Europeans: for example, some “five-star” hotels are almost identical to “three-star” hotels in terms of the range of services offered and the level of service.

High-level hotels have two types of tariffs: one for their citizens and the other for foreigners. In addition, payment from tourists is taken in foreign currency.

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Sea and beaches

Along the entire coast of Madagascar there are quiet lagoons with beaches from white sand, surrounded by coral reefs with a colorful underwater world.

In terms of tourism, the most developed west bank islands, sharks are more likely to appear on the east coast.

Most popular beach resort Madagascar is the island of Nosy Be.

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By archaeological standards, the settlement of Madagascar occurred relatively recently. Madagascar was settled around 200-500 AD by Austronesian colonists who arrived there by canoe. This theory is supported by many parallels between the Austronesian culture and the culture of the inhabitants of Madagascar, for example, a special type of canoe or a special way of growing rice, as well as the close relationship of the Malagasy language with the language of the population of the southern part of the island of Kalimantan and genetic research conducted at the beginning of the 21st century. There is no evidence of Austronesian colonization of mainland Africa.

Around the same time or a little later, settlers from the Bantu tribes moved to the island through the Mozambique Channel. At the same time, the new arrivals occupied mainly coastal territories, while the descendants of the Austronesians lived in the middle of the island. Genetic studies have shown that the mixture of Austronesian and African population began around the 10th century, as a result of which a nationality with the self-name Malagasy was formed.

In the seventh century, with the arrival of the Arabs on the island, written references to Madagascar begin.

The name of the island was given by the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who casually mentioned in his notes about the island of countless treasures called Madeigascar. Most modern researchers believe that in fact it was not about the island at all, but about current capital State of Somalia - port of Mogadishu. However, after the island was marked on Italian maps as Madagascar, the name stuck and has not changed since then.

Despite the widespread influence of Muslim culture on the island, Islam did not take root in Madagascar. However, some signs of Arab influence, such as patriarchy and calendar names for days, months and seasons, still exist to this day.

The first visit to Madagascar by a European occurred in 1500, when the ship of the Portuguese traveler Diogo Diaz, heading to India, deviated from its course and landed on the island. In light of the important geographical position of Madagascar for spice traders who skirted all over Africa, France and Britain tried to establish their outposts on the island. However, the inhospitable climate and even less hospitable natives made this task almost impossible.

In the 17th century, important geographical position The islands and the practical absence of colonial authorities made Madagascar what it became famous for throughout Europe - a paradise for pirates and slave traders. Many famous pirates, such as William Kidd, Robert Drury, John Bowen and others, could call Madagascar their second home. Merchants were robbed both towards India (gold, silver, fabrics) and back (spices, jewelry, silk). The island's aborigines, very warlike tribes, used the latest European achievements to wage internecine wars, and subsequently sold captives to slave traders. Sometimes, if prisoners could not be taken, the leaders sold their own subjects.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the mountainous state of Merina, living in cultural isolation from the rest of Madagascar, made a successful attempt to expand throughout the entire island. In 1818 Radama I was declared king of Madagascar. His dynasty ruled the island until 1896, when the last king was overthrown by French troops who invaded Madagascar back in 1883.

In 1890, the French protectorate was recognized by Britain, in exchange for French recognition of the British protectorate of what is now Tanzania (then Tanganyika and Zanzibar). In 1897, the French finally abolished the native monarchy, removing King Ranavalona III from power.

After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, the protectorate came under the control of the Vichy regime, but after the Madagascar operation, British troops occupied the island, keeping it from Japanese conquest. Germany had its own plans for the island: it was planned to resettle 4 million Jews from Europe here (see the Madagascar plan).

After the transfer of Madagascar to France in 1943, revolutionary unrest began on the island, which culminated in the 1947 uprising for independence. The uprising was suppressed, but the French government released the colony from direct control in 1958.

On October 14, 1958, the Autonomous Republic of Malagasy was proclaimed under a French protectorate.

On June 26, 1960, the independent Malagasy Republic was proclaimed on the island. The country was led by the Social Democratic Party led by Philbert Tsiranana.

In May 1972, unrest among students began in the capital of the country, which detonated a political crisis. The President handed over power to the military, led by General Ramanantsua.

On December 31, 1974, a group of military officers attempted to overthrow General Ramanantsua. However, the general was soon removed from power by his comrades. The new Prime Minister Ratzimandrava was assassinated three days later on January 27, 1975. Power passed into the hands of the military directory. In the spring, high-profile trials against the conspirators took place in the country. In 1975 the country changed its name to Democratic Republic Madagascar, a country under the leadership of Didier Ratsiraka, set a course towards building socialism. Ties with the USSR are strengthening. French troops are being withdrawn from the country.

Soviet Perestroika leads to similar processes in Madagascar. In 1990, multi-party system was restored. In 1991, an anti-government demonstration was shot. In 1992, Albert Zafi became the new president of the country: the process of democratization and market reforms began in the country.

The year 2009 began in Madagascar with protests. On January 31, at an anti-government rally, the mayor of the capital, Andrew Rajoelina, declared himself head of state. On March 9, a group of military personnel mutinied at the central Suanierana military base to protest the brutal suppression of anti-government protests. On March 13, rebel tanks entered the capital of the country. On March 16, rebels captured the Ambuhitsuruhitra presidential palace in the center of the capital. President Mark Ravalomanana evaded arrest by taking refuge in the country residence of Iavulukh, 20 km from the city. On March 17, he handed over power to the military, who handed over power to the opposition leader and mayor of the capital, Andrew Rajoelin. The next day, the constitutional court recognized the legal transfer of power and on March 22, Rajoelina took the oath of office as president. A number of countries, including the United States, condemned the “coup” and threatened sanctions.

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When to go to Madagascar

Best season To visit the country, the local summer is considered to be from April to October. Traditionally, the high season associated with the influx of tourists from Europe is July and August.

But, in general, the choice of a favorable time for a trip is determined by the places planned to visit and the type of vacation - beach, eco-tourism, activity aquatic species sports, animal watching, visiting national parks etc.

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Helpful information

Raw or untested water on the island should not be drunk under any circumstances. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice must be boiled.

Safe places for swimming in the ocean are lagoons and areas protected by coral reefs. In other places, sharks are common, and dangerous reptiles live in river mouths and mangrove forests.

The Malagasy people are extremely hospitable and welcoming to tourists, without the ingratiating and humiliating begging that is so common in African countries. There are no restrictions on the form of clothing here, with the exception of quite reasonable requirements for modesty when visiting places of worship. It is not recommended to wear military-style clothing - it is not accepted and can even lead to detention by the police.

When visiting any Malagasy home or ceremony, it is recommended to make small offerings (usually a bottle of rum, cigarettes or some kind of food), especially when visiting necropolises (you cannot give money!!). Many local taboos ("fadi") should also be respected, but since they differ in different areas of the country, this is quite difficult. It is recommended to listen to the advice of guides.

Characteristic feature The locals are also slow. Public transport, for example, will not move until the cabin is full - regardless of the schedule and how long it takes. A meeting or event scheduled for a certain hour will most likely start half an hour later than planned, and the order at the restaurant will be completed very late.

A pass is required to visit the reserves. Any form of logging, hunting or fishing is prohibited in the country's reserves.

Last changes: 05/18/2013

How to get to Madagascar

There are no direct flights from Russia to Madagascar. You can get there through major European cities.

The easiest option is to fly Air France with a connection in Paris. The flight duration from Moscow to Paris is 3 hours 55 minutes, from Paris to Antananarivo - 10 hours 15 minutes (including connections, the total travel time is about 15.5 hours). approximate cost round trip flight - 2000-2300 USD.

Regular flights operate between Madagascar and Kenya, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania and South Africa.

Last changes: 05/18/2013

IN last years Madagascar, often called the "Vanilla Island", has become very popular among tourists. This is not surprising, considering that on this island unique nature and no less unique animal world, friendly residents and very interesting story. Madagascar is perfect place both for beach and active recreation.


The Republic of Madagascar is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located off the southeastern coast of Africa. This state includes the island of Madagascar (the fourth largest island in the world), as well as several small islands. Total area – 587,041 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 6,004 km.

In the central part of the island of Madagascar there is a high-mountain plateau of Anjafi (from 800 to 1800 meters above sea level), gradually descending to the west and abruptly ending closer to the east coast with its lowlands. In the north of the island it extends mountain range Tsaratanana. The highest local peak is the Marumukutru volcano, whose height reaches 2,876 meters (nowadays it is already an extinct volcano).

The Betsibuka River flows in the north-west of Madagascar - largest river of this island (its length is 525 km.)


Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. More than 1.5 million people now live in this city. Antananarivo was founded at the beginning of the 17th century.

Official language of Madagascar

There are two official languages ​​– Malagasy (belongs to the Austronesian language family) and French.


Almost half of the population follows the traditional Madagascan religion, based on the veneration of ancestors. Another 45% of the population are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).

State structure

According to the Constitution, Madagascar is a democratic multi-party republic, headed by a President elected by universal suffrage. The President appoints the Prime Minister.

The bicameral local parliament consists of the Senate (22 senators) and the National Assembly (125 deputies).

The largest political party in Madagascar is I Love Madagascar. The remaining parties have very little political influence.

Administratively, the country is divided into 22 regions, which in turn are divided into 119 districts, and then into 1,579 communes.

Climate and weather

The climate in Madagascar is hot subtropical, cooler in the mountains; the south and western regions are especially dry. The local climate is influenced by winds from the Indian Ocean. The coldest month is July, when the average air temperature ranges from +9C to +21C. The warmest month is December - +28. However, you need to take into account that December is the rainy season.

The eastern and northern regions of Madagascar are prone to storms and cyclones from December to March. The rainy season is from November to March, and the dry season is from April to October.

Ocean off Madagascar

Madagascar is washed on all sides Indian Ocean. The average annual water temperature near the shore is +26C.

Rivers and lakes

The largest river of this island is Betsibuka, flowing in the northwest. The length of this river is 525 km. There are several on the island large lakes- O. Alautra, o. Kinkuni and Fr. Ihutri.

Culture of Madagascar

The culture of Madagascar is very original and interesting. The customs of the inhabitants of this country are also interesting. Thus, mothers whose children are three months old choose a person who would cut their hair. small child. The main thing is that this person has good thick hair, then the child’s hair will be fine.

The main event in the life of local men is the circumcision ceremony (Famoràna). Before the circumcision, all the boy's relatives and friends gather for a cheerful dinner. This party goes on all night. On the east coast of Madagascar, communal circumcision is practiced.

Local New Year called Alakhamandi and it is celebrated with great pomp every March.

Other popular holidays are Easter, Christmas, Uprising Day, African Unity Day, Republic Day, Donia Music Festival.


People in Madagascar love to eat. The people of this country eat a lot, the portions are large and everything is very generous. A typical lunch, for example, necessarily consists of a large portion of meat, vegetables with spices and sauce. Pepper is almost always added to hot dishes, and therefore they are quite spicy. Many Madagascar desserts are flavored with vanilla (this is understandable, since the island of Madagascar is called “Vanilla Island”).

We recommend trying the following dishes: “Ro” (beef or pork marinated in vinegar, then boiled with onions, vegetables, pickles, and seasoned with spices), “Ravitoto (fried meat), “Ramazava (beef or pork pieces fried in oil with greens), “Vary amid 'anana” (rice with herbs, meat, and sometimes shrimp), “Kitoza” (long slices of fried or smoked meat).

Traditional soft drinks – “rano vda” (rice drink), mineral water.

Traditional alcoholic drinks - Litchel (aperitif made from lychee), Toaka gasy (drink made from sugar cane and rice), beer.

Sights of Madagascar

In Antananarivo, we recommend that you definitely see the ensemble of the palaces of Ruva Ambuhimanga, which houses the tombs of Madagascan monarchs, as well as the Botanical Garden, the Izutri Theater, Presidential palace, Museum of Archeology and Paleontology, Iwatu Crocodile Breeding Farm.

In the vicinity of Antananarivo tourists will be interested volcanic lake Tatamarina, Antafufu waterfalls, Andraikiba and Tritriva lakes, the fortress on the Ambuhimanga hill and the ruins of the castle of the Madagascan king Ralambu, built in the 16th century.

Always of great interest to tourists National Park Montagne d'Arbre. More than 50 species of lemurs, one species of dwarf hippopotamus, several species of crocodiles, iguanas, narrow-mouthed frogs, snakes, boas and a large number of birds.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are Antananarivo, Antsouhihi, Sambava, Antsirabe, Toamasina, Fianarantsoa, ​​Manakara and Toliara.

In the vicinity of Madagascar there are many small islands that are ideal for beach holiday after traveling around tropical forests of this state.

The most popular Madagascar island for a beach holiday is Nosy Be, where there are always a lot of tourists. Less heavily populated by tourists are the islands of Ile Sainte Marie on the east coast, Nosy Komba on the north coast and the private islands of Tsarabanjina and Nosy Iranja. These islands have many secluded beaches with fine sand and clean water, over which frigate birds soar.

Tourists in Madagascar can go diving, active water sports, or just sunbathe on the beach.


Tourists in Madagascar buy handicrafts, knitted and embroidered tablecloths and clothes, jewelry with semi-precious stones, leather goods, vanilla sprigs (no more than 100 grams), saffron and other spices, honey.

Office hours

  • Ambalawao
  • Ambanya
  • Ambatulampi
  • Ambatundrazaka
  • Ambenya
  • Ambilube
  • Ambuhimahamasina
  • Ambuhimahasua
  • Ambusitra
  • Ambuvumbe
  • Amparafarawola
  • Amparihi-Beyofo
  • Ampitsikinama
  • Ampumbiantambu
  • Andapa
  • Antalaha
  • Antananarivo
  • Antanifutsi
  • Antsirabe
  • Antsiranana
  • Antsuhihi
  • Arivunimu
  • Betruka
  • Befandriana-Avararta
  • Wangaidran
  • Whatumaindry
  • Vuhimar
  • Ile Sainte-Marie
  • Ihusi
  • Maevatanana
  • Maintiran
  • Mampikuni
  • Manakara
  • Mananzari
  • Mandritsara
  • Maruantsetra
  • Maruvuai
  • Mahaboo
  • Mahajanga
  • Miarinarivo
  • Muramanga
  • Murombe
  • Morondava
  • Nosy Be
  • Port Berg
  • Sambava
  • Taulanaru
  • Tsuruarumandidi
  • Toamasina
  • Toliara
  • Farafangana
  • Fianarantsoa

Cities, resorts and regions of Madagascar

When choosing a vacation in Madagascar, you can perfectly combine a youth vacation with lively music at night and active daytime travel through the island’s reserves. The most popular place in the world, which can easily compete with resorts in France or Cyprus, is a small but beautiful resort on the island of Nosy Be. Here you can have fun in a modern nightclub, and during the day relax under the “colored” sun on a warm beach with emerald waves and white sand. attracts many tourists year after year.

In the city of Antsiranana you will also find a huge number of nightclubs with mesmerizing music and hot dancing. Most popular places, even among Hollywood stars, are the clubs “Vahin” and “NouvelHotel”. For people who are looking for a good health resort, they are advised to visit the fishing port of Mahajanga, which means “Bringing Health.” Here you will find not only beautiful buildings, but also the remains of the famous royal fortress, which is more than 300 years old,. Mahajanga is valued by its mineral springs, thanks to which hundreds of tourists are cured every year. According to legend, the water flowing under the ground of the resort contains certain substances that are considered magical, as they were gifted by the gods themselves during a drought.