Where to visit in the Crimea in summer. Trip to Crimea: what to see, where to go

The Crimean peninsula is a unique historical and cultural reserve. Here, over the centuries, the culture of different peoples living in this area has been intertwined. The history of the confrontation between the civilizations of the East and the West is especially clearly traced in Crimea - this is the history of the Greek colonizers and nomads from the Golden Horde, the first Christians and Muslims who built churches and mosques here.

But Crimea is not only a point on the map rich in historical events. It is also the most beautiful and diverse nature, which was considered the best place for recreation and tourism in the USSR, under which Crimea was rightfully called the "All-Union health resort". In those days, up to 8 million people annually rested in more than a hundred Crimean health resorts. It will take more than one month to see all the sights of the Crimean peninsula, but we bring to your attention ten places that you must visit first.

(10 photos total)

1. Swallow's nest

This formidable-looking Gothic castle perched on a cliff was actually not built in the era of the dark Middle Ages, but just a century ago - in 1912. Such a layout was ordered by the German industrialist Baron von Stengel, who wished that his "dacha" by its appearance reminds him of his homeland. At the beginning of the First World War, the baron urgently sold the castle, and after reconstruction, the building turned into an open restaurant.

2. Submarine base in Balaklava

A top-secret submarine base is located ten kilometers from Sevastopol in the resort town of Balaklava. For security reasons, even at the stage of construction, which began in 1957, the secret facility was named City Telephone Station 825, or GTS 825. This is a huge underground structure, the area of ​​all premises of which is more than 5 thousand square kilometers... In 1994, the station was closed, and after the annexation of Crimea, a museum dedicated to this base was opened here.

3. Mount Ai-Petri

One of the most popular places among tourists on the map of the Crimean Peninsula. Once there was the Greek temple of St. Peter (Ai-Petri in Greek), the ruins of which have survived to this day. The top of the mountain can be reached by cable car, which, by the way, is recognized as the longest in Europe. From the highest point of the mountain called Roka (1346 meters), a stunning view of the Yalta mountain-forest reserve and the coast of the Crimean peninsula opens.

4. Karadag reserve

One of the most mysterious places on the southern coast of Crimea. The unique landscape of Karadag is formed by frozen lava flows, last erupted by the volcano Kara-Dag (Black Mountain) more than 150 million years ago. In 1979, a reserve was established here, designed to preserve the unique flora and fauna of this place, many species of which are included in the Red Book.

5. Chersonesus Tauride

This was the name of the city founded by the Greeks more than two and a half thousand years ago. It is here, in the city, where a huge number of monasteries and Orthodox churches, Prince Vladimir was baptized. Nowadays the ruins of Chersonesos, or "Russian Pompeii", attract researchers and tourists from all over the world. In 1892, an archaeological museum was opened here, which collected many valuable artifacts from the ancient city. And later a state reserve was founded.

6. Gazebo of winds

At the top of Shagan-Kaya, at an altitude of 1450 meters, there is a stone pavilion built in 1956. The mosaic on its floor depicts a wind rose, thanks to which the gazebo got its name. From here, an amazing view of the Ayu-Dag mountain, Gurzuf, Partenit and the Black Sea opens, which in clear weather is visible for 150 kilometers. There is a cave next to the gazebo, where even in the hottest weather, winter reigns and snow lies.

7. Fortress Kerch (Fort Totleben)

Fortress on the shore Kerch Strait it was decided to build bypassing the Paris Peace Treaty, which prohibited Russia from having a fleet and military ports on the Black Sea. The central fort of the grandiose structure is named after the general who led the construction of the fortifications. And today the Kerch fortress remains an excellent example of what impregnable fortifications were erected in the middle of the 19th century. Currently, Kerch tours are conducted and experts study it - some of the extensive underground passages under it have not yet been properly investigated.

8. Mount Demerdzhi

Demerdzhi - which is translated from Tatar as "blacksmith" - is a beautiful, similar to medieval castle mountain in the northern part of the Alushta valley. On its western slope is the so-called Valley of Ghosts. Here, near the ruins of the fortress, there are more than a hundred stone statues, resembling in their outlines the figures of people and animals. And if you climb to the top of the mountain, a picturesque view of the surroundings opens up from a height of more than 1200 meters.

9. Tarkhankut

Until the end of the 18th century, the population of the Tarkhankut Peninsula was small, only a few hundred inhabitants, mainly engaged in agriculture. The changes began after in 1784, part of the land was transferred to Major General V.S. Popov, who improved the district's economy. Located on the peninsula, the promontory attracts many scuba divers, archaeologists and tourists. Underwater archaeologists find here priceless artifacts from the ancient era, when the Scythians and Greeks lived here.

10. Genoese fortress in Sudak

In those days when the Crimean coast from Bosporus to Chersonesus belonged to merchants from Genoa and Venice, Sudak was chosen by them as military base... Then, in 1371, the construction of the famous Genoese fortress began. Currently, the fortress is a unique historical monument. On its territory, research and restoration work is carried out, excursions are held.

Hello friends!

I will tell you a secret - no matter how much you rest on the peninsula, it is impossible to explore all the unusual places of Crimea! Do not agree? Then ready for the next time, while all civilized tourists scattered around the Nikitsky Botanical Garden to be alone with wild nature Crimea?

Well, if you are an avid traveler, adventurer and romantic, all you need is comfortable shoes, maps on your mobile and a craving for the unknown, and so you are already Jules Verne and Jacques Yves Cousteau in one bottle .

And now I want to voice small list those places in Crimea that you may hear about for the first time. Go! Let's see where the wind of wandering can take you.

The now defunct village of Laki, which has preserved many stories about itself and a unique architectural monument - the remains of the beautiful church of St. Luke.

Greek settlement Laki was exterminated during the war for helping the partisans and staunch heroism. Once a thriving village, it was unable to resume in peacetime, leaving behind only ruins.

Now there is a monastery of St. Luke, where several monks live.

Pilgrims and rare tourists come to the temple, the preserved walls and frescoes, plunge into the ice bath, dine, have leisurely conversations with the monks and get charged with good energy that hovers over the Laka Valley.

The former village of Laki, surrounded by forest and mountainous landscapes, is considered a place of power. There is such a blessed silence here that even the winds seem to bypass this place.

Laki is located in the Bakhchisarai region, in the Kachin valley. Between two villages Mashino and Bashtanovka you will see a small sign at one of the bends. From it along the steppe road for another 8 km, but the walls of the church of St. You will see bows much earlier. Keep your way there.

Taraktash trail

If you want to spend the day outdoors, go hiking in

It was created by the members of the Mountain Club, on the advice of Dr. V. N. Dmitriev, who, thanks to walks in these places, recovered from tuberculosis.

Your route will pass through the most unique Crimean natural attractions - the Taraktash corridor (stone gorge), other picturesque rocks and ridges, pine groves, Uchan-Su waterfall.

The trail stretches for 3.5 km! But you can take the cable car to climb it, and descend on your own. The trail starts from the Uchan-Su stop and ends at Ai-Petri plateau.

Iosofatova Valley and Karaite burials

A strange place to walk, of course, but these places have their own strength. Maybe the matter is in the sacred oaks that surround the ancient, the largest Karaite the Balta Tiimeiz cemetery in the Iosofatovaya Valley.

This burial is more than a thousand years old, and the number of gravestones studied by specialists reaches 10,000.

An extraordinary atmosphere reigns in this place - diffused sunlight penetrates through the thickets, no birds are heard, no wind. The abandoned and overgrown nowadays cemetery was once visited by famous artists, artists especially liked to visit here.

Burial is located in To find it, you need to turn to the Maryam-Dere valley and follow east to the Iosofatovaya valley.

If you are afraid of getting lost or missing something interesting, then here is one who will literally take you by the hand to the most interesting places!

Abandoned nuclear power plant in Crimea

Well, as expected, everything that could be cut, ripped, removed and resold was taken away.

But the gray walls, dark labyrinths of buildings, and the skeletal remains of the Crimean nuclear power plant among the scorched steppe, leave an ambiguous impression, especially since there are different rumors around this construction.

Pink lake

The most real miracle of nature - Koyashskoe lake, attracts thousands of tourists. And although the unusual, pink shade of the water is easily explained by the presence of microscopic algae, which secretes a special pigment, the lake continues to collect surprised and enthusiastic visitors on its shores.

Located salt Lake with rose water on the Kerch Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast in the Leninsky District. The nearest settlements - Borisovka .

Tarkhankut and his Cup of love

A small natural pool, 15 m in diameter and 8 m deep, surrounded by rock formations, is a symbol of all couples in love.

Be sure to go there with your soul mate in order to hand-in-hand jump off the rocks into the clear water. If your hands do not separate during the jump, you will be together until the end of your days! This is of course a legend, but it is for this test that "sweet couples" get here.

Besides, Chalice of love a very unusual natural idea. There is so clear water that you can see every pebble at the bottom, and connects the Cup with the sea underwater tunnel , which is at a depth of 4 meters.

The Chalice of Love is located at Cape Tarkhankut, 8 km from Olenevka, on the coast of which a new and very

The highest mountain in Crimea

To be on the most high point G mountains Roman-Kosh on the Babugan-yayly massif not so difficult, because unlike the Ai-Petri ridges, this ridge has a gently sloping structure. And although visually Roman-Kosh does not seem so tall, she is recognized as the highest.

You will remember your journey through the reserve for a long time, roe deer, wild boars, mouflons live here, and eagles are circling over the top.

From the top point of Roman-Kosh, on which the cross is installed, incredible views open up! They also say that once upon a time sacrifices were made here (exclusively of animals) to the gods in an ancient sanctuary.

Classified military facility

However, if you find an experienced guide, you will be able to see gloomy underground tunnels, secret structures and ransacked premises.

This object is located in the Balaklava district, pos. Morozovka ... Despite all its secrecy, any local resident knows the way there and will show you the way.

Cave cities and beaded temples

In the Bakhchisarai region there are the most ancient and famous. There were monasteries, sanctuaries, living quarters carved into the rocks. And now this place is replete with church objects, and monks live on its territory.

Cave city really has incredible energy. Individual and group excursions are carried out there.

Be sure to visit Kachi-Kalion and the beaded cave temple - you will not see such beauty anywhere else! The cave temple is completely decorated with beads and stones, which are created by the ministers themselves. You can buy something or, on the contrary, bring it as a gift to the temple.

You can get there by bus from the Bakhchisarai bus station to with. Bashtanovka and then on foot, following the signs.

To feel the atmosphere of the place, as well as to see little known places around for the sake of completeness, it is better to take a hiking guide with you. In addition, even for a small company it will be be inexpensive.

The gazebo of the winds - what is it?

An interesting and not the easiest route leads to it, upon completion of which such a wonderful view will open to your eyes that you will forget about everything in the world - mountain peaks Ayu-Dag , sea spaces and romantic Adalary, Gurzuf, "Artek", !

It is established here to make wishes and, of course, take a photo for memory and in confirmation that you have conquered another peak in the Crimea.

Dear friends, I hope you are interested and intrigued by the list of unusual places on the peninsula and you are already preparing a backpack, a map of the area and comfortable shoes for your travels.



There are many on the map of Russia attractive places, but one of them has a particularly surprising in its essence magnetism - this is Crimea, tourists are attracted not only beach vacation, but also the sights of the Crimea, which absolutely everyone who first comes to rest on Crimean peninsula... It is here that you want to come for a portion of patriotism and mountain adrenaline, for positive emotions from admiring the majesty of the sea, exploring caves and diving into the water column, for new knowledge of history and geography, culture and religion. A visit to the peninsula for guests of this part of Russia often ends with a plan to purchase housing in Yalta, Sevastopol, Alushta, Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol or Evpatoria.

Detailed information on the specified settlements on our resource is presented in specialized sections. Why are Crimean cities and small settlements attractive from the point of view of international tourism?

Interesting places of Crimea: bias towards historical and cultural value

For travelers who are not familiar with Crimea and its sights, it is best to turn their attention to interesting places Crimea representing the historical and cultural value not only of the Crimea, but of the whole of Russia. On the territory of this Russian object there are many sights that should be attributed to those of historical significance for the modern generation and those who like to seek answers to questions of the present in the past.

The facility is located on the territory of the city of Sevastopol. Taken under the protection of UNESCO, is under the special control of the government of the city and country. Here you can feel the spirit of history, find evidence of the presence of representatives of ancient civilization... Every summer, performances are held on the territory of the Ancient Theater, during which the audience is immersed in the past.

Pike perch and its legacy

The Sudak Fortress will be of interest to tourists of all ages. It organizes special costumed performances, sells souvenirs, offers horseback riding and a visit to the museum complex.

Crimean palaces

Livadia Palace

Residence of the Romanovs on the Crimean coast. The museum, which has the status of a reserve, is located in close proximity from Yalta. It is interesting that a famous royal family lived here, and many years later the Crimean conference of the heads of major world powers took place.

Muslim style, the Middle Ages and the English Renaissance are woven together in the ensemble of this architectural monument... The palace dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, but to this day it attracts the attention of both tourists from Russia and guests from other countries of the world.

Yusupov Palace

Located in Koreiz. It belongs to the most beautiful heritage of the peninsula. The architect Krasnov took the Art Nouveau style as a basis for creating this object. The most powerful Ai-Petrinskaya ridge rises above the Palace.

Khan's palace

Bakhchisarai landmark of the sixteenth century. Found reflection in the work of Pushkin. The spirit of Islam reigns here, interesting collections of printed publications, household utensils and decorations are presented. Majestic and luxurious, not only for the past, but also by the standards of the modern day.

The riches of Crimea: pyrody sights of the Crimea

The Crimean mountains, sea, nature reserves, caves and canyons are the real riches of Crimea, we will get to know the most significant and popular ones a little better.

Mount Ai-Petri

The top of the mountain (1346 meters) can be reached in three ways:

  • cable car (additional impressions of the views of the Crimea opening from the trailer are guaranteed to tourists);
  • renting a special transport or traveling on your own car along the serpentine;
  • hiking (more suitable for experienced hikers).

Upstairs, guests will find the most amazing views of the coast, the mountain-forest reserve of Yalta.


The Valley of Ghosts and the Funa Fortress are not the only advantages of the geographical object located near the village of Luchistoye. To realize that Paradise exists on Earth, it is worth at least once to climb Demerdzhi. The weather here is completely different, amazing stone statues, the cleanest air. For some, Demerdzhi is harsh and inaccessible, for other travelers the mountain becomes one of the most beloved on the peninsula.

It is better to take walks in this area in the company of experienced guides or travelers. Numerous lakes, waterfalls and baths will remain in memory along with fragrant herbs and numerous flowers. But it is beautiful and interesting here not only in spring. At other times of the year, the canyon has many pleasant surprises for guests.

Karadag reserve

You can study the object both from the sea and in the format of a walking tour. Both options are interesting and will give you a lot of impressions of the natural treasures you see.

Crimean cave cities

On the territory of the peninsula, there are several dozen cave objects that were once full-fledged ancient settlements and cities. The most visited and famous of them are:

  • Mangup;
  • Chufut-Kale;
  • Eski-Kermen;
  • Tepe-Kermen;
  • Kachi-Kalion.

Basically, ancient settlements are concentrated in the central part of Crimea. Acquaintance with these objects will be correct with standard tourist training, with a map of the area and a guide.

Memory of wars and exploits in Crimea, objects of military significance

This year it will not be enough to spend a few days, since the city of heroic glory cannot be thoroughly explored even in a month of staying in it. But there are still some key attractions that a tourist who first came to Sevastopol should definitely pay attention to:

  • Malakhov Kurgan;
  • Historical Boulevard and Panorama of Sevastopol;
  • Diorama and complex Sapun-Gora;
  • Count's pier and Nakhimov embankment;
  • Memorial plaque of honor;
  • Museum of the Black Sea Fleet;
  • Bayonet and Sail complex, a monument to the Soldier and the Sailor;
  • 35 Coastal battery;
  • Mikhailovskaya battery.

Every monument, every building and structure of Sevastopol amazing story... This is necessarily a story of honor and valor.

Balaklava outskirts - submarine base

The object is interesting in that it was secret for a long time, was of great importance for ensuring the security of the peninsula. Today, there are daily excursions, during which guests are introduced to the purpose of the structure and its history.


In the hero city of Kerch, you should definitely visit such objects as:

  • Adzhimushkay quarries;
  • Mount Mithridates;
  • Museum of the Eltigen landing.

Extreme and adrenaline on the peninsula

Here, nature itself has created ideal conditions for diving into the water column with special equipment and studying sea ​​world... The thicket of love, numerous underwater caves and tunnels, and along with them the "Leader's Alley" will leave the most pleasant impressions in the hearts of diving enthusiasts. Finding an experienced instructor on Tarkankut to master the science of diving is not difficult.

Mount Klementyev

It is from here that all air sports events start. Paragliding, mastering the parachute direction, climbing above the ground on balloons- all this is available today to everyone who comes to the eastern part of the peninsula to explore new areas or hone skills in already chosen directions.

Karabi Yayla and its many unequipped caves

Here is a real paradise for people who are fond of speleology. Getting here is extremely problematic, but on the other hand, rest on the yayla will become truly complete, serene and calm. You can not only discover new caves, but also enjoy the fragrance of Crimean herbs, of which there are countless.

Crimean heritage for romantics and creative personalities


The Voloshin Museum, aquadiving stations, an amazing embankment and a private brandy enterprise - all this is in Koktebel. And every year in August, an international jazz festival is held here, which gathers a large army of fans of this musical direction.

bird home

The building-castle in the Gothic style is located on the very edge of the Aurorino rock. Geographically, the object belongs to the Gaspra village. From the observation deck, which underwent a solid reconstruction a few years ago (but some work continues to this day), an insanely bright view opens up.

Gazebo of winds

Located at the highest point of Shagan-Kai. Created from stone in 1956. The wind rose becomes the floor mosaic, hence the name of the object. From the gazebo you can see in clear weather Gurzuf, Partenit, Ayu-Dag and the Black Sea.


This city is home to one of the most famous art galleries in the world, which presents the works of Aivazovsky.

Yalta and Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Balls and flower festivals - this is what can add a romantic touch to the relationship of lovers. Find this "flower dope" near Yalta - in the famous Nikitsky Botanical Gardens on the entire coast. Here, every season of the year, exhibitions of different varieties of plants are held, created thanks to the work of the employees of the scientific department of the institution.

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

Admiring distant constellations, observing a meteor shower or looking at the moon through a modern telescope - these options will especially appeal to those who are anxious about the night sky and every time a star falls, they are in a hurry to make a wish. Now you can realize your star dream in a special center located in the village of Nauchny (located at the turn from the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway). Guided tours are available for groups and individually by appointment.

Where to get health: a healing and empowering peninsula

Health resorts in Evpatoria, Sak and South Coast

On the territory of Crimea, there are all the necessary conditions for the treatment of almost all types of diseases known today. In sanatoriums and health resorts, patients are offered physiotherapy, mud therapy, massages with the use of hydroequipment, visits to hydropathic establishments with special health baths. Both in the western and southern parts of the peninsula, the approach of specialists to treatment is extremely responsible and serious, for this reason Crimea has long earned the title of a unique health resort.

Health paths:

Taraktash road

The Uchan-Su waterfall will become the starting point from which the indicated route will begin. Then the trail will go up to the Ai-Petri plateau, and on the way you can admire the views of the Taraktash rocks. Recommended for experienced hikers.

Green's Trail

A well-known Russian writer gave the name to this road of health, because he himself loved to enjoy the beauty of the Crimean nature, while taking leisurely walks through the forest. The beginning of the journey will be a point in the Old Crimea, and then 17 kilometers will have to go through the mountainous terrain, as a result of which you will get to Koktebel.

Shtangeevskaya road

One of the first hiking trails in the world. A tourist will cover 2.6 km, taking into account the difference in altitude, in an average of two hours. Start from the Uchan-Su waterfall, finish the trail at the top of Stavri-Kaya.

Traveling along such Crimean roads as:

  • Botkin trail;
  • Pushkin trail;
  • Tsar's road;
  • Roman way;

Religious sites on the peninsula

Church of the Resurrection of Christ

This religious site has another name - Foros Church. It is often used, since the building is located above the village located under the Red Rock. The church rises 400 meters above the sea, which makes it visible from the Sevastopol-Yalta highway.

Monastery of St. Anastasia

The church belonging to this monastery is called today the "beaded temple". Its decoration (both external and internal) is unique. There is some similarity with the ethnic style in the way this religious object is decorated.

Juma-Jami Mosque

The second name of the mosque was Khan-Jami. Located in Evpatoria. Perfectly visible from the sea, and along with this, from the coastline. The famous Turkish architect Khoja Sinan worked on the object.

St. George Monastery

Located in Fiolent, in 891 it was founded by Greek sailors. The Holy Great Martyr George came to their aid at the moment when the navigators were shipwrecked near the Fiolent Rocks. In honor of his appearance to sailors, the Rock of the Holy Appearance with a cross, located in the water near Jasper Beach, is also named.

Holy Clement Monastery

Near the monastery are the ruins of the Byzantine Calamita. The monastery itself is perfectly visible even from the railway tracks. This place once became a refuge for Christians hidden in the rocks.

St. Nicholas Church

The structure is in the shape of a pyramid. It is located on the hill of the Bratsk cemetery in Sevastopol. It is a monument to people defending the city from enemy attacks. This year the temple is 160 years old.

Donator Temple

Located in a hard-to-reach place in Crimea. It is difficult to find it among the Eski-Kermen massifs, but having accomplished such a feat, tourists will not be able to restrain their emotions. The tiny cave-style church is beautifully painted with frescoes. Monks have been hiding here for a long time.

The lighthouse, which is also a temple, is located in the heart of the village of Malorechenskoye, not far from Alushta. It can be seen from different points of the peninsula, as the structure rises above the sea. There is also a unique operating museum, which contains exhibits from sunken ships (from "Titanic" to "Kursk") from different eras.

Synagogue Yegia-Kapai

It is also called handicraft, since it was the artisans who invested most of the funds in the construction of this object in 1912. There is a guided tour.

Karaite kenases

The spiritual center in Evpatoria is intended for the small nation of the Earth - the Karaites.

In Crimea, you can travel really cheap. Yes, it has become more expensive here than it was before, but those who want to save money can always do it. If you are not traveling in the summer, then it is easy to find accommodation at a cost of 500-1000 rubles per day in comfortable conditions.

Crimea is a great place for trekking and tent lovers. This is the place where you can drive off with a backpack and your best friend, a win-win option.

Crimea is an ideal place for extreme and active species sports (jumping, kayaking, paragliding, Balloons etc.). It's never boring here.

Crimea is history: from Genoese and Greeks to Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians. These are fortresses, ruins, museums. It is the intersection of many cultures.

Crimea is a diverse nature: mountains, the sea, lakes of pink or blue color, and caves, and waterfalls, and so on. Diversity.

Crimea is a delicious place where you can taste local mussels, oysters, rapana, red mullet and other seafood. I recommend the Chaika cafe in Yalta (Georgian, Asian menu with seafood) and Ostrov in Sevastopol (seafood), as well as the Tatar family cafe Roomi in Alupka. Here you can try both Tatar dishes (very inexpensive and satisfying) and Ukrainian ones, and now serious restaurateurs from Moscow are added to them, so everyone will find something for themselves :)

What to see in Crimea?

My top looks like this (thanks to my followers on instagram, your advice in this material including):

Meet the sunrise in the poppy fields. If you go in the middle or at the end of May, do not be lazy to get up early in the morning to drown in the poppies in the first rays of light. It's spectacular. In the photo of the field at the entrance to the village of Turgenevka

Balaklava. Here you need to climb to the Genoese Fortress to admire the panorama of the Balaklava Bay, and, if you have strength, climb to the "Barrel of Death" (coastal fortification of the Crimean War). There is also an underground naval museum with submarines. Ships leave from here to the beach of Inzhir - a very secluded and picturesque natural place located in the Ayazma reserve between Balaklava and Laspinskaya bay. There are no hotels, only a tent city.

Before reaching Balaklava, there is an abandoned limestone quarry filled with blue water, around which wild poppies grow, and birds can be found on the shores of the lake itself. There is another location near this quarry that looks like a quarry, but it only looks like it because it was intended that way. Nearby there is a small village with buildings that look like houses, on the walls of which windows are painted, and on the hill there is a camouflaged entrance to a large Soviet Reserve command post of the Black Sea Fleet, now plundered and abandoned. This once secret base, which few people know about, is suitable for those who like to wander through abandoned places.

You definitely need to climb Ai-Petri, or even better, take a walk along the hanging bridges. Be sure to see the work schedule cable car in Miskhor (rise no later than 16 hours). If you don't have time to get back on the cable car, then you can go down with bombards in minibuses, which is still an impression ... Everyone drives like crazy, turns are dangerous (we saw a Chevrolet Niva that lost control and was lying on its side in the bushes). But it is convenient that in this case you will be immediately left in Yalta. But in general, of course, I advise you to climb the cable car - it's faster and calmer.

Go to Koktebel, look at Kara-Dag... I still fall asleep thinking that I did not have time to visit this place. We'll have to come back :)

Take a tour Bakhchisarai region, there are incredibly picturesque mountains and meadows, for example Bashtanovka. There are also famous stunning places in the Bakhchisarai region: Mangup-Kale and Chufut-Kale (medieval settlements and fortresses). And also climb to Kyz-Kermen (another settlement). There are also cave cities and Kachi-kalon (a medieval settlement, caves carved into the rocks), from where you can jump from a cliff face (rope jumping from a 150-meter cliff).

Mount Demerdzhi, she's the Valley of Ghosts. This is a cluster of bizarre rocks on the western slope of the southern ridge of the Demerdzhi massif in the Alushta region. There is also a waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur and beautiful views

Sevastopol. The hero city itself is interesting, I advise you to stay in it a little longer, especially since not far from Sevastopol you can visit such places as Cape Fiolent (the sunset was beautiful!), Chersonesos (an ancient settlement and the place where Rus was baptized), Balaklava ( which I wrote about above).

New World. The famous Golitsyn Trail, magnificent places. If you have time, then you need to climb Mount Karaul.

Parks and museums. Best: Vorontsovsky Park, Chekhov Museum in Yalta, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Livadia Palace. And of course, Bird home... To take a photo without people, you should come in the morning for the opening.

If you are in Yalta, visit Gazebo of the Winds, and drinkers advise Wine factory "Massandra" with tasting :)

Koyashskoe lake near Kerch, in May it acquires a deep pink color. A very beautiful phenomenon is available from the beginning of May and reaches its climax in July-August. Why is it pink? All because of algae, which produce beta-carotene, which stains water and salt crystals, and crustaceans. Attention: the lake dries up in summer, you shouldn't look for it :) If you go towards Kerch, next to the lake you should see Elken-Kaya rocks or "stone sailboats". Another pink lake - Sasyk-Sivash, is located near Evpatoria.

And remember that Crimea is people. Hospitable and open-minded. Thanks to them I felt at home, hello, friends artemi, gena_razbegaev, golovchenko_julia_, thank you!

What difficulties did I face in Crimea?

First things first, about housing. Since Airbnb is banned in Crimea, it is difficult to rent a house directly from the owners. Until now, the most convenient and inexpensive option is to sort it out and bargain on the spot. There are a lot of sites where you can book accommodation in advance (I used tvil.ru, sutochno.ru, avito.ru). In Yalta, our apartments were only with intermediaries, I did not give up and found the owner herself on one site, but she answered only 10 days later, when I had already booked her accommodation through an agency. I was lucky in Sevastopol, but I had to go to the bank and make a transfer through the contact system. Inconvenient. Also, none of the apartments that I was interested in cost as much as indicated on the website, they always became more expensive after a call. We were looking for an apartment (this was the first trip with a baby) in the center with a non-grandmother's renovation and no carpet. With this it is more difficult, there are few good options, and their cost is already equal to the cost of living in Nice or Como (from 4 to 6 thousand per day). In addition, there are very few offers. In Yalta, we rented an apartment in the Brigantina residential complex for 5,500 rubles per day, in Sevastopol - an apartment in the stalinka on Nakhimov for 3,500 rubles per day.

There is a nuance with renting a car that concerns me personally. Since my driving experience is less than two years, I found only two companies willing to rent my car. These are hertz (27,000 in 10 days polo on the machine) and naprokat.ru (24,000 rubles of the same class). In the end, I took it from the latter. They gave out Skoda Rapid, there were also adventures with the car. The battery is running low, the guys in the parking lot are trying to light it up, but they confuse plus and minus, as a result of which all the electronics fly ... Thank you for giving us another car (Renault Duster without surcharges), but I didn't go too much when I saw how everything chasing crazy, taking off on a serpentine to the oncoming lane. But even a car parked in Yalta near the house, someone managed to hush up, of course, immediately dumping :)

For food prices - it seemed to me ordinary, regional. We did not use excursions, we went on our own, of course.

In general, I believe that everyone should visit the wonderful Crimea. But not instead of something, but in spite of everyone and everything, preferably in May or September.