Geographic location of Montenegro. Montenegro - travel company "scarab"

Montenegro is located in southeastern Europe, on the Adriatic coast. Balkan Peninsula. The name of the state comes from the toponym Black Mountain. The total area of ​​the country is 13.8 thousand square meters. km. The capital of Montenegro is the city of Podgorica (former Titograd).

Montenegro is washed from the south by the Adriatic Sea. The state in the west borders on Croatia, in the northwest there are borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast - with Serbia, in the east - with Kosovo with Albania in the southeast.

The total length of the land borders of the state is 614 km. With the Republic of Croatia - 14 km, with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km, with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo - 203 km, with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

Until June 2006, Montenegro was part of the confederal State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The country occupied 13.5% of its total area. Montenegro gained independence on June 3, 2006.

The territory of the country conditionally consists of three parts: the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the relatively flat central part of the country, and mountain systems east of the country. In the central part of the country are two of its most major cities- Podgorica and Nikisic.

Continental coastline Montenegro stretches for almost 300 km. The state consists of 14 sea ​​islands. The length of the coastline of these islands is 15.6 km. In the north-west of Montenegro there is a large bay called Boka Kotorska, which cuts into the land for 29.6 km. Its water surface area is 87.3 km².

The total length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km, the transparency of sea water in some places exceeds 35 m.

There are many rivers on the territory of Montenegro. About 52.2% of the country's rivers belong to the Black Sea basin, the remaining 47.8% belong to the Adriatic Sea basin. The longest of them are: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Ceotina (100 km), Moraca (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Bojana (30 km).

Three Montenegrin rivers (Moraca, Zeta and Piva) flow throughout the country throughout their entire length. The Boyana River used to be the only navigable river in the country. Currently, it is no longer navigable.

Almost all the rivers of the country are mountainous, they form fairly deep canyons. The Tara River Canyon is considered the deepest in Europe and the second deepest in the world. Its depth is about 1200 meters.

The famous Skadar Lake is the largest lake not only in the country, but also in the entire Balkan Peninsula. The total area of ​​its water surface is 369.7 km². Two thirds of the territory of this lake belongs to Montenegro, and one third belongs to Albania.

The second largest lake in Montenegro is Lake Shasskoe, with an area of ​​3.64 km². The lake is located near Ulcinj. There are also 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin on the territory of the country. Their total area is 3.89 km².

The territory of Montenegro is mountainous. The highest point of the country is Mount Bobotov-Kuk (Durmitor mountain range). Its height is 2522 m. The areas adjacent to the Adriatic coast are located in the zone of narrow coastal plains, which are interrupted by mountain spurs and rocky capes.

Montenegro is a country full of contrasts and natural beauties: clean and transparent Adriatic Sea, unique beaches - sandy, pebbly and rocky. Montenegro has the largest number sunny days per year and a surprisingly small area, only a few kilometers or a few tens of meters. For recreation, you can choose places as remote from settlements, and next to them or at the hotel itself. Beaches are everywhere - in bays, on stone shores, surrounded by olive trees, fields and pine forests. Some of these beaches are open to the wind, sun and waves, some offer views of the open sea.

There are skyscraper hotels and bungalow hotels, there are hotels in caves and even ship hotels. But only in Montenegro there is an island hotel! And Montenegro is the only one of the countries of the former Yugoslavia, on the territory of which not a single shot was heard over all these years.

The name of the country was given, it turns out, by the Turks, who for five centuries tried to conquer this wonderful corner of southern Europe, but failed to the end. The mountains in Montenegro are really suitable for holidays in Montenegro almost to the very Adriatic Sea, which explains the wonderful climate on seaside resorts countries. Here the current begins, washing then other countries of the Adriatic, and that is why the cleanest sea water is near the coast of Montenegro. The nature of Montenegro is so well preserved that it even received the status of "ecological country". The sandy and pebbly beaches of the Adriatic stretch for 73 km, and the Velika Plaža in Ulcinj is as long as 13 km.

On the only fiord in southern Europe - the Bay of Kotor - there is a resort with its own microclimate and therapeutic mud, which helps in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The city located here with towers and palaces of the 7th - 8th centuries and ancient shipyards reminds of the historical ties between Montenegro and Russia. Peter the Great sent his future navigators to these shipyards for training, and one of the local Montenegrin sailors became a Russian admiral.

Another unique attraction of Montenegro is Skadar Lake, located below sea level and representing a true bird kingdom. Excursions to the canyon of the Tara River with a depth of 1300 meters and to the mountainous region of Lovcen with the mausoleum of Petr Petrovich Negosh, the spiritual leader and ruler of Montenegro, whose poems every Montenegrin knows by heart, are very interesting. stunning impression on Russian tourists produces the Ostrog Monastery with the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog, and in the wall of the Cetinje Monastery in the old capital is the embalmed hand of John the Baptist.

Montenegro is located 3 hours from Moscow by direct flight. Montenegrin resorts Just not far from the airport and lies in the sea is the same island hotel where celebrities such as Sophia Loren, Stallone, Claudia Schiffer and our ex-world champion Karpov rest. The vacationer receives the key to his room immediately upon entering the island, where rooms and apartments of the highest "star" provide all imaginable types of services, but most importantly - the possibility of a quiet, secluded holiday surrounded by pristine nature. Not so expensive hotels are located, for example, in the resort, which was awarded the Grand Prix for the most best beaches in Europe. And you can have a royal rest at the resort, which was part of the territory at the palace of the Serbian royal family Karadjordjevics.

Republic of Montenegro is located on the Balkan Peninsula and is an integral part of the Commonwealth of Serbia and Montenegro. In 1991, Montenegro was proclaimed a country of pure, untouched and protected nature. local unique nature is under state protection.

In northern Montenegro - temperate continental, on the Adriatic coast - Mediterranean. In the central regions of the country, it is always somewhat cooler than on the coast, and the influence of subalpine factors is more noticeable. In the coastal region, summer is usually long, hot (+23-25 ​​C) and rather dry, winter is short and cool (+3-7 C). The mountainous regions have moderately warm summers (+19-25 C) and relatively cold (+5 to -10 C), snow-rich winters. Precipitation falls from 500 to 1500 mm per year, mainly in the form of rain; in the mountains near the sea coast, more than 3000 mm falls in places. In the northern regions of Montenegro, snow lies up to 5 months a year.

When is the best time to go to Montenegro
The best time to visit the country is from May to September-October. Tourist season in Montenegro it usually starts in April and lasts until November. The sea temperature for seven months ranges from +20 C to +26 C, so the swimming season is equal in duration to the tourist one.

  • Territory- 13812 sq. km
  • Population- 620,000 people
  • Capital- Podgorica, administrative and economic center, 159,000 inhabitants
  • Historical and cultural center- Cetinje (former capital of Montenegro)
  • peoples- Montenegrins and Serbs, national minorities - Albanians, Croats
  • Language- Serbian
  • Writing- Cyrillic and Latin
  • Religion- Montenegrin and Serbian population mainly professes Orthodoxy, national minorities - Islam and Catholicism
  • Currency- EURO
  • Air communications- two international airports: Tivat and Podgorica
  • Railway - Bar-Belgrade
  • Port- Bar. Daily ferry connection to Italy (Bar-Bari) The Adriatic Highway connects all places on the Adriatic coast
  • Sea coast length- 290 km
  • highest mountain peak- Bobotov kuk, 2522 m, on the Durmitor massif
  • The largest lake- Skadar Lake - 391 km
  • The deepest gorge- Tara River Canyon 1300m
  • The biggest bay- Bay of Kotor
  • National parks- Durmitor (39000 ha), Lovcen (6400 ha), Biogradska Gora (5400 ha), Lake Skadar (40000 ha.
  • World natural and cultural heritage are under the protection of UNESCO - Mount Durmitor, the canyon of the Tara River, ancient city Kotor.
  • Customs declaration Foreign citizens can bring in an unlimited amount of currency, which they must present and declare when entering the country. An equivalent amount can be taken out of the country.
  • Official currency in Montenegro- Euro (EUR).
  • Banks Working hours - from 08:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays - from 08:00 to 13:00, Sunday - day off.
  • Difference in time:
    Montenegro belongs to the Central European time zone
    Moscow +2 hours
    St. Petersburg+2 hours
    Kyiv +1 hour
    Minsk +1 hour
  • Electricity
    The voltage used is 220 V. An adapter according to the European standard is required.
  • - state in Southern Europe located on the Balkan Peninsula. In the southeast it borders with Albania, in the south it is separated from Italy by the Adriatic Sea, in the west it has borders with Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The length of the sea coast of Montenegro (including the Malente Islands) is 293.5 km.

    The name comes from the toponym Black Mountain.

    Official name: Montenegro (Crna Gora).

    Capital: Podgorica

    The area of ​​the land: 13,812 sq. km

    Total population: 620 thousand people

    Administrative division: Montenegro is divided into 21 communities.

    Form of government: Republic.

    Head of State: The president.

    Composition of the population: 57% - Montenegrins, 30.% - Serbs, 7.77% - Bosniaks, 3% - Albanians, 1% - Russians, 0.42% - Gypsies.

    Official language: Montenegrin. official languages Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Albanian are also recognized.

    Religion: 74.24% - Orthodox, 17.74% - Muslims, 3.54% - Catholics.

    Internet domain: .me

    Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

    Telephone code countries: +382

    Country barcode: 389


    Montenegro has a Mediterranean type of climate, which is characterized by dry and hot summers and cool winters with heavy rainfall. Despite the fact that the territory of the country is small, 4 climatic regions can be distinguished here: the coast, the rocky plateau, the plain and the highlands.

    A narrow strip, 2 - 10 km wide along the coast of Montenegro, has the most pronounced features of the Mediterranean climate. The summer there is hot (the average daily temperature in July is 28..30 C), and there is little precipitation (25 - 50 mm per month). The rainy period lasts from November to January, at this time 170 - 260 mm falls per month, in the north of the coast there is 1.5 times more precipitation than in the south. Average monthly temperature at night in January it does not fall below 4..5 C, and in the daytime 11..13 C. Negative temperatures are not observed every year. The swimming season lasts 5 months from the end of May to October, the water temperature is 20..25 C.

    A rocky plateau separates the coast from the interior of the country. Drops out here the largest number rainfall in Europe, as its southwestern slopes retain moist air coming from the sea. So, in the village of Krivosie, located above the Bay of Kotor, 480 mm of precipitation per day was noted. In the town of Crkvice, the maximum annual rainfall was 5155 mm, and in the cultural capital of the country, Cetinje, located on a plateau near Mount Lovcen, the maximum average annual rainfall (3927 mm / year). Just like on the coast, there is noticeably less precipitation in summer (60 - 80 mm in July), and the rainiest month is November (500 - 700 mm).

    The height difference between the coast and the plateau is on average 1000 m, and the height of some peaks reaches 1700 m. Therefore, in summer it is cooler here than on the coast, the average daily temperature in July varies from 23 to 27 C, depending on the height. In winter, the average temperature at night is -3..-5 C, and in the daytime 5..8 C. Snow usually falls in December and persists until mid-March.

    The plain is protected by a rocky plateau from the direct impact of the Adriatic Sea, so it is hotter here in summer than on the coast (average daily temperature in July is 30..32oC), and cooler in winter: an average of 0..3oC at night and 9..11oC during the day. Precipitation falls mainly in autumn and winter. In July, 30 - 60 mm of precipitation falls, and in November 250 - 300 mm.

    The climate of the highlands has features of subalpine. In winter, the average temperature at night is -6..-9 C, and in the daytime 0..3oC, but it decreases with altitude. Snow usually falls at the end of November and remains until the end of March. Precipitation falls evenly throughout the year, with a maximum in November (it can fall from 100 to 300 mm per month, depending on the orientation of the slope). The summer is cool, the average temperature during the day is 19..23 C (it can be colder in the high mountains!), and at night it is 8..10 C.

    Best time to visit:

    For beach holiday July and August are best suited - the hottest, driest and sunniest months. In September, when the sea is still warm, and the main wave of tourists has already subsided, you can also have a great rest on the sea. Diving, windsurfing, paragliding and other sports, as well as sightseeing, can be practiced almost all year round except November-December. You can safely go on a trip to the mountainous regions from April to October. ski season runs from December to March.


    Montenegro is a small country located in the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Its area is only 13.8 thousand km2. Nevertheless, 4 different natural and climatic regions can be distinguished on the territory of the country: coastal, plateau, high mountains and flat, overlooking Lake Skadar.

    In the west, Montenegro borders on Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the coast - on Croatia, in the north and northeast - on Serbia, and in the east - on Albania. From the south it is bounded by the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coastline is about 300 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km, of which 56 km are sandy beaches.

    The Montenegrin coast, only 2-10 km wide, is sandwiched between the sea and the rocky plateau that abruptly breaks off towards it. In Montenegro, one of the best harbors in Europe is located - the Bay of Kotor (protrudes into the coast for more than 20 km), consisting of several spacious bays interconnected by narrow channels. For a long time there was a belief that the bay is a fjord, but now it is believed that the Bay of Kotor is the remains of a river canyon that once existed here. Strong tectonic and karst processes led to its gradual destruction.

    A karst plateau rises above the coast, the terrain here is harsh, but beautiful in its own way. The rocks dry out quickly: even the strongest annual downpours cannot significantly moisten the soil, so there are few plants and animals here. Rare patches of fertile land are found only on small plains and crater-like depressions. Here is located national park"Lovcen".

    The basin of Lake Skadar, the fertile plain of the Zeta River, the Belopavlitskaya Plain and the Niksic Field make up a flat area with a height difference of 350 m. The main part of the population of Montenegro lives in the flat area. Here are the two largest cities of the country - Podgorica and Niksic, as well as the national park "Skadar Lake".

    In the north of the country, northeast of the rivers Piva, Komarnica and Moraca, there is a highland region. In the highlands, 4 large mountain ranges can be distinguished: Vizitor, Durmitor and Komovi (they form the Dinaric Highlands) and Prokletie (Cursed Mountains). The height of the peaks reaches more than 2000 m above sea level. The highest point in Montenegro - Mount Bobotov Kuk (2522 m) is located in the Durmitor massif.

    In the highlands there are pastures and forests, numerous mountain lakes. The rivers Piva, Tara, Moraca and their tributaries have carved narrow canyons in the rocks with steep banks. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe and the second in the world, its depth reaches 1300 m. There are also two national parks in this region - "Biogradska Gora" and "Durmitor".

    Flora and fauna

    Vegetable world

    The flora of Montenegro is very rich, despite the harsh conditions in the mountainous regions that occupy most of the country. Here, on only 0.14% of the territory of Europe, 2833 species of plants grow, which is almost a quarter of the species of European flora. On the coast you can find olive and fruit groves, cypresses, palm trees and grapes. However, most of the coastal cliffs are covered with maquis - dense thickets of evergreen shrubs, characteristic of the Mediterranean.

    Higher in the mountains there are oak and coniferous forests. The Belasitsa mountain range, where the Biogradska Gora National Park is located, is covered with mixed forest. There are trees of 86 species here, including spruce, fir, beeches, elms, oaks, maples and even mountain ash. Alpine edelweisses, which have become rare, grow in the mountains, as well as mountain cornflowers and violets; such vegetation is typical for the alpine meadow belt.

    In the area of ​​another national park"Skadar Lake" area is completely different. The main part of its coast is swampy, overgrown with reeds, and the surface of the lake is covered with a carpet of yellow and white water lilies. Many types of vegetation are endemic, i.e. found only in this area.

    Animal world

    The fauna of Montenegro is also rich. From predators in mountainous areas there are wolves, bears, foxes. They prey on deer, fallow deer, chamois, wild goats, hares and ground squirrels. There are wild boars in the valleys. Several hundred species of fish are found in the Adriatic Sea, including sea bass, mullet, red mullet, as well as shrimps, lobsters, and octopuses.

    The rivers are rich in trout, perch, carp, catfish, carp and pike. 50 species of fish live in Skadar Lake, the local population hunts mainly bleak and carp. In addition, Skadar Lake is a permanent or temporary habitat for 270 bird species. Here you can see colonies of pelicans, cormorants, herons and black ibises. The lake attracts ornithologists from all over the world.


    On the territory of Montenegro, many historical and cultural monuments, and most of them, despite the numerous wars that swept through this land, are in excellent condition. Hundreds of medieval monasteries and ancient cities, dozens of balneological resorts, unique natural complexes the southern part of the Balkans, dozens of kilometers of beaches of the Montenegrin Riviera, good-natured and friendly people - this is not a complete list of the advantages of this country.

    Montenegro and in the time of united Yugoslavia was the main tourist region of the country. Due to the diverse relief, the purest mountain rivers, warm sea(which, by the way, is considered the cleanest in Europe), luxurious coastline (length is 290 km, beaches - 73 km, and 56 km of them are sandy, which is quite rare for this region), excellent climate and the status of a European ecological park, this tiny The country is one of the recognized centers of tourism in Europe.

    Banks and currency

    The monetary unit is the euro (coins 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 euro cents, 1 and 2 euros; banknotes 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 euros).

    The National Bank of Montenegro is open from Monday to Friday (10:30-14:00). Commercial banks are open from 08:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays - from 08:00 to 13:00, Sunday is a day off. On weekends you can use exchange offices. There are many ATMs in Montenegro, through which you can make transactions with foreign currency. ATMs are installed in banks, airports and some hotels. Some stores and hotels accept payments with credit cards. In the bank you can always find several employees who speak English or Russian.

    Useful information for tourists

    Montenegrins are extremely tolerant of manifestations of inter-ethnic differences, even to the issue of inter-ethnic conflicts in the Balkans. But it is not recommended to talk about politics or the collapse of the SFRY.

    The crime rate is low. The police strictly suppress any manifestations of deception of foreign tourists, but at the household level, there are frequent cases of petty fraud or supposedly a sudden language barrier, so you should be especially careful when discussing financial issues and never give money in advance, before the service is provided.

    Tipping in restaurants is generally 5% of the bill.

    For drinking, it is better to use mineral or bottled water.

    The price level in the country is quite low, but varies markedly depending on the location. In coastal areas, everything is about 25% more expensive.

    Economic and geographical position

    Montenegro is a small country in southeastern Europe, located on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. Montenegro also includes 14 islands.

    Montenegro borders on:

    • Bosnia and Herzegovina (northwest),
    • Croatia (west)
    • Serbia (northeast)
    • Republic of Kosovo (east),
    • Albania (southeast).

    The Adriatic Sea washes Montenegro from the southwest.

    The total territory of the country is 13.812 thousand square meters. km. The capital of Montenegro is Podgorica.

    On the territory of the country there are: flat central regions, mountain ranges of the eastern part, the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

    In the north-west of Montenegro is the Bay of Kotor, in which major ports and famous beaches Montenegro. The main beaches are located on the Budva Riviera.

    The highland region is located northeast of the rivers Komarnica, Piva, Moraca. In the highlands, the Dinaric Highlands are distinguished, formed by the mountain ranges Durmitor, Vizitor, Komov, Belasitsa, Sinyavina and Prokletie, or the Cursed Mountains. In the south are the karst mountains Orien, Rumia, Lovcen.

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    Mountain peaks (about 70) have a height of more than 2000 m. highest point- peak Bobotov Kuk (2522 m) in the Durmitor massif.

    A karst plateau rises above the Adriatic coast. Patches of fertile land are found on separate small plains and in crater-shaped craters.

    The plain occupies less than 20% of the country's territory. The plain region (Chernogorsk Plain) with a height difference of 350 m consists of: the fertile plain of the Zeta River, the Belopavlitskaya Plain, the Skadar Lake basin, and the Niksic field.

    Remark 1

    Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises play an important role in the Montenegrin industry. The woodworking, machine-building, tobacco and food industries are developed. Agriculture is dominated by grain crops, viticulture, subtropical fruit growing, and mountain pasture animal husbandry.

    Climatic conditions

    Climatic conditions in different regions of the country differ significantly:

    • the central foothill regions of the country - the climate is temperate continental, a lot of precipitation, mild winters and hot summers;
    • the Adriatic coast - the climate is Mediterranean, short-term rains are characteristic (winter and spring), there is almost no precipitation in summer; winters are mild and summers are moderately hot;
    • in mountain ranges - subalpine climate, severe mountain climate, characterized by cold winters and moderately warm summers.

    The Adriatic coast is dominated by dry and hot summers with rainy and mild winters. The average summer temperature is 25-26°C. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 7°C (Ulcin) and 9°C (Herceg Novia). The total number of hours of sunshine per year is 2700. In summer, the sea water temperature is 25-28°C.

    In the central plains, temperatures drop to 5°C in winter and reach 27°C in summer.

    Mountain regions are characterized by relatively cold winters (from −10 to +5°C) and moderately warm summers (19-25°C).

    Remark 2

    A large amount of precipitation is due to the presence of mountainous terrain and the proximity of the sea. The average annual rainfall, depending on the area, is from 500 to 1500 mm. In some parts, the annual rainfall can reach 3000 mm. In the mountains, the height of the snow cover is 1-3 m, snow here lies up to 5 months a year.

    Natural resources

    Water resources. The rivers of the country belong to the basins of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea. The largest and most significant rivers include the rivers: Tara, Lim, Cheotina, Moracha, Zeta, Boyana. Most rivers of mountainous origin flow in winding and deep canyons. The largest freshwater lake Skadar (369.7 sq. km.) Located in a karst depression and Lake Shas - the most large lakes countries. Most mountain lakes are of glacial origin.

    Minerals. The country is not rich in mineral resources. Only coal is present in sufficient quantities as strategic energy carriers. The country has developed deposits of aluminum ore, zinc (Šuplja-Stena, Brskovo, Mojkovac), lead, bauxite (Niksic). Oil and natural gas are imported from other countries.

    Natural and recreational resources. The purest Adriatic Sea, mountain landscapes, mild climate make the area attractive for recreation and recreation. Mountain ranges are attractive for hiking, mountain climbing and ski slopes (in winter time). The water in the lakes is crystal clear. For the transparent greenish-blue color of the lake, it is often called "mountain eyes". Availability national parks and nature reserves provides favorable conditions for ecological tourism. On the Adriatic coast holiday season runs from April to October.

    Flora and fauna

    Forests occupy more than 40% of the country's territory. Mostly coniferous and mixed forests.

    Numerous palm trees, various cacti (some up to 5 meters high), oleanders and magnolia grow on the territory of the Adriatic coast.

    Bananas grow in Herceg Novi. From fruit plants, you can find pomegranates, kiwi, peaches, grapes, tangerines and oranges.

    In the alpine meadows, many flowering, rare plants grow, in particular - edelweiss.

    Skadar Lake is famous for water lilies, lilies and lotuses.

    Large animals live in Montenegro: deer, elks, bears, fallow deer, wild boars, wolves, lynxes. There are martens, turtles.

    The coast is rich in various species of fish, a lot of trout and carp. Many octopuses and squids live here. Mussels and oysters are grown in the Bay of Kotor.

    The avifauna is represented by various bird species: pelicans, cormorants, herons, swans, black ibises. You can meet the golden eagle.

    Almost 10% of the territory of Montenegro is occupied by nature reserves and national parks:

    • Durmitor. UNESCO heritage. Huge species diversity of flora and fauna. Within the park are natural monuments: Tara river canyon, black lake, Ice cave, invisible canyon.
    • Biogradska mountain. Virgin forests, including unique ecosystems, a huge variety of plants.
    • Lovcen. The park is represented by various landforms.
    • Skadar lake. The largest wading bird reserve in Europe. There are many in the park ancient fortresses and monasteries.

    Geographical position of the country

    Montenegro is a state in southeastern Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula.

    Geographical coordinates: 42 30 N, 19 18 E

    The territory of the country has the shape of an irregular trapezoid, with its top facing the sea. The length from north to south and from west to east is about 200 km, the Adriatic coast is about 100 km (not counting the coastline of the winding Bay of Kotor).

    It is washed by the Adriatic Sea, has land borders with Croatia in the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the northwest, Serbia in the northeast, partially recognized by the Republic of Kosovo in the east and Albania in the southeast.

    The territory of the country can be divided into three parts: the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the relatively flat central part of the country, on which its two largest cities are located: Podgorica and Niksic, and the mountain systems of the east of the country.

    The length of the land borders of the state is 614 km: in the west with the Republic of Croatia - 14 km; in the northwest with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km; in the northeast with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo 203 km; in the southeast with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

    The continental coastline of Montenegro has a length of about 300 km. Montenegro has 14 sea islands, the total length of the coastline of which is 15.6 km. In the north-west of the country there is a large bay of Boka Kotorska, which has a water surface area of ​​​​87.3 km² and cuts into land for 29.6 km.

    The length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km. The temperature of sea water for seven months ranges from + 12 to +26 ° C, the transparency of sea water in some places exceeds 35 m.

    The relief of the country

    The Republic of Montenegro occupies the highest outskirts of the Dinaric Highlands, consisting of separate mountain ranges, ridges and intermountain basins. Here, many peaks rise above 2000 m above sea level; in the south, on the border with Albania, there is the highest point of the country - Mount Dzhyaravitsa (2656 m). The marginal ridges of the highlands have a steep drop towards the Adriatic Sea.

    Some of the mountain ranges are a bare karst plateau, while others, and most of them, are covered with dense coniferous forests, which gave some philologists the right to derive the name of the country from the blackness of mountain dark coniferous forests.

    Rocky plateaus - a picturesque region of Montenegro, which literally adjoins the coast. Mountain and sea air currents meet here. This region is poorly populated. In the area above Kotor, the rainfall reaches about 4800 mm per year: this is the highest figure in Europe. Here you can observe the strongest showers for many days.

    Central Plain. Lake Skadar, Zeta river valley and plains in the region largest cities Montenegro Niksic, Danilovgrad and Podgorica. Its average height is 40 m (in the north, the fertile lowlands and river valleys are an ideal place for settlements, so the largest population of the country is concentrated here. Three of the largest cities in the country are also located here - Niksich and Podgorica and Danilovgrad, as well as the Skadarskoye National Park lake. The plains do not occupy too large areas. The region of Skadar Lake, the valley of the river Zeta and the Niksic field are well suited for agriculture. In essence, all the fertile lands of the country are limited to this, therefore Montenegro is by no means an agrarian country. The climate is very warm on the plain, summers are warmer than in the subtropics of Primorye.Warm air masses come from the sea along the valley and reach Podgorica, so this is the warmest city in all of Montenegro.

    Highlands. The north of Montenegro is occupied by high mountains. These mountains are rich in pastures, forests and lakes. The rivers Morats, Piva, Tara and their tributaries cut canyons in the rocks - narrow channels with steep banks. There are two national parks in this region - Biogradsky and Durmitor. Highlands occupies the largest area of ​​the country and is its important attraction. Here are surrounded on all sides mountain plateaus at an altitude of 1400-1700 meters. They are separated by mountain peaks over 2000 meters high, including the most high mountain Bobotov Kuk is located on the Durmitor massif - 2522 meters. Except majestic mountains The area is extremely attractive for its reservoirs. In total, there are 29 alpine lakes of rare beauty in Montenegro. Mountain rivers also flow here, such as Piva, Tara, Moracha, Zeta. These rivers, as well as their tributaries, for millions of years of their existence, have made narrow channels with steep banks in the rocks - canyons, whose beauty and size are unique. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe, its depth reaches 1300 meters. Only the Grand Canyon in Colorado is larger than it. The Tara River, the cleanest European river, which is under the protection of UNESCO, is suitable for active tourism, such as rafting.

    Climate of Montenegro

    Montenegro has a Mediterranean type of climate, which is characterized by dry and hot summers and cool winters with heavy rainfall. Despite the fact that the territory of the country is small, 4 climatic regions can be distinguished here: the coast, the rocky plateau, the plain and the highlands.

    A narrow strip, 2 - 10 km wide along the coast of Montenegro, has the most pronounced features of the Mediterranean climate. The summer there is hot (the average daily temperature in July is 28..30 o C), and there is little precipitation (25 - 50 mm per month). The rainy period lasts from November to January, at this time 170 - 260 mm falls per month, in the north of the coast there is 1.5 times more precipitation than in the south. The average monthly temperature at night in January does not fall below 4..5 o C, and in the daytime 11..13 o C. Negative temperatures are not observed every year. The swimming season lasts 5 months from the end of May to October, the water temperature is 20..25 o C.

    A rocky plateau separates the coast from the interior of the country. It receives the most precipitation in Europe, as its southwestern slopes trap the humid air coming from the sea. So, in the village of Krivosie, located above the Bay of Kotor, 480 mm of precipitation per day was noted. In the town of Crkvice, the maximum annual rainfall was 5155 mm, and in the cultural capital of the country, Cetinje, located on a plateau near Mount Lovcen, the maximum average annual rainfall (3927 mm / year). Just like on the coast, there is noticeably less precipitation in summer (60 - 80 mm in July), and the rainiest month is November (500 - 700 mm). The height difference between the coast and the plateau is on average 1000 m, and the height of some peaks reaches 1700 m. Therefore, in summer it is cooler here than on the coast, the average daily temperature in July varies from 23 to 27 o C, depending on the height. In winter, the average temperature at night is -3..-5 o C, and in the daytime 5..8 o C. Snow usually falls in December and remains until mid-March.

    The plain is protected by a rocky plateau from the direct impact of the Adriatic Sea, therefore it is hotter here in summer than on the coast (average daily temperature in July is 30..32 o C), and cooler in winter: on average 0..3 o C at night and 9..11 o Happy day. Precipitation falls mainly in autumn and winter. In July, 30-60 mm of precipitation falls, and in November 250-300 mm.

    The climate of the highlands has features of subalpine. In winter, the average temperature at night is -6..-9 o C, and in the daytime 0..3 o C, but it decreases with altitude. Snow usually falls at the end of November and remains until the end of March. Precipitation falls evenly throughout the year, with a maximum in November (it can fall from 100 to 300 mm per month, depending on the orientation of the slope). The summer is cool, the average temperature during the day is 19..23 o C (it can be colder in the high mountains!), and at night it is 8..10 o C.

    Rivers and lakes

    Most long rivers Montenegro: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Ceotina (100 km), Moraca (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Bojana (30 km). About 52.2% of Montenegrin rivers belong to the Black Sea basin, the remaining 47.8% - to the Adriatic Sea basin. Three Montenegrin rivers (Moraca, Zeta and Piva) flow throughout their entire length through the territory of Montenegro. The Bojana River was previously the only navigable river in Montenegro; at the moment it is not navigable. Most Montenegrin rivers are mountainous and form deep canyons. The canyon of the Tara River, with a depth of about 1200 m, is the deepest in Europe and the second deepest in the world. The rivers of Montenegro have an energy potential of 115 kW per 1 km² of territory, which is a very high figure. However, for various reasons (including environmental reasons), hydropower is not developed in the country.

    The largest lake in Montenegro and the entire Balkan Peninsula is Skadar. The total area of ​​its water surface is 369.7 km². Two thirds of the lake (by area) are located on the territory of Montenegro, one third - on the territory of Albania. 40 mountainous islands rise above the lake surface. The second largest lake in Montenegro is Shasskoye (3.64 km²), located near Ulcinj. Also on the territory of Montenegro there are 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin (the so-called "mountain eyes"), the total area of ​​​​which is 3.89 km². They are called "mountain eyes" because the water in them is unusually clean and calm. They not only resemble the eyes of nature in form and purity. In them, as in the eyes lowered by "eyelashes" of needles, are reflected Mountain peaks. The most beautiful of the lakes is Black Lake. Its area is 516,000 sq. meters, it is located at an altitude of 1418 meters above sea level. Its clear water is visible to a depth of 9 meters. Black Lake consists of two lakes - Big and Small. During floods, water big lake goes underground in the vicinity of Zabljak, having passed a long way in the depths, under the canyon of the Tara River, comes to the surface and becomes its right tributary. In the same way, the water leaving through the bottom of the Small Lake comes to the surface in the Komarnitsa canyon, and together with it flows into the Piva River. The Tara and Piva rivers merge to form the Drina river. Serpent Lake is located in a dense forest at an altitude of 1,495 meters, and Small Lake is 1,788 meters above sea level. Many legends are associated with each of the lakes, whose names are translated as Fish, Blue, Wavy, Enemy, Green.

    Vegetable world

    Due to the mountainous relief and southern latitudes, the vegetation of this small republic is very diverse. On the territory of Montenegro grows 1.2% of the entire world flora, approximately 3,500 plant species. The country ranks 1st in Europe in terms of the number of plant species per unit area. Basically, these are rare, endemic and relict species, among which there are medicinal, aromatic and honey plants. Most of the territory (about 80%) is occupied by forests in which spruce, fir, beeches, elms, oaks, maples, mountain ash, limes grow. Meadows are also common. On the coast of the Adriatic Sea and the islands - thickets of hard-leaved evergreen shrubs (maquis) and areas of subtropical forests (from holm oak, laurel, myrtle, etc.); large areas are covered with hard grasses.

    Due to the fact that the average height of Montenegro above sea level is 1500 m, a lot of light and ultraviolet rays fall on the plants, which is very important for their appearance medicinal properties. Of the climatic factors, a significant amount of precipitation should be noted. Most of them fall in spring and autumn.

    Mountain plants are fed with moisture due to night dew. On the other hand, summer dryness also has its effect, because contributes to the formation of a large amount of oily substances. Soil composition also influences the diversity of vegetation.

    Animal world

    Thanks to the forests in Montenegro, a rich natural fauna has been preserved. Large animals are found in the mountainous regions: brown bears, lynxes, wild boars, wolves, deer, fallow deer, chamois, wild goats. There are jackals on the coast, in karst areas - turtles, snakes, lizards. Lizards and snakes live on rocky slopes. The world of birds is also rich, woodpeckers, doves, cuckoos, partridges, and blackbirds live here. Numerous predators (golden eagle, vulture, etc.) are also common. Fish stocks, both marine and freshwater, are also significant. Carp, pike, perch, trout, eel are found in rivers and lakes. In the Adriatic Sea, sardine, mackerel, tuna, palamida, and mullet are of commercial importance.