Blue Lake Tatarstan. Blue Lakes (Kazan): photos, rest, tourist tips on how to get there

Kazan is a city where Orthodox churches Muslim minarets are visible, and there are many unusual landscapes in the area. This locality almost as many years as Moscow. But Kazan is famous not only for its architecture: there are many reservoirs here, and in some, there are legends, even treasures are hidden. We are talking about Lake Kaban. But, Kazan is not famous for this reservoir, but for the Blue Lakes. They attract divers, because they have really clear water.

general description

The name Blue Lakes in Kazan means three reservoirs of karst origin. This complex is located on the territory of about 19 square kilometers and is a natural monument.

The lakes got their name because of the salty mud, which is blue in color and is at the bottom. All year round the temperature in the reservoirs is stable, at the level of +3 to +7 degrees. Therefore, few people dare to swim in such cold water even on a hot July day.

The average depth of the lakes is about 3-4 meters, but due to the optical effect of the lens, it seems that they are very shallow. For this reason, divers come here, but there is one feature that not all newcomers know about. The silt, which is at the bottom, has a light gray color, and if you accidentally hook it, then you can forget about the transparency of the water for a long time. Divers who constantly come here adhere to a certain tradition - they lower a decorated Christmas tree to the bottom of the Big Lake, which can be seen even from the shore.


One of the Blue Lakes of Kazan is called Big or Light. The depth in it is from 1 to 3 meters. However, it has two:

  • Big Deep with a depth of 18 meters;
  • Malaya Abyss 6 meters deep.

In the Great Funnel, keys were found that are saturated with gypsum. Bridges are equipped near the deepest place, here you can meet lovers of cold water and athletes preparing to dive into the Great Abyss. Professional divers and amateurs come here to dive in winter, and even at night. This lake has one runoff in the form of a small waterfall into the Kazanka River.

Small and Big lakes are connected by a dirt path, where you can not only walk, but also ride a bike. The path is located under the bridge, along the mouth of the Kazanka River.

Small and Flowing Lakes

Small Blue is much smaller than Light, and its depth is up to 4 meters. It has two drains to Kazanka, one of which is in the form of a waterfall. There are also equipped places for diving and descent.

Flowing in size is even smaller than the Small Lake, with a depth of up to 3 meters and 1 runoff into the river. It is in this reservoir that the warmest water.

History of appearance

The photo of the Blue Lakes in Kazan is, of course, impressive. After all, a cascade of reservoirs is surrounded by a dense forest and is located in a state reserve. There are many wetlands in the area. total area protected area- 1910 hectares, and lakes - 0.3 hectares. The lake received the protection status in 1972, and in 1994 they were given the status of a protected area. The lakes are actually the beginning of the shallow branch of the Kazanka River.

It is believed that several hundred years ago, the soil sank in these places, and the bowls that appeared were filled with water. And so the lakes were born. By the way, the trunks of ancient trees are still visible from under the thickness of the water.

Flora and fauna

Frogs and crustaceans live in the lakes, there are a lot of algae. There are no fish today, although old-timers say that pike were found in these waters earlier. There have been many attempts to plant fish in the lakes, but the water here is too cold and salty for freshwater fish.

There are a lot of birch trees in the protected area and there are about 97 plant species, some of them are listed in this area. This is a floating mannik, water pine and others.

There are unique animals in the waters - these are the water scorpion and the milky-white planaria, the golden bee-eater. On the banks sometimes there are beavers and muskrats, snakes.

Water composition

If you decide to go on vacation to the Blue Lakes of Kazan, then it will not be superfluous to know the composition of these waters. Analyzes carried out more than once show that local waters are saturated with soluble chemical salts, they account for about 2500 milligrams per 1 liter of water. For example, in the same river Volga there are only 150 grams of them for the same amount of water.

Most of these salts are gypsum. In confirmation of this, on the leaves of plants growing on coastline, sometimes you can even notice with the naked eye a light white coating - gypsum crystals.

The water itself is slightly sticky and has absolutely no smell. And the pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from the sludge. Studies of this density confirmed that the silt can be used as sulfuric mud. How hydrogen sulfide is formed has not been exactly established, but most likely it is created due to the fermentation of sulfates.

The water flow of all three lakes is about 550-600 liters per second, about 250 liters fall on Svetloye Lake.


Divers dive in the Great Blue Lake. Divers say that incredible landscapes open underwater, almost futuristic views, you can see the sky with stars through the thickness of transparent water, if you dive at night. It is at night in clear weather that the moon and stars shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

This place is considered ideal for underwater filming. Many people come here to try out their newly purchased cold water diving equipment. Here it immediately becomes clear how good the new regulator or batteries in the camera are.

As professionals and instructors say, those who were able to dive in the Blue Lake of Kazan can dive anywhere. Training takes place almost every week.

How to get there

Blue Lake Kazan is located near the M17 highway. You can get here on your own or public transport.

If you go on your own from the city of Kazan, then you should take the bus following route number 35 from the metro station "Tukaya Square". Having reached the stop "Solnyshko" or "Golubyatnikova", you need to transfer to bus number 40 and go to the final stop - the village of Shcherbakovo. Then go on foot, following the signs.

How to get to Blue Lake (Kazan) by car? You need to go to the M17 highway and drive off at km 808 to the village of the same name. Then move on to the bridge. The descent to the Small and Protochny is in front of the bridge, to Svetly - behind the bridge. You can go down in front of the bridge, pass near two small ponds and follow the path to the Big Lake.

Blue Lakes (Kazan) is a system of reservoirs on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia. It is also a nature reserve, which is located near Kazan. About these unique places created by nature, their flora, fauna and interesting facts will be discussed in the article.

general description

Blue Lakes (Kazan) nature reserve, which is located in close proximity to the reservoirs of the same name, has forest and wetlands. The total area of ​​the reserve is 1910 hectares, and the total area of ​​lakes is 0.3 hectares.

Since 1972, the Blue Lakes (Kazan) have received the status of a natural monument of all-Union significance, protected by the state. After 22 years, in order to strengthen control and increase protection and protection, the Blue Lakes became a nature reserve. It is home to a wide variety of fish, amphibians and mammals. Also in these places there are many varieties of shrubs and trees. Currently, the lakes and the reserve itself are the sights of the city of Kazan.

lake system

The lake system consists of three reservoirs that are not interconnected. These are the Big Blue, Flowing and Small Blue Lakes. These reservoirs are oxbow lakes (a section of the former river bed) of the Kazanka River, which flows in close proximity. Near the rivers there are karst funnels, formed more than two hundred years ago.

The Blue Lakes (Kazan) have no land tributaries, so they receive water from underground springs and rivers. In the future, water from the lakes flows down the channels into the Kazanka River. In the hot season, this water noticeably cools the river, preventing the fish from dying, and prevents the Kazanka from flowering. In winter, the water from the lakes warms the river and prevents ice from forming on its surface.

The water in all lakes is almost completely transparent, and because of this, a lens effect is created. This is an optical illusion, in which it seems that the depth in the lake is much less than the real one. The water in the lakes is hard due to sulfite-sulfate and potassium-calcium salts. These salts make the water in the lakes look like sea water. At the bottom of these reservoirs, there are impressive areas of silt-salt mud, which have a blue color. These muds have medicinal properties, and it was they who gave the names to the lakes.

Big Blue Lake

Big Blue Lake (Kazan) used to be called Svetloye. On a larger area, the lake has a depth of one to three meters, but there are two karst funnels in it, which are called the Small and Big Depths. The depth of the Big one is 18 m, and the Small one is six meters. At the bottom of these Depths springs beat, which have a temperature of three to seven degrees, depending on the time of year. It is they who warm the Kazanka River in winter and cool in summer.

In Kazan in winter, the Blue Lake is visited by numerous tourists who practice winter swimming, as well as divers. AT New Year the bottom of the Big Deep is decorated with a Christmas tree for entertainment and dives are carried out to it, while drinking champagne. In Kazan in winter, Blue Lake is also popular with fishing enthusiasts. However, they do not fish in the lakes themselves, but next to them, in the Kazanka River. In places where warm water from lakes enters the river, fish gather, which is what fishermen use. Clean air, absolutely clear water and light frost are conducive to this type of outdoor recreation.

Diving enthusiasts also dive into the lakes at night. It is at this time of day that the water acquires unusual shades under the light of lighting equipment. And when you are under water, the view of the night starry sky, through the transparent lens of the water surface, is especially mesmerizing.

Flowing and Small blue lakes

Small Blue Lake (Kazan) and rest on it will appeal to all tourists, as well as on big lake. Despite the fact that it is significantly inferior in area, it is just as picturesque. There are several small waterfalls on it, and changing cabins and small bridges are equipped on the shore, for the convenience of diving into the reservoir. The Small Lake is connected to the Bolshoy by bicycle and pedestrian paths that pass under the bridge over the Kazanka River.

In the photo of the Blue Lakes (Kazan) you will not see big difference between these reservoirs. They are all equally beautiful and fascinate with their extraordinary beauty.

The flowing lake is the smallest in area and the shallowest of these three reservoirs. Because of this, the temperature in it is slightly higher. Nevertheless, all lakes are popular with tourists. all year round. Not far from the lakes there are sanatoriums and recreation centers where you can stay for relatively little money.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Blue Lakes (Kazan) is very rich and diverse, some of its representatives are listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan. In the territories adjacent to the lakes, trees such as:

  • Aspen.
  • Birch.
  • Pine.

About a hundred species of coastal, aquatic and terrestrial plants grow in close proximity to the lakes, such as:

  • Bluegrass meadow.
  • Sedge.
  • Lake reed.
  • Cattail.
  • Buttercup.

The fauna of these places is as diverse as the flora. In the waters of the lakes there are: water scorpion, planaria, and from amphibians - snakes, frogs and toads. Along the coastline you can meet beaver, muskrat, kotura (water rat). Here you can also see a wide variety of birds: tits, jackdaws, golden bee-eaters and greater spotted eagles.

Blue Lakes (Kazan): how to get there

The Blue Lakes are located on the outskirts of the city, so the trip to them will take some time. If you get by public transport from the city center, you will need to use the bus following route number 40. Only on it you can get to the Blue Lakes without transfers. You will need to get off at the final stop - the village of Shcherbakovo.

Getting to the Blue Lakes by private car from the city center, you will need to drive along Mira Street, and then turn onto the M-7 federal highway. Having reached the bridge across the Kazanka River along the highway, you will need to use the paved exit in front of the bridge, which leads to the Small Blue and Protochnoye lakes.

Traveling behind the bridge will help you get to the Big Blue Lake. However, it should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to drive too close to water bodies, and the car will have to be parked in advance.

You will have to walk to the lakes themselves, along a dirt road. Getting to the reservoirs will not be difficult at all, since there are signs along the entire route. If you come to Kazan, then after the sights located in the city center, be sure to come here. Wonderful nature, wonderful places and the purest expanse of lake waters will delight your imagination with their beauty.

Elena ★★★☆☆


Having traveled to the indicated coordinates, we ran into a barrier. Then just walk 2 km. We went to the fence of the closed sanatorium and then the asphalt ended. Well, having trampled so much, we still went along the dirty path for another 300 meters, and that was where our enthusiasm ended. Mud underfoot, mosquitoes ate. The lake was not found, they returned back. Probably it was necessary to go to Shcherbakovo.

Daria ★★★★☆


Decided to visit before leaving! The water is very cold, just ice cold! There is nothing to do on the small lake, it is worth going further! It's cleaner and more comfortable!

Andrew ★★★☆☆


To be honest, I expected more. The cascade of lakes to the north of the bypass road seems to be equipped for recreation, but on the way to the lakes the stench from the bushes is unbearable. Couldn't the toilet issue have been resolved? There are not so many places for location, people almost dive over their heads, there are no food points, so they carry food with them, in the same place in the bushes and scatter it along with intimate hygiene items. The authorities need to pay attention to the polluted nature. The lake in Shcherbakovo has only one equipped access, and there is practically nowhere to stay on the shore. ... continuation src="/jpg/plus.gif">

Leader, everything is running!

There are several blue lakes in the navigator and even here in the reviews. Let's go exactly to the point where the coordinates of the autotrave. 2 km to the place of the barrier. I had to conquer on foot. They didn't regret it. Firstly, nature itself is quite curious on the way, especially in spring. A huge path with wooden gazebos has been built to the lake. In general, everything is equipped and furnished, I liked it. The lake itself is really blue, very unusual and unlike anything else.

Catherine ★★★☆☆


With proper care, this would be a very beautiful place, but, unfortunately, the territory is used for barbecue picnics, so there is a lot of garbage, the blue water of the lakes is almost invisible, because. The lake has never been cleaned.

but I liked more another lake, less popular with tourists. We decided to go there after visiting the above.
Here are the coordinates of another
Latitude: 55°54′23.7″N (55.906584)
Longitude: 49°9′17.29″E (49.154804)
We left the highway in Shcherbakovo, along it to the outskirts, and 500 meters on foot. Miracle! There, the depth is even more breathtaking :)
pysy. be careful, the bridge staggers a bit if a lot of people climb onto the edge. Definitely a must see as both lakes are close by. Spent... continued src="/jpg/plus.gif">

15 minutes to get to it, did not regret a bit! With



Awesome lake! I have a dacha there, so I swim there every summer ... It’s cold, of course, but it’s breathtaking! And the adrenaline rises! You can get there by bus 41 or 40 ...

Saga Basil ★★★★★


Greetings from the walruses of Azov! I swam on Goluboy on January 2, 2012 (We specially went to celebrate the New Year to the matchmakers in Zelenodolsk) Kazanians, I envy you with white envy!!! Your lakes are amazing! I have never seen such a "blunder" anywhere else ... Now I will visit you more often!

Hiz ★★★★★


Very beautiful, worth a visit. The water is invigorating :). People, do not behave like pigs - do not throw garbage!: (Picnic lovers leave huge piles of bottles and other things ... If you go from the barrier in the summer, stock up on mosquito repellents - they eat them :).

Awesome place! It's definitely worth a visit! The water is really cool in the spring for swimming :) "km of walking from the barrier, if you go through the recreation centers, it's worth it. Spring did not dare to go along the river. It was dirty

Anna ★★★☆☆


How to get there by public transport is not indicated!
35.10 bus from the Ring to the stop Sun, we cross the street and reverse direction we take the 40 bus to the stop Shcherbakovka, there again across the road and reach the bridge, go down and see the pillars with the sign "Blue Lakes" further as described above ....
Dirty, a lot of snakes, and other living creatures ...
The second lake is more sympathetic, it is clear that it is looked after.
They searched for the described 100-year-old fountain, but did not find it, or it is located very far in the forest.

A very strong event! Beautiful place worth the trip.
+ Where the machine road ends, go deeper into the forest and see the ruined fountain and the remains of the statue, it looks very cool, apparently it has been in the forest for more than 100 years!

Rinat ★★★☆☆


I was on the lake today, there is rubbish lying around (although there are garbage containers and bins), the water has become muddy, bottles are floating in the waterfall near the bridge! The people who go there are not at all worried about the future of this place! when I first went there, and it was in 1997, it was much more beautiful and cleaner!!! even 2 years ago when I was on the lake, it was a little cleaner than today!!! Everyone who goes there, I ask you to at least clean up your garbage and in no case throw it into the water! and then a few years later... continued src="/jpg/plus.gif">

It will be like a garbage dump!

Eugene ★★★★☆


there are two of them! one downstream of the Kazanka river is higher, the other is lower! in one they mainly swim, in the other they dive!

A very beautiful place!!!
Not far from Kazan, it's like stepping into a fairy tale! Unreal hair color!!!

Both in summer and in winter, the townspeople come here to enjoy the amazing pictures of nature and swim in the crystal clear lake water, the temperature of which practically does not change throughout the year and is +6 degrees.
The lake is of karst origin - about two hundred years ago a sinkhole formed here, which was subsequently filled with water, which today is famous for its healing properties due to the increased content of dissolved salts of potassium sulphate, sodium and magnesium.

Blue lakes are an incredible beauty created by nature. Wonderful places for unity with nature, the search for harmony and beautiful photos. Crystal clear water and greenery await you.

There are several blue lakes: there are large ones, and there are small ones. We will talk about the most popular, the small lake.

The lake is crystal clear, because they are of karst origin (springs spring from the ground), so the temperature in them is always kept at +4 degrees Celsius. Both in winter and in summer it favorite place bathing walruses, and just people who lack the instinct of self-preservation.

How to get to the Blue Lakes in Kazan

If you go from the city center, you will have to get on the way, with transfers. By metro you need to get to the station. Aviastroitelnaya, then next to the metro station at the stop "Ulitsa Pobezhimogo" take the 20 bus, which goes towards the village of Shcherbakovo. He is what we need. Take a closer look at the map, which is at the beginning of the article. You can also get there by bus number 40, which you can take after reaching the metro station "Northern Station".

Tourist's comment: The bus runs quite rarely, it arrives to the North Station packed. Break 30-50 minutes in the morning and evening, 60-80 minutes in the afternoon. We went on a weekday. The bus towards the lakes at 10 am was waiting for about 40 minutes, in the evening at 16.00 they were waiting for the bus back for more than an hour. In 30-degree heat, under the sun, on the side of the highway.

It is better, of course, to go to the blue lakes in your car, call a taxi or find fellow travelers on a blablacar.

For those who drive: Lake coordinates 49.171262,55.91645 , you can drive into navigators. In a nutshell - we always drive straight: Ibragimov Avenue - Kopylov - Leningradskaya - Kamchatskaya and straight, straight, straight. Target highway M-7. There is a good paved parking near the flowing lake.

We're going to the Blue Lakes

And here is the same indicating sign, standing near the bridge. It says who does not see "Blue lake, recreation area" and an arrow for reversal.

To blue lake the road leads, so it’s almost impossible to get lost there (if you only try very hard and turn off somewhere). Everywhere streams and a lot of greenery. It is very nice to be in such beauty in nature.

The entire lake consists of many underground springs that frolic everywhere here. Here is a photo of one of them that hits right out of the ground. And the pressure is not weak.

Timber steps and wells.

Yes, also a very important point. There is parking for cars and garbage cans. The first one is free and unprotected, the second one is mandatory for its intended use. Please keep cleanliness and order.

In addition to the lake itself, you will be greeted by small ponds and a forest of incredible beauty.

And so, we got to the Blue Lakes themselves. For those who like to swim, there are places for changing clothes (or undressing, as you like). For those who like to just relax and admire the beauty, there are benches around the entire perimeter of the lake. For taking pictures - a wooden bridge. Upstairs there are beautiful wooden gazebos. By the way, the lake is deep. It can’t be compared, of course, with its large version, where local divers very often dive, but also nothing.

View from above:


When is the best time to go?

It is best to visit this place in summer (when everything is already green), or in winter (when the snow is already on the ground). In the off-season it is possible, but not recommended. There are a lot of people there on holidays (especially May), keep this in mind.

Is it possible to barbecue there?

Yes, there are barbecue areas nearby. Savages can be near Protochnoye Lake, which is next to Golubye. Please respect yourself and others - clean up after yourself after a good rest!

Should a tourist go there?

Yes and no. If you've already watched everything, everything, everything, then it's worth it. It is purposeful to go there to see, if you have not seen all the other sights, we would not advise.

Now a few words on how to get out of there. Everything is simple. Leave the same way as you arrived. On buses and with transfers! Worth a visit Blue Lakes? if you love beautiful nature, fresh air and interesting places, it's definitely worth it. Good luck!

Abkhazia is popular place vacation in the summer season. Apart from warm sea, the country offers tourists to visit its unique natural and historical attractions. An example of them is: Blue Lake, Lake Ritsa and Stalin's dacha. All of them are on the same route, so you can see them on a one day tour.

The area of ​​the Blue Lake in Abkhazia is 180 square meters. meters. Max Depth reaches 76 meters.

Blue Lake is located in the region of Mountainous Abkhazia on the territory of the Ritsa Relic National Park. The lake is famous and named for its unusually bright color of the water. Scientists explain its rich color with layers of the lapis lazuli mineral located at the bottom and walls of the reservoir. The brightness of the color does not change depending on the season and weather conditions. Due to its relatively small width and great depth, daylight does not penetrate the water column. People looking into it create a feeling of turbidity, although this is not so.

The coast is very steep. Swimming here is not worth it. Interestingly, fish do not breed in it. There are no algae and phytoplankton. Also, it is not bound by ice in the winter season. It doesn't get hot in summer. Tourists who come to admire the lake note its calmness of the water, even despite the turbulent streams from Mount Akhtsykh that feed the reservoir. nearest major river- Fuck. She and the lake are on opposite sides of the road.

Excursions to the Blue Lake in Abkhazia

Due to its proximity to Lake Ritsa, almost all tourist buses pass through Blue Lake. It is not large, so they make a short stop for photo shoots here. Also, on the way to it, groups usually stop by waterfalls, of which there are a lot in Abkhazia. The tour is purchased both in the nearest cities - the resorts of Gagra and Pitsunda, and in Russian Sochi and Adler.

The cost starts from 750 rubles. There is an additional fee to enter the territory. national park- 350 rubles. On the site you can get acquainted with the options for excursions in Abkhazia from Sochi.


The site for viewing the lake is quite small. because of a large number tourists there is traffic jams of people and buses. Entrepreneurial Abkhazians installed a stuffed brown bear, with which you can take pictures. For the same purpose, live peacocks are brought here. On the shore of the lake there are rows of shops with food and souvenirs.


Like many amazing sights of Abkhazia, the lake has many legends and tales. They love to tell locals and guides for all visiting tourists. Most often they are associated with its karst origin and try to explain the nature of the color of its water. One of the legends tells about the goddess Dzidzlan, who patronized the waters of these places. She had an extraordinary appearance and loved handsome men. Usually Dzidzlan lured them to her, and then released them with gifts.

One shepherd found out about this, who was lazy and ugly. For his own selfish purposes, he began to seek a meeting with her. To do this, the shepherd descended from the mountains and went to bed in a clearing near the stream. Intrigued, the goddess went to see who was so vainly seeking her. Seeing the ugly face of the man, she got angry and threw him on the ground. collapsed in that place underground cave into which a clear mountain river began to flow. This is how Blue Lake was born.

An even more tragic story is connected with an old man who lived on the site of the current reservoir. It is said that he devoted his whole life to hunting. In his old age, the hunter decided to move away from the villagers and lead a solitary life in a quiet cave. Despite this, many young hunters came to him for advice. In gratitude, they left the skins and meat of dead animals.

On one of the rainy days, the good old man sheltered two robbers who pretended to be ordinary travelers. Seeing his wealth and gifts, they dealt with him. For this, nature terribly got even with the robbers by flooding the cave. Since then, the body of the old man has been resting at the bottom of the lake, and his blue eyes give the waters their famous color.

How to get there

Getting to the Blue Lake is not difficult. It is located on the road leading to Lake Ritsa. You need to stop at about the 13th kilometer. What is good to go far from the road is not required. The reservoir is located almost next to the freeway, on the left hand side. The place is very popular, so you can use the services of travel agencies or get there on your own in a rented car.

From Gagra

If you leave the city center, you can get there without traffic jams in 40 minutes, moving along the Sukhumi highway E-60 and then turning near the village of Bzypta onto SH11. The total distance is about 30 kilometers.

From Pitsunda

The distance from Pitsunda is a little more. You will need to move to the northeast to the E60 highway. The journey will take less than an hour.

From Sochi and Adler

If you travel from Russian southern cities, you will have to cross the border with Abkhazia. The transition may take additional time. For such a trip, it is better to plan the whole day and leave early in the morning.