Blue lakes Tatarstan how to get there. Blue lakes of Kazan - a place with healing powers

For those who come to Kazan The main program for visiting attractions is the Kremlin and the water park. But no one has canceled nature either. Moreover, about 20 kilometers from the city there is such a beauty as Blue Lakes. This the whole system reservoirs that do not freeze even in winter (the water has the same temperature all year round, about +6 degrees C). Two hundred years ago, the ground collapsed in these places and the voids were filled with water from an underground river. The lake system consists of a large lake and several small lakes. You can get here along the M7 highway, near the village of Shcherbakovo you need to go under the bridge over the Kazanka (to the small lakes).

Blue lakes on the map.

The road on the way down from the bridge cannot be called good, so many people leave their cars on the M7 and continue on foot. But if you decide to go down, there is a parking lot further down. You won't be able to pass it, because there is no further road. Then walk about a kilometer to the farthest lake.

The road to the lakes after the bridge.

A stand with a story about blue lakes.

Here is the first lake.

And there are ducks in it.

Second lake.

Walking road to the last Small Lake.

Here you can always meet people who like to swim in the icy water. The water here is healing - it contains potassium-calcium sulfite-sulfate salts. At the bottom there is blue silty salt mud. The lake is very transparent and clean, all the smallest details of the bottom are visible.

I know that on the Bolshoi Blue Lake Divers often come to dive. But here, too, on a small scale, we met diving enthusiasts.


For those who like to swim, the lake is equipped. There are changing rooms, benches, and walkways.

Bridges for those who want to swim.

Path along the lake.

The water from the lake flows like a waterfall into the Kazanka River. There is a bridge over the waterfall.

Bridge with a waterfall.

Bridge with a waterfall.

And here is Kazanka herself. Not clean or blue at all.

We didn't get to the Big Blue Lake that day. You can approach it by car through the village of Shcherbakovo. They say that it is less famous and therefore there are fewer people there. We will definitely go there, and then I will update the article with new photos.

On Blue Lake we went as part of our road trip around Kazan. The route was planned in such a way as to see not only the city, but also the suburbs - Blue Lakes And island town of Sviyazhsk. Details of the route and the entire trip will be later, today I want to tell you whether it is worth spending time on a place that is popular for Kazan residents, but not entirely known to non-residents.

Blue Lake (12 km from Kazan along the M7 highway) is a real oasis of coolness and calm after the hustle and bustle.
When traveling to Kazan, plan your time to walk along forest paths and explore the lake. It is even possible to swim if you are not afraid of the water temperature of about 6°C.
Don’t expect supernatural beauty, but relax for a few hours and have a great time in a quiet place, for which your lungs and nerves will thank you.

The unique cascade of Blue Lakes, as scientists and biologists call it, is called the Pearl of Tatarstan and is protected by the state.

The depth of the reservoir reaches 15 meters. This is the deepest lake in the system of karst lakes on the Kazanka River. The purest spring water flows from underground into the lake, which is responsible for its absolute transparency and constant, rather low temperature throughout the year.
Thanks to the crystal clarity of the water, you can see the bottom of the lake and its inhabitants, listed in the Red Book.

If natural groundwater reserves are depleted, these lakes will disappear on their own.
But until this happens (and it won’t happen in the next decades either), you can safely come and admire the natural landmark of Kazan.


3. Immediately after the bridge, along the highway, after passing the village of Shcherbakovo, there is a small parking lot. But we saw several parked cars at the entrance to the lake, in front of the barrier, although exit from the bridge is prohibited.

4. To get to the first lake you need to walk 500 meters along a forest path.

5. Don’t be afraid, you don’t need to climb the hill, such paths remain to the side.

6. Stop at the first lake. There is a bridge for swimming.

7. The adjacent water area to the lakes, and the river itself, requires, if not major, then at least cosmetic repairs. Remove all the garbage, clear the water of silt and mud, and the place, which is not particularly attractive to tourists, will sparkle with new colors.

8. Someone’s caring hands made white swans from old tires and launched them onto the “island”.


11. But our goal is not them. The main Blue Lake is still 500 meters away.


13. And then a quiet laugh is heard, a “splash”: someone dived!

Despite the fact that the water in the lake is no more than 6-7 degrees, there are enough people who want to swim on a hot day. Children were especially noticed in this fun activity.
By the way, I didn’t even want to wet my feet, but Petya gladly took three victorious dips with an interval of 5 minutes to warm up. And then I once again noticed that we are growing a winner and an athlete. Look, at this rate we’ll start swimming)).

14. Cyclists and quite a lot of vacationers come here at specially equipped “kebab” places.

15. There are changing cabins and wooden gazebos. True, it was not possible to see what they are for and what they are equipped with.

Conclusion: If you are by car and have a couple of hours of free time, feel free to go to the lakes, you are unlikely to regret it. And for “walruses” the conditions are generally ideal.

See you somewhere else!

Abkhazia is popular place holidays in the summer season. Besides warm sea, the country invites tourists to visit its unique natural and historical attractions. An example of them are: Blue Lake, Lake Ritsa and Stalin's dacha. They are all on the same route, so you can see them on a one-day tour.

The area of ​​Blue Lake in Abkhazia is 180 square meters. meters. Maximum depth reaches 76 meters.

Blue Lake is located in the region of Mountainous Abkhazia on the territory of the Ritsinsky relict national park. The lake is famous and named due to its unusually bright color of water. Scientists explain its rich color by layers of the mineral lapis lazuli located at the bottom and walls of the reservoir. The brightness of the color does not change depending on the time of year and weather conditions. Due to its relatively small width and great depth, daylight does not penetrate into the water column. People looking at it get a feeling of cloudiness, although this is not the case.

The banks are very steep. It's not worth swimming here. Interestingly, fish do not breed in it. There are no algae or phytoplankton. It is also not affected by ice during the winter season. It doesn't heat up in summer. Tourists who come to admire the lake note its calmness of water, even despite the stormy streams from Mount Akhtsykh that feed the reservoir. Nearest large river- Bzyb. She and the lake are on opposite sides of the road.

Excursions to Blue Lake in Abkhazia

Due to its proximity to Lake Ritsa, almost all tourist buses pass through Blue Lake. It is not big, so they make a short stop here for photo sessions. Also, on the way to it, groups usually stop at waterfalls, of which there are a lot in Abkhazia. The tour is purchased both in the nearest cities - the resorts of Gagra and Pitsunda, and in the Russian Sochi and Adler.

The cost starts from 750 rubles. There is an additional charge for entry into the territory. national park- 350 rubles. On the website you can see options for excursions around Abkhazia from Sochi.


The area for viewing the lake is quite small. Because of large quantity tourists there are traffic jams of people and buses. Enterprising Abkhazians have installed a stuffed brown bear with which you can take a photo. For the same purpose, live peacocks are brought here. On the shore of the lake there are rows of shops with food and souvenirs.


Like many amazing sights of Abkhazia, the lake has many legends and tales. They love to be told local residents and guides to all visiting tourists. Most often they are associated with its karst origin and try to explain the nature of the color of its water. One of the legends tells about the goddess Dzydzlan, who patronized the waters of these places. She had an extraordinary appearance and loved handsome men. Usually Dzydzlan lured them to her and then sent them away with gifts.

One shepherd, who was lazy and ugly, found out about this. For his own selfish purposes, he began to seek a meeting with her. To do this, the shepherd came down from the mountains and went to sleep in a clearing near a stream. Intrigued, the goddess went to see who was wooing her in such vain. Seeing the man's ugly face, she became angry and threw him on the ground. It collapsed at that place underground cave, into which a clear mountain river began to flow. This is how Blue Lake was born.

An even more tragic story is connected with an old man who lived on the site of the current reservoir. They say that he devoted his entire life to hunting. In old age, the hunter decided to move away from the villagers and lead a solitary life in a quiet cave. Despite this, many young hunters came to him for advice. In gratitude, they left the skins and meat of killed animals.

On one stormy day, a kind old man sheltered two robbers who pretended to be ordinary travelers. Seeing his wealth and gifts, they dealt with him. For this, nature terribly got even with the robbers, flooding the cave. Since then, the old man’s body has rested at the bottom of the lake, and his blue eyes give the waters their famous color.

How to get there

Getting to Blue Lake is not difficult. It is located on the highway leading to Lake Ritsa. You need to stop at about the 13th kilometer. It's good to not have to go far from the road. The reservoir is located almost next to the highway, on the left hand. The place is very popular, so you can use the services of travel agencies or get there yourself in a rented car.

From Gagra

If you leave the city center, you can get there without traffic jams in 40 minutes, driving along the Sukhumi highway E-60 and then turning near the village of Bzypta onto SH11. The total distance is about 30 kilometers.

From Pitsunda

The distance from Pitsunda is a little more. You will need to move northeast to the E60 highway. The journey will take less than an hour.

From Sochi and Adler

If you travel from southern Russian cities, you will have to cross the border with Abkhazia. The transition may take additional time. For such a trip, it is better to plan a whole day and leave early in the morning.

Kazan is a city where between Orthodox churches Muslim minarets are visible, and there are many unusual landscapes in the area. This locality almost the same age as Moscow. But Kazan is famous not only for its architecture: there are many reservoirs here, and in some there are legends and even hidden treasures. We are talking about Lake Kaban. But Kazan is not famous for this body of water, but for the Blue Lakes. They attract divers because they have really clear water.

general description

The name Blue Lakes in Kazan refers to three reservoirs of karst origin. This complex is located on an area of ​​approximately 19 square kilometers and is a natural monument.

The lakes got their name because of the salt mud, which is blue in color and found at the bottom. All year round the temperature in reservoirs is stable, at a level from +3 to +7 degrees. Therefore, few people dare to swim in such cold water even on a hot July day.

The average depth of the lakes is about 3-4 meters, but due to the optical effect of the lens it seems that they are very shallow. For this reason, divers come here, but there is one feature that not all newcomers know about. The silt that is at the bottom has a light gray color, and if you accidentally catch it, you can forget about the transparency of the water for a long time. Divers who constantly come here adhere to a certain tradition - they lower a decorated Christmas tree to the bottom of the Big Lake, which can be seen even from the shore.


One of Blue Lakes Kazan is called Bolshoye or Svetloe. The depth in it is from 1 to 3 meters. However, it has two:

  • Big Deep with a depth of 18 meters;
  • Small Abyss is 6 meters deep.

In the Great Funnel, keys were found that were saturated with gypsum. Around the deep place bridges are equipped, here you can meet cold water lovers and athletes preparing to dive into the Great Deep. Professional and amateur divers come here to dive in winter, and even at night. This lake has one outlet in the form of a small waterfall into the Kazanka River.

Small and Big lake connected to each other by a dirt path where you can not only walk, but also ride a bicycle. The path is located under the bridge, along the mouth of the Kazanka River.

Maloe and Protochnoe lakes

Maloe Goluboe is much smaller in size than Svetly, and its depth is up to 4 meters. It has two drains into Kazanka, one of which is in the form of a waterfall. There are also equipped places for diving and descent.

Protochnoye is even smaller in size than the Small Lake, with a depth of up to 3 meters and 1 outlet into the river. It is in this reservoir that the water is warmest.

History of appearance

The photo of the Blue Lakes in Kazan is, of course, impressive. After all, a cascade of reservoirs is surrounded by dense forest and located in a state reserve. There are many wetlands in the area. total area protected area- 1910 hectares, and lakes - 0.3 hectares. The lakes received protective status in 1972, and in 1994 they were given the status of a protected area. The lakes are actually the beginning of a shallow branch of the Kazanka River.

It is believed that several hundred years ago the soil in these places subsided, and the resulting bowls filled with water. This is how the lakes appeared. By the way, the trunks of ancient trees are still visible from under the thickness of the water.

Flora and fauna

The lakes are home to frogs and crustaceans, and there is a lot of algae here. There are no fish today, although old-timers say that previously there were pike in these waters. There have been many attempts to introduce fish into the lakes, but the water here is too cold and salty for freshwater fish.

In the protected area there are many birch trees and there are about 97 species of plants, some of them are included in this category: floating manna, water pine and others.

There are unique animals in the waters - the water scorpion and the milky white planaria, the golden bee-eater. Beavers, muskrats, and snakes are sometimes found on the banks.

Water composition

If you decide to go on vacation to the Blue Lakes of Kazan, then it would be a good idea to know the composition of these waters. Analyzes carried out more than once show that local waters are saturated with soluble chemical salts, accounting for about 2500 milligrams per 1 liter of water. For example, in the same Volga river there are only 150 grams of them for the same amount of water.

Most of these salts come from gypsum. In confirmation of this, on the leaves of plants growing on coastline, sometimes you can notice even with the naked eye a light white coating - gypsum crystals.

The water itself is slightly sticky and has absolutely no odor. And the pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from the sludge. Studies of this density have confirmed that the sludge can be used as sulfur mud. It was not possible to determine exactly how hydrogen sulfide is formed, but most likely it is created due to the fermentation of sulfates.

The water flow of all three lakes is about 550-600 liters per second, Svetloye Lake accounts for about 250 liters.


Scuba diving enthusiasts dive into the Great Blue Lake. Divers say that incredible landscapes open up underwater, almost futuristic views; you can see the sky with stars through the clear water if you dive at night. It is at night in clear weather that the moon and stars shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

This place is considered ideal for underwater filming. Many people come here to test out their newly acquired cold water diving equipment. Here it immediately becomes clear how good the new regulator or batteries in the camera are.

As professionals and instructors say, whoever was able to dive in the Blue Lake of Kazan will be able to dive under water anywhere. Training takes place here almost every week.

How to get there

Blue Lake Kazan is located near the M17 highway. You can get here by your own or public transport.

If you travel on your own from the city of Kazan, you should take the bus following route No. 35 from the Tukaya Square metro station. Having reached the “Solnyshko” or “Golubyatnikova” stop, you need to transfer to bus No. 40 and go to the final stop - the village of Shcherbakovo. Then walk, following the signs.

How to get to Blue Lake (Kazan) by car? You need to take the M17 highway and exit at kilometer 808 to the village of the same name. Continue to the bridge. The descent to Maly and Protochnoye is located in front of the bridge, to Svetloye - behind the bridge. You can go down in front of the bridge, walk near two small reservoirs and follow the path to the Big Lake.

A unique body of water in the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia is the Blue Lake of Kazan. In fact, there are three of them - Big, Small, Supply. They are loved by tourists for their indescribable beauty: the bluish waters are simply mesmerizing. The reservoir is characterized by a lens effect, when it seems that the depth is very small, but it turns out that it reaches almost two tens of meters in some places.

The Big Blue Lake in Kazan is larger than the other two. But the local population is accustomed to calling the more common Maloe, where tourists mostly walk, Goluy. There are gazebos, benches, and bathing cabins here. Flow-through is smaller and has an elongated shape.

Judging by the reviews with descriptions of the area from tourists, the main interest is the Maloe and Protochnoe lakes. This is where walking, cycling, barbecuing and swimming are good. And the beauty of turquoise waters becomes a reason for inspiration for photographers, artists, and videographers.

What to do here?

Those who like to swim in cold azure water immediately find entertainment, but what about those who prefer a different type of recreation? The answer is simple - enjoy the vibrant nature of the surroundings. There are whole labyrinths of paths along which residents and guests of Tatarstan love to walk. There is completely untouched vegetation; you can even get lost here: after all, the reserve has an area of ​​more than 1000 hectares. But you won’t get lost if you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

There are often cyclists riding on separate paths. The air here is clean and fresh: if you are tired of excursions, cities, and viewing the main Kazan attractions, it is easy to recuperate here.


Diving enthusiasts love the Great Blue Lake: at 18m deep there is plenty to explore. It became a real training ground, plant and animal world amazes with its diversity. Algae resembling islands or clouds, underwater caves, stones, colorful pebbles, living creatures listed in the Red Book - all this can be seen during a dive. Night diving is especially interesting: the bottom is clearly visible, and the light emanating from the stars becomes colorful and bright.

The 18-meter descent is located on a karst sinkhole. The place is easily determined by the built bridges. Even in New Year This is where dedicated divers meet and gather for a holiday. There is also a crater 6m deep.

Hardening and healing properties of water

The average temperature of Blue Lake is about 4-6 degrees Celsius. In summer it reaches 8 degrees, in winter it can drop to 3-4. Hardening walruses are regularly found here - in winter and summer; there are always enough people wanting to swim. There are changing cabins and comfortable bridges nearby.

At the bottom there are entire layers of blue clay, which gives the rich azure color of the reservoir. She has medicinal properties, so the water here really helps everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle. It is full of useful salts; silt mud has special properties. The water tastes hard and bitter.

The components of the reservoir are used to treat diseases in a local sanatorium. Mud saves people from a number of skin diseases, including psoriasis. Those who like to swim in cold water note the positive effect of such procedures.

Vegetation and fauna

Coniferous and deciduous trees grow in this area: aspen, pine, birch. In the area around the lakes there are about a hundred different shore plants, terrestrial and aquatic. Biologists and nature lovers will find it interesting. There is no fishing here; there are no fish in the water system due to the high salt content. In the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan there is a water scorpion, a milky white planaria and other living creatures that live in the waters. Beavers and muskrats are often spotted on the property.

Look at the photo of the Blue Lake in Kazan, and you will understand why this area is attractive!

Locals love to tell unusual stories, regarding the origin of the reservoir. According to one legend, a girl suffering from love for the khan’s dead son disappeared and shed tears in those places. One day she disappeared, as if she did not exist at all. And at this place the first Blue Lake was formed. Many began to say that this pond was the tears cried by a desperate girl.

The second legend is about the beautiful mistress of the water depths. A lazy, ugly man became interested in her and decided to look at the beauty and make her fall in love with him. The girl stood up, intending to look at the wanderer out of curiosity, but when she saw his ugliness, she got angry and threw him so hard that the ground cracked. And the ceiling of her water kingdom collapsed.

Stories like this are interesting to listen to, as they are part of local folklore. Legends are passed down from generation to generation; they are beautiful fairy tales for children and entertainment for tourists.

Best time to visit

So, you want to see the Blue Lake of Kazan, you know how to get there, but when is the best time to do it? Blue lakes are popular and relevant for visiting in the summer, when the surroundings are green and warm. It is beautiful here in winter, when the snow has already settled to the surface. There are people who want to come in the off-season, but it’s not that interesting. You need to take into account the time when there are too many people on the Kazan lakes: usually this is May holidays and summer weekends.

On weekdays everything is a little simpler. Reservoirs are popular among amateurs active rest and barbecue: near Protochnoye Lake there are specially designated areas for barbecues, where tourists and local residents come to relax in nature.

How to get there

Most convenient transport For your mini-trip there will be a car. Blue Lake of Kazan on the map is located here: 55.904599, 49.156603.

You need to proceed from Ibragimov Ave. to Kamchatskaya Street and go straight to the M7 highway. This is the area of ​​the village of Shcherbakovo. Next there will be a ramp and a paved parking lot. If you are interested in the Big Blue Lake, the exit is located behind the bridge of the Kazanka River, Maloe and Protochnoye are located in front of the bridge. Tourists often travel to scenic spots by taxi.

From public transport in Kazan there are buses No. 35 and No. 40. The first one goes to the stops “Golubyatnikova”, “Solnyshko”, “Ibragimova”. The second one goes to Shcherbakovo, you need to get off at the last stop. All you have to do is walk and find Beautiful places independently, following the signs. There is also route No. 20, from the Aviastroitelnaya metro station. Blue Lake does not have a specific address in Kazan.

From Protochnoye Lake you can get to Maly Lake along an asphalt road. There are also paths for pedestrians and paths for cyclists.

The most convenient way is to take advantage of the opportunity of an organized excursion to the Blue Lakes. You definitely won’t get lost there, you will see the most interesting places, you will learn a lot of new things. The guide will unobtrusively tell you so you won’t miss the most beautiful places.

Is it worth going?

It’s definitely worth seeing the transparent azure of the lake. These are crystal clear places, a body of water renewed by spring water sources. The lake does not freeze in winter; cold water lovers enjoy its healing properties all year round. The landscape features are pleasing to the eye. But it is recommended to come here when you have already seen the main attractions of Tatarstan. After all, there are many historically significant, beautiful places here.

If you decide to visit Kazan, this is a great choice! On the website you can choose different excursions, including walks through picturesque Kazan places. In addition to fortresses, temples, other architectural monuments and museums, there are bike rides with parks. Sightseeing tour around Kazan will also captivate tourists, and on the lakes you can always relax and recharge your batteries.

Therefore, we invite everyone to individual or group walks with interesting, experienced guides and a varied program!