Gong Kong on the map of China Russian. Transport in Hong Kong

Being autonomous special area China, on the economic map of the world, Hong Kong occupies one of the leading roles. This is one of the main financial centers of all Asia. In fact, it is a separate state with its administration, legislation and political build. China provides only military security and controls issues of foreign policy with the world.

Geographical position

Hong Kong is located in the south of the PRC, occupying the Kowloon Peninsula and the nearby Islands washed by the South China Sea. In the north, the edge border runs along the pearl river. On the opposite shore is the city of the special economic zone of Shenzhen. West, through the strait, there is another special administrative district - Macau.

Transport in Hong Kong

Roads of roads, tunnels and bridges associate all large islands. In Hong Kong, you can find almost all types of logistics communications. Public transport system is strongly developed:

  • MTR, which includes the metro, suburban and internal electric train;
  • many bus routes;
  • ferry crossings between the islands;
  • tram routes for which the branded two-storey compounds run;
  • system of escalators and trains that facilitate the movement of pedestrians in a hilly locality;
  • the funicular coming from the center to the top of the Victoria Mountain.

Metro system

One of the most comfortable species Passenger transport in Hong Kong is a subway. AirPort Express branch connects international Airport With mainland and island part. Almost completely, the express line duplicates Tung Chung Line, but it is impossible to get to it to the airport. But at Sunny Bay station there is a reservation to Local Disneyland, which has great popularity among tourists. Metro map in Russian or english language Be sure to need a tourist to track your movement.

For communication from the island of Hong Kong and the Kowloon Peninsula through the Bay of Victoria, 2 more branches were transferred:

  • Tsuen Wan after leaves northwest;
  • tseun Kwan O line serves to connect the island with eastern part And Dzhank Bay.

Soon it is planned to complete the construction of the third branch of the East Rail tunnel. Now she connects the most northern settlementslocated on the border with the center of the continental part. From the end station Lo Wu, you can transfer the train outlined in Shenzhen and further to the Guangzhou region.

To move along the island part there is an Island line, passing along the northern coast. South Island Line connects the Admiralty station with the ocean park and the southern horizons. With new territories located in the northeast, the city center is connected by the West line, which is in late duplicated by an extensive network of lightweight subway.

The metro was laid to all significant attractions of the country.

Ground public transport

Underground, it is beneficial to descend for traveling over long distances or when the time question is very acute. Fares on buses and trams below, and interesting placeswhich can be seen on the road, much more.

All ground transport walks on a specific schedule, which can be found at stops. The information table will show an approximate route map, the next bus arrival time and the final station. Time deviations are insignificant and happen only in peak hours. Buses to the most modern and comfortable, but on KMB flights carrying out transportation on new territories, there are models without air conditioners.

Hong Kong tram park consists of historical two-storey wagons 30s. Some routes launched their modern analogues that completely repeat the appearance and decoration of the old. This type of movement is the cheapest - the passage costs about 2 Hong Kong dollars.

You can pay for the passage as cash at the entrance and the octeopus map. This is a single travel for all types of transport in the capital. In the subway it is necessary to fail the map both at the entrance and the output. The fare depends on the method of movement, the company of the operator and the route.

Map of region.

Most convenient way to orientation in the country for russian tourists is an satellite map. Hong Kong in Russian. If you have a smartphone, you can easily find all the objects of interest and build an optimal route to them.

Search for attractions

To reduce the cost of time to search for interesting places, it is recommended to apply the routes in advance to the map and cultural objects. Show optimal path can online navigator.

Administrative division

Hong Kong is divided into 18 districts, in each of which you can find anything interesting. The island region is divided into 4 parts:

  • Central and West, in which the admiralty, and entertainment areas are located;
  • East, with many parks and promenade;
  • Southern;
  • Wantry, which is a tourist center.

Another important area for tourists is Islands. It is located an international airport and the largest shopping centers. This is the most unclosed part of Hong Kong. In it is disneyland and several historical monuments, such as the statue of the Big Buddha on the island of Lantau. All Islands consists of more than 20 islands.

The remaining 13 districts are located on the continental part.

Resort holidays in the region

Despite the high density of development and constant noise, tourists can find a lot of varied beaches.

The main resort area of \u200b\u200bthe island is the southern area. There are beaches Ripals Bay, a turtle bay, a beach of Shek, Bay Beach of Big Waves. Coastline All the beaches are supported in perfect order, and a large number of coastal cafes and restaurants with good cuisine add pleasant emotions.

Hong Kong is not just a megalopolis. The government of the region does not want to turn the territory in the stone jungle and pays a lot of attention to landscaping the city. Anyone who turned out to be here will find a half-soul pastime: whether it is inspection cultural monuments With a map, shades in the mountains, walks through the living city or rest at the shores of the sea.

Hiking tourism is designed for people with a high level of earnings and accommodation in the city is quite expensive, even compared to european capitals. But a small amount of time is enough to feel the spirit of the city and plunge into his life.

Hong Kong - British possession in China. In times of opium wars with China, was the main transshipment base, with which the opium came to consumers of the Middle Kingdom. Nevertheless, Hong Kong flourished. After the end of opium wars, Hong Kong nevertheless continued to actively develop.

Satellite map of Hong Kong
(Use the + icons and - to change the map scale, and the mouse to move the card in different directions)

In 1941, Japan attacked. A few days later, Canadian and British troops capitulated. In 1945 - the Japanese knocked out from Hong Kong and he again became English. During the occupation, the population has decreased from 1.6 million to 600 thousand. However, soon from China began to enter people and soon the streets, and the main enterprise was filled again.

Now in Hong Kong lives about 7 million people. Here is the highest on the planet population density of 6,400 people per square kilometer. It is not surprising that all Hong Kong is built up with high-rise buildings. Hotels are alights, but that surprisingly in no one's fourth floor. The fact is that the figure is four, consonant with the word death, so superstition won mathematics.

Despite the highest density - here is one of the biggest income per person on the entire globe - $ 38,000. Hong Kong has its own currency Hong Kong dollar. It has a widely developed scope of banking services, is famous for the high-precision electronic industry.
Hong Kong gives the enormous importance of ecology. The city covers only a quarter square. The rest of the territory is not exploited, leaving pristine. Nevertheless, the air here is one of the worst on the planet. Well, though, appeared

Hong Kong on the map of China

Map of Hong Kong detailed

Map of Hong Kong

Hong Kong on the world map is known as a special administrative region of the PRC, washed by water South China Sea. The area is included in the same name of Hong Kong Island, Cowloon Peninsula, New Territories, Lantau Islands and small nearby islands.

On the map of Hong Kong, it is possible to see that the region has an extensive territory, a significant part of which is still undeveloped. That is why there are so many reserves and recreation areas.

The busiest part of the city is concentrated on the Kowloon Peninsula. The developed metro network connects Hong Kong with Lantau Island and Kowulun. (See Hong Kong Map)

The Hong Kong map shows it in detail that the region is also rich in bays, beaches and rivers.

The map of Hong Kong with attractions is extensive and diverse. Hong Kong is not only a global financial and business center, but also important cultural and historical region. Such famous tourist objects as Victoria Peak, Alley of Stars, Giant Buddha, Local Disneyland and Ocean Park are concentrated here. We recommend to look at Hong Kong from a bird's eye view - the beautiful panorama opens with observation deck And during the trip to cableway Ningg ping 360.

If you are in Hong Kong travel or stay in this city for a day or a couple of days, then the question of you will be relevant to optimizing your route around the city in order to visit more attractions during your stay in Hong Kong.

In order not to spend a lot of time on moving from place to place, it will be useful to know in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich airport express airport station What sights are located. From Lantau Island, near which the airport is located, it is more convenient and fastened to get to the city in this form of transport.

Sights of Hong Kong - Lantau Island

  1. Disneyland in Hong Kong (Disneyland). The park is divided into several thematic areas. The smallest of Disneyland Square in the world (1100 sq.m.). Metro Station - Disneyland Resort Station.
  2. Restaurant street D Deck. Located the street on the coast, consists of 13 restaurants. If your account in any of the restaurants D Deck exceeded 120 Hong Kong dollars, you get a free ferry trip to the center of Hong Kong. Ferries go daily until 00:00.
  3. Nongong Ping Village (Ngong Ping Village). Here you will find yourself, coming out of the funicular (paragraph 4).
  4. Funicular (ngong ping 360). Cable cabins have a transparent floor. You can make a walk on the funicular with a place called Tung Chung (Tung Chung). Walk will take about 25 minutes. Metro Station - Tung Chung Station.
  5. Monastery on Lin and Big Buddha (Po Lin Monastery). Five minutes walk from the village of Nongg Ping.
  6. Beaches of Lantau Island. On the island there are good beaches. Here is the names of some of them: Silver Mine Bay Beach., Chi Ma Wan Beach, Tong Fuk Beach, Lower Cheung Sha Beach, Pui O Beach.
  7. Fishing village Tai o (Tai O).
  8. Pink dolphins. From the village of Thai, you can take a boat walk to the habitat of pink dolphins.

Sights of Hong Kong - Tsin Island and

The island takes a small territory. Therefore, places that are here to visit, a little. The island will like shopping lovers, as there are many shopping centers.

  1. Tsin Ma Bridge (Tsing Ma Bridge). Connects Tsin Island and and Mavan Island. The bridge is the sixth in the world in length (2 km). In the evening, the bridge is beautifully highlighted. From a special observation deck located on the island, you can make excellent photo of the bridge and night city.
  2. Swimming pool and Waterpark Tsin and (Tsing Yi Swimming Pool).

Sights of Hong Kong - Kulun district

There are many temples, museums, exhibition centers, markets and other attractions, as well as shopping centers.

  1. Alley of Stars (Avenue of Stars).
  2. Star ferry (Star Ferry).
  3. Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck Lookout (Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck).
  5. Female Market (Ladies Market)
  6. Temple Wong Tai Sin (Wong Tai Sin Temple).
  7. Women's monastery Chi Lin Nunnery.
  8. Monastery of ten thousand Buddhas Monastery). About 16 km north from Kulun Station (Airport Express).
  9. Farm Cadurie and Botanic Garden (Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden). About 20 km north from Kulun Station (Airport Express).

In addition, there are many in Kulun interesting museums: Hong Kong Museum of Arts (Hong Kong Museum Of Art), Hong Kong Center cultural heritage Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Center), Hong Kong historical Museum (Hong Kong Museum of History), Hong Kong Cosmos Museum (Hong Kong Space Museum) and others.

Sights of Hong Kong - Hong Kong Island

  1. Hollywood Road (Hollywood Road). Here the temple Temple Man Mo (Man Mo Temple) and the Park Hollywood Road (Hollywood Road Park).
  2. Peak Victoria (Victoria Peak). At the peak, you can climb the tram of Victoria Peak Tram.
  3. Hong Kong Oceanarium (Ocean Park).
  4. Zoo and Botanical Garden of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens).
  5. Hong Kong Park (Hong Kong Park). In the park there is a museum of tea dishes, a bird Wolter, Olympic Square.
  6. St. John's Cathedral (St. John "s Cathedral). Located opposite the Hong Kong Park, in the north-west of the park, behind the building of Simply Life Foodplace.
  7. Happy Valley Hippodrome (Happy Valley).
  8. Golden Bauhinia Square Square. Here is the exhibition center and the embankment.
  9. Museum wax figures Madame Tussao (Wax Museum Madame Tussaud).
  10. The longest street escalator in the world of Mid-Levels Escalators. Its length is 850 meters.

We wish you a pleasant I. interesting travel Hong Kong!

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We bring to your attention the guide for interesting and notable places of Hong Kong. Here we will tell you how to get to certain local beaches, museums, sightsets, parks of recreation, attractions, to the hippodrome, and how it all looks. Also give information about the dishes local cuisine Without charges where you can drink a good alcohol. And it is still not all that we describe here ...

Sights of Hong Kong: Kowloon District

Arriving in Hong Kong, usually people remove rooms in the hotels of the Kowloon district. There is almost all cheapest Hong Kong accommodation, as well as there are a lot of places where it is quite interesting to visit.

Women's Monastery Chilin (Shilin)

This building is worth a mansion from other local tourist objects, but despite this, worthy of certain attention is worthy. Moreover, from the subway to him to go literally few minutes. And next to the monastery is a picturesque garden, where it is good to stroll.

  • You can get in the green metro branch station to Diamond Hill, C1 / C2 output.
  • The monastery can be visited on any day from 9:00 am to 4:30 days, but it is recommended to go here until 3:30, since it will not work later. The inner garden of the monastery can be attended by six o'clock in the evening. Outdoor, Nan Nin Garden - from nine in the morning to seven in the evening.

City behind the wall

This place can be interested in most of the lovers and connoisseurs of history. If in short - some couple of decades ago there was a real crush: more than 40 thousand people lived on an area of \u200b\u200b150 × 250 m. Government functions here performed Mafia, there were hospitals, factory - in a word, everything you need for complete self-sufficiency, except for the police this place was forbidden. Later, the Hong Kong government decided to destroy it, and with time, little girl, but did it. In fact, 40 thousand people on a patch of 150 × 250 m - a very big cluster to the people!

Well, today this place is no more than a sort of "museum" park, where photographs and exposure of the time of existence here are the most famous "city in the city".

You can get to the subway station to the Lok Fu station (green branch), then about 20 minutes to go on foot.

Working hours: around the clock and without days off.

Prices for visiting: Login is free.

Area with local cuisine

Once at the Kowloon Walled City, it makes sense to try real national Hong Kong dishes. There is no special point of catering, but there is a whole area where there are dozens of towns, which serve everyday food of Hong Kong averages. Here you can find dumplings with shrimps, a wide variety of amazing noodles, any delicacy saturated with sugar - and this is just a small part. This place is not included in the list of popular tourists, so food is sold without raby chewing, everything is honest.

How to get: From Kowloon Walled City to walk on foot, which will take 10-20 minutes.


All the Hong Kong markets described here are located next to each other, and two of them are so tight, which is not to disassemble where one ends and the other begins.

Flower Market (Flower Market)

This place includes quite a bit of the streets, but there is a lot of various varieties of colors and seeds on sale. Works during the day.

You can get there by the green line of the metro station - Prince Edward station, and then go about ten minutes just in foot.

Female Market and Gold Fish Market

Between these two markets it is difficult to notice a clear border, but here clothes, shoes, household goods, decorations, goldfish and not too large animals are sold. Opened all light day.

To get here, you need to walk from the metro station Prince Edward (Green Line) to go through, which will go about 5-10 minutes.

Night market on Temple Street

Once on the floral or, as an option, the "feast-fish" market in the evening, not meaningless to visit at the same time and night. The route goes there through the "Street with Perfomans", on which there is countless eaters, where they can feed at a reasonable price, and street musicians earn their art, why there are a constantly large number of people. As for the market, it would have to call "evening", not "night", as it closes at midnight. Well, there are various souvenirs and the other sinking soul of the smallest.

Working hours: from 4:00 pm to midnight.

To get here, you need from the station Yau Ma TEI (Red Line) pass through the "Street with Perfomans".

Sky 100 Overview (International Shopping Center Hong Kong)

Those who taste look at the top to the city, will definitely like the playground Sky 100. There is an overestimated ticket price, whereas there is in Hong Kong and free, but it is here that it is most convenient to admire the panorama of the city in the radiance of lights that in the evening is already a considerable advantage.

You can get by reaching the yellow or blue metro branch to Art. Kowloon, Exit C1 / D1.

It works daily from ten in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening.

Prices for tickets: 160 HKD.

The park Kowloong (Kowloon Park)

Deeper in the area spread in Kowulun Park. It is not too highlighted by its size, but here it is pure and neatly, in addition - a lot of flamingos. Anyone who feels fatigue from the city bustle and intense schedule, it is worth visiting here.

You can reach the red line of the metro to Art. Jordan or Tsim Sha Tsui, go out on A1.

Working hours: from five in the morning until midnight.

Price for visiting: Login is free.

Alley Stars (Avenue Of Stars)

This tourist object, which is located on the embankment, is most popular with Hong Kong guests. Here, among other things, you can make your photo with the statue of Bruce Lee.

Museums of the Kowloon district

Anyone going to Hong Kong represents a huge ultra-modern metropolis of Asia, where modern architecture and exotic nation are combined. And only for a walk you can estimate how true these ideas were true, and how much is not. However, in this case, the visits to local museums will help, where you can learn about changes in the city at a decade or another, how and what he lived than he breathed. Yes, and just can relax there too, if you give preference to intelligent rest.

Museums in Hong Kong are a lot, not one dozen, and not even two. It is difficult to imagine that such a huge amount of museums can be in the same city, but the fact, as they say, on the face - they are here and many are popular with both tourists and local residents. All of them to paint in this article does not make sense, but some cost.

The four most visited from local museums are good, including, in terms of space: they are all on about. Kowloon, and they are not separated by a lot of distance. And two - so in general in the same building are located.

Museum of History History

It is perhaps the most curious museum in all Hong Kong. Here you can learn a lot about the times of opium wars, the years of Japanese occupation, even on the peculiarities of industrial boom of recent decades. All this is told by the issues, as well as videos.

You can get in the purple metro line - Art. East Tsim Sha Tsui, go through the P2 output.

You can visit on weekdays 10: 00-18: 00, on weekends - for an hour longer, on Tuesday is closed.

The entrance costs 10 HKD on all days, except for the environment, when they do not pay for the visit.

Scientific Museum

Close to historical, there is a local science museum. It can be interesting for the children. Some curious items like invisible room There are here, but otherwise - empty. Of the advantages - except that it is actually in the same building as historical, so you can look back for a minute, if such an outstanding.

You can get to, using the services of the metro, in the purple line - Art. East Tsim Sha Tsui, output P2.

Visitors are accepted on weekdays at 10: 00-19: 00, on weekends - from ten in the morning to five hours of the day. On Thursday, the museum is closed.

Go to 20 HKD, except for the environment - then it is not necessary to pay, as well as for a visit to the historical museum located in the building in the same building.

Museum of Cosmos.

This is also worth visiting the place. Like the historical and scientific, the Space Museum is located in the Kowloon district. Here visitors show videos on the Arctic and cosmic subjects. Moreover, viewing is not on the usual screen, but on a very large domed, and in this advantage of the museum. The disadvantage is only one: the entire voice acting these rollers is in English.

You can get in the red branch of the subway - Art. Tsim Sha Tsui.

Working hours: on Tuesdays closed, on the rest of the days, it is open with one day before nine o'clock in the evening, Sat.-Sun. - From ten morning to nine in the evening.

You can view one video by paying 32 HKD.

Museum of Art

There are more than 15 thousand art objects, including calligraphy, antiques, famous artworks, creations of skillful artisans and the like. In this museum there is a complete meeting of thematic artistic expositions that were taken from the sources of the most different countries, Including China.

Closed to the restoration until the beginning of 2019, and then exposure will be updated, which will also take a lot of time.

You can get around the red metro branch to Art. Tsim Sha Tsui.


This place does not apply to the Kowloon district, but still it is worth placing his review here. In Disneyland, it will be more interesting to children. The cost of tickets here bite, but it has any disneyland so. And it is recommended to visit it on weekdays, and not in Chinese New Year - on weekends and during this holiday there are huge crowds of local residents.

You can get along the pink metro line to Art. Disneyland Resort, for travel from Kowulun on the subway, you must pay 20 HKD.

Available for visits to no weekend 10: 00-20: 00.

On one day - entrance ticket For an adult, you can buy, paying 589 HKD, for a child the ticket will cost 419 HKD, for the pension will have to pay 100 HKD
For two days - a ticket for an adult will cost 759 HKD, a ticket for a child can be purchased for 539 HKD, the pension will cost 170 HKD

Lantau Island (Big Buddha)

This attraction is also not something to include in the list of Kowulun objects, but it is more appropriate to mention it here. Lantau island can be reached by cable car, you can drive by bus, and you can walk on foot.

Sights of Hong Kong Island

On the island of Hong Kong, the number of objects interesting for tourists, more than in the Kowloon area. Below is talking about them.

Ferris Wheel (Observation Wheel)

Ferris wheels in most cases seem massive, impressive ... But not against the background of Hong Kong buildings. It is not so popular, especially - if you consider free points, from where you can admire the view of the city.

You can get around the red metro branch to Central, Exit A.

Ferris Wheel Watches: Daily from ten in the morning to eleven o'clock in the evening.

You can ride, paying 100 HKD.

Museums of Hong Kong Island

Museums located on this island will undoubtedly enjoy visitors, especially lovers and connoisseurs.

Museum of tea

It may be interesting to be very interested here, but the building is in a good place in the park, and nearby trams at Peak Victoria stop. If there are free minutes of twenty, this museum can be visited. At least just in order to take a look, which tea supplies used local residents In some other times, as well as buy for yourself some exotic type of tea.

You can get in the red branch of the subway - Art. Admiralty, C1 output.

Available for visits without days a week 10: 00-18: 00.

You do not need to pay for the visit.

Museum of money in Hong Kong

Exhibition on an amateur viewing paper money. Places takes a little, literally the only room, but here, at an altitude of fifty-fifth floor, there are panoramic windows. To visit, you need a passport or his photo to get here, write a special pass.

You can get in front of the Metro Red Line - Central Station, as an option - CENTRAL Pier, IFC Mall Skyscraper.

Working hours: from Monday to Friday from ten o'clock in the morning to 5:50 pm, on Saturday just until 12:40, the last day of the week is closed.

Ticket price: Login free.

Madame Tussauds museum

One exhibition pavilions of the famous brand "Madame Tussao" is located at the peak of Victoria, and at the same time he is among the most visited Hong Kong museums. Here you can make photos with sculptures of famous people, and then go to panoramic placesTo look at the city with a high height.

How to get there: to the peak of Victoria, where there is a museum, trams go.

Available for visits without days off from 10:00 to 22:00.

Pay for visit: 245 HKD. You can buy tickets different species - Although with a tram ticket for returning back, though with the possibility of visiting a sightseeing site.

Museum of optical illusions

This establishment on the third floor of the gallery located at the peak of Victoria is also distinguished by a large attendance. The to the younger generation will surely like its exposure, and some adults it will also be in taste.

You can get in the red line of the metro - Art. Admiralty, C1 output.

Visitors are accepted daily 10: 00-22: 00, Cashier trades until 21:00.

For a visit to an adult, you need to pay 150 HKD, and for a child or pensioner it will cost 100 HKD.

Central Mid-Levels Covered Escalator - the world's longest escalator

The city is located in uneven, mountainous terrain, and therefore it is quite appropriate to use the escalator, especially so long as this, who is considered, although not quite correctly, the longest on Earth. And for guests of Hong Kong, ride here is quite an interesting experience. This escalator passes through a few streets, so it is not so difficult to notice. Go to it (and get out too) can be on any of these streets. Given the same thing that there are a lot of cafes on these streets, shops and just interesting places for a walk, it necessarily makes sense to do. From 6:00 to 10:00, this escalator works exclusively on the descent, delivering people living in the district where they need (mainly to work places), and from 10:30 to 24:00 raises passengers.
As for whether it is the longest in the world, it is definitely necessary to answer negatively: the longest escalators in Russia are in Russia, in the subway of St. Petersburg and Moscow. And Central Mid-Levels Covered Escalator hit the Guinness Book as a long escalator system, despite the fact that no longer one of the incoming 19 escalators in it is different. Such here " legal linguistic Subtleties "!

You can get in the red branch of the subway - Art. Central, Exit D2.

Antique street

This small street accommodates a dozen small benches selling antiques. IN tourist places You can only buy any boring trash on a biting price, and here - on the contrary, you can find something really incredible, and much cheaper than you can expect. Usually these points work up to 6 hours of afternoon.


Both of these objects (Temple Manmou and Hollywood Road) List of "Must See" in Hong Kong. That is why the temple is usually scored by visitors, so there is little meaning one more (and then the whole family) to be squeezed into this crowd, and Hollywood Road is no more than another place where the stupid tourists sell any uninteresting trash under the guise of souvenirs. In our opinion, a visit to any of these places is just a meaningless murder of time, which in Hong Kong is easy to spend from where more than more benefit or much more interesting. However, decide, of course, you.

You can get in the red branch of the subway - Art. CENTRAL, output d2.

Open 8: 00-18: 00

For a visit to pay no need.

District with bars on Staunton Street

Next to the escalator and the temple of Manmou are a place intended for have a nice rest Beer mug. Here it becomes very busy in the evenings. Local bars are often naked by the people from all over globe, Well, you can have a rest until the night. Here everything is quite expensive, but this is Hong Kong, there is no little cheap here.

How to find: Drive on the Red Metro line to Central, another option - Sheung Wan.

Zoo and Botanical Garden

In the depths of Hong Kong Island there is a zoo "in one bottle" with a local botanical garden. The zoo itself, which is called, does not shine - the beasts in it are a little exhibited, but they can also see them. Even here you can look at a variety of plants. And it is possible - just sit on a vestway.

How to find: Metro Central.

Working hours: open daily six in the morning to ten in the evening.

Boards are not required.

Peak Victoria (Victoria PEAK)

Here you can drive in the tram cabin to, actually, the sighting site. It overlooks the city not only from height, but also at a different angle, and not only in the afternoon, but even in the evening, if he wants. And also - although it is believed that there is only one sightseeing site here, in fact, there are several of them. And there you can first admire the sunset, and later return to admire the city views at night.

Hong Kong Park

This is, in fact, not one, but as many as two fleets that make up one, between which the road passes. Not the most the best placeBut and far from the worst - it is suitable for recreation. The thing is to visit along with the children: there is a lesson. Opened all day.

How to find: Drive on the Red / Blue Metro Branch to Admiralty, Exit C1.

Sightbar Plaza (Central Plaza)

Here, as in some other places, you can enjoy a high-altitude Hong Kong view for free. Considerable dignity is the local panoramic windows that give the possibility of a review by as much as 360 degrees. Visit Hong Kong, and at the same time do not go here - not very reasonable.

You can get through the dark blue metro line to Wan Chai station, output A1, climb 46 floor.

You can visit on weekdays9: 00-18: 00, on Saturdays 9: 00-13: 00, on the last day of the week does not work.

Prices for tickets: fees are not required.

Hippodrome (Happy Valley)

Here, in this city, you can visit the most real racetrack. Alas, you can get here except on Wednesdays, there are no jumps on other days. Well, if you were lucky, and you were in Hong Kong on Wednesday - you may be interesting to visit the hippodrome. Here you can drink a beer in a pleasant company, while watching for jumps, and add sharpness in the spectacle by betting on some horse.

You can get to the subway station to Causeway, Exit A.

Working hours: once a week, on Wednesdays.

Prices for tickets: 10 HKD.

Montane Mansion.

Here it will be nice to be the photoers who like to take pictures of fringe pods.

How to find: to get around the dark blue metro branch station to Tai Koo or drive on the tram.

ABERDEN (Aberdeen)

This area may be interested in tourists. Here the most important thing is to cross the river on a small boat: the board is symbolic, and the process is rather curious. Also, you can start a guide-private owner on a tour of half an hour or an hour in Hong Kong channels on such a transport, but it will be necessary to pay more for it. You can also just walk along the embankment - it is very beautiful in the evening when the lanterns are painted in red.

How to find: From the subway (Art. Ocean Park) to travel by bus No 73 to Aberdeen.

Ticket prices: for a tour of half an hour 60 HKD, per hour - 100 HKD.

Ocean Park.

Ocean Park is included in the list of the most popular local tourist facilities. Usually he is visited in the company of loved ones - families or friends. A visit to this place is recommended to remove all day, from morning until the very late evening, because there are many different rides and many people in queues.

How to get here: It is recommended to get here to the subway. There are cards where there is no guiding line to the park itself, but this can be seen while in the Hong Kong metro - it is called Ocean Park. The light green line intersects with blue, which goes on. Hong Kong. Right to Ocean Park can be driving from Kowulun, using the metro services, paying 12 HKD.

Available for holidays Daily 10: 00-18: 00.

How much to pay: for an adult person - 438 HKD, for a child - 219 HKD.

Beaches about. Hong Kong

On about. Hong Kong is located very decent attention Beaches.

Repulse Bay Beach

This is the most visited of them, while the most glamorous one. He is on about. Hong Kong and neighboring chic hotels. He is big, and there are many bars and cafes near him. Also here is the equipped area where the barbecue can be fed. In the evenings, there are various parties here, so this beach suits lovers of this kind of entertainment.

How to get here: here you can get from Sentral 's Exchange (Art. Metro Hong Kong or Central, output a) on the next buses: 73, 260 and 973, paying for the passage of 10 HKD.

Middle Bay Beach.

There is a tiny Middle Bay near the previous one - he is where it is smaller than his neighbor, but it is noticeable here more calm, and there is also a zone for frying a barbecue here too.

How to get there: here you can just reach for about half an hour from Repulse Beach.

South Bay Beach (Nam Wan Beach)

This, like the previous one, is not in a special accomplishment of citizens. Basically, for the reason that it is for a long time to go. But this beach is possible, the best in Hong Kong. The reason for this not only in the shallow sand on the shore and good day Ponds, but also in its low popularity: there are no big crowds of vacationers.

How to get there: from Repulse Beach to go about 60 minutes, and from Middle Bay about half an hour.

Shek O Beach

On this beautiful beach Little people, and here all the conditions have been created to relax in the family or friends. Here you can find places where you can fry barbecue, showers, and also you can admire the wonderful panorama of the bay. The only drawback of the beach is a long time spent on the road, but, thanks to the excellent local transport system, this shortcoming is almost fixed.

You can get on the subway, reaching the dark blue branch to Art. SHAU KEI WAN, A3 output, then by bus No 9, paying 7 HKD. Leave transport on Shek O.

Big Wave Beach.

Near the previous one is located another beach, and more specifically - Big Wave. This place likes both surf lovers and those who just like to swim, swing in high waves. There are few people, there is enough cafe with seafood in the menu, and in general you can enjoy the rest.

You can get in the dark blue lin. Metro - Art. SHAU KEI WAN, output A3. Then pass by bus No 9, paying 7 HKD. Leave transport to Big Wave.

Shenley District

This place is like specially created for lovers pushing in crowds of tourists. The walls of the wall is saturated with restaurants and cafes, there are promenade. He is also famous for the prison, in which the Japanese kept the British at the time of the occupation of Hong Kong.

You can reach the bus number 260 at Central Metro Station. A total of 7 HKD will go on the road and about sixty minutes.

Haiking on the back of the dragon

Wonderful time spent. With successful weather, it even becomes possible to admire good species At the same time, several local bays. And on the way you can look at the beaches of SHEK O and BIG WAVE. If you allocate a few hours on such a walk - to get around the whole "Dragon's back" is pretty much.

You can get to the subway - Shau Kei Wan station on the blue branch. At the bus stop, located near the station, take a bus 9, paying for the passage 7 HKD. And there - to tell the driver where he must stop transport. And it is quite likely that you will not only.

There will be only one road, so it will be difficult to get off the way. Well, on the route there are index pillars. As for return, it is possible to be calm about this: buses where you can go back, often go and late.