The mountain is the height of the cable car. Reclining Buddha in Vietnam - a brief tour of two unique places

We offer several options for a trip to Mount Taku.

First, you can take a taxi in Phan Thiet or Mui Ne. Together with a Russian-speaking driver who will be your guide.

Secondly, you can order an excursion in these cities and go with a group or individually on excursion transport.

The third way is to travel by bus. First you reach Phan Thiet (read about this path in our article on the resort town), then take bus number 4, and you are there. But in terms of time, this path is costly, and not comfortable.

The fourth way is for self-confident tourists. Rent a motorbike and use the navigator or the signs on the road to drive to your destination.

There are two ways to climb the mountain itself:

By cable car and then by electric car.

And you can climb on foot, as all pilgrims do, among the jungle (and this is more than 1000 steps). This way will take 2-2.5 hours. There are benches for rest along the stairs.

Travel time spent

The road from Phan Thiet to Taku will take from one and a half to two hours, depending on what you will be driving.

If you climb the hill with your legs, then add a couple more hours. Take the funicular for 10 minutes.

Sightseeing itself - 1-1.5 hours.

The excursion trip to Mount Taku lasts about 4 hours.

Several historical and fictional episodes about Buddhist monuments

The sights located on Taku (and the height of the mountain is about 500 meters) appeared on it at different times.

If the pagoda was erected in 1861 during the reign of the Nguyen dynasty, then the Buddha statue was “laid” next to the temple in 1965. For three years, Buddhists collected funds and built a statue on the mountain.

The mountain was glorified, unwittingly, by the monk Cham Chuu Dyk. It was at the beginning of the 19th century. He settled in a cell built with his own hands. He himself built a wooden pagoda on the mountain. It was the perfect place for his meditations.

Another monk was well versed in herbs. The locals found out about his healing abilities and began to turn to Chan Chuu Duc for help. The monk, famous by that time, also healed the mother of Emperor Tu Duc. As a sign of gratitude, he built on the mountain, after the death of the hermit medicine man, a stone pagoda.

Mount Taku is located south of the city Phan Thiet, just 30 km from it. It is known for the fact that it has a statue of the largest reclining Buddha in all of Vietnam. But first things first.

Seasoned Advice:

Namely, at noon you will be on Mount Taku and, most likely, you will burn yourself.

Despite the close location of Mount Taku to Mui Ne, we got to about an hour and a half. Since in Vietnam driving at a speed of more than 40 km / h is not only prohibited, but also impossible due to a large number motorbikes on the road.

Passing Phan Thiet, we enjoyed sightseeing tour over this city.

Yes, and we decided to stop near the garden to see how the dragon's heart (pitahia) grows and take photos. The roads in Vietnam are very picturesque, we drove and enjoyed the views from the window. So the time has flown by.

At the foot of Mount Taku is a park with flowers. In it, an electric car was waiting for us, which literally rushed (compared to the bus that drove us) to the foot of the mountain.

The mountain is 475 meters high. It can be climbed on foot by stairs (as some Vietnamese do). But this will take a lot of time and effort, this is clear from the benches, which are located through a certain number of steps.

We went up the cable car. It is not as big as in Dalat, but also interesting and modern.

The mountain is famous for the fact that the monk Cham Chuu Duc lived on it in the 19th century. He cured the mother of the emperor from a serious illness. Where the monk originally stayed, the emperor built a beautiful pagoda in gratitude after the monk's death. And where Chum Chuu Duc lived in last years- on the top of the mountain. Was built modern statue reclining Buddha. It was built in the 60s of the 20th century with the money of believers.

On the mountain is the Linh Son Truong Tho Pagoda (eternal sacred pagoda on the mountain), it has a lot of Buddhist statues. When we were on the mountain (May 2013), the temple was under reconstruction, and everything from the temple was moved to the hangar.

From the temple to the statues of the reclining Buddha, you have to climb the stairs. On the way we saw the tombs of the monks who served at the temple.

The reclining Buddha is also called passing into nirvana. On Mount Taku, the Buddha statue reaches 49 meters in length. The height of the statue is about 11 meters. What is not accidental:

  • 49 meters long statue symbolizes 49 steps in the path of development;
  • 11 meters high - symbolizes the 11 steps of Buddhism.

In that sacred place you can make a wish or ask Buddhist deities for help in solving a difficult issue.

Near cable car there is a small souvenir market where you can buy all sorts of trinkets. We bought cinnamon and a bracelet there.

Since we bought a combined tour, we then went to Binh Chau hot springs and a crocodile farm. I advise everyone to do this, because in Vietnam there are a lot of interesting places that are worth visiting, but they are located far away (due to a speed limit of 40 km / h on the highway, but settlements and even less).

And here are some more photos from Mount Taku:

Park at the foot of Mount Taku

Fountain in the park at the foot. The truth didn't work when we were there

Statues on the way to the reclining Buddha

How do I explore a country when I come to it for a few months? I have a slightly strange algorithm. I try to visit the most distant places by the middle of my journey, so that later I can slowly explore the surroundings of the city where we stop for the winter. But it's always the same scenario - I see all the most interesting nearby in the last week before departure. Either the work sucks, or there is no desire to go anywhere, but I want to enjoy the sun and the sea on the track. In Vietnam, the same story came out - literally 3 days before departure, I traveled the most interesting places around Mui Ne. I was very lucky and one of these days my guide was Pasha - a colleague who is almost a native Vietnamese already :) Pasha - thank you so much for everything! :)

1. Ke Ga Lighthouse on Honba Island - the final point of our route. We will be on it at the end of the report.

2. First we went to Mount Taku, where there is a giant reclining Buddha. We were driving on the highway (by the standards of Vietnam). Finally, I managed to ride a scooter at a speed of 80 km / h, and not vomit 40 like on other roads. At the traffic light fixed a funny sign of a pedestrian crossing.

3. Cableway to Mount Taku. It was the first cable car in my memory, which first goes up the mountain and then goes down. In my understanding, the cable car is clearly up.

4. Local coniferous tree.

5. Sculptures from fragments of cups.

6. A long time ago, the monk Chan Chuu Duc lived on this mountain. There are many legends about him, but one says that one day a white tiger came to him and not only did not attack him, but began to live with him and protect him from unexpected guests. When the monk died, the tiger also died and was buried next to the monk. So two graves still stand today.

7. Responsible work - carve a Buddha from a single stone.

8. Looking at the photo, I remember how hot it was and I understand how she misses her now.

9. According to the 2004 census, 80% of Vietnamese are atheists. Other researchers suspect that such data was obtained under the influence of the state. In 2010, third-party studies were carried out. According to their data, 45% are adherents of traditional beliefs, only 16.5% are Buddhists, 9% are Christians, and the rest are atheists. Such religiosity as in other Asian countries I visited, I did not notice.

10. This is probably the most beautiful reclining Buddha I have ever seen.

11. The length of the statue is 49 meters.

12. It would seem - stones and stones. But no, if you jump on them, you can get to a small cave ...

13. ... inside a small altar. This is where the monk prayed. Not all tourists reach this place. Thanks Pasha for showing me!

14. On the way back, I photographed for you the process of the emergence of dragon fruit.

15. Dragon fruit or Pitaya - the fruit of a cactus. Cactus stems are tied around concrete pillars.

16. To speed up the process, turn on the lamps at night. Pasha says that these fields look magical at night.

17. And this is already fruitful.

18. Next, the fruits appear and begin to gain weight.

19. And then you can buy them anywhere. There are two types - with the insides of white and purple.

20. On the way we stopped at the salt fields.

21. Salty sea water and frying are doing their job.

22. You could take salt with you. In the Middle Ages, there were wars for salt.

23. Lone worker.

24. We did not stand still and went on. We rented a boat on the shore. Judging by the signs on the boat - she was about 30-40 years old.

25. Marine farms. I don't know who exactly grows here. Poor dogs - spend most of their lives rocking on the waves.

26. Ke Ga Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in Vietnam.

27. Beauty!

28. Granite blocks for the lighthouse were brought by sea from France.

29. The place reminded me of .

30. Somewhere in the distance Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

31. What bright colors. No photoshop.

32. A lot of crabs run over the stones.

33. Traditional Vietnamese boats dry on the pier.

34. Mutant coconuts. For you to understand - I have a 45.5 foot size. Each coconut is about the size of a basketball!

35. On the way back we saw a couple of sand figures.

36. And on the mountain, above Mui Ne, there is a real castle. It was built by a local rich man, with whose money the highway was built. In fact, this is the so-called Wine Castle. This is where grapes grow and wine is made.

The next report will be the final one from my Vietnam series. We will walk around Ho Chi Minh City in the evening and go to the city zoo.

Get in touch! :)

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Hello dear readers.

Buddhism in Vietnam originated in the 1st-3rd centuries AD, and the first Buddhist schools appeared in the second half of the 6th century. From the beginning of the XI to the middle of the XIV centuries. the heyday of this philosophical and religious trend began.

Then there is a gradual decline until the 80s of the XX century. Despite such a difficult historical path, Buddhism in Vietnam left a noticeable mark, both in literature and in architecture - in the form of pagodas, columns and sculptures. Today we will talk about two statues of the reclining Buddha, which are located in the Vietnamese cities of Vung Tau and Phan Thiet (Phan Thiet).

Now, among the many religions preached in Vietnam, Buddhism occupies an honorable first place. Many Buddhist sights, popular with the local population and tourists, appeared only in the 20th century. These include the reclining Buddha in Vietnam. Particular attention is drawn to two statues located near Phan Thiet and in the city. Vung Tau.

Phan Thiet

This is a relatively young resort in Vietnam, stretching along the coast South China Sea. It includes the city and surrounding villages, in particular Mui Ne (7 km to Phan Thiet). This is the capital of kitesurfers - the sea is rough here and the wind is constantly blowing.

There are few sights and they are located quite far - the statue of the reclining Buddha is located on sacred mountain Ta Ku (Temple Mount) is about 700 meters high, which is 30 km southwest of the city.

What is

At the very beginning of the path (at the foot of the mountain) there is parking for cars, a complex of souvenir shops. All this is surrounded by a flowering garden.

On the way up, the traveler encounters various statues and pagodas. Interestingly, their construction is still underway. The statue of the reclining Buddha is located on the very top of the mountain and is skillfully hidden by tree trunks.

Its dimensions are impressive - length 49 meters, height 7 meters. This is the most big statue Buddhas in Vietnam. You need to photograph it from the side, otherwise it will not fit into the lens.

The history of the appearance of the complex goes back to the 19th century. Until 1857, the monk Tran Huu Duc lived here. He treated people, tamed wild animals. Once he managed to heal the Empress herself. The emperor's response was a complex of pagodas. The reclining Buddha, which is located above, is the creation of modern masters.

How to get there

The complex, which also includes Linh Son Trong Pagoda, can be reached by bus or rented motorbike. To see the attraction, it is best to stay on vacation in Mui Ne or Phan Thiet.

All the way temple complex you can walk from the bus stop - it's a 3-hour journey up the scorching sun, or take the funicular, taking pictures along the way beautiful views and relaxing at the same time.

The road to the statue is well designed - it passes through the wild jungle, immersed in greenery, but you need to be in good physical shape to overcome the climb. Moreover, further you need to survey the surroundings, take panoramic pictures and enjoy the place itself, and this is problematic when “the heart jumps out of the chest” and sweat pours into three streams.

Advice. When setting out on the path of the pilgrims, do not take anything with you except water. Be sure to wear clothes that cover all parts of the body - light linen or cotton, cover your head with a hat or baseball cap.

Visiting time and price

The attraction is open from 6 am to 5 pm. Paid entrance. The price depends on the way to the top:

  • on foot - within 20,000 dong;
  • by cable car within VND 80,000 one way plus 10,000 electric cars to get from the entrance to the funicular itself;
  • a complex ticket costs within 100,000 dong.

Not far from the pagoda, on the top of the mountain, there is a good restaurant. If the pilgrim is very tired, you can spend the night right in the pagoda (there is a hostel).

Vung Tau

This city bears the proud name of the Vietnamese Riviera and at the same time is the oil capital of the Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam). Distance from southern capital(Ho Chi Minh city) 128 km. Vung Tau is not named the Vietnamese Riviera by chance. Previously, the local elite lived here - the entire coast is built up with villas in the style of French colonists.

Now they have been turned into luxury hotels and are fully adapted to the needs of tourists and local vacationers.

Vung Tau is more likely not a resort, but a city of entertainment and shopping. It's stormy here night life– there are casinos, nightclubs, bars and restaurants open around the clock. On weekends, starting from Friday evening, rich Vietnamese from Ho Chi Minh come here to hang out and get away from the gray everyday life.

The appearance of the city attracts:

  • luxury in everything;
  • cleanliness and grooming;
  • excellent roads;
  • multi-kilometer embankment;
  • beautiful architecture.

Temple of the Reclining Buddha

The Temple of the Reclining Buddha has a second name - the house of pure nirvana. The statue of the Enlightened One here is much more modest than in Phan Thiet, only 12 meters long. Located on the first floor, on a high pedestal. Made from redwood.

The 12-meter Buddha statue is made from a whole mahogany trunk.

On the second floor, fish swim in a boat carved in the form of a snake-dragon. Above is the bell tower, where a huge bell is installed. You can make a wish - the monk offers everyone a piece of paper and a pen. After sticking a note on the rim and hitting the bell with something (by the way, a special stick is hanging).

They say wishes always come true. If you go to the balcony at this level, you can admire the beautiful views of the South China Sea.

Also here you can see statues of various incarnations of the Buddha and mosaic paintings.

How to get to Vung Tau and attractions

You will have to choose from two methods - land and water. The water is much more interesting and cooler. Who does not know what Vietnamese roads are, it is better not to get acquainted with this phenomenon.

In addition, it takes at least 4 hours to drive from Ho Chi Minh City, and then, if you do not get stuck in a traffic jam. Such a pleasure is not cheap, about $ 80. By water, the journey will take no more than one and a half hours and will cost around $ 10.

Getting directly to the attraction is quite simple. Stand with your back to Vung Tau Pier, cross the road, turn right onto Ha Long Street. Look for a blue sign with an arrow and the name in Vietnamese Niet Ban Tinh Xá (approximate spelling - Vietnamese has a lot of apostrophes that you can't put down on a Russian keyboard).

Alternatively, rent a bike, you still need to somehow move around the city. Distances are good here. public transport not at all developed. In addition, the roads are half empty, so those who are afraid of getting into trouble should not be afraid.

The second option to get to the house of pure nirvana is a taxi. However, you need to be careful with them. Travel here is metered. Enterprising Vietnamese can travel around the city for a long time, winding dongs to an unlucky tourist, and, in the end, bring them to the wrong place.

The Temple of the Reclining Buddha was built over a period of 5 years exclusively on voluntary donations from believers. The multi-tiered complex covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 m 2 , well located - on Mount Nuino, from where amazingly beautiful views open. Entrance here is free.


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Mount Taku (Ta Cu)- one of the main attractions of Vietnam. It is located near the famous resort town. Be sure to visit this mountain, you will definitely learn a lot about this country, its history, culture and religion.

Taku is almost 700 meters high and can be reached on foot or by funicular. And at the top you can immediately feel the coolness and incredible beauty of the surrounding world.

For those who feel strong enough in themselves, it is best to get to the top on foot. This is very interesting trip through the real Vietnamese jungle. Such a walk up the stone stairs will take at least three hours.

When going to Taku, be sure to bring food and drink with you. You can have a small picnic right here and restore your strength. Do not forget also about a hat, sunglasses and cream.

Funicular lift

And by cable car you can climb to the top within 10 minutes. At the same time, a magnificent view of the surroundings opens up before the passengers of the funicular. This climb is an unforgettable experience.

What's interesting?

Taku has a number of attractions. First of all, it is the beauty and diversity of its nature, magnificent landscapes, flora and fauna preserved intact. You can take a lot of great photos along the way.

Perhaps, as a separate attraction, one can single out the cable car itself, along which tourists and locals ride the funiculars, exploring the magnificent surroundings.

From cultural monuments on the mountain you can see a Buddhist pagoda, as well as a statue of the Reclining Buddha almost 50 meters long. This is the largest Buddha in all of Vietnam. Around it are many smaller statues.

In this country, the main religion is Buddhism, and for Vietnamese Buddhists, Mount Tacu is sacred. The cable car was originally built specifically for the Vietnamese who make their pilgrimages to this sacred place.

For the sake of pilgrims and tourists, a guest house was built near the pagoda, almost at the very top, where you can relax and spend the night, and a restaurant where guests are offered delicious Vietnamese cuisine. Construction continues today.

And at the foot of the mountain there is a guarded paid parking, there are many souvenir shops where you can buy some trinket as a keepsake of visiting this wonderful place.

In addition, there is a beautiful garden of tropical flowers with a fountain, and small electric cars drive all over the territory under the mountain, which bring tourists and believers to the cable car station.

How much does the ticket cost?

To visit sacred mountain need to pay a small amount. Moreover, the tourist is offered several types of tickets to choose from at the box office.

1) Pedestrian climb:

- for adults - 15,000 VND or $ 0.66;

- for children - 10,000 VND or $ 0.44.

2) Driving an electric car:

- for adults - 8000 VND or $ 0.35;

- for children - 4000 VND or $ 0.18.

But it is most convenient to buy a complex ticket at once. Its cost is the same for adults and children - 100,000 VND or $ 4.41, but it includes all other surcharges that will be required during the trip up the mountain.

How to get here?

Taku is located 30 km from the resort of Phan Thiet. In Mui Ne, you can buy a bus tour, which, in addition to this attraction, includes a visit to the spice plantations and the old Kega lighthouse.

You can also get here by taxi or rental car. Tourism infrastructure it is quite developed here, the roads are decent, there are signs all around how to get to Taku.

Remember that all the roads in Vietnam are simply clogged with motorbikes - the favorite transport of the Vietnamese. It is very difficult to develop a speed of more than 50 km / h here. Therefore, going on an excursion from Mui Ne, stock up on time in advance.

Before the tour, be sure to put on closed clothes, you can national, so that you are allowed into a Buddhist temple. It will also help you protect your skin from the hot Vietnamese sun.

Do not give money to the priests and monks in the pagoda, as they, in accordance with their beliefs, are not entitled to touch metal coins or paper money. Entrance is completely free, but charity is welcome here.