Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam's air gate. Cities of Vietnam: the largest, most beautiful, resort Cities of Vietnam by population

The largest Vietnamese city is located in the south of the country, almost 2 thousand km from the capital of Hanoi and covers an area that could accommodate two Russian capitals - more than 2000 square meters. km. The central part of the metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) is one of the most densely populated urban settlements in the world: almost 10 thousand people per 1 sq. km. km.

Two-thirds of tourists visiting the country enter Vietnam through this city. An amazing panorama opens up to travelers in clear weather from the plane.

A bit of geography and history. Administrative structure and demographic data

Saigon river

Ho Chi Minh City is located about 20 meters above sea level, and, in addition to the Saigon River in the west, the coastline is indented in the east by the bed of the Nyabe River.

Here is eternal summer, the temperature is 26-28⁰C, and there are only two seasons: from December to April in Ho Chi Minh it is dry, and from May to November it rains. But they are mostly short-lived and interesting excursions around the city and the surrounding area is not a hindrance.

In addition, from May to September, airlines significantly reduce flight prices, and the prices of many tour operators for package tours to Ho Chi Minh hotels are also very attractive. Discounts can reach up to 50%.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that the largest Vietnamese city was once the main sea ​​gate Cambodia? In the 17th century, the Vietnamese conquered these places, and the port of Prei Nokor was renamed Zya Dinh, and then it became Saigon (like the river on the banks of which it stands).

At the end of the 19th century, Saigon was the capital of French Indochina, in the second half of the 20th, exactly two decades, it was the main city of South Vietnam, and in 1976, after the reunification of the North and South, it was renamed in honor of the first president of the reunited country, Ho Chi Minh.

And although the last name of the city is almost half a century old, but in everyday life in colloquial speech, the townspeople still often call themselves Saigonians and feel like capital residents. And not only the older generation, but also the youth. There is a good reason for this: there are many important historical and cultural attractions here. The city is not only air gate country, but also the largest industrial and commercial center.

And although officially Ho Chi Minh City is not the capital of Vietnam, it occupies the same place as Hanoi in its significance.

Who lives in Ho Chi Minh City and what religion do the townspeople profess?

More than 90% is indigenous people- Vietnamese, about 6% - Chinese (Hoa), the rest: Khmers, Tyams and even up to fifty different nationalities.

80% of the townspeople are Buddhists, about 10% are Catholics, there are Protestants, Hindus, followers of Islam and Bahaism. The remaining residents (about 7%) consider themselves atheists.

Areas of the city where it is better to stay

The main administrative divisions of Ho Chi Minh City are: quận - this is the name of the urban area in Vietnamese and huyện - rural county. There are 260 blocks in 19 urban areas, and 5 rural counties consist of 63 communes.

Boundaries of urban areas of Ho Chi Minh City

The "record" figure is 46 thousand people. per sq. km. So many people live in district (district) No. 11. The skyscrapers of hotels, offices (Flemington Tower) and residential buildings that have grown here in recent years are adjacent to old houses and temples. The most famous amusement park Dam Sen is also in this densely populated area.

Dam Sen Amusement Park

Most often, it is he who can be seen in the photo of travelers who visited the city of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

But the least populated is the largest urban area in terms of area No. 9: here, only a little more than two thousand people live on each square kilometer. This is a brand new industrial and business area with high-rise residential complexes under construction.

The most famous and remarkable buildings and quarters of French colonial buildings are located in area No. 1.

This is the central Saigon administrative region, it is here that the city hall and the city hall, the Reunification Palace, the opera house, the botanical garden and the zoo, and the most famous architectural landmark of Ho Chi Minh City - Notre Dame Cathedral are located.

Notre Dame Cathedral

There are about 2,000 hotels, guesthouses and apartments in Ho Chi Minh City. Approximately half of them correspond to the level of one star. There are only a few dozens of international class hotels with 5 *****. Prices for them in the high season start at $ 200, but from May to September, housing can be rented at half the price. There are large international class hotels in different parts of the city, but most of them are in discrits No. 1-2, 3, 7 and Dong Khoi.

Where is it better to stay in Ho Chi Minh City, which hotel to prefer? It depends on the duration and purpose of your stay and financial possibilities. For tourists who have package tours to the resorts of the South Coast of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City can only be a point of arrival and departure, and the main goal is a seaside vacation. But many of them in their schedule also plan a backlash of one or two days to get to know the city: either at the beginning of the trip, or before flying home.

Most independent travelers, those who flew to Ho Chi Minh City on purpose and in order to stay here longer, stay in special area for foreigners - Baker's quarter (Pham Ngu Lao street), where they shoot budget housing.

The entire infrastructure of the quarter is designed for their needs: souvenir shops, clothing and footwear, establishments Catering- cafes and restaurants with local Vietnamese cuisine, manicure rooms and spas.

In the evening, the whole block turns into a noisy party. You can rent accommodation in this place in the range from $5-10 in a mini-hotel and up to $40-60 in 1 * - 3 *** hotels, depending on the season.

Thanh Guesthouse

What is budget accommodation at Minihotel Alley? The guesthouse room is clean and quite comfortable. Mandatory set: hot water, air conditioning or fan, TV and a small refrigerator. But going up to the room, on the steep stairs, the guests sometimes may not disperse even together, although the rooms themselves are not cramped.

Useful advice: if you are looking for a mini-hotel in the Bakpeker quarter, give preference to housing not on main street, and in the side alleys: there will be less annoying incessant street noise.

You can compare the cost of accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City on the most popular travel portals and choose the best hotel in terms of cost and location, where you can stay here: Room Guru.

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Transport: how to move around the city and between cities

From the largest Vietnamese international airport Tan Son Nhat (Tan Son Nhat) to the center of Ho Chi Minh City (6 km) can be reached from 6 am to 6 pm by bus number 152 for less than $ 1, but you need to pay for luggage separately.

The bus will take you to the bus station next to Ben Thanh Market. Taxi fare to Pham Ngu Lao Street or your hotel in the area is $7-10.

Auto, taxi around the city

Interesting Facts. Vietnam does not have its own production of cars, and the import tax on cars is often much higher than their value. For this reason, such transport is not available to the vast majority of Vietnamese in their personal ownership; only very wealthy citizens own cars.

But the taxi service in Ho Chi Minh City is quite developed, it is mainly used by tourists, travelers and foreigners living in Vietnam for a long time.

Here are the coordinates of the main city services:

  • 08-84 24 242 Saigon Taxi
  • 08-82 26 666 Mai Linh Taxi Company
  • 08-81 11 111 taxi Vina Taxi

Useful tips. A good benchmark for the sanity and adequacy of the amount named by the taxi driver (in case you intend to use a taxi in your further movements around the city) will be a table on this site www.numbeo.com. Here, in Vietnamese currency, which can always be converted at the rate, the cost of the trip is indicated depending on the mileage.

Ho Chi Minh Bus Depot

Transportation is carried out by several local companies, the most famous of which is Sinn Cafe.
There are two types of bus stops in the city: OpenBus tourist sites and regular state bus stations.

Ben Xe Mien Dong

There are several intercity bus terminals in the city, two of them in the Bintan area, the first one serves the northern direction, the second - the southern direction:

  • Ben Xe Mien Dong (Myedong) - the main city bus station, the main ones also begin and end here. tourist routes around the city and surroundings.
  • Ben Xe Mien Tay (Mientai)

From the Ben Xe An Suong bus station (Ansuong) in the rural county of Hokmon, buses leave on the route to Tay Ninh

It is better to take tickets at the box office of the bus station, and not from the bus driver, there is no service for booking seats by phone.

Tickets for OpenBus buses are sold at some local travel companies, at the reception in hotels and at the box office of the main bus station. All night tourist buses (slipbuses) are double-decker, and the seats are arranged in three rows. Each passenger is given a light blanket and a headrest pillow.

This is how one of them looks like in the photo, departing from Ho Chi Minh City on a night flight.

The scheme of city routes for the uninitiated is confusing, but traveling by bus in Ho Chi Minh City should not be neglected: it is quite cheap compared to some other methods, and besides, it is safer. It is worth buying a scheme and using it to move around the main streets of urban areas.

Train Station

The railway station in District 3 (Nguyen Thon Street 1) still officially bears the old name (Ga Sai Gon) - Saigon City Station.

From Ho Chi Minh City, except for Nha Trang, trains run to Da Nang, Hue, Hanoi. In principle, this is the same route along which four trains depart from south to north at different times: evening SE2 at 19:00, night SE4 at 23:00, and two morning, SE8 and SE6 - at 6:25 and 9:00.

Moto-bike (motorcycles, scooters, mopeds)

By analogy with Amsterdam, which is called the cycling capital of the world, Ho Chi Minh City can rightfully be the world's scooter capital. On the local roads, a man sitting on an "iron horse" is the main character.

The main part of the Vietnamese travels on two-wheeled motor vehicles of different capacities, 3-4 people with a driver on one motorcycle is the norm.

If you trust your driving skills and ability, feel a lack of adrenaline and do not like to ride a bus, you can rent a motorbike for $5-15. The rental price depends on the capacity of the iron "horse".

Such and similar shots are a favorite subject of street photos taken in Ho Chi Minh City on the streets of the city by a variety of photographers.

Join the daily multimillion-dollar stream of the same risky drivers, but be extremely careful - at first, even just contemplating this chaos, which is called traffic here, inspires horror among those who are unaccustomed to the spectacle. And you will have to dive headlong into it and maneuver among thousands of the same motorbikers and pedestrians.

If you are not ready for this, but you want to ride a motorcycle, just hire a motorcycle taxi. They are everywhere, on the corner of any street, men on motorcycles, sometimes sleeping or lying down, but more often sitting on their bikes and waiting for their passenger. The closest trip will cost $1-2 (approximately 20-40 thousand dong), and then everything depends on the distance and the ability of the client to bargain.

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“Mua” and “zam za” - these funny words for our ears should be known to every tourist who came to Vietnam. The first is a purchase, the second is a discount.

By the way, about discounts, or rather about economical shopping in Ho Chi Minh City. If you save all checks or invoices in which the amount of your purchase is not less than 2 million VND, and present them at the airport, then within a month after it was made, there is a chance to return VAT (minus 15% of its amount). Naturally, only if the goods you bought were “not guilty” and the customs officers will not find it on the lists of those withdrawn from circulation or even prohibited.

What tourists bring from Vietnam

  • Coffee and green tea
  • Bamboo products and mahogany products
  • Headwear as a souvenir: a non-women's round conical hat and a men's "colonial" helmet
  • Handmade paintings embroidered on silk
  • Multicolored t-shirts with pagodas and dragons
  • Ivory smoking pipes
  • Products from river and sea pearls and silver


In the large shopping centers of Ho Chi Minh City, it is easy and more profitable than at home or in other countries to purchase Adidas and Nike products, Kipling and Louis Vuitton bags, shoes of famous brands Ecco, Geox and Clarks.

Many people are interested in where to buy good Vietnamese cosmetics as a gift in Ho Chi Minh City. There are few decorative cosmetics of their own brands here, Vietnamese manufacturers produce only natural cosmetics using ingredients such as pearl powder, rice powder, turmeric, coconut oil, ginseng, lingzhi mushrooms, and snail extract.

Leading brands:

  • Thorakao
  • Lana Safra
  • lolane
  • O'Nalyss

Real natural Vietnamese cosmetics are guaranteed to be bought in the stores of the manufacturer.

Snail masks, soap bean saponin shampoos, the popular day face cream, white tiger ointments, and more can be found in boutiques in large shopping malls and specialty stores. One of them: "Cosmetics from Andriana" (Hai Ba Trung, 24).

Popular shopping spots in Ho Chi Minh City

About two hundred large and medium markets, a myriad of street spontaneous and night markets, the most modern shopping centers, chains of department stores and supermarkets of foreign investors from Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia and even Germany - this is the field of activity for inveterate shopaholics in Ho Chi Minh City.

Large and popular shopping establishments are located in discrites 1,5,7, but there are also many of them throughout the city.

Ben Thanh Market (Market Ben Thanh)

The city has many architectural and iconic monuments of colonial times. But none of them has become a symbol of the city. But the building, relatively unpretentious in its architectural meaning, but functional in its content, has been successfully playing this role for more than a hundred years.

His image can most often be found on various souvenirs: key chains, magnets, and just on various photos of the city of Ho Chi Minh City.

The building with a tower and a huge clock was built by the French for almost three years, from 1912 to 1914, although the market at this place in the heart of Saigon has been noisy since ancient times.

You can get to Ben Thanh from Tran Nguyen Hanh Square, the main entrance is located directly under the clock, and there are 4 entrances, according to the number of cardinal points, that's what the gate is called.

From which side you enter the market, you will immediately fall into the tenacious hands of sellers of various souvenirs. Further along the perimeter - shops with clothes and shops for shoes, dishes and all sorts of things.

And in the very center under a huge 28-meter dome - fruits, vegetables, spices and dried fruits, here is also a sea of ​​​​Vietnamese "public catering" establishments.

Our tourists have a variety of opinions and reviews about the main market of Ho Chi Minh City. For some, it strikes with its size and assortment, for others it seems like an ordinary large Asian bazaar with a typical set of goods, a relatively scarce assortment and infrastructure that is inconvenient for making purchases.

Some consider the prices in this market to be prohibitively high and advise to go there only for an excursion, while others, on the contrary, recommend Ben Thanh as a cheap market where you can also bargain and buy gifts, buy souvenirs and taste Vietnamese cuisine at a profit.

But there are no indifferent and there are thousands of reviews about the Ben Thanh market. This is the most visited place in the city by foreign tourists. And you can form your own opinion only by visiting it. Even if you are afraid of crowds, it is worth taking 1-2 hours to enter from the south through the main entrance, go through the market and then exit into the city through the North Gate. And along the way, take interesting shots in the piggy bank of the photo archive of your trip to Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City.

Address: Intersection of Le Loi, Ham Nghi, Tran Hung Dao Avenues and Le Lai Street

Binh Tay Market (Binh Tay Market)

One of the main markets, located in the famous Chinese area Tholon. There are fewer tourists here, mainly the local population visits this market.

A large indoor market is open from 6 am to 7 pm, and from 5 to 9 am there is a morning open market where the freshest products: vegetables, fruits, fish and meat are much cheaper than on the tourist Ben Thanh.

covered market square in plan, with a tiled roof, retail space on two floors, and in the center of the patio there is an interesting old fountain. The assortment is very similar to the first one, but all the goods here are from local producers.

On Binh Tai, you can find everything that grows and is produced in Vietnam: manufactured goods, clothes, shoes, food, mountains of spices and nuts. As elsewhere, in the local cafes you can try all the Vietnamese dishes. national cuisine, and it is very tasty and recognized by gourmets all over the world.

Address: 57 Thap Muoi, | Ward 2, Ho Chi Minh City 7000

This market is located in district 6, and the way to it by taxi from central region 1 takes 15 minutes.

Sacrifice a sweet morning dream and try to get here as early as possible, preferably at dawn. Then you will find the noisy open rows of the morning trade in the freshest vegetables, fruits, food and plunge into the elements of a real Vietnamese market. You won't regret it, and save a lot of money too.

Saigon Center (Saigon Trade Center)

In Ho Chi Minh there are shopping centers much larger in area, but this one is especially loved by both locals and tourists. It is located in District 1. Its areas are located on the first three floors of a large 25-storey skyscraper, which was once the tallest in the country.

There are cafes and restaurants on the ground floor. Well-known brands: clothing, footwear and accessories from various manufacturers that have located their facilities in Vietnam, found their place in the second place, and household goods and interior items - in the third place.

The Catherine Denoual Maiso boutique is also popular. Always buy only real porcelain dishes here: for every day, and artistic products, and sets of masters. Bed linen - only from natural materials.

Catherine Denoual Maiso

The atmosphere of it shopping center has a pleasant and recognizable phytoaroma throughout the territory, the aroma is unobtrusive, but noticeable. This is probably one of the marketing strategies that increase sales. Nevertheless, it worked, and there are always many visitors to the center.

Address: 65 Le Loi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, 7000 Ho Chi Minh City.

Opening hours: on Monday - Thursday from 9:30 to 21:30, and from Friday to Sunday for half an hour longer.

Holidays in Ho Chi Minh City, nearby beaches

Part of the outskirts of the city is located on the coast of the South China Sea. But full beach holiday in Ho Chi Minh itself will not work.

In the evening, you can watch the sunset on the waterfront and dine in one of the fish restaurants. Swimming in the city is not worth it: multiple tributaries of rivers and streams, which, like the main big Saigon river, flow into the sea, carry tons of silt into it. And even the color of the sea water here does not induce the desire to start water procedures.

The closest resort to Ho Chi Minh City is Vung Tau, the road to the beach by car takes about 2 hours. You can get there directly from the Tan Son Nhat airport by minivan ($6) or small air-conditioned buses (departure from the Mien Dong bus station in the city) for $2-4.

The water here is much cleaner, but in the high season there are a lot of people, as in Soviet times on Black Sea coast, including the local population who come to swim in the sea for the weekend.

But Ho Chi Minh City guests have other resorts to choose from. south coast although not quite close. If you are traveling with your family, you have a direct road to the beaches of Phan Thiet, adapted for small travelers, and for fans of surfing - on Mui Ne.

The road (220 km) takes 4.5 hours. You can get there by night bus for $10-12, and a 7-seater transfer will cost the company about $100-125. Often tourists look for travel companions on Bla Bla or forums.

So ended our acquaintance with the city of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a place where 70% of tourists and travelers who annually visit the country of eternal summer get to. And what a coincidence: in recent years, about 8 million foreign tourists have been received in Vietnam a year, and this is comparable to the population of the largest Vietnamese metropolis. After all, statistics say that even a little more lives in the developing Ho Chi Minh City - about 8.2 million people.

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Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam from a bird's eye view. The areas of old and new buildings are clearly visible. This pattern is typical of several major cities countries.

There are no big differences in the architecture and planning of cities in different parts of the country. The vast majority of buildings are residential buildings with several floors and a very narrow facade. Four- and five-star hotels of several major international hotel chains such as Sheraton, Hyatt and others have been built in big cities and resorts. In some places there are buildings built during the French colonial administration: Catholic churches, old hotels, industrial and office buildings. After 2010, skyscrapers began to appear in major cities.
At the same time, two dozen of the largest cities have their own identity. rapidly changing terrain, climatic conditions, different history, economy - all this leaves an imprint of originality. But, in the planning of medium and small cities in the north, middle part and south, there are noticeable differences.

Largest cities

There are 3 cities in Vietnam with a population of more than one million people: Ho Chi Minh City (7 million), the capital Hanoi (about 4 million), Haiphong (1.6 million), Danang (more than 1 million). Cities such as Hue, Nha Trang, Dalat have several hundred thousand people each.

Objects intended for recreation, entertainment and culture are presented in much the same way as in European cities. This is especially noticeable in Ho Chi Minh City, where several new amusement parks, water parks, and museums have appeared.

Tourist cities

Most visited Russian tourists are the resort cities of Nha Trang and Phan Thiet with the suburbs of Mui Ne, the most Big city- Ho Chi Minh City and the capital of Hanoi. They are followed by Phu Quoc Island in the south, the cities of Hoi An and Hue in the middle part of the country, and Ha Long Bay in northeastern Vietnam.
Two other big cities after Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi - Hai Phong and Da Nang, are visited by tourists little, probably because such big attractions as Ha Long Bay and the ancient capital of Hue are located in neighboring cities, respectively.

In the Central Highlands of southern Vietnam, the city of Dalat is located, which differs from other cities in some “Europeanness” due to the cool, by Vietnamese standards, climate and more buildings of European architecture. It is also famous for its large-scale floriculture.

Provincial cities

Many provincial cities, which are very rarely visited by foreigners, also contain interesting sights, both natural and historical. Here are some examples.

The city of Thanh Hoa, 170 km south of Hanoi, is very ancient. Not far from it, part of the citadel of the Ho dynasty, built in the 14th century, has been preserved. Close to Thanh Hoa is seaside resort Shamshon.

The city of Dien Bien Phu in northwestern Vietnam is famous for the fact that in its vicinity in 1954 a battle took place between the French colonial troops and the Vietnamese liberation fighters. It has historical significance as one of the battles of the anti-colonial struggle.

The city of Buon Ma Thuot in the highlands in the southern part of the country is known as the "coffee capital". The highest quality Vietnamese coffee is grown in its vicinity, and a coffee trading exchange operates in the city itself.

Can Tho is a city that is called the unofficial capital of the Mekong Delta area. It houses floating markets, a 16 km long bridge across one of the branches of the Mekong. But, the main attraction is the river itself, carrying its waters past the city into the ocean.

transit cities

The northeast border towns of Lang Son and Mong Cai are major transit points between Vietnam and China. They have large clothing markets with goods from China, where the Vietnamese buy things wholesale and retail at low prices.
Despite its smallness, the border town of Hatien in the south on the border with Cambodia is quite famous among tourists. Through it, people often move from one country to another, and sometimes vacationers on the island of Phu Quoc travel through this city for a couple of hours to Cambodia to extend their visa-free stay in Vietnam.


None of the cities in Vietnam has a subway. There are no trolleybuses there either. The lack of these modes of transport is compensated by a well-developed bus network.

Communication is well developed. Cellular communications cover almost the entire territory of the country. Gradually, free Wi-Fi is being introduced in cities. While they can be used for free in the central parts of some resort towns.


Distances between cities are shown in the table of distances. To move between cities for short distances, it is better to use vehicles, including buses, for medium distances - by rail, for long distances - by planes.

It is located in a long strip along the South China Sea. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and is located in the north of the country. Big City- Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is tacitly considered southern capital. In addition to these major cities, there are many places in Vietnam that deserve attention. Let's start our journey from the north to the south of the country.

1. Hanoi

An ancient city with a thousand-year history, which occupies the second place in terms of population. Hanoi bears a huge cultural heritage Vietnam. Its exterior is a mixture of traditional Chinese style and colonial French style, and it shows everywhere. Walking through the old quarter of the city, you understand that this place is simply saturated with Asian flavor. There are many shops and shops where local artisans sell their goods. The French Quarter is distinguished by the buildings of the colonial era. Walking through it, you can imagine what Europe looked like in those days.

2. Hue

it ancient capital Vietnam. Palace complexes, pagodas, tombs, temples, museums attract many tourists. Unfortunately, the city was badly damaged during the war, but was restored. Fans of antiquity should definitely visit Hue, because the whole city is one huge museum.

3. Nha Trang

The resort city of Vietnam, which has a seven-kilometer beach, so you can always find a place where there will be few people. Not far from the city there are islands to which excursions are organized. Each island is unique and offers different activities: snorkeling or diving, feeding monkeys, exploring wild flora and fauna. It is also worth driving along the longest cable car, laid above sea level, and visit the amusement park. There are many museums, restaurants, bars, souvenir shops in the city.

4. Dalat

This city was built by the French to escape the tropical heat. Dalat is located in a mountainous area, so it has a cooler climate. Tea, coffee, strawberries and vegetables are grown on the high slopes. Dalat is a city of spring, a small Europe in the center of Asia. Tourists should visit famous waterfalls, ride elephants and go to the most unusual hotel in the world "Crazy House".

5. Phan Thiet

6. Ho Chi Minh City

The largest and most populous city in Vietnam. Arriving at it, a continuous stream of mopeds immediately catches your eye. It seems that these are rivers of people and technology. However, Ho Chi Minh City is a very colorful city, where you can find many museums, monuments, churches and pagodas. Many sights are dedicated to the Vietnam War. In order to save space, houses are built very narrow and elongated deep into the yards. At the same time, the style of buildings can differ sharply from each other, which is very striking. True, comfortable high-rise buildings have been built in the new part of the city.

Vietnam is a state in South-East Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula and washed from the east and south by the South China Sea. The official name of the country is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Vietnam's neighboring states are Laos and Cambodia, with which Vietnam borders in the west, as well as China, with which the border lies in the north. The total area of ​​the country is 331,212 square kilometers, which is only 65th in the world. B about Most of Vietnam is occupied by low or medium height mountains and plateaus. highest point countries - Mount Fansipan (3143 meters) of the Hoanglyenshon mountain range. In addition, the largest Indochinese rivers Mekong and Hongha flow through Vietnam, which flow into the South China Sea.

For a long time, Vietnam was an Indochinese colony of France and achieved independence only in the middle of the 20th century - this happened in 1945, although armed clashes continued in the country for several more years. Vietnam is also the scene of a 1965-1973 war with the United States that cost many lives on both sides.

Modern Vietnam is a socialist state that has chosen the Chinese version of development - the modernization and liberalization of the economy. As of 2016, the population of Vietnam is 94,569,072 people.


For entry into Vietnam for a period of more than 15 days for citizens Russian Federation you must have a visa obtained at the Vietnamese consulate, you can also apply for a visa directly upon arrival.

In order to obtain a visa at the consulate, you need to provide the following documents: a foreign passport (minimum validity - 6 months from the end of the trip); 2 photographs 4×6 cm; 2 questionnaires completed in Russian, English or French; invitation, travel voucher or booking. The visa is issued within 5 working days, and its validity period is 30 days. In addition, a US$25 consular fee is charged.

When obtaining a visa directly at the border, at the Vietnamese airport, you need to provide 2 photos 3 × 4 in size, one completed application form, as well as a visa permit from the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, which is issued within 5-7 business days. Upon arrival, citizens must go to the "Visa on arrival" window, and from that moment the vacation in Vietnam begins.

Among other things, the visa indicates the points of entry and exit through which the guest of the country can cross the border. in order to change specified place, you must contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. This service is paid.

If the period of stay in Vietnam does not exceed 15 days, then Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. In addition, neighboring Laos and Cambodia have similar rules (in Cambodia you can easily get a visa at the border), so after a 15-day stay in Vietnam, you can go to one of neighboring countries and then come back again for 15 days. Often, when entering Vietnam for a period of less than 15 days, border guards may require you to present a ticket to leave the country - this is prescribed by the rules, but not always enforced.

Customs regulations

When entering Vietnam, certain customs regulations apply. So, an unlimited amount of foreign convertible currency can be imported into the country, however, if the amount exceeds 3,000 US dollars, then the currency must be declared, since no more than the declared amount can be exported from the country.

You can also carry, without paying a duty, the following goods: a maximum of 1.5 liters of strong alcohol or 2 liters of drinks with an alcohol content of maximum 22 degrees; either 400 cigarettes, or 100 cigars, or 500 grams of tobacco; 5 kilograms of tea; maximum 3 kilograms of coffee, as well as two cans of black or red caviar weighing no more than 100 grams. In addition, other goods are also transported, the total value of which does not exceed 5 million VND (Vietnamese dong).

As in other countries of Southeast Asia, the penalties for trying to smuggle drugs are the most severe, up to and including the death penalty. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to transport medicines containing narcotic substances without having the permission of doctors to use them, as well as explosives, firearms, pornographic products or insulting local culture.

Current time in Hanoi:

Upon arrival, all tourists undergo sanitary and epidemiological control, and on board the aircraft they fill out a Declaration of Health. If during the control the visitor does not show any symptoms of diseases such as AIDS, plague, tuberculosis, cholera, yellow fever and others, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, the tourist is waiting for treatment in one of the local hospitals, and not a good rest in Vietnam.

How to get there

It is relatively easy to get to Vietnam from Russia - two airlines operate regular flights, but the list of Russian cities from where you can fly directly to Vietnam is limited to Moscow. But in tourist season(during winter months) charter flights are carried out from other cities, for example, from Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk.

You can fly directly from Moscow to Hanoi with Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines flights. Aeroflot flies daily, Vietnam Airlines - three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Both Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines operate direct flights from Sheremetyevo Airport to Hanoi Noi Bai Airport. The flight is very long, so passengers are provided with meals twice. Time in the air is 9 and a half hours.

You can also fly to Ho Chi Minh City from Sheremetyevo by Aeroflot without a transfer, by direct flight. Travel time is about the same as to Hanoi.

From Vladivostok, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, S7 planes can fly direct to the resort town of Nha Trang.

Connecting flights

From Russia to Hanoi

  • Emirates Airlines from Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Dubai.

From Russia to Ho Chi Minh

  • Turkish Airlines from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara and Ufa with a transfer in Istanbul.
  • Airline "Thai" from Moscow with a change in Bangkok.
  • Air China airline from Moscow with a transfer in Beijing.
  • Airline " Qatar Airways» from Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Doha.
  • By Korean Air from Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Seoul (Incheon Airport).
  • By Japan Airlines from Moscow with a transfer to Tokyo (Narita Airport).

There are more complex options - with two transplants. However, during periods of airline sales, it makes sense to use them because of attractive prices. For example, you can get to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City by Air France from Moscow and St. Petersburg with transfers in Paris and Bangkok.

It is worth remembering that long flights are associated with a certain risk to the health of passengers who do not tolerate such loads.

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Climate and weather in Vietnam

So that your holiday in Vietnam is not spoiled weather conditions, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the climate data for the country. The climate in Vietnam is tropical monsoon, so the humidity is quite high, averaging 84% throughout the year. However, the climate often differs markedly from region to region. This happens because of the difference in latitudes and in the features of the relief of a particular area. The winter dry season, which lasts from November to April, is dry only in comparison with the rainy season, since even in these months there is enough rainfall due to monsoon winds blowing from northeast coast China. In the southern regions of the country, it is quite hot in winter - about 25 degrees, while in the north it is on average 10 degrees colder. The lowest temperatures are in December and January, sometimes reaching only 1 degree above zero. In any case, it is most comfortable in the south of the country, where in any season the temperature rarely drops below 20 degrees, and in April - the hottest month - sometimes even reaches 37 degrees.

The average annual rainfall ranges from 1200-3000 millimeters per year, with 90% of all rainfall occurring between May and October. At this time, each region of the country receives its portion of precipitation, but in the winter months in the south of Vietnam, the probability of rain is much less than in the north. It is also worth knowing that in late summer and early autumn, the time comes for typhoons, often with truly destructive power.

Cities and regions

Vietnam consists of 59 rather small provinces, plus there are 4 cities of central subordination - these are the cities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong and Da Nang. The most developed provinces from an economic point of view are located in the northeast of the country, which is not so popular among tourists, as well as in the south of the country near the city of Ho Chi Minh City.

Administrative divisions of Vietnam

Provinces of Vietnam

Lao Cai
How Giang
Dien Bien
Yen Bai
Tuen Quang
Bak Kan
Lang Son
Vinh Phuc
Thai Nguyen
Buck Zyang
Buck Ninh
Hai Duong
Quang Ninh
hung yen
Haiphong city
Ha Nam
Nam ding
Ninh Binh
Hoa Binh
Thanh Hoa
Quang Tri
Tua Thien Hue
Quang Nam
Quang Ngai
Zia Lai
bin ding
Fu Yen
Duck Lak
Khanh Hoa
Dak Nong
Lam Dong
Ninh Tuan
Binh Thuan
Binh Phuoc
Dong Nai
Baria-Vung Tau
Tai Ninh
Binh Duong
Long An
Dong Thap
Vinh Long
How Giang
An Giang
Kien Giang

Major cities and islands of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam's largest city and economic capital of the country. A lot of industries are developed here; it is estimated that 40% of Vietnamese exports come from Ho Chi Minh City. The city was founded by the French colonizers in 1874 (the official date of foundation is March 15, 1874). Until 1975, the city was called Saigon.

Nha Trang

The city of Nha Trang is the capital of Khanh Hoa province and at the same time the capital of a beach holiday in Vietnam. Simply put, it is the most popular resort in the country. About 200,000 people live in Nha Trang, and almost the entire life of local residents is connected with the tourism industry.


Halong is both a city and a bay. The city itself is nothing special, and the real pearl of this area and the whole of Vietnam is Halong Bay. This bay is on the list world heritage UNESCO. Surprisingly, more than 1,600 islets and rocks of various shapes, sometimes very bizarre, are scattered over an area of ​​1,500 square kilometers, which makes the bay more like a fairy-tale than a real place. No wonder Halong Bay is one of the most visited places in Vietnam.

Phu Quoc

The Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc is located in the Gulf of Thailand, just 15 kilometers from the coast of neighboring Cambodia. The island, whose area reaches 567 square kilometers, is also called the "island of 99 mountains." Phu Quoc is home to 85,000 people, mostly employed in tourism or agriculture.

What to watch

By clicking on the links in the text, you can get more detailed information about a specific object (description, location on the map, cost entrance tickets, opening hours, ways to get there, photos, reviews of tourists, etc.). If you are interested in the sights of Vietnam as a whole, without division into cities, there is a special section for this.


Ho Chi Minh City

There are many things to see in Ho Chi Minh interesting buildings– colonial buildings, Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral, Buddhist temples and pagodas Presidential palace, mosques and much more.

In addition, from Ho Chi Minh itself you can easily get to the neighboring province of Tai Ninh, where there are many beautiful Cao Dai temples, as well as the Mekong Delta region.

As for sights, in the central part of the city there are several very interesting places for tourists. And if you come to Ho Chi Minh in the summer, from mid-May to the end of August, you can find "Southern Fruit Festival" held here every year.

Nha Trang

Among the attractions of Nha Trang, it is necessary to highlight the Long Son Pagoda, behind which, on the top of the hill, there is a large stone statue of Buddha sitting on a lotus flower. You can also look at the Cham towers of the 13th century, which were built in the era of the Champa state. It is also possible to swim with an excursion to Monkey Island, located 12 kilometers away. north of the island Hong Che. The tour includes a cruise around the islands, fishing, visiting the Bajo waterfall, mud and mineral springs, local craft villages. If you wish, you can visit the Circus of Dogs and Monkeys, the Circus of Elephants and Bears and much more on the island.


A mandatory item of the program is a trip on a boat or some other vessel around the islands. At the pier in the city, you can find out in detail about all the possible routes, which can be both short and long, and even include an overnight stay on the ship. The regular tour includes a visit fishing village on one of the islands, a cave, as well as an island named after German Titov, the famous Soviet cosmonaut who vacationed here in the 70s. You can also do night fishing directly from the boat, which, however, must be ordered in advance. But then you can enjoy the taste of your own catch! popular islands Ha Long Bay are the islands of Tuan Chau and Cat Ba.

Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc has a lot of beautiful beaches stretching from the town Duong Dong to the town of An Thoi. The island has many beautiful hills and mountains covered with tropical forest. In addition, in Phu Quoc you can watch the sunset on the sea, which is not done in other resorts in Vietnam that face the east.

Resorts of Vietnam

Tourists in Vietnam, first of all, will be interested in its numerous beaches and warm sea, and only then the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum and everything else. There are plenty of resort towns in the country. Of course, not all of them correspond to the European level of quality, equipment and infrastructure. It is noteworthy that the resorts stretch along the entire coast of Vietnam - from south island Phu Quoc to the Mongkai resort in the north of the country.

The waters of the South China Sea are quite salty - saltier than in the neighboring Gulf of Thailand, but at the same time more beneficial to health. At the confluence of the rivers (especially the Mekong and the Red), the water is fresher.


Museums and galleries


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Wellness vacation

Private guides in Vietnam

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Vietnam in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Movement around the country

In Vietnam, in one quantity or another, you can meet and use all modern views transport - from domestic aircraft to intercity buses and taxis. Some of them are very well developed, some are not enough, but in some cases they can be irreplaceable. In any case, there is an opportunity to get even to remote places in Vietnam, even if you have to make several transfers from one mode of transport to another or, say, from one bus route another.

The following types of transport are developed in the country: air transport, railway transport, buses, water passenger transport and various types of taxis. You can find recommendations on moving around the country and get to know each type of Vietnamese transport in more detail in our special material “Transport in Vietnam: from a scooter to an airplane”.


Vietnamese is a member of the Viet Muong group of the Australo-Asiatic language family and is the native language of the Viet and the Kinh people. Big influence the Vietnamese language and culture was influenced by neighboring China: two-thirds of the words in the Vietnamese language are of Chinese origin.

For tourists, it is very convenient that instead of hieroglyphs in the Vietnamese language, the Latin alphabet is used, although with the addition of diacritics under or above the letter to the vowels, which indicate a particular tone. Due to the fact that there are a huge number of tones and semitones in Vietnamese speech, it is very difficult to perceive it by ear. At the same time, the Vietnamese themselves have problems with the correct pronunciation of European words. It is often very difficult to make out what a Vietnamese person is saying in English.

English is the most common foreign language among the locals, which, however, is not surprising. It is studied at school, at universities, in courses, etc. Also, in educational institutions of Vietnam they teach Chinese is the second most popular foreign language after English. English and Chinese are followed by French, Russian and German, but they are much less common. So, Russian is most often known by adults who studied at the universities of the USSR, as well as Vietnamese merchants who returned from Russia, but their level of language proficiency is very low. AT recent times due to the increase in the number of tourists from Russia to resort areas locals slowly begin to master the Russian language.


Vietnamese culture throughout its centuries-old history has been subjected to numerous influences of its powerful neighbors or the mother country, but each time it melts them into something original and unique in its own way. India and China play a special role in the development of Vietnamese culture. China introduced more than half of the words and hieroglyphic writing into the Vietnamese language (in the 20th century it was replaced by the Latin alphabet), and into culture - Confucianism and elements of Taoism. In addition, in the Middle Ages, the influence of Indian culture was noticeable, and later, after the colonization of Vietnam by the French, the French. This was reflected, in particular, in the architecture of many cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City. In the second half of the 20th century, with the coming to power of the communists, many elements of culture began to be borrowed from the Soviet Union.

Vietnamese literature has a rich history - from ancient folklore, including the legend of the Dragon Sovereign Lac Long Quan, the Muong epic "The Birth of Water and the Birth of the Earth" to books of the 20th century, similar in theme to European literature. The most significant writers in the history of Vietnam worked in modern times - Nguyen Chai in the 15th century, Nguyen Binh Khiem in the 16th century and Nguyen Dhu at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Nguyen Chai is one of the first major Vietnamese writers, as well as an outstanding statesman and philosopher. Nguyen Binh Khiem was an outstanding poet, close in worldview to Taoism, and Nguyen Du, who wrote the poems "The Lamentations of a Tortured Soul" and "The Tale of Kieu", is as significant a figure in Vietnam as Pushkin is in Russia.

Vietnamese folk music is quite original. May surprise a large number of vocal genres, and among the main musical instruments one can distinguish an amazing disc-like guitar that can be either four or five strings, as well as dan tam (three-string guitar), dan ni (a violin with only two strings) and om dit is a Vietnamese bamboo flute.

Theater is popular in Vietnam, presented in several interesting genres. Teo is an ancient folk theater, which at one time originated among the peasants who lived in the Red River Delta. Today it exists in the provinces of Thai Binh and Hai Hung. Theatrical performances include folk music and the use of traditional folklore stories.

Vietnamese opera is called Tuong. Tuong originated in a courtly atmosphere and is considered a high theatrical genre that combines dance, music, pantomime, poetry, acrobatic arts and more. By the way, there are no decorations on the stage, and a heroic character is always in the center of the performance.

Particularly interesting is the water puppet theater, which has no analogues in the world. It also originated in the Red River Delta. The puppets move on the water during sunset, and all the action is accompanied by pleasant melodic music. The puppets are controlled by actors standing up to their waists in the water, hidden behind a bamboo screen, so that they have the opportunity to observe the puppets. The performances begin with the appearance of a boy doll Teu, who says: “Hello everyone! I don't need to introduce myself?"


Vietnam is a paradise for gourmets. The culinary traditions of this country are striking in their richness and variety of dishes and ingredients. Many recipes were borrowed from China, India and France, but it is by no means possible to say that Vietnamese cuisine is a clone of any of them.

The use of many sauces and seasonings is widespread in Vietnamese cuisine. In dishes prepared, by the way, only from fresh products, seasonings from garlic, onion and ginger root are often added, as well as purely Vietnamese sauces "nuoc mam" and "nuoc cham". In Vietnam, various herbs and even bamboo are very popular, the young shoots of which are readily eaten.

The most popular foods used in Vietnamese cuisine are rice, seafood, pork, noodles, herbs and more.

Especially worth focusing on rice. This crop is one of the symbols of all of Southeast Asia, and Vietnam is the second largest exporter of rice in the world. In addition, Vietnam refused to grow genetically modified rice, so there is no doubt about the quality of the product. In every Vietnamese family, rice is the main dish on the table, but beyond that, it is part of countless of the most amazing and original recipes.

Vegetarian cuisine is also developed in Vietnam, which is explained, first of all, by Buddhist gastronomic traditions. Among the Vietnamese meat dishes you can highlight rice with fried dou-fu bean curd and rau vegetables. In general, soy and products from it in Vietnamese cuisine replace dairy products, which are practically not used among the Vietnamese. There is, for example, a special soy milk called sya-dau-nan. Soy sauce is very popular.

Widely used are various fruits that grow in abundance in Vietnam. These are coconuts, durian, guava, lemons, lychee, Javanese apple, Siamese persimmon, papaya, rambutan and many other exotic fruits.

As for meat dishes, the Vietnamese usually eat familiar beef, pork and poultry meat. Various insects or reptiles are now considered rare delicacies that are not served in any restaurant.

In general, Vietnamese cuisine is rich in exotic meats. For example, you can taste boa constrictor meat, which is considered extremely useful. Or try a snake dish, which is a whole act like a ritual, which can really shock the especially impressionable. The waiter makes a small incision on a still living snake, then removes the heart from it and bleeds it. The person who ordered the dish eats a beating snake heart and drinks rice vodka mixed with snake blood. After that, vodka is used, already mixed with snake bile. After some time, a ready-made dish is served - snake meat fried with spices and nuts. The head of the snake is cut off during cooking so that the poison cannot get into the dish.

Among other exotics are dishes from field rats, from dogs, from cats (although there is an official ban on their use) and many other amazing ingredients.


Shopping is an indispensable component of any holiday. Somewhere it is developed in such a way that it seems that there is nowhere to develop further, but somewhere in terms of purchases, everything is not in the best way. Vietnam is somewhere in the middle, with a bias towards the first group. Shopping here is not on the same level as in neighboring Thailand, but with an increase in the number of tourists, there are good reasons for quality development. Moreover, Vietnam has something to offer its guests.


For calls to other countries in Vietnam, there are special call centers, as well as street payphones. Guests staying in hotels have the opportunity to make calls directly from there, but this is quite expensive.

The international code for Vietnam is 84.

  • For calls from Vietnam to Russia, you need to dial: 007 - area code - subscriber number
  • For calls from Russia to Vietnam, you need to dial: 8-10-84 - area code - subscriber number

Major city codes

  • Hanoi - 4
  • Ho Chi Minh City - 8
  • Hai Phong - 32
  • Da Nang - 511
  • Hue - 54

There are no problems with cellular communications, since all three largest Russian operators — MTS, Beeline and Megafon — have agreements with Vietnamese companies. Vietnamese operators: MobiFone, VinaFone, S-Fone, G-Tel, Vietnamobile, Viettel Mobile. A SIM card from a Vietnamese operator costs about $5, which includes 30 minutes of talk time.

You need to be careful if you are dealing with local “priestesses of love”, who are often not averse to profiting from the wallets of their clients. Foreigners can play gambling games only in special establishments, and an attempt to involve local residents in them can result in criminal prosecution. Everything related to drugs is especially strictly punished - possession, distribution, use. In this case, the most severe punishments are applied, up to the death penalty. This is a traditional practice in Southeast Asia.

Tourists should exercise discretion during their holidays. In particular, this applies to the use of alcohol, since a tourist in Vietnam who has “overdone” can easily get into trouble, become a victim of a robbery, etc. When swimming, it is worth watching the ocean surf, which can become a source of danger. Between September and November, typhoons often approach Vietnam and severe flooding in some parts of the country.

As for health issues, before coming to Vietnam, you need to take care of the issue of obtaining medical insurance (regular or extended). You can also pay a fee to International SOS and use the medical services they provide in branches in Vietnam. The address in Hanoi is 31 Hai Ba Trung in the central part of the city. Phone - 9340555.

In the Vietnamese province, sanitary conditions are not very good - both in local hospitals and in hotels. The services of doctors are paid almost everywhere in cash only, and treatment under policies is carried out only in some metropolitan clinics. True, it is worth noting that prices in Vietnam are lower than in neighboring Thailand.

You need to be careful when ordering Vietnamese cuisine, which is quite unusual for Europeans due to its spiciness, abundance of spices and exotic products. If you overestimate your strength, then problems with the stomach and intestines are likely.

Where to stay

Vietnam will delight all visitors with a large selection of accommodation options - there are not only many hotels and guesthouses, but also a wide range of prices, and the level of service is quite high. In addition, Vietnamese hotels have a unique Asian flavor that adds color to the whole holiday. In total, there are approximately 11 thousand hotels in Vietnam, while not experiencing a serious shortage of guests.

Cheap accommodation options are hotels of 2 and 3 stars, which in quality correspond to Turkish hotels of 3 and 4 stars, so many experts rightly point out that the class of Vietnamese hotels is somewhat underestimated. 2-star hotels are usually located in old 4-6-storey buildings, well finished inside. The rooms have a bath or shower with hot water, air conditioning, satellite TV and even a mini-bar. three-star hotels occupy more modern and large buildings, and the level of service and equipment in them is quite high. Prices in hotels of categories 2 and 3 stars - about 15-40 dollars per night.

Even more budget option are guesthouses, prices in which are often below $ 10, and their number in tourist places truly huge. In Ho Chi Minh City, for example, many guesthouses and cheap hotels can be found in Pham Niu Lao, considered a backpacker area. True, it is not a fact that there will be hot water in cheap guesthouses and hotels.

In resort towns, in particular in Nha Trang, accommodation is likely to cost more than in the capitals. Many tourists come to these cities, who are poorly versed in the intricacies of the Vietnamese tour business and, moreover, are able to easily part with large sums of money. For such tourists, there are luxury hotels of 4 and 5 stars with their own pools, private beaches, etc.

For more economical lovers of Vietnamese beaches, there are many bungalows. True, the amenities in them are minimal, moreover, if the walls of the bungalow are bamboo, then mosquitoes can fly inside through the existing gaps. However, mosquito ointments may well correct the situation. In any case, the most vivid memories of a vacation in Vietnam almost always remain!

And the eastern sides are washed by the waters of the South China Sea. The area of ​​the territory occupied by the republic is more than 337 thousand km2. In total, almost 94 million people live here. 30% of the total live in cities. Official language- Vietnamese. A small part of the population speaks French, Russian, English and Chinese.

The cities of Vietnam have the status of central and provincial subordination. There are also communities-communes and administrative divisions of the first order. In total, there are about 150 cities in Vietnam. All of them are very popular among tourists.

Big cities

The largest cities in Vietnam (the list will be presented below) are important transport and economic centers. There are 5 of them in the state. They have the status of cities of central subordination. Let's take a look at them.

Ho Chi Minh City

This city is the largest in the country. It is located in the south, like some other cities in Vietnam. It occupies an area of ​​more than 2000 km2. The date of its foundation falls on 1698. The most populous city in the country. About 8 million people live here permanently. Ho Chi Minh City is divided into 5 rural counties and 19 urban areas. The economic spheres are distributed as follows: services - 51%, construction and industry - 47%, the rest is occupied by fishing, agriculture and forestry.


This city in terms of population in the state ranks second. He is This status was received in 1945. It occupies a territory with an area of ​​​​about 3.3 thousand km 2. In Vietnam, it is the main center of politics, culture and education. More than 6.5 million people live here permanently. In the industrial sector, it ranks second, behind the city of Ho Chi Minh City. It is administratively subdivided into 10 urban and 18 rural districts, it also includes one city.


Located in the north of Vietnam. It occupies an area of ​​1.5 thousand km 2. It is a commercial and industrial center. Due to the fact that it was built on the banks of the Kinhmon River, it is considered a major seaport. About 2 million people live here permanently. The economy of this Vietnamese city is based on fishing.

Can Tho

It is the fourth city of central subordination. Located in the Mekong Delta. The territory on which the city was built has an area of ​​almost 1.5 thousand km 2. More than 1.2 million people live permanently in Can Tho. It is the main center of tourism. Large universities operate here. There is an airport and River port. Internally subdivided into 5 urban and 4 rural areas.


The last major city in Vietnam. It is located in the central part of the country, has access to the South China Sea. It occupies an area of ​​1.2 thousand km 2. It is a port city. The population living in it is about 900 thousand people. It is subdivided into 6 urban areas and 1 rural county, it also includes one island archipelago.

The best cities in Vietnam

But there are other, not so big, but very beautiful settlements in the country.

  • Hoi an.

Hoi An is located in the central part of the state. Every year it is visited by a large number of tourists. They are attracted here not only by a beach holiday, but also by numerous attractions. The city is called a museum open sky. In total, there are about 800 buildings of historical significance. The infrastructure in Hoi An is developed at the highest level. There are numerous shops selling souvenirs. The city became famous all over the world for its shoes and hats of its own manufacture. It is believed that these things are much better than Italian ones.

  • Dalat.

Not inferior in beauty to Hoi An and the city of Dalat. It is located in the southern part of the central plateau. Compared to other cities in Vietnam, Dalat is very different from them. The streets are very clean, merchants and taxi drivers do not pester tourists. Due to its location, Dalat is mountain resort. There are practically no historical sights in it, but the natural beauties will amaze anyone who gets here. There are unique picturesque valleys covered with evergreen forests, beautiful waterfalls and lakes, on the territory of the city there are numerous natural parks.

  • Phan Thiet.

Phan Thiet is a city located in the south of the state. The main economic sectors are tourism and fishing. Located on the coast of the South China Sea, it is a resort town. There are a lot of beautiful sights here. The uniqueness of this territory is given by multi-colored dunes. This spectacle is striking in its splendor. Also located here are the Kega Lighthouse, the Buddha statue and the Poshanu Cham towers.

Talking about beautiful cities in Vietnam, one cannot remain silent about Hue. First of all, it is an important economic, cultural, political and educational center. Previously, it was the imperial capital. The city is interesting rich history. A lot of sights have been preserved here. You can find objects of ancient architecture, natural monuments, pagodas and churches.

Cities on the coast

Given the peculiarities in the state, there are many coastal cities. Almost all of them have the status of a resort. The first one that deserves attention is the city of Nha Trang (Vietnam). It is the largest and the most popular resort countries. Within the city there are equipped beaches, the length coastline is about 6 km. A variety of recreational activities are organized for tourists. You can not only relax but also improve your health with healing springs and mud. The air here is saturated with the vapors of eucalyptus groves, which have a positive effect on the respiratory system and restore weakened immunity.

Also, the list of "Resort cities of Vietnam" replenishes:

  • Doshong (popular with the Chinese);
  • Thanyoa (famous for the whole world);
  • Vung Tau (visited not only by foreigners, but also by locals);
  • and Kon Dao.