Cienfuegos city in Cuba. José Marti Park in Cienfuegos

Coral 6-meter column "North Dame" is named so because of its resemblance to the famous Parisian cathedral.

This wonder of nature is located in Cienfuegos, which the Cubans call the "Pearl of the South" due to the unspoilt beauty of the underwater world, where the coral reef stretches along the entire coast.

Deciding to go diving in this paradise, you will never regret, because in addition to "Notre Dame" you will be met by sunken ships, overgrown with shells, a diverse fauna with many fish, jellyfish, turtles, sea ​​urchins and even, if you're lucky, whale sharks.

Sculpture "White Stone Lion"

The sculpture "White Stone Lion" is located in the city of Cienfuegos, Cuba. It is located near the city hall and is a marble sculpture of a majestic lion mounted on a high pedestal.

With his left paw, the lion holds the ball, thereby proving his superiority over the world. The lush-maned head of the lion is turned to the left, towards the town hall. On a yellow pedestal, about 2 meters high, there is a plate with the name of the sculptor and the date of creation of the sculpture.

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Marty Square

In this square in Cienfuegos, there is a ceiba tree that brings happiness, and thanks to the music pavilion, the atmosphere of a resort town is created. The cathedral located here, built in 1867, seems unfinished because of the towers of different sizes.

Rancho Luna Beach is located fourteen kilometers from the city of Cienfuegos.

The beach is small, shaped like a semicircle, which is washed by the Caribbean Sea. The beach is considered one of the most beautiful in the country. It has been declared part of the world heritage.

Beautiful sand and extraordinary beauty of the water attracts lovers to soak up the sun. However, the beach is also ideal for diving enthusiasts. The seabed is very interesting to explore. Coral reefs offer a rich underwater world. Diving centers are located on the beach.

Hotels around the beach are distinguished by a high level of service.

Arguelles Avenida

Arguelles Avenida is located in Cienfuegos, Cuba. It is one of the central streets of the city, its length is 3 kilometers. On a clean street you can see several shops, cafes and the Provincial Museum.

The multi-colored residential buildings of the colonial period have been preserved here in good condition. The color of the Cuban street gives a lot of retro cars driving around it.

Castle de Valle in Cienfuegos

Castle de Vale is located in Cienfuegos, Cuba. It is located in the southern suburb of Punta Gorda. This is a castle unique beauty. It was built for the very wealthy sugar plantation owner Oclico del Valle Blanco. It was erected in 1917.

Castle de Valle impresses with its unique and bizarre combination of styles - vast halls with high ceilings and arches in the Gothic, Venetian or Moorish styles are admirable. The most excellent thing is that all architectural solutions and details are very harmoniously combined with each other.

On the roof there is an open terrace with an amazing view of the city panorama. Modesty was not Blanco's benefactor, and therefore precious stones, beautiful frescoes became elements of the most luxurious decoration, and this whole effect was enhanced by exclusive works of art. The most outstanding element of the castle in terms of architecture is the three towers, which are built in different styles and symbolize love, strength and religion.

In 1950, an investment company bought the castle along with the surrounding land. Here they wanted to rebuild a casino of massive size. But the plans were not destined to come true. In connection with the revolutionary actions, all attempts to build a casino came to naught. And now various cultural events are held in this unusual palace, special events are celebrated and it is believed that the castle can rightly be considered a symbol of Cienfuegos.

Municipality of Cienfuegos

The municipality of Cienfuegos is a unique monument of neoclassical architecture. The pearl of the building is its light gray facade, which is decorated with four columns at the entrance to the inside.

Also, following the tradition of neoclassicism, the building is decorated with a wide tower with a red-pink dome and a small turret at its end. The municipality is still the decoration of the city of Cienfuegos and all of Cuba because of its unique architecture.

Visiting the municipality in Cienfugos, you will get a lot of positive experiences. The city hall itself is often compared to the National Capitol in Havana and is called the "small Capitol".

Palace of the Palacio de Ferrer

On the opposite side of the square from the cathedral, you can see another beautiful old building. This is the Palacio de Ferrer. It was built in 1890, combining several architectural styles. The most interesting detail is the elegant turret rising in the very corner of the building..

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The main advantage of the port of Cienfuegos (250 km southeast of Havana)- location in the depths of a vast bay. Despite the presence of industrial enterprises on the periphery of the city, the central quarters, built up with neoclassical buildings painted in pastel colors, are attractive. Described as the "Pearl of the South", Cienfuegos has the status of an object world heritage UNESCO.

The logical core of the city - José Marti Park (Parque Jose Marti), one of the largest squares in the country. Most of the majestic historical buildings, preserved from the founding of the city by the French in 1819. The architecture shows the influence of French emigrants of the 19th century, although several styles are represented, including neoclassicism and art deco.

Take a tour of the most beautiful colonial building in the city - the Thomas Terry Theater (Teatro Tomas Terry) on the north side of the square. Built in 1890, it was named after a wealthy sugar planter who once emigrated from Venezuela as a poor man. The interior decoration, mostly preserved unchanged, features a ceiling covered with beautiful paintings, semicircular tiers of balconies and wooden seats for spectators. Enrico Caruso and Sarah Bernhardt have performed here, and on the weekend you might be able to see a performance by one of the leading Cuban ballet companies. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Catedral de la Purisima Conception), erected in 1870, occupies eastern part area. It has an attractive interior with stained glass windows representing the 12 apostles.

Paseo del Prado - the main thoroughfare of the city and the longest boulevard in the whole country, fringed with palm trees - bypassing beautiful coastal villas, will take you to a cape that goes far into the waters of the bay. At the end of Maleko-on (37th street), in the eastern part of Punta Gorda, stands the colorful palace of Valle (Palacio del Valle). The kitschy Moorish Revival building, mixed with a number of other styles, was completed in 1917. Today it houses a restaurant with a rooftop bar and is part of the Jagua Hotel complex next door.

On the western cape at the entrance to the bay in 1733-1745. (long before the founding of the city in 1819) to protect against pirates, the Spaniards built a fortress - the castle de Jagua (Castillo de Jagua; daily 9.00-16.00; entrance fee). You can get to the fortress by ferry, departing from the pier directly to the south of Plaza José Martí Park (Avenida 46 e/ Calles 23 y 25).

Do not miss

  • Walk along the bay.
  • Watching whale sharks in December - February.
  • The best suburban beach in Playa Rancho Luna.

Should know

Cienfuegos is called the "Pearl of the South" by Cubans.

botanical miracle

23 km from Cienfuegos on the road to Trinidad, in Pepito Tey is the Soledad Botanical Garden (Jardrn Botanico Soledad; daily 8.00-17.00; admission fee)- the oldest botanical garden in Cuba (laid down in 1899) and one of the finest tropical gardens in the world. Tour operators in Cienfuegos organize trips there accompanied by guides, or you can go yourself and join one of the tour groups at the entrance.

It is difficult to talk about the cost of transport tickets, because they are changing even now when you are reading this article. At the time of writing, a bus ticket to Havana cost about 20 CUC, to Trinidad 6 CUC. Train tickets are cheaper. For example, in Havana, such a ticket will cost 14 cookies.

From Cienfuegos, a bus ride to local beaches costs from 1 to 5 cookies. A visit to Jagua Fortress costs 1 CUC.

From a small fortress to the fourth city of Cuba (the history of Cienfuegos)

One of the first buildings in the area where the city of Cienfuengos later arose was the Nuestra Señora de los Angeles de Yagua castle erected here. It was built at the entrance to the bay, in the canyon even before the founding of the city, in 1745, during the reign of Philip V. To protect the area from filibuster attacks, this fortress is being built (it is also called Castillo de Jagua). The fort played an important role in 1763 when the British wanted to capture Havana. The fortress was also a dungeon for the rebels.

The fort became a national treasure in 1978. After 20 years, it opens Maritime Museum stories. The fortress has survived to this day in its original form.

Cienfuegos was founded by several French emigrants in 1819 and was originally named after the king, Fernandín de Yagua. In 1829, the city was renamed Cienfuegos in honor of the captain general, Spaniard José Cienfuegos Jovellanos.

In 1833-1869, a church was built near the central square of the city. Immaculate Conception. The cathedral is an example of Latin American church architecture. The stained glass window is decorated with the image of 12 apostles. To see all the beauty of the cathedral, you need to go inside the building.

In 1889, a theater was built at the expense of the slave trader Thomas Terry Adams (now it bears his name). The first performance in this building was held in the same year, and it was called "Aida". The building is similar to the building of the theater "Sauto" (Matanzas), but in Cienfuegos the theater is decorated with mosaics with the faces of the three Graces, stucco and balconies. Inside the building of Melpomene there is an auditorium in three tiers, which can accommodate 900 people. The imposing ceiling fresco also adds to the interior beauty of the space.

In 1902, a park was laid out in the very center of the square. Parades were held on the square, and it was called Armas Square - de Armas. In 1906, a monument to the national hero, the fighter for independence, was erected here. So the square is renamed the José Marti Square.

In 1917, the Palace de Valle was completed, which took 4 years to build by order of a wealthy sugar merchant. The palace is the most original building in the city. You will see a combination of different styles not only in the architecture of the building, but also in its decor. Nowadays, a restaurant has been opened here.

Houses built in the 19th century, to this day, "protect" the historical past of the city, carrying its antiquity and beauty.

Cienfuegos is located just 250 kilometers from Havana and is the capital of the province of Cienfuegos, it is a large port center that sells tobacco, sugar and coffee. As we all know, Cuban tobacco and famous Cuban cigars are considered among the best in the world. In addition, the town is very interesting for tourists, its many attractions and amazing architectural structures are simply unique, because it is not for nothing that the city of Cienfuegos is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Literally, the town means hundreds of fires, and they themselves locals call it the pearl of the south.

Five kilometers from the city there is an airport that receives flights from Toronto and Montreal, as well as flights from Havana, where it is much easier to get to. After all, you can come here from Havana on a regular and inexpensive regular bus that will take you directly to Cienfuegos. In addition, travelers can arrive here with the help of rail connections from Havana, Santa Clara and Sancti Spiritus.

Here you can get acquainted not only with historical heritage cities, but also enjoy the amazingly beautiful and clear Caribbean Sea. Rancho Luna beach is located 15 kilometers from the city, which is famous for its amazing golden sands. Ensenada de Barreras and Las Playitas have beautiful underwater coral reefs that simply attract divers and snorkellers.

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Monthly weather in Cienfuegos:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
Happy At night
January 26.7°C 18.8°C 34.7% 2 days (30.1 mm.) 26.6°C 10 a.m. 57m.
February 28.0°C 19.4°C 29.6% 1 day (19.5 mm.) 26.3°C 11h. 26m.
March 29.0°C 19.9°C 30.8% 2 days (20.3 mm.) 26.4°C 12h. 2m.
April 30.4°C 21.6°C 34.6% 4 days (44.8 mm.) 27.2°C 12h. 41m.
May 31.0°C 22.6°C 31.7% 9 days (123.8 mm.) 28.1°C 13h. 13m.

Arc de Triomphe in honor of the declaration of independence of Cuba from Spain.

"Cuba is great country, Truth?" I asked my friend all the time while we were flying from the Dominican Republic. “Well, after all, everyone who was not too lazy to rush into this distance wanted to conquer it, and who did not have enough strength to fight with them, they came just like that in order to join, penetrate, recharge their spirits and see the dancing and singing country. I really wanted to visit this island, and I was looking for all kinds of arguments that it was not in vain that I fell into this trip.

Sometimes the stories of the great ones serve as our excuse when we do not follow our own path, but along the beaten track, and cannot understand where in life we ​​should look for beauty. And that's how it turned out for me, because Hemingway came to Cuba, saw, fell in love, returned and stayed. And I believe him. And my feet carried me across the expanses of the island. I was looking, like any graphomaniac, for my story.

These murals on the walls were mentioned by the Lonely Planet guide as a landmark of Cienfuegos

Almost all Cubans, from the waiter to the conductor on the bus, as one repeated: "Of all the cities in Cuba, Cienfuegos is the most beautiful." And they corrected: “No, of course, it’s more beautiful, but it doesn’t count.” Well, the capital here is like our Moscow, it has little in common with the outskirts. If you literally translate the name of the city being praised, then it will be "a hundred lights." City of a hundred lights? Sounds tempting, though, then, in Museum of the Revolution in Trinidad it became clear that the city was named after one of the leaders, Camilo Cienfuegos. And we didn't see a hundred lights. It's probably just a coincidence in translation.

A grazing horse at a maternity hospital in Cienfuegos. Strangely, almost all the windows in it were open.
Looks like they make school uniforms here.
There is very little traffic on the streets.

Guidebooks like one lured here singing the melodies and rhythms of Benny More. But the city dances only during the season of jazz festivals. The rest of the time it is quiet, not crowded and there are almost no cars. In the cafe named after the Sea, you are seated at a table with a white tablecloth and only warm beer is poured. “Cocktails? With ice?" - they are surprised, - "no, we do not serve." But in the pub at the local malecon poured. It's cheaper with your own glass.

Statue of Cuban singer Beni More in Cienfuegos on Prado Boulevard.
The cafe named after Beni More turned out to be deserted and uncomfortable.

Hurricane season in Cuba This is not only rain, but also high humidity and heat. And so, under the rays of the scorching September sun, we wandered through the wide streets of Cienfuegos in search of something interesting. Yes, the city was built by the French, and not by the Spaniards and Americans, as in the rest of the island, but it was not possible to discern this architectural luxury. The wide Prado and a couple of pedestrian ones, that's all where you can meet life.

Pedestrianized street in Cienfuegos. Although it is strange to single out its “pedestrianism” against the background of the rest of the empty streets.

We originally planned to spend a couple of days here, but the most beautiful city in Cuba did not at all beckon to dissolve in his hospitality. Our hosts ticket offices in Cienfuegos , China and Isidoro, told amazing stories how their guests hung out here for a week, literally forgetting about the plane home. Yes, a fresh breeze in the evening caribbean beckons to take a walk along the promenade, not as noisy as Malecon in Havana . And those who follow this path to the end will be rewarded with the best mojito in Cuba, on Punta Gorda beach. Visiting, perhaps, the only thing that can be called beautiful here - central square, the next morning we went to Trinidad, having stopped on the way to wild Cuban beaches Rancho Luna and Ancon.

The square is really beautiful, if you catch it at sunset, you can even imagine how the nobility once walked here, hiding their snow-white faces under umbrellas, listening to music, and laughter flew around interspersed with the clink of glasses and the clatter of hooves. The square is not only beautiful, but also a historical heritage of the region. Actually, that's why it is beautiful, because it is here that the main city buildings are located. And the Municipality, and the Cathedral, and the theater of Thomas Terry, in which the great Caruso and Sarah Bernhardt performed, and the College of Lorenzo, whose students supported the guerrilla movement of Fidel, and in the center of the square there is also a city park to the heap, named after Jose Marti.

The Cathedral of Cienfuegos is one of its attractions.
Thomas Terry Theatre.
The triumphal arch in the center of Cienfuegos is the only structure of its kind in Cuba.
We wanted to go upstairs to the rotunda, but the building was under renovation.

Monument to the Cuban poet Jose Marti in the park named after him in the center of Cienfuegos.

Also, on the square memorial place where the French founded the city. And on the city wall of one of the houses there was a medallion with the profile of the founder of the Frenchman Cienfuegos, Louis Declois. Yes, the city was founded by the French.

The founding place of the city of Cienfuegos.
Founder of Cienfuegos Louis Declois.

And now, in the rotunda, with a dome like that of the city municipality and cathedral, hang out the local unemployed, smoking their pipe, coming to terms with the reality of the present day. If you wish, you can take a walk to the museum of steam locomotives, this point is among other attractions of Cienfuegos, but this is entertainment for an amateur and a connoisseur.

Stop in Cuba besides checkout possible in hotels. The bus from Havana arrives in Cienfuegos and stops just opposite one of them, La Union. Walking along the Malecon, you can reach the town of Punta Gorda, there are many beautiful houses that are also for rent, and the city beach. Along the way, we met the only store in Cuba that accepts credit cards. The City Bank card, embossed in Russia, did not go through for payment, apparently because the city bank is still American. Keep this in mind. The easiest way to move around the city is on a bicycle concho, the boys scurry around the city constantly in search of customers, although when his iron horse creaks and falls on its side on turns and the boy tries to keep customers with his weight, you feel like a slave trader. However, for them, these couple of cookies are the only income.

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