Mountains of Bashkiria names. What is the name of the highest mountain in Bashkortostan? The most beautiful places in Bashkortostan

Republic of Bashkortostan – amazing beautiful region, in the vastness of which lie green forests and meadows, picturesque lakes and rivers, proud hills, monuments of ancient cultures and many mysterious caves. In winter, this beautiful place attracts ski resorts many tourists, and the most beautiful photos They will not let you forget about such an interesting journey.

Mount Iremel

One of the most beautiful and picturesque among the Ural Mountains, and it is located on the border between Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria. Iremel is divided into 2 parts - a large mountain range and a small one. The slopes of the mountain are strewn with huge boulders-kurums; there are also stone pits in which, after the rains, water accumulates. pure water, suitable for drinking.

The peaks of Iremel are covered with snow even in summer. The mountain amazes with its picturesque vegetation: tall coniferous trees grow in its lower part, above you can see a belt with open forests, then there is a tundra with dwarf plants.

According to legends, since ancient times Iremel was considered a holy place and entry here was closed to ordinary people. Basically, these beautiful places were visited by people with supernatural abilities (esotericists, psychics, shamans) to charge their karma.

Aigir rocks (“Teeth of Shurale”)

Teeth Shurale - this is what the local population calls the decorated majestic rocks northern slope of the Karatash ridge. Another name closer to tourists is the Aigir Rocks, named after the nearby railway station Aigir.

Rocky mountain ridges majestically hang over the Maly Inzer valley. Most of the rocks have their own names, for example, Lion's Head, very similar to the profile of the animal.

The rocky battlements offer amazingly beautiful views of the surrounding area. In the north you can see the slopes of the Small Yamantau ridge, to the right of it is the Big Yamantau, you can also see the Blue Rocks.

Inzer Tooths

Inzerskie Zubchatki is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful places in the Southern Urals. This is a hard-to-reach ridge between the Tirlyan and Bolshoi Inzer rivers in the Beloretsky region of Bashkiria. The ridge got its name from the Inzer River and the rocks that proudly rise above it like battlements. The crenellations are surrounded by some of the most majestic mountains in the southern part of the Urals: Kumardak, Yamatau, Yalangas.

There are 3 parts of the ridge, but the most beautiful and visited is the Rock Circus. Rocks of unusual shapes in the form of teeth are spread out in a circle in this place, their height reaches 33-35 meters. North of the Rock Circus is the Observation Deck rock. It offers an unforgettable view of the west and the Zubchatok ridge.

Askinskaya Ice Cave

A beautiful natural monument, interesting for its unusual ice formations, located in the Arkhangelsk region of Bashkortostan. The entrance to the cave is located 2 kilometers from the village of Solontsy, on the eastern slope of the Uralta ridge at an altitude of 70 meters above the level of the Askyn River.

The cave is a karst bag-shaped cavity, which consists of a magnificent hall more than 60 meters wide, up to 105 meters long and about 26 meters high. The floor of the grotto is covered with a glacier; thanks to the climatic conditions of the cave, it does not melt even in the hot summer.

The Askinsky Grotto is famous for its large ice stalagmites 8-12 meters high with a base diameter of up to 5 meters. The shape of the ice wonders is also unusual: some pillars rise almost to the ceiling. The acoustics inside the cave are also amazing, amplifying any sound. Visit this amazing place It is possible only during the cold season; in summer the entrance is closed to prevent melting.

Belaya River

It is a high-water tributary of the Kama River, its length reaches 1430 kilometers. The Belaya River begins at the foot of the Avalyak ridge and flows throughout the territory of Bashkiria.

Belaya is not only a beautiful landmark of the republic, but also its important waterway, as it is part of the transport route Moscow-Ufa, along which exciting tourist rafting trips are organized. The banks of the river are covered with forests and steppe; willows, poplars, and rose hips are often found here.

The river is home to pike, roach, perch, catfish, chub, sterlet, silver bream, pike perch, sabrefish, minnows, trout and other fish. The Belaya coast is very picturesque, and the water surprises with its transparency.

Gadelsha Waterfall

One of the largest and most fascinating waterfalls in the republic. Gadelsha waterfall, also known as Ibragimovsky, is located on one of the tributaries of the Khudolaz River in the eastern side of the Irendyk ridge. It consists of 3 cascades, overall height which is about 15 meters.

Gadelsha has been classified as a complex natural monument of Bashkiria since 1965 and is protected by the state. This is due to the fact that more than 270 species of plants grow there, most of which are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan.

Atysh Waterfall

The name of the waterfall translates as “shot”. It really seems to shoot out from the grotto of the Kuz-yaz-tash cave, piercing through it. The waterfall is unique in that it flows out of a rock and falls from a steep height (about 4 meters above the level of the Lemeza River); there are no others like it in the Urals.

A small lake has formed under the waterfall, and an underground river also leads to it. Near this beautiful place there are many caves, one of which is Zapovednaya, which previously served as a sanctuary for the ancestors of local residents.

Kuperlya Waterfall

In the territory national park“Bashkiria”, near the Nugush reservoir, popular among tourists, there is a picturesque Kuperlya waterfall. It was formed on a tributary of the Nugush River - the Kuperlya stream.

The stream flows down from the mountains in a fast stream, and over several hundred meters the height difference is at least 100 meters. Thanks to this, stunningly beautiful waterfalls were formed, falling from the rocks. In the spring, when the stream flows very rapidly, water falls from 2 rocky ledges, each about 10 meters high. In the summer, the stream becomes shallow and in some places disappears underground in the pores.

An amazing Karst Bridge hangs over the waterfall - a large arch about 20 meters high and 30-35 meters long. The length of the hanging part is 10 meters. Many years ago, the Kuperlya River flowed underground in the rocks here. Over time, the rock was destroyed and as a result, only this Karst Bridge remained from the underground cavity through which the stream ran.

Lake Karagaikul

Located in the Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan. Lake Vorozheich (Karagaikul) is very interesting with its legends and stories, geology and peculiar beauty. According to legend, in ancient times, magical rituals were performed on its banks, hence the witchcraft name Vorozheich.

The lake is home to crucian carp, tench, roach, bleak, pike, and perch. It's very beautiful nature: water lilies, reeds, hornworts and egg capsules grow near the banks; surrounded by small hills overgrown with birch trees.

This amazing and beautiful place attracts not only nature lovers, but also geologists and rock lovers. Near Karagaikul, jasper, a valuable ornamental stone, comes to the surface.

Lake-spring Sarva

In the Nurimanovsky district of Bashkiria, near the village of Sarva of the same name, there is a lake-spring of extraordinary beauty. It has a small area - only about 30 meters wide and 60 meters long, but its depth is more than 50 meters.

The Sarva spring is a hydrological natural monument. The water in it is so clean that you can see how the shore of the spring breaks off and falls deep down, as if you were standing on the edge of a bottomless rock cliff.

The taiga approaches the lake closely, presenting tourists with generous strawberry meadows, mysterious forest nooks, and unexpected encounters with the inhabitants of the thickets - wild boars, foxes, hares.

Source Red Key

The most powerful source in Russia and the second largest in the world. The Red Key is an exit to the surface of the underground river Yaman-Elga. A strong stream flows from two large connecting karst sinkholes: one is 38 meters deep, the second is 20 meters.

The spring water is saturated with a large number of minerals and trace elements, and a lot of lime is also dissolved in it. Scientists have calculated that in 1 second the source releases about 1 kilogram of limestone with water.

In the 19th century, there was a mill in this place, then a paper mill and a small power plant. Their generators were driven by the energy of the spring water. In the mid-1970s, the factory was closed. Nowadays a bottling plant operates in its place. drinking water"Red Key". Despite the carbonate content, the water is drinkable, tastes good and is clean.

Shulgan Tash Nature Reserve

Located in the southern part of the Urals, its area occupies more than 22 hectares. The main reason for the founding of Shulgan Tash was the honey-bearing Burzyan bee; about 140 bee families live on the territory of the reserve.

The reserve is home to 206 species of birds, 30 species of fish, as well as amphibians, reptiles and mammals. 67 species of Shulgan Tasha animals are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, 31 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Richly this beautiful place and representatives flora: over 800 species of plants, 233 species of lichen, 184 species of moss, 202 species of algae. 57 of them are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, 14 - of the Russian Federation.

Kapova Cave

One of the most beautiful places in Bashkiria, located in the Burzyansky district on the territory of the Shulgan Tash nature reserve. The cave is famous for its Paleolithic rock art and has historical, archaeological and cultural significance.

Kapova Cave was formed several million years ago by washing away the soil by the waters of the Shulgan Tash River and is more than 3 kilometers long. The entrance to it is located in the southern part of the slope of Mount Sarykuskan on the right bank of the Belaya River - this is an impressive arch called the Portal.

Kapova Cave has 3 tiers, the length of the first is about 300 meters, then along a vertical well you can climb to the second, from which there is a steep descent to the lowest floor to the bed of the Underground Shulgan Tash.

Most of the rock paintings are on the middle tier.

Beekeeping Museum

It is considered a treasure of Bashkortostan, which contains many years of experience of ancient and modern beekeepers in the form of exhibits: hives, beekeeper’s tools, tubs, honey extractors, etc.

On the territory of the museum there is a stationary apiary, which is surrounded by honey plants: linden, alder, oak, clover, chamomile, caraway, St. John's wort and others. The entrance to the apiary is decorated with a majestic life-size statue of a bear.

South Ural Nature Reserve

The largest reserve in Bashkiria was organized on June 1, 1979 for conservation and research natural resources Southern Urals, which are represented by spruce-fir, mountain-taiga forests, diverse plant communities, swamps and wildlife.

The highest ridges are concentrated on the territory of the Ural Nature Reserve - the Yamantau, Mashak, Nary, Kumardak massifs, and the lower ones - Yusha, Belyagush, Kapkalka, Belyatur. The mountains here are beautiful and majestic. Their stretched, long foothills smoothly turn into abrupt slopes covered with forests.

The flora of the reserve is very rich; scientists have identified about 697 species of higher plants, 169 lichens, 226 mosses, 177 soil algae, 121 fungi. 20 Ural endemic species grow here, 255 species of vertebrates live, including 50 species of mammals, 189 species of birds, 5 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles and 20 species of fish. In the forests you can find elk, white hare, bear, wild boar, roe deer, squirrel, wolf, and lynx.

Uchalinsky quarry

Located on the outskirts of the city of Uchaly. This is one of the deepest and most striking quarries in the Urals; it is second in depth after Sibaysky. Zinc and copper concentrates are mined in the Uchalinsky quarry. The depth of the quarry is more than 300 meters, width – 910 meters, length – 1.9 kilometers.

Currently, mining takes place both in underground mines and in open pits. More than 85% of ore from the daily norm of 15 thousand tons is mined in adits and mines. In total, since the beginning of the quarry, 111 million tons of ore have been mined.

Bashkiria National Park

Located on the territory of three districts: Burzyansky, Meleuzovsky and Kugarchinsky. The western slopes of the southern part of the Urals descend here, the Yamantau, Bash-Alatau and other ridges rise here, and there is a picturesque interfluve of the Nugush and Belaya rivers. Reservoirs and mountain forests- the most important components of an amazing natural complex.

The real pearls of this most beautiful place in Bashkortostan are the “Bear Glade” (a botanical monument created to protect an ancient plant - the onion), the Kuperlya Bridge (a narrow strip 35 meters long and 16 meters high, which remained above the cave after its collapse), Kutuksky tract ( net karst caves with many stalactites of unusual and intricate shape).

Sufia Mosque (Kantyukov Mosque)

Located in the village of Kantyukovka in the Sterlitamak region on the shore of an artificial lake. It is considered the most beautiful mosque in the republic.

The structure, unique in its architecture and size, is lined with polished white marble. Its territory is fenced with a beautiful patterned wrought iron fence, and there is artistic lighting along the entire outer perimeter.

The interior decoration also evokes true admiration. The mosque is decorated with beautiful Ural marble of two colors, Italian mosaics, crystal lamps and chandeliers, and exquisite Persian carpets.

So, I finally composed a post that you can see I invite "connoisseurs of beauty" . For what will be discussed here has been tested not even by centuries, but by millions of years. In the third part of the journey through Mountain Bashkiria we will talk about the Bashkir mountains themselves. Only nature, nothing man-made.

It is more correct to call the Urals not the Ural Mountains, but the Ural Mountains, since the Ural Batyr is the legendary ancient hero, the hero of the Bashkir epic. And the mountains, therefore, belong to him. The action of "Ural Batyr" took place precisely in these places, and many peaks, valleys and lakes of the Southern Urals are sacred, as they were mentioned there. The real Urals are precisely the Southern Urals, and what we usually call the Urals is actually Stone, or the Stone Belt (although, of course, this does not make the Middle, Northern, Subpolar and Polar Urals any less unique).

Here I will show views of the Urals from three points that I visited during the excursions that I went on from the camp site in Kaga. Plus climbing a mountain - not high, but real. As a thoroughly urban person, this was a novelty for me, but there are quite a few “amateurs” like me on the Internet.

Point one - unnamed Observation deck before reaching the village of Inzer, right on the highway.

We are on a pass over the Zilmerdak ridge, the surrounding peaks are about 800 meters above sea level, and the Belangush (lower and closer) and Nary (farther) ridges stretch along the horizon. The heights of the first are 900-1000m, the second - 1200-1400 meters. From here to these ridges it is about 30-40 kilometers. To the right could be Mount Big Yamantau, the highest point of the Southern Urals (1640m), but it is covered by the nearest peak.

Ancient (although by no means the most ancient on Earth - this is a delusion), destroyed, sloping (“blocky”) mountains, the Urals are only slightly higher in height than the Crimean Mountains. The highest points of the Urals are lower than the passes of the Caucasus. But still, the Urals are amazing, and these photographs already show one of the most interesting Ural features - color. The striking, almost azure blue of the forested mountains. Unnatural blue. But, what is even more interesting, in none of the Ural toponyms (which appeared in the Middle Ages) there is any mention of this blue (except for Sinegorye, as the Chelyabinsk Urals are called - but this toponym is young) - neither Russian, nor the Turkic “kuk”. There can be only one conclusion: the blue haze of the Urals is the result of its industrial pollution.

Unreal blue.

This shot was taken on the highway from a car window. It’s worth mentioning separately about the Ufa-Magnitogorsk highway: the route is winding, winding along serpentine roads, and dangerous. Twice, while driving along it, I saw KamAZ trucks lying in ditches - different ones. There is also a turn called Mother-in-law's Tongue - it turns almost 180 degrees, and at the same time is devoid of a fence. And yet, local drivers rush along such highways at speeds of 110-140 kilometers per hour, and are only afraid of villages - there are often herds or herds of cows on the roads there.

Behind Inzer is the Maly Yamantau peak. Its height, according to the map, is 974 meters, and according to the instructor - 1211 meters. But it stands out so much above the surrounding area that the second number sounds more reliable.

As already mentioned, I got here with tourist group from "Tengri", and this was my first ascent of the mountain. The mountain, of course, is simple, but still...

Ural forest. Bashkiria is dominated by spruce-fir and pine forests, but " business card"Bashkiria - linden forests.

This forest struck me first of all with the abundance of mushrooms:

We walked through the forest, just up the slope, for about 2 hours. The forest here is light, easily traversed, the path is trampled without difficulty, although theoretically there is an encephalitic tick here.

And then the sky appeared behind the trees, but instead of the top we saw this:

“Stone River” - there are many of these in the Urals, and this, naturally, is far from the largest and steepest. It’s a little difficult to climb stones if you’re not used to it, but these cobblestones are a decent size.

In addition, this is where you were “lucky” to get caught in the rain:

However, the views from Maly Yamantau are worth it:

In no way am I trying to brag here or anything like that - I know that this is not mountaineering, but a simple walk in the forest. But still I wanted to see the Ural Mountains. And I saw them. I drove back wet to the skin; on the way we turned to the Silver Key, revered by the locals.

Once upon a time, tourists often visited Big Yamantau. But now there is the city of Mezhgorye, which is not allowed near without a pass. What is in this city, and indeed in Yamantau itself, is a mystery. By the way, the name "Yaman-tau" is translated as "Evil Mountain".

The last viewpoint is located on the Kraka ridge (altitude 800-900 meters) near the village of Sargaya, and we drove there along the road from Shulgan-Tasha (that is, it is between Burzyan and Kaga). If the first two points offered us views of the South Ural Nature Reserve (to which the most popular peak among Bashkir tourists, Iremel, is closely adjacent), then here is the Bashkir Nature Reserve. At its very border, on Bald Mountain, a special wooden tower was built, from which it is supposed to observe the deer.

It takes about 5 minutes to walk to it from the highway, but you just need to know the way. However, the views from there are magnificent, and in all directions:

The mountains are closer. Pay attention to the clearing - this is the border of the reserve

On relatively low mountains there are areas of forest-steppe:

Evening, early twilight, harsh silence. And in the distance - again this unreal blue. White sky and blue mountains - these are the special features of the Urals.

The last part of the photo report is about the “heart” of the Ural Mountains, the Shulgan-Tash protected area.

Bashkortostan is a popular tourist region. There are amazingly beautiful places on its territory. Particular attention of travelers is attracted by the local mountains, on the slopes of which you can organize a camp, admiring the pristine nature, romantic sunrises and amazing sunsets.

Let's find out what natural attractions Bashkortostan is rich in. The mountains, which have long been favored by travelers from various parts of the planet, will be discussed further in the material.

Mount Yamantau

When looking at Bashkortostan on the map, you will definitely pay attention to the highest peak called Yamantau. It is known among the local population as “Evil Mountain”. This ridge is about 5 kilometers long. Main mountain The presented chain, Big Yamantau, has an altitude of 1640 meters above sea level.

The mountain represents a popular tourist place. It is located on the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve and is protected by the authorities of the Beloretsky district.

The Bashkirs themselves consider this hill not a very friendly place. The ridge received its second name - "Evil Mountain" - because the local slopes are littered with numerous sharp stones. Around the mountain itself there are swamps, which have long prevented indigenous peoples from grazing livestock here. Moreover, in the vicinity of Yamantau you can often meet predatory animals, in particular a bear.

Mount Iremel

The Iremel rock massif is the second largest mountains of the Republic of Bashkortostan, whose height at the peak point is 1582 meters. The hill is a sacred place for indigenous peoples. For centuries, it was forbidden to climb here not only to foreigners, but also to the local population who lived at the foot of the shrine. Currently, the mountain is open to tourists.

In 2010, Iremel district was given the status protected area. Fishing and hunting are strictly prohibited here. The collection of mushrooms, fruits, flowers and plant seeds is also extremely limited.

Iremel is a real Mecca for travelers. Every year tens of thousands of people from the Urals and neighboring countries come to conquer local peaks. And this is not surprising, because the slopes of the mountain are quite flat. Therefore, every tourist can climb it, without the use of climbing equipment. Lovers of a relaxing holiday in the lap of nature also come here. There are also those who try to find life-giving ginseng on the slopes, despite the strict restrictions that are imposed on this type of activity.

Bashkortostan, Shikhany mountains

Shikhany is one of the largest rock massifs in the Urals. They are located on the territory of the Sterlitamak region of the republic. The mountain range is of reef origin. The local rocks were formed as a result of the draining of the sea, which existed here tens of millions of years ago back in the Devonian period. To this day, the remains of prehistoric mollusks, fossilized algae, sponges and corals can be found in the structure of the rock.

Today, one of the main suppliers of limestone to the Russian market is Bashkortostan. The Shikhany Mountains are valuable for city-forming enterprises. Given this circumstance, nature lovers can only hope that the local rocky peaks will be preserved in their original form for future generations.

Shihans mostly consist of steep slopes, the height of which is on average about 400 m above sea level. Unique natural resources open here the widest opportunities for recreation not only in the summer, but also winter time. The ski resorts available here are an extremely popular destination among extreme sports enthusiasts. With the first snow, numerous lovers flock here active rest from all over the CIS.

Mount Yuraktau

When describing Bashkortostan and the mountains that are located on its territory, it is worth paying attention to the ridge called Yuraktau. Its surroundings represent one of the most scenic spots in the region.

The local population calls the presented mountains “Bald Ridge”. The massif received this name due to the fact that on one of its sides there is rather low, sparse vegetation, and on the other there is dense forest.

Mount Yuraktau is located in the Sterlitamak region. This ridge stretches for an impressive distance along the Belaya River. The presented mountains are famous for their extremely steep ridges, which, oddly enough, does not frighten travelers at all, the influx of whom is observed here in the summer.

One of the most popular places at the foot of Mount Yuraktau there is an ancient site. Camping sites are traditionally organized on its shores by tourists who come here with whole families.

Mount Susaktau

Susaktau is a mountain in Bashkiria with an extremely original shape. From a distance it can be confused with a man-made pyramid. Unlike other rocky ridges, you can drive to its foot directly by car if you wish. However, climbing the peak will be much more difficult, because its slope in some places is at least 30-35°.

Mount Susaktau is covered exclusively with low-growing plants. Some of them are extremely rare and are listed in the Red Book.

IN close proximity It flows to the hill. Its banks are particularly picturesque and are a favorite vacation spot for the local population.

Mount Yangantau

The Yangantau mountain peak (Bashkiria) is one of the most popular natural attractions of the republic. The name of the rocky hill is translated from the language of the indigenous peoples of the region as “burnt mountain.” The peak received such an unusual name due to the chemical reactions that occur in the thickness of its rock. Inside the mountain there is an abundance of bituminous shale, which oxidizes when it reacts with oxygen and releases heat to the surface. The hot steam that emerges in streams through cracks in the rock is what actually causes the impression of combustion.

Yangantau (Salavat district) is a relatively small mountain. Its height above sea level is only 504 meters at its peak. At the foot of the mountain there is a stream which is a permanent place for organizing tourist rafting trips. A rock formation hangs over its banks. While rafting down the river, you can come across many caves of natural origin, where domestic and foreign archaeologists continue to mine unique finds to this day.

Currently protected by local authorities (Salavat district). It has been assigned the status of a natural monument.

Mount Inzerskie Zubchatki

The highest mountains of Bashkortostan - Yamantau and Iremel, are conventionally separated from each other by peaks called In the southern part, the indicated ridge bifurcates, and here there is an accumulation of rocks scattered in a chaotic manner. The northern region of the mountain forms a so-called “fortress”, the walls of which are naturally formed hills. In the central part of the mountain range is its highest peak, which is known among climbers as "The Lighthouse".

Since ancient times, travelers and hermits have settled at the foot of the Inzer Tooths. Their numerous man-made cells have been preserved here.

The structure of the hill is rich in natural resources, in particular rock crystal. Such stones are not mined here on an industrial scale. However, they are traditionally collected by amateur geologists and collectors.

Mount Naryshtau

If you look at Bashkortostan on the map, you can highlight a rather remarkable hill, which is located at the very beginning of the Ural Mountains. The height of Naryshtau peak above sea level is only 349 meters. Therefore, the mountain is popular among tourists, who can leisurely climb its gentle slopes, enjoying the picturesque scenery.

From the top of the ridge there is an amazing view of the Orenburg steppes and the city of Oktyabrsky. While climbing the mountain, tourists regularly find a whole host of unique fossils: minerals, remains of sea reptiles, and in rare cases even precious metals and stones (gold, quartz, marble).

At the top there is a depression in the rock. However, access to the small cave is currently restricted by local authorities due to the high risk of rock falls.

Throughout the year, Mount Naryshtau is visited by thousands of people who come here from nearby cities to actively relax, enjoy wonderful views and recharge with the energy of pristine nature.


So we looked at the most famous hills, which Bashkortostan is so rich in. The mountains presented in the material are invariably popular with travelers from the Urals and surrounding regions. Tourists from near and far abroad often come to enjoy the local beauty and go mountaineering.

Abdullinskaya (Abdulla tauy), mountain, natural monument (2005). Located in the north. on the outskirts of the village of Meteli, Duvan district. Represents a lion. elevated bank of the Ai River. Abs. high 275.4 m. North. and zap. steep slopes, south. And...

Avalyak (Әүәләк), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Uchalinsky and Beloretsk districts. It extends submeridionally from the mouth of the Tygyn River (basin of the Belaya River) to the source of the Ai River. Dl. -...

Akbiik (Akbeyek), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. Extended submeridionally from the north-east. to the south-west Dl. - 6 km, latitude. - up to 5 km, abs. high -969 m. Consists of several. plateau-like peaks. Us....

Akbulyakarka (Aҡbүlәkarҡa), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. Extended meridionally from the sources of the river. Rau and Sukhoyazh (tributaries of the Inzer River). Dl. - 12 km, width....

Alabiya (Alabeyә), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Uchalinsky district. Extended from the south-east. to the north-west between the sources of the river Ural and Uy. Dl. - 11 km, latitude. center. parts - approx. 5 km, abs. high - 1016 m...

Alatau, the leading ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay and Beloretsk districts. It extends meridionally from the upper reaches of the Uryuk River (a tributary of the Nugush River) to the mouth of the B. Shishenyak River (a tributary of the Zilim River). Dl. - 40 km, width....

Alataubala, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, spur of the Alatau ridge. Extended meridionally from the top. the flow of the Uryuk river to the village of Kulgunino, Ishimbay district. Dl. - 12 km, latitude. - up to 3 km, abs. high - more than 548 m. Is...

Alyan (Әлән), mountain, natural monument (2003). Located on the left. bank of the Assel River (basin of the Sakmara River), 2 km west of the village of Abzanovo, Zianchurinsky district. Abs. high 361 m. Elongated shape....

Arvyakryaz (Әрүәк-Рәз), Ryaz-Tash, Mountain peak, the highest point of the Uraltau mountain range in the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. It is located 20 km south of the city of Beloretsk. Abs. high - 1068 m, length. - OK....

Ardakty (Arҙaҡty/Әрҙәкte). ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Burzyansky district. It extends meridionally from the mouth of the M. Nugush River to the mouth of the Bretyak River (basin of the Nugush River)....

Ayutuzaklagan (Aiyutoҡaҡlagan), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. Extended submeridionally from the south-west. to the north-east from the right bank of the Inzer River (below the village of Bristamak). Dl. - 10...

Bagaryazy, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay and Gafuriy districts. Extended submeridionally. Dl. - 9 km, latitude. - up to 3 km, abs. high - 477 m. The relief is characterized by steep slopes and rocky...

Basal (Baҙal), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Burzyansky district. It extends meridionally from the foot of Akbiik (888 m) to the latitudinal flow of the river. White. Dl. - 25 km; lat. north h. - 4 km, center, h....

Bayramgul (Bayramgol), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region of the Republic of Belarus and Chelyab. areas. Extended from the south-west. to the north-east Dl. - 5 km, in the Republic of Belarus - approx. 3 km, width - 3 km, altitude - up to 1010 m with flat...

Bakty (Baҡty), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region of the Republic of Belarus and Chelyab. areas. Extended submeridionally. Dl. - 32 km (in the territory of the Republic of Belarus - approx. 14 km), width. - 3-5 km, abs. high - 1078 m...

Balatau, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay region. Extended meridionally. Dl. - 5 km, latitude. - up to 2.5 - 3 km, abs. high - 639 m. Consists of 5 separate mountain ranges, separated by shallow...

Balkantau (Balҡantau), remnant mountain, natural monument (1965). It is located 0.5 km south of the village of Kirovo, Davlekanovsky district. Abs. high - 319.6 m. Conical shape. Lower slopes h. flat, to the top. -...

Balyatar (Bәlәtәr, Bәlәtur), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Burzyansky district. It is stretched meridionally in the area between the Belaya and Alakuyan rivers (a tributary of the Belaya River)...

Bash-Alatau (Bash Alatau), Bashkir Alatau, the advanced ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Meleuzovsky and Ishimbaysky districts. It extends submeridionally along the right bank of the Nugush reservoir. Dl. - 10 km, wide....

Bashkir (Southern) Ural [Bashkortostan (Konyaҡ) Urals], part of the Ural Mountains from the latitude of the city of Yurma (1003 m, Chelyabsk region) to the south. adm. borders of the Republic of Belarus. Pl. - OK. 36 thousand km2. Confined to the Ural fold...

Bashtau, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. It extends submeridionally between the B. Avzyan and Belaya rivers to the city of Karatash. Dl. - 40 km, latitude. to the center parts - approx. 10 km, abs. high - 1271 m...

Bashtash, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Salavat region of the Republic of Belarus and Chelyab. areas. Extended submeridionally. Dl. - OK. 25 km (in the Republic of Belarus - more than 8 km, width - about 8 km), abs. high - 796 m (Chelyabsk region). North h....

Bashtin, Bishtin, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay and Beloretsk districts. Extended submeridionally on the right bank of the Bolshaya Nugush river. Dl. - 12 km, latitude. south parts - 3 km, north. - 4 km; abs. high - 889 m....

Belyagush (Bәlәғosh), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. It extends submeridionally from the mouth of the Revet River (basin of the Inzer River) to the latitudinal course of the Tyulmen River (a tributary...

Biiktau (Beyektau), the leading ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay and Gafuriy districts. Extended meridionally from the confluence of the river. Ryauzyak and Zigan (tributaries of the Belaya river) to the town of Krasnousolsky Gafuriysky...

Biktar (Biktar), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay region. It extends meridionally from the source of the Zerekleelga River to the source of the Ryauzyak River (a tributary of the Zigan River). Dl. - 17 km, latitude. - 6 km, abs. high -...

Big Iremel (Olo Irәmal), Kaban, the second highest mountain peak of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, a natural monument (1965). Located 16 km to the north-east. from the village of Nikolaevka, Beloretsk district. Abs. high -...

Big Kalu (Olo Galyu) is a ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Ishimbay and Beloretsk districts. It extends meridionally into the interfluve of the M. and B. Shishenyak (tributaries of the Zilim River). Dl. - 30 km, latitude. to the center h. - ok....

Big Karagas (Olo Karagas), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk region. It extends submeridionally in the interfluve of Ishli (basin river B. Inzer) and B. Avzyan. Dl. - 5 km, latitude. - OK. 4 km, abs. high - 881...

Big Kraka (Olo Ҡyraҡa) ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals in the Beloretsk region. It is stretched sublatitudinally in the interfluve of the Ryaz and Bolshaya Sargai (tributaries of the Belaya River). Dl. - 6 km, latitude. OK. - 4.5 km, abs. high -...

Big Shatak (Beshәtәk), Bishityak, Bishtau, mountain peak, highest. point hr. Bashtau, Bashkir (Southern) Urals. Located 4.5 km to the north-east. from the village of Ismakaevo, Beloretsk district. Abs. high - 1271 m, length....

Bolshoi Shelom, the third highest mountain peak of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, highest. point of the Zigalga ridge. Located in Beloretsk district. Abs. high - 1427 m, length. - OK. 3 km, width - 2.2 km. In relief up to high. 900 m...

Big Yurmatau (Olo Yurmatau), Yurmaty, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, in the Beloretsk district. It extends submeridionally into the interfluve of the B. Nugush and M. Bregyak rivers (basin of the Nugush river). Dl. - 10 km, latitude. center. parts - approx. 6 km,...

Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland (Bөgөlmә-Bәlәbәi ҡalҡyulyғy), in the territory. RB is extended from the bottom. flow of the Baza River to the north-west. to the Dema river on the south-east, on the west....

Upland, area earth's surface, elevated relative to the adjacent territories, with abs. high more than 200 m. Has tectonic. (folded) structure, denudac. (erosive) origin. V. doesn't have a clear...

Gladkaya, Salyovsky reef, outlier mountain, southwest. h. - a natural monument (2005). Located on the right. bank of the Melekas river, between the ss. Yaroslavka and Salyovka, Duvan district. Abs. high 364.6 m. Dome-shaped with...

Mountains, 1) isolated peaks, massifs, ridges, ridges (usually over 200 m above sea level) decomposed. origin; 2) the same as mountainous countries, mountain systems, vast areas of the earth's surface...

Zigalga (Egәlgә), Zengerge. ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. Extended submeridionally from the confluence of the river. B. and M. Katav along the left bank of the river. Yuryuzan, in the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Belarus and Chelyab....

Zilmerdak [Elmә(e)рҙәк], ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. It extends submeridionally from the latitude of the mouth of the Zigaza River to the Inzer River along the Beloretsk district. Dl. - 70 km, latitude. - 4-9 km, abs....

Inzer gears, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. Extended submeridionally from the north-east. to the south-west in the area between the B. Inzer and Tirlyan rivers, in the Beloretsk district. Dl. 10 km, latitude north hours approx. 2 km, south. - OK. 3 km, abs. high 1161...

Iremel (Irәmal), a mountain range in the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, a natural monument (1965). Located between the ridge. B acts and Avalyak, in the north-east. part of Beloretsk district. Dl. OK. 15 km, latitude OK. 7...

Irendyk (Irandek), Irendyktau, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. It extends meridionally from the latitudinal current of the B. Kizil river to the latitude of the mouth of the Buzavlyk river along Abzelilovsky, Baymaksky and Khaibullinsky...

Irendyk (Irandek), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. Extended from the north-east. to the south-west in the area between the Krasnokhta and Shartymka rivers (tributaries of the Uy River), in the Uchalinsky district. Dl. 12 km, latitude 4-6 km. Abs. high 921 m....

Kaderaly, ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. It extends meridionally from the Asil River (basin of the Zigan River) to the mouth of the Ergaza River (a tributary of the Uryuk River) along the Ishimbay district. Dl. OK. 23 km, latitude. to the north approx. 4 km, to the south approx. 8 kilometers. Abs....

Kalaktau (galaktau), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. Extended from the north-east. to the south-west from the latitude of the upper reaches of the Yamskaya river (bass. Ural river) to the latitude of the village of Rakhmetovo, Abzelilovsky district, along Abzelilovsky,...

Kalim-uskan (Kalim oskan), rock, natural monument (1965). Located in the Kyzyltash tract. It is a high cliff. OK. 90 m. Composed of Devonian and Carboniferous limestones. In the rock there is...

Kalkan (Kalkan), Mt. Located 2.5 km to the north-east. from the village of Kalkanovo, Uchalinsky district, on the shore of Lake Kalkan. Abs. high 663 m, length. 2.6 km, latitude. north-east h. 0.6 km, southwest. - 1 km. Elongated shape....

Kalpak (galpaҡ), mountain. Located 9.4 km to the south-east. from the city of Mezhgorye, on the territory. Nature Reserve "South-Uralsky" Abs. high 1194 m, length. 2 km, width north h. 0.6 km, south. - 1.2 km. Elongated shape....

Kalty (Galty), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals. It extends submeridionally from the upper reaches of the Baitulla River (a tributary of the Tyulmen River) to the latitudinal course of the Manyshta River (a tributary of the Inzer River), along the Beloretsk district. Aos....

Kalu (Galyu), ridge of the Bashkir (Southern) Urals, spur of the ridge. Big Kalu. It extends meridionally from the latitude of the village of Kabyasovo, Ishimbay district, to the latitude of the mouth of the Yalan-Ayra river along the right bank of the B. Nugushpo river...

The Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia is located in the Cis-Ural region and on the western slopes of the Southern Urals. The article tells what the most high mountain Bashkortostan, its description is given.

"Evil Mountain"

Yamantau is the highest mountain in Bashkortostan. The mountain range is located on the territory of Bashkiria, its length is about five kilometers. Its two highest points are the Bolshoi (1640 m) and Maly Yamantau (1510 m) mountains. The top of Big Yamantau is completely flat and is a rocky plateau.

From the Bashkir language “yamantau” is translated as “bad (evil).” Locals they called it that because it is swampy mountain slopes unsuitable for use as pasture. In addition, this place was considered unsafe, since previously bears could often be found there. Those who rode along the slopes on horseback noticed that subsequently the horse inevitably died. Bashkirs most often bypass these mountains.

An ancient legend about Yamantau

According to ancient legends, the hero Shulgan Khan, having trampled upon the customs of his ancestors, became the ruler of the underground kingdom, and he made the transition there through Yamantau. Thus, the highest mountain in Bashkortostan served as a door to the dark world. It is not surprising that she was popularly known as the “devilish one.”

Modern Fears

The ominous reputation of this massif was also supported by rumors that Yamantau had an increased background radiation because uranium deposits were found there. However, scientists refute this information. There is no evidence of the presence of mines in the bowels of Yamantau, but there is no need to be afraid of radiation, its level does not exceed normal levels.

In the 60s, it was decided to build a secret facility inside the mountain. Various assumptions have been made, but so far no reliable information has been received about this. The highest mountain in Bashkortostan is part of the South Ural nature reserve, and this entire area is closed to the public.

Another highest mountain in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Mount Iremel (1582 m) is a mountain range and ranks second in height after Yamantau. It is located in the northeastern part of the Uchalinsky district and is part of the ridge called Ural-Tau. On the territory of this mountain range Peaks such as Maly (1464 m) and Bolshoy Iremel stand out. The flat plateau at the top of Big Iremel is known as Kabanchik, and to the northwest of it is Mount Zherebchik. Local residents say that Big Iremel is the father, Small Iremel is his son, Stallion and Boar are their pets.

The top of Iremel resembles a huge trapezoid, the size of the site is about 1000 meters. It is difficult to find a place from where you can observe such a panorama. From this height you can see almost all the mountains of the Southern Urals, including the highest mountain in Bashkortostan!

Sights of Mount Iremel

Iremel (“holy” or “sacred mountain”), like Yamantau, is covered in legends and beliefs, and is no less mysterious than its “elder brother”. On one of the ridges, a cross is carved right on the rock, but it can only be seen from afar, and sunlight must fall on the surface of the rock at a certain angle. On the slopes of the “holy mountain” unusual signs carved on stones were found.

Not far from the “holy mountain” among the swamps you can find unique lake In addition to healing mud, there are healing springs there. They say that even the most advanced form of asthma can be cured there. In the future, it is planned to build a health center or sanatorium near the lake.

At the base of the mountain range are the sources of five rivers, so Iremel is deservedly considered one of the largest water centers in Eurasia. Along these rivers - Bolshoy Avnyar, Tyulyuk, Sinyak, Tygyn, Karagayka - you can reach the Caspian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, but if you sail along the Volga-Don Canal, then the Black, Azov and Mediterranean Seas.

At the foot of " sacred mountain“The village of Tyulyuk is located, the name of which means “desire”. This is why they say that if you climb Iremel, known as a “special” place, and bring something as a gift to the mountain spirits, you can get what you want.

Third highest peak

Now you know the name of the highest mountain in Bashkortostan and its “little brother”. The third highest peak is Bolshaya Shelom (1427 m), which is the southernmost and most high peak on the Zigalga ridge. It is located on the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve. The peak received its name due to its resemblance to the shelom (helmet) of a hero. One of the features of Bolshoi Shelom is that its peculiar outlines in clear weather are visible from different points of the South Ural Mountains. The peak resembles a giant tent with rocky slopes. The ridge also includes Maly, Third and Fourth Shelom.

How to climb Bolshaya Shelom

Despite the fact that the mountain is part of the South Ural State Reserve, it has recently been paved so that you can freely go to the top, having previously paid and received permission.

Climbing these mountains is quite difficult and requires a lot of patience and good physical preparation. It is better to start the ascent from the village of Tyulyuk through Aleksandrovka or from the city of Katav-Ivanovsk right along the place where the narrow-gauge railway used to be. The slopes are covered with spruce forest; quartz sandstones begin higher up. At the very top in the summer-autumn period you can find berries (lingonberries, blueberries) or mushrooms.

4th place

Masim (1040 m) is strictly speaking not quite a mountain, but rather just a hilly area. The name comes from the name of Masem-bai or Masem-khan, the hero of the local epic, although it is quite possible that he was a real historical person. Masim is located in the Burzyansky district near the Kapova Cave.

The mountain differs from other peaks not only in its characteristic shape, but also in the fact that at its top there are outlier rocks - sections of high surfaces left after erosion, in other words - hills that have rounded tops. There is even a metal ladder leading to one of the remains - Maiden Rock. At its top, locals leave coins, inexpensive jewelry, and tie colorful rags to the branches of dwarf rowan and birch trees as gifts to the “owner” of the mountain.

In the vicinity of Masim, birch, pine, oak, linden and even wild bees grow, which is why the Bashkir Nature Reserve was created in this territory, which occupies a significant part of the Burzyansky district.

5th place

Kuzguntash (987 m) - the most high point Irendyk ridge, located in the southeast of Bashkiria. The length of the ridge is 135 km. Irendyk consists of several mountain ranges located parallel to each other, stretching over a distance of more than 100 km. The northern part of the ridge is covered with taiga forest, the southern part with feather grass steppe.

"Kuzguntash" means "crow stone". From the top of the mountain there are picturesque views of the Trans-Ural Plain.

Now you know what the highest mountains are in Bashkortostan. The names and descriptions of the peaks are given in the article.