Hot key attractions with descriptions. Holidays in Goryachy Klyuch: reviews

This article was written 4 years ago, today the data in it has been corrected and is current. Due to the fact that for some reason that is not clear to me, our site does not want to show very long articles, it has been divided into parts, read and use hyperlinks...

Working as a real estate agent in the city of Goryachy Klyuch, you can often hear typical questions from visiting people: “Do you like living in Goryachy Klyuch?”, “What is the climate in Goryachy Klyuch?”, “What are the problems in finding a job and what is the average monthly income of a resident?” Hot Key? I will try to answer all this in this article.

As the Roman playwright and comedian Terence Publius Afr once said: “How many people, so many opinions.”

So I decided to express my purely personal opinion, for some it may be true, but others will fundamentally disagree with me.

Small but very picturesque resort town of Goryachiy Klyuch V Krasnodar region founded in 1964, it is a balneological resort of all-Russian significance in the Caucasus, it is one of the oldest. It seems to me, Hot key, the only city in Kuban with such nature. This quiet place, closed by mountains on three sides, is truly unique. The valley of a mountain river, covered with dense forest, can hide the summer heat and also give the winter season extraordinary softness. Anapa is the most sunny resort Russia, Goryachy Klyuch in Krasnodar region not at all inferior to the unusually large variety warm days in a year. In the city of Goryachy Klyuch the sun is less scorching, this distinguishes it from the city of Anapa for the better. This is facilitated by the microclimate (fresh streams of clean mountain air and the coolness of a mountain river). It is also worth noting the absence of strong winds, which cause a lot of trouble for the residents of Anapa. But we will discuss the climate of Goryachiy Klyuch in more detail later, otherwise we are deviating from the topic.

It is located in the northern foothills of the Caucasus range, on the banks of the mountain river Psekups. In the neighborhood of the Republic of Adygea (the capital of the republic is Maykop), the regional center of the city of Krasnodar is approximately 60 km, and the Black Sea village of Dzhubga is also “a stone’s throw” approximately 65 km. The road to the capital of Russia, Moscow, is 1120 km long. And all along the well-maintained M-4 “Don” highway, which visitors praise very much for its smooth asphalt surface without “bumps” and “potholes,” but the locals scold and spit on it - you quickly get used to the good stuff. The railway line passes through the town of Goryachiy Klyuch, and trains traveling to and from Adler stop at the Goryachiy Klyuch railway station.

The first mention of the place now called Goryachy Klyuch date back to the beginning of the 18th century. The history of the development of this place is quite extensive, but the unique thermal hydrogen sulfide springs unite all periods of the development of the current city of “Goryachiy Klyuch”. These springs were famous for their miraculous properties even during the period when the territory of the Black Sea region was inhabited by the ancient Greeks. But let's not go that far...

“Modern” history dates back to 1864, at which time intensive development of the left bank of the Kuban and the valley of the Psekups River took place. It starts with equipping a hospital for the military. Later, special taps were made for healing springs, and an infirmary and premises for staff were built. On July 15, 1864, the rite of consecration of the “Psekup” mineral springs was performed, which was personally attended by the ataman of the Kuban Cossack army, Count F.N. Sumarokov-Elston. During the lighting ceremony, the singing of the sacred minister echoed in the canyon, and a stream of light broke through the gloomy, stormy sky covered with lead clouds, illuminating the people performing the ceremony. Witnesses accepted what happened as the Finger of God and a blessing.

Thus, July 15 is rightfully considered the founding day of the city, but for reasons unknown to me, the official celebration of the city day takes place on the second Saturday of August. The current name was given to the resort thanks to underground springs of mineral water, the temperature of which reaches up to +60 C°.

In the same year, Cossacks settled in neighboring territories, former Adyghe villages. Are based, Art. Klyuchevaya (now does not exist, merged with the city. Located in the area of ​​Klyuchevaya Street), and. Today they are part of municipal formation city of Goryachy Klyuch.

Modern Goryachiy Klyuch consists of one urban-type settlement and six administrative districts, which includes 28 rural settlements. The total number of residents is more than 52 thousand: almost 30 thousand of them live in urban areas, 22 thousand live in rural areas. It is noteworthy that there are almost no young people here who leave to work in big cities. However, few of them can completely sever ties with their hometown.

Hot key one of the ten most environmentally friendly cities in the world! The forest occupies no less than 66% of the territory of this picturesque area, and cleanest air can turn your head! .

There are no hazardous industries in the Goryacheklyuchevsky district, and most likely there won’t be, at least as the administration assures, there are no traffic jams yet either. You may ask why not yet? I will answer you! IN Lately During rush hour there is a small traffic jam at the traffic light near the city administration (this, by the way, is the only traffic light in the city) which “dissolves” by itself within 5-10 minutes. Perhaps the authorities will somehow solve this minor problem. Cars are the main sources of air pollution and smoke in the city. However, driving into the resort area of ​​the city of Goryachiy Klyuch is prohibited, traffic is carried out along parallel streets, and on the central street of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, which, like in many cities of Russia, was renamed in Soviet times in honor of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (formerly called st. Mikhailovskaya) the “Alley of 1000 Pines” was planted and pedestrian traffic with bicycle paths was organized. The access to the park is blocked by a barrier, with a friendly but vigilant security guard who filters incoming vehicles, allowing only special personnel into the territory. transport and food trucks serving sanatoriums. Sometimes information appears in the media about the pollution of the local environment by the Goryacheklyuchevskaya Furniture Factory or the Road Construction Materials Plant, which is located in the station. Saratovskaya. But it seems to me that this is not on the same scale. There is a pine forest not far from the furniture factory; surely pine trees would not grow next to a source of pollution.

Goryachy Klyuch will be appreciated by those who like fishing, going for mushrooms, berries, nuts and chestnuts.

The relatively mild, moderate continental climate contributes to the treatment of various diseases, organization have a nice rest, excursion business and tourism. The average annual temperature in January is − 2.4 °C, and in July +23 °C. Precipitation is about 930 mm. per year - this is data from official sources.

.According to my observations, the climate is still changing, however, as elsewhere, probably because of this, every year is different from the previous one. But what is especially pleasing for the Goryacheklchevites is that the summer is quite long - almost at the end of April everyone puts on flip-flops and shorts, and at the end of September, beginning of October they take them off, and the winter is very warm, mild and with little snow. But I repeat, “every year is different from the previous one”! However, you can hear stories from the local population about “harsh” winters, which are perceived with a smile on their faces, especially by people who moved here from the northern regions. There are frosts down to -30°C, and a lot of snow, and in the city, as I understand it, there is a problem with snow removal equipment. Of course it's very hot in the summer! In July - August there is real heat here, the thermometer in the shade will show about 35-45 degrees, but due to the proximity of mountains and forests, this heat is much easier to bear than, for example, in Krasnodar. Very often, visitors from other colder regions are frightened by the heat, but if you are not constantly in the sun, then this ambient temperature can be tolerated quite easily. Think about it, how long will you be outside in the heat of the day? Almost every store, office, car, house has air conditioners. 21st century after all! By the end of October, autumn begins. The leaves gradually begin to turn yellow and are warm. sunny days, approximately like Indian summer in central Russia. Spring starts early. Already in February, the daytime temperature remains consistently above zero.

  • Fertility 12.7;
  • Mortality 13.8;
  • Natural decline -1. 1;

Given this state of affairs, it is natural that population growth occurs due to migrants and emigrants. According to official data, between 800 and 1,000 people come annually. According to the stories of the indigenous population, the figure is much underestimated. In particular, about three years ago, renting a house, even at the height of the summer season, was not particularly difficult, but now even in winter, it is not always possible to find a suitable option, and prices for rental property have jumped significantly.

As already noted, over 85% of the residents of Goryachiy Klyuch are Russians, for the most part they came from Siberia or Far East: some still in Soviet times, and some a little later. They treat visitors hospitably. Often, locals are skeptical of migrants in other regions and cities, but this is not about Goryachy Klyuch. Long conversations are not popular here. Many people in Goryachy Klyuch, and especially in the suburbs, live on their own subsidiary plots, and therefore there is a lot of work to do.

If you try to determine the qualities characteristic of the majority of citizens, then it is necessary to note such traits as kindness, sincerity, culture of communication and empathy. If possible, they will help you, give you advice, explain the way, if you don’t know how to get somewhere, maybe even guide you. Goryacheklyuchevtsy are no strangers to the problems of strangers!

There are not many young people. In search of high salaries, most move to large cities, many go to work in Krasnodar, and after work return to their beloved city of Goryachiy Klyuch, fortunately, along the highway you can get to Goryachiy Klyuch faster than to the residential microdistrict of Krasnodar. Some people look for work in Moscow, where they gradually settle down, start a family, and appear in Goryachy Klyuch only to stay during the holiday period. Middle-aged people and retirees live here permanently. Most visitors to the city have the impression that they come here mostly tired of the urban jungle and frosts of the northern regions.

Many people are often concerned about the relationship between local residents and visitors. It should be noted that the indigenous population in Goryachiy Klyuch is no more than 20%, they live mainly in the resort area of ​​the city, where land is very expensive, it is possible that because of them it is so expensive, since for less than 1,000,000 rubles per hundred They don’t give it away. The remaining approximately 80% are migrants from different corners our vast Motherland. You should also pay attention to the fact that there are no interethnic conflicts in the city. However, the Slavs prevail in numbers. I also want to note that the well-known and so unloved “cubanoid” is not a native inhabitant of Kuban, but a lifestyle of some Russians. And you can meet a “cubanoid” not only in Kuban, but anywhere in Russia, perhaps they will just be called differently there...

In view of the fact that the article is called “Dedicated to those wishing to move to the city of Goryachy Klyuch...”, I think the most interesting part of it will be the part dedicated to the districts of the city of Goryachy Klyuch, construction in Goryachy Klyuch and the sale of real estate...

And so let's get started...

Oh, and I almost forgot there is an excellent service that allows you to take a virtual walk around the Hot Key Google panorama

Hot Key can be roughly divided into several districts. Each, as usual, has its own pros and cons.

So-called district "Zarechye"– is considered one of the first districts of the city of Goryachy Klyuch. In “Zarechye” you can find completely rickety buildings, and new modern two-story mansions and modest, small adobe houses. This area of ​​the city is considered the most unprestigious by the local population, and all because of the “distance” from the center, about 10 minutes on foot, you will have to walk through the brand new pedestrian bridge

(why didn’t the administration build a highway? It still remains a mystery to me, perhaps the reason is that it would be necessary to build a viaduct in order to avoid traffic jams and accidents on the Don M4 federal highway) there used to be a “suspension bridge” on cables,
(all graduates high school The sunrise was greeted there at Goryachy Klyuch; however, it still exists, but it is forbidden to move along it - it is in disrepair. So, a 10-minute walk, and you are in the very heart of Goryachiy Klyuch in its sanatorium-resort area, where, however, driving a car, if you still remember, is prohibited. To get by car from “Zarechye” to the center you need to cross the railway crossing and return along the highway to the central entrance to the city, but it’s not very far, it seems like 3-4 minutes on the way and you’re in administrative center Goryachy Klyuch with its offices, banks, various shops, food markets, kindergartens, etc., etc. Another disadvantage is that it is located nearby railroad station, with its bustle and noise. The roads are not important, the central streets are covered with asphalt, and further on they are gravel. But there are of course also advantages. One of them is the proximity of the forest, with its coolness, berries, and mushrooms, during the hunting season you can go hunting. Trains and the loudspeaker at the railway station do not interfere much...
If you are a former resident large city, then they have been accustomed to the noise on the street for a long time, and the local population does not consider the proximity of the station to be a “minus” of their area. Minibus taxi walks regularly at intervals of 15 minutes. The area is gasified, electricity is supplied without interruption. A 3G modem from any operator provides a good connection to the Internet without any problems, in a word – beauty!

Land plots and houses are perhaps the cheapest in the city. For a hundred square meters they are asking from 90 thousand rubles, a tourist house on a plot of about 5 acres with an orchard is estimated at 1.8 million rubles with negotiations. A brick house on 2 floors with five rooms with a plot of land of 6 acres, a bathhouse, and a garage costs around 3.3 million rubles, and a luxurious house with a landscaped plot and landscape design can be purchased for 7 million rubles.

In the northeast of Goryachiy Klyuch is located, called by the local population "Razvilka" district. Construction of private houses is underway here; after a while a modern one will be built cottage village with central heating and water supply. There, thanks to the federal program and the Terem construction company, a new microdistrict was formed from modern 3-storey houses with an attic, in which the Terem company builders applied the most modern technologies in construction, resulting in houses with a modern apartment layout, an increased total area of ​​apartments, autonomous heating, modern building facade, and excellent finishing of common areas, such as the entrance, landing and flight of stairs. Today it’s dirty, uncomfortable and noisy, but what can you do – construction! The local population endures these temporary inconveniences, they understand that construction is a temporary phenomenon, and a brand new kindergarten built and equipped according to the latest fashion, so to speak, built by the way by the aforementioned Terem company, is forever. All communications have already been completed, the only thing is that the roads still promise to be much better, but as soon as the trucks with construction materials stop driving, they will lay a brand new asphalt surface. This description of the “Razvilka” district was written 3 years ago, now the global construction has already been completed, there are still local areas where construction work is underway, but the microdistrict is paved, shops, pharmacies, a SberBank branch, a Russian Post branch have opened, there is a supermarket “Magnit”, in a word, a fully developed infrastructure. There is a forest nearby. The road to the center will take 7-8 minutes by car, there are no traffic jams in the city so I think this is not a distance, minibuses run regularly at intervals of 10 minutes.

"Razvilka" has the most houses for sale. Price per hundred square meters from 200 to 400 thousand rubles. and a more or less equipped yard on a plot of 8.5 acres can be bought for 4.5 million. Not far from the “Razvilka”, there is a cottage village “Kurortny”, a closed area, central communications, “Kurortny” can boast of all this. Pros: close to the city center, quiet, cozy place, private sector. From the minuses to this moment Construction work is actively underway, all the inconveniences are only for this reason, but part of the village is already inhabited by happy “new residents”.

District "Chepurkova Gora" It doesn’t look like a mountain at all, it looks more like a hill. Almost 10 years ago, the organization ZAO Ochakovo built the Gorny sanatorium here and is successfully improving the health of the population. Apparently, this is why sewerage was installed in the area. Unfortunately, there is no gas, but they promise to gasify the area within two to three years. Electricity is supplied stably and without interruption. The roads are asphalted, but their condition is, let’s say, satisfactory. The houses are heated with wood, local water supply, well or boreholes. The advantage of the area is that it is dry and clean, even during the spring thaw (it is still high), the air is clean and there is not a bit of city bustle. The center is a 7-10 minute walk away, as well as regular service everywhere public transport.

One hundred square meters of land on “Chepurkova Mountain” costs approximately 150-250 rubles. For a one-story brick house with an area of ​​140 m2 with European-quality renovation, furniture and household appliances, autonomous water supply and heating, garage and gazebo, they are asking 8 million with bargaining. A residential dacha in the same area can be purchased for 1.2 million rubles, and a two-room apartment in a new building for 3 million.

Administration area. The center is also the center in Africa. There are mainly high-rise buildings here - old and new. There are very few private houses and land plots, and they are quite expensive. For example, which has all the imaginable and inconceivable bells and whistles like heated floors in the house, a complete basement and a sauna, costs 25 million rubles. Prices for apartments vary greatly: in a new building without finishing work, the price per square meter. m - from 40 tr., at the construction stage there are offers of 30,000 rubles per sq. m. It’s the same with secondary housing, it all depends on the location of the house, the presence of autonomous heating, the year the house was built, layout, area, and of course the quality of repairs in the apartment itself. Secondary prices range from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 for a two-room apartment. As for infrastructure, residents of the “Administration” district are provided with all conceivable and inconceivable benefits of the 21st century, all retail space, banks, government agencies, kindergartens, schools, entertainment venues are within walking distance. Any utilities, high-speed cable Internet, 4G mobile Internet.

Area "Sanatoriums", aka « Resort area» – is considered the most prestigious area of ​​the city. This area is particularly quiet, comfortable and clean. Which is not surprising, because this area is a kind of business card Goryachiy Klyuch buildings are very diverse. A dilapidated hut may well coexist with a luxurious mansion. There are all communications, many guest houses, mini-hotels and rooms for rent, which are in great demand among vacationers. Real estate prices are not just greatly inflated, but, one might say, brutal! One hundred square meters of land here costs around a million; for the same price you can buy land on the seashore. Good houses start from 25 million, simpler houses – from 20. Of course, realtors will offer you more acceptable options, but you shouldn’t count on buying a good house in a “resort area” for less than 8,000,0000. Nearby is the “old” market, more than one supermarket, excellent bus service.

Approximate map of districts of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch

A lot of people who have decided to change their permanent residence to Goryachiy Klyuch consider the Goryacheklyuchevsky district as one of the options for permanent residence. Real estate prices in villages and villages near Goryachiy Klyuch are significantly lower, the roads are good, public transport runs frequently, and the complete absence of city bustle captivates many; there is no seasonal influx of vacationers. Great for permanent residence!

Art. "Saratovskaya" is located about 9 km. from the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, towards the regional capital of Krasnodar. The federal highway "Don M-4" is just 2 kilometers away. The village itself, in my opinion, is not very picturesque, but very civilized! In Art. Saratovskaya has its own hospital, various shops, a market, a secondary school and three kindergartens. There is a branch of SberBank with its own ATM, and several self-service stores accept plastic cards for payment. The houses are different. Those that are for sale, mostly tourist ones, are to be demolished. The plots are large - from 10 acres and above. Heating is stove. The village is gasified, but not completely. Water is usually on site, power supply is stable. All operators can confidently pick up the signal cellular communications. Regular minibuses run frequently.

The village of Bezymyanoye is located south of the city, about 20 kilometers. Nearby there is a forest, the Psekups river, the central roads and the road to the village are paved. There is a school and kindergarten, shops, and a recently built church. The only negative that disturbs the silence and charm of the area is the nearby Goryachiy Klyuch - Tuapse railway line. The border is nearby Caucasian Nature Reserve, and therefore there are many tourists and vacationers in the village in the summer.

Dante's Gorge is a natural monument of regional importance, located in the Krasnodar region, south of the resort town of Goryachiy Klyuch. The gorge is a deep fissure in the rock, to the bottom of which you can go down.

The length of Dante's Gorge is approximately one hundred meters, and its depth reaches 15 meters. This amazing natural attraction is partially man-made - in the mid-19th century, the gorge was cut into the rock to drain the wetland. Over time, as a result of natural erosion, the gorge deepened, widened and acquired its modern appearance.

Dante's Gorge is a rather gloomy attraction. It is always damp and cold here, and because of the steep cliffs, very little sunlight reaches the bottom of the crevasse. And this place even got its name in honor of " Divine Comedy"Dante Alighieri - the gorge really resembles the descent into hell, as it is described in this famous poem. However, despite the gloominess, Dante's gorge looks very picturesque and romantic, attracting thousands of tourists every year.

Psekups River

Originates on the northern slopes Greater Caucasus, on the northeastern slopes of Mount Lysaya (height 974 m). Collects water from an area of ​​1430 square meters. km and, having traveled 146 km, flows from the left into the Kuban River (into the Krasnodar Reservoir), opposite the eastern outskirts of Krasnodar.

What sights of Goryachiy Klyuch did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Rock "Cockerel"

The Cockerel Rock is the most famous natural landmark of the Caucasian resort town of Goryachiy Klyuch. The rock is a tall stone monolith of a very bizarre shape.

The height of the Cockerel rock is more than 28 meters. This place owes its name to the six characteristic stone crenellations that crown the top of the rock. When viewed from a certain point, these teeth are very reminiscent of a cockscomb.

Despite its humorous name, the Cockerel rock looks very impressive - it is an almost vertical block of stone that rises high above the Psekups River.

The rock is covered with many legends and traditions, which local residents will willingly share with tourists.

It is quite easy to climb to the top of the rock - a steep staircase, carved right into the stone, leads up. From the height, travelers have an excellent view of the river valley and picturesque nature Caucasus. Also at the top there is an ancient gazebo, built for the arrival of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich back in 1864.

The chapel is located at the foot of the Abadzekh (Klyuchevaya) Mountain, not far from the right bank of the Psekups River. It was attached to a stone grotto in the second half of the 19th century next to the healing Iversky spring. It operated until the twenties of the last century, giving holy water to local residents and pilgrims. But then, as a result of the shifting of mountain layers, the water left. Only a bowl in the shape of a sea shell remained as a reminder of the blessed spring. And a chapel.

Dante staircase

Stone path up Dante's Gorge. It was carved in the 19th century into a sandstone rock in a gorge, which in those years was called Prokhladny. Over the years the name of one natural object was used to refer to the rocks surrounding them. So Cool Gorge became Dante's.

The Klyuchey Stream flows down next to the stairs. Passing the entrance to the gorge, it falls into a concrete tray and, together with the waters of the Iron Spring, through the Mineral Glade, goes into the Psekups River, which flows 400 meters from the gorge.

Sanatorium "Caucasus Foothills"

IN most beautiful place Russia, in the Krasnodar region, near the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, there is a sanatorium “Caucasus Foothills”. These places are famous for the fact that the local mineral waters combine the healing properties of the “Essentuki drinking springs” and the hydrogen sulfide “Matsestin” baths with the clean ecology of the resort.

The sanatorium “Caucasus Foothills” uses all the healing resources of this resort: thermal mineral waters for baths, sodium chloride waters for drinking treatment, climatotherapy, mud therapy. A whole galaxy of diseases are successfully treated here, for example, diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, metabolic disorders, circulatory system, skin diseases, gynecological and urological diseases, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In addition, throughout the treatment you will be able to enjoy fresh air and picturesque views of nature. Krasnodar region.

The most popular attractions in Goryachiy Klyuch with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Hot Key on our website.

Healing Park- a place where I like to go when I want peace, I want to listen to the birds singing, and breathe fresh air. It is located on the M4 highway, in a resort town Hot key. Locals think they live in paradise countries. The air here is truly fabulous. We come here at least four times a year for drinking water, we take it in packages from the store at the Goryacheklyuchevskaya mineral water plant and enjoy the natural crystal water.
Water is a useful part of our trip, and a pleasant part is the Healing Park. Here the soul rests, the lungs take in clean forest air. I want to come back here again and again to see the mysterious Dante’s Gorge overgrown with moss, climb the Rock of Salvation or admire the Psekups River from the Happy Bridge... And once again be convinced that the best artist on Earth is Nature.
One February day, when the bright sun was shining in the blue sky in Krasnodar, and everything reminded us of the approaching spring, it was decided to replenish our water supplies and take a walk through the Healing Park.

We leave the city, 50 kilometers along the highway towards the Black Sea, and we are at the fork to Goryachiy Klyuch. The weather that day was +2. Winter. Snow. The sun hid as soon as the mountains appeared...
Goryachy Klyuch is a small town, very green, remote from industrial centers and the negative consequences of civilization.

The geographical location adds only advantages to it: forest, Caucasian foothills, mineral springs. One way is 50 kilometers - Krasnodar, the other - 50 kilometers - the Black Sea (Dzhubga).

I didn’t explore the city for sightseeing (I didn’t set such a goal). What I like about Goryachy Klyuch is the “Alley of 1000 Pines”, Pitsunda pine grows over two kilometers. It leads to the Healing Park from the city side. And a swan lake with spring water. True, I rarely saw swans.

We leave the city and enter the park from the M4 highway. If you are heading to the Black Sea or are already tanned and rested returning home, I recommend stopping for a couple of hours at this interesting place. Your guide will be restaurant and hotel complex " old lock» . There's a big one there free parking on both sides of the highway with a pedestrian crossing.

The territory of the “Old Castle” is well-groomed, with fountains, mills, beautiful view on Salvation Rock, children's playground. On weekends it is always crowded.

We pass by souvenir shops and a beekeeper’s honey shop (by the way, the honey there is very tasty and the herbs are good) on Happy Bridge across the Psekups River, which leads to the park.

During the warmer months, you can rent a catamaran and admire the views from the river. Many people take photographs on the Happy Bridge Salvation Rock, also called Cockerel. On the crest of the rock there is a platform with a gazebo, from where beautiful views of the Psekups River valley open from a height of 28 meters. The water in the river has a special green color; in this place it is rich in hydrogen sulfide.

Walking around the Healing Park is a pleasure. Even in winter we admire the flower beds. More than a hundred rare plant species have been planted here. Near the building sanatorium "Caucasus Foothills" and near the “White Obelisk” you can see Ginkgo - this is a long-living tree, growing up to 1400 years. Dinosaurs also feasted on the seeds of a medicinal plant. There are not many of these trees left on the planet. You can find ginkgo in Japan, southern China and the Krasnodar region. Also, let me tell you a secret, moths really don’t like the smell of dry leaves of this tree.

On the territory of the Healing Park there are several sanatoriums that use unique mineral water for treatment and restoration of health, combining the healing properties of the Essentuki drinking springs and the hydrogen sulfide waters of Matsesta. But that’s not what my review is about, so I won’t go into details.

Opposite the hydropathic clinic there is a drinking gallery. There is water out of three thermal springs seven types, different in chemical composition and temperature. Next to the drinking pump rooms there is a sanatorium employee who can advise which water will be healthier for you. We go to the herbal bar to enjoy oxygen and pectin cocktails.

We didn’t pass by the Pigeon Restaurant and stocked up some treats for the birds: raisins and sunflower seeds.

We also have a little tradition! Every time, after walking along the alleys of the park, we come to the “Baking” kiosk and buy pies.

We especially liked the khamirs with cheese and mushrooms.

Everything is fresh and hot, they are baked nearby in the “Oriental Kitchen”. If you order in a cafe, you will have to wait 40 minutes. Local residents highly praise manti, pilaf, samsa, and shurpa.

Gazebos for relaxation.

Caskets with souvenirs.

We also like to walk in the mountainous part of the Healing Park.

The heart of the park - Mineral glade, located at the foot of Mount Abadzekhskaya. There are wells of mineral water sources on it.

The only one in the world Monument to mineral water in the form of an obelisk.

Very beautiful Chapel of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Carved into the rock in the 19th century next to a healing spring. The chapel is operational, you can light candles.

Amazing place - picturesque Dantovo (Hot) Gorge, is a fracture in the rock with steps cut out.

The rock is soft, so modern rock art is all over it, you can find mermaids, declarations of love, poems.

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We visited Goryachy Klyuch for the first time. We've been driving past for about fifteen years, and now we've finally decided to see the sights of Goryachy Klyuch and the surrounding area.

Goryachy Klyuch is a resort town in the Krasnodar Territory. Located 45 kilometers from Krasnodar.

The Krasnodar region begins 60 kilometers from our house. At first there is the same steppe as ours, fields with sunflowers.

We drove past Goryachiy Klyuch many times - oh, I should have gotten to know it earlier!

And the mountains begin only in Goryachy Klyuch. From Rostov-on-Don – 320 kilometers. You can go on weekends. They just didn’t know what a cool place was before. We heard reviews about Goryachiy Klyuch that there is nothing to do there, except for the Old Castle and a small park - there is nothing.

Let's see if this is true?

Goryachiy Klyuch is a clean, quiet resort

We left early. Already at about 9 am we were near Goryachiy Klyuch. They didn’t go into the city. We immediately went to Fanagoriyskoye to see the Bogatyrsky caves.

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, patron saint of travelers. at the turn to Fanagoriyskoye

Road to Fanagoriyskoye

The caves are small. It's not easy to climb. It’s better to take a rock climbing course first (I’m kidding, but you won’t be able to get into them easily).

Bogatyrsky caves

It's still dirty to tramp through the forest. Like us, in the Krasnodar Territory it rained continuously for a whole month, and the forest did not dry well.

I’ll tell you about the Bogatyrsky caves separately.

Right Bogatyr caves

Then we went to Wolf Gate, looked at the Psekups River.

Psekups River

For mountain rivers it is large, wide and calm. The water is green. Beautiful river.

After walking around, we went to the city to settle in. in advance.

I liked the apartment right from the entrance - it’s clean, everything shines

We lived in the center of Goryachiy Klyuch, on Kalinin Street, where it adjoins Lenin Street. Finding good housing in Goryachy Klyuch is not difficult; you can find a suitable option.

The apartment is clean, comfortable, everything is new and of high quality - this is exactly what an apartment for rent should be

The kitchen is spacious and even has a sofa

Mountains are visible from the windows. The yard is quiet. Resort area. Literally five minutes walk to the Healing Park. Which is where we headed first.

And from our window...

The car was parked at the house. For two days in Goryachiy Klyuch there was no need. We walked.

We walked to the Healing Park along the Alley of Thousand Pines. Pedestrian zone, the aroma of Pitsunda pine, pine cones under your feet - beauty!

Alley of a Thousand Pines

Fountain with a rotating stone ball on Lenin Street

Entrance to the Healing Park

Arch with lions, bestowing health

We looked at the drinking gallery.

Square in front of the drinking gallery

Drinking gallery of Goryachy Klyuch

We admired the Psekups River, above which the Rock of Salvation rises.

Entrance to Mountain Park

Psekups River and Salvation Rock

Having crossed the Happy Bridge, we came to the Old Castle.

Happy Bridge

old lock

Near the Old Castle there are fountains, a small rose garden, beautiful, cozy.

Fountain at the Old Castle

Rose Garden at the Old Castle

Afterwards we went to Dante's Gorge. The entrance to the gorge is located behind the Mineral Glade.

On the way to Mineral Glade

On the Mineral Glade - Iverskaya Chapel, source, monument to the Psekupskys mineral waters, stone ram.

Mineral glade

Panteleimonovsky spring at Mineralnaya Polyana

Iveron Chapel

Entrance to Dante's Gorge

Dante's Gorge

We climbed the Rock of Salvation. We looked at the Psekups River from above.

Salvation Rock Crest

In the evening we went for a walk in the park. It's interesting to see what the city looks like after dark. This text was stolen from the Roads of the World website (site)!

Fountain in the sanatorium "Caucasus Foothills"

Healing park in the evening

It turned out that in Goryachy Klyuch only the drinking gallery, the Happy Bridge and the Old Castle are illuminated in the evenings.

Drinking gallery

old lock

Happy Bridge

In the morning we went to the Mirror rock. The hike is quite long and took a lot of time. On the way back we got caught in a downpour. Wet through.

Rock Mirror

On the third day, before leaving, we visited the city park of Goryachy Klyuch.

The park has a couple of lakes and attractions. If you come with children, be sure to check it out. The attractions are old Soviet, but the prices are reasonable.

Lake in Goryachy Klyuch City Park

For now, just a review of Goryachiy Klyuch, general first impressions. I’ll tell you about the attractions separately.

What did you especially like about Goryachiy Klyuch?

The impression of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch is pleasant. Cute small town. A real resort. Shady, quiet, calm. It is reminiscent of its peace and silence.

A jug with pouring water is a symbol of the Hot Spring

I don't drink cognac, but I liked the name

Fresh air. The resort part is very clean. Well-groomed lawns, flowers, fountains, cute installations with flowers.

Well, isn't it lovely?

At the same time, street cleaners, garden workers, and other landscaping workers are not visible on the streets, as in Kislovodsk. Apparently, they get up early and put things in order before the tourists go out for a walk.

I liked Dante's Gorge. A very unusual place.

Dante's Gorge

I was impressed by the Cockerel Rock (aka Salvation Rock). Especially the ridge and steps.

Salvation Rock. She's the Cockerel (do you understand why?)

Beautiful surroundings. Sparsely populated mountain forest. Untouched nature. Only trails.

We didn’t have time to see all the natural attractions. It's a pity.

Adorable elephants, right?

What didn't you like? The dominance of pigeons. A lot!

In general, I don’t like pigeons (may the “bird of peace” forgive me). Where they feed, everything is dirty there. It is dangerous to walk in some places; flocks have occupied the trees. Although, if anything is related to money, there is such a sign...

How long does it take to inspect the Hot Key?

Goryachy Klyuch is a resort. There is sanatorium treatment and unique Psekup mineral waters. – we just tried it. We were interested in the city as travelers, and it is from this point of view that my review of Hot Key was written.

The original fountain on Lenin Street

If you plan to see only the city, the main attractions of Goryachiy Klyuch, half a day is enough. Everything is located compactly, walking is easy and pleasant. A walk with small children will not be a problem, although I read reviews about Goryachiy Klyuch that it is difficult to climb with children through Dante’s Gorge to the Rock of Salvation. Really steep steps, when I tell you in detail, I’ll show you a workaround, an easier one.

Mineral glade in the evening

If you explore the surrounding area, the natural attractions of Goryachiy Klyuch, one or even two days is not enough. We only managed to see the Bogatyrsky caves and the Mirror rock.

Keep in mind that when visiting natural attractions in the surrounding area, the weather plays a big role; the paths in the forest are not equipped (and rightly so), and moving around after rain is problematic.

Overall I liked the city. If we come, it will be for the sake of natural attractions, of which there are many left unseen.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch the video we shot while walking around Goryachiy Klyuch. Duration 4.5 minutes with pleasant music.

I hope my review of Goryachiy Klyuch will be useful to those who are just thinking about whether to go there or not.

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Sights of Goryachiy Klyuch. The most important and interesting sights of Goryachiy Klyuch - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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  • The healing properties of Goryachy Klyuch mineral waters have been used in medical practice for more than a thousand years. The resort offers several types of water: thermal hydrogen sulfide, used for baths, and cold drinking water, saturated with useful minerals and trace elements. The Hot Spring springs treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive, nervous, respiratory systems, and also simply tone and strengthen the body. The natural splendor of the Hot Spring alone is worth a lot. The city is literally buried in fragrant pine forests and peaceful reserved silence. Goryachy Klyuch is the oldest resort in the Caucasus and one of the most famous balneological health resorts in Russia.

    Goryachy Klyuch is located in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus in the valley of the Psekups River. The name of the town comes from the Adyghe language and literally translates as “hot water”. The resort itself was organized more than a century ago as a hydropathic clinic for officers of the Russian Empire. At the same time, a bathhouse was founded on its territory and a magnificent park was laid out. Access to the mineral waters of Goryachiy Klyuch was strictly limited: only high-ranking officials could visit the resort. And the people had to be content with wastewater, which more often turned out to be harmful than useful. Nowadays natural resources Hot Keys are available to everyone, and the only thing that has remained unchanged since ancient times is natural beauty terrain and life-giving energy of sources.

    The complex of sanatoriums and boarding houses of Goryachiy Klyuch is concentrated in the western part of the city, almost on its outskirts. The main attractions of Goryachiy Klyuch are concentrated here - at the foot of Klyuchevaya Mountain. In total, there are more than a hundred natural, historical and archaeological monuments in the resort. You don’t have to go far: the complex of buildings of the Goryachiy Klyuch sanatorium itself is a true architectural monument.

    Not far from the sanatorium lies the luxurious Healing Park. It has no clear boundaries and in some places practically merges with the forest. Here is the famous Mineral Glade - the “constellation of springs” of Goryachy Klyuch, including the Alexander Spring, from which, in fact, the history of the resort began. Dante's Gorge begins from the Mineral Glade - the most beautiful a tourist route cities. At the entrance to the gorge there is a beautiful Iverskaya Chapel, and further, as you move into the mountains, there are ruins medieval fortress Psyfabe on the rock Cockerel. Once here, don’t miss the chance to stroll along the luxurious Psekupskaya embankment and admire the original suspension bridge.

    Goryachy Klyuch is the oldest resort in the Caucasus and one of the most famous balneological health resorts in Russia.

    The Goryacheklyuchevsky area is famous for its cluster of amazing caves. In particular, the Phanagoria Cave is considered one of the largest in Europe. Its current size hardly reaches 1.5 km in length, but previously one of its tunnels extended 25 km to the Black Sea. Besides, mountain slopes The Caucasus Range is decorated with numerous waterfalls: Ayursky, Kaverzinsky, etc. To the objects natural heritage Even some rocks are included: they are so bizarre. And most importantly, most of the attractions of Goryachiy Klyuch are united by tourist paths, allowing you to enjoy your vacation comfortably and safely.

    • Where to stay:“if there is a paradise in the world, this is the Krasnodar region” - and, as befits a paradise, any tourist will be provided with ideal accommodation to suit their soul and pocket. From the Taman Peninsula to the Georgian border there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline with a continuous series of resorts - noisy and quiet, lively and secluded, historical and modern. The most popular are Sochi, Tuapse, Anapa and Gelendzhik. There are also a whole bunch of resort villages and towns.
    • What to see: Any resort in the Krasnodar Territory will probably have an embankment, a city garden, a museum and a water park, as well as five or two natural attractions - caves, gorges, canyons and rocks. The best thing in the region is the Olympic venues