Characteristics and unusual properties of a UFO are characteristic features of UFO flight. Characteristics of a UFO flight

It was 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 1966. The scene was northeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The sky was clear and blue. Julian Sandoval, an aeronautical engineer working on the Apollo project, used his binoculars, which he happened to have, to look at an unusual object hanging in the air in a northern direction. UFO was about 300 feet long and had a thickening in the front, a rather sharp tail and shone brightly like a strong electric light bulb. It hovered at an altitude of about 12,000 jesters above the city of Plastas, located about 18 miles from the observer.

For an hour and a half, Sandoval studied UFO using binoculars and concluded that it was “unlike anything available in the United States.” His statement is quite authoritative. Sandoval is a pilot and navigator. He has 7,000 hours of flight time. As an employee of North American Aviation, he is engaged in... electrical equipment and environmental controls for Project Apollo.

Before UFO rose up in vertical flight, disappearing in a northeast direction, Sandoval noticed that at the end of his tail there were 4 lights that changed color from bright green to dark blue. “When it changed position, it became brighter,” he later said, “and its movement made me think that it was using some kind of propulsion force.”

What type of energy do UFOs use? This is one of the most important questions of our time in science. Unraveling this secret could perhaps lead to unraveling the universe itself. But first, we must remind ourselves that there are different types of UFOs: saucers, oblong eggs, cigar-shaped, inverted cone shapes, etc.

It is quite possible that UFO Each of these forms uses different types of energy. The key to solving the mystery of UFO energy lies in unraveling their mode of movement - how they move or remain stationary in the sky. Indeed, some are described as having some sort of propeller or jet exhaust, but most do not appear to have any means of aerial support. They can stand rigidly or take off like a cannonball when fired. They can reduce speed below airplane speed or spin “like a squirrel in a wheel” without any signs of energy expenditure. They can fly in such a formation that the pilots' eyes turn green with professional envy.

Just a few years ago, George Wilson, a Pan American Airway pilot, was flying over the Pacific Ocean when he spotted a brilliant object flying through the sky at great speed, about 1,000 miles east of Honolulu. Wilson, a pilot with 20 years of experience, insisted that UFO could not be another plane, and both of them - he and his co-pilot - watched with their mouths open in surprise as the object above them dived down and then sharply turned to the side. “He had lights,” Wilson said, “one very bright and four less bright. Suddenly the object made a right turn at a speed incredible for any known vehicle, then the lights gradually disappeared. Smaller lights were located at equal distances. It can be assumed that they were all located on one UFO or on several flying in precise formation.”

“A modern advanced air defense system may require the creation of flying saucers. Indeed, 3D dish design is being discussed at the spring meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in Baltimore. Most witnesses confirm that flying saucers perform unusual maneuvers and change course in ways that are impossible for conventional aircraft."

Among the speakers at the meeting was General Benjamin S. Kelsu, deputy chief of research for the Air Force. He said that the main problem of modern aviation is the time it takes to gain speed on the ground and the flights in the air that are not long enough. If vertical take-off aircraft were created, long runways would no longer be necessary.

Many scientists believe that UFOs have a series of jet engines running along the edge, allowing the UFO pilot to use combinations of these engines to rise and fall to specific heights. These actions can be similar to how a pianist plays the piano, hitting the keys in different combinations to create a melody. Indeed, several cigar-shaped UFOs showed vertical hoops in the central part. These could be coils creating powerful magnetic fields, which could be somehow connected to the UFO's engines. In addition, groups of smaller UFOs have been observed joining the larger mothership, possibly conducting mid-air recharging and refueling operations.

It is known that UFO fly at speeds of 18,000 miles per hour. Is it possible that these unusual aircraft, which can freeze in place or take off depending on their desire, are capable of overcoming gravity with the help of some kind of anti-gravity field? What is the secret of their defying the law of gravity?

Albert Einstein's unified field theory provides some clue to the mystery of the energy of flying saucers. The approximate answer is contained in his words that gravity and electromagnetism - magnetism created by passing electricity - are two sides of the same phenomenon. Just like steam and ice are two states of water. As we know, if you melt ice, water is formed, and if you cool steam, water is also formed. It follows that if we could transform electromagnetic forces in a certain way, we could obtain gravitational forces that could propel flying saucers.

Well-known West German expert on UFO Hermann Oberth has been studying the energy of UFO movement for a long time. He believes: “UFOs probably use artificial G-forces (artificial gravity), which give them the ability to suddenly change directions and reach fantastic speeds. If our ordinary airplane could change the direction of its flight so instantly, then everything and everyone inside it would be pressed against the bulkheads with such force that living beings would die immediately. But in the presence of G-forces, everything flies along with the apparatus, so there are no pushes or attractions inside it.”

Since Isaac Newton saw a falling apple, many theories have emerged regarding the nature of gravity, but in fact its main cause still remains unknown. Einstein admitted quite clearly that he could not define it. We know, however, that gravity keeps us firmly on the Earth, keeps the Earth near the Sun and the Sun in our Galaxy.

For all we know, gravity may even be keeping the universe from falling apart. 40 years ago, the eminent scientist Charles Busch discovered the rather strange properties of a substance known as “Linz Basalt”. He noticed that the substance generates even more heat than uranium. But, more importantly, the Linz Basalt refused to fall freely under the conditions prescribed by the law of gravity. The Linz Basalt was not completely devoid of gravity, but gravity could not move it. Scientists found Bush's message interesting but not earth-shattering. It was only many years later - in 1957 - that research into antigravity began under government-funded programs. This issue was dealt with by Inland Steel, Sperry Rand, General Electric, and others. They all tried to discover the secret of gravity. It should be noted that their interest arose after UFO began to appear all over the world. Many scientists soon became convinced that these unusual devices were not so much devoid of gravity, but that they were simply using it.

The use of atomic energy is another equally important theory about the driving forces of UFOs. In his book: Unidentified Flying Object Report, Edward Ruppelt says that in the fall of 1949, a group of scientists used special equipment to measure normal levels of safe radiation in our atmosphere and discovered a strange phenomenon. It was reported that one day two scientists were observing the instruments and suddenly noticed a sudden sharp increase in radiation. The indicator showed such a high level that they thought about the possibility nuclear test in this district. They quickly checked that the equipment was working properly and began more careful observation. At this time, the third member of this group ran into the laboratory. Ruppelt continues the story:

“Before the two scientists had time to tell the newcomer about the inexplicable increase in radiation levels, he hastened to talk about his observations. He drove to a nearby town and on his way back, when he was already approaching the laboratory, something in the sky suddenly caught his attention. High in the blue, cloudless sky, he saw three silvery objects flying in a V formation. It seemed that they had a spherical shape, but there was no complete certainty about this. The first thing that struck him was that the objects were moving too fast for conventional aircraft. He slammed on the brakes, stopped the car and turned off the engine. Not a sound. All he heard was the whirring of the generator in the laboratory. After a few minutes, the objects disappeared from view.

After two scientists told their excited colleague about the unusual levels of radiation they had discovered, the three asked each other if there was a connection between these phenomena. Did UFOs cause unusual levels of radiation? Of course, this was more than obvious. UFO activity during the period of increasing radiation levels on Earth clearly indicated that the unusual aircraft were using atomic energy to propel themselves through space.

Indeed, a student UFO expert James Mosley states that radiation is an accurate and very important clue. Speaking to his magazine Saucer News, Mosley claims that the US government is already building and launching such atomic saucers: “Ruppelt does not know about it, but the type of saucer that the government does not want to report uses atomic energy for propulsion. They use a method of converting atomic radiation into electrical energy and use the resulting mixture, which, of course, represents a completely new type of energy, hitherto unknown. The dishes are controlled from a distance, probably because a living creature cannot be in these highly radioactive machines. As fantastic as it may sound, as far as we know, these saucers are actually built, launched and maintained by an organization isolated from the military and political circles of the government. Although several senior government officials have been made aware of this project, they have nothing to do with it.

These saucers are launched into the area of ​​a small nuclear plant. When they fly or hover in a given area, they absorb radiation from the atmosphere, converting it into what, for lack of a better technical term, can be called electrical energy. Thus, if a dangerous radioactive cloud appears over an area, one or more dishes are sent there with the express purpose of absorbing excess radiation. If a radioactive cloud appears over populated area, then all the more reason to carry out work to neutralize it.”

There are other theories about the driving forces of UFOs. Many have observed them near power lines, cars, large outdoor electric clocks, radio transmitters, etc., giving rise to very popular speculation that UFO“suck” energy (for example electricity) produced by people. And who can forget the Kansas farmer who claimed that a UFO hovered over his house for several days, and then - a few weeks later - he again claimed that he received the largest electricity bill of his life.

The characteristic features of UFO flight are their ability to fly at enormous speeds and instantly develop such speeds from a stationary hover, as well as the ability to make sharp maneuvers and hover or instantly change the direction of their movement to the opposite.

There are many examples indicating that UFOs are capable of flying in space and in the atmosphere at enormous speeds, completely silently, without disturbing the environment, and the most reliable data was recorded using radars.

The materials of the Blue Book cite a case when in December 1952. The onboard radars of the B-29 bomber, flying at an altitude of 6000 m, recorded several unknown objects flying past the aircraft at a speed of about 8000 km/h. After this, the crew members themselves saw eight more giant UFOs, which crossed the plane's course at a speed that was later estimated at 14,000 km/h and disappeared into the stratosphere. These objects were also detected by ground radar.

UFO flights at high speeds were also recorded: in 1949 over the White Sands area (New Mexico) - a speed of 40,000 km/h, in 1952 over the Terre Haute airport (Indiana) - a speed of 67,000 km / h and in 1953 over South Africa - a speed of 16,000 km / h.

In our country, in March and May 1985, unknown objects moving at speeds of 6000-7200 km/h were observed at the control tower of the Gorky airport.

American satellite tracking stations determined that the speed of one UFO flying from east to west across the entire territory of the American continent was 72,000 km/h.

The former head of Project Blue Book, Ruppelt, wrote in his book “UFO Report” that the highest speed of a UFO recorded by radar was about 200,000 km/h.

For some reason, UFO flights are not accompanied by explosive sounds that usually occur when airplanes break the sound barrier. It seems that these objects do not feel any air resistance at all, since they fly in any position of the body.

As a rule, UFOs, shaped like a disk or a saucer, have their flat part facing the ground when flying. But there are times when they fly “on edge” and expose their maximum surface to the movement, as if ignoring air resistance. Such cases were noted in 1947 in Oregon, in 1954 in the Alps and Tunisia, in 1966 near Melbourne and in 1969 over Papua ( New Guinea), and in our country not far from Baku.

The second characteristic feature of UFO flight is their ability to make right angle turns at enormous speeds without slowing down.

In October 1968, the crew of the Romanian tanker Arges, traveling through the Mozambique Channel, saw a sparkling disk with a diameter of about 17 m, emitting bluish-green rays, rush across the sky at incredible speed. Suddenly the disk abruptly changed its direction of movement by 90 degrees and disappeared with great speed.

In July 1976, a Swedish fighter pilot on a training flight over Lake Bulmen (Småland province) observed six unknown delta-shaped objects flying crosswise at a speed of about 2500 km/h. Before his eyes, these objects suddenly made a sharp turn of 90 degrees, after which they undertook some unexpected lateral maneuver and soared upward with enormous acceleration.

UFO turns at right angles at high speeds were also observed in 1947 in Alabama, in 1967 in Singheorzbei (Romania) and in 1974 in Austin (Texas).

In the magazine “Technology for Youth” (1979. 3), cosmonaut Khrunov wrote that “the ability of a UFO to change course by 90° at high speed is simply amazing.”

The third characteristic feature of UFO flight is their ability to instantly develop enormous speeds from a motionless hover, or, conversely, to instantly stop at full speed or even change the direction of movement to the opposite.

The ability of a UFO to instantly reach enormous speeds can be illustrated by the following examples.

In July 1954, in Albuquerque (New Mexico), nine round UFOs glowing green were observed, hovering motionless, and then instantly reaching a speed of 4000 km/h and making a 340° turn.

In August 1965, in the USSR, a group of geologists on the banks of the Kondoma River Kemerovo region for 30 minutes I observed an oblong object hanging in the southeast at an angle of 60` to the horizon, no less than the size of the visible lunar disk, which suddenly turned into a point within one minute. Eyewitnesses got the impression that the object began to move away from them with enormous acceleration, which, according to their calculations, was about 44 km/s.

In the cases below, UFOs flying at high speed instantly changed the direction of their movement to the opposite.

In August 1947, near the city of Tampa (Florida), a cylindrical object twice the size of a heavy bomber came close to a C-47 aircraft. The threat of collision seemed inevitable. But in last second the object flew sharply into reverse side. Its speed was about 3000 km/h.

In July 1952, the crew of a DC-4 aircraft flying from New York to Miami, in the Norfolk area, saw six brightly luminous disks with a diameter of 30 meters, moving in a column towards the aircraft at enormous speed, which was later estimated at 19,000 km/h . When approaching the aircraft, these disks, without slowing down, lay on the edge and seemed to bounce off an invisible wall at an angle of 150`, flying away into reverse direction(9, II; ill. 32).

Cases of an instantaneous change in the direction of movement of a UFO in the opposite direction were also noted in 1952 again in the state of Florida and in 1960 over the city of Indianapolis, and in our country in 1978 in the Khabarovsk region.

UFO trajectories are very diverse. Below are examples of the zigzag flight path of a UFO.

In November 1980, in Tula, radio engineer Tyapkin observed a star-like object flying from north to south along a zigzag trajectory, and the apparent size of the zigzags decreased as it moved. Then the object stopped and hovered for 5-6 minutes.

At a seminar on UFO problems in Petrozavodsk in 1988, the famous test pilot Marina Popovich told how she and a group of eyewitnesses, while on Gissar in 1983, observed a luminous object similar to a satellite, which first moved along a zigzag trajectory, and then hovered motionless, directing a beam of light towards the ground.

In October 1989, near the village of Vladimirovka, Khvorostyansky district, Kuibyshev region, five machine operators working in the field saw a strange luminous object in the shape of a ball with a diameter of at least 50 m, which hovered low above the arable land. “Portholes” were visible on it; a flashing device was rotating at the top. Then this object began to quickly move over the field in a zigzag path and illuminate the ground beneath it with a powerful spotlight.

UFO flights along zigzag trajectories were also observed in 1961 over the city of Benjamin (Texas), in 1965 in Antarctica, in 1967 in the Birgaulun region (Romania), in 1976 over the city of Viedma (Argentina), in 1973 near Belomorsk (USSR), in 1984 in the area Khabarovsk airport and in 1985 - near Siauliai.

The trajectories of descending or landing UFOs are zigzag; these objects often sway from side to side, like a “falling leaf” (Fig. 38). Such UFO movement was observed in 1952 in England, in 1954 in France, in 1958 in El Salvador, in 1957 and 1960. in the USA, in 1968 in Romania, and in our country in 1977 in Makhach-Kale and in 1978 in Belevo near Moscow.

In the "Statistical Study of Reports of UFO Phenomena" conducted in France by Poer's group, 38 cases of UFO flights along the trajectory of a falling leaf are given.

There are also cases when UFOs moved along trajectories in the form of a spiral, as was the case in 1956 over Orangeville (Canada), in 1984 over Khabarovsk and in 1985 over Kohtla-Jarve.

In other cases, they flew along undulating trajectories, rising and falling. Similar trajectories were recorded in 1984 in Ohio, in 1951 in Michigan, and in 1956 in the Washington area.

Sometimes UFOs moved irregularly, like flat pebbles floating on the surface of water. Such observations took place in 1947 over Medford (Oregon) and in 1956 over Washington State.

It happens that objects change the position of their body when flying or hovering.

In December 1978, a slow flight of a luminous cylinder was observed over Moscow for 5 minutes, which flew in a vertical position and during movement changed its angle of inclination, temporarily taking a horizontal position. Then he made a smooth turn and disappeared in a southwestern direction.

There are also eyewitness accounts who reported that sometimes flying or hovering UFOs rolled from side to side like coins falling to the floor.

In September 1950 in Korea, pilots of three American fighter-bombers returning from a combat mission saw above them two round silver objects with a diameter of 200 m, flying at a speed of about 2000 km/h. Suddenly the objects stopped and began to vibrate, swaying from side to side, and then flew over the planes at the same speed.

Examples of such UFO vibration were also observed in 1955 over Washington State, in 1957 over Florida and California, in 1962 over London, in 1966 over Tennessee and New York, and in our country in 1975. - over Kiev.

Even more surprising is when UFOs in a vertical position seem to roll across the sky like wheels.

The Blue Book cites an incident that occurred in March 1953 when two witnesses, returning from Glen Burnie to Baltimore, saw a silvery flat disk 15 m in diameter with a dome and masts, which hovered for 3 minutes above their car. Then the disk stood on its edge and began to move, as if rolling across the sky, after which it disappeared beyond the horizon.

Below are a number of examples when UFOs made some kind of erratic, chaotic movements for a long time, making jerks, unexpected stops, sharp turns or zigzags, as a result of which their flight profile looked broken and intermittent.

In January 1953, near the Sonoma Valley (California), two pilots observed unusual maneuvers of a UFO flying at high altitude. This object, moving very quickly, made three circles with very small radii within 15 seconds, then made two sharp turns at a right angle, first to the right, after 5 seconds - to the left, after which it stopped for a while, again picked up high speed, stopped again and, finally, rose vertically upward and disappeared.

In September 1965, hundreds of residents of the Peruvian city of Cusco observed the dizzying maneuvers of four blue UFOs for 2 hours. These objects made right angle turns, hovered in place, circled in ways that no aircraft could have accomplished, and finally disappeared at incredible speed.

In January 1967, many residents of Houston watched for 30 minutes as a round UFO, glowing bluish-green, “wrote” shapes aerobatics. This object made strange zigzags, moved in jumps with sudden stops, unexpectedly dived down or soared up sharply, etc. .

Similar chaotic flights of UFOs were also observed in 1956 from an airplane flying from New York to Alabama, and in 1971 in the Styrian Alps (II).

In our country, in July 1977, two witnesses in the village of Boguchany, Krasnoyarsk Territory, observed a bright object in the sky, similar to a satellite, which initially moved in a straight line, and then also flew straight and sharply almost backward (at an angle of 135'). After this, he began to move chaotically up and down complex curves, sometimes stopping for several seconds. Eventually, it hovered motionless and gradually went out. Explain this strange behavior UFO has not yet succeeded.

How do they avoid this?

You don't have to be a scientist to know that maximum heating occurs on the consoles along the edge of the flying saucer's disk. Firstly, it is the movement of the apparatus that occurs along the disk. Secondly, there is a minimum cross-section.

First, I’ll try to tell you what kind of skin a UFO has. Well, the fact that it is metal is understandable, as is the fact that it exists on our Earth. It is a carbon metal of the selenium group (hexogen), with a stable crystalline hexagonal lattice. It is this metal Se b that has a high non-destruction temperature, moreover, it conducts heat well and is magnetically permeable. Therefore, it can be used to easily create a magnetic field around a UFO. The only thing I can’t add is that in the thoughts that come to me, all these hexagons are of two colors - red and blue. Moreover, these colored lattices are arranged in a unique way relative to each other. If anyone can provide me with an explanation, I will be grateful. Unfortunately, I did not set out to study molecular science in detail.

But let's return to the UFO disk. Along the entire circumference, on the inside of the disk rim, there are permanent magnets. These permanent magnets are located in the same plane as the stator magnets of the traction unit and have a trapezoidal shape. They are necessary to create a magnetic field on the edge of the disk (rim), when the disk itself rotates, which reduces frictional resistance with charged atmospheric molecules.

They seem to create a magnetic cushion between the aircraft and the air.

Secondly, everyone knows that when an airplane flies, in places where its narrow section of the wing is, static energy accumulates, resulting from friction with air. This static energy is possibly used in flying saucers to recharge the stator system of permanent magnets.

During the flight of a UFO, there is always a strong magnetic field around it, thanks to which the UFO flies perfectly in dense layers of the atmosphere, and also dives to great depths in the ocean. It simply turns out that the magnetic shell of the aircraft compensates for any external pressure, be it dense air or enormous pressure at the bottom of the ocean. You may not believe me, but with such an external magnetic field, even water does not touch the UFO body at pressure at depths of tens of atmospheres.

And of course, it is clear that having such a magnetic shell, all radar beams directed by our earthly locators to UFOs simply do not have reflective properties. Therefore, you cannot see them on monitor screens.

Now about the life compartment of the flying saucer. When the UFO moves, the circular magnetic flux arising from the operation of the magnetic installation causes the body of the device to twist back. Agree that when everything is spinning around, it’s not difficult to fly, much less think.

Of course, there are options in which it is possible to create, using permanent magnets and vacuum, a compartment that could maintain its horizontal state constantly. It is not difficult.

To do this, it is enough to “link” together the compartment and the guide nozzles of the installation, and the creation of a vacuum layer between the device body and the compartment will provide the necessary overload compensation. But apparently this is unnecessary. By creating an external magnetic field around the UFO, all these issues are automatically resolved. It just requires research.

As for piloting such aircraft, then it is quite simple. The control stick is enough (on airplanes it is called RUS)
flaps of the nozzle and the lever for the axial movement of the magnets of the traction unit.

Although, this can be combined.

Some media outlets claimed that eyewitnesses saw very large (cigar or pipe-type) UFOs hanging high in the sky. It was even described by eyewitnesses that small flying “ships” flew out of such large UFOs. I think that these are the ships of space galaxies. By the way, in Lately, astronomer scientists have repeatedly observed these types of UFOs near the surface of the Moon. At least that's what the media reported. These aircraft were very impressive in size. These spaceships measured up to hundreds of meters in length.

In such UFOs, along with the magnetic installations described above, additional magnetic installations are also used. It is they who are capable of producing horizontal movements of aircraft in outer space.

The design of these traction units differs little from the previous ones. Only they have additional systems of permanent magnets installed, which are located on both sides of such a pipe. One installation provides initial acceleration in vacuum space - UFO acceleration. After accelerating in a straight line, the further speed will be the same. This is a vacuum where there is no friction or resistance.

The second setting is intended for emergency braking if there are any obstacles on the way. And adjustable inlet and outlet nozzles with magnetic cores are needed to change the course of the flight direction, since sometimes they have to “fly around” unnecessary objects and planets. You will be amazed at the simplicity of such designs.

The characteristic features of UFO flight is their ability to fly at enormous speeds and instantly develop such speeds from a motionless hover, ...

The materials of the Blue Book cite a case when in December 1952. The onboard radars of the B-29 bomber, flying at an altitude of 6000 m, recorded several unknown objects flying past the aircraft at a speed of about 8000 km/h. After this, the crew members themselves saw eight more giant UFOs, which crossed the plane's course at a speed that was later estimated at 14,000 km/h and disappeared into the stratosphere. These objects were also detected by ground radar.

UFO flights at high speeds were also recorded: in 1949 over the White Sands area (New Mexico) - a speed of 40,000 km/h, in 1952 over the Terre Haute airport (Indiana) - a speed of 67,000 km / h and in 1953 over South Africa - a speed of 16,000 km / h. In our country, in March and May 1985, unknown objects moving at speeds of 6000-7200 km/h were observed at the control tower of the Gorky airport. American satellite tracking stations determined that the speed of one UFO flying from east to west across the entire territory of the American continent was 72,000 km/h.

The former head of Project Blue Book, Ruppelt, wrote in his book “UFO Report” that the highest speed of a UFO recorded by radar was about 200,000 km/h. For some reason, UFO flights are not accompanied by explosive sounds that usually occur when airplanes break the sound barrier. It seems that these objects do not feel any air resistance at all, since they fly in any position of the body.

As a rule, UFOs, shaped like a disk or a saucer, have their flat part facing the ground when flying. But there are times when they fly “on edge” and expose their maximum surface to the movement, as if ignoring air resistance. Such cases were noted in 1947 in Oregon, in 1954 in the Alps and Tunisia, in 1966 near Melbourne and in 1969 over Papua (New Guinea), and in our country - near Baku.

The second characteristic feature of UFO flight is their ability to make right angle turns at enormous speeds without slowing down. In October 1968, the crew of the Romanian tanker Arges, traveling through the Mozambique Channel, saw a sparkling disk with a diameter of about 17 m, emitting bluish-green rays, rush across the sky at incredible speed. Suddenly the disk suddenly changed its direction of movement to the 90s and disappeared with great speed. In July 1976, a Swedish fighter pilot on a training flight over Lake Bulmen (Småland province) observed six unknown delta-shaped objects flying crosswise at a speed of about 2500 km/h. Before his eyes, these objects suddenly made a sharp turn of 90 degrees, after which they undertook some unexpected lateral maneuver and soared upward with enormous acceleration.

UFO turns at right angles at high speeds were also observed in 1947 in Alabama, in 1967 in Singheorzbei (Romania) and in 1974 in Austin (Texas). In the magazine “Technology for Youth” (1979), cosmonaut Khrunov wrote that “the ability of a UFO to change course by 90 degrees at high speed is simply amazing.” The third characteristic feature of UFO flight is their ability to instantly develop enormous speeds from a motionless hover, or, conversely, to instantly stop at full speed or even change the direction of movement to the opposite.

The ability of a UFO to instantly reach enormous speeds can be illustrated by the following examples. In July 1954, in Albuquerque (New Mexico), nine round UFOs glowing green were observed, hovering motionless, and then instantly reaching a speed of 4000 km/h and making a 340 degree turn. In August 1965, in the USSR, a group of geologists on the banks of the Kondoma River in the Kemerovo region observed for 30 minutes hanging in the southeast at an angle of 60 degrees. towards the horizon an oblong object no smaller than the visible lunar disk, which suddenly turned into a point within one minute. Eyewitnesses got the impression that the object began to move away from them with enormous acceleration, which, according to their calculations, was about 44 km/s. In the cases below, UFOs flying at high speed instantly changed the direction of their movement to the opposite. In August 1947, near the city of Tampa (Florida), a cylindrical object twice the size of a heavy bomber came close to a C-47 aircraft. The threat of collision seemed inevitable. But at the last second the object flew sharply in the opposite direction. Its speed was about 3000 km/h.

In July 1952, the crew of a DC-4 aircraft flying from New York to Miami, in the Norfolk area, saw six brightly luminous disks with a diameter of 30 meters, moving in a column towards the aircraft at enormous speed, which was later estimated at 19,000 km/h . When approaching the plane, these disks, without slowing down, lay on their edges and seemed to bounce off an invisible wall at an angle of 150 degrees, flying away in the opposite direction.

Cases of an instantaneous change in the direction of movement of a UFO in the opposite direction were also noted in 1952 again in the state of Florida and in 1960 over the city of Indianapolis, and in our country in 1978 in the Khabarovsk region. UFO trajectories are very diverse. Below are examples of the zigzag flight path of a UFO. In November 1980, in Tula, radio engineer Tyapkin observed a star-like object flying from north to south along a zigzag trajectory, and the apparent size of the zigzags decreased as it moved. Then the object stopped and hovered for 5-6 minutes.

At a seminar on UFO problems in Petrozavodsk in 1988, the famous test pilot Marina Popovich told how she and a group of eyewitnesses, while on Gissar in 1983, observed a luminous object similar to a satellite, which first moved along a zigzag trajectory, and then hovered motionless, directing a beam of light towards the ground. In October 1989, near the village of Vladimirovka, Khvorostyansky district, Kuibyshev region, five machine operators working in the field saw a strange luminous object in the shape of a ball with a diameter of at least 50 m, which hovered low above the arable land. “Portholes” were visible on it; a flashing device was rotating at the top. Then this object began to quickly move over the field in a zigzag path and illuminate the ground beneath it with a powerful spotlight.

UFO flights along zigzag trajectories were also observed in 1961 over the city of Bajamen (Texas), in 1965 in Antarctica, in 1967 in the Birgaulun region (Romania), in 1976 over the city of Viedma (Argentina), in 1973 near Belomorsk (USSR), in 1984 in the area of ​​Khabarovsk airport and in 1985 near Siauliai. The trajectories of descending or landing UFOs are zigzag; these objects often sway from side to side, like a “falling leaf.” Such UFO movement was observed in 1952 in England, in 1954 in France, in 1958 in El Salvador, in 1957 and 1960. in the USA, in 1968 in Romania, and in our country in 1977 in Makhach-Kale and in 1978 in Belevo near Moscow. In the "Statistical Study of Reports of UFO Phenomena" conducted in France by Poer's group, 38 cases of UFO flights along the trajectory of a falling leaf are given.

There are also cases when UFOs moved along trajectories in the form of a spiral, as was the case in 1956 over Orangeville (Canada), in 1984 over Khabarovsk and in 1985 over Kohtla-Jarve. In other cases, they flew along wave-like trajectories, sometimes rising and sometimes falling. Similar trajectories were recorded in 1984 in Ohio, in 1951 in Michigan, and in 1956 in the Washington area. Sometimes UFOs moved irregularly, like flat pebbles floating on the surface of water. Such observations took place in 1947 over Medford (Oregon) and in 1956 over Washington State. It happens that objects change the position of their body when flying or hovering. In December 1978, a slow flight of a luminous cylinder was observed over Moscow for 5 minutes, which flew in a vertical position and during movement changed its angle of inclination, temporarily taking a horizontal position. Then he made a smooth turn and disappeared in a southwestern direction.

There are also eyewitness accounts who reported that sometimes flying or hovering UFOs rolled from side to side like coins falling to the floor. In September 1950 in Korea, pilots of three American fighter-bombers, returning from a combat mission, saw above them two round silver objects with a diameter of 200 m, flying at a speed of about 2000 km/h. Suddenly the objects stopped and began to vibrate, swaying from side to side, and then flew over the planes at the same speed. Examples of such UFO vibration were also observed in 1955 over Washington State, in 1957 over Florida and California, in 1962 over London, in 1966 over Tennessee and New York, and in our country in 1975. - over Kiev.

Even more surprising is when UFOs in a vertical position seem to roll across the sky like wheels. The Blue Book cites an incident that occurred in March 1953 when two witnesses, returning from Glen Burnie to Baltimore, saw a silvery flat disk 15 m in diameter with a dome and masts, which hovered for 3 minutes above their car. Then the disk stood on its edge and began to move, as if rolling across the sky, after which it disappeared beyond the horizon. Below are a number of examples when UFOs made some kind of erratic, chaotic movements for a long time, making jerks, unexpected stops, sharp turns or zigzags, as a result of which their flight profile looked broken and intermittent.

In January 1953, near the Sonoma Valley (California), two pilots observed unusual maneuvers of a UFO flying at high altitude. This object, moving very quickly, made three circles with very small radii within 15 seconds, then made two sharp turns at right angles, first to the right, after 5 seconds - to the left, after which it stopped for a while, again picked up high speed, and stopped again and finally rose vertically upward and disappeared. In September 1965, hundreds of residents of the Peruvian city of Cusco observed the dizzying maneuvers of four blue UFOs for 2 hours.

These objects made right angle turns, hovered in place, circled in ways that no aircraft could have accomplished, and finally disappeared at incredible speed. In January 1967, many Houstonians watched for 30 minutes as a round UFO, glowing bluish-green, performed aerobatic maneuvers. This object made strange zigzags, moved in jumps with sudden stops, unexpectedly dived down or soared up sharply, etc. Similar chaotic flights of UFOs were also observed in 1956 from a plane flying from New York to Alabama, and in 1971 in the Styrian Alps.

In our country, in July 1977, two witnesses in the village of Boguchany, Krasnoyarsk Territory, observed a bright object in the sky, similar to a satellite, which initially moved in a straight line, and then also flew straight and sharply almost backward (at an angle of 135 degrees). After this, he began to move chaotically up and down complex curves, sometimes stopping for several seconds. Eventually, it hovered motionless and gradually went out. It is not yet possible to explain this strange behavior of UFOs.

The dead man was buried in the grave
And they went their separate ways
Friends, buddies, messengers
Everyone who is with the deceased
lived before.

Some have been neighbors for a long time,
They lie humbly next to him.
Heavenly watchman Cherub
At night they are delirious about something.

The words of his sad speech
Hand carved on stones.
Didn't escape with the Almighty
The artisan who sculpted them.

I will now try to explain a question that has long tormented scientists: how do UFOs fly. However, I will not tell the reader who actually flies in them, since we will only talk about the physics of the process.
In various works I explained that the interplanetary ether is a special form of water, unusually dense and neutral to the material world. The material world itself is a rarefied ether, which began its degeneration into the substances of the periodic table, as a result of the release of electricity. As a matter of fact, at the beginning of time there was only ether, but a SHORT CIRCUIT released part of this mass and the degeneration of matter into visible material forms began. The ether, consisting of neutral All-Kind, began its degeneration. If you imagine the Almighty God at the moment of creation, then the lightning of Zeus is precisely the root cause of the creation of material worlds. Where it came from is a completely different matter and is subject to a separate story.
The material worlds not only formed, but at the moment of birth they captured part of the ether into their internal cavities, as if they slammed it in their spheres. Thus, a layer of the material world was created, separating the internal and external ethers.
In any living planet there is a rebirth of the internal ether from denser layers to what we call the atmosphere. Of course, this is accompanied by all sorts of reactions and high temperatures. There is, as it were, a struggle between the inner ether and the material world, and it is trying to break through the isolation in order to break out into its natural state. Earthquakes, crustal shifts and other pleasures are precisely the confrontation between the material and ethereal worlds.
The external ether also strives to destroy the material shell. Here you should understand that any body under the influence of external ether loses its mass. That is, the external ether eats up the planet. However, this is compensated by the work of the internal ether, which generates new substance. In addition, cosmic dust falls on the planet. This will continue until the internal ether is used up and the planet turns into a dead desert. However, the ether will also devour it, it’s just that the time frame is much longer than in the presence of active ether inside a living celestial body.
In fact, the entire material world resembles air balloons in water, compressed by two forces: internal and external pressure, and therefore they are extremely stable if there is no outside intervention in the system.
How do planets fly, or rather float, in the ether? Look at the comet, do you see its tail? This is a jet engine through which degenerating matter flows into the ether. Any celestial body has such a tail. With the help of this constant outflow of matter, any planet flies, and the speeds are different for everyone. Everything depends on many factors, such as: configuration, material, distance from the star (and this is the same original spark or short circuit scattered in billions of galaxies).
The laws of hydrodynamics apply to balloons, since, as I already said, ether is water, and they concentrate around the center of rotation. In our case it is the Sun. They would fall on him, but only the jet movement prevents this from happening. In addition, the solar wind pushes away celestial bodies and regulates the outflow of matter, much like with the sail of a yacht. So the planet-balls rush around until they find their orbit.
Now let's imagine a flying saucer. Ether eats it too. Let's compare it with sodium thrown into water. Water consumes sodium, and it flutters chaotically throughout the body of water until it is all used up. That is, this happens until the piece has a constant direction of outflow (like a comet), then it will run in a straight line. In the beginning, however, he moves where the more powerful reaction on one of his sides directs him.
Now let’s imagine a plate that alternately opens access to matter to create jet streams.
There may also be conditions under which the rate of decay of a substance is regulated. Approximately like supplying fuel with the gas pedal in a car. This state of affairs allows you to change not only the direction of flight, but also the speed of movement.
What can protect the material world from the “bloodthirsty ether”? Only an electrical discharge, the same running lights that observers see on a UFO. It’s still difficult to say the nature, but I think that something similar to St. Elmo’s fire is plasma.
This is how interplanetary UFO flights happen.
Flights in our material world are even easier to explain. It is enough to have a supply of ether collected during the flight, so that the opposite effect would occur when the material world begins to destroy the ether, since its volumes are much larger than any “fuel” tank. This means that jet motion will arise again. Since there is a degeneration of the ether into a material substance, it means that there is a reverse systemic reaction.
That's all. Of course, it’s only approximate, but still, you can get an idea. However, I ask you to remember that everything in the world consists of electrical connections and even biological life is a derivative of these connections.
You ask me, do I know who flies in UFOs? Yes I know. These are earthlings. But a little different from you and me.
The fact is that at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, science took the wrong path, “brilliant scientists” like Einstein. They took her away from reality. While they tried to forget the works of Tesla, Mendeleev’s Newtonius and other theoretical discoveries of this time of rapid development of physics. So, not all scientists followed this path. Some of them simply disappeared and are disappearing to this day. Materials about such disappearances can be found on the Internet. By the way, for the most part this is a Russian school. These people are alive and have been working for many years in a different direction, which is much more promising than the erroneous official one.
I think that this information will be enough for a thinking reader to understand who exactly flies in the UFO. Especially if you remember what years of the 20th century there was a boom in publications about UFOs. I will only note that these are EXTRASTATE people.
UFO is theoretical physics of the 19th and 20th centuries, translated into real engineering solutions.
But more about that some other time.

You are unfriendly, Venus!
Beauty, Mars, taught in the morning:
- Smiles are given to the grenadier
Comets, stars and the Moon!

I am famous for my military deeds,
My armor is strong armor.
I am exalted at times
A hero riding a horse.

Behold, god of war! - the ether broadcasts,
Hearing my battle cry,
The Milky Way sings with song,
Seeing me above you.

Yes, you are great, Shed Blood!
Venus told the knight:
- And I am eternal Love,
The universe has a good start.

Dawn's captivating passion,
I'm a quiet evenings cameo
But I have been given such power,
Which one, and the Sun does not.

The earth, flying between them,
She sighed, holding back her tears.
-Why do I have such a share?
To be a vassal of two powers?

You can't live a day apart
The passion between you is vicious
You will not understand earthly torments
Power is more important to you two.

War with love from the beginning
They are walking through life down the aisle.
This path is known to be sad
And an impressive end

Cosmogonic action
It has long been clear to heaven.
You are just empty hypocrisy,
In fact, interstellar trash.