Temple of Buddha in China. The Temple of the Spring Buddha is a symbol of respect for the Chinese people to the heritage of Buddhism

The Spring Temple Buddha is a statue that depicts Wairooman Buddha, it is located in the Chinese village called Chezhazun, in Henan Province. This statue was built in 2002, and it is considered the highest all over the world. Who is interested in the culture of Europe - read about.

From the very beginning, the statue reached the height of almost 128 meters, and 20 meters from which he had a pedestal, made as a lotus flower. Later, the pedestal was increased and made more than 25 m, therefore, the monument began to reach a height of 153 meters. In 2008 in October, the month decided to reorganize the hill where the sculpture was towers, and make it two times higher. Currently, the Spring Temple Buddha has a height of 208 meters.

The sculpture planning planned immediately when a joint Indian-British Maitreya project was announced, a sculpture in India for all assumptions was to be the highest on all white light in 152 m.

In order to create this statue of the Buddha used: steel in an amount of 15 tons, copper in the amount of 33 tons, as well as pure gold, which can be counted about 108 kilograms. Financial expenses for the monument were approximately 18 million dollars, and fully this construction, together with the pedestal cost China approximately 55 million dollars.

Buddha construction plan Spring Temple Finally approved immediately after the Taliban destroyed the ancient Bamian statue of the Buddha, which was located in Afghanistan. China was strictly condemned by such a barbaric extermination of the Buddhist inheritance of Afghanistan.

It received its name of the statue of the Buddha Spring Temple in honor of the hot spring called Tianzhui, located not so far, the water from it go straight out of the bowels with a temperature of 60s, moreover, this water has lived forces. The Temple of Foshan, who was erected by reigning in China to the Tang dynasty, is located on top of the peak of the Head of the Dragon. In this place, the bell was most huge on the entire planet, poured from bronze and its weight is 116 tons.

In order to imagine the sculpture of the Spring Temple Buddha's sculpture there is an opportunity to compare the values \u200b\u200bof the rest famous monuments worldwide, so everything will become clear.

Information for tourists

Prayers are held in this temple, as well as deification, and tourists who came there with their cameras, as well as video cameras, lead to some confusion, and monks, and those who just visits the temple. If you suddenly want to be photographed, then you need to do so so that no one notice, because it is not accepted here. Directly the temple is located in the desert, as well as the part completely distant from the urban area, on the outskirts of the island of Henan.

It is for this reason that there is absolutely nothing in this area, there is only a car parking space, Temple walls made of stone, ticket office, and, directly entry into the territory.

According to all customs in Chinese mythology, as well as the traditions of almost all Chinese religions, the entrance to the local territory is protected by marble sculptures that personify the Chinese deities and demons in order to insoligate any evil creature. And the marble guards are guarded both during the day and night. In general, the spectacle is very exciting, and it is worth seeing that, after such a trip, unforgettable impressions will remain.

Spring Temple Buddha is the highest statue in the world and the main attraction of China. The sculpture is located in the village of Zhaozun County Lushan (Henan Province). Thousands of tourists and pilgrims come to her annually. Scaligence and cultural value allow you to call the Chinese Buddha a real masterpiece.

Height statue

Being near the statue of the Buddha, you feel like a small insect, which is about to give a colossal figure. Buddha statue height in chinese city Lushan 128 meters. Giant Buddha in Leshan stands on a pedestal, made in the form of a huge lotus flower. It increases the height of the Buddha to 153 meters. And if you add to this the height of the hill, the dimensions of the statue are affixed by the imagination - 208 meters. Thanks to this, the statue of the Spring Temple Buddha entered the Guinness Book of Records and received the status of the highest statue in the world.

Buddha looks really impressive. If you compare it with other high statues, you can see a significant difference. For example, the height of the statue of freedom in the US is 93 meters, and the height of the sculpture of the Motherland in Kiev is 91 meters.


Plans to build the most large statue Buddhas in the world appeared after two similar statues were blown up in Afghanistan. According to the plan, the majestic statue was supposed to transfer the reverent and respectful attitude of the Chinese to the Buddhist religion. The monument began to build almost simultaneously with the construction of the Maitrey Buddha statues in India, the height of which was supposed to reach 152 meters. The sculpture was built in just one year. And the Indian Buddha remains unfinished.

A huge statue was created from individual parts, which were then collected into a single whole. A total of 1,100 pieces of cast copper took it. When performing work, more than a hundred kilograms of gold were used, thirty-three tons of copper and about fifteen thousand tons of special steel. The Chinese statue of the Buddha cost the authorities in eighteen million dollars, and 55 million took the entire project.


Buddha statue in China depicts Wairooman - Buddha wisdom - the main out of five Buddhas. The total weight of the monument is a thousand tons. To the foot of the statues of Buddha Vailarian leads a staircase, consisting of 365 steps - by the number of days a year and broken for twelve spans. Golden Buddha is part temple complex - His construction was completed in 2008.

Prayers are held in the temple, as well as deification. Therefore, tourists with cameras lead to confusion and monks, and those who visit the temple. It is necessary to take pictures so that no one can see, as it is not accepted here. The territory of the temple is guarded by marble deities and demons placed at the entrance. The Temple of the Spring Buddha is a place for collecting Buddhist monks. In addition, ordinary Chinese come here to pray and be alone with them.

Big Buddha looks at all who comes to him. Gold-plated silhouette is clearly visible even in the most thick fog, and the green slopes behind the Buddha are creating a harmonious background. Thousands of people come to this famous Chinese attractions to find peace and mental balance.


The Spring Temple Buddha received its name through a hot source located nearby. He carries the name Tianrui Hot Spring, which means Tianzhui hot spring. The source is known for its unique healing properties. Water in it is erupted at a temperature of + 60 degrees.

  • Not far from the statue of the Buddha is the largest working bell in the world. Its weight is 116 tons, the height is 8.11 meters, and the diameter is 5.12 meters.
  • You can see the swastika on the Buddha chest, which in Chinese Buddhism is a symbol of love, compassion and constancy.
  • The second name of one of the highest buildings in the world is the Golden Foshan Buddha.
  • The foot of the statue is erected by two buildings, their names 'Sumeru Seat' and 'Diamond Seat'. They will make an ensemble addition.

The highest statue in the world August 27th, 2014

Now I discovered that I still have in my blog. And as other sources show, now it is not so. In general, many probably think that the "Statue of Liberty" or "Motherland-mother" is the highest. And this is not. So they build and build!

Let's see what statue is now the highest in the world:

Buddha Spring Temple is the most big statue on the planet. It depicts Buddha Vairochana is one of the five sacred Buddhas who personify wisdom. The statue is located in the village of Zhaozun in China. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of such an original shrine arose after the Taliban blew two huge statues of Buddha in Afghanistan, the Chinese reacted very sharply on this event.

Photo 3.

At the same time, they decided to build a majestic statue in Henan province, which would fully transfer the respectful attitude of the Chinese to Buddhist heritage.

Photo 4.

The construction of a unique giant was very operational and reached the finish line in 2002. The height of the spring Buddha is 128 meters, of which 20 meters are the foot in the form of a lotus flower, and the remaining 108 is directly the statue of the Buddha. All this grand constructions stands on a 25-meter pedestal.

Photo 5.

In 2010, the hill on which the statue was erected, transformed into two large stone steps, thus, the height of the entire design from the tops to the very base numbers 208 meters, this fact was registered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Photo 6.

33 tons of copper, 108 kilograms of gold and 15 thousand tons of special steel were used for the manufacture of the statue itself. It was created from individual parts, which were then collected in one whole, all such pieces were approximately 1100 pieces. The cost of the spring Buddha is about $ 18 million, and the cost of the entire project is $ 55 million.

Photo 7.

It is impossible not to mention another record holder, located very close to the Buddha Spring Temple. This is the largest operating bell in the world.
Near the statue, at the peak of the dragon chapter is the belfry.

It is in it that the bell of good luck is located. Its dimensions are as follows: the diameter in the widest place is 5.12 meters, the height is 8.11 meters, the weight is 116 tons. By weight and diameter, the bell of good luck is inferior to the king of the bell on Red Square, height is superior. But since the Moscow Tsar-Bell has never called in his life, then the bell of good luck becomes the largest active bell in the world.

Photo 8.

The final construction plan for the Spring Temple Buddha was approved soon after the destruction of the Taliban of the ancient Bamian Buddha statue in Afghanistan. China strictly condemned the barbaric destruction of the Buddhist heritage of Afghanistan.

The feet of the Spring Temple Buddha is a foothold of a giant statue leads no less a grand staircase - it consists of 365 steps, and broken by 12 spans. The number of steps symbolizes the annual life cycle.

Photo 9.

The name of the monument "Buddha Spring Temple" occurred from the hot spring of Tianzhui, which is located near, the water in it is erupted from the bowels at a temperature of 60 ° C, and has healing properties. The Temple of Foshan, erected during the Board in China, the Tang Dynasty is located on the top of the peak of the Head of the Dragon. There is the world's largest bronze bell weighing 116 tons.

To present the scale of the statue of the Spring Temple Buddha, you can compare the dimensions of other monuments known in the world: the statue of Christ-Rio de Janeiro, reaches a height of 38 meters, a statue of freedom in New York with a pedestal - 93 m, mother-of-mother in Volgograd - 87 m.

Buddhism is one of the world's religions, which are widespread in Asia. At the state level, Buddhism adopted in China, Thailand, Tibet, India, Cambodia, Nepal and other countries. IN Russian Federation Buddhism confess Kalmyki, Buryats and Tuvints.

Followers of Buddhism are honored by Syharut Gautam, or Buddha - God, who was a man, was able to achieve enlightenment as a result of traveling, self-restraints and conversations with sages about the meaning of life. The image of the Buddha is immortalized in sculpture. In the East there are many statues of Gautama. One of them is located in the territory of the temple, which is called the temple of the Spring Buddha.

Why Buddha Spring?

Such a name of the temple received due to the fact that it contains a hot source with healing power. In Russian, the name of the geyser is translated as "hot spring". The water temperature in Tianrui Hot Spring reaches sixty degrees of heat on Celsius scale.

Foshan's Temple Complex, built in times is also famous for the fact that a huge bell is located on the belfry, whose weight is more than a hundred tons, and the diameter exceeds five meters. This bell is inferior to the Kremlin's king. However, the Kremlin giant is simply a landmark (definitely, which deserves attention), and the bell of the spring temple (a different bell of good luck) is valid.

According to the ancient traditions, the territory of the temple will erase from the evil forces of marble deities and demons located at the entrance to the shrine. Prayers, worships are made in the temple. The Temple of the Spring Buddha - the refuge here come and the laitys to pray, to donate from daily worries, to be alone with their thoughts and feelings.

The location of the temple

The abode is located in the desert terrain on the outskirts of the island of Henan. Since the monks prefer privacy, there is nothing around the temple, except for a ticket office and one parking space.

The Temple of the Spring Buddha attracts pilgrims and tourists from all over the world, but besides a hot source, a huge bell and marble sculptures at the entrance, travelers seek to see the highest statue of the Buddha in the world.

Description of the statue

Buddha is immortalized by Buddha Vairochan, symbolizing wisdom. Spring temple is the highest in the world. Her height together with the hill on which the Buddha stands is two hundred eight meters. For comparison: the famous barely will get Buddha to the knee. Significantly below the statue of Christ Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, the sculptural composition "Motherland-Mother calls!" In Volgograd and other monuments. The statue of the Spring Buddha is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The sculpture of the Spring Temple Buddha seems incredible even because Buddha stands on a giant pedestal, which is a lotus flower.

To get to the statue, it is necessary to overcome 365 steps separated by 12 spans. It is easy to guess that such a division denotes the number of months and days a year.

Buddha is made of gold, copper and special steel. First laid parts of the statue, then they merged together. A total of a thousand one hundred pieces was made. After their compound, the weight of the Buddha amounted to a thousand tons.

Status story

The statue of the Buddha of the Spring Temple, whose height amazes fantasy, was erected in 2010. The decision to create the highest statue in the world accepted after the Taliban blew up ancient in Afghanistan. The destroyed sculptures were part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Chinese government expressed dissatisfaction with what happened and determined the place of creation of a sculpture - Zhaozun village in Henan province.

Construction began in 2001. The work was very intense, and after a year, residents and guests of China had the opportunity to see giant statue. True, then the height of the Buddha of the Spring Temple was 153 meters. The record sizes of the Buddha were achieved at the expense of the conversion of the hill on which the Vairochan is standing in stone steps.

Buddha Spring Temple symbolizes the respect of the Chinese people to Buddhism.

How to behave in the territory of the temple?

Temple of the Spring Buddha - holy place. Therefore, behavior should be such that not to disturb religious traditions (even if the visitor professes a different religion), no offend the monks and parishioners.

The image of itself high Buddha Tourists retain in their memory, since the photo and video and video in the temple is prohibited. Moreover, photographing makes worried the inhabitants of the monastery, and this is not surprising. It is impossible to photograph people without their consent.

Before entering the temple, you must remove the headdress and shoes. Clothes should cover hands until the forearm and legs before the ankle. It is forbidden to talk on the phone and talk to each other.

Buddhist monks can not communicate with women, and some clergymen - and men. Therefore, it is better not to try to tie a conversation with the ministers of the cult. If desired, in the temple, you can order prayers and make offering.

Human talent has no boundaries, and there is a lot of evidence in various spheres of science, culture and art. Including in architecture, humanity has shown its abilities, building a lot of stunning structures. As an example, you can bring the majestic statue of the Buddha of the Spring Temple. It is located in the village of Zhaozun in China. Pictures one of the Buddhas, personifying wisdom - Wairooman, expressing spiritual essence, which can be comprehended only through the highest enlightenment.

Building a statue demanded a lot of cash, it took 18 million dollars, and the project is completely 55 million dollars. 33 tons of copper were used as materials, 108 kilograms of gold, 15 thousand tons of special steel. It is very difficult to imagine how it looks in reality, and even harder to perceive its dimensions, already being right at the foot of the hill in which it is built. And all because the height of the Buddha Spring Temple in China was planned to become the greatest among all sculptures. Such an idea came to the Chinese after the two huge statues of Buddha were blown up in 2001 in the Bamian Valley in Afghanistan. They wanted to show all their respect for Buddhist heritage. They succeeded, the plan was performed, oddly enough, very quickly. Just a year it took to build the highest statue on the planet.

Structure statue

The statue was created in separate parts, and later the 1 100 pieces obtained were connected together. The total weight was 1,000 tons.

The overall height of the entire composition was 153 meters, of which:

  • the height of the Spring Temple Buddha is 108 meters;
  • 20 meters fall on the pedestal in the form of a lotus;
  • the design was installed on a 25-meter building.

But after that, it was decided to reform the hill on which the statue was located, two additional pedestals. On the this moment The total height from the base to the top is 208 meters. Naturally, this value was listed in the world-famous Book of Records Guinness.

At the foot of the statue, you can climb the stairs, broken by 12 spans, and all the steps - 365. It symbolizes the number of days and months a year.

For those who come to assess the height of the Buddha Statue of the Spring Temple in China, there is also the opportunity to see the largest operating bell in the world, located very close. Its weight is 116 tons.

If you decide to travel on a trip to China, you will definitely need to visit this attraction, see the great eyes and superiority of the Buddha of the Spring Temple. After all, this attraction shows the gifts of people, embodies the devotee and respectful attitude of the people to their culture and religion. Knowing, with what kind of efficiency it was created, how much efforts and cash costs were spent on it, it is only possible to surprise a huge human desire and the desire to achieve their goal. The statue has become the real work of art.