Hum croatia attractions. Hum, Croatia - all about the city with a photo

The smallest city in the world. It is located in Croatia. Its population, according to statistics for 2001, is seventeen inhabitants. There are only two streets in the city. Sheltered this crumb in the central part of the Istrian peninsula.

The history of Huma goes back several millennia. The first mention of it occurs in 1102. The town was built on the remains of Roman settlements in the 11th century. In those days, the population of Huma consisted of three hundred people.

At local residents There is a legend about the origin of the city. According to legend, the giants built Hum from a few stones that they had left after the construction of large cities in the valley of a river flowing nearby.
Hum is a city-museum. Absolutely nothing has changed here over the past millennia, there is not a single new building. However, it has its own shop, post office, two temples, a restaurant, a museum and even a cemetery.

In two houses, tourists can be left for the night. In the restaurant, guests will definitely be offered to taste local brandy - a herbal tincture, which is prepared according to the recipes of the ancient Celts.

There is also an interesting tradition in Hum - mayoral elections are held here every year. Only men participate. This position is symbolic. The mayor is usually engaged in resolving disputes that arise and sometimes appears at official ceremonies.

Elections usually take place in early summer and end with a noisy celebration. Incendiary Croatian music, violin performances and dancing until the morning will not leave anyone indifferent!

general information

In this unusual city, you will truly feel like a part of the past: from the city walls, located on a hill, you have an endless view of the landscapes of continental Istria, and in the silence of the old city streets you will not be disturbed by car noise.

In Hum, an unusual tradition of the election of the mayor, which is usually held on City Day in mid-June, has survived to this day. On this day, the main city gates are solemnly opened, a festival of traditional dance and musical groups of continental Istria is held. 12 judges, the current mayor, residents of Hum and surrounding villages participate in the elections. Judges sit at an old stone table and vote, leaving notches on a pre-prepared piece of wood. As a rule, they choose from 2 candidates, leaving votes for each of them on one side of the board and the other. After the votes are counted, the current mayor transfers authority to the newly elected.

Rakia Bisca has been produced in Hum for about 2 thousand years (Humska Biska), prepared from several types of herbs and even considered the remnants of the magic of the ancient Celts. Bisca is a medicinal drink for atherosclerosis and blood pressure disorders. Here is the famous Khum konoba (Humska konoba), traditional restaurant. Konoba is housed in a historical stone building, with a beautiful view of the Istrian continental landscape, and offers guests a wide selection of dishes. local cuisine. Many dishes are traditionally served on wooden trays.

  • city ​​walls
  • Church of the Ascension of Mary
  • Ancient frescoes in the chapel of St. Jerome
  • Souvenirs with inscriptions in Glagolitic
  • Humskaya konoba
  • Rakia Bisca

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to Hum is by renting a car. If you are traveling from the coast of Istria, you need to follow the road in the direction of Pazin-Cerovlje-Buzet-Roc-Hum

Hum with its 17-23 inhabitants (data vary) is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most small city in the world, although there are many interesting candidates for this title around the world. AT better times the number reached 300 people. This smallest city in the world is located in the heart of Istria. It is part of the Buzet district, and 14 km from the city of Buzet. The number of buildings in the town is 20. According to legend, the city of Hum was created by accident - the giants who built neighboring cities in the valley of the Mirna River on the Istrian peninsula decided to use the few remaining stones and built a miniature town.

How to get there: The city can be reached by car or on foot, as many tourists do for the purpose of sightseeing and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The most interesting road to Hum is, of course, the so-called “Alley of the Glagolitic”, stretching from Rocha to Hum, along the entire length of which there are large monument stones in the fields along the sides, each of which represents one letter from the Glagolitic alphabet. Hum has been one of the most famous verb centers since the 11th century. The Glagolitic alphabet was also used here at the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, writing in the Glagolitic alphabet is presented in Hum and its surroundings on ancient monuments and during various modern events.

Story: Mine modern look Hum received in the Middle Ages, or rather in the 11th century. It was then in the ruins ancient fortress the Hum castle was built, and near it the first row of houses of the future town. At that time, Istria was part of a large French kingdom. Count Ulrich I built and renovated a number of castles on the border lines of his possession, including this one in Hum. In 1102, Ulrich II gives Hum and several other castles into the possession of the Aquillian patriarch. The deed contains the following name of the city "castrum Cholm" (according to the ancient Croatian word for "Holm"). This document is the first written mention of Huma in his long history. Until the 17th century, Hum was referred to in historical documents as "castrum", which means "fortress" in translation. Even today, the narrow cobbled streets look like they stepped out of the pages ancient history about knights - every step seems to be accompanied by the spirits of the past and history. Hum is a monument to a bygone era.

Also interesting is the local custom of choosing the prefect of the city - all men from the city parish carve the name of the desired candidate on a special wooden staff. A custom rooted in ancient history, was revived in 1977. Elections for a new prefect take place every July. After the ceremony is over, the old prefect announces the name of the new prefect, who receives a staff and keys to the smallest city in the world. Every election is followed by a People's Festival, especially interesting for tourists, including meals. Particularly famous is the Istrian homemade brandy called Biska, as well as Istrian homemade food.

Entertainment, excursions and sights of Huma: Today, Hum is a monumental city and one of the rare well-preserved examples of a city whose development took place exclusively within the early medieval walls. From the beginning of its foundation to the present moment, practically nothing has been built in Hum outside the city, the population has remained to live within the boundaries established in the early Middle Ages.

Medieval Hum welcomes guests with gates made "antique" by our contemporaries. Once you pass the gate, you won't have to wander through the labyrinth of narrow medieval streets - you will immediately find yourself on the main city square, which is lined with a 12th-century cathedral. In addition to walls, gates and a church, Hum has a post office, a Croatian restaurant and a museum.
In Hum, frescoes created in the second half of the 12th century are perfectly preserved. At that time, Hum belonged to the Aquillian dynasty, which, most likely, ordered their production. The author of these frescoes is unknown, but his skill testifies to us that this is a high-class professional, whose creations cannot be compared with any others both in Istria and in its neighboring regions. The frescoes are made in the spirit of the romantic West and, at the same time, under the influence of Byzantine art. In the Romanesque chapel of St. Hierolim at the Khumi cemetery, some very old wall paintings of high quality have also been partially preserved.

The tiny size of Huma was once again ironically emphasized when Beijing, the largest metropolis on the planet, was chosen as its sister city.


Hum - the smallest city in the world located on the Istrian peninsula of Croatia.

The city of Hum is listed in Guinness Book of Records as the smallest city in the world.

Only 17 people live in the city of Hum in Croatia.

There are 20 buildings on two small, stone-paved streets of the city of Hum.

Despite its small size, the city of Hum has all the usual city services - central square, post office, two temples, city cemetery, hand-made souvenir shop of Istrian masters, local wine shop, city museum.

The traditional Huma konoba restaurant awaits guests, where you will be offered to try the local 38% herbal tincture according to the old, more than 2000 years old, Celtic recipe - Humska Biska.

Two guest houses in Hum offer apartments for rent.

On City Day in Hum, a mayor is elected. Election Day ends traditionally with a celebration of dancing and musical performances until midnight.

The legend of the origin of Huma says that it was a joke of the local giants: after the construction of cities in the valley of the Mirna River, they had a few stones left, from which they built the Hum fortress.

Hum - castle town- located at an altitude of 349 m on top of a hill. The beginning of the city of Hum was laid in the 11th century, when the Hum castle was built on the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement and the first residential buildings appeared near it.

The city of Hum was built and developed only inside the serfs, without going beyond them. Until the 17th century, Hum was referred to in historical documents as "castrum", which means "fortress" in translation.

AT several places of interest in Hum- Church of St. Jerome (built in the 12th century), the frescoes dated to the second half of the 12th century are perfectly preserved in the temple; The clock tower erected in 1552 and the Church of the Ascension of Mary, built in 1802.

The town of Hum can be reached by car.

The most interesting road to the city of Hum leads from the city of Roch, which is 5 km from Hum, along the road there are monumental stones on the side of the road, each of which denotes one letter of the Glagolitic alphabet, this road is rightly called "Alley of verbalists".

You can get inside the city through the only gate built in 1562 and later updated by modern metal craftsmen.

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In beautiful Croatia, in the heart of the Istrian peninsula, there is a walled city called Hum. The Guinness Book of Records recognized it as "the smallest city in the world", because the population does not exceed three dozen people.

There is a comic legend the emergence of Huma: local giants were engaged in the construction of cities in the valley of the Mirna River. After finishing the work, they had a few pebbles left, from which they built a fortress.

It is interesting that such a small locality has a thousand year history. It is located on the top of a hill - 349 meters above sea level. For the first time, Hum is mentioned in the donation Count Ulrich II in 1102, in which he conveys Castrum Cholm into the possession of the Aquillian Patriarchate. Subsequently, the Khum castle was built on the ruins of the fortress, several houses adjoined it, which formed the city. Throughout its history, the settlement has developed inside the fortress walls.

It was densely populated only in XV-XVI century, at that time its number reached three hundred people. In the next century, Hum was burned down during the war and rebuilt. It acquired its modern look in the 19th century. Since then, it can be considered that its development has stopped in place.

The city has a post office, two temples, a main square, a museum with several halls and a couple of souvenir shops. For tourists who want to stay here for a few days, there is a great opportunity to rent a room from local residents or book a room in the only hotel in the city.

miniature town is under the auspices of the mayor. The male population of Khum, as well as the nearest 33 villages, participate in the elections. Myself Mayor of the city is a symbolic figure. Often this can be a person who has a main job. His duties include conflict resolution and participation in official ceremonies. The mayor is elected in Day of the city- mid-June. This holiday is always celebrated with festivals, dances, songs.

get there you can get to the city by car. Road from Rocha to Hum 5 kilometers long. The path “Glagolitsa Alley” is noteworthy - on this section of the path along the roadsides there are stone monuments to the letters of the Glagolitic alphabet. From Buzet to the city-museum 9 kilometers. Some tourists, enjoying the scenery, practice walking to Hum.

To attractions Walled cities include:

Church of the Ascension of Mary built in 1802.

Church of Saint Jerome whose architecture is in the Romanesque style. Decorations are frescoes, inscriptions from the Byzantine era.

Clock tower built in 1552.

You can have a great meal at restaurant entitled Humska Konoba. It can also be attributed to the list of attractions, since food and drinks here will not leave anyone indifferent.