Interactive tourist map of Crimea. Crimea map

It is impossible to even describe all the sights of Crimea, because there are a lot of them and they are indicated on the map of the sights of Crimea. Many books, interesting studies and tempting excursions can be written on their topics. Even those who visit Crimea more often than at home admit that they have never fully learned Crimea.
Different cities on the peninsula have different tourist attractions. For example, in Yalta you can find various museums, beautiful ancient temples, palaces. You can also visit the Yalta Nature Reserve, where there are very beautiful mountain forest landscapes. Also, it is in the vicinity of Yalta that the famous castle “Swallow’s Nest” is located.
In the city of Sevastopol, despite its long military history, there is a large number of military architectural objects and monuments: Missile complex, Museum of the liberation of Sevastopol, monument to Nakhimov. Also, it is in Sevastopol that the ruins of the city of Chersonesos are located.
I propose to start your own “trip” to the sights of Crimea from the most famous peak of Ai-Petri. The unforgettable landscapes that unfold as you climb the mountain will forever remain in your heart. The name of the mountain is translated from Greek as “St. Peter”.
The next attraction of Crimea is the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall, which can be found on the map. It is located in the vicinity of the city of Alushta. This is one of the most powerful and picturesque waterfalls in Crimea.
The Palace of the Emir of Bukhara is the most original palace in Yalta. It was built according to the design of the architect Tarasov for the Emir of Bukhara. On this moment The palace houses the Oriental Museum of Yalta.
In general, the culture and beauty of Crimea is indescribable. Even the most beautiful words cannot convey all the beauty Crimean peninsula, where cultures of different peoples and different eras merge.

The most picturesque trail that runs through pine forest, along steep cliffs. On its way, the trail crosses 3 mountain rivers, including the Vodopadnaya River, which in turn forms the most high waterfall in Crimea - Uchan-Su.

At certain altitudes, mixing of mountain, forest and sea air occurs. This air has a healing effect on the human body, which is why this path is often called the path of health.

The trail will take you to an altitude of 663 meters above sea level to the Stavri-Kaya rock, from which in clear weather the Black Sea can be seen 100 km into the distance (a third of the distance to Turkey).

There are two ways to complete the trail:

- from the Glade of Fairy Tales - this option is more difficult, but it is the one that is more healing, because you have to gain a height of about 500 meters. And to make such a climb you will have to sweat a lot, and at the same time take a good breath of healing air.

- from the Uchan-Su waterfall - this option is much simpler. You arrive by minibus at an altitude of 413 m above sea level. and you only have to gain 250 meters of altitude.

For older people, I recommend the second option. This option is also ideal for you if you decide to take this route with children.

Well, if you decide to get as healthy as possible, then, of course, choose the first option. In any case, you will get a lot of positive emotions, plus you will be able to swim in a mountain river. The bathtubs for bathing, frankly speaking, are not as large as in the big canyon, I would even call them “puddles,” but nevertheless, you can freshen up in them after a hike.

You can safely hike this trail on your own. The trail is well-trodden and marked along the entire route, so you won’t get lost.

From it you will learn how to get to the trail, how to find it and a lot of other useful information.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can go on this hike with us, completely free of charge. To do this, simply leave a request in the section .

There are three canyons in Crimea: the most grandiose and famous is the Big Crimean Canyon, the Chernorechensky Canyon and the small canyon (Uzundzha).

For me personally, the Chernorechensky Canyon is the most interesting and most beautiful of all of the above, for the reason that there are much fewer people there than in Grand Canyon and there is a real mountain river, with waterfalls, turbulent streams and quiet backwaters. In the Chernorechensky Canyon you can relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy magnificent views of the mountains and river.

The Black River is the second river of Crimea (after Belbek), and its crystal clear waters supply fresh water hero city Sevastopol. The color of the water is truly mesmerizing... Emerald with a greenish tint, you just want to plunge into its waters. But the water in the river is quite cool, even on the hottest days.

This route can be completed in full - Shirokoe - Chernorechye (about 16 km) or Chernorechye - Shirokoe, or you can go a shortened version: Alsou - Shirokoe (about 12 km) or vice versa.

I prefer to go through Alsou to Shirokoe, since the Chernorechye - Alsou section of the route is not of particular interest. The river there is calm, there are no stormy streams and there are no steep cliffs of the canyon, moreover, it is on this section of the route that you will meet the maximum number of people.

It’s quite difficult to walk the entire canyon in one day; when I walked through it for the first time, I was very tired, so if you don’t have hiking experience, I advise you to start the journey from Alsou, then just go back.

The report will appear a little later

I think Ai-Petri is the most beautiful mountain peninsula. Its height is 1234 meters above sea level. Unforgettable views, majestic pine trees, dizzying cliffs, caves, waterfalls... Ai-Petri has everything you can imagine. In this article you will find out what awaits you on .

From the top of Ai-Petri, the Black Sea, in clear weather, can be seen 150 km into the distance, and this, after all, is half the distance to Turkey!

You can climb Ai-Petri in various ways: by cable car, minibus or taxi, and on foot. You can learn more about these methods But I advise you to make the ascent on foot along the picturesque hiking trails. Only in this case can you say that you have conquered Ai-Petri!

You can create a route in such a way that in one daylight you can see the highest waterfall in Crimea - make the climb up and look at Yalta through the Taraktash windows, walk along the Ai-Petri plateau and enjoy the aromas of mountain herbs, climb the famous Ai-Petri battlements, and then go down the or at cable car. And all this in one day!

Climbing Ai-Petri on foot without a guide is quite difficult for an unprepared tourist, so if you do not have sufficient hiking experience, I advise you to climb Ai-Petri with the help of or minibuses, but go down one of the trails on your own.

More detailed information about Ai-Petri and its attractions you can find in

We organize one-day hiking trips to Ai-Petri and will be glad to see you among the participants! More information about hikes and .

The hike to Chatyr-Dag is very interesting and can be done by every tourist. This mountain is interesting because it has two plateaus, the upper (approximately 1450 m.a.s.l.) and the lower one (about 1000 m.a.s.l.), and it is on Chatyr-Dag that the fifth peak of Crimea is located - Eklizi-Burun (1527 m.a.s.l.).

There are many caves on the lower plateau of Chatyr-Dag. The most famous and equipped for visiting tourists are Mramornaya and Emine-Bair-Khosar (mammoth). The marble cave personally did not impress me at all, but the mammoth cave is quite interesting. You can read impressions of these caves .

It is difficult to climb Chatyr-Dag, visit the caves and return home in one day. Therefore, I advise you to see the caves either on a separate excursion or on an overnight trip.

And a detailed report of a one-day hike along the route Angarsk Pass - Eklizi-Burun - Angar-Burun - Yew Gorge - Angarsk Pass

Balaclava – Fiolent

Very interesting and scenic route. The peculiarity of the route is that it is not official. You won’t find any markings on it, but nevertheless people walk this route, as evidenced by the well-trodden path along the edge of the cliff.

The route is interesting: you will see Balaklava Bay, you will be able to swim on the beaches: Soldatsky, Vasili and Yashmovy, you will walk along a cliff at an altitude of over 300 meters, and far below, right below you, there will be the sea... such pictures will take your breath away.

But this route has a small nuance. The route passes through the territory of a military unit (this is closer to Fiolent). As a result, you will go to the checkpoint, where the guard will check your documents, clarify what you are doing here, and as a result, let you pass further... Perhaps he will grumble a little))), but I always say that he is a tourist, that he did not know, etc.

After the checkpoint, there is very little left to Cape Fiolent and its Jasper Beach... To go down to Jasper Beach, you need to walk 891 steps. But after going down to the beach, you can return back to Balaklava by boat.

You can learn more about Jasper Beach .

A detailed report of my trip will appear a little later.

Balaklava - Cape Aya

The length of this route is 18 km; it is part of the Great Sevastopol Trail, but it will be quite difficult for a completely unprepared tourist to complete it.

However, I highly recommend testing your strength on this route. The trail originates in Balaklava, near the Chembalo fortress, just opposite the city beach. Then the trail is marked along its entire length, and signs will constantly inform you where you are, how much you still have to go and the approximate time to complete the route. It's impossible to get lost.

The trail is phenomenal)).

If you manage to complete the entire route, you will see Cape Fiolent, Ilyas-Kaya and Laspi Bay, see a grandiose stone blockage and the stunning beaches of Batilliman, and touch the beauty “ The Lost World“... You can also go down from the path below and swim at any of the beaches you like: Silver (near), Golden (Far) or Fig...

The route is amazing.

The report of this trip will appear a little later

On Roman-Kosh

Roman-Kosh 1545 m.a.s.l. – highest peak Crimea. It is precisely this fact that attracts many travelers to this mountain. In fact, Roman-Kosh does not stand out as anything special. There are no cliffs, like on Ai-Petri, no waterfalls and lakes, no stunning views of the sea... There is none of this.

But still, if you love mountains, you are unlikely to rest until you conquer the highest peak of Crimea! Right?

But when planning your hike, do not forget that Roman-Kosh is a nature reserve. And to get there officially, you need to take permission to visit it. But in practice, everyone goes at their own peril and risk.

In one daylight you can easily climb Roman-Kosh and visit the Gazebo of the Winds (you just need to leave early, and it is advisable to have hiking experience). And if the views from Roman-Kosh personally did not impress me, then I cannot say the same about the Arbor of the Winds. There are fascinating pictures...

You can read a detailed report of my one-day hike to Roman-Kosh and the Arbor of the Winds

BPC - via Sokolinoe

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is located 5 km from the village of Sokolinoe - this is an amazing and beautiful place. The depth of the canyon is over 320 meters, the length is 3.5 km, and the width of the canyon in some places does not exceed 3 meters.

A mountain river flows along the bottom of the canyon and forms small waterfalls 3-4 meters high. Waterfalls, in turn, wash away erosion pits, which are called baths of youth. The water in the river does not exceed 11 degrees even on the hottest days. There is a legend that taking a bath in the bath of youth will rejuvenate your body. But not everyone will be able to overcome themselves to take such a bath. The water is very refreshing.

You can walk through the canyon along the following route:

  • come to Sokolinoe
  • along the Yusupov trail to the Postal Oak
  • from the oak tree to the left to the tourist site “Boiko”, and to the right to the canyon to Blue Lake(you can immediately go down to the lake, freshen up, and then continue on to the Boyko tourist site)
  • in front of the Boyko vehicle there will be Observation deck and Cow Grotto. This site offers excellent views of the canyon.
  • further follow the markers to the “Bash-Dere” vehicle (our markers are red and you will need to make a right turn from the road twice, so be careful)
  • Having reached the “Bash-Dere” transport station, we begin our descent along the riverbed to the famous bath of youth and the Pania spring
  • then we return to Sokolinoe

A detailed report of this trip will soon appear on our website.

A picturesque trail originating in the New World. The route of the trail is absolutely not difficult and does not require any special skills or good physical fitness.

Entrance to the trail is paid - 100 rubles

The trail owes its name to Prince Golitsin, who ordered a passage to the grotto to be cut in the rocks and a cellar to be equipped in it for storing wines. The grotto itself has excellent acoustics and coolness that saves you from the heat.

The trail passes through all the Novosvetovsky bays (green, blue and blue, which have such names because of the color of the sea in them), in close proximity to the sea and leads to Cape Kapchik.

From the cape you can return through the juniper grove to the New World, or you can continue the journey and go down to the Royal Beach or go to conquer the Peak of Cosmos mountain, from which you can see beautiful views for all bays.

Laspi – Rodnikovskoye (via Ilyas-Kaya and Foros Church)

This route is interesting, but quite difficult if you follow it in the summer heat, since along the entire route there is no water at all and you will have to walk through open areas under the scorching sun. Therefore, it is better to take water with you in advance.

The trail starts right after the “Laspi” stop, is well-trodden and sometimes there are even markers. In general, it will be difficult to get lost. The trail will go along the edge of the cliff, and you will be able to enjoy stunning panoramic views, and then at the Devil's Staircase tourist parking lot you will need to turn left to the village of Rodnikovskoye, from where you can leave for Sevastopol.

Or along the Devil's Staircase (to the right towards the sea) you can go down to the Sevastopol - Yalta highway in the Oliva area and from there go either to Yalta or to Sevastopol.

What will you see? You will be able to climb Mount Ilyas-Kaya and enjoy stunning views of Laspinskaya Bay, see the Temple of the Sun - a place of power and simply a very beautiful natural structure, and pass the “ Baydar Gate” and you will see the Baydar valley, you will see the most Southern point Crimea - Cape Sarych (although in fact there is nothing special about this cape, except for its geographical location) you will see the Foros Church and the city of Foros. Also on this route you can easily meet roe deer and a lot of other interesting things.

A detailed report of this trip will appear on our website soon.

Just a few years ago I could not consider myself an avid hiker. And even now among my friends and acquaintances there are many people who understand the wisdom of tourism more than I do. And at the same time, this does not prevent me from creating unique travel routes around Crimea and confidently leading people around Crimean mountains, even if I’m going along the route for the first time. I did not go in for orienteering, did not attend tourist sections in my childhood and youth, my parents were not adherents either active rest in the mountains. What I mean is that the lack of professional skills and experience is not a reason not to do what you love. Any reason “why I can’t” is most often far-fetched and is a simple excuse.

So, you are traveling to Crimea and want to go to the mountains on your own. The Crimean mountains are very hospitable in this sense. In most cases, their height does not exceed one kilometer. Having set out on a route in one locality, you can climb mountain range and by evening go down to another place where you will find all the signs of civilization. Crimea is the place where the natural beauty, attractions and settlements. And at the same time, it will take you very little time to find yourself alone among the mountains. If I still haven’t convinced you that you need to go to the Crimean Mountains on your own, then I’m starting to share my secrets that help me on my hikes in the Crimea and beyond.

First of all, in order to navigate in mountainous and other areas, you need a map. In urban environments, I usually use Google Maps and 2GIS. These electronic maps are available for both desktop and mobile devices. But what to do when you need detailing of a mountainous area with paths, springs, with the designation of high-altitude relief and other very specific tourist characteristics terrain?

You can try to get a real paper map - they are still sold. But it, if you do not understand topographical symbols, azimuths and other specialized quirks, may not help you. Moreover, buy every time new map for a trip to this or that place now looks at least old-fashioned. Let me tell you about those modern tools that allow on one's own(I will focus on this point) prepare your travel route around Crimea and the whole world.


Map of Crimea: 45.400904, 34.526034

With others online maps You can get acquainted with the peninsula in the section, as well as on the thematic pages of this site.

Offline maps of Crimea

The above services with maps of the peninsula are convenient to use from a computer or laptop when preparing a trip. However, when you go on the road, you need maps that can be downloaded to your phone and used without the Internet, and GPS is also necessary for terrain navigation. In mountainous conditions, this is especially important when moving through unfamiliar places.

You can use detailed Openstreetmaps offline. To navigate, you need to install a map application and download maps of the required regions. You can download such applications for Android devices or for iPhone and iPad. I will give you the most popular applications at the moment.


MapsMe is a free application for mobile devices based on the free software geographical map OpenStreetMap. applications are available on iOS, Android and Blackberry platforms. Before starting work, the application loads maps of the city or country with all objects into the device’s memory and remains fully functional without an Internet connection.

The application can navigate using GPS, build travel routes for cars, cyclists and pedestrians between two given points (including between different regions and countries), search for objects, export and import data in KML format, and also provide detailed information about establishments on the map. Voice navigation available.


OsmAnd is a travel and navigation application based on offline maps that allows you to navigate unfamiliar areas, find and get to points of interest on the map, and get various tourist information about these sites without Internet access.

For Android devices the application can be found on Google Play, for iPhone and iPad in iTunes. The program's interface is a little more professional with the addition of a number of features for experienced travelers compared to MapsMe. I've used this map to plot routes through mountainous terrain many times, and even led commercial day hikes on routes I've never hiked myself (don't do that :)).

The free OsmAnd application allows you to download 10 maps of any region. Crimea is presented as a single region, mapped in very detail, which makes it possible to freely travel with electronic card throughout its territory. At the same time, you can use the application as a regular map or plot routes using GPS navigation.

Travel route around Crimea

To lay out routes, I use the service, which allows you to build automobile, bicycle and walking routes. I have already prepared video reviews for my friends using this service. If you have questions about Crimea, need help in planning a route, or still need a guide, then leave comments on this article - I will be glad to help. In the meantime, I will give a description of the cycling route, designed for 9-11 days using the service.

The future is knocking on our doors right now - the reality around us is increasingly integrated with the virtual. And soon they will merge into a single whole. Already at the moment there are tools that allow you to display virtual clues on real objects using a smartphone camera, a GPS device and a fairly easy-to-use application. After completing the main work on travel routes in Crimea, it is planned to test navigation using this technology. Those. you won't even need the card itself. By launching the application, you can directly from the screen of your phone observe a mark attached to a real object indicating the distance to it, its description and other characteristics.

And, if you look even more globally, there is the idea of ​​​​creating interactive quests. Imagine, you approach a stone, point your camera at it and on your phone screen appears... no, not a Pokemon) Let it be, a treasure chest. The creation of such quests on the territory of Crimea will take many people away from their computers and take them out into nature rich in attractions. At the same time, tourist routes can turn into exciting adventures for people of any age and interests.

He shared his experience.

There are many options for maps of Crimea. This section presents how topographical so and tourist maps of Crimea. This section presents detailed map of Crimea for motorists.

Speaking of features maps of Crimea, you involuntarily recall the analogy about the peninsula as a world in miniature. In fact, the map of Crimea is also a kind of miniature reflection of everything that is on the peninsula. For a person going on vacation to Crimea, a map is a very useful thing. And it doesn’t matter how you arrive in this blessed land. But if you are driving, then you simply cannot do without a map. Actually, for those traveling by any type of personal transport, and for those who prefer hiking, the card will also not be superfluous.

Topographical, interactive map Crimea from Google:

Topographical, interactive map of Crimea from Yandex:

You can download all maps to your computer and view them in maximum size! To do this, you just need to save the desired map by left-clicking on it (save image as...).

The most detailed tourist map Crimea with all the sights.
It reflects all the originality of the nature of the Crimean peninsula. All the variety of natural gifts, contained in a relatively small area, will appear to the eyes of tourists. All that remains is to choose:

  • grottos and caves
  • waterfalls and gorges
  • monasteries and fortresses
  • museums, palaces and gardens

Everything that Crimea is rich in is available for visiting. Crimea generously gives everyone the perfect holiday.
Another detailed tourist map of Crimea with all the attractions:

General tourist map of Crimea with attractions:

Detailed map Crimea for car enthusiasts:

Download a tourist map of the mountain-forest zone of Crimea

Recommended for travelers and lovers of hiking in the Crimean Mountains install the application on your smartphone, where to download a map of Crimea. By turning on geolocation on your smartphone, you will always know your location in Crimea. This map shows not only roads, houses and attractions, but also numerous hiking trails.