Interesting facts about the Kizhi churchyard. ⛪ Kizhi, Kizhi, Kizhi... Tour of the museum-reserve

Interesting articles

In Karelia, on the wonderful Lake Onega, there is an incredibly beautiful, fairy island, called Kizhi. The island is considered an invaluable museum of architecture, the scale of which is simply amazing. Kizhi is an unusual place, which has been famous for its craft for many centuries, because many artists, as well as poets, lived and worked here. If anyone remembers the famous epics about Ilya Muromets or Vladimir the Red Sun, then it is worth saying that they were created precisely on the territory of this wonderful island.

Having visited the island for the first time, just stepping onto its amazing territory, you can feel a significant surge of energy, touch something bright and beautiful, breathe clean air to the fullest and find out what real freedom is.

If you move into the recent past and study a little the history of the island, you can find out that there were as many as 14 villages here. Unfortunately, only two have survived to this day, which bear the names Vasilyevo and Yamka. One of the surviving villages, conveniently located on east coast famous Lake Onega. The second village is located on west bank this wonderful reservoir. Each village has only a couple of houses, but this did not become an obstacle for curious adventurers, so tourists specified location always full. Here all year round tourists come from all over globe, because such landscapes as on this island are not often found. Besides, this place is full of interesting monuments, and relaxing here seems simply divine.

Excursions are regularly held in the city of Kizhi to introduce tourists to this interesting and unusual place. River cruises on Meteora they take place from Petrozavodsk, but their time is not enough to fully explore the unique nature of this place. To fully explore the island, see all the interesting natural places and attractions, you need to plan your travel route yourself.

The most popular attractions of Kizhi

Among the main attractions of Kizhi it is worth noting the Church of the Transfiguration. It was erected back in 1714, and not a single nail was used for its construction. The church has as many as 22 domes, which with their gilding complement the brightness of the sun. From a bird's eye view, the view of this temple will allow you to distinguish it from others, because there are no analogues to this unique monument. The temple is designed in such an interesting and original way that if you take into account the cuts, the appearance of a cross is formed on all four sides. The altar of this majestic temple faces the western side, but the refectory with a porch is conveniently located on the eastern side. The view from this porch is simply amazing and it simply mesmerizes tourists. By visiting this architectural monument, you can enjoy not only its beauty, but also fully embrace the settlements, villages and straits.

Inside, the temple radiates unearthly beauty. Everyone who comes here will feel complete peace. The altar in this majestic temple has 4 tiers, it is lined with a huge number of icons, the exact number of which is 102 pieces. The space inside is evenly filled with calm and peaceful light.

Such an architectural monument as the Church of the Intercession also deserves special attention. The temple was built back in 1764, it is wooden and has 9 domes, the shape of which is quite unusual, making the structure lighter and more original. The outside of the building is decorated with wooden pillars, but inside the temple looks very modest. If you compare it with the previous version. Unfortunately, in the course of history, the very first iconostasis of this building was not preserved, and the current one was completed during the restoration of the church in 1950.

The Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus can be included in the top three attractions of the island. History says that this landmark was built back in 1391. Overeating suggests that the church began to be built after St. Basil appeared to Lazarus. It is this temple that is considered the first building belonging to the Murom Monastery. The construction of this monastery was dedicated specifically to the biblical story, which talks about the resurrection of Lazarus. Local residents say that the temple has the power to heal from various ailments and precisely because of this this place became a great center of pilgrimage.

What architectural monuments of Kizhi are still worth seeing?

There is also a Chapel of the Archangel Michael on the island, which is characterized as follows:

    was transported to Kizhi from Lelikozero in 1961;

    has a very picturesque appearance;

    consists of 3 parts, which together form a rectangle;

    the walls are built on the north side, and the window faces west;

    the bell tower on top is successfully completed with a lush tent;

    outside, the architectural monument is decorated with towels with circles and diamonds;

    inside, in the center of the ceiling there is a large icon of Christ, and the evangelists are depicted in the corners.

In addition to this monument, there is also a Tent Bell Tower on the island. It was built back in 1863, but it was completely completed in 1874. The belfry tent is supported by 9 columns and ends with a dome with a cross. In total, the structure looks very interesting and harmonious. To illuminate the interior of the bell tower, there are 4 windows, which are made in the form of beautiful arches.

Continuing to travel around the island, tourists will be able to see a tall wooden palisade. Its original has not survived, but the reconstruction was able to accurately convey it. A copy was made already in 1959; in addition to these attractions, you can see ancient mills and barns on the island. All these attractions are collected throughout the region and delivered to the island, which has turned into a huge museum.

Oshevnev’s house can also be considered a popular place among tourists. It looks like Karelian houses that were built before the revolution. The building has two floors and is richly decorated with carvings. There is also an ancient windmill on the island, the likes of which can no longer be found.

What else is new and interesting on the island

Monuments and churches are, of course, good, but we must not forget about the amazing nature of this place. The island has a beautiful topography, stretching not far from the shore sparse forest, from afar you can see meadows and the sun, reflecting its reflections in the lake. Many villages of the island went under water, but thanks to this, it was possible to create a unique museum here, which collected more than 50 thousand original, interesting and fascinating items. All these objects accurately tell about the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the region and it is thanks to them that history can be studied. On the island you can get closer to the following objects:

    vintage women's jewelry;

    original embroidery;

    handmade toys;

    household items and tools.

But the interesting aspects of Kizhi do not end there, because rare, original and interesting things still continue to be brought here. New exhibitions are constantly being developed, and tourists are invited to take part in master classes that introduce ancient crafts. Guests of the island who come here for the holidays can watch interesting performances and become active participants. You can get out here for a few days, choosing an accommodation option without any problems.

There are no hotels on the island, but you can easily stay at local residents. Kizhi is unique place, which is worth a visit and you need to stay here for several days. To see all the monuments and enjoy the unforgettable nature, you can come here with the whole family, receiving an incredible charge of energy and vivacity. In general, tourists who want to visit Kizhi will definitely not regret it; it is simply a wonderful place that is definitely worth visiting. The island fascinates and attracts attention, allows you to completely disconnect from city everyday life, delve into history, look at beautiful monuments and just have a great time. It’s worth coming here for great impressions and positive emotions.

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It is difficult to find an adult educated person in Russia who does not know about Kizhi island. Everyone knows that this is a fantastic monument of wooden architecture, included in the UNESCO list of world cultural values.

Orthodox Christians are convinced that the island in Lake Onega with its wooden churches is perhaps the most sacred place in the Russian North.

Linguists argue which of the northern peoples gave the name to the island of Kizhi - the Vepsians or the Finns. It's not even clear what it means. According to the Vepsian version, the name of the island comes from the word “kizh”, that is, “moss”. Indeed, there is more than enough moss in these places!

Kizhi architectural ensemble. Around 1900

But the same Vepsians also have another word - “kizi”, that is, “games, folk festivals”. Opponents believe that the island was named by the Finns or similar languages ​​to them Chud, Merya or Karelians. And in fact, it was previously called Kizha-saari, which again translates as “island of games.” But this does not mean folk festivals, but prayers to the Finno-Ugric gods in sacred forests and on sacred banks.

Simply put, Kizha-saari was the center of a pagan cult. With ritual dances, chants and sacrifices. In ancient times - bloody.

This non-Russian land

The island became relatively Russian only in the 11th century, when the Novgorodians came to these northern lands. They themselves, of course, did not live on the island, but they held the “annexed” population with a firm hand. Kizhi, like other islands of Lake Onega, and the shores of this lake, were part of the Obonezhskaya Pyatina - one of the administrative-territorial units of the Novgorod Republic.

Of course, Christian Novgorod sought to bring the light of the new faith to the lost Finno-Ugric souls. So the local people got on sacred place their games Orthodox Church. It was in this unobtrusive way that Orthodoxy was introduced into the lands of the pagans.

True, no one knows what this church was like. It is clear that it was made of wood (it doesn’t go well with stone in Kizhi), but we don’t know what it looked like and whether it was similar to the current temples. Baptized local residents (probably like in other places) willingly went to church and prayed no less fervently to the pagan gods. That is, the “kizha” continued for quite a long time, even in the 17th century.

This, however, did not prevent the island from becoming a stronghold of Onega Orthodoxy. In 1478, the independent Novgorod Republic fell, and Moscow princes became the new masters of the northern lands. To strengthen their power, in 1496 they made Kizhi the center of a new administrative unit - the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard.

Now Kizhi was subordinate to about 130 villages on other islands and on the mainland, Unitskaya Bay and the entire south of the Zaonezhsky Peninsula.

Local authorities settled in Kizhi, public meetings took place here, trade was conducted and litigation was resolved. In the scribe books of the late 16th century, 12 villages on the island and two wooden churches are mentioned: “The Spassky churchyard in Kizhi on Lake Onega, and on the graveyard is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, and the other is the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin.”

There were also two parish churches: on Velikaya Guba and on Lychny Island of Lake Sandal. Both island churches were built on the so-called Maryanina Mountain, where pagan games were previously held.

According to one legend, one day lightning struck them and burned the buildings to the ground. The legend probably did not arise out of nowhere. It is known that the Finno-Ugric peoples managed to perform pagan rituals in Orthodox churches!

The fate of the Metropolitan

At that time, the pilgrimage route from Moscow to the Solovetsky Monastery lay through Kizhi. The legend about the young years of Metropolitan Philip (Kolychev), who became famous for his dramatic confrontation with Ivan the Terrible, is also connected with Kizhi.

During his northern wanderings, Philip (then not yet a metropolitan and not even a monk yet) allegedly hired himself as a worker for a rich peasant named Sidorko Saturday in the village of Zharenskaya. The peasant assigned him to tend sheep. Local residents suffered greatly from snakes that year; they were even afraid to graze cattle near the village. The future saint drove away the snakes.

He also put up a fence that the wolves could not cross. And one day he caught a sturgeon in the lake waters and brought it to a peasant for an Orthodox holiday. But he was a modest man, and when people began to say that he was working miracles, he immediately set off again on the road to Solovki.

Two more legends are associated with the name of Philip - about Svyat-navolok and Smol-navolok. These are two capes that look at each other. One is on the southern tip of Kizhi Island, the other is on the northern shore of the Bolshoi Klimenetsky (Klimetsky) Island. Between them lies a strait that never freezes.

According to legend, when Kolychev approached the strait to cross to the mainland, he was transported by a local resident, nicknamed Smolya for his hair color. The cape where Kolychev stood began to be called Svyat-navolok, and the cape where Smol stood became Smol-navolok. The strip of non-freezing water received the name of Holy Salma or “holy wormwood”.

The name of Philip, who suffered from the ruthless Tsar Ivan the Terrible, was very loved in the Russian North. It is not surprising that the pilgrims who flocked to the Solovetsky Monastery associated it with the island of Kizhi, which was gradually acquiring an aura of holiness.

Without a single nail

In the 17th century, after the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the end of the Time of Troubles, the island's churches fell into some decline. Local legend even says that they became deserted and began to collapse. It was then that lightning burned them to the ground. However, a century later, Peter the Great ordered the restoration of the temples.

In 1714, construction began on the Church of the Transfiguration, but no longer on Maryanina Mountain. One of the legends says that Peter personally designed this temple. Allegedly, he sailed past Kizhi, saw how deserted everything was, moored to the shore and drew a plan of the future temple with a cane on the coastal sand.

Another legend says that the design of the church belongs entirely to the carpenter Nestor - he both designed the church and built it himself. And without a single nail. And when the construction was completed, Nestor threw the ax into the waters of the lake and said: “There was no one, there will be no one.” That is, no one has built anything like this before, and no one will build anything like this again.

Both legends have nothing in common with historical truth. And Peter had nothing to do with the construction of the Transfiguration Church, and the carpenter Nestor did not exist. And in general, six years before the construction in Kizhi, a similar wooden structure was erected in the village of Ankhimovo, which is located very close to Kizhi.

The legend that the multi-domed northern churches were built without a single nail is also incorrect. Yes, the main structures were connected to each other using grooves, like parts of a construction set. But the wooden scales on the domes had to be properly strengthened, otherwise the domes would have become “bald” and lost all their beauty in the first year. They were fastened with iron pins, that is, they were practically seated on nails.

In addition to the Transfiguration Church, the Intercession Church was erected, as well as a tent-roofed bell tower. But the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary was built half a century later - in 1764. And the tented bell tower dates back to 1863, on the site of a dilapidated and unusable earlier building.

In ancient times, a complex of church buildings was surrounded by a wooden fence, which was supposed to serve as a fortress wall. The fence, of course, has not survived. The one that exists today is a modern reconstruction.

However, even in ancient times the fence was of little use. The invaders of Kizhi did not need it for nothing. There were no military clashes here even with the Swedes. But behind this fence in 1769-1771 the Kizhi government hid from the rebellious assigned peasants.

Soldiers had to be sent to quell the riot. Perhaps this was the only serious action of the residents of Kizhi against their bosses. Basically, life on the island was peaceful and quiet.

Since the 17th century, the island was developed by industrialists to smelt copper and then iron. Over time, the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard turned into the Kizhi volost. Kizhi was not affected by either two Russian revolutions or two world wars.

Kizhi was never blown up and never bombed. So the wooden buildings managed to be preserved in the form in which they were from the moment of construction. So they still please our eyes today.

Perhaps the most famous landmark of Karelia is the island of Kizhi with a unique architectural ensemble. This island is located in the northern part of Lake Onega. Its length is 7 km, width in various places from 0.5 to 1.5 km. In 1966, the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum was founded here. Now he is known throughout the world. Tourists not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world come here to admire the masterpieces of wooden architecture. Excursions from Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg are regularly organized. In 1990, the museum on the island of Kizhi entered the List World Heritage UNESCO, and in 1993 - to the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. In 2011, the Kizhi Museum received the title the best museum Russia. So we can say with confidence that it is the “pearl” of not only Karelia, but the entire country. The Kizhi Museum regularly hosts various folk festivals and other events.

Interesting fact, when pronouncing the word “Kizhi”, the emphasis is placed on both the first and second syllables. Moreover, in Karelia the first option is often used, and the generally accepted option in other regions of Russia is with emphasis on the second syllable.

The name of the island of Kizhi comes from the Karelian word “kizhat”, which can be translated as “games”. In the 10th century settlers from Novgorod began to develop the harsh northern lands; they began cultivating the land, fishing, and raising livestock. It is the Novgorodians who are the ancestors of modern Kizhans. In the 15th century, Novgorod was annexed to the Moscow state, and along with it the Kizhi lands were annexed. The first documentary mentions of the Kizhi Pogost date back to around that time. Here the word “pogost” means several villages interconnected. The administrative and religious center was located on the island of Kizhi.

Already in those days there were religious buildings here. Peasant unrest is known from history. The fact is that in the 17th century. Iron smelting plants were built on Lake Onega, and many Karelian peasants were assigned to these enterprises. But the freedom-loving northerners, accustomed to minding their own business, rebelled. There are two widely known riots in history, both of which were brutally suppressed. In 1697, a fire broke out from a lightning strike during a severe thunderstorm. Many buildings were destroyed. After some time, their restoration began.

So, why does the Kizhi Museum so attract tourists from all over the world? What objects does it include? There is a unique architectural ensemble here - a wonderful example of wooden architecture. Firstly, there are two wooden churches and a bell tower from the 18th–19th centuries, which were originally located here. By the time they were built, the art of carpentry had reached its peak. It is clear that gradually wooden buildings are giving way to stone ones. The churches in Kizhi are a magnificent example of traditional wooden architecture in the north of Russia. In addition, after the establishment of the museum, a number of other buildings from various regions of Karelia were brought here. It should also be noted picturesque nature, which surrounds all this splendor.

Another building on Kizhi Island is the Church of the Intercession (or Church of the Intercession of the Virgin). This is the so-called “winter” (i.e. heated) temple. It was built in 1764. Its creators faced a difficult task - after all, nearby was the magnificent Church of the Transfiguration, with which the newly built temple should be in harmony. And it was perfectly implemented. The Intercession Church does not claim the greatness of the Transfiguration Church, but only complements it. Its roof is crowned with nine domes - one central, which is surrounded by eight more.

The third object, which was located on the island initially and was not moved here during the formation of the museum, is the tented bell tower. It was built in 1863 on the site of an old dilapidated bell tower. It consists of two log houses: the lower part is a tetrahedral frame, with a smaller octagonal one installed on it. There is a belfry on top, and a tent above it. The tented bell tower perfectly complements the churches described above.

Also on the island of Kizhi there are several buildings that were transported here already in the 20th century. several years before the opening of the museum. Firstly, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus. This is the oldest surviving structure in Karelia. According to legend, many centuries ago the Venerable Monk Lazar founded the Murom Monastery on the eastern shore of Lake Onega. He also built the church, which was the first building of the monastery. It is named after the biblical character - Lazarus of Bethany, his miraculous resurrection is described by John in the New Testament. This church was the main relic of the monastery; it was believed that it relieves serious illnesses. During the years of Soviet power, an agricultural commune was organized on the site of the Murom Monastery. In 1959, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus was dismantled and transported to Kizhi. In 1960 it was restored. The iconostasis of 17 icons from the 16th–18th centuries has been preserved.

The Chapel of Michael the Archangel, including a hipped bell tower, was transported to the island of Kizhi in 1961. Previously, it was located in the village of Lelikozero.

Also on Kizhi Island you can see windmill, built in 1928. In 1976 it was reconstructed. The mill is still in operation today. The body is mounted on a vertical shaft, so it can be rotated in the direction of the wind. Eight wings are mounted on a horizontal shaft.

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant monuments nature of Russia, closest to Moscow high mountains. Tourists travel lightly through all landscape and climatic zones countries from the foothills to the subtropics, overnight stays in shelters.

Interesting articles

In Karelia, on the wonderful Lake Onega, there is an incredibly beautiful, fabulous island called Kizhi. The island is considered an invaluable museum of architecture, the scale of which is simply amazing. Kizhi is an unusual place, which has been famous for its craft for many centuries, because many artists, as well as poets, lived and worked here. If anyone remembers the famous epics about Ilya Muromets or Vladimir the Red Sun, then it is worth saying that they were created precisely on the territory of this wonderful island.

Having visited the island for the first time, just stepping onto its amazing territory, you can feel a significant surge of energy, touch something bright and beautiful, breathe in clean air deeply and find out what real freedom is.

If you move into the recent past and study a little the history of the island, you can find out that there were as many as 14 villages here. Unfortunately, only two have survived to this day, which bear the names Vasilyevo and Yamka. One of the surviving villages is conveniently located on the eastern shore of the famous Lake Onega. The second village is located on the western bank of this wonderful reservoir. Each village has only a couple of houses, but this did not become an obstacle for curious adventurers, so the indicated place is always full of tourists. Tourists from all over the world come here all year round, because landscapes such as those on this island are rare. In addition, this place is full of interesting monuments, and relaxation here seems simply divine.

Excursions are regularly held in the city of Kizhi to introduce tourists to this interesting and unusual place. River cruises on Meteora depart from Petrozavodsk, but their time is not enough to fully explore the unique nature of this place. To fully explore the island and see all the interesting natural places and attractions, you need to plan your travel route yourself.

The most popular attractions of Kizhi

Among the main attractions of Kizhi it is worth noting the Church of the Transfiguration. It was erected back in 1714, and not a single nail was used for its construction. The church has as many as 22 domes, which with their gilding complement the brightness of the sun. From a bird's eye view, the view of this temple will allow you to distinguish it from others, because there are no analogues to this unique monument. The temple is designed in such an interesting and original way that if you take into account the cuts, the appearance of a cross is formed on all four sides. The altar of this majestic temple faces the western side, but the refectory with a porch is conveniently located on the eastern side. The view from this porch is simply amazing and it simply mesmerizes tourists. By visiting this architectural monument, you can enjoy not only its beauty, but also fully embrace the settlements, villages and straits.

Inside, the temple radiates unearthly beauty. Everyone who comes here will feel complete peace. The altar in this majestic temple has 4 tiers, it is lined with a huge number of icons, the exact number of which is 102 pieces. The space inside is evenly filled with calm and peaceful light.

Such an architectural monument as the Church of the Intercession also deserves special attention. The temple was built back in 1764, it is wooden and has 9 domes, the shape of which is quite unusual, making the structure lighter and more original. The outside of the building is decorated with wooden pillars, but inside the temple looks very modest. If you compare it with the previous version. Unfortunately, in the course of history, the very first iconostasis of this building was not preserved, and the current one was completed during the restoration of the church in 1950.

The Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus can be included in the top three attractions of the island. History says that this landmark was built back in 1391. Overeating suggests that the church began to be built after St. Basil appeared to Lazarus. It is this temple that is considered the first building belonging to the Murom Monastery. The construction of this monastery was dedicated specifically to the biblical story, which talks about the resurrection of Lazarus. Local residents say that the temple has the power to heal from various ailments and it is because of this that this place has become a great center of pilgrimage.

What architectural monuments of Kizhi are still worth seeing?

There is also a Chapel of the Archangel Michael on the island, which is characterized as follows:

    was transported to Kizhi from Lelikozero in 1961;

    has a very picturesque appearance;

    consists of 3 parts, which together form a rectangle;

    the walls are built on the north side, and the window faces west;

    the bell tower on top is successfully completed with a lush tent;

    outside, the architectural monument is decorated with towels with circles and diamonds;

    inside, in the center of the ceiling there is a large icon of Christ, and the evangelists are depicted in the corners.

In addition to this monument, there is also a Tent Bell Tower on the island. It was built back in 1863, but it was completely completed in 1874. The belfry tent is supported by 9 columns and ends with a dome with a cross. In total, the structure looks very interesting and harmonious. To illuminate the interior of the bell tower, there are 4 windows, which are made in the form of beautiful arches.

Continuing to travel around the island, tourists will be able to see a tall wooden palisade. Its original has not survived, but the reconstruction was able to accurately convey it. A copy was made already in 1959; in addition to these attractions, you can see ancient mills and barns on the island. All these attractions are collected throughout the region and delivered to the island, which has turned into a huge museum.

Oshevnev’s house can also be considered a popular place among tourists. It looks like Karelian houses that were built before the revolution. The building has two floors and is richly decorated with carvings. There is also an ancient windmill on the island, the likes of which can no longer be found.

What else is new and interesting on the island

Monuments and churches are, of course, good, but we must not forget about the amazing nature of this place. The island has a beautiful topography, a sparse forest stretches not far from the shore, meadows and the sun can be seen from afar, reflecting its glare in the lake. Many villages of the island went under water, but thanks to this, it was possible to create a unique museum here, which collected more than 50 thousand original, interesting and fascinating items. All these objects accurately tell about the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the region and it is thanks to them that history can be studied. On the island you can get closer to the following objects:

    vintage women's jewelry;

    original embroidery;

    handmade toys;

    household items and tools.

But the interesting aspects of Kizhi do not end there, because rare, original and interesting things still continue to be brought here. New exhibitions are constantly being developed, and tourists are invited to take part in master classes that introduce ancient crafts. Guests of the island who come here for the holidays can watch interesting performances and become active participants. You can get out here for a few days, choosing an accommodation option without any problems.

There are no hotels on the island, but it is quite possible to stay with local residents. Kizhi is a unique place that is worth visiting and you need to stay here for several days. To see all the monuments and enjoy the unforgettable nature, you can come here with the whole family, receiving an incredible charge of energy and vivacity. In general, tourists who want to visit Kizhi will definitely not regret it; it is simply a wonderful place that is definitely worth visiting. The island fascinates and attracts attention, allowing you to completely disconnect from city everyday life, delve into history, look at beautiful monuments and just have a great time. It’s worth coming here for great impressions and positive emotions.

What are the unique monuments and sights of Russia and why do foreign tourists come to us with pleasure?

Because in Russia we have a rich cultural heritage, a lot of unique things, a lot of things to see and “cannot be measured by a common yardstick.” It is a sad fact that a huge number of historical and Orthodox monuments were destroyed and destroyed in the 20th century during times of wars and political troubles. And what was managed to be preserved and collected bit by bit evokes doubly fair admiration and respect, and is rightfully ranked among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. And let's be patient and forgiving of the fact that most historical sites are hidden by restoration forests for many years.

One of such monuments is precisely Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Kizhi Island is located in the center of many large and small skerries of Lake Onega in Northern Russia. This is a lake, but its character is very northern, maritime. During a storm, waves can reach 5 meters and autumn time The coastal fortifications may also be destroyed. And the wind is not weak, from 10 meters per second or more.

Kizhi Island is located 68 km from Petrozavodsk. From May to September, during the navigation period, tickets for “comets” and “meteors” are sold at the city pier, which regularly make routes there. The journey takes from 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes. In winter, when Lake Onega is covered with a thick layer of ice, you can get there by hovercraft. For lovers active rest and extreme skiing trips are offered during this period.

The pleasure, it must be said, is not cheap. As, indeed, any trip to Russia. A round-trip boat ticket will cost 2,750 rubles + admission ticket to the museum. So for a family of three, you can calculate for yourself how much everything will be, and you also have to pay for the excursion, and save for a souvenir.

The Kizhi Museum-Reserve is a unique man-made monument of wooden architecture and ethnography. People come here to look at wooden structures made without a single nail! And we will not debunk these beliefs.

Guests are greeted by the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord - the tallest and most monumental building on the island.

The main attractions of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve- Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary and the Bell Tower of the Kizhi Pogost.

And here you can admire real houses and ancient buildings of northern Russian villages of the late 19th century, which were carefully collected and preserved in this most beautiful place Russia, to see with your own eyes and get acquainted with everyday life, culture and traditional way of life, household items of our northern ancestors.

The main attractions of the Kizhi Museum, the center and business card islands - are Orthodox shrines - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary and the Bell Tower of the Kizhi Pogost.

Much has been written about the history of the creation of this church, the information is the same and you can find it on other sites.

But I would like to talk about the uniqueness of the restoration work that has been going on since 1980 under the close attention of UNESCO. Initially, the question was, how could such a wooden building have survived since 1714, regularly watered by rain and blown north winds and how to restore it now?! People rushed all over the world to look for technologies for preserving and processing wood without the use of chemical compounds. But there are none, just as there are no specialists in this matter. We had to return to the experience of our ancestors, who created these structures and the great-grandchildren of local architects, hereditary carpenters and wood craftsmen work here. And the uniqueness is that the pines used to create churches were cut down exclusively in winter, in the bitter cold, exclusively with axes. Scientists believe that in this embodiment, natural preservation with resin occurred, which allowed the tree to be preserved so well for many centuries in natural conditions. Such trunks were kept for 8 years and only then used in construction. There is also an opinion that in the period from the 14th to the 19th century there was an “ice age” and 1714 was the peak of cold weather, which is why the trunks have a very high density of rings. All this also makes the restoration process in modern conditions much more difficult.

You can visit and admire the interior decoration in the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary.

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the main buildings on the island

Here you can attend a service, listen to the ringing of bells and the chanting of the monks. Local icons are interesting, most of which were painted by local residents.

The domes of the churches amaze with their fine workmanship. Each dome consists of a small part - a ploughshare, naturally cut out by hand from aspen. Therefore, after restoration, the new domes will shine with a golden color.

We recommend booking a tour, because the story about the life and everyday life of the northern inhabitants is quite interesting. The houses that our ancestors built and presented in the museum are large and usually they contained all possible amenities for life. Due to the cold climate, the ground floor housed a barnyard, a barn for hay and firewood, and a place for storing tools and equipment. The convenience of the construction was that in the summer it would be easy to repair and replace logs and clean the room.

There was also a residential room on the ground floor. The families were large, about 20 people, all living in one room. Here they lit the stove “black”, cooked food, slept, worked, raised children, wove fishing nets, and led a normal life.

The stove in the living room was heated “black”, so the ceilings in the house were dark in color.

A story from the life of northerners

Interestingly, wealthy families also had a second floor. But his functions were purely “representative”. Here they received guests, kept luxury goods and, sometimes, allowed newlyweds to spend the night.

Second floor - “executive” room

Perhaps only the bathhouse was located separately for obvious reasons. The bathhouse is a sacred place not only for northerners, but also for any Russian residents. Here they washed, gave birth and buried their dead relatives in the bitter cold. The bathhouse is a sacred place and many superstitions and rituals are associated with it. The bathhouse was heated exclusively “black”.

In the Kizhi Museum-Reserve you will find many interesting objects that tell about the traditions and life of the northern peoples. Therefore, stock up on comfortable shoes and clothes. The weather in Karelia is very changeable, and within 3 hours you can be steamed in the sun, get caught in the rain and freeze in the wind. But nothing can spoil the impression of the beauty of the landscapes, the tranquility of the Russian north and the spirit of antiquity that surrounds you. We have something to be proud of!

We wish you a pleasant trip!