Interesting places in Washington. The main attractions of Washington (DC) with names and photos

The first stone of the future official residence of the Presidents of the United States, known worldwide as The White house, was laid down on October 13, 1792. The project was designed by architect James Hoban, with the active participation of George Washington.

The first President of the United States not only made his own adjustments to the Hoban project, but was also an active participant in choosing the site for construction. According to Washington, it was to be a place on the Potomac River that would not exceed ten square miles. Eight years later, on November 1, 1800, construction was completed at a cost of $2.5 million.

The building of the presidential residence is made in the Palladin style, which is based on elements borrowed from ancient Greek temple architecture and strict adherence to symmetry.

The interiors of the White House are designed in different styles, each of them has not only original decoration and purpose, but also its own names. The oval Blue Hall is intended for official receptions, the Green Hall is for informal meetings. The presidents' office is the Oval Office. Visitors to the White House can see personal belongings of former US presidents, as well as members of their families.

Modern Art Museum

This museum is housed in a very nice building with a combination of old and new architecture. The portraits are simply magnificent. It's like a chance to visit with some amazing people from American history. Simply magical. And modern art is a lot of fun too.

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Lincoln Memorial

Visiting the Lincoln Memorial is a popular tourist destination in downtown Washington. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century in memory of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. He became famous for leading the Northern states to victory in the bloody Civil War, ending an era when the economy was based on slave labor. Construction of the memorial complex took 8 years. It symbolizes the main idea of ​​President Lincoln - faith in human freedom.

The architecture of the Memorial resembles an ancient Greek temple - the building has the shape of a rectangle, which is made up of 38 snow-white marble Doric columns in height. The height of each column is about 13 meters, and the diameter is more than 2 meters. Two columns mark the entrance to the memorial, and the remaining 36 represent the number of states that made up the country during Lincoln's administration. Overall height the complex exceeds 50 meters.

The main attraction inside the memorial is the huge statue of Lincoln, which weighs 175 tons. The president, depicted in a thoughtful pose, seems to be looking at the Washington Monument and the Capitol. Nearby are two large slabs, one of which is carved with Lincoln's speech at his second inauguration, and the second with his speech after the Battle of Gettysburg.

The memorial complex is especially beautiful at night - the night illumination amazes with its originality and majesty. Next to the complex is the famous Sparkling Pool, which attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. This is one of the must-visit places for every tourist who wants to get to know the capital of one of the world's greatest powers.

The National Theater in Washington is the oldest theater in the United States, presenting performances since 1835. The performances, plays and musicals of the National Theater are comparable in level to those of Broadway. It survived five huge fires in the 19th century, one of which broke out during the production of Beauty and the Beast. The building was reconstructed on the same site five times, the last major reconstruction took place in 1984.

The theater was founded by prominent citizens of the city under the leadership of William Corcoran, who wanted to have a luxurious theater in their capital. The first production at the then not yet National Theater was “Man of the World”. The theater worked almost continuously, its audience consisted mainly of high society city ​​- a few blocks from the theater building is the White House. The name of the theater changed several times depending on the change of ownership. For a time, it was even managed by the famous actor Joseph Jefferson.

Now the National Theater boasts a hall with 1,676 seats. It hosted such famous premieres as Madama Butterfly and West Side Story. At different times, such world theater stars as Jenny Lind, Sarah Bernhardt, Vivien Leigh, Katharine Hepburn, Helen Hayes and many others visited its stage. Even now, the National Theater maintains the tradition of staging Broadway and pre-Broadway plays.

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress, founded in 1800, is one of the largest libraries in the world and is the oldest public cultural institution in the United States. In addition to its unique library collections, it also attracts the attention of many visitors with its architecture. The Library of Congress complex includes three buildings on Capitol Hill connected by underground passages, as well as the Virginia State Depository.

The history of the Library is filled with numerous dramatic events, as is the history of the Capitol building in which it was located for almost the entire 19th century. The library was damaged by fire several times; most of the books that came to the library as a gift from the third US President, Thomas Jefferson, were destroyed in the fire.

In 1897, a new Library building was erected, the architecture of which displays elements of the Italian Renaissance. 26 artists and 22 sculptors worked on the project of the new building, and as a result of their joint creative efforts, a true work of art was obtained. In addition to its architectural charms, the Library was a real engineering miracle of that time - it housed its own power plant, fire-proof book depositories, as well as special elevators for books. The main facade of the Library building is decorated with a magnificent fountain, vaguely reminiscent of the famous Roman Trevi Fountain.

The collection of the Library of Congress includes more than 132 million copies of books published in 470 languages, hundreds of thousands of microfilms, about 5 million maps, sheet music, numerous engravings, photographs and even comics, more than 1 million copies of newspapers published over the last three centuries. This is a truly unique and universal selection of literature.

Eastern market

Eastern Market in Washington is the oldest public market and has been a center of commerce for over 200 years. It is located on Capitol Hill in a historic 19th-century brick building that is designated a landmark. The Eastern Market is much smaller than traditional public markets, but it is still a culinary treasure trove filled with history, tradition, and delicious food.

It offers a wide range of farm products, including fresh meats, baked goods, cheeses, vegetables and fruits. The attraction of the Eastern Market is the flea market, which amazes with its diversity. Craftsmen and antique dealers offer a large selection of goods from all over the world.

The market's gallery hosts art exhibitions, music and theater performances. The Eastern Market has a long history and is one of the attractive tourist sites.


Chinatown is one of the most interesting places in Washington. Active construction in this area began in the 30s of the twentieth century, when, on the recommendation of city authorities from central regions The Chinese began to come here from the city.

These days, Chinatown is a world-famous tourist quarter with many Asian restaurants and souvenir shops. Here is the famous Arch of Friendship, made in the style of a traditional Chinese gate. It was built in 1986 and features seven colorfully painted pagoda roofs and 272 dragons in the style of the Qing and Ming dynasties.

Chinatown is famous for its traditions - the annual celebration of the Chinese New Year, various festivals and colorful costume performances. The old Patent Office building houses two museums that are part of the famous Smithsonian Institution: the National Portrait Gallery and the American Art Museum.

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Potomac River

The Potomac is one of the major waterways of the United States, forming a significant portion of the border between the states of Maryland and Virginia, and West Virginia. The river originates in the Appache Mountains and flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Atlantic Ocean. The banks of the river are picturesque: in the Harpers Ferry area it flows through a rocky gorge in the Blue Mountains and forms a waterfall, in addition, there is a real haven for fishing lovers.

The first Europeans set foot in the area around 1570, when the Spaniards visited these areas. Then in 1608, Captain John Smith described and mapped the river, after which traders from Virginia settled there. A few years later, the Potomac became the main transport artery of the colony. In the years Civil War the river formed the northeastern border of the Southern Confederacy.

The origin of the word "Potomac" is associated with the name of one of the Indian tribes that inhabited South coast. Historians believe that it meant “trading place” or “place to which tribute is brought.” As for the Indians themselves, they called the river “goose”.

The most popular attractions in Washington with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Washington on our website.

Individual and group

The majestic city of Washington, which is the capital of the United States, is not part of any of the states of the country, but is a separate administrative unit called the “District of Columbia” (District of Columbia or simply D.C.).

The city was founded in 1791 and named after George Washington, the first President of the United States. Tourists, of course, primarily associate it with the famous White House, which is open to the public. However, he is by no means the only one interesting place Washington.

In this city of white marble there are many majestic monuments, various museums, beautiful parks and picturesque reservoirs, as well as entertainment centers, fashionable restaurants and luxury hotels. Moreover, by American standards, Washington is comparatively small town, but at the same time it is distinguished by its monumental grandeur, calm atmosphere and unshakable stability.

Columbia region


Population density

3771 people/km²

USD (American dollar)


UTC-4 in summer

Postal code

20001-20098, 20201-20599

International dialing code

Climate and weather

In Washington weather forms a humid subtropical climate. In summer, the average air temperature here is about +25 °C, and in winter - 0...+5 °C. Rains occur quite often, and in winter sometimes snow falls, which quickly melts. During the summer season, the combination of high humidity and temperature causes thunderstorms, some of which result in tornadoes.

The most favorable time to travel to Washington is from April to November.


Washington lies in the northeastern part of the country, 53 km from the Atlantic coast. It is located in the state Maryland, however, is an independent administrative unit. Approximately 20% of the city's area is occupied by parkland, and about 10% by water. The city's water area includes a river Potomac and its tributaries (Rock and Anacostia Creeks), as well as the Washington Canal. Another tributary of the Potomac flows directly underground. There are several islands within the city, the largest of which are:

  • Theodore Roosevelt Island;
  • Kingman Island;
  • Columbia Island;
  • Islands of the Three Sisters.


Without a doubt, the main attraction of Washington is the famous The White house, which serves as the official residence of the President of the United States. Moreover, on certain days it is completely accessible for visits and excursions. No less popular Capitol Hill, on which a massive building is located US Congress, consisting of a central part (Rotunda) and two wings intended for meetings of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Another important building of the city and the whole country is the Pentagon (Department of Defense), which is a set of pentagons built into each other, which are connected by passages.

Next, you should pay attention to the numerous monuments, which are headed by the majestic George Washington Memorial. Among others, the most famous are the Lincoln and Roosevelt Memorials, as well as the Naval Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Arlington Memorial Cemetery with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In addition, the following are widely popular:

  • Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul;
  • St Matthew's Cathedral;
  • Basilica of the Immaculate Conception;
  • Franciscan monastery;
  • Ford's Theater Historic Site;
  • Supreme Court building;
  • Rock Creek Park, which is home to the historic Old Stone House complex.

In addition to architectural attractions, Washington is famous for its abundance of various museums and galleries, which are simply impossible to count:

  • Washington City Museum;
  • National Museum aviation and astronautics;
  • Hirshborn Museum with sculpture garden;
  • International Spy Museum;
  • National Museum of Women in the Arts;
  • National Gallery of Art and many others.


Washington's restaurants and cafes are famous for their diversity and unsurpassed service. And here you can try how national cuisine USA, and any other, for example, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, Cuban, Moroccan, etc. It is worth noting that in Washington, compared to other American cities, expensive and chic establishments predominate. This is explained by the fact that very influential and wealthy people constantly arrive here, who can easily pay $100 for dinner. The best of these restaurants are considered Les Halles, Filomena Ristorante, Gabriel, Galileo And The Palm, where Washington's famous people dine.

If you want to save money, it is recommended to go to one of the establishments that are organized according to the “ buffet", where, having paid the entrance, you can choose any dishes without any restrictions. Also quite affordable prices in fast food establishments ( McDonald's, Burger King etc.), offering all kinds of hamburgers and sandwiches. In addition, establishments are very widespread in Washington Take-out. In this case, you can first order food by phone and then pick it up yourself. This is very convenient if there are no free tables in the restaurant.

If we talk specifically about American cuisine, it is worth noting that it is quite varied and very high in calories. The most typical national dishes that you can try here in almost any establishment include rare steak, stuffed turkey, grilled chicken, beef steak, pumpkin soup and a variety of salads. As for drinks, in addition to the notorious Coca-Cola, Americans love coffee and iced tea. Among alcohol, it is worth highlighting wonderful Californian wines and whiskeys.


In terms of cost of living, Washington hotels are among the five most expensive in the country. Moreover, most of them were built specifically to receive foreign delegations and high-ranking guests. There are also practically no high-rise buildings here, as the local leadership tries to maintain the established architectural style of the city. Thanks to this, almost all hotels in Washington are located in small, cozy mansions.

Tourists are advised to look for a hotel in the East End area, where there are many budget options, for example, DC Lofty (from $20) or Motel 6 Washington DC (FROM $60). Well, the most luxurious and expensive establishments are located mainly near city attractions, as well as in the West End, Dupont Circle and Logan Circle areas: The Ritz-Carlton, The Jefferson Hotel, Mandarin Oriental, etc.

Entertainment and relaxation

First of all, Washington will appeal to lovers of cultural pastimes, since in addition to all kinds of memorials and architectural attractions, there are a great many museums. For example, in the very center of the city there is an open space called the National Mall, on the territory of which there are various museums and memorials, including the famous monument to George Washington. Opera and classical music are also very popular in the city. You can listen to them at performances of the Symphony Orchestra and at the Washington Opera House.

Washington is no less attractive for fans nightlife, which is very rich here. Moreover, the local bars and clubs are distinguished by their special chic and variety: from dance to jazz. In addition, almost all hotels in the city have their own bars, offering their guests something special.

For adherents active rest and sports Washington offers the most wide choose sports activities ranging from golf or rowing to tennis or ice skating. In addition, the most famous sports teams in the country regularly perform in the city (the Washington Wizards basketball club, the Washington Capitals hockey team, etc.), whose exciting games can be seen by anyone.

In addition to all of the above, Washington boasts a variety of colorful festivals and celebrations, with the most popular being Independence Day (July 4th), the Smithsonian Folk Festival and the Cherry Blossom Festival.


Washington has a truly great variety of stores, on the shelves of which you can find anything you want: from musical instruments and souvenirs to antiques and branded clothing. Main shopping places The main streets of the city where the bulk of luxury stores are located are M Street And Wisconsin Avenue. And on the street Dupont Circle There are more democratic and affordable establishments: discount centers, stockists and second-hand stores. For antiques, it is recommended to go to King Street, and for original souvenirs - to the Adams-Morgan Street area. In general, a variety of boutiques, shopping centers, antique shops and markets are located in literally all areas of the city. Of these, the most famous are shopping centers Virginia`s Alexandria, Arlington, Leesburg Corner Premium Outlets And Tysons Corner Center. Well, among hunters for souvenirs with national themes, as well as all kinds of memorabilia, the most popular shops are America! And Smithsonian which are located in the very center of the city.


In Washington, the fastest and comfortable view public transport is metro(Metrorail), which consists of seven major lines, some of which extend beyond the District of Columbia. Subway fares depend on the time of day and day of the week and range from $1.85 during the day or late evening to $5.25 during rush hours.

Bus service is provided by Metrobus, whose stops are located near all metro stations. These buses are distinguished by increased comfort, and therefore the cost of a trip on this type of transport is quite impressive - $6. Also in the central part of the city, transportation is carried out by DC Circulator buses, which are similar to minibuses. In this case, the fare is only $1.

In addition, a bicycle sharing system has been created in Washington. SmartBike DC. Therefore, there are many special stations where anyone can quickly rent a bicycle.


In Washington, literally on all streets, as well as in the foyers of public organizations, in shopping centers and gas stations, telephone booths with access to international lines are installed. Moreover, each has its own number, which can be seen directly on the telephone. This is very convenient, since if necessary, you can call back directly to this device.

Mobile communications are of excellent quality and are gradually replacing landline phones. It is worth keeping in mind that in the US, a tri-band phone is required for full roaming functionality.

Internet access is provided in almost all hotels, and is also often included in the list of restaurant services. In addition, there are many Wi-Fi hotspots in the city, some of which are free.


After September 11, 2001, security in Washington can claim the status of a true national brand. In this regard, provided that all prescribed norms and rules of conduct are observed, tourists are in virtually no danger here. It is worth keeping in mind that in Washington, a large bag may arouse suspicion among subway security personnel.

If we talk about the criminal situation, here it is at a fairly acceptable level. However, you should never let your guard down, as there is still a chance of bumping into a pickpocket or night robber.

Business climate

As the capital of the United States, Washington is the main center of political life in this country. The business and economic life of the city is based directly on the sphere of management. Many headquarters are located here international organizations (International Bank, International Monetary Fund etc.), the most important government institutions ( Congress, State Department, Supreme Court, Pentagon) and branches of a variety of companies, non-profit organizations and trade unions. In addition, not so long ago, in terms of the most favorable business conditions and business environment, Washington was rated as best city in the country.

Real estate

In Washington, almost all real estate properties are in demand, and the demand for them is stable and even gradually increasing. This is not surprising, because Washington is the main city of the United States, as well as the seat of government and the cultural center of the country. If we talk about prices, they depend on the location and quality of the objects (from 150 thousand to 1 million $ and above). For example, a house with four bedrooms and a garage, which is located in a prestigious area, will cost at least $800 thousand.

Upon arrival in Washington, your luggage may be subject to extensive searches. Also, arrivals are asked about the purpose of their visit to the United States, and sometimes even asked if they have any connection with terrorist groups. In this case, there is no need to joke at all, since Americans take the problem of terrorism very seriously. Moreover, if an employee does not like something in the answers, the newcomer is invited to the security office, which carries the risk of going home without even setting foot on American soil.

Washington city(not to be confused with the state of the same name) is the capital of the United States of America and a city very rich in attractions. The official founding date of the District of Columbia is 1790, and the city of Washington is 1791. Most of the city’s attractions will seem familiar to tourists from Hollywood films, but when seen in real life they leave unforgettable impressions.

Top attractions in Washington DC

Washington, as the capital of the United States, has an incredible number of attractions of national significance. The District of Columbia is home to such world-famous architectural monuments as White House, Capitol, Washington Monument,

as well as an incredible number of unique museums. I offer you a description of the main attractions of the city of Washington and their photos with names below.

DC architecture, 6 Washington is very rich in architectural attractions architectural monuments

cities are among the top ten best built cities in the United States. The fact is that Washington was originally built as the capital of the United States and therefore was planned and built by the best architects.- of course, the main attraction of Washington and also the residence of the US President. The first White House building, built back in 1800 by the architect James Hoban with the assistance of George Washington, was burned by the British in 1812, but was almost immediately reconstructed and has survived in this form to this day. Tourists have the opportunity to visit two of the six floors and see the Green, Blue and Red Rooms, as well as the personal belongings of the presidents who lived here.

Capitol- the second most important landmark in the United States after the White House. The Senate and Congress building complex was built in 1800, but in 1958, due to an increase in personnel, the Senate building was completed. However, the new building harmoniously integrated into the overall architectural composition.

Cathedral. Another of the architectural landmarks that are a symbol of the city of Washington. The construction of the Anglican Cathedral, made in the neo-Gothic style, lasted 83 years and was completed in 1990.

Among the main architectural monuments one should also name:

  • Pentagon;
  • Georgetown University;
  • Library of Congress;
  • Jefferson Memorial;
  • Lincoln Memorial;
  • Washington Monument.

It is difficult to list all the architectural sights of Washington, there are a lot of them. Architectural monuments are made in Romanesque, Gothic, Victorian and modern style and amaze the imagination with their diversity.


The main museums in Washington are, of course, the museums of the Smithsonian Institution, which includes 19 museums and galleries, 11 of which are located on the National Mall. It must be said that many museums in Washington have been awarded the status of National Museums. Among the most educational museums in the city, tourists should visit the following places:

National Air and Space Museum- one of the Smithsonian museums. On the territory of the museum there is simply an amazing amount of aircraft, ranging from kites to spaceships.

A museum that tells the history of the United States, from the Revolutionary War to modern history, through more than 3 million exhibits.

National Museum natural history is another of the Smithsonian museums and the most visited natural history museum in the world. With a collection of more than 126 million artifacts, the museum will introduce you to plants, animals, gems, meteorites, fossils and other unique wonders of nature.

Washington is very a large number of museums, and if you have time to visit them, be sure to also see museums such as:

  • Washington City Museum;
  • spy museum;
  • National Gallery of Art;
  • Museum of Women in the Arts;
  • Newseum;
  • Hirshhorn Museum;
  • National Children's Museum;
  • Hillwood Museum.

In these places you will get to know the history of the United States and its capital, Washington.

Washington Monuments and Memorials

Americans are examples of patriotism and love for the history of their country, and this, of course, could not but be reflected in the number of monuments and memorials in the very heart of the USA - the city of Washington. The main monuments of the District of Columbia are as follows:

Washington Monument- a majestic obelisk erected on the territory of the National Mall in honor of the first President of the United States. Surprisingly, despite the general desire to build the monument, squabbles and political intrigues extended the construction for almost ninety years: from 1797 to 1885.

- a monument to one of the most famous and revered presidents in the United States, opened in 1922. The sixteenth President of the United States abolished slavery after a bloody Civil War.

Jefferson Memorial- a monument to the Founding Father and third President of the United States. Built in 1943, the statue of Thomas Jefferson was originally made of plaster but was cast in bronze after World War II. Japanese cherry blossoms grow around the memorial, so be sure to visit in spring.

National World War II Veterans Memorial. This memorial is located between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial and serves as a tribute to the more than 400 thousand Americans who died during World War II. The bas-reliefs of the memorial tell about the key events of the theaters of war and the rear.

Among other equally worthy monuments to outstanding Americans, mention should be made of the following:

  • Ulysses Grant Memorial;
  • Franklin Memorial;
  • monument to Albert Einstein;
  • monument to Martin Luther King.

Washington Parks

Despite the large number of architectural structures, the creators of Washington allocated enough space for parks and alleys. More information about the parks of this amazing city:

National Mall- perhaps the most famous park in Washington. The park area is located in the very center of the city on an area of ​​400 hectares and is surrounded by museums, memorials and galleries.

Presidential Park located around the White House on an area of ​​33 hectares and includes two more parks, Lafayette and Ellipse.

Lafayette Square. In the past, the site was home to construction materials for the White House, a racetrack, and even a slave market. In 1824, the park was named after the Marquis de Lafayette, the French hero of three revolutions: the American, French and July. Today this park is favorite place tourists, since it opens best view to the white house.

Ellipse- open space south of the White House. Although formally the park is considered part of the presidential park, all visitors perceive it as a separate landscape object.

Also, a tourist planning to visit Washington parks should pay attention to Botanical Garden, which is located on the territory of the National Mall. The botanical garden includes the National Garden, the Orangery and the Bartholdi Park. Especially interesting for tourists There will be a greenhouse in which many unusual plants are presented, for example, amorphophallus titanica - one of the pride of the greenhouse.

What to see in Washington in 1 day

There are a lot of attractions in Washington DC, and if you only have one day to visit this city, the route should be as eventful as possible. To see all the main attractions, you should plan a route along the National Mall.

  • Your starting point will be Lincoln Memorial.
  • Near the Lincoln Memorial you can also see memorials to veterans of the Vietnam and Korean Wars.
  • Next follow the pool to World War II memorial.
  • After visiting the memorial, go to George Washington Monument.
  • The next stop on the National Mall route is Capitol Hill and the US Congress building.
  • Along the National Mall, you can also visit a number of most interesting museums, such as, for example, natural history museum or air and space museum.
  • After exploring the National Mall, walk along Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, where you can see the main symbol of America.

If you still have time after the route, be sure to visit one of the restaurants in the city or shopping mall CityCentre.

What to see in Washington with children

The US capital provides entertainment not only for adult tourists, but also for their children. The main attractions for a walk with children, besides, of course, attractions that are interesting for all ages and generations.

Spy Museum

Smithsonian Zoo

National Children's Museum

Also located near the city Six Flags amusement park, where your child can ride a real roller coaster.

Video in which the most selected Beautiful places Washington. After admiring them, you will definitely want to mark this city! It's worth seeing.

There are quite a lot of cafes and restaurants around the National Mall where tourists can have a bite to eat before continuing to explore the sights. For example, I really liked Pi Pizzeria. What are your favorite restaurants in Washington?

Washington is the capital of the United States of America, while being a separate city that is not part of any state. District of Columbia (DC) - official name the capital, named after the country's first president, George Washington. In this article, I invite you to admire the most interesting and famous sights of the city, as well as learn about some interesting facts.

The capital of the United States was founded in 1791, and in 1871 Washington, along with a number of other neighboring territories, was united into a single District of Columbia. Interestingly, the USA also has a state of the same name, which is why the Americans themselves call the capital nothing more than DC (DC).

The population of Washington is 601,723 people, but a large number of people from the suburbs come here to work every day, as well as many tourists. As a result, the population increases to 1 million people and even higher.

All US power is concentrated in Washington. The White House houses the office of the country's president; DC also houses the representative offices and headquarters of the World Bank, the IMF and many other organizations, as well as more than 150 embassies of various states.

The US Congress has supreme power over Washington. Due to special subordination, city residents have less freedom of self-government than residents of the states.

The city's motto is the Latin Justitia Omnibus, which translates as Justice for All.

During the research, scientists found that 4,000 years ago, Native Americans lived on the territory of modern Washington; there were several small settlements here.

The largest number of inhabitants in the city was registered in 1950 - 802,178 people. After the Great Depression of the 1930s, people began to arrive here to work in the government apparatus.

Among the memorable events in the history of Washington are the riots of 1968, which broke out after the assassination of Martin Luther King. Over the course of several days, many buildings were destroyed, and 13,000 soldiers were brought in to pacify the raging masses. It took more than thirty years to restore, the damage was so severe to the city.

Sadly famous event- the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, when a passenger plane crashed into the Pentagon building at full speed. On the same day, terrorist attacks took place in New York, when the famous twin towers collapsed. You can learn more about this from the selection A new look at
9/11 terrorist attack

Let's move on to geographical location a city that is located on three rivers - the Potomac, as well as its tributaries, Rock Creek and Anacostia. Washington is famous for its many parks; one fifth of the entire city territory is occupied by all kinds of green spaces. The average air temperature here is 14-15 degrees Celsius.

Surprisingly, in the 1990s, Washington was considered one of the most dangerous cities in the United States due to the highest crime rate in the country. Since then, the crime rate in the country has almost halved, so now the city is quite safe to live in, although certain problems still remain.

The city has one of the busiest subway systems in the country, second only to the New York City Subway. On weekdays, passenger traffic here exceeds 1 million people per day.

In addition to the main airport in Washington, Dulles Airport, there are two more airports here. Reagan Airport is used for domestic flights within the United States and is famous for its metro station.

On December 1, 1800, the city of Washington became the capital of the United States of America. In honor of this significant day for the city, we decided to talk about its most significant attractions that everyone should see.

The White house

One of the most famous buildings in Washington is undoubtedly the White House. This white marble building is a symbol of the American nation. His image is printed on the twenty dollar bill. The White House was founded during the reign of the country's first president, George Washington, but on June 4, 1800, when construction was completed, the United States was already led by John Adams. He became the first inhabitant of the residence. Nowadays excursions are regularly held there. Anyone can visit the White House, but only two of the six floors are open to tourists. You can look at the “colored” rooms for official and informal receptions, at the Presidential Park and at the gardens created by the wives of the presidents. On New Year and July 4th - US Independence Day - public receptions are still held here to this day. The walls of the White House remember almost the entire history of the United States as an independent state, so visitors can learn a lot by walking through this legendary building.


Another building of national importance is the Capitol - the place where the American Congress, the main legislative body of the country, meets. The history of the construction of the Capitol was very long and difficult: at first, for a long time they could not create an architectural design suitable for such an important structure, later the authorities were faced with a lack of workers and money in the budget for construction. The laying of the foundation alone lasted three years. The first meeting of Congress took place in 1800 - at that time the Capitol was not yet fully completed. After 13 years, the process was again suspended due to the war with the British, and a year later this war destroyed the building. Only in 1827 was the building brought into a suitable condition for work. Tourists, however, are allowed to see only 2 rooms out of 540. But these excursions are free. You can also admire the external architecture of the building in which fateful decisions for the country are made, especially since the structure is truly impressive. At night, when the lights turn on, the Capitol becomes especially beautiful.

The National Museum of American History is the city's largest museum. It was opened in 1964. Locals They call it the “American attic” because many important and interesting documents of the past are stored here, such as the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and letters from former presidents. Also here you can see ancient costumes of American soldiers, the first flag of the Stars and Stripes, the world's first photocopier... Interestingly, you can take a tour of this museum online - you need to go to its website, select the topic of interest and admire the images of suitable exhibits.

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is located near the Potomac River. It consists of Concert hall, Family Theatre, Opera House, Jazz Club, Eisenhower Theater, Outdoor Theater and Theater Lab. This center hosts cultural life city, various performances and concerts, screenings of new cinema products are held here. Visiting the center is popular among both city residents and tourists.


I would like to name the oldest district of Washington, Georgetown, as a separate attraction. Georgetown University is located here, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in America. But besides this, there are a lot of beautiful old houses, boutiques, bookstores and cafes. There is no metro in the area (the authorities were afraid of destroying historical values ​​during its construction), but there are frequent buses. If you want to truly feel the spirit of an ancient American city, be sure to check out Georgetown!