Stories about the forest. Unusual incidents on a hike Scary stories on a hike

And just a comment on this story:

I once wrote to an old friend, with whom I went to the same school as a child. We hadn’t seen each other for 10 years, and when I learned that she lived not far from me, I invited her on occasion, saying, come over for tea, we live nearby, let’s sit and reminisce about our childhood. Well, he invited and invited her, like an old acquaintance, completely without any ulterior motive. And so, we sit, drink tea, talk, we talk for a long time - I look at the clock, it’s already past midnight - I understand that my friend is clearly in no hurry to go home. I start hinting from afar, saying that I have to get up for work tomorrow, but oh, how I don’t want to, and sleep, they say, there are already 5 hours left. Is sitting. It should be noted that I did not notice any hints, coquetry or other signs from her throughout the evening - an ordinary conversation between two childhood friends. Well, I think it's okay. I make myself and her in separate beds. She asked to take a shower, and although I still didn’t fully understand her intentions, taking advantage of her absence, I still put the “essential item” under the mattress, just in case.

It turns out that he immediately starts a conversation again in the style of: “Do you remember Romka? Petka-Vaska-Natasha.” Those. hints - well, zero at all. And so we go to bed, turn off the light - she rustles in the dark, undresses, lies down in her bed and with a playful intonation deliberately declares: “Only I will sleep without a top, don’t peek!” “Okay,” I say. And in order to finally dot all the i’s, I make a joke: “If it’s scary to sleep alone, come!” “And I’m already scared!” And she jumped into bed with me, half naked, all pressed against me, giggling, throwing her leg over me. Well, there’s nothing to guess about. And as soon as I begin to touch her with my hand, she suddenly jumps up and exclaims in a completely indignant tone: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!” I, of course, was taken aback by this reaction, and couldn’t say anything other than “well... uh...”. She lay back and snuggled again. I lie there and frantically think about what I’m doing wrong and what I should do next. I don’t touch, I’m silent. Think. After just a couple of minutes I hear him sniffling. I'm quietly freaking out. In the morning, as if nothing had happened, she woke up, cheerfully thanked her for the pleasant evening of memories, and went home.

After this incident, I generally shied away from girls for a long time. He completely refused to understand what was going on in their heads. Even to this day I cannot understand what happened then and what intentions motivated my friend. So don’t blame yourself - perhaps your classmate was really just scared at first, then just cold, and then just hot. Sometimes it is impossible to guess what a woman wants.

I propose to dedicate this post to such juicy stories that still haunt you.

Oleg loved hiking in the forest. Often he took a tent and went somewhere far away from the annoying bustle of the city into nature. That's what happened this time too.

Oleg had no friends - just acquaintances and work colleagues. Having taken an extraordinary day off before the weekend, he boarded the train, looking forward to a good time by the fire on the river bank.

Having reached the place, having lit a fire and set up camp, Oleg decided to explore the surroundings and at the same time collect brushwood for the fire for the night. He had never been here before. It was already getting dark, grabbing an ax, he went into the thicket.

After wandering around the forest a bit and stumbling upon a large fallen dry tree, Oleg began cutting down branches. Quickly gathering wood, he went to the camp. The young man had been walking for a good hour, but the fire was still not visible, and it seemed that he had not gone that far...

The dark veil of night began to cover the forest, but Oleg never found the way to the camp. Coming out into the clearing, he decided to stop and rest. The guy peered into the darkness, hoping to see a glow from the fire, but to no avail. Having already decided that it was worth staying here until the morning, he saw a flickering light through the dense thickets.

- Finally! – the traveler rejoiced, taking on an armful of branches, he walked briskly towards the light.

But, having reached the place, there was no sign of any fire. There was a small one standing in the clearing an old house. There was a light on in the window.

“You can’t spend the night in the forest without a fire and a tent, when you have a roof over your head,” the traveler thought and knocked on the door.

An elderly woman with a kind face opened the door for Oleg and invited him into the house. Having seated the guest at the table, she began to prepare dinner, muttering some song under her breath.

The house was not big. Modest decoration, a stove in the middle, a small table and a couple of chairs - Oleg did not find anything interesting for himself when looking around the room.

— Do you have family and friends? – the old lady suddenly asked.

- No. – the guy answered, “I live alone.”

Unexpectedly for himself, he told her that he liked to go to unfamiliar places, to go alone into the forest for several days. After these words, the woman froze for a second and continued to fuss around the stove.

“Darling, go to the cellar for some potatoes,” the old woman asked the guy.

Oleg went downstairs. It was dark and he felt his way around.

Suddenly the cellar lid slammed shut, and the guy heard the old woman click the lock. Rushing towards the exit, he began knocking and shouting to the grandmother - she did not pay attention to him, through the small cracks in the floor one could see how the hostess put out the fire and left. The house was plunged into complete darkness...

Oleg began shouting and knocking again, and suddenly felt something touch him on the shoulder. The guy turned around and froze. An old man stood in front of him. Gray eyes without pupils, worms were visible through the scraps of skin hanging on the face. He stood swaying and stretched out his bloody and decaying hands to Oleg. There was nowhere to run...

There was a terrible scream! Scarlet blood splashed through the cracks in the floor, and an ominous slurping sound was heard...

They looked for Oleg, but found only an empty, rickety tent in the forest...

The story happened to my friend many years ago when he was a student. In the summer, during the holidays, he and three of his friends decided to go hiking Western Ukraine . Moreover, it was supposed to travel some distance by train (to a certain settlement
), walk partly, and sail partly along the river on an inflatable boat. We thought it, we did it. We reached the village, stocked up on provisions, and walked through the forest to the river. They had a map with them, oh, probably not of very high quality, because they walked for a long time, evening was approaching, the rivers near which they planned to halt, on specified location
Yes, skeptics, four healthy, athletic guys drank a bottle of wine, and most of the bottle came from Genka Y. (I’ll call him that!). As you understand, there was no total intoxication. The guys sat near the fire, sang songs with a guitar, and began to go to bed. They had a two-person tent, and Genka volunteered to spend the night under open air in an inflatable boat, so that (in his words) “no one snores in your ear!” We fell asleep quickly, the physical activity during the day had an effect. Next, according to my friend, this is what happened: in the middle of the night, three friends in a tent were awakened by loud meowing. Even this was not a meow, but rather a howl. Moreover, the sound was increasing, with modulation that gave goosebumps. There was a full moon in the sky, and the shadow of a large cat was moving across the tent. The cat not only walked around the tent, but also tried to tear through the fabric with its claws. The guys clearly saw claws from inside the tent when the cat, growling and howling, tried to get inside. My friend said that the only thought of those in the tent was the thought of Genk, who was sleeping outside.
The horror they experienced (I remembered the words of the strange grandmother) made them unable to do anything. The cat howled and scratched into the tent almost until dawn, fortunately the summer nights were short. Even after everything calmed down, the guys did not immediately crawl out of the tent. And what did they see? Genka was lying on the grass, completely naked (his things were piled up next to him), and the inflatable boat was missing. When everyone woke him up, it turned out that he had heard nothing and absolutely did not understand what had happened.
The boat was found half an hour later: it was hanging high on a tree. With great difficulty we managed to remove it. That's all. There are no explanations.
R.S: Genka died of leukemia that same year.

This story happened in the city of N with my friends, who, in fact, have been hanging around dungeons for quite a long time and are very experienced in this. As is usually done, I will call them by fictitious names - Kirill and Sasha.
Please note that these dungeons are not just like that, but were dug back in tsarist times, older and more terrible than the industrial abandoned Moscow metro stations.
About underground passages We have all sorts of stories going around - true, only in the circles of such “stalkers”, but the guys talk about it with such an ordinary, everyday attitude. And they say all sorts of horrors, to be honest.
I don’t believe in everything, but I do believe, although I haven’t gone on such “travels” myself and don’t intend to, not only because it’s dangerous, but also because of my own laziness and topographical cretinism; although curiosity played a role more than once, and I was even once planning to sign up as a beginner, but it didn’t work out, alas.
I myself love to listen to the guys’ stories after their walks; they told, as I mentioned, a lot, but this story, although it did not greatly impress me, suits you very well.
They, Sasha and Kira with their friends, were preparing for their next trip through the catacombs very carefully. I never noticed anything missing from their equipment. In general, experienced guys for whom even a woodpecker like me would not become a burden.
And so, after they returned, perhaps a day later, I, who had promised to give them beer on the way, kept my word, got ready for the guys’ arrival, grabbed some chips and alcohol. Finally, he waited and called someone else from the company. But this time the guys started telling stories only when they were drunk, when they wanted to chat more.
So, departing from the preface, I will begin to describe the actions of the campaign itself.
Everything was going well, no landslides, no harmful natural gases, even boring. There were no new people, so everyone walked smoothly, but they still went to familiar places. And, surprisingly, they entered moldy, shabby places. We went back - they couldn’t find the way, they only got more lost. There were no altercations between them (after all, there were 5 people), so they began to think about what to do next. They stood still - the flashlights began to blink, as if the batteries were running low. From everyone at the same time, oddly enough, although almost everyone took batteries from different companies, at different prices, each to their own, as they say, and even took spare ones. Damn it, they thought, they started to panic little by little, they started walking back again - the flashlights started working normally. They walk and walk, they come to the same place, they stand there, the flashlights are flashing. We went in a circle from where we came. As soon as they stop, the flashlights begin to blink. So they wandered for an hour, if not more - and maybe they are exaggerating - but the fact is that they finally smelled fresh air, and not this earthly dampness. We went further, and there was a failed arch, and it failed so well that one or two times I crawled out. They were walking towards her, they were almost there, the lights started flashing, and Sanya was infuriated by this, he started shaking the flashlight in different directions, hitting it on his palm, suddenly the whole team turns to look at him, looking dumbfounded, and the flashlight is blinking and blinking.
Well, he didn’t pay attention right away - only then did he calm down when Kira besieged him. Moreover, he almost jumped when he realized that he was standing on the door, from under which his burnt hand was sticking out.
The team removed the door, and under it was the body of a girl - they say it was three or two days old, completely charred. Of course, they didn’t call the police; they themselves, one might say, illegally entered the tunnels, and the corpse remained there. The guys climbed out into a small field between different districts of the city, walked towards the road, and the flashlights blinked for another hundred meters if they were on.

Kir is not so impressionable, he said that it was a coincidence, but Sashka then dreamed about this girl for a long time, he even stopped going on hikes, went to church a couple of times, but then he started drinking, went on a spree and dropped out of his fourth year of university. I don’t know whether this is connected with that incident, but Kirill continued to walk through the dungeons - fortunately, nothing happened to him yet.

The story happened to my friend many years ago when he was a student. In the summer, during the holidays, he and three of his friends decided to go hiking in Western Ukraine. Moreover, it was supposed to travel some distance by train (to a certain settlement), walk part of it, and sail part of the river on an inflatable boat. We planned it and did it.
We reached the village, stocked up on provisions, and walked through the forest to the river. They had a map with them, oh, probably not of very high quality, because they walked for a long time, evening was approaching, the river near which they planned to stop was not at the indicated place. And suddenly, on the path along which they were walking, a grandmother appeared, warmly dressed in a precocious manner. The tired guys asked her how far it was to the river. Grandmother looked at them carefully and said: “There is no river here.” It would be better if you guys returned home. Because there's a black cat walking around here. She will eat you and drink you” (grandmother’s spelling). Deciding that the old woman had lost her mind, the guys, laughing, walked on and very soon came to the river that was on the map. Here they pitched a tent, inflated the boat, prepared dinner, and, on the occasion of the long-awaited rest, drank a bottle of Port wine.
Yes, skeptics, four healthy, athletic guys drank a bottle of wine, and most of the bottle came from Genka Y. (I’ll call him that!). As you understand, there was no total intoxication. The guys sat near the fire, sang songs with a guitar, and began to go to bed. They had a two-person tent, and Genka volunteered to spend the night in the open air in an inflatable boat, so that (in his words) “no one would snore in your ear!” We fell asleep quickly, the physical activity during the day had an effect. Next, according to my friend, this is what happened: in the middle of the night, three friends in a tent were awakened by loud meowing. Even this was not a meow, but rather a howl. Moreover, the sound was increasing, with modulation that gave goosebumps. There was a full moon in the sky, and the shadow of a large cat was moving across the tent. The cat not only walked around the tent, but also tried to tear through the fabric with its claws. The guys clearly saw claws from inside the tent when the cat, growling and howling, tried to get inside. My friend said that the only thought of those in the tent was the thought of Genk, who was sleeping outside.
The horror they experienced (I remembered the words of the strange grandmother) made them unable to do anything. The cat howled and scratched into the tent almost until dawn, fortunately the summer nights were short. Even after everything calmed down, the guys did not immediately crawl out of the tent. And what did they see? Genka was lying on the grass, completely naked (his things were piled up next to him), and the inflatable boat was missing. When everyone woke him up, it turned out that he had heard nothing and absolutely did not understand what had happened.
The boat was found half an hour later: it was hanging high on a tree. With great difficulty we managed to remove it. That's all. There are no explanations.
R.S: Genka died of leukemia that same year.