How to get from Phuket airport to Surin. Surin Beach, Phuket - another wonderful beach on the island

Of all the beaches in Phuket, we liked Surin Beach the most. I believe it best beach on the island. We lived between and, but when we rented a car, we often went to Surin. In the morning, Surin Beach is especially beautiful - quiet, bright, deserted. You feel like a movie hero Blue Lagoon.

Why Surin?

There are at least three reasons why you should choose Surin Beach for a beautiful holiday.

  1. Surin has the same snow-white sand that many people go crazy about. You can understand why. Blue sky, blue clear water and White sand in combination they give a truly heavenly picture. Bounty is resting. There’s really one “but” – there aren’t really any palm trees. But even without them, Surin is amazingly beautiful.
  2. Surin has a clear sea. The sea in Phuket is clean and transparent almost everywhere, especially in season, but in Surin it is special. The water is an incredible color – soft turquoise and lazy, light waves. The entry into the sea is gentle, it is safe to relax with children.
  3. Surin is located off the road. To get to it, you need to go down the road. There is no noise, no dust, and not many people either. Can't compare with Patong or Karon.

Where is Surin and how to get there

Surin is located between Kamala and Bang Tao beaches. If you are coming from Patong, slow down after Kamala and follow the signs. The turn to Surin will be shortly after Kamala, after descending from the hill to the left. There you drive along the road, and soon you will run into the beach. In the south, Surin Beach borders Laem Singh Beach. It's small beautiful beach. On him good view from the observation deck. You can also get to Laem Singh from Surin by sea.
To the north behind the hill is Pansea Beach. It is unlikely that you will be able to get there. Pansea is a private and very very expensive beach, it is also called the beach of millionaires. Strangers are not allowed there. But if you are a millionaire, welcome!

From Patong or Karin, a taxi ride to Surin will cost an average of 500 baht. One way! Have I already mentioned that taxis in Phuket are outrageously expensive? It is more profitable to rent a bike. Yes, it’s even cheaper to rent a car.

Entertainment in Surin

In Surin, in the residential part there are many cafes, restaurants, shops, everything is as usual. There are scooter and parachute rentals on the beach. Along the road, under the trees, there are local sellers of kebabs, juices and fruits. Prices, as elsewhere in Phuket, are no more expensive than on Karon. But you shouldn’t go to Surin for entertainment. The greatest pleasure you will get at Surin Beach is from the sea. If you take a mask and swim to the rocks to the north, you can snorkel, there are fish there.

Hotels on Surin Beach

Hotels in Surin are not cheap. This is understandable, the place is very convenient and picturesque. In addition, the beach is small, only about 1000 m. Therefore, you cannot put many hotels there, and of course their prices are above average.

Located approximately 2 km north and south of Surin Beach, respectively.

How to get to Surin Beach from Phuket Airport

* Prices are for the 2019 season. All prices are for the entire room (and not for one person per room). All prices are for the high season, from the beginning of November to the beginning of April. During the low season, from the beginning of April to the end of October, prices are noticeably lower. During the peak high season, from the 20th of December to the 10th of January, prices are significantly higher.

Photos of hotels and resorts on Surin Beach

Attractions and beaches located nearby Surin Beach

If you stay at Surin Beach, other than Patong city, the center nightlife island, and the neighboring beaches of Kamala, Bang Tao and Laem Sinh, it is also worth visiting the Phuket Fantasea amusement park, located opposite Kamala Beach, and is one of the largest entertainment centers all over Thailand.

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Phuket Fantasea Amusement Park

The Phuket Fantasea amusement park is located opposite Kamala Beach and covers an area of ​​more than 50 hectares. The park is designed for evening leisure and is open from 17-30 to 23-30.

On the territory of the park there are impressive buildings in the national style, shops, a Thai restaurant for 4000 seats, and grandiose sizes concert hall, which hosts a Las Vegas-style show every day. This show, with rich scenery, hundreds of participants, circus acts and special effects, is done at the highest level, and is not only by far the best in Phuket, but also the best in all of Thailand. Tickets for this show are sold everywhere on the island and cost from 1,500 to 2,000 baht.

Pansea Beach

Pansea Beach is located at the base of the peninsula separating Surin Beach from Surin Beach. The length of Pansea Beach is 400 meters, the distance from Patong City to Pansea Beach is approximately 13 km.

Pansea Beach, unlike most other beaches in Phuket, is private and is accessible only to guests of two very expensive resorts, The Surin Phuket Hotel and Amanpuri Hotel, located next to Pansea Beach. The cost of living in the first of them, hotel The Surin, starts from $400 per day; in the second, the Amanpuri Hotel, the cheapest rooms cost $1,000 per day, and the cost of living in luxury villas reaches up to $10,000 per day.

Laem Singh Beach

Laem Singh Beach is located exactly halfway between Kamala and Surin beaches. The length of the beach is 300 meters, the distance from Patong city to Laem Sinh beach is approximately 10 km.

Laem Singh Beach, unlike Surin Beach, has not yet been built up with hotels, and is quite different from its more famous neighbor. These two beaches are separated by only 500 m, and if you stay on Surin Beach, getting to Laem Singh Beach will not be the slightest difficulty for you. It should be noted that Laem Singh beach is one of the most popular small ones, and usually quite a lot of vacationers gather there.

Surin Beach - a beach and resort in Phuket, located almost in the very center west coast islands, 16 km from and 25 km from Phuket Town. In the north it borders with, with which it is connected only by highway; it cannot be reached by sea. Length is about a kilometer, width - 40 m.

Surin Beach on the map of Phuket

Surin has a well-developed infrastructure with hotels, restaurants, bars, large shops, massage parlors, motorbike rentals and tour desks. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to other resort towns for entertainment and shopping - everything can be found here.

Surin is sometimes called the “Beach of Millionaires”, saying that many celebrities and rich people of the planet choose these places as a vacation. In fact, they stay a little further north, in the sheltered Pansea Beach, where there are two expensive hotels - The Surin Phuket (formerly Chedi Phuket) and Amanpuri. This place is separated from Surin and cannot be reached along the coast.

How to get there from the airport

Since Surin Beach is located close to the airport, you can get there in about 30 minutes. Most likely you will have to take a taxi, since minivans usually only go to Patong, Karon and Kata. By taxi the price is negotiable, but it is unlikely to be higher than 500 baht.

Can be ordered in advance.

I’ll tell you about one of my favorite beaches in Phuket – Surin beach. I don’t know why my love for this beach is connected, because it doesn’t have the infrastructure I need, but for some reason the Surin scourge has sunk into my soul :) Perhaps because it was the first beach we visited when we arrived in Phuket after wintering in, and perhaps because it is quite sparsely populated, especially compared to the southern beaches of the island... This article contains a description, infrastructure, hotels, reviews and photos of Surin beach.

Surin Beach is one of my favorite beaches in Phuket!

Description of the beach

Surin Beach Phuket A small beach by Phuket standards in the north-west of the island. Exact location of the beach. It is located between two other popular beaches: Bang Tao Beach on the north side and on the south side. Between Surin Beach and Kamala Beach there is a small bay in which he hid (on this moment it can only be reached by sea), and between Surin and Bang Tao beach Pansea Surin Beach, where the only hotel is located (you can get to this beach only through the hotel or along the stones from the northern part of Surin Beach). On both sides of the bay there are picturesque mountains, stones and rocks.

The northern part of Surin beach, there is another beach behind the cape, which belongs to an expensive hotel

Some years ago, Surin Phuket beach was one of the comfortable places for beach and evening relaxation, there was a popular beach club called Catch beach club, and vacationers from neighboring beaches came for dinner to nice restaurants on the seashore.

Surin had everything beach infrastructure: sunbeds, umbrellas, shower, toilet. But one day the island government decided to remove tourism infrastructure from Surin Beach and make a park next to the beach dedicated to the King of Thailand. But something went wrong... the infrastructure was demolished, but the park was never organized :) Now the surroundings of the beach do not look very presentable, although many say that now the beach looks natural and natural :)

Once upon a time we were in Surin good restaurants and beach clubs, now there is none of that...

Beach, shade, sea, waves

The beach strip of Surin Beach is not very long by Phuket standards, only about 800 meters (this is not the neighboring multi-kilometer Bang Tao beach :) The beach is wide, lush vegetation grows along the sea: casuarinas, some deciduous trees, and in the southern part of the beach there is a picturesque palm grove. Due to the fact that Surin Beach is wide and faces west, there is natural shade from trees only in the first half of the day, and even then there is not much of it; most of the beach strip is under the sun.

Surin Beach is located in a bay, its length is about 800 meters
Quite long and wide Surin beach
The trees grow far from the water's edge, the beach faces west, so there is natural shade here only until lunchtime; shady areas should be occupied early in the morning :)
Palm grove in the northern part of the beach
Palm trees in the northern part of the beach

The sand is a beautiful beige color and quite fine. The water in the sea is clear, on a sunny day a very beautiful turquoise color (almost like). Entry into the sea is very comfortable: there are no stones, shells, algae or other natural debris on the surf line. The depth increases gradually, but rather spasmodically: shallow, deep, shallow again :)

Fine clean sand
The color of the water in the sea is like neighboring islands 🙂
Transparent and gentle sea

In the low season from May to October there are strong waves on Surin Beach, but in winter the sea may or may not be rough :) In January-February last year we observed complete calm on Surin Beach, but this season at the same time time on the beach there are small pleasant waves.

January 2017 - complete calm!
January 2019 - waves!

Surin Beach infrastructure

At the moment, there are no sun loungers or umbrellas on the sand on Surin Beach, unlike many other beaches in Phuket! From time to time, mattresses and areas for rent appear on the beach (200 - 300 baht per couple), beach chairs and inflatable mattresses are also rented. Merchants walk along the beach offering to buy an inflatable “sofa” lamzak.

Periodically, mattresses and umbrellas appear on the beach for rent
These folding beds are also available for rent
You can buy an inflatable “sofa” Lamzac

There are sun loungers on a hill in the southern part of Surin Beach (if you look at the sea, on the left). The cost of a sunbed is 150 baht (on most other beaches in Phuket 100 baht).

Sunbeds on a hill at the southern end of the beach

In this same part of the beach there are only two stationary cafes overlooking the sea. And on the path along the sea every morning numerous bowls with food and drinks are laid out.

Two stationary cafes in the southern part of the beach
Beach cafe with sea view

Prices in makashnitsa along Surin Beach:

  • Coconut – 50 baht – 60 baht
  • Fruit shakes – 50 baht – 80 baht
  • Pancakes – 50 baht – 60 baht
  • Dishes with rice and chicken/pork – 150 baht
  • Pad Thai – 80 baht – 120 baht
  • Beer from 60 baht
  • Glass of wine – 100 baht

Makashnitsy near Surin beach
Makashnitsy near Surin beach

On the beach in two places I saw improvised showers with fresh water. One shower in the southern part of the beach near a hill with sun loungers. “Shower” is not its exact name: in this case it’s just a barrel of fresh water, you need to shower yourself from a ladle. Another shower on the path near the makashnitsy in the northern part of the beach. Cost 20 baht. There is a toilet for 10 baht in the cafe.

Here’s a “shower” in the southern part of the beach: you need to pour fresh water on yourself from a barrel
Shower at the northern end of the beach

You can get a massage near the beach, the prices are higher than, for example, on the neighboring Kamala beach or in a normal salon in Central Festival:

  • Thai massage – 400 baht
  • Foot massage – 400 baht
  • Facial massage – 500 baht
  • Coconut oil massage – 500 baht

Massage near the beach
Cost of massage

Fun on Surin Beach

Fortunately, there are no water activities on Surin Beach :) You can’t ride a jet ski or parasail here, you can swim completely safely, knowing that no one will run over or fall on your head :)

There is also no normal snorkeling on Surin beach, although people swim near the rocks with masks - what they are watching there is a mystery to me... For good snorkeling, you need to go to other islands of Thailand, for example, or at least .

Water activities not on Sirina, but there is a horse you can ride :)

Cleanliness and crowd at Surin Beach

If we talk about the cleanliness of the beach, then in the high season (winter) the beach is quite clean and well-groomed. But in the summer, the beach is not cleared of debris that is washed ashore by the waves 🙁 In the off-season (September - October), Surin Beach also cannot boast of cleanliness.

There are more and more people on the beach every year. If previously it was mainly Europeans who vacationed in Surin, this season there are a lot of Russian-speaking families with children. In general, it’s kind of a full house in Phuket now, this wasn’t the case last year!

In recent days, numerous buses have been spotted in Surin bringing tourists to the beach!

Thais also love relaxing on Surin Beach, who come here on weekends or on weekdays in the late afternoon, lay out their rugs and eat and eat :)

There are few people on Surin beach in October, but the beach is not very clean at this time...
That's how many people are at sea in Surin in January!

Infrastructure of the Surin Phuket region

Along the beach strip of Surin Beach there is a small, not very well-groomed path, on one side of which there are shops, and on the other, bikes are parked. You can park your car either in the center at the entrance to this path or on the right in the large field.

The path along the sea in Surin is filled with mucks and bikes
Path along the sea

The main road runs 200 meters from the beach. There are 24-hour 7 Helen and Family stores, cafes, massage parlors, and hotels. There is a Tesco Express store 600 meters from the sea, along the road they sell fruit and other small items. The nearest Super Chip store is 2 km from the beach.

A large Tesco supermarket is located about 3 km from Surin Beach in Bang Tao, where there is also an evening market. Villa Market is approximately 5 km away.

ATMs of different banks on the way to the beach
7 Helens and Family shops 200 m from the beach
Road 200 m from the beach

Surin Beach Hotels

Speaking about hotels on Surin Beach, it should be noted that on the very seashore (on the first line) there are no hotels. Basically, all the hotels are located on the road, which runs 200 meters from the beach, and to get to the beach you have to walk along not very well-maintained paths.

Excellent hotel for families with children, 200 m from the beach

BUT: in the southern part of the beach on a hill there is a hotel with a luxurious panoramic pool and rooms with sea views. There are stairs leading to the beach. We can say that this is a hotel on Surin beach on the first line :)

Photo from

And beyond the cape in the north there is a luxurious hotel with its own private beach in Pansy Bay.

Photo from

Other hotels on Surin Beach are located on the second line from the sea:

Villas in Surin:

  • Villa Malisa
  • Azara Villa
  • Surin Heights Villa

Apartment/Condo at Surin Beach

All Surin Beach hotels on:

Special offers on Phuket hotels

Surin Beach reviews

Usually, when I write my reviews about beaches, I consider both the beach strip and the area nearby (for example, my favorite - I like both the beach itself and the area with all the infrastructure next to it :)). In the case of Surin Beach, I want to divide my review and highlight Surin Beach itself and the surrounding area.

We really like Surin Beach for its relative uncrowding, clean sand, beautiful color of the sea, and pleasant water.

But the Surin beach area didn’t really impress me... it feels kind of neglected and unkempt :)

Surin Beach is perfect for a quiet have a relaxing holiday, family vacation and for holidays with children. Party-goers will be bored here, although there are several beach clubs very close, for example Catch beach club in Bang Tao and Café Del Mar on Kamala.

Surin beach photo

South part Surin Beach
Long beach strip, excellent entry into the sea
Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of annoying merchants on the beach
Good entry into the water without stones and debris, in the low season there are waves on the beach
There are large stones in the water in the center of the beach; you need to swim to the right or left of them
In the off-season the beach is almost empty
The sea here is quite deep, so the ebb and flow of the tides are not particularly noticeable, i.e. You can swim comfortably even during low tides

From the airport to Surin Beach you can get by:

  • Taxi by meter
  • Pre-paid taxi for 700 baht
  • By taxi with Russian-speaking drivers. You can order through the Tune application: just install the application on your phone, enter the code 1TRZAT, choose where and from where to go, you can order a taxi in advance for a specific date and time
  • On a pre-booked transfer. Book a transfer from the airport >>
  • By bus with a transfer: take the yellow bus that goes from the airport to Phuket Town to the circle with the monument to the heroines, and then catch a bus that goes from Phuket Town to Kamala via Surin. The journey is long, it’s better to take a taxi!
  • By rented car.

From other Phuket beaches you can get to Surin Beach by:

  • bike
  • car
  • Taxi
  • walk from the southern part of Bang Tao beach
  • by direct bus from Bang Tao or Kamala
  • by bus from other beaches with transfers in Phuket Town (very long!)

Taxi rates from Surin Beach

Surin Beach is often called “a paradise for millionaires”, since this resort has a very high density of luxury hotels, as well as vacationers who prefer to stay in luxury apartments.

The town of Surin is extremely calm, quiet, with a measured, unhurried life, very reminiscent of a small village, and not an expensive resort area.

Surin Beach has crystal clear white sand, clear turquoise water off the coast, and a fairly high level of infrastructure. On Surin Beach during the low period tourist season strong waves and noticeable surf are considered a frequent occurrence, which significantly interferes with a comfortable beach holiday and swimming.

Where is it located and how to get there?

Surin Beach is located on a popular resort island entitled . It occupies a place on its western coast, just 20 minutes drive from the famous

To be more precise, Surin Beach is “sandwiched” between the beach and.

Getting to the beach area and the resort town of Surin from Phuket Island Airport will not be difficult; it is only important to decide on the type of transport you will use.

The distance from Phuket Airport to Surin Beach is approximately 20 kilometers. You can overcome it either by taxi or by using public transport or a rented car or bike. A taxi ride will be the fastest way to travel and will take you about half an hour, while a ride on a public minibus can take 1 - 1.5 hours, since it takes vacationers to hotels and it is not known what your bill will be. Moreover, the cost of one trip by minibus is 4 - 5 times lower than the services of a local taxi.

Buy a taxi ticket or public bus You can do it right in the airport building at the corresponding information desk.

It is worth renting a bike or scooter on the island of Phuket only if you are familiar with riding this type of transport not only in practice, but also are very masterful in the art of driving it.

Departure from the hotel to the airport must be booked in advance, approximately one day before the expected date of departure from the holiday.

Surin Beach

Surin Beach does not have the status of the longest beach on the island of Phuket, because it is only about a kilometer long, although it is quite large in width. On the south side, the beach borders a small coastal area called Laem Singh, and beyond it there is already more famous beach Kamala. Despite the fact that the distance from Surin to its neighbor is less than half a kilometer, and they are separated by a small hill, they still differ radically: Laem Singh does not have hotels, there is almost no infrastructure, as well as shops and restaurants for tourists. From the dividing hill there are very beautiful views on the sea and the surrounding area, and there are also several luxury hotels.

On the north side, Surin Beach is also separated from the neighboring small beach called Pansea by a small hillock. This neighbor has an exclusively private beach area, which in principle is not encouraged on the island of Phuket, since the Thais believe that beaches should be public and open. But some “craftsmen” still learned to circumvent local laws without violating them in any way. This is how Pansea appeared, which in the recent past was still part of Surin. Only guests of the two most luxurious resorts located nearby can get to Pansea. It is almost impossible to get to this beach area from the outside, except by sailing by sea. Further, even further north, is the more famous and open beach Bang Tao. You can even walk here in about half an hour.

On the opposite side of the beach there are a variety of bars, restaurants, hotels and clubs. A little to the north, along the road from Surin to Bang Tao there are various shops and boutiques designed for wealthy citizens who can afford to relax in these places and not count the money they spend.

During the high season, the beach area itself is densely packed with sun loungers, which significantly reduces the space on the coast. The ebb and flow of the tides here do not cause any inconvenience to vacationers, as is the case in Bang Tao, where the water can go far from the main coastline.

The sand here is clean, fine, light yellow in color. The entrance to the sea is gentle at low tide, calm, sandy, without silt, shells and stones.

During the rainy season, around April, there are high waves and strong winds.

During the hot season there are a lot of people in Surin, mostly vacationers from Europe, but Russians are also present in sufficient numbers. Cleaners constantly walk along the shore, preventing the beach from becoming dirty and losing its “face.”

During the low season, there are noticeably fewer sun loungers on the beach, and there are also few vacationers, so some establishments close.

Entertainment and infrastructure on the beach

On the island of Phuket, vacationers are offered the same entertainment almost everywhere, with some exceptions or additions. Surin Beach can offer tourists a wide range of entertainment programs, entertainment venues, etc.

Surin Beach has a sufficient number of jet skis, skis, bananas and tablets. But, all this is available for rent only during the high season. During the rainy season, you can rent a surfboard, because the time of waves and extreme entertainment begins.

Located near the beach a large number of There are a variety of establishments: bars, clubs, restaurants, etc., so no one has problems with evening entertainment and food. If you are a budget tourist who, for some unknown reason, decided to stay on this rather expensive beach, then you can eat in mokoshniki or from merchants scurrying along the beach.

There are no problems with renting sun loungers in Surin, as there are a lot of them, especially during the high season. For two sun loungers, a table and a beach umbrella you will pay about 200 baht, which is no more than in other beach areas of Phuket.

If you wish, you can visit the neighboring beaches or go to one of the many excursion programs on the island of Phuket and beyond. The tour can be purchased from one of the local excursion companies.

Surin Hotels

As previously reported, Surin Beach is an expensive beach on the island of Phuket, so there are very few budget hotels here and you should book a place in one of them in advance.

Approximately three-quarters of all resorts available here keep the price of accommodation at around 100 US dollars per night. There are also those where a room per night will cost 300, or even 500 dollars. There is nothing surprising here, since Surin Beach was initially considered a vacation spot for wealthy tourists, so everything here is aimed at satisfying their needs and getting as much money as possible from millionaires.

If you want to become the “chosen one” and see the territory of the closed Pansea beach, then you should stay in one of the hotels with access to this beach area: The Surin Phuket or Amanpuri. If the first one can still be accessible to the average citizen (if the cost of a room of 400 dollars per day does not bother him), then the second one will seem like an unattainable dream for 99% of vacationers on the island of Phuket, since the price of accommodation here is simply exorbitant by all standards and can reach 10 $1,000 per day for a suite with a minimum price of $1,000 for the most basic room.


Of course, going to the beach of Phuket Island for the purpose of shopping is not only ridiculous, but also impossible, since people come here for new impressions, relaxation Cote d'Azur and complete relaxation. But, no matter where we go and no matter what goals we pursue, buying souvenirs, local interesting food products and national jewelry is a sacred matter.

In Surin, you can buy souvenirs without even leaving the beach, as traders of various small items scurry here and there. But be careful, as the prices here are much higher than those offered in roller shutters 50 meters from the sandy area.

If you want to go shopping and make some serious purchases, then go north, towards Bang Tao Beach, to markets such as Plaza, Ginger, Pimol Minimart, etc., where you can buy not only souvenirs , but also high-quality shoes and clothes.

The Lemongrass chain of stores on the island of Phuket offers vacationers high-quality Thai cosmetics based on natural ingredients.