How to get to the mountain small jinal. Tourist routes from Kislovodsk

Mount Upper Jinal is a place that is recommended to visit for everyone who comes to. Its height is 1541 m. And the distance to the city itself is 14 km. Nearby, 8 km away, is the village of Kichmalka (Kichibalyk), which received its name from the river of the same name. You can often hear the question: what language does the name come from? This is the Karachay-Balkarian language, translated from it kichi - “small”, balyk - “sturgeon”. It also offers a beautiful view of the Northern Elbrus region.

What can you see at the top?

  • At the very top is a meteorological station.
  • Ahead there will be a large plateau with hills, ravines and the valley of the Kichmalka River.
  • Behind the river is the Anar-Syrt ridge.
  • On the north side of Elbrus is the gorge of the Malka River.
  • Not far from it is the Kinzhal plateau and the top of Mount Naushidze with rocks.
  • On the north side there is a group of mountains-laccoliths.
  • Elbrus, its chains of peaks and spurs will be seen on the horizon.
  • In clear weather, you can see Kazbek in the distance.

Such a panorama leaves no one indifferent. Many people take excellent photos here to keep the impressions for a lifetime. In terms of the width of the view, the peak can only compete with Bermamyt. The Dzhinal Range includes a huge number of caves. They can also be seen on the slopes of the summit, covered with subalpine steppe vegetation. Cuestas are composed of sandstones and limestones from the Cretaceous period.

Some tourists, having settled in, are trying to find out how to get to the sights. Leads here a tourist route, which starts in the city itself. It runs through the park, Kurzelenstroy and a country road. Next, you need to go along the Dzhinalsky ridge. The area is hilly and leads to the village of Kamennomostskoye in the east. You can return through the country road, which follows in Essentuki.

Tourist routes from Kislovodsk

Mount Jinal

The path to Mount Dzhinal goes through the park towards Pervomaiskaya glade, at which you get out onto an asphalt road and go until it ends at the border of the park. Next is the dirt road. It leads through hilly terrain along the Jinal Range. On the way, on the backyard of Kurzelenstroy, it is recommended to stock up on water, since the area is waterless up to Dzhinal. Approximately halfway, Dzhinal is visible, which looks like Kaban-mountain, located northeast of Kislovodsk in the Dzhinal Range system. The height of Jinal is 1542 meters above sea level.

Climbing Mount Jinal starts from the fork in the road to the left, which is clearly visible from afar. The road leading along the ridge connects Kislovodsk with the village of Kamennomostsky, located at the confluence of Malka and Kich-Malka. On Mount Jinal, there is a building of the former meteorological station, where tourists usually spend the night.

From the heights of Jinal, there is an amazing view to the south. Far below, in the foreground, there is a hilly plateau, cut by the gorges of the Kich-Malka River and the deep ravines of its tributaries: Tara-Kol, Sullu-Kol, Ullu-Kol, etc. Behind Kich-Malka, from west to east, a low, with soft outlines Anar-syrt ridge. Behind him, from Elbrus to the north, a deep gorge of the Malka River stretches. To the left are the steep cliffs of the high Kinzhal plateau, and even to the left is the rocky peak of Naushidze. In the background - Elbrus, its spurs and a chain of snow-capped peaks of the Main Caucasian Range. But in all its glory, Elbrus can only be seen in the morning, in the early hours, when the first rays rising sun will play on its eternal snows, subtly changing shades from pale pink to silvery white.

In the north, among the hilly plains, a group of laccolith mountains rises: in the foreground Dzhutsa and Yutsa, in the back Beshtau, Mashuk and others.

The panorama from Jinal Mountain leaves a great impression. In terms of species, it is not much inferior to Bermamyt - the best panoramic point in the distant environs of Kislovodsk. And in terms of breadth of outlook, it even surpasses him. On a clear morning, you can see Kazbek from Dzhinal. The border between the Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic passes through Mount Dzhinal.

It is better to return to Kislovodsk along the Dzhinalsky ridge. This path is much more interesting in terms of species, especially if the weather is clear and fine. From the building of the former meteorological station, take the direction to the triangulation tower, visible in the distance in the north-west, on one of the heights of the Dzhinalsky Range, and go to it along the mountain meadows. From this landmark continue further way to Mount Big Saddle, from which a good path already begins, leading through the Red Sun to the city.


The path to Mount Dzhinal leads through the park, the backyard of Kurzelenstroy and further along the country road.

About halfway through, Jinal is already visible, which is highest point ridge of the same name (1541 m). At the top of the mountain there is a meteorological station.

From the heights of Jinal, a wonderful view to the south opens up. Far below, in the foreground, there is a huge hilly plateau, cut by a deep valley of the Kich-Malki river and gullies. Behind Kich-Malka, from west to east, a low, soft-shaped ridge of Anar-Syrt stretches. Behind him, to the north of Elbrus, the deep gorge of the Malka River turns blue. To the left are the steep cliffs of the high Kinzhal plateau, and even to the left - the rocky peak of Naushidze. In the background - Elbrus, its spurs and a chain of snow-capped peaks of the Main Caucasian Range.

In the north, among the hilly plains, a group of gorlaccoliths rises: in the foreground, Dzhutsa, Yutsa, in the background - Beshtau, Mashuk and other rocky and domed peaks of Pyatigorye.

The panorama opening from Jinal leaves a great impression. In terms of species, it is not much inferior to Bermamyt - the best panoramic point in the distant environs of Kislovodsk. And even surpasses it in the breadth of view. On clear days in the morning you can see Kazbek from Jinal.

The border between the Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic passes through Mount Dzhinal.

Climbing Jinal can be started along a country road or, to shorten the path, along the slopes of subalpine meadows. The road is visible from afar. It branches off to the left from the road leading along the Dzhinalsky Range to the large Kabardian village of Kamennomostsky.

You can return in another way - along a country road leading to Essentuki. The distance from Kislovodsk to Dzhinal is 18 kilometers.