How not to make a mistake when choosing a hotel, or what booking services are silent about. How not to make a mistake when choosing a hotel, or what booking services are silent about Punishment for misleading buyers

How not to make a mistake when choosing a life partner - succumbing to feelings that “blow your head away”?

We invited Alexey Travnikov, an experienced consultant on family issues, to talk about love, falling in love and various physical manifestations of sympathy between a man and a woman. And what he told the LIFE Club gives reason to believe in love - at first sight, and at the second, and at the third...

The presenters of “Club LIFE” went out into the street to ask the people of Kiev what is the difference between love and falling in love. And this is what passers-by told them in response:

“Probably, love differs from falling in love in that love stands the test of time, and falling in love is fleeting.”

“Falling in love is when a person is under such a, so to speak, “high.”

“Being in love is a “fleeting vision,” but love is based on something.”

“Love must last a lifetime.”

“Being in love is when you only want to take for yourself, receive emotions, and love is when you want to give.”

“Falling in love is sympathy, anyone can cause it. And love is a stronger feeling that carries through the years. Mutual understanding, faith, hope, love.”

“Love is eternal, but falling in love lasts for a couple of months.”

“When you are in love and you see some kind of flaw, it can irritate you, but when you love a person, then everything he does is perfect.”

“Love is a decision, falling in love is just a feeling.”

“Love comes over time, but falling in love can happen right away.”

“Falling in love is a flash of emotions, feelings that cannot be stopped within oneself. And love is the solution. The decision to serve another person, to do something for him, to make some sacrifices - sometimes even despite the negative emotions that arise. I think that's the biggest difference."

My wife and I had love at first sight. At least from my side. We met during the entrance process to the university; we were only 16-something years old. I had to conquer her. At first there was love between us, but over time we realized that this is exactly what we can call love.

I wouldn't say that falling in love is bad. Falling in love usually precedes love. And it seems to me that without falling in love there is no love!

To be sure that this is love, you need to at least spend a lot of time together. How much exactly is impossible to say for sure. It's different for everyone. But all couples always have a clear criterion that allows them to check their feelings - this is time.

It is also important what we value in a relationship with this person - this will help distinguish falling in love from love. Let's say, if you are interested in how this person lives, what is important to her (or him), then most likely it is love. But if the feelings as a whole are not focused on the other person, then most likely they will pass.

The first thing we talked about was time factor. You need to spend time together to get to know the other person. And the second point - is there a relationship? moment of sacrifice. It seems to me that sacrifice is precisely what helps us understand and distinguish temporary feelings from something deeper.

I'd say there's more moment of friendship. Are we interested in spending time together, doing some things that will help keep our relationship more refined in the future?

To understand whether this relationship is worth continuing, you first need to look at whether there is respect for the other person's personal boundaries. If this is not the case, this is the first “bell”.

Secondly, what is the person you want to build a relationship with focused on - yourself or you, the other person?

Falling in love, after all, focuses on one’s own experiences - “what I feel at the moment when I am next to this person.” We focus more on ourselves than on the interests and experiences of another person.

The desire for intimacy is also selfish in nature, especially at the very beginning of building a relationship. If the physical desire for intimacy overshadows all others, then, most likely, we need to talk about falling in love, and not about love. Because one of the important factors is ability to wait.

A willingness to wait for a special moment may be the indicator that lets me know that this person fully values ​​my personality and is less focused on their own experiences of physical longing.

We must constantly remember that the closer we become to each other, the faster any physical contact occurs, the more we declare to the people around us and to this person that you have some special rights to him. We also communicate our confidence that this person also desires this intimacy.

And, if I am ready for this rapprochement, then do I understand what actions will follow touching, hugging and kissing? These are the kinds of things you have to be careful with.

Once physical pleasure appears in a relationship, all other cognitive processes fade into the background because they are not as emotionally charged as kissing or sexual relations. Therefore, I am a supporter of delaying this moment and first getting to know each other better, and only over time adding physical manifestations of attraction to each other into the relationship.

Jealousy most likely begins because you do not have absolute trust in this person. This is another step to try to get to know him better, to become closer in terms of understanding each other. And I still believe that people who love each other, and are not just in love, may not be jealous.

I think true love is impossible without willingness to give. Love is the ability to sacrifice something for the sake of another person. I think this is the most important thing.

Be willing to make sacrifices for the people you love, who are valuable and mean the world to you!



It is possible to buy a used car that is in excellent condition, but it can be difficult even for a specialist. A Versiya columnist tried to find out how to avoid purchasing junk, stumbling on the legal front and not facing the prospect of unprofitable repairs.

“It took a month to find a BMW fifth series produced in 1993 without unnecessary options, but in excellent technical condition,” says car enthusiast Sergei. - I searched on the Internet. I was counting on $7 thousand. The first three cars were not even suitable for spare parts. The fourth one was bought before I got to the metro. After three weeks, my hands began to give up. Each seller promised “excellent technical condition” over the phone, and defects were revealed only during inspection. A month later I got the first one a good option, and I immediately made a purchase. After registration, I found out that after a frontal impact, the left side member would be shortened by one and a half degrees, that is, the rubber on the left front wheel would wear out a little faster than normal. But overall I was lucky - the car is good.”

Two good cars out of 30 inspected is a pretty good result. During special research on the automobile markets of the Moscow region, the following statistics were obtained. After a meticulous visual inspection and test drive, specialists selected 60 cars. Of these, after diagnostics using special equipment, only 10 were recommended for purchase.

The market is the worst place to buy a car

The easiest way to avoid this problem is to buy new car or having come to terms with the metro, but the first is not accessible to everyone, and the second sometimes destroys the personality. Used cars are used as an alternative by people all over the world. In America, the most motorized country, just over 70% of all cars are purchased used. Let's take a look at domestic transport resources, which have seen their fair share of appearances. These are markets, newspapers, Internet portals, car dealerships, trade-in cars and advertisements on car windows.

The worst place to buy a car is the market.

"Behind Lately, - says Andrey Lemigov, director of the DEX car club, which provides specialized assistance when buying a used car, - we came to the markets with clients several times and were convinced: there are not just few good cars there - there are none at all.

Even if a car in a shopping mall has a shiny hood and smells nice, buying it is still risky. It is important for the distiller to ensure the maximum delta, that is, buy cheaper there and sell more expensive here. To do this, he acts according to a number of proven schemes. For example, cars are often bought from German taxi drivers. Over the course of three years of operation, a BMW or Mercedes in the hands of a professional driver will cover approximately half a million kilometers. It turns out that the year of manufacture is fresh, the appearance is wonderful, nothing is broken, but the resource of all systems has been exhausted. The driver fixes the car's speedometer, makes new documents (this business is exclusively established at the border), drives it and sells it. Well, the buyer gets a car in fifteen-year-old condition for the price of a three-year-old one.

Another way is “drowned people”. After a series of floods in Europe, many cars were flooded. They are bought up cheaply, redecorated and brought back to us, to Russia. The water stayed in the systems of these cars for quite a long time, so it is impossible to predict when and what will fail in them.

On this topic

Everyone already knows very well about importing cars from Lithuania, where there is a whole industry for the professional restoration of “shifters”. Even an expert cannot distinguish a well-restored car by eye, but the difference in quality will quickly make itself felt during operation. In general, there is no need to go to the market - they will definitely deceive you there.

What's left? Custom distillers; car dealerships and car services; newspapers and the Internet.

As practice shows, car dealers deliver cars to order that are even worse than those for open sale. Because it is difficult to sell a bad car, and if the customer has already made an advance payment, then it is not easy for him to refuse the purchase. As Andrey Lemigov said, cases of the return of an advance payment usually occur after a professional examination of the delivered car, but this is a troublesome, scandalous matter and does not often end in success.

At the same time, there are rare distillers who work conscientiously. People pass their phones on to each other as a special value. It should be noted that purchased in Germany in good condition vehicle and honestly cleared through customs here will cost more than the average market price.

Finally, large car dealerships and car service centers (not to be confused with car parks and showrooms selling Zhiguli cars) take cars on commission and sell used cars left by clients as new ones (trade-in system). A used car offered by a car dealership will be technically sound and adequately equipped. It will be legally clear: the showrooms contact the manufacturer and find out whether a car of this brand and with this configuration was produced in the corresponding year. The downside is that the price of a car offered by a car dealership will be 20 percent higher than the market price, and the choice is small. If this is not a barrier for you - better scheme you can't imagine.

The sellers are usually ahead of the buyers

The best way is newspapers and the Internet. The latter requires the buyer to have some knowledge and considerable diligence - the search can take a long time. The website is especially good. It contains the maximum database. The choice is made first by brand, then by model, then by engine size. Only after this you enter directly into the list of offers. The list is sorted by price. Cars with a photo are marked with a camera icon. Having chosen the year of manufacture, mileage and price that suits you, you enter the car’s page and read the details. The site is also good because each model comes with a professional description and several magazine articles from different years - this is if you have not yet decided which car you want to buy.

Next you need to act like this. First, study the entire range of offers for the model you need. For example, the same BMW fifth series produced in 1993 can cost from $5.5 to $12 thousand, depending on the engine, options, technical condition, car maintenance and the ambitions of the seller. Next, you will quickly discover that the most interesting proposals have already been implemented. There is a whole mafia of profiteers working in Moscow - people who outbid good cars at a price below the market price and resell them after cosmetic repairs. To achieve the optimal price-quality ratio when buying a used car, you will have to compete with the welders in speed. That is, go to the site early in the morning and track new arrivals. Decent car (confirmed, in particular, by my personal experience) sells within two to three hours. The same applies to the newspaper “From Hand to Hand”. It must also be bought early in the morning. So, let’s say you logged onto the site the next morning, saw a new arrival, you were interested in it, you called the seller and went to look. Most likely, welders will come with you. If the car is really good, they will try to beat the price. Be prepared to add a little money (5-7% of the cost) as a last resort. It makes no sense for the welders to raise higher - they need to earn money. I myself witnessed such trades. My friend was selling a Mercedes C-Class car. His wife drove it and scratched the entire body. Inside, the car was new, especially since it was serviced at the dealership. An acquaintance, a wealthy man, so as not to bother, set the price a couple of thousand below the market price. The next morning, six customers came to him at once. It turned out to be an auction. As a result, the price rose by $800 from the starting price.

On this topic

Polling stations that will be created outside of Moscow before the mayoral elections will operate as branches of the MFC until voting day. Summer residents will be able to get advice on issues that interest them and submit applications to vote at their place of residence.

The number of options must be treated with caution

All boys and many adults are crazy about sports cars. Fraudsters skillfully take advantage of this. A proven method is to install a leather sports interior from the Recaro company in your car, a leather sports steering wheel from the same company, tint the windows and you're done - a broken sod van is sold instantly for quite a lot. average price. Don't fall for this hook. You can do without sports leather seats or buy them yourself, but a worn-out engine, a rusting body and a broken suspension will force you to tighten the belt for a long time.

It is best to generally buy a car in the basic configuration plus heated seats and, if you consider it necessary, air conditioning. Sports cars are bought for more or less extreme driving, so their service life is exhausted faster. The cars in the basic configuration are used by ladies and balanced managers who undergo maintenance on time, pay for the repairs they are told to do, and fill in the most expensive oil.

The ideal option is when the ad says: “the car was serviced by such and such a branded service center,” and the service center can confirm this. True, the price for such a car will definitely be above average.

How to check a car before buying

A visual inspection usually starts with the body, because this part is the most expensive to repair. Today in Moscow, non-dealer services charge from 75 to 110 thousand rubles for disassembled painting (that is, complete restoration of the body), and even more at dealerships. Within a radius of 50 kilometers from Moscow, proper repainting will cost 45-50 thousand rubles, and in garages - no less than 35 thousand with materials. Agree, it's expensive. To avoid painting, you need to carefully inspect the car for “spiders” - small swellings of paint under which rust nests. First of all, “spiders” appear on the lower inner surface of the doors. If they appear, in a year or two you will have to shell out money for painting. And don’t believe the seller who claims that any eight to ten year old car has spiders - not just any one.

Next you need to consider whether there are smooth irregularities on the roof, doors and hood. Do the relief elements of adjacent body parts fit together? Are the gaps between body elements uniform? If something is wrong, the car was in a major accident and it is better not to take it.

Next, the car needs to be put on a lift to inspect the dents and rust underneath. At the same time, you need to look from below to see if there are any drips anywhere. Streaks inside the wheel rims indicate a malfunction of the brake mechanisms - calipers. Drips on the struts indicate a faulty shock absorber. Drips on the engine indicate that either oil or antifreeze is leaking. The power steering is leaking red oil. Gasoline is leaking at the gas tank. You can pay a service person 100 rubles to move the levers and steering ends of the front suspension with his hands - there should be no play (microscopic runout) anywhere. Now the suspended car can be started - the exhaust tract should work quietly and not ring. There should be no knocking or crunching noises in the engine's operation when you listen from below. When listening from above - clicking and unevenness.

Now get into the car and, slowly, check all electronic systems: wipers and glass washers; low and high beam; reversing lights; brake lights; fog lights; different speeds of the interior air blower; interior heating; central locking; air conditioning and music. Repairing each of these little things can cost several times more than the most fashionable jeans. Repairs to the heater and electric sunroof are especially expensive, so check everything.

The car should start and start easily, as if it wants to move more than you. During a start, even a sharp one, there should be no small twitches. The car must clearly, without delay, obey the steering wheel. And when the steering wheel is released, move strictly straight. When driving on an asphalt track, it should not move to the side. Try to let go of the steering wheel and slow down - the car should not pull to the side again. It must brake clearly and equally on all wheels. Specifically choose a path over small uneven surfaces - if trembling is heard in the body, the rubber bushings of the levers - silent blocks - are most likely worn out.

On this topic

The head of the sales department of the large German automobile company Porsche, Detlev von Platen, said that the company does not intend to curtail the production of diesel cars. On the contrary, a Porsche Cayenne with a diesel engine will be released at the end of the year.

Let's assume you are satisfied with the visual inspection and test drive. Now invite the seller to go for diagnostics. If he refuses, it means he understands that the diagnosis will not be in his favor - leave. If he offers his own version of a diagnostic center, do not agree under any circumstances. It is correct to go to a specialized service, but not a dealership, with which you agreed in advance. Services that provide pre-purchase diagnostics must have a number of electronic devices available. More precisely, a device that determines the thickness of the putty, and a fiber-optic device for inspecting the walls of combustion chambers. With the help of the first specialist, they will determine whether the body has been in an accident and how well it was restored, and with the help of the second, they will calculate the engine life.

Under no circumstances agree to computer diagnostics of the engine - it will show anything but the real degree of wear. It is necessary to climb into each cylinder with a camera to determine whether there are nadir on the walls, and measure the pressure in each cylinder to determine the degree and uniformity of wear.

It is impossible to seriously diagnose a diesel engine and automatic transmission for wear for a number of reasons. You'll have to be content with the impressions from the test drive.

The entire scope of diagnostic work, for example, in the DEX service costs $80. And also, when they tell you about the condition of the car after the examination, try to stay with the service manager one-on-one so that the seller does not embarrass the specialist with his presence. In addition, there have been cases when the seller, having learned that his car was in perfect condition, raised the selling price.

What to do to avoid legal nuances

You can purchase a “clean” used car with a guarantee only in two cases: if the previous owner used it in Moscow enough long term, say a year, or when purchasing at a car dealership (trade-in). In other cases, when the seller has a recently issued power of attorney in his hands, there is a risk of problems.

For example, in Moscow, 50 cars are stolen every day, according to official statistics. According to the unofficial version - twice as much. They repaint it, change the numbers and sell it.

It is dangerous to buy cars that have passed customs from the Lithuanian side: there are many frauds there.

Finally, a car can be stolen in Germany, transported, cleared at customs and sold here before information about the theft passes through Interpol.

One way out is to buy from people whom someone has recommended to you. But this is not a guarantee either. Usually, buyers contact the traffic police and try to interest an officer (preferably with a higher rank) to run the car through their databases. This service can cost $50.

Which car to choose

The question is subjective, so we limit ourselves to certain arguments, but not specific advice. First of all, German cars have proven themselves on our roads as the most reliable and durable. They may be more expensive than others when purchased, but they are cheaper in terms of maintenance costs - spare parts plus repairs.

French, Italian and Korean cars on our roads behave poorly, often break down, rot quickly and are not cheap to maintain. For example, there are absolutely no Korean cars on the roads of Europe. The European market closed to them precisely because of poor quality. Accordingly, the entire flow of products was redirected to us.

Japanese cars are between German and Korean in terms of reliability. Their disadvantage is expensive spare parts. Some components and assemblies for Nissan are 10 times more expensive than for BMW.

“Saab” and “Volvo” are not bad cars, but spare parts for them and repairs are too expensive, so they are not popular in our market.

As for age and mileage, DEX director Andrey Lemigov provided us with a diagram of mileage and age limits for various cars.

Mercedes, BMW 15-18 years 300-350 thousand km

"Audi", VW 15 years 200-250 thousand km

"Opel" (A) 10 years 150-200 thousand km

(B) 15 years 200 thousand km

Toyota 15 years 200-250 thousand km

"Nissan" 8 years 150-200 thousand km

Mitsubishi 8 years 200 thousand km

Korean cars 5 years 120-150 thousand km

"Ford" 5-7 years 120-150 thousand km

"Skoda-Felicia" 5-7 years 120-150 thousand km

Another subtlety: you should not buy used exclusive models. Spare parts for them can cost several times more and can only be purchased to order, meaning each one will have to wait two weeks. A simple example: “BMW” nicknamed “bullet” is a third series car with a 2.5 liter engine, in the back of a sports coupe (36), that is, with two doors. It is far from the most exclusive on the market, but it still has the original hood, fenders, doors, all glass, interior parts and suspension. All these original spare parts are three times more expensive than for any other BMW third series of the corresponding year of manufacture.

The other side of the same coin is used parts. In Moscow, the business of dismantling damaged cars into parts is widely developed. The more popular the car, the more specialized showdowns there are, the fiercer the competition between them, and the easier and cheaper it is to purchase the required unit.

The most popular cars in Moscow, according to the website, are Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes, BMW and Toyota.

It is also important to decide why you need a car. There are no universal machines. If you want to be able to drive off-road, you need a jeep. If you want to accelerate easily and drive quickly, you need to choose an engine size of more than two liters, which will negatively affect the cost of compulsory motor insurance and fuel consumption. If you want to save on gasoline, buy a small car, but its engine capacity is extremely small. In addition, the same manufacturers produce small cars of much worse quality than large ones.

How much money to spend

Experience shows that you can buy a good used foreign car for no less than $7-8 thousand. It can be cheaper too. But then you should immediately close your eyes to the presence of some defects or prepare for a marathon. The defect may be moderate, for example right-hand drive. A right-hand drive car is a couple of thousand cheaper.

In general, you can buy a good car for less than this price only if the seller is rich and you know him, so he is ready to give up a couple of thousand and avoid the hassle of selling. In all other cases, the money saved during the purchase will be doubled during the repair. Therefore, it is better to find them right away, at least take out a loan. Good luck buying a used car.

Pavel Orlov

There are quite a lot of nuances of booking - from the location and level of the hotel to the price category. But not everyone has time to study the characteristics and ratings on different sites, and then look for the most profitable options. Determine your preferences and choose Best offer RoomGuru will help. This is not a booking system, but a metasearch engine, similar in functionality to But if the latter is preferable for searching for tickets, then RoomGuru specializes specifically in hotels.

That is, the site is connected to their databases or to several booking systems (for example,,,,, and processes offers from different resources in a matter of seconds. It turns out that in one click you can find out the cost of a room on many online sites simultaneously and choose the most profitable option for yourself. The principle of operation of the site is quite simple: you need to select a place and dates, study the offers received and go to the selected booking site. What should you pay attention to when choosing a hotel and how does RoomGuru help with this?

Vacation plans

First, you need to decide on the type of vacation: will it be a family vacation with children, a secluded weekend on the beach or a busy city trip? The category and type of hotel will be different in each situation. The advantage of RoomGuru is that, along with the reviews on the site, those guests who most often choose a particular hotel are indicated. This way, single people can avoid an uncomfortable stay among couples in love, and those who like silence can avoid a noisy atmosphere of children's fun.

Criteria and priorities

Expectations from the hotel will depend on the type of vacation. If the main preferences are beach holiday and relaxation, then it is better to choose a hotel with a wide range of services, such as a spa or gym. And if the main goal is to get acquainted with the sights and explore the city inside and out, then you can refuse unnecessary offers. For example, the RoomGuru website is equipped with additional criteria and search filters that will help with your choice.

Decide on a budget

Price should not come first. As a rule, if the offer differs greatly from apartments of a similar category, then the hotel may be playing an “unclean game.” A pleasant price sometimes hides noisy construction nearby, a downgrade of the hotel due to the arrival of new management, or recent excesses. The exception will be newly opened hotels, as it is in their best interests to attract an audience. But I don’t want to overpay either. The advantage of RoomGuru is that the service collects information from several resources at once and helps you book a room at the most profitable rate.

Find out the situation around

Pricing policy depends on the season and demand among tourists. Room prices will be significantly higher during high season or due to large-scale events being held nearby, so the service records price changes and makes recommendations on the most favorable dates for booking. So, before deciding on a hotel, it is better to check the hype around the chosen place and study the program of events in the area so as not to be surprised by the prices.

Speaking of events in the area. The service has a geographical bonus. All hotels are indicated on the map, and search criteria can be built taking into account the distance to points of interest, such as the city center, various attractions or beaches. For convenience, the service has released mobile app for iOS and Android, Apple and Windows Phone.

Thus, focusing on just a few criteria, you can avoid unpleasant situations and not regret your choice.

Used car

Recently, in one of the comments to my articles, the question was raised about how to approach the choice of a used car. A lot has already been said and written about this, but the questions were specific and to the point, so I think it would be wrong to leave them without attention.

The service book is a valuable piece of paper, like a medical card for your car. But, in my experience, far more cars do not have a proven service history than vice versa. So, there is only one answer - diagnostics. But you must understand that if the diagnostic conclusion is unsatisfactory, you have wasted several thousand rubles, and this can happen several times in a row. It’s a shame and, what’s most unpleasant, after such unsuccessful attempts you may do an unwise thing: buy something that is not worth buying at all, tired of searching, or get into debt by taking out a new car on credit.

Let's try to systematize the steps when choosing a used car. Where do we start?

You shouldn’t poke around like blind kittens from salon to salon or drive on large highways. shopping centers: “What if you like something”? Open and select the appropriate options. Believe me, every salon in Moscow displays its entire range there. So you won't pass by. You should not be afraid of salons, nor should you be afraid of private sellers. Regardless of whether you chose a car from a private individual or an organization, the algorithm is the same. If there is a service book, then the service center where the service was carried out is also noted in it. Take a copy of the PTS and call the service. In some cases, services provide information directly over the phone if you name the make, model, VIN (the first line in the title) of the car you are interested in, explaining why you are interested in it. Recently, for the first time, I encountered the fact that one company demanded that the previous owner come with me to receive a printout of the work performed. If your seller agreed to such a trip, this is already a good sign: it means that he has no doubt that the history of the car will triple you.

In case you chose a car from an “auto giant” - one of the major dealers, and the car was serviced directly there. Don’t be embarrassed: dealers will never directly falsify service books; if the maintenance records are marked, then they really were. Sometimes, when inspecting a car from a “giant”, you will find that the title lists an organization as the owner. There's nothing wrong with that either. A common misconception is that all corporate machines are “dead.” On the contrary, they are often in better condition than private ones, since maintenance is carried out strictly according to regulations, service intervals are observed, and besides, no one spares money on replacing units, since the corporation pays. In addition, all such cars are insured, and in the event of an accident, repairs are carried out at an authorized service center with good quality.

But what if there is no service book? Don't rush to leave, this is not a death sentence. But the absence of a service book in conjunction with the reseller seller is a death sentence. Always start your car inspection with documents. If you discover that the seller of the car has nothing to do with it or his power of attorney was issued only recently, then your answer to all fairy tales about the car is “goodbye.” The task of a private reseller is to buy junk cars cheaply, disguise the shortcomings and sell it to an uncomprehending buyer. There may be isolated exceptions, but these are the statistics.

Let's go back to inspecting the car. You checked the documents, made sure that the year of manufacture in the title corresponds to that indicated in the ad, and the seller of the car corresponds to its real owner. If the car is dirty, then be sure to go to the car wash first, usually the seller pays for it; in order to sell the car, he must show the “product face to face.”

Conduct a visual inspection on your own, answer the questions: is the car’s interior well-maintained, and do all the options work? Remember that when severe frost The air conditioner does not turn on, but you can check it at the car wash. Turn the key to the ignition position. The lights on the console should light up according to the instructions. The most common malfunctions are the “check engine” (oil can) and airbags, if any. If these bulbs are not tested, it means they were simply unscrewed or sealed with tape after removing the console.

Walk around the outside of the car: even a non-professional will see whether the gaps between body parts are even. The paintwork of a used car cannot be perfect: small chips from stones and scratches from branches must be present. If the car shines like new, it most likely has been recently painted or polished. Ask why the car is so shiny. Sellers, even professional ones, rarely spend money on such in-depth pre-sale preparation, so the answer should be very clear.

Open the hood: the simplest thing is that the engine compartment should be dirty. If it has been washed, carefully inspect the engine to see if there are any fresh oil leaks on the sides. Take out the dipstick: the oil should not be “like a tear”; if it is almost olive-like in color and thickness, it means it has been recently added. The question arises - why? The bolts under the hood should also be old and dirty. If you are looking at a car in a showroom, open the hood of a car of the same model standing next to it. If the bolts and fasteners are different for identical machines, then you understand everything yourself.

Open the trunk, lift the carpet: the bottom of the trunk should be flat without paint creases or accordions.

One last thing: look not at the car, but at the seller. Of course, Oscar-worthy artistry is possible, but most likely you will understand whether the salesman is spinning like a frying pan or calmly talking about the history of his car.

I am sure that you will spend much less time and nerves buying a car on the trading platform. Firstly, you will come to one place to inspect several cars, and secondly, the salons do not need problems with the car and your complaints in the future, so there is still some kind of selection. And thirdly, if you still made a mistake with your choice, then by purchasing at the dealership, there is a chance of replacing or returning the car.

And only after you have answered all your questions positively, will you need the help of professionals. Believe me, there will not be many such cars.

And in conclusion, let me give you one more piece of advice: do not buy a car with your last money. You must have at least 10% of the cost of the purchased car in reserve. Previous owners sometimes disguise technical faults of their cars in such a way that even diagnostics will not show problems, and subsequently you will have to repair the car yourself.

We all want to find our dream job. Beautiful, clean office in the city center, friendly staff, high salary. And, reading a vacancy announcement, we often buy into the nice words, go through an interview, get a job, and a completely different life begins. But not at all what we expected.


When going for an interview with another company, a person tries to be as interesting as possible and show his best side as a professional and a person. In addition to the knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience and level of education indicated in the resume, the applicant is ready to demonstrate his best character traits - communication skills, intelligence, sense of humor, etc.

Preparing to make a favorable impression, a person read many articles about how to behave correctly during a conversation and what employers pay attention to. What about the employer himself? What he really is?

A person is looking for a job not because he is bored at home. But salary is not the most important argument when choosing. No “King Solomon’s mines” will last long in a place where high salaries are the only advantage. And will they pay the promised amount? There is not always a positive answer to this question. To avoid unpleasant surprises, every interview should be two-way, i.e., while presenting yourself, you in turn observe, ask questions and analyze.

Before you apply for a job, pay attention to how often you have already seen it. If a company takes months to update their ad, don't waste your time. This company either does not need employees and this is one of the ways of PR, or it is looking for a unique specialist to fill a position that this moment busy, or the company has constant staff turnover for a number of reasons:

No one can work well with the leader.

"Snake" team.

Wages are constantly delayed and not paid.

Unacceptable working conditions.

A common method of deception is that after three months of a probationary period with low pay, the person is not approved, and someone else is hired in his place. Thus, the company simply saves money.

Some companies write an attractive vacancy as a seed, and during the interview it turns out that literally in front of you it has already been filled, but there are a couple of other burning positions. Over time, you see that the company's advertisement is updated, but the “seed” position does not go away. In this case, inform the site administration about the posting of false information on their pages. By doing this, you will not only help other people, but also save your mail from unnecessary spam when sending out new vacancies.

As a rule, an employer wants to get a universal worker for a small salary. This is understandable - why pay more if the labor market is crowded with unemployed people who, out of desperation, are ready to sell their labor even for a reduced wage. But if suddenly the advertisement contains a list of responsibilities that even a child can cope with, and at the same time promises a substantial salary, then the question arises - who is this generous philanthropist who is just giving away money?

When you arrive for an interview, pay attention to the state of the office and the appearance of the staff. It’s hard to imagine people with high incomes wearing worn-out shoes, an old suit that’s out of size for a long time, cheap cosmetics, bad teeth and a bad hairstyle. If you get the impression that the entire team dresses in the nearest second-hand store, and the walls and ceiling of the office are decorated with patterns of peeling paint and streaks of last year’s floods, but at the same time, with burning eyes, they promise you a salary that makes your heart skip a beat - something is clearly wrong here .

In the future, it turns out that in order to achieve the promised level of earnings, you need to work for the company for at least 10 years. But even if you are ready for such feats, it is not a fact that working conditions will not finish you off first.

If this is network marketing, then the level of earnings will depend on your sales. If you don’t earn money, there’s no one to file a claim with. Suspicions that the promised income was significantly inflated should have dawned on you earlier. Whatever one may say, no one is to blame but himself.

Some companies working on the principle of network marketing are silent during interviews that in order to gain access to promoting a product, you must first buy it. The prices are quite high, and it turns out that instead of earning, you have to spend. They call it with the big word “investment”, although it looks more like a scam. And to increase your income, you need to recruit your own team - the same simpletons as you yourself turned out to be.
To avoid falling into such a trap, the next thing you need to pay attention to during an interview is the manner and style of communication of the employer or manager.

An employer who is really looking for a specialist and is ready to adhere to the conditions agreed upon by him - schedule and working conditions, salary level during the probationary period and after, the probationary period, terms of reference, etc., will behave calmly and build a conversation that is as informative as possible for both parties.

An employer who wants to hide information from you and who does not care what kind of specialist you are, because... he just needs to dial greatest number people in his network, he will go out of his way to show you his goodwill. He will be nice, smile, joke, violate your living space, moving closer to you, share secret information: “I’ve already told you more than I should.” Although in essence this is just a trick designed to gain your trust. No important information you have not got. And then - you didn’t come to get a job at a secret enterprise!

Another mistake that employers make and that applicants need to pay attention to is the often repeated phrase: “I’m not deceiving you!” The more often such a phrase is heard, the more noodles they hang on your ears.

Let's say the appearance of a manager who promises a high salary leaves much to be desired, and it is indecent to ask about his personal income. But it is perfectly acceptable to pick a moment and ask how long he himself has been working here. If the manager starts fussing, averting his eyes and hesitating in search of an answer, or does not want to answer at all, feigning indignation, then there is nothing to catch there.

If you have already passed the interview and agreed to work, some companies have so-called “introduction days” - from three to five. This is your internship time and is unpaid.

These days can be educational - you listen to lectures and take notes. Or they can be a work process under the supervision of a mentor. During this time, you can gain a lot of new information if you observe and draw conclusions.

If you listen to lectures, try to separate the important from the general. A flood of unnecessary information often hides kernels of truth, and if you can find them, it will help you avoid disappointment in the future. For example, the statement: in order to earn “sooo” big money, it is not at all necessary to have at least one of the above - higher education, knowledge, abilities, skills and talent, but just desire, does not bode well.

During the work process, you will get an impression of the working conditions and schedule, the sanity of the boss and the relationships in the team. Ask questions and analyze the answers.

Be careful, good luck with your employment!