How to attract tourists to a guest house. Country branding: how to attract tourists Attracting tourists to your company

Vitaly Karpinchik, resident of Slonim, host of weddings and corporate events, professional traveler and accompanying tourist groups

In the column “Three Ideas for Slonim,” our compatriots share their thoughts on how to make our city more attractive to tourists. Today Slonim resident Vitaly Karpinchik offers his ideas.

There is no effective recipe for how to make Slonim, like any other place, touristic. Not a single idea, which seems very successful and even brought to life, will guarantee that tourists will pour into the city in droves. First of all, the residents of Slonim themselves should want and be interested in more tourists coming to the city, and not only want, but also advertise their city themselves and invite guests. And for this, Slonim residents need to know and love their city, its sights, and history. Because increasing the interest of tourists in our city can only be achieved through our own love for our city. Only our love and concern, our hospitality, coupled with event tourism could give quick results.

Vitaly Karpinchik

1. Hold an official Guests Day
Tourism and hospitality are concepts that are very closely interrelated. Therefore, I would propose holding an official Day of Guests in Slonim. Slonim would become the only city in the Republic of Belarus, where such a holiday would be held.

Discounts in cafes and restaurants on this day, free visits to museums, half the cost of travel on buses - all this would indicate our respect for guests and our hospitality. The residents of Slonim could have a day off on this day.

This idea might work. People would understand that this is a great day to invite friends from other cities. In addition, we have many sister cities in different countries. Therefore, Guests Day could be an excellent occasion to invite delegations from these cities.

Gnomes - the symbol of Wroclaw

2. Come up with a brand symbol for Slonim
The topic of city branding in Lately is fashionable. For example, several years ago, as a graduation project, a Belarusian designer made symbols for Belarusian cities, basing the visual images of cities on the historical aspect. So, the symbol of Soligorsk became a crystal, Smorgon - a bear.

Polish Wroclaw, for example, is considered not only a city of bridges and students, but also a city of gnomes. Gnomes have become a full-fledged symbol of Wroclaw and are loved not only by city residents, but also by tourists. People believe that they bring good luck and prosperity to the city.

The first figurine of a bronze gnome appeared in Wroclaw in 2001. Now sculptures of fairy-tale gnomes, about 400 of them, are scattered throughout the city center. Tourists' search for small city residents turns into an exciting quest: after all, inconspicuous figures are found in the most unexpected places, even on a lamppost. Moreover, each gnome has its own meaning and profession. For example, at the station you will be met by a traveler gnome with suitcases, and at the entrance to a cafe a friendly gnome will invite you to have lunch.

The residents of Slonim could come up with a similar brand symbol, based on some local legend or historical fact. To do this, you just need to invite caring residents who truly love their city to a round table.

The production and installation of such a symbol of the city could be timed to coincide with the above-mentioned Guest Day, and over time there would be more distinctive signs and symbols in the city.

3. Make the shortest street one of the city’s business cards
In the center of Slonim there is a very short street that leads from the square to the synagogue - Pereskok Lane, which was noticed quite recently. This lane could become one of the smallest and narrowest streets in Belarus, if, of course, it is played out correctly.

In Amsterdam, for example, there is a narrow street on which it is difficult for even two people to pass each other. Nevertheless, this is the most visited place in this city.

And in conclusion, I note that no one will go to our city to see the sights or celebrate unique holidays if its residents themselves do not do this and do not attend these very holidays.



Clients - there's so much in this sound, isn't it? And even though your company is still young and taking its first steps into the expanses of the tourism business, you and your employees have probably learned the most important lesson: the client is our everything!

I would like to immediately make a correction and thereby remove the rose-colored glasses from your eyes: not every client is useful to your company. And, the most important rule that you must learn as an axiom: the best client is a regular client!

That is why, from now on, all your steps should be aimed not only at attracting a flow of clients to your travel agency, but also at correctly filtering out truly promising ones from the total mass, that is, those who will bring you income for many years.

How to attract clients to a young travel agency?

You need to think about this question long before the grand opening - even when choosing a place for your office, because the location of your office very noticeably affects the flow of clients, especially at the beginning: try to find out in advance what the traffic is around your office, what the level of income of the population of nearby houses is and does it fall into the category of “your” clients?

At first, customers are attracted either through street signs and banners, or through advertising on the Internet. It often happens that several travel agencies coexist in a relatively small area, especially if you are in a shopping or business center. And during this period, it is very important that your office is in all respects more convenient for the client than that of a competing company, because competitors should not receive your customers. Shift your schedule so that your work is in full swing and after competitors’ offices close, work on weekends, etc. You need to monitor all the steps your opponents take and be head and shoulders above them.

Basic methods of attraction

In the process of attracting clients, it is important to learn how to identify promising ones and filter out those who will not become permanent ones. For example, there is a whole layer of travelers who are only chasing discounts - and such people should not be of interest to you, because as soon as they see a big discount in another agency, they will immediately go over to your competitors. Hence the conclusion: there is not the slightest point in trying to retain a client with a discount. And even though many managers are afraid of losing clients without giving a discount, nevertheless, according to the data, such results are obtained only in 20–25% of cases, in the remaining 75% of cases, clients will still remain with you, and those who left, by and large, do not represent no value.

Therefore, you should not rely on discounts. Attract clients with professionalism and reliability. People want to hear advice and get help from someone who understands tourism issues. Show them you're a pro by telling them about hotels, restaurants and resorts. If your advice is valuable to a potential client, he will become your permanent client.

Customer focus. Emphasize that you are not at all trying to sell a tour “more expensive”, but are making sure that your client’s vacation is high-quality. Offer only the best. You must be sure that the tour you have chosen is optimal for a particular client. Therefore, do not waste time on monitoring - you must be 100% sure of what you offer - only then will the client believe you and turn into a regular customer.

A good way to attract clients is affiliate sales- look for nearby places where your target audience “lives” or points of sale, whose clients may be interested in your services one way or another, and collaborate: leave your discount coupons, flyers, certificates or even just booklets there - the effect will not force itself long wait!

And we repeat again: the best client is a regular client. Don't forget this.

A person who makes just one purchase and never returns to you is your defeat. Not only will he barely recoup the money you spent on attracting him, but statistics also tell us that the average check for regular customers is significantly higher than for those who make a purchase for the first time.

How not to lose a client

First, get his contact information. It is best to create a special questionnaire that the client fills out while the manager prepares documents, and then transfer all the data from the questionnaire to the client database.

Secondly, you should always be interested in how the client’s vacation went upon his return from the trip.

Thirdly, it is very useful to remind about yourself at least once a month through mailing, SMS, phone calls or by mail (in the form of a discount certificate). There can be a huge number of reasons to remind yourself, often also called the “touch system”. You shouldn’t be afraid to sometimes seem intrusive: experience shows that there are many times more clients lost due to an insufficient number of contacts than due to an excessive number.

How to attract the “right” clients?

Here it is also worth highlighting a few the most important moments. Pay attention to what keywords are in your contextual advertising and modify them a little: instead of “cheap tours” put “individual tours” or “yacht holidays” or... and so on (choose yourself), in a word, do their offers are more “expensive”.

Look at what phrases your banners and advertisements are full of: if these are offers of last-minute and cheap tours to Egypt and Turkey, then people will come to you accordingly, that is, those who are looking exclusively for discounts.

Promote your agency to a higher level! In addition to Turkey, Egypt and Thailand, there are holidays of a higher level: Bali, Maldives, Seychelles, etc. Don't forget about them! Let your managers not be afraid to sell more expensive types of vacations. Attract the “right” clients to your agency, not freebie lovers.

How to find clients on the Internet

The good thing about the Internet is that you have the opportunity to influence directly your target audience and not waste time on those you don’t need.

The whole point of online promotion should be to lure visitors into the office. The site should not provide an abundance of information - this distracts attention; the site should generate requests and calls to the office, putting the user within strict limits. In order for a client to go from virtual to real, you need to be able to combine 3 components of success on your website: interest + time limit + instructions for action. Don't give the person time to think. Send it directly to your office - the offer is hot! Limited validity period!

Secrets of working with regular clients

So that once your clients buy a tour from you, they don’t forget about you, you need to make them more loyal to your company and turn them into regular clients. It has been proven that attracting a new person is 5-7 times more expensive than retaining an old one. In addition, in the second case, you significantly save your manager’s time, because the buyer agrees to make a purchase faster, because he has already used your services, he already trusts you.

Regular clients are also very useful because they create the so-called “word of mouth” effect - by telling their friends about your travel agency, they, in fact, give you good and quite effective, and, most importantly, free advertising.

Regular customers are those who most actively respond to various promotions and participate in them with pleasure. They perceive your letters not as spam, but as advice from a good friend. It is not clear why many travel agencies still work so sluggishly with their client base.

Increasing the circle of regular customers

This is the first step to increasing the income of your travel agency. Your potential buyers are all residents of the region who go on vacation at least once a year. All your efforts invested in advertising and marketing efforts should be aimed at attracting potential customers. In addition, you should strive in every possible way to ensure that your current customers literally “work” for you and expand the number of potential buyers: you can offer discounts and rebates not only to regular customers themselves, but also to their friends and acquaintances.

The main asset of a travel agency is its customer base

You need to work with clients, although for some reason many travel agency owners do not understand this. If clients are “abandoned,” then most of them will sooner or later scatter to other travel agencies. Of course, if you work adequately, someone will remain - those who are simply too lazy to change something, but such people, unfortunately, are only a small fraction.

Most clients do not remember which company they bought their previous tour from, because they once came there, bought a ticket and conveniently forgot all the unnecessary details. That's why it's important to develop and implement a clear outline of the steps your managers should take to work with your client base. And, of course, in order for your database to have enough information, you need to promptly and accurately enter all customer information into it.

What should your customer base look like?

First of all, of course, the database should not be in notebooks or on separate sheets of paper for managers, it should be in electronic form. Neglecting this rule threatens you with the fact that sooner or later your base will “leave” after the resigning employee. Although on this moment There are several special convenient programs for working with databases, even if yours, to begin with, will at least be in a table in Excel.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of proper work to attract clients and competent database management. This is the very foundation on which a strong foundation for the further growth and development of your young company will be built.

From Rostourism. In 2014, which is associated with the beginning of the crisis, 42,921 were registered tourist trips abroad among citizens of the Russian Federation. In 2017 - 39,629.

Yes, there is definitely a downward trend. But 7 or even 8 percent is not a figure that can “kill” the market. People travel, and the TOP 20 for 2017 includes Germany, Israel, Italy - countries with far from the lowest prices.

If so, where are the clients?

Many travel companies emerged in the first decade after the collapse of the USSR. At that time, people who were just facing the collapse of the Iron Curtain simply had to be given a plane ticket and a hotel reservation, and that was it. The man is happy. He got away to see the world and can tell his friends what it’s like abroad.

Time has passed, and now the bulk of potential clients for the tourism business are children of the 80s and 90s. With a different worldview, more free and independent.

They don't want to lie belly up on the beaches of Antalya. Maybe once a year, when you need to take your parents and small child for a walk. And they don’t want to crowd together with dozens of complete strangers around yet another cathedral or monument. They can organize their own vacation via the Internet, without intermediaries.

What do they want? Bright, rich impressions that are difficult to get on your own. Flight to hot-air balloon over Cappadocia. A walk through the “secret” courtyards of Istanbul. A trip to the “hobbit village” in New Zealand. Participation in a national holiday. They want to realize their dreams and sparkle with beautiful photographs in in social networks.

Conclusion: the market is changing, and you need to change with it.

Promising niches for the next few years

Now we come to the main thing. You can talk as much as you like about how the world is changing, but where to run? What can be done to attract the current generation of tourists hungry for variety and experiences?

First of all, move from standard solutions to unique ones. Develop your own routes, establish relationships with new format tour operators, collaborate with private guides.

And most importantly, treat the tourism business as creativity, and not as a craft. Creativity is in fashion today - in the broadest sense of the word.

Here are some examples of fertile niches:

  • Organization individual tours. People who have money don’t want to travel “like everyone else.” Give them the opportunity to book a tour with you with the maximum flexible terms, without standard solutions. Large tour operators such as TUI and PAC are already starting to explore this niche. They organize trips according to individual requests to almost any country in the world, without being tied to ready-made “packages”. There are also small private companies like White Label Travel, which specializes in the premium segment. But this part of the tourism market can still accommodate many companies.
  • Organization of thematic tours. Bicycle trips, diving tours, cooking classes - find those areas that interest you and in which you can offer something unusual. It is with this approach that Velovuyki, which organizes cycling trips around Europe, or Safari Tour, which specialize in diving tours and dive safaris, have become popular in their niches. Large tour operators, by the way, also often make such programs - designed not for a wide audience, but for individual thematic segments. This means that the market exists.
  • Organization of author's tours. Bloggers have huge readerships, and many of them specialize in the topic of travel. In partnership with them, you can develop unusual programs. For example, one of my favorite projects, Travel Inside, grew out of a purely “blogger” format. They do not have a special thematic niche, they use a different approach - they gather their own warm audience that travels only with them. You can do the same or enter into partnership agreements with popular bloggers and organize tours together.
  • Organization tourist groups in a club format. Accommodation, transportation, entertainment and attractions are the minimum for organized groups. But you can go further and organize parties, communication and other team building elements during your trips. Prominent representatives of this format can be One Life and Mikhail Kozhukhov’s Travel Club. Their clients are not just groups that meet every few days and say goodbye forever. No, they travel with them and with each other for many years.
  • Organization of tours around Russia for foreigners. All the same approaches can be used within your own country (unusual, original, thematic tours). Examples include Express to Russia or ExploRussia, as well as foreign companies like Responsibletravel, which organize tours to Russia for foreigners. They focus not only on history and typical walks in the center of Moscow or St. Petersburg, but also on natural attractions, holidays, national cuisine. The market exists, but is not yet filled with competition, and there is huge scope for new business.

Personal experience

I started working in the tourism business in 2015, in the midst of another crisis. The bulk of clients are from countries of the former Union. At that moment, my husband and I managed to intuitively find the right direction and we founded Time 2 Travel club - a company for organizing individual travel.

What worked well:

  • Experience and own example. We travel a lot in Europe and Asia, we constantly write about it on our social networks, and clients trust our advice on choosing attractions and hotels. Moreover, they want us, as people who have seen everything with our own eyes, to advise them on the best options.
  • Individual approach. We do not offer ready-made tours, but rather ask what the client would like. Yes, often the choice comes down to one of a dozen popular countries, for which we already have preparations. But this is how the client gets involved in the process, begins to plan the trip even before payment, feels that this is his trip, his dream is coming true. And, as a result, he goes with us until the very end, and does not look at how the competitors are doing.
  • Honesty. We play openly and tell clients: here is the cost of travel, here is our commission. Oddly enough, they bargain extremely rarely - apparently, they understand that earnings on one trip are not that great, and do not fantasize about huge hidden commissions. We also always tell people honestly what they are paying for, why one option is more or less expensive than another, and what to expect on the spot. This is highly valued and pays off handsomely in the form of positive reviews.

Organizing individual tours was a good decision and we decided to go further. Now we are expanding our business and will soon launch an online project under the same name Time 2 Travel - a search engine that will unite organizers of excursions, tours and tourist entertainment, as well as travelers who are looking for unusual experiences.

Photo: on

This new project grew out of our pain as travel organizers: it is difficult to find quality excursions and entertainment. When clients ask to organize a walk around Istanbul or Paris, the last thing they want is to go on a standard “ historical information"Several hours long. I would like to find a person who loves this city, lives it and not only tells and shows, but gives travelers impressions.

Here we can return again to the issue of free niches in the tourism business. Agree, a tour guide is not the rarest profession. But if you don’t work like everyone else, but do something unusual, of truly high quality and from the heart, and not according to standard templates, it will be much easier for you to find your audience and sell them your services at good prices.

A few key words

Free niches are constantly appearing on the market and finding them is not so difficult. What is needed is to monitor how people's preferences change. Yesterday they simply wanted an organization within the framework of “visa, ticket, hotel” - they needed to meet these needs. Today they want entertainment, impressions and beautiful photos- you need to satisfy these new desires. Tomorrow this will also change and other tourism destinations will begin to gain popularity.

To keep your finger on the pulse, it is useful to regularly read social networks and forums, listen to feedback, and most importantly, ask your audience directly. This should all be part of an ongoing and regular workflow.

Don't be afraid of negative reviews. When a client says something was missing, they are giving you the most valuable free consultation and actually pointing out where they can improve. In the same way, you can monitor your competitors’ reviews and get ideas: what their customers like and what they don’t like.

With this approach, you are unlikely to run out of ideas. Of course, then there will be a lot of work to implement the plan, but this is a topic for another story.

A fairly significant proportion of our regular clients are various travel agencies, working as in major cities million-plus cities, and in small provincial cities throughout Russia and beyond. Regardless of the scale and specifics of the agency’s work, for everyone, without exception, the primary task is to attract clients and the desire to see them as beloved regulars.

In this material we will try to highlight some of the important points, in our opinion, without which the success of travel companies in an ultra-competitive environment is practically impossible. We hope this information will be useful to those new to agency work or simply adopted.

So, a little about the most important things:

1. Travel agency website

A travel agency’s website is today one of the indispensable tools for attracting clients and promoting tourism services. If a few years ago it was enough to have a business card website with information about a travel agency with directions and contacts, today technology has gone far ahead. Business card sites, or even more so the absence of one at all, no longer attract the mass consumer, when all sorts of online services for searching and booking tours, tickets, hotels, excursions, and, in general, various tourist products are already in full operation around. In fact, the main task of the site is to actively participate in search engines, clearly and in as much detail as possible to show the future tourist all sorts of offers from the company, and be sure to provide the opportunity to leave an order or book the tour you like. It is important that the site itself is convenient for customers, informative and easy to navigate. Each of tourist destinations, for which the travel agency operates, it is advisable to colorfully design with photographs, routes, hotel descriptions, additional services, and, of course, truthful prices. Conspicuous holiday promotions and special offers on the main page of the site will always be appropriate and will definitely be studied by visitors. Don’t forget that for many site visitors, reviews and recommendations from other tourists play a certain role. The visible active participation of a travel agency's clients tends to create a sense of trust and openness. If the site hosts various Online services for the selection of tours, air and train tickets, hotels, car rentals and any other ancillary services with the registration of an application or reservation, this gives the site the advantage of round-the-clock 24-hour operation, automatic support for the relevance of offers, an integrated approach to serving your potential clients. There must be a quick element in the most visible place feedback with company employees, for example, in the form of a call order form or an online consultant. Today, a certain proportion of tourist clients do not at all want to call or go to a travel agency at the stage of selecting a tour or paying. Do not exclude such tourists from your future clients.

A good website often encourages a purchase. How to bring more customers to this site is the second and very important task. There are now many methods for promoting travel sites, the only question is the size of the advertising budget. Let’s consider the main advertising mechanisms from expensive to free:

· Website optimization for search engines

The so-called search engine promotion as an online advertising tool is generally responsible for the visibility (rating) of the site in the search process by clients and for increasing the traffic to the site by clients through transitions (clicks) to it from search engines. The higher a site ranks on the search results page for key customer queries, the more likely the user is to navigate to that site based on the information they are looking for. Typically, the first 2-3 pages of a search are the most viewed. And then either the user formulates their request differently, studies the results on subsequent pages, or goes to cross-references or other search engines. The site is optimized from the inside in the admin part of the site, where you can enter keywords for search engines. Various methods of black and white optimization are also somewhat popular. This includes exchanging links with sites of similar topics, registering in directories, distributing company news, posting articles, participating in forums, etc. As a rule, the result of the work done is not visible immediately, but only after a few months. It is labor-intensive and, therefore, quite expensive. Without special training or dedicated specialists, it may not bring the desired results. The main thing in this matter is to competently approach the process itself or the choice of contractor. For clarity: in order to correctly build optimization criteria, you can take into account and study the statistics of key queries on any search resource: Yandex), from Google, from Rambler.

· contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is another type of using text advertising for a travel agency on the search results page in search engines and various partner thematic sites. Advertisements are served in search engines at the top and to the right of the results, indicating “as an advertisement” or within the partner sites themselves. Again, the correct selection of key queries and payment to search engines for them play an important role. This method is much less expensive than search engine optimization and does not require high professionalism of the performer. The advertisement will be guaranteed to be shown the number of times you need, and the payment for its placement will be debited gradually and will not be so expensive. Contextual advertising is suitable for promoting hot tours, promotions, special offers, as well as hotels and package tour packages, promoting a travel agency or advertising a tour operator. The most popular contextual advertising services now are: Yandex.Direct, Yandex Advertising Network, Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Begun.

· Tourist sites (forums, reviews, articles, reviews)

Placing master classes, expert articles, thematic interviews, presentations of new destinations, and competitions with prizes on tourist platforms will, of course, be a significant plus for a travel company that is actively promoting its brand. You can also attract the attention of visitors using banner advertising. The main thing is to monitor its effectiveness. An effective way to advertise a travel agency, promote tours, and build loyalty and image of a travel company is to participate in travel forums. Nowadays, there are many tourism-related sites and portals where visitors leave reviews, photographs, share impressions of their trips, learn information about countries, resorts, cities, culture and customs of the country they are visiting, etc. A travel company can use and demonstrate its professionalism by providing useful articles and recommendations on various tourism topics. This format of direct communication allows you to talk about the advantages of this or that type of recreation, increase confidence in the company and its employees. Among the most popular and most visited tourist sites in the tourist environment are: Tonkosti. ru, Tourdom. ru,,,,,,,,,,, and many other regional portals. Be an expert in your field.

Advertising a travel agency on social networks is a fairly effective and still free way to promote tourism services, the tourism product itself, support the image of the travel agency and brand awareness. According to the estimates of the travel companies themselves, which have their own pages and groups in social networks, the share of clients who contact them through social media is increasing every day. Just like on a website, on a social network it is quite possible to inform clients about your promotions, special offers, hot tours and discounts, and to accept applications and requests for tours. It is important that social networks are an effective tool for studying the opinions of their consumers, their preferences and wishes, and satisfaction with the services received. Don't forget about comments and useful articles in the blogosphere. Build a social image, try to be closer to your clients.

3. Loyalty programs

For selling tours and special offers Travel Company can cooperate with various coupon services. According to reviews from tourists and travel agents themselves, this just-beginning service is gradually gaining some popularity and bringing in the desired sales. Of these most popular services, we can note biglion .ru,,, and so on by analogy. You can also interest clients through all sorts of joint promotions with tour operators with advertising both on their website and on other partner sites (so-called cross-marketing promotion). To support the client base of regular customers, you can organize the issuance of certificates and loyalty cards with discounts and SPOs on the travel agency’s website. We must not forget that there is a category of clients who will always and under any circumstances look for discounts and Special offers. Make an attractive offer to your clients.

4. Tourist product sold

When it comes to advertising, one cannot help but say something about the tourism product itself. After all, most of the advertising campaign is always aimed at selling tourism products. Choosing the right tourism product and your target audience is generally task No. 1 before starting all tourism activities. The range of travel services is quite wide: inbound and outbound tourism, mass and individual destinations, VIP tours, health resorts, business and educational trips, etc. Each area of ​​activity has a number of features and requires its own special approach for advertising on the website and promotion on the Internet. Sell ​​last minute tours to popular visa-free countries Of course it’s easier, but the competition is also higher. And vice versa, having exclusive tour packages, you will have to not spread yourself thin and work clearly in your segment. Therefore, directly choosing a tourist product and additional services need to pay special attention. There should always be something that distinguishes you from your competitors.

5. Corporate culture

This is another important point in our opinion in the process of attracting clients. When every potential client is on the account, it is impossible to imagine the work of a travel agency without maintaining a corporate client database. The advantage of such in-office programs should be precisely those tools that will allow you to more effectively build relationships with clients. The most popular tools in automated software systems include e-mail and SMS information services, selection and booking services, task planners and organizers, reminder systems, directories on countries and customer tours, and various CRM elements. Since the effect of word of mouth has not yet been canceled in tourism, you should definitely take care of pre- and post-sale ethics and the manner of communication with clients. When attracting potential tourists to the site, you must always be ready to professionally answer any of their questions, quickly select options to suit your needs and explain the advantages of this selection. All this gives the work of a travel agency manager irreplaceable professionalism. The main thing is that more than one website visitor and client seeking services does not go unnoticed and unaccounted for. And proof of high-quality and professional work with clients can be provided by various independent ratings in which a travel agency can be assessed. Examples of such ratings are at, travel-top. ru. Turn your experience into an advantage.

This topic is, of course, much broader than what is described in this article. Print media and other offline methods of attracting customers are not affected here. It is also important not to forget about the seasonality of demand and the corresponding adjustment of the advertising mechanisms used. Adjustment for your main target audience, be it VIP holidays or mass destinations, is also important when choosing promotion methods. Form a positive image of your company, increase the quality of work and loyalty to the company, do not forget about the recognition of your brand.

If readers are interested, we can periodically develop a series of publications on topics that are most relevant in tourism. It is enough to indicate the questions that concern you in the comments to this article.