How to pass tag in the castle of hell.

In this article, Ephemera Abstract will tell you how to solve the puzzle in Chapter 2 while playing as Ada Wong in Resident Evil 6.

So, we insert the first piece of the puzzle into the cemetery, there should be no problems with the nickname.

We go inside the crypt and shoot at the castle holding the lattice-bridge. The grate falls and we move along it to the chest and take the amber key.

We go down and open the door. Behind the door we are waiting for a video about a zombie, who, when pressing a lever, drops our chest. We raise our heads and see hanging corpses. You need to move the pedestal with the switch (using the spacebar) so that the corpse falls on it (we shoot at the lock on the neck of the corpse). We jump into the opened passage and find the second fragment of Simmons' coat of arms.

We see corpses on chairs and an electric cable, we move the chairs so that current flows through them. Afterwards, a zombie will fall out of the hole at us, we lure it onto the remaining exposed wires and kill it with a clear blow. If everything worked out, the door will open. The corpse will crawl out of the hole until you place it in the form of a conductor of electricity.

We go into the next room and pull the lever. We fall into a trap and crawl back through the hole. To avoid falling into a trap, we take a crossbow and literally pin the zombies to the wall. Afterwards, we calmly jump and take Simmons’ family ring from the chest.

We return to the hall with the hanged and open the door with the ring. We pretend to be Batman a couple of times and fall into the hole. Then there’s nothing complicated, the main thing is to take the right weapon and take away the parts of the skull. After which you can open the door and get out to the new boss =).

Tag in the castle of hell video review. Perhaps the most popular place for leveling up characters level 80 and above. How to get through it? Or rather, how to complete the puzzle with tags in order to reach the final boss >Asura of the Nether

Well, let's start from the beginning. Hell's Castle is located at coordinates x2327 z2505 in the Death Mountain location. The exact location is shown below in the screenshot.

Characters of level 80 and above, consisting of 1-6 characters, can get there.

Well, I think everyone understands what to do in the dungeon. We kill all the monsters. Among them there will be Bosses.

First boss - Gorgon Medusa
Second Boss - Avengers Chiron
Third boss - Son of Hyperion
Fourth Boss - Dark Lord of Hell
Final Boss - Nether Asura

But to get to the final Boss you have to go through a tag puzzle. How to do this Below are some examples of how to do this.

And below is a video overview of how and what is in Hell Castle. At 7.40 minutes of viewing there is a tag puzzle and its passage. After killing the last Boss you receive a friend's Great Treasure chest, and in it a Trade Guild Chest Dungeon Gift. Well, there are a lot of interesting things in this chest.

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Subject afterlife does not lose its popularity even in the modern high-tech world. You can read about this not only in ancient myths, but also in popular ones today. in social networks. Many people are sure that there are places on our planet that are portals to the Underworld. In our review there are 10 such creepy places.

1. Houska Castle

Houska Castle is located 80 kilometers north of Prague in the Czech Republic. This gothic castle, which was built between 1253 and 1278 during the reign of Ottokar II of Bohemia. According to rumors, the castle stands over a huge bottomless pit - a portal to hell. Local legend says that Houska Castle was built to keep evil within its walls. There are many windows visible from the outside of the castle.

But upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that most of these windows are fake: behind the glass you can see the walls of the castle. Inside Houska there is a chapel that is built directly over the supposed gates to Hell, presumably to keep them closed. When the castle was being built, local prisoners sentenced to death were brought into it.

They were offered a reprieve from execution if they went down into the pit and then told what they saw there. The first person who was lowered into the hole on a rope let out a heartbreaking scream almost immediately. The prisoner was brought to the surface, after which it turned out that his hair had turned completely gray (and he was 30 years old). When the Nazis used the castle as their headquarters, there were rumors that they were trying to open a portal.

2. Satan's Tunnel

Blue Ash, Ohio
In the Blue Ash Forest in the US state of Ohio, there is a supposed portal to hell that has become known as "Satan's Tunnel" among locals. The story began with the fact that a local group of Satanists allegedly met in these tunnels, conducting their rituals there. Legend claims that they managed to open the door to hell, which today is guarded by the “shadow of a man.” This shadow looks like an ordinary person, only completely dark. Sometimes they say that screams can be heard from the tunnel and “a whiff of evil.”

3. Seven Gates of Hell

Hellam, Pennsylvania
Hellam, Pennsylvania is called the home of the "Seven Gates of Hell", which are located in the local forest. There are several legends about the origin of this portal. According to one of them, there once stood a mental hospital here, which one day caught fire. But the hospital was allegedly surrounded by seven gates, which could not be opened in time and all the patients burned to death.

Another legend tells of an eccentric doctor who erected a huge gate at the entrance to his mansion. As a result, they began to talk about seven gates along the local road that lead directly to hell.

4. Ancient city of Hierapolis

Pamukkale, Türkiye
In 2013 in ancient city Hierapolis (now Pamukkale) in southwestern Turkey, a temple was discovered with toxic gas leaking from its door. The archaeological team saw that even the birds that were flying past fell from the sky to the ground. Inscriptions intended for the “gods of the underworld” were found on temple columns. Scientists suggest that they found the so-called “Gate of Pluto”, described in mythology, which was the entrance to the underworld - a portal to hell.

The ancient Greek geographer Strabo wrote about these gates that behind them there is “a passage large enough for a person to pass through, leading to great depths. The space of the passage is filled with clouds of steam, so poisonous that animals caught inside die instantly.

5. Black Prince Distillery

Clifton, New Jersey
The drains behind the Black Prince Distillery in Clifton, New Jersey look pretty normal until you climb inside them. The walls of the drains, which run hundreds of meters underground, are decorated with satanic graffiti and murals. Also, the drains go on several levels, like the circles of Hell. They are full of bones and rotting corpses of supposed victims of Satanists. Legends claim that at the end of the winding corridors of the drainage systems there is a room blocked by a pair of giant axes.

Only those with "power" will be able to move the axes and get inside, where they will see the blazing human skull, which is the final warning that you will next face the devil himself.

6. House of Demons

Gary, Indiana
In 2014, “ghost hunter” Zak Bagans bought a house in Indiana that was rumored to be rife with paranormal activity. It was also believed that the house contained a portal to hell. Previously, the house is believed to have belonged to a possessed man. In 2012, he became famous across the country when a mother and her two children living in the house encountered something strange and frightening: the woman claims to have seen her 12-year-old daughter hovering above the bed, and her 9-year-old the son walked on the ceiling.

Bagans bought the house from the woman, and in February 2016 destroyed it to “close the portal.” Bagans claimed that he had indeed encountered dark energy, and that the demons in the house were indeed real. The house was bulldozed and Bagans collected the rubble and locked it in storage, declaring that the house should never be occupied again.

7. St. Patrick's Purgatory

Lough Derg, Ireland
St. Patrick's Purgatory is a cave on Station Island in the middle of Lough Derg, Ireland. According to legend, Jesus showed Saint Patrick this cave, in which he could see another world and the torments of hell. Jesus told Saint Patrick that if anyone doubts the Christian concept of life after death, Patrick can lead him to this cave so that the doubter will receive visual evidence. In 1632, the entrance to the cave was closed, and a chapel was built nearby, to which pilgrims come every year.

8. River Acheron

The real Acheron is a river in Epirus, a region in northwestern Greece. However, this river also figures prominently in Greek mythology. For example, in Homer's Odyssey, the main character tries to find the underworld. Circe tells Odysseus that he will find the entrance where the Acheron River meets Pyriphlegethon and the Styx.

Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid also mentions Acheron, but here it is said to be the river into which the Styx and Cocytus flow. It was through Acheron that the ferryman Charon, as myths claimed, transported the souls of the recently dead to the afterlife.

9. Caves of Cape Matapan

The caves of Cape Matapan are located at the southern tip of Greece on the Mani Peninsula. As with the Acheron River, this real-life location can be found in Greek mythology. This portal served as a "back door" to the underworld for those who wished to avoid the ferryman Charon. A temple dedicated to the Greek god Poseidon still stands above the caves. According to Greek mythology, Poseidon was the brother of Hades, the god of the underworld.

10. Stull Cemetery

Stull, Kansas
A town in Kansas has become notorious for its satanic, occult and paranormal activity. Legend has it that the devil himself appears in this place, and that the local cemetery is one of the gates to hell. For generations, some locals have told these stories as if they were not legends but real events.

Even if you don’t believe these stories, the fact is that there is strange activity in Stuhl. Buildings mysteriously catch fire for no apparent reason, and people hear strange voices. After the old church in the cemetery was demolished, a high fence was erected around the cemetery.

Lovers of everything mystical and unknown will like it.

In this part of the game, a new huge location awaits you - the Castle. First, visit the castle courtyard - here you can find many useful and expensive things (carefully search each box) and a merchant. If you want the passage of Resident Evil 4 to be successful, then you should significantly update your arsenal. First of all, we recommend that you sell all the valuables that you managed to find in the game. Instead, buy a large case and a treasure map of the Castle (it will help you find a lot of valuables). Regarding weapons: it is worth replacing the pistol, sniper rifle (along with the scope) and shotgun. Everything else is up to you, but don’t forget about upgrading new weapons. A little further you will find stairs leading to the fortification.

After inspecting the area using the camera, you can proceed to the actual passage. To begin with, you should destroy two opponents on the wall using a sniper rifle. After you go a little further, you will come under fire from a catapult. In total, you need to destroy three catapults, or more precisely, three shooters. But first, we recommend leaving your beautiful companion in a safe zone. The first catapult can be disarmed by leaning against the loophole and shooting at the fuel barrel, which is very conveniently located next to the catapult.

To determine the location of the second catapult, you will still have to go out into the open. When the enemy is spotted, run to the boxes: you can hide behind them and from there, with an accurate shot, blow up the barrel near the second catapult. To find and destroy the third catapult, go to the top of the tower where the cannon is installed. Almost immediately you will come under fire from a catapult - at least there will be no problems determining its location. Take a sniper rifle and kill the enemy loading the catapult with a precise shot.

Please note that there is no further passage; for it to appear, you need to swap the swords inserted into the walls. On the first floor there is a golden slab, and in it there is a platinum sword, on the second floor there is a platinum slab, and in it there is a golden sword. Therefore, transfer the golden sword to the golden slab, and the platinum sword to the platinum one. Now the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough will again confront you with Louis. Apparently, he is familiar with the virus that you were injected with and, judging by the symptoms, you have little time left. As usual, there are two news - good and bad. The good thing is that there is an antidote, the bad thing is that Louis managed to fall in love with him. The forgetful Spaniard will go looking for him, and you will have to continue the Resident Evil 4 passage.

Now, depending on the difficulty level, the large door (the main door of the castle) in front of you will be either closed or open. Since we are describing the passage for higher difficulty levels, the door will be closed, no problem - go through the door nearby. Be careful - there is an enemy with a crossbow at the top, so try not to stick your head out too much while you disembowel the enemies below. After the end of the "bloodbath", do not forget to search the room. Next you will find a passage with a couple of strong opponents, followed by a room in which, in addition to a chest with a key, you can find a lot of useful things. Now that you have the key, you can return to the main door of the castle, unfortunately, along the way you will have to deal with a good enemy attack.

After passing through the large door, you will find yourself in the main hall. We must pay tribute to the developers - the hall is truly beautiful. But you won’t be given time to admire the sights - soon Ramon Salazar, the owner of this castle with his considerable guards, will appear. After listening to a short dialogue about the fact that the main character needs to give up and send Salazar to hell, return to the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough. As soon as you walk forward a little, part of the floor will rise and a wall with some missing decorative elements will appear in front of you. To open the passage, you will have to find the above-mentioned elements. Well, in the meantime, take a look around:

  • at the top, above the stairs, on the ceiling beam, you can find a treasure;
  • the whole hall is lined with jugs - break and search them all, this will help you get significantly richer;
  • There is a typewriter near the wall - with its help you can save.

Now, in order to continue the Resident Evil 4 passage, you need to move to the door to the right of the typewriter, the second door will be closed from the inside. You will find yourself in a very beautiful room, on the right there will be a door leading to the dungeon - you still have to open it, but for now move straight. When you see the painting of Sadler, keep in mind that there is a hiding place behind it: to get to it, simply remove the painting. In the next room there is a note attached to the wall - it's worth checking out. Finally, you will reach a room in which there will be two huge horses that emit jets of flame, they block the road and do not allow you to go further. You need to turn off the flame supply. To do this, take the key to the dungeon that hangs on the picture. Go back to the prison door and open it. Let's clarify right away that taking Ashley with you is not the best option. best idea, so leave it at the entrance, and go down the stairs to the prison yourself. Below the bars you will see a prisoner - Garrador. However, he was not imprisoned because of his flexible nature. The creature will turn out to be incredibly evil and dangerous, but, fortunately for you, it is blind. As usual, to make the passage of Resident Evil 4 easier, we will give you some tips:

As a reward for killing the boss of Resident Evil 4, passing will give you 15,000. In addition, you can find a useful item in the dungeon. Behind the bars you can find a lever that turns off the flames of the horses. After activating it, return to Ashley. Along the way you will probably have to deal with a considerable number of opponents. The developers carefully left a lamp under the ceiling - by shooting at it at the right moment, you can set a lot of opponents on fire, but do not catch Ashley. Having finished with them, together, go to the horses and move on. After dealing with several opponents (be careful, some have explosives), you will find yourself in a large hall.

In this room you will again be able to find many useful things - you need to look for them in jugs, don’t be lazy and break them all. After finishing the search, continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough and head to the room on the other side of the hall. There you will see two platforms - put Ashley on one and order her to stay here, and stand on the second. After this, a lever will appear in the middle of the hall. You will need to switch it, to do this, return to the hall, destroying the next portion of enemies along the way. By turning the lever, you will open access to the top - a staircase will descend towards you. Follow it to a higher level, but be prepared for another attack. Once at the top, first of all, explore the passages to the left and right - they lead to two balconies with jugs. After finishing the search, move straight ahead. Ashley will notice the handle that is responsible for the mechanism for supplying water to the hall.

First, break the jugs in the hall that contain cartridges, you will soon need them. Go to the wall and give Ashley a lift. The brave girl will begin to twist the handle, and you, as you already guess, will have to protect her. Monks will run towards Ashley, trying to carry away the poor girl. If they grab it, immediately shoot at the enemies' legs. If they manage to grab and kidnap the girl, then Resident Evil 4 will have to be repeated from the last save. The sniper rifle worked well against the monks at the top.

In addition, to complicate your life, the enemy will also attack from below, so get ready to fight on two fronts. When Ashley is done with the handle on one side, she will run across the bridge to the opposite side and begin turning the second lever. And you will have to protect her again. Finally, when Ashley finishes, both platforms will be raised - you can continue your Resident Evil 4 walkthrough. Catch Ashley at the edge of the wall and move on. After going through the door, you will find yourself in a large room. Opposite the entrance there are two statues, one has a gem instead of an eye; get it with a precise shot. Here you can also find a chest with a grenade and a merchant, which will come in handy - you can replenish supplies and improve your weapons. There is also a typewriter in the room. But the most interesting thing in this room is the shooting range. You will find him behind the door with the image of guns. On the counter you will find the rules of the game. Return to the merchant. He will offer you two types of weapons to choose from - accurate or rapid-fire. The choice is yours.

Go to the shooting range. To start the game, ring the bell. Then everything is simple: destroy the opponents and do not touch Ashley. After each round, time will be given to reload. Complete all rounds to receive a very valuable prize from the merchant - 15,000 and 6 figurines of Resident Evil 4 heroes. You can spend a little time and examine the resulting figurines, each of which also has a sound accompaniment. After playing with the figures, continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough. Go to the passage that is located behind the typewriter. Ashley will feel bad, Leon will try to help her, but the girl will freak out and run away. Leon will try to catch up with her, but the peaks that will rise from under the floor will not allow him to do this. Having reached the wall, Ashley will fall into a trap. And the main character will have to look for a way to get to the girl and rescue her from captivity. Well, at least now she won’t get in the way!


So, you need to find a way to save Ashley. But first you have to listen to Salazar’s own eulogy. Please note that the castellan released some “insects” into the sewer. Go back, turn left and go down through the hatch. Welcome to the sewer. Here you will find a new type of enemy, which Salazar dubbed insects. Let's start with the fact that the enemy is invisible. For him to lose his disguise, he needs to be hit with a shot from a weapon. The creature is able to climb walls and ceilings, jump from a distance (press action buttons), spray acid and grab the main character in a tight embrace.

Resident Evil 4 walkthrough takes you to a flooded section of the sewer. To be able to get there, go to the corridor on the left (guide by the light of the light bulb). Part of the passage will be littered with debris, so you will need to go around it through the camera. Once in the room, turn on the tap (the water from the flooded area will begin to rapidly decrease), carefully search the room and take the treasure in the chest. It can be significantly improved by adding colorful stones.

Return to the previously flooded area. Be prepared to encounter four insects. Go down to the dry sewer, knock out the grate and lift the gem from the water. Further, moving straight, you will reach the moving knives. In principle, passing this place will not be difficult - watch the shadow of the knives and pass/jump when nothing threatens you. Don't forget to take the jewel that is in the corner. Having climbed the stairs and passed through the door, you will again find yourself in the central hall of the castle. In the previous chapter of Resident Evil 4, you could observe preparations for a strange ritual. Now the ritual is in full swing and its participants simply do not seem to notice you. Well, worse for them. While on the second floor, throw a grenade into the very center of their gathering. The first step is to kill the leader in red, who can survive a direct hit from a grenade. Then continue shooting his henchmen. Having finished beating, go downstairs to the place of the ritual and collect everything useful and precious that you can find (special attention to the leader in red).

Continuing the passage of Resident Evil 4, you will find yourself in a small ambush. On the opposite side there will be well-armed enemies, including those with crossbows (they need to be killed first), as well as the leader, who will hasten to retreat. Having dealt with the opponents, at the end of the corridor turn left - you will find yourself in a room quite rich in valuables. After going up to the second floor of the art gallery, reach an area without railings. Before jumping down, shoot the barrel, which will significantly reduce the number of enemies. Jump down and finish off the survivors, the leader will run away again. On the ground floor, next to the closed door, you can find a room with very valuable contents. When finished, continue pursuing the leader and go up to the second floor. Run into the room on the opposite side and shoot the main enemy with your gun. Be careful, there is a monk with a shield nearby, but your main goal is to kill the leader without allowing him to reach the turret. A good and accurate shot from a gun can knock him down and it will be easier for you to finish off the enemy. You can also use a sniper rifle.

If, nevertheless, the leader reaches the machine gun, then get ready for a delay in the Resident Evil 4 passage - you will have to neutralize the annoying enemy. Since the machine gun fires quickly, it will not be easy to avoid being hit by its line of fire. It is best to attack at the moment when the leader is reloading the machine gun belt. In addition, you can try to run behind him. Sooner or later, you will be able to kill him. Search the corpse to find the key to the locked door. Also search the second floor, using the key, open the previously closed door. Now you can begin the new section of Resident Evil 4 walkthrough.

You will find yourself in a room with a small puzzle. Before solving it, take away the valuable stone inserted instead of the scarecrow’s eye. Approach the paintings. There is a small hint next to them - you need to select such paintings so that the total number of deaths (dead people in the paintings) is six. There are several correct combinations. You can immediately solve this puzzle by clicking on the 1-4-3-2 board. Be that as it may, go through the opened passage and you can continue the Resident Evil 4 passage. You will meet again with the hated Salazar. He apparently seriously decided to get rid of you, since he will set a considerable number of his minions against you. Fortunately, you are no stranger to such problems. However, I advise you to pay attention to the following features:

  • the room will be immediately closed with bars;
  • a new type of enemy will appear, armed with deadly bazookas - it’s better not to get shot;
  • The enemy will receive reinforcements in the form of monks armed with crossbows for quite a long time.

Sooner or later, you will be able to destroy all enemies. On the second floor, find a white door, behind it, on the right, is a red button. Don’t be afraid, it won’t destroy America, on the contrary, it will give the key to the further passage of Resident Evil 4 - a chest will appear in the center of the hall. But you can't get to him that easily. There are two more doors on the floor. Behind one of them you will find a jug, break it, there is another button under it. By clicking on it, you will “give a ladder” to the chest in the center of the hall. Use the second door and go down to the first floor (there will be a yellow plant nearby). Use the ramp and take the contents of the chest. This is one of those decorative elements that is missing from the wall that went up during the first meeting with Salazar.

After you take this piece of the puzzle, all the doors will open and you can continue the Resident Evil 4 passage. Use the white door to leave the rather boring hall. Soon you will be able to save and after going through several rooms you will be able to find yourself outside the castle. However, before you leave, knock down the gem under the ceiling. Once outside, destroy as many crows as possible near the fountain and collect the valuables left from them, also look into the fountain itself. Don't pay attention to the closed door and well-placed window (you'll be able to get into the ships a little later, when you're alone), but for now, it's better to inspect the boxes and barrels.

Further passage of Resident Evil 4 again depends on the difficulty level. If you have selected a low difficulty level, the door leading to the room at the end of the path will be open. If higher, then you will have to visit the labyrinth. Salazar will kindly wish you a speedy death, relying on his mutant dogs, of which there are a lot in the labyrinth. Ignore his words and, taking the gun in your hands, boldly step into the labyrinth.

Here you need to find two parts moonstone. Both parts are located in fountains in different parts of the maze. Use the map to not only not get lost, but also to find numerous treasures hidden in the depths. Along the way, you will meet mutant dogs more than once, but a good shot from a gun right in the face will in most cases help solve the situation. Having reached the first fountain and having obtained the first part of the key, go up the stairs to the second part of the labyrinth and look for the fountain again. Having obtained both parts of the key and collected all the treasures in the labyrinth, return to the closed door - you can continue the Resident Evil 4 passage. However, the path will be far from safe, however, you didn’t expect anything else.

Soon you will reach a closed door, use the key stone and get ready to meet the girl of your life - Ada Wong. The main character and most players thought she was dead after she fell off a cliff in the second part of the game. However, she is alive and feeling great. She will at least have to take part in parts 5 and 6 of the game. In the meantime, watch the meeting and farewell scene. Ada Wong will disappear through the window, leaving the main character in deep thought. This completes the passage of this chapter.


After Ada Wong left you, it was time to return to the passage of the game. Judging by the situation, you are in Salzar's bedroom. Search the room and then go into the next one - you will see a merchant. Take the expensive jewelry from the closet and sell it to the merchant. Make the necessary upgrades and purchases. Leave the room, you will find yourself in the next one with a typewriter. Now the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough has brought you to a richly furnished dining room. Be careful and carefully search everything around - you can find a lot of valuables, also do not forget to break the jugs. Go to the end of the dining room and along the long corridor on the right to the door, open it - take the treasure in the left vase on the chest of drawers, cartridges, a gem. When you're done, return to the dining room.

At the end of the dining room there is a passage blocked by a grate, next to it there is a counter with a bell, ring it and a picture will appear. Behind it is a bottle of wine that you need to shoot at. One could guess about this action if one carefully examined the paintings with inscriptions. But it is not important. The shot will break the bottle and the wine will fall into the picture. After this, the grate that closes the passage will rise and you will be able to move on. You will be taken to a new room. In the middle of it there is a chest. But that would be too easy. When you approach the chest, you will realize that you have fallen into a trap - a cage will fall from the ceiling, and with it Garrador - a blind monster from the dungeon and a monk. In addition, for complete happiness, the cage will be surrounded by monks, some of whom will use crossbows. Fighting Garrador in a confined space under crossbow fire is not a good idea, so shoot at the cage lock first. If you act quickly, you will not receive damage. Run outside and give the local onlookers-monks the last spectacle of their lives. Once you're done with them, you can return to Garrador. The creature can leave the cage, or it can remain in it, but be that as it may, the principle of the fight remains the same - shoot at the bag behind your back. After finishing the fight, take the treasure from the chest, break the glass in the booth nearby and take a grenade. Leave the room through the second door (you got inside through the first one). Move straight and the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough will lead you to the museum.

Since you will find yourself on the second floor of the museum, you can easily destroy the opponents who are below, and only then jump off. Before activating the lever, collect all the useful things around. By pressing the lever, you activate a mechanism that will allow you to raise the floor and create a bridge that you can access via stairs. Be careful - monks will try to surround you on both sides. To prevent this from happening, shoot at the oil lamp above the bridge - you can get rid of a couple of enemies. Having dealt with them, continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough and go forward along the bridge, enter the door, then go up the stairs, go through the corridor and run into the merchant. The first thing you should buy is a huge case - it will allow you to collect much more treasures. If you wish, you can immediately rearrange the ammunition to clear the space.

Now you need to return to the bridge and turn right. Be careful - a monk with a crossbow may be lurking nearby. Having gone a little further, jump down and methodically destroy your opponents. Soon you will be able to get to the most pleasant, in our opinion, part of the museum - the weapons exhibition. Break the glass and start collecting the deadly contents. Be sure to take a bazooka - the single shot it contains will greatly help you in the battle with the boss. But more on that later, but for now, having finished your pleasant collection, continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough. There is a staircase nearby - after breaking the lock with a knife, you can go further, then cross the bridge again and leave the location through the door. Next you will find one of the saddest scenes in the game.


Unfortunately, Louis is dead, but if you don’t want his fate to befall you, you need to continue. First of all, search Louis' body, then the room - you can find gold behind the map with the image of Lord Sadler, and valuables in the vases. Go straight - below you will see Ashley chained. CAREFULLY and CAREFULLY use your sniper rifle to aim at the left/right clip mount and shoot, then repeat with the remaining clips. After this, Ashley will be free. You cannot meet yet because you are on different floors. While Ashley is annoying you until the first day, monks will burst into the room where she is located. Don't let them take the girl away - quickly open fire on your opponents and destroy them all. We recommend that you use a sniper rifle and shoot exclusively at the head. First of all, it is worth destroying the “crossbowmen” and the leader. When all opponents are defeated, the girl will approach the leader and take the key.

Now the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough will change somewhat, because you will have to play as Ashley in this section of the chapter. The girl, unfortunately, does not have Leon’s physical strength, nor his combat skills, nor the accumulated weapons. All she has is dexterity and ingenuity (well, and a flashlight, but more on that later). Ashley can deal with opponents and dangerous situations in two ways - either by fleeing or by killing using improvised objects.

When you start playing as Ashley, first of all, search the room and save. In addition, you can find yellow grass nearby. Then, going a little further, you will meet the first enemy. As we said above, you can either run away or try to neutralize the enemy. Let's talk about the second method. In the room where you will meet the enemy, there are several oil lamps. Approach one of them and wait for the monk to approach, using the action buttons, throw a lamp at him. The monk will light up, but will not die, so you will need to repeat the operation with another lamp. When the enemy is defeated, you can search the room - you will find, at a minimum, green grass. You can leave the room by lifting the grate using a lever, or by deciding to crawl behind the table through the hole in the wall.

In the next room you will again come across a monk, but the methods of dealing with him are already well known to you. In this room you can find many useful items, including in cabinets and drawers. The only passage further will be blocked by two bars, which can be raised using levers on either side of the door. As a result, you will find yourself in a corridor. You need to explore the room on the left side of the corridor - you will find several valuables and a note. You can find a useful item in a desk drawer, and a jewel on a chest of drawers. Your goal is the big picture. Judging by the draft from under the painting, there is a secret passage behind it. But to open it, you need to use a mechanism, one part of which is missing. This is exactly what you have to find.

Leave the room and look for the door on the left. You will find yourself in a dark part of the castle complex. The flashlight that Ashley suddenly has will help you a lot. To continue the Resident Evil 4 passage you need to solve a small puzzle with bars. First, turn left, there is a passage further under the table, move to the end of the narrow corridor until you find a button, a grate will rise, follow it, you will find another button that will raise a grate near the door. On the fireplace, which is located nearby, you need to take a sign. Return to the passage near the door. Near it there will be a cabinet that needs to be moved in any direction. Behind it you will see a niche with another button, by clicking on which you will open a passage to a new - second door and at the same time close the passage to the first button, which, if you took the sign, you no longer need at all. Move towards the door that has become accessible.

Having lost your way in the dark, you will reach a closed door. It is behind it that the key to the further passage of Resident Evil 4 is located. But first you have to open the door. And to do this, solve probably the most difficult and time-consuming puzzle in the entire game. To create it, the developers took the classic game "tag" ( But, fortunately, there are only nine squares, one of which is with you (you need to insert it last). Nearby on the door there is a symbol, which you must lay out from the squares. Use the free square to move the squares. When the drawing is ready and only one element is needed, insert the plate you found. Solving this puzzle will take a lot of time, so if it doesn’t work, ask someone to solve it for you. But we are simply SURE that you will definitely cope.

Cheat codes Since ancient times, people have associated the Czech Republic with mysterious and magical powers. The forests and castles of these places keep many inexplicable, mystical mysteries. And each such place is invariably shrouded in traditions, legends, stories telling about transformations, about mysterious and mysterious deaths.

At Houska Castle. Photo: ŠJů/

Houska is a mysterious castle with which many legends are associated, and many people are afraid to be in its surroundings even during the day. The famous Czech historian Augustin Sedlacek wrote: “On high mountain stood old castle, famous not only for its buildings, but also for its picturesque location and the mystery surrounding it.”

Castle courtyard. Photo: Lukáš Kalista/

To this day, experts are struggling with the mystery of why Houska Castle was built. There were no important places around it that were worth defending, no important trade roads, no settlements, and no access to a source of water. No fortifications, no treasury, no storage rooms, no kitchen were found in the castle itself. However, the dungeon is completely pitted with catacombs. The architectural plan of Houska Castle confirms that the fortress was not built to protect against attack from the outside, but to protect against what was inside. The towers, which have not survived to this day, were turned inward.

Castle interior

What is known is that the stone fortress was built by order of the ruler of Bohemia, Přemysl Otakar II. According to the latest archaeological research, the castle was founded in the period from 1270 to 1280. and is one of the few well-preserved castles from that era. However, experts believe that on the site of the modern castle, already in the 9th century there was a wooden fortress, which Prince Slavibor from the Pshovany family built for his son Gousek. It was in honor of Gousek that the fortress was named. The building was reconstructed more than once, and in the 16th century it was changed in the Renaissance style.

Hunting hall in Houska Castle. Photo: Lukáš Kalista/

For a long time it was the administrative residence of the Bohemian king. The residence was then handed over to the aristocracy. Until the 18th century, the owners of the castle constantly changed. In 1924, the castle was purchased by the president of the Skoda company, Josef Šimonek, who turned it into a summer residence. During World War II, Houska Castle was captured by German troops. In 1950, the castle was nationalized and turned into the archives of the Clementinum - the state library. In the early 1990s, the castle was returned to the previous owners - Jaromir Šimonek and Blanka Gorova. In 1999, the castle was partially reconstructed and opened to tourists.

Frescoes in the Green Room. Photo: Tadehruska/

Houska Castle is built over a large hole in the ground, which, according to legend, is the gateway to hell. Locals More than once we saw half-humans, half-animals crawling out of the hole and terrible creatures with dark wings flying out. A letter from Vaclav Hajek from Ljubočan, who lived in the 15th century, has been preserved. He wrote to his brother Edward: “I was walking through the forest, not far from the town of Houska. Suddenly, under the hail, a rock cracked, a hole formed, and from this hole evil spirits began to appear and turn into animals ... "

Frescoes in the Green Room. Photo: ŠJů/

There is also a legend that those sentenced to death were given a chance to receive a pardon if they lowered themselves on a rope into a hole in Houska and then told what they saw there. They say that the first prisoner who decided to gain freedom in this way began to scream after a few seconds spent in the hole. When they pulled him out, they saw a frightened man to death with hair turning gray from horror.

Castle interior

After making sure that the hole was unsafe, the castle owners decided to fill up the demonic well. However, the well turned out to be almost bottomless. It took three years to completely fill it up. And in order to finally close the “gates to hell” and prevent demons from entering the world of the living, it was decided to build a chapel over the filled hole, which is the most mysterious room of the Houska castle.

Chapel at Houska Castle. Photo: Lukáš Kalista/

The chapel is located in the northern wing of the castle and is very similar to the chapel of Bezdez Castle, which was built almost simultaneously with Houska Castle.

Altar in the castle chapel. Photo: Tadehruska/commons.wikimedia.or

The walls of the chapel are decorated with unusual frescoes, uncharacteristic of European castles of the 12th-14th centuries, which depict biblical scenes, in particular, the Archangel Michael during the Last Judgment and scenes of the battle of the archangels with the devil.

In addition to the legends about the gates to hell, numerous stories about ghosts and spirits are also associated with Houska Castle. So, the inhabitants of the castle more than once heard moans and voices coming from a bottomless well. Some saw the figure of a black monk without a face. The story is told of Swedish deserters who encountered sorcerers living in the castle. There are stories about a bandit and a black chicken that a ghost is looking for to gain eternal life. And not far from the hill on which Houska Castle is located, there is the so-called devil’s stone. There are traces of hoofs and chains on this stone.

Frescoes in the chapel. Photo: ŠJů/

In 2013, a secret cell was unexpectedly found in Houska Castle, carved into the rock adjacent to the castle. Scientists believe that this room was made here during the construction of the castle. One of the archaeologists reported that the cell contained fragments of ancient ceramics. The mystery of Houska Castle remains unsolved to this day.
Author unknown.