What are the longest mountains on earth. The highest mountains

The length of the Andes is 9000 km

The Andes or Andean Cordillera, in the Inca language - copper mountains. They form the longest mountain range in the world. Their length is 9000 km - from the Caribbean Sea to Tierra del Fuego. The highest mountain in this mountain range is Aconkagau (6962 m). There are places where the Andes are 500 km wide, and the maximum width of the longest mountains in the world is 750 km (Central Andes, Andean Highlands). Most of the Andes are occupied by the Puna plateau. There is a very high snow line here, which reaches 6500 m, and the average height of the mountains is 4000 m.

The Andes are relatively young mountains; the process of mountain building ended many millions of years ago. The origin began in the Precambrian and Paleozoic periods. At that time, land areas were just beginning to emerge in place of the vast ocean. Throughout all time, the area where the current Andes are located was either sea or land.

Andean education

The formation of the mountain range ended with the uplift of rocks, as a result of which huge folds of stone extended to a very great height. This process continues to this day. The Andes are prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The longest mountains in the world are also the largest interoceanic divide. The Amazon and its tributaries, as well as tributaries of other rivers, originate in the Andes. large rivers South America - Paraguay, Orinoco, Parana. The Andes serve as a climatic barrier for the mainland, that is, they isolate the land from the west from influence Atlantic Ocean, from the east - the Pacific Ocean.

Climate and relief of the Andes

The Andes lie in 6 climatic zones: northern and southern subequatorial, southern tropical, equatorial, subtropical temperate. On the western slopes of the mountains, up to 10 thousand millimeters of precipitation falls per year. As a result of their length, the landscape parts differ significantly from each other.

According to the relief, the Andes are divided into three regions: central, northern, southern. The Northern Andes include the Caribbean Andes, the Ecuadorian Andes, and the Northwestern Andes. The main Cordilleras are separated by the depressions of the Magdalena and Cauca river valleys. There are many volcanoes in this valley. These are Huila - 5750 m, Ruiz - 5400 m, and the current Kumbal - 4890 m.

Volcanoes of the Andes

The Ecuadorian Andes include a high volcanic chain with the most high volcanoes Chimborazo - 6267 m and Cotopaxi - 58967 m. They stretch through seven countries of South America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile. The Central Andes include the Peruvian Andes. The highest point is Mount Huascaran - 6768.

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One mountain is great, but it’s even better if there are many mountains. It is especially pleasing to the eye when they are combined into a long ridge, in which peaks alternate with valleys, small spurs, and all this is diluted by the murmur of rivers. Such beauty, stretching over several thousand kilometers, will not leave anyone indifferent. The emergence of mountain ranges is explained by the theory of relief formation. It says: ridges of valleys, mountains and hills are formed due to the collision of continental plates creeping onto each other. It is difficult to imagine the forces that are necessary for such a process. Yes, this is not necessary. It is better to admire the result of their activities. Especially if these are the longest mountains in the world. Let's rank them and find out their location.


To begin with, I would like to clarify one thing important point. Many people confuse these mountains with the Andes, although these are two completely different chains formed in different eras. Some call the Andes the "Andean Cordillera", but they have nothing to do with these mountains. There is also confusion about their location. The Cordillera “embraces” North America from the south and west, creating a dense climate barrier. The Andes play the same role. It is interesting that these mountains practically converge at the junction of the two Americas. Therefore, they are often combined into a single mountain range, which is fundamentally wrong. It would be better not to confuse these giants and leave the Cordilleras North America, and the Andes - South.

So, the Cordillera is the longest mountain in the world, with a length of just over 18,000 kilometers. They differ from their “colleagues” in a number of features. The cordillera extends exclusively in the submeridional direction, has a high percentage of high mountains, is formed in five orotectonic belts of different ages, has active volcanism and high seismicity.

sea ​​mountains

Not everyone knows that mountains can be located not only on land, but also under water. Unfortunately, most of them are hidden from the eyes of backpackers. And few are interested in them, because you can’t ski on such mountains. Well, conquering the peaks will look pretty ridiculous. But underwater chains are not inferior in number to above-ground ones. It is difficult to determine the height of underwater giants, but it is not difficult to measure their extent.

So, the second place in the rating “The longest mountain in the world” is at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with total length 18,000 kilometers. It is located in the center along the contour of the American coast. This formation includes several ridges: Knipovich, Mona, Reykjanes, South and North Atlantic. Individual peaks have transformed into Bermuda, etc.). Among the ranges listed above there are no particularly high, old or young ones, they are simply the longest mountains on earth after the Cordillera, which is also quite a lot. Go ahead.


The Andes are the third longest mountain in the world, with a total length of 9,000 kilometers. With its wide front, the Andes are directed towards and in the north they face the Caribbean Sea. East End the border leads to the Andean ridges. By the way, ridges of different ages are located along the entire length of the mountain system. Mountain-building movements continue today, accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic processes.

The Andes are characterized by high-mountain relief, which determines a noticeable altitudinal zone and the formation of significant glaciation. The enormous extent of the mountain system determines the difference in moisture and heat supply of its individual parts. Despite the fact that the subcontinent has a mountainous character, its territory has long been densely populated. The Andean peoples mastered the high plains, intermountain valleys and basins within the mountain system and adapted to life in such conditions. The Andes contain the highest mountain villages, cities and cultivated lands. There are six physiographic units within the mountains. But in this article we will talk about only two: the Central Andes and Tierra del Fuego.

Central Andes

The largest part of the mountain system. Within its borders are the mountain ranges of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. The orotectonic structure is characterized by the presence of high mountain plateaus and plateaus - “Pun” (or “Altiplano” in Bolivia). The rigid middle massif within which these plains were formed is divided into several blocks. This is clearly visible from the cracks that appeared due to the rise of magma and the outpouring of lavas. As a result, there is a combination of accumulative plains in the lowlands of the relief, areas of peneplain and lava plateaus. As for the climate, the Central Andes are quite dry.

Tierra del Fuego

The archipelago includes several dozen islands of varying sizes. The largest of them, occupying two-thirds of the total territory, is about. The islands belong to Argentina and Chile. The western part of Tierra del Fuego continues the Andes mountain system and is strongly dissected. Mountain ranges (1000-1300 meters) are separated by intermountain valleys, and some are flooded with ocean waters - straits and fjords. The highest point (2469 meters) is located at Big Island. Ancient glacial relief predominates. There are a lot of lakes dammed by moraines.

Over most of the archipelago, temperate weather prevails. In the western part, heavy precipitation (drizzle) of up to 3000 mm falls throughout the year. In the east there is less precipitation - up to 500 mm. Summers are cool and winters are relatively warm (1-5°C). Tourists who have visited Tierra del Fuego claim that summer there is like in the tundra, and winter is similar to the subtropics (in terms of temperatures). As you climb the mountains, the temperature drops sharply and already at around 500 meters reaches a negative value.

In Antarctica there is not only ice, snow and penguins, but also mountains. And quite long. The entire Antarctica is crossed by a huge ridge, dividing it into Western and Eastern. This last place in the “Longest Mountain in the World” rating stretches for 3,500 kilometers. The ridge was discovered back in 1908 by Captain Ross. In subsequent years, research expeditions crossed it several times, but most of it still remains unexplored. Fortunately, now there is satellite imagery, which allows you, if not to touch the ridge, then at least to look at it.

The longest mountain range in the world is the Andean Cordillera or simply the Andes. From the Inca language this short word is translated as Copper Mountains. The length of the Andes is incomparable to any other mountains on the planet. They stretched for a record 9,000 kilometers. In addition to its incredible scale, the Andes are famous as the birthplace of plants that have radically changed the lives of people on the planet. After all, it was the Andes that became the birthplace of coca, cinchona, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.

The Andes begin near the Caribbean Sea and reach Tierra del Fuego. The most high peak mountain range- Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters). In the Andean Cordillera there are places where the width of the mountain range stretches for 500 kilometers, and the maximum width of the mountain system is 750 kilometers. The longest mountains in the world act as the largest interoceanic watershed.

The Andes are incredibly diverse and picturesque. And in every country it crosses mountain system, has its own zest. For example, in the Andes of Venezuela, deciduous forests and shrubs grow on red soils. The lower slopes of the Central to Northwestern Andes are covered by tropical and equatorial rainforests. Here you can find ficus trees, bananas, palm trees, cocoa trees, bamboos, and vines. However, there are also numerous moss swamps and lifeless rocky spaces. Well, everything above 4500 meters is already eternal ice and snow.

The top of the Andes is Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters)

No less interesting animal world Andes. Here you can find exotic alpacas, llamas, prehensile-tailed monkeys, as well as pudu deer, relict spectacled bears, vicunas, sloths, blue foxes, chinchillas and hummingbirds.

In fact, we will not be talking about one mountain at all, but about an entire mountain system called the Andes (Andean Cordillera). The length of this system is as much as 9000 km, the width is 750 km, and the height is highest point- 6962 m. It is located in South America, penetrating almost the entire continent from north to west through seven states.

According to the data obtained by scientists, the formation of the Andes dates back to the Jurassic period, which began approximately 200 million years ago. Moreover, we are talking exclusively about the beginning of formation, since many deflections, massifs, etc. were formed much later. Moreover, the process of mountain building in the Andes is still ongoing.

The mountain system is rich in non-ferrous metals such as lead, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, etc. In the region of Chile there are large deposits of copper, gas and oil are hidden in troughs near Argentina and Venezuela, and Bolivia is rich in iron.

Since the Andes stretch over almost the entire continent, both soil and plant covers are extremely diverse. So, here you can find plants such as palm trees, ficus, bananas, evergreen shrubs, cacti, lichens, etc. In short, we are talking about almost any plant that grows in South America.

As for the animal world, there are about 600 species of mammals in the mountain system, just over 1,500 species of birds, 400 fish and almost a thousand species of amphibians, which is an incredibly large number (in our country, for example, there are only 28 species of amphibians). Some of the birds and animals are on the verge of extinction, including due to poaching, some are already extinct. However, there is another problem - air pollution. But more on that below.

Of course, the mountain system has a number of environmental problems. So, since agriculture is well developed near the passing Andes, various chemicals are constantly entering the soil, and desertification occurs somewhere due to overgrazing. Fortunately, such situations occur infrequently. The environment is also polluted due to various factories located in close proximity to the Andes. Another important problem is that there is cutting down of wet tropical forests for planting rubber and coffee trees in the vacated areas, which support the economies of states.

By the way, about agriculture. The cultivation of coffee, barley, bananas and potatoes is most developed here. At high altitudes, corn, wheat and quinoa (an annual grain crop consumed by the local Indian community) are grown; cocoa, sugar cane, and tropical fruits grow well on moist slopes. Plants imported from European countries have also taken root well, including some citrus fruits, olives and grapes.

Livestock farming is well developed, but its main direction is sheep breeding. Indians breed llamas. Fishing is poorly developed.